List of mammals of the United States explained
About 490 species of mammals are recorded in the United States. Unincorporated territories such as Puerto Rico, Guam or Northern Mariana Islands are not covered. Mammals introduced and extinct in the Holocene except Pleistocene/Holocene boundary are included.
According to the IUCN Red List 3 of these species are critically endangered, 20 endangered, 15 vulnerable, 20 near threatened and 4 extinct.
Some species are identified as indicated below:
The following tags are used to highlight each species' conservation status as assessed by the International Union for Conservation of Nature:
| Extinct | No reasonable doubt that the last individual has died. |
| Extinct in the wild | Known only to survive in captivity or as a naturalized population well outside its previous range. |
| Critically endangered | The species is in imminent risk of extinction in the wild. |
| Endangered | The species is facing an extremely high risk of extinction in the wild. |
| Vulnerable | The species is facing a high risk of extinction in the wild. |
| Near threatened | The species does not meet any of the criteria that would categorize it as risking extinction but it is likely to do so in the future. |
| Least concern | There are no current identifiable risks to the species. |
| Data deficient | There is inadequate information to make an assessment of the risks to this species. | |
(v. 2013.2, the data is current as of March 5, 2014)
and the Endangered Species Act:
E | Endangered |
T | Threatened |
XN, XE | eXperimental Nonessential or Essential population |
E(S/A), T(S/A) | Endangered or Threatened due to Similarity of Appearance | |
(the data is current as of March 28, 2014)
Subclass: Theria
Infraclass: Metatheria
Order: Didelphimorphia (common opossums)
----Didelphimorphia is the order of common opossums of the Western Hemisphere. Opossums probably diverged from the basic South American marsupials in the late Cretaceous or early Paleocene. They are small to medium-sized marsupials, about the size of a large house cat, with a long snout and prehensile tail.
- Family: Didelphidae (American opossums)
Order: Rodentia (rodents)
----Rodents make up the largest order of mammals, with over 40% of mammalian species. They have two incisors in the upper and lower jaw which grow continually and must be kept short by gnawing. Most rodents are small though the capybara can weigh up to 45kg (99lb).
- Suborder: Hystricognathi
- Suborder: Sciurognathi
- Family: Aplodontiidae (mountain beaver)
- Family: Castoridae (beavers)
- Family: Sciuridae (squirrels)
- Subfamily: Sciurinae
- Tribe: Pteromyini
- Tribe: Sciurini
- Abert's squirrel, S. aberti
- Arizona gray squirrel, S. arizonensis
- Eastern gray squirrel, S. carolinensis
- Western gray squirrel, S. griseus
- Mexican fox squirrel, S. nayaritensis
- Fox squirrel, S. niger
(Delmarva fox squirrel, S. n. cinereus:)
- Douglas squirrel, T. douglasii
- Southwestern red squirrel, T. fremonti
(Mount Graham red squirrel, T. f. grahamensis:)
- American red squirrel, T. hudsonicus
- Subfamily: Xerinae
- Tribe: Marmotini
- Harris's antelope squirrel, A. harrisii
- Texas antelope squirrel, A. interpres
- White-tailed antelope squirrel, A. leucurus
- San Joaquin antelope squirrel, A. nelsoni
- Gunnison's prairie dog, C. gunnisoni
- White-tailed prairie dog, C. leucurus
- Black-tailed prairie dog, C. ludovicianus
- Utah prairie dog, C. parvidens
- Alaska marmot, M. broweri (Alaska only)
- Hoary marmot, M. caligata
- Yellow-bellied marmot, M. flaviventris
- Groundhog, M. monax
- Olympic marmot, M. olympus
- California ground squirrel, O. beecheyi
- Douglas's ground squirrel, O. douglasii
- Rock squirrel, O. variegatus
- Golden-mantled ground squirrel, C. lateralis
- Cascade golden-mantled ground squirrel, C. saturatus
- Mohave ground squirrel, X. mohavensis
- Spotted ground squirrel, X. spilosoma
- Round-tailed ground squirrel, X. tereticaudus
- Franklin's ground squirrel, P. franklinii
- Mexican ground squirrel, I. mexicanus
- Rio Grande ground squirrel, I. parvidens
- Thirteen-lined ground squirrel, I. tridecemlineatus
- Uinta ground squirrel, U. armatus
- Belding's ground squirrel, U. beldingi
- Northern Idaho ground squirrel, U. brunneus
- Southern Idaho ground squirrel, U. endemicus
- Columbian ground squirrel, U. columbianus
- Wyoming ground squirrel, U. elegans
- Arctic ground squirrel, U. parryii (Alaska only)
- Richardson's ground squirrel, U. richardsonii
- Townsend's ground squirrel, U. townsendii
- Merriam's ground squirrel, U. canus
- Piute ground squirrel, U. mollis
- Washington ground squirrel, U. washingtoni
- Alpine chipmunk, N. alpinus
- Yellow-pine chipmunk, N. amoenus
- Craters of the Moon chipmunk, N. cratericus
- Gray-footed chipmunk, N. canipes
- Gray-collared chipmunk, N. cinereicollis
- Cliff chipmunk, N. dorsalis
- Merriam's chipmunk, N. merriami
- Least chipmunk, N. minimus
- California chipmunk, N. obscurus
- Yellow-cheeked chipmunk, N. ochrogenys
- Palmer's chipmunk, N. palmeri
- Panamint chipmunk, N. panamintinus
- Long-eared chipmunk, N. quadrimaculatus
- Colorado chipmunk, N. quadrivittatus
- Red-tailed chipmunk, N. ruficaudus
- Hopi chipmunk, N. rufus
- Allen's chipmunk, N. senex
- Siskiyou chipmunk, N. siskiyou
- Sonoma chipmunk, N. sonomae
- Lodgepole chipmunk, N. speciosus
- Eastern chipmunk, T. striatus
- Townsend's chipmunk, N. townsendii
- Uinta chipmunk, N. umbrinus
- Family: Geomyidae
- Desert pocket gopher, G. arenarius
- Attwater's pocket gopher, G. attwateri
- Baird's pocket gopher, G. breviceps
- Plains pocket gopher, G. bursarius
- Knox Jones's pocket gopher, G. knoxjonesi
- Texas pocket gopher, G. personatus
- Southeastern pocket gopher, G. pinetis
- Llano pocket gopher, G. texensis
- Yellow-faced pocket gopher, P. castanops
- Botta's pocket gopher, T. bottae
- Camas pocket gopher, T. bulbivorus
- Wyoming pocket gopher, T. clusius
- Idaho pocket gopher, T. idahoensis
- Mazama pocket gopher, T. mazama
- Mountain pocket gopher, T. monticola
- Northern pocket gopher, T. talpoides
- Townsend's pocket gopher, T. townsendii
- Southern pocket gopher, T. umbrinus
- Family: Heteromyidae
- Subfamily: Dipodomyinae
- Agile kangaroo rat, D. agilis
- California kangaroo rat, D. californicus
- Gulf Coast kangaroo rat, D. compactus
- Desert kangaroo rat, D. deserti
- Texas kangaroo rat, D. elator
- Heermann's kangaroo rat, D. heermanni
(Morro Bay kangaroo rat, D. h. morroensis:)
- Giant kangaroo rat, D. ingens
- Merriam's kangaroo rat, D. merriami (San Bernardino kangaroo rat, D. m. parvus:)
- Chisel-toothed kangaroo rat, D. microps
- Fresno kangaroo rat, D. nitratoides (D. n. exilis:, Tipton kangaroo rat, D. n. nitratoides:)
- Ord's kangaroo rat, D. ordii
- Panamint kangaroo rat, D. panamintinus
- Banner-tailed kangaroo rat, D. spectabilis
- Stephens' kangaroo rat, D. stephensi
- Dulzura kangaroo rat, D. simulans
- Narrow-faced kangaroo rat, D. venustus
- Big-eared kangaroo rat, D. elephantinus
- Dark kangaroo mouse, M. megacephalus
- Pale kangaroo mouse, M. pallidus
- Subfamily: Heteromyinae
- Subfamily: Perognathinae
- Bailey's pocket mouse, C. baileyi
- California pocket mouse, Cv californicus
- Nelson's pocket mouse, C. nelsoni
- Chihuahuan pocket mouse, C. eremicus
- San Diego pocket mouse, C. fallax
- Long-tailed pocket mouse, C. formosus
- Hispid pocket mouse, C. hispidus
- Rock pocket mouse, C. intermedius
- Desert pocket mouse, C. penicillatus
- Baja pocket mouse, C. rudinoris
- Spiny pocket mouse, C. spinatus
- White-eared pocket mouse, P. alticola
- Arizona pocket mouse, P. amplus
- Olive-backed pocket mouse, P. fasciatus
- Plains pocket mouse, P. flavescens
- Silky pocket mouse, P. flavus
- San Joaquin pocket mouse, P. inornatus
- Little pocket mouse, P. longimembris
(Pacific pocket mouse, P. l. pacificus:)
- Merriam's pocket mouse, P. merriami
- Columbia Plateau pocket mouse, P. parvus
- Family: Zapodidae (jumping mice)
- Woodland jumping mouse, N. insignis
- Western woodland jumping mouse, N. abietorum
- Meadow jumping mouse, Z. hudsonius
(Preble's meadow jumping mouse, Z. h. preblei:)- Southern meadow jumping mouse, Z. luteus
- Western jumping mouse, Z. princeps
- Oregon jumping mouse, Z. oregonus
- South Pacific jumping mouse, Z. pacificus
- North-western jumping mouse, Z. saltator
- Pacific jumping mouse, Z. trinotatus
- Central Pacific jumping mouse, Z. montanus
- Family: Cricetidae
- Subfamily: Arvicolinae
- White-footed vole, A. albipes
- Red tree vole, A. longicaudus
- California red tree mouse, A. pomo
- Western red-backed vole, C. californicus
- Southern red-backed vole, C. gapperi
- Northern red-backed vole, C. rutilus (Alaska only)
- Northern collared lemming, D. groenlandicus
- Oldfield mouse, P. polionotus (Choctawhatchee beach mouse, P. p. allophrys:, Perdido Key beach mouse, P. p. trissyllepsis:, St. Andrews beach mouse, P. p. peninsularis:, Alabama beach mouse, P. p. ammobates:, Anastasia Island beach mouse, P. p. phasma:, Southeastern beach mouse, P. p. niveiventris:)
- Western deermouse, P. sonoriensis
- Pinyon mouse, P. truei
- Florida mouse, P. floridanus
- Fulvous harvest mouse, R. fulvescens
- Eastern harvest mouse, R. humulis
- Western harvest mouse, R. megalotis
- Plains harvest mouse, R. montanus
- Salt marsh harvest mouse, R. raviventris
- Subfamily: Sigmodontinae
- Chihuahuan grasshopper mouse, O. arenicola
- Northern grasshopper mouse, O. leucogaster
- Southern grasshopper mouse, O. torridus
- Coues' rice rat, O. couesi
- Marsh rice rat, O. palustris
- Gaspé shrew, S. gaspensis
- Smoky shrew, S. fumeus
- Prairie shrew, S. haydeni
- American pygmy shrew, S. hoyi
- Western pygmy shrew, S. eximius
- Pribilof Island shrew, S. pribilofensis (Alaska only)
- Saint Lawrence Island shrew, S. jacksoni (Alaska only)
- Southeastern shrew, S. longirostris
- Mount Lyell shrew, S. lyelli
- Merriam's shrew, S. merriami
- Dwarf shrew, S. nanus
- Ornate shrew, S. ornatus (ssp. relictus:)
- Montane shrew, S. monticolus
- Northern montane shrew, S. obscurus
- New Mexico shrew, S. neomexicanus
- Pacific shrew, S. pacificus
- Baird's shrew, S. bairdi
- American water shrew, S. palustris
- Eastern water shrew, S. albibarbis
- Western water shrew, S. navigator
- Glacier Bay water shrew, S. alaskanus (Alaska only)
- Preble's shrew, S. preblei
- Olympic shrew, S. rohweri
- Fog shrew, S. sonomae
- Inyo shrew, S. tenellus
- Trowbridge's shrew, S. trowbridgii
- Tundra shrew, S. tundrensis (Alaska only)
- Barren ground shrew, S. ugyunak (Alaska only)
- Vagrant shrew, S. vagrans
- Alaska tiny shrew, S. yukonicus (Alaska only)
- Family: Talpidae (moles)
Order: Chiroptera (bats)
The bats' most distinguishing feature is that their forelimbs are developed as wings, making them the only mammals capable of flight. Bat species account for about 20% of all mammals.
- Family: Vespertilionidae
- Subfamily: Myotinae
- Subfamily: Vespertilioninae
- Pallid bat, A. pallidus
- Big brown bat, E. fuscus
- Spotted bat, E. maculatum
- Allen's big-eared bat, I. phyllotis
- Eastern red bat, L. borealis
- Hoary bat, A. cinereus
- Southern yellow bat, L. ega
- Desert red bat, L. frantzii
- Seminole bat, L. seminolus
- Southern yellow bat, D. ega
- Northern yellow bat, D. intermedius
- Western yellow bat, D. xanthinus
- Evening bat, N. humeralis
- Western pipistrelle, P. hesperus
- Eastern pipistrelle, P. subflavus
- Rafinesque's big-eared bat, P. rafinesquii
- Townsend's big-eared bat, P. townsendii
(P. t. virginianus:, P. t. ingens:)
- Family: Molossidae
- Suborder: Caniformia
- Family: Canidae (dogs)
- Coyote, C. latrans
- Gray wolf, C. lupus (Arctic wolf, C. l. arctors :)
- Eastern wolf, C. lycaon
- Red wolf, C. rufus (and)
- Gray fox, U. cinereoargenteus
- Island fox, U. littoralis
(U. l. littoralis:, U. l. catalinae:, U. l. santarosae:, U. l. santacruzae:)
- Arctic fox, V. lagopus (Alaska only)
- Kit fox, V. macrotis (San Joaquin Kit Fox, V. m. mutica:)
- Swift fox, V. velox (V. v. hebes:)
- Red fox, V. vulpes
(Grizzly bear, Ursus arctos horribilis:, California grizzly bear, Ursus arctos californicus:)
- Polar bear, U. maritimus (Alaska only)
- Family: Procyonidae (raccoons)
- Family: Mustelidae (mustelids)
- Family: Otariidae (eared seals, sealions)
Order: Artiodactyla (even-toed ungulates)
----The even-toed ungulates are ungulates whose weight is borne about equally by the third and fourth toes, rather than mostly or entirely by the third as in perissodactyls. There are about 220 artiodactyl species, including many that are of great economic importance to humans.
- Family: Tayassuidae (peccaries)
- Family: Cervidae (deer)
- Family: Antilocapridae (pronghorn)
- Family: Bovidae (cattle, antelope, sheep, goats)
Order: Sirenia (manatees and dugongs)
----Sirenia is an order of fully aquatic, herbivorous mammals that inhabit rivers, estuaries, coastal marine waters, swamps, and marine wetlands.
Order: Cetacea (whales)
----The order Cetacea includes whales, dolphins and porpoises. They are the mammals most fully adapted to aquatic life with a spindle-shaped nearly hairless body, protected by a thick layer of blubber, and forelimbs and tail modified to provide propulsion underwater.
- Suborder: Mysticeti
- Family: Balaenidae
- Bowhead whale, B. mysticetus (A)
- Family: Delphinidae (marine dolphins)
- Short-beaked common dolphin, D. delphis
- Pygmy killer whale, F. attenuata
- Short-finned pilot whale, G. macrorhynchus
- Long-finned pilot whale, G. melas
- Risso's dolphin, G. griseus
- Fraser's dolphin, L. hosei
- Atlantic white-sided dolphin, L. acutus
- White-beaked dolphin, L. albirostris
- Northern right whale dolphin, L. borealis
- Killer whale, O. orca
- Melon-headed whale, P. electra
- False killer whale, P. crassidens
- Pantropical spotted dolphin, S. attenuata
- Clymene dolphin, S. clymene
- Striped dolphin, S. coeruleoalba
- Atlantic spotted dolphin, S. frontalis
- Spinner dolphin, S. longirostris
- Rough-toothed dolphin, S. bredanensis
- Pacific white-sided dolphin, S. obliquidens
- Common bottlenose dolphin, T. truncatus
Introduced animals
See also
- Species listed in Mammal Species of the World, 3rd edition (MSW3) as occurring in the USA, but omitted in this article: Pteronotus pristinus - possibly Florida.
Notes and References
- Capra sibirica. A. K.. Fedosenko. Blank. D. A.. Mammalian Species. 675. 26 December 2001. 1–13. 10.2307/0.675.1. free.
- Hemitragus jemlahicus . amp . Ale, S.B. . Sathyakumar, S. . Forsyth, D.M. . Lingyun, X. . Bhatnagar, Y.V. . e.T9919A22152905 . 2020 .