List of mammals of peninsular Spain explained

See main article: List of mammals of Cantabria. This list shows the IUCN Red List status of 115 mammal species occurring in Spanish territory in the Iberian Peninsula. Seven species are endangered, thirteen are vulnerable, and three are near threatened. If the IUCN Red List status of a species in Spain differs from its global status, the status in Spain is shown next between brackets.[1]

The following tags are used to highlight each species' conservation status as assessed on the respective IUCN Red List:

EX ExtinctNo reasonable doubt that the last individual has died.
EW Extinct in the wildKnown only to survive in captivity or as a naturalized populations well outside its previous range.
CR Critically endangeredThe species is in imminent risk of extinction in the wild.
EN EndangeredThe species is facing an extremely high risk of extinction in the wild.
VU VulnerableThe species is facing a high risk of extinction in the wild.
NT Near threatenedThe species does not meet any of the criteria that would categorise it as risking extinction but it is likely to do so in the future.
LC Least concernThere are no current identifiable risks to the species.
DD Data deficientThere is inadequate information to make an assessment of the risks to this species.

Order: Rodentia (rodents)

Rodents make up the largest order of mammals, with over 40% of mammalian species. They have two incisors in the upper and lower jaw which grow continually and must be kept short by gnawing. Most rodents are small though the capybara can weigh up to 45kg (99lb).

Order: Lagomorpha (lagomorphs)

The lagomorphs comprise two families, Leporidae (hares and rabbits), and Ochotonidae (pikas). Though they can resemble rodents, and were classified as a superfamily in that order until the early 20th century, they have since been considered a separate order. They differ from rodents in a number of physical characteristics, such as having four incisors in the upper jaw rather than two.

Order: Erinaceomorpha (hedgehogs and gymnures)

The order Erinaceomorpha contains a single family, Erinaceidae, which comprise the hedgehogs and gymnures. The hedgehogs are easily recognised by their spines while gymnures look more like large rats.

Order: Soricomorpha (shrews, moles, and solenodons)

The "shrew-forms" are insectivorous mammals. The shrews and solenodons closely resemble mice while the moles are stout bodied burrowers.

Order: Chiroptera (bats)

The bats' most distinguishing feature is that their forelimbs are developed as wings, making them the only mammals capable of flight. Bat species account for about 20% of all mammals.

Order: Cetacea (whales)

The order Cetacea includes whales, dolphins and porpoises. They are the mammals most fully adapted to aquatic life with a spindle-shaped nearly hairless body, protected by a thick layer of blubber, and forelimbs and tail modified to provide propulsion underwater.

Order: Carnivora (carnivorans)

There are over 260 species of carnivorans, the majority of which feed primarily on meat. They have a characteristic skull shape and dentition.

Order: Artiodactyla (even-toed ungulates)

The even-toed ungulates are ungulates whose weight is borne about equally by the third and fourth toes, rather than mostly or entirely by the third as in perissodactyls. There are about 220 artiodactyl species, including many that are of great economic importance to humans.

Locally extinct

The following species are locally extinct in the area but continue to exist elsewhere:

See also

Further reading

Notes and References

  1. Book: Palomo . L. J. . Gisbert . J. . Blanco . J. . 2007 . Atlas y Libro Rojo de los Mamíferos Terrestres de España . Madrid . Dirección General para la Biodiversidad-SECEM-SECEMU . Libro Rojo de los Mamíferos Terrestres de España .
  2. Castor fiber . Batbold, J. . Batsaikhan, N. . Shar, S. . Hutterer, R. . Kryštufek, B. . Yigit, N. . Mitsain, G. . Palomo, L. . amp . 2016 . e.T4007A115067136.
  3. Ceña, J.C. et al. (2004). Castor europeo en Navarra y La Rioja. Galemys: Boletín informativo de la Sociedad Española para la conservación y estudio de los mamíferos 16(2): 91–98.
  4. Sciurus vulgaris . Amori, G. . Hutterer, R. . Kryštufek, B. . Yigit, N. . Mitsain, G. . Muñoz, L. J. P. . amp . e.T20025A9136220 . 2010.
  5. Eliomys quercinus . 2008 . Bertolino, S. . Amori, G. . Henttonen, H. . Zagorodnyuk, I. . Zima, J. . Juškaitis, R. . Meinig, H. . Kryštufek, B. . amp . e.T7618A12835766.
  6. Arvicola sapidus . 2008 . Rigaux, P. . Vaslin, M. . Noblet, J. F. . Amori, G. . Muñoz, L. J. P. . amp . e.T2150A9290712.
  7. Arvicola amphibius . Batsaikhan, N. . Henttonen, H. . Meinig, H. . Shenbrot, G., Bukhnikashvili, A., Hutterer, R., Kryštufek, B., Yigit, N., Mitsain, G. & Palomo, L. . 2016 . e.T2149A115060819.
  8. Microtus cabrerae . Fernandes, M.. Pita, R. . Mira, A. . amp . 2019 . e.T13418A90931498.
  9. Rattus norvegicus . Ruedas, L. . 2016 . e.T19353A165118026.
  10. Rattus rattus . amp . 2015 . Kryštufek, B. . Palomo, L.J. . Hutterer, R. . Mitsain, G. . Yigit, N. . e.T19360A115148682.
  11. Lepus castroviejoi . amp . Ballesteros, F. . Smith, A. T. . 2019 . e.T11797A503908.
  12. Lepus europaeus . amp . Hacklande, K. . Schai-Braun, S. . 2019 . e.T41280A45187424.
  13. Lepus granatensis . amp . Soriguer, R. . Carro, F. . e.T41306A2953195 . 2019.
  14. Oryctolagus cuniculus . amp . 2019 . Villafuerte, R. . Delibes-Mateos, M. . e.T41291A45189779 .
  15. Atelerix algirus . amp . Amori, G. . Hutterer, R. . Kryštufek, B. . Yigit, N. . Mitsain, G. . Palomo, L. J. . 2008 . e.T27926A9481697.
  16. Erinaceus europaeus . amp . Amori, G. . Hutterer, R. . Kryštufek, B. . Yigit, N. . Mitsain, G. . Palomo, L. J. . e.T29650A9508000 . 2008.
  17. Crocidura suaveolens . Hutterer, R. . Amori, G. . Krystufek, B. . Yigit, N. . Mitsain, G. . Palomo, L.J. . amp . 2010 . e.T29656A9511068.
  18. Galemys pyrenaicus . Fernandes, M. . Herrero, J. . Aulagnier, S. . Amori, G. . amp . 2008 . e.T8826A12934876 . 2008 .
  19. Myotis alcathoe . Hutson, A.M. . Paunović, M. . amp . 2016 . e.T136680A518740.
  20. Myotis bechsteinii . Paunović, M. . 2019 . e.T14123A22053752.
  21. Myotis blythii . Juste, J. & Paunović, M. . 2016 . e.T14124A22053297.
  22. Myotis capaccinii . Hutson, A. M. . Spitzenberger, F. . Aulagnier, S. . Juste, J. . Karatas, A.; Palmeirim, J. & Paunovic, M. . 2010 . e.T14126A4399043.
  23. daubentonii . Kruskop, S.V. . Godlevska, L. . Bücs, S. . Çoraman, E. . Gazaryan, S. . amp . 2020 . e.T85342710A22054773.
  24. Myotis emarginatus . Piraccini, R. . e.T14129A22051191 . 2016.
  25. Myotis escalerai . amp . Ibáñez, C. . Juste, J. . 2017 . e.T85733126A85733299.
  26. Myotis myotis . Coroiu, I. . Juste, J. & Paunović, M. . 2016 . e.T14133A22051759.
  27. Myotis mystacinus . Coroiu, I.. 2016 . e.T14134A22052250.
  28. Myotis nattereri . Gazaryan, S. . Kruskop, S.V. . Godlevska, L. . amp . 2020 . e.T85733032A22052584.
  29. Barbastella barbastellus . Piraccini, R. . e.T2553A22029285 . 2016.
  30. Eptesicus isabellinus . Juste, J. . 2016 . e.T85200107A85200275.
  31. Eptesicus serotinus . 2020 . Godlevska, L. . Kruskop, S.V. . Gazaryan, S. . 2020 . e.T85199559A195834153.
  32. Hypsugo savii . Hutson, A. M. . Spitzenberger, F. . Juste, J. . Aulagnier, S. . Palmeirim, J. . Paunovic, M. . Karatas, A. . 2010 . e.T44856A10955205.
  33. Nyctalus lasiopterus . Hutson, A. M. . Alcaldé, J. T. . Juste, J. . Karataş, A. . Palmeirim, J. & Paunović, M. . 2010 . e.T14918A4471682.
  34. Nyctalus leisleri . Juste, J. & Paunović, M. . 2016 . e.T14919A22016159.
  35. Nyctalus noctula . Csorba, G. & Hutson, A.M. . 2016 . e.T14920A22015682.
  36. Pipistrellus nathusii . amp . Hutson, A. M. . Spitzenberger, F. . Juste, J. . Aulagnier, S. . Palmeirim, J. . Karatas, A. . Paunovic, M. . 2010 . e.T17316A6966886.
  37. Pipistrellus kuhlii . amp . Juste, J. . Paunović, M. . 2016 . e.T17314A22132946.
  38. Pipistrellus pipistrellus . 2021 . amp . Godlevska, L. . Bücs, S. . Kruskop, S.V. . Gazaryan, S. . Benda, P. . Paunović, M. . 2020 . e.T85333513A196581936.
  39. Pipistrellus pygmaeus . amp . Benda, P. . Coroiu, I. . Paunović, M. . 2016 . e.T136649A21990234.
  40. Plecotus macrobullaris . Hutson, A. M. . Aulagnier, S. . Juste, J. . Karatas, A. . Palmeirim, J. . Paunovic, M. . amp . 2010 . e.T136229A4262709.
  41. Plecotus auritus . 2021 . amp . Gazaryan, S. . Kruskop, S.V. . Godlevska, L. . 2020 . e.T85535522A195861341.
  42. Plecotus austriacus . 2020 . amp . Gazaryan, S. . Godlevska, L. . 2020 . e.T85533333A195862345.
  43. Miniopterus schreibersii . 2021 . Gazaryan, S. . amp . Bücs, S. . Çoraman, E. . 2020 . e.T81633057A19585652.
  44. Tadarida teniotis . Benda, P. . Piraccini, R. . amp . e.T21311A22114995 . 2016.
  45. Rhinolophus euryale . Juste, J. . Alcaldé, J. . amp . e.T19516A21971185 . 2016.
  46. Rhinolophus ferrumequinum . Piraccini, R. . 2016 . e.T19517A21973253.
  47. Rhinolophus hipposideros . Taylor, P. . 2016 . e.T19518A21972794.
  48. Rhinolophus mehelyi . Alcaldé, J. . Benda, P. . Juste, J. . amp . e.T19519A21974380 . 2016.
  49. IUCN
  50. Balaenoptera musculus . 2019 . Cooke, J.G. . 2018 . e.T2477A156923585.
  51. Balaenoptera physalus . Cooke, J.G. . 2018 . e.T2478A50349982.
  52. Balaenoptera acutorostrata . Cooke, J. G. . 2018 . e.T2474A50348265.
  53. Megaptera novaeangliae . Cooke, J.G. . 2018 . e.T13006A50362794.
  54. Stenella coeruleoalba . amp . Braulik, G. . Gaspari, S. . 2019 . e.T20731A50374282.
  55. Stenella frontalis . amp . Braulik, G. . Jefferson, T. A. . 2018 . e.T20732A50375312.
  56. Delphinus delphis . amp . Braulik, G. . Jefferson, T. A. . Bearzi, G. . 2021 . e.T134817215A50352620.
  57. Feresa attenuata . Braulik, G. . 2018 . e.T8551A50354433 .
  58. Pseudorca crassidens . Baird, R. W. . 2018 . e.T18596A145357488 .
  59. Orcinus orca . Reeves, R. . Pitman, R. L. . Ford, J. K. B. . 2017 . e.T15421A50368125 .
  60. Tursiops truncatus . Bearzi, G. . Fortuna, C. . Reeves, R. . 2012 . e.T22563A2782611 .
  61. Felis silvestris . Gerngross, P. . Ambarli, H. . Angelici, F.M. . Anile, S. . Campbell, R. . Ferreras de Andres, P. . Gil-Sanchez, J.M. . Götz, M. . Jerosch, S. . Mengüllüoglu, D. . Monterosso, P. . Zlatanova, D. . amp . e.T181049859A181050999 . 10.2305/IUCN.UK.2022-1.RLTS.T181049859A181050999.en . 2022 . 3 August 2022.
  62. Lynx pardinus . Rodríguez, A. . Calzada, J. . amp . e.T12520A50655794 . 2015.
  63. Genetta genetta . Gaubert, P. . Carvalho, F. . Camps, D. . Do Linh San, E. . amp . 2015 . e.T41698A45218636.
  64. Herpestes ichneumon . Do Linh San, E. . Maddock, A.H. . Gaubert, P. . amp . Palomares, F. . 2016 . e.T41613A45207211.
  65. Canis lupus . Boitani, L. . Phillips, M. . . amp . 2018 . e.T3746A119623865.
  66. Vulpes vulpes . Hoffmann, M. . Sillero-Zubiri, C. . amp . 2016 . e.T23062A46190249.
  67. Ursus arctos . McLellan, B. N. . Proctor, M. F. . Huber, D. . Michel, S. . amp . 2017 . e.T41688A121229971.
  68. Lutra lutra . Roos, A. . Loy, A. . de Silva, P. . Hajkova, P. . Zemanová, B. . amp . 2015 . e.T12419A21935287.
  69. Martes foina . 2016 . Abramov, A.V. . Kranz, A. . Herrero, J. . Krantz, A. . Choudhury, A. . Maran, T. . amp . e.T29672A45202514.
  70. Martes martes . Herrero, J. . amp . Kranz, A. . Skumatov, D. . Abramov, A.V. . Maran, T. . Monakhov, V.G. . e.T12848A45199169 . 2016.
  71. Meles meles . Kranz, A. . Abramov, A. V. . Herrero, J. . Maran, T. . amp . 2016 . e.T29673A45203002.
  72. Mustela erminea . Reid, F. . Helgen, K. . Kranz, A. . amp . 2016 . e.T29674A45203335.
  73. Mustela lutreola . Maran, T. . Aulagnier, S. . Libois, R. . Kranz, A. . Abramov, A. . Wozencraft, C. . amp . 2010 . e.T14018A4381596 .
  74. Mustela nivalis . McDonald, R. A. . Abramov, A. V. . Stubbe, M. . Herrero, J. . Maran, T. . Tikhonov, A. . Cavallini, P. . Kranz, A. . Giannatos, G. . Kryštufek, B. . Reid, F. . amp . 2019 . e.T70207409A147993366.
  75. Mustela putorius . Skumatov, D. . Abramov, A.V. . Herrero, J. . Kitchener, A. . Maran, T. . Kranz, A.. Sándor, A. . Stubbe, M. . Saveljev, A. . Savour-Soubelet, A. . Guinot-Ghestem, M. . Zuberogoitia, I.; Birks, J.D.S.; Weber, A.; Melisch, R. & Ruette, S. . 2016 . e.T41658A45214384.
  76. Neovison vison . Reid, F. . Schiaffini, M. . Schipper, J. . e.T41661A45214988 . 2016.
  77. Sus scrofa . amp . Keuling, O. . Leus, K. . e.T41775A44141833 . 2019.
  78. Cervus elaphus . Lovari, S. . Lorenzini, R. . Masseti, M. . Pereladova, O. . Carden, R.F. . Brook, S.M. . Mattioli, S. . amp . e.T55997072A142404453 . 2018.
  79. Dama dama . Masseti, M. . Mertzanidou, D. . amp . 2008 . e.T42188A10656554.
  80. Capreolus capreolus . Lovari, S. . Herrero, J. . Masseti, M. . Ambarli, H. . Lorenzini, R. . Giannatos, G. . amp . 2016 . e.T42395A22161386.
  81. Web site: Biggest bison transport ever Rewilding Europe. OKIA. 9 October 2012.
  82. News: Segovia recibe nueve bisontes europeos para evitar su extinción . 24 September 2019 . 20 Minutos . 20 April 2018.
  83. Ammotragus lervia . Cassinello, J. . Cuzin, F. . Jdeidi, T. . Masseti, M. . Nader, I. . de Smet, K. . amp . 2010 . e.T1151A3288646.
  84. Capra pyrenaica . 2020 . Herrero, J. . Acevedo, P. . Arnal, M.C. . Fernández de Luco, D. . Fonseca, C. . García-González, R. . Pérez, J.M. . Sourp, E. . amp . 2020 . e.T3798A195855497.
  85. Rupicapra pyrenaica . Herrero, J. . Lovari, S. . Nores, C. . Toigo, C. . amp . 2020 . e.T19771A171131310.
  86. Palomo, L. J., Gisbert, J., & Blanco, J. C. (Eds.). (2007). Atlas y libro rojo de los mamíferos terrestres de España. Madrid: Organismo Autónomo de Parques Nacionales.
  87. 10.1098/rspb.2018.0961 . Forgotten Mediterranean calving grounds of grey and North Atlantic right whales: Evidence from Roman archaeological records . 2018 . Rodrigues . Ana S. L. . Charpentier . Anne . Bernal-Casasola . Darío . Gardeisen . Armelle . Nores . Carlos . Pis Millán . José Antonio . McGrath . Krista . Speller . Camilla F. . Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences . 285 . 1882 . 30051821 . 6053924 .
  88. Even though the Atlantic population is extinct, individuals from the Pacific still rarely disperse into the Atlantic. One was seen off the coast of Spain in 2010. IUCN.
  89. Using historical accounts to set conservation baselines: The case of Lynx species in Spain . 10.1007/s10531-013-0506-4 . 2013 . Clavero . Miguel . Delibes . Miguel . Biodiversity and Conservation . 22 . 8 . 1691–1702 . 2013BiCon..22.1691C . 10261/80444 . 17139682 . free .
  90. AncientDNAreveals past existence of Eurasian lynx in Spain . 10.1111/jzo.12289 . 2016 . Rodríguez-Varela . R. . García . N. . Nores . C. . Álvarez-Lao . D. . Barnett . R. . Arsuaga . J. L. . Valdiosera . C. . Journal of Zoology . 298 . 2 . 94–102 .
  91. Jiménez, J., Clavero, M., & Reig-Ferrer, A. (2018). New old news on the "Lobo cerval" (Lynx lynx?) in NE Spain.
  92. Lucena-Perez, M., Bazzicalupo, E., Paijmans, J., Kleinman-Ruiz, D., Dalén, L., Hofreiter, M., ... & Godoy, J. A. (2022). Ancient genome provides insights into the history of Eurasian lynx in Iberia and Western Europe. Quaternary Science Reviews, 285, 107518.
  93. Monachus monachus . Karamanlidis, A. . Dendrinos, P. . amp . e.T13653A45227543 . 2015.
  94. The Iberian zebro: What kind of a beast was it? . 10.5252/az2015n1a2 . 2015 . Nores . Carlos . Muñiz . Arturo Morales . Rodríguez . Laura Llorente . Bennett . E. Andrew . Geigl . Eva-María . Anthropozoologica . 50 . 21–32 . 55004515 .
  95. Pascual Barea, J. (2017). Equiferus hispanus o cebro ibérico: el caballo salvaje de la Península Ibérica desde la Antigüedad a época Moderna.
  96. Pascual Barea, J. (2021). Equiferi y aquifolia: Cebros y acebos en la toponimia de la península ibérica.