List of longest Croatian words contains some of the longest words in Croatian. This list does not include words for large numbers.
One of the longer words in Croatian is prijestolonasljednica which means 'a female throne successor'.
This list contains words in Croatian with at least 10 letters. Some of words in this list come from Latin and Greek.
Rank | Word | Letters | Explanation |
1 | prijestolonasljednikovičičinima | 30 | to those who belong to a (diminutive) wife of a throne successor[1] [2] |
2 | antisamoupravnosocijalistički | 29 | anti self-governing socialistic |
3 | ezofagogastroduodenoskopija | 27 | esophagogastroduodenoscopy, an endoscopic method used in suspected the existence of ulcer disease |
4 | najneindustrijaliziranija | 25 | the most unindustrialized |
5 | prijestolonasljednikovica | 24 | wife of throne successor (diminutive) |
6 | encefaliarteriografija | 23 | cerebral angiography, diagnostical method |
7 | encefalocisternografija | 23 | encephalo-cisternography, X-ray research of cistern area of the brain using the contrast agents |
8 | elektronistagmografija | 22 | electronystagmography, recording spontaneous flicker of eye movement |
9 | elektroencefalografija | 22 | electroencephalography, recording electrical activity of the brain |
10 | heilognatopalatoshiza | 21 | , congenital cleft lip, jaw and palate |
11 | elektrokardiografija | 20 | electrocardiography, recording electrical activity of the heart |
12 | deprofesionalizirati | 20 | separated from the professional control |
13 | lapalohisterektomija | 20 | operation of the uterus through an incision in the abdomen |
14 | otorinolaringologija | 20 | branch of medicine |
15 | prijestolonasljednica | 20 | throne successor (women) |
16 | prijestolonasljednik | 19 | throne successor |
17 | encefalomeningokela | 19 | |
18 | najnezainteresiraniji | 19 | the person who is the most uninterested in something |
19 | nekarakterističnost | 19 | not like something |
20 | automehatroničarka | 18 | female mechatronic |
21 | dermatofibrosarkom | 18 | skin tumor with clinical and histological features dermatofiboma and fibrosarcoma |
22 | medijastinoskopija | 18 | endoscopic procedure of examination and biopsy of the lymph nodes in the mediastinum |
23 | elektrostimulacija | 18 | electrostimulation |
24 | najzainteresaniji | 17 | the person who is the most interested for something |
25 | neprepoznatljivost | 17 | unrecognisability |
26 | prenezaposlenost | 16 | too big unemployment of people |
27 | makrovaskulatura | 16 | the collective name for the vessels and arteries with a diameter greater than 0.1 mm |
28 | epifenomenalizam | 16 | understanding of the importance of mental secondary product of physiological processes |
29 | brodogradilište | 15 | facility for buildings ships |
30 | kinematografija | 15 | all movies of one country |
31 | fundamentalizam | 15 | fundamentalism |
32 | elektroprivreda | 15 | industry dealing with the supply of electricity |
33 | farmakodinamika | 15 | pharmacodynamics |
34 | pluskvamperfekt | 15 | a grammatical tense, |
35 | kontinentalnost | 15 | characteristic of land without affecting the sea |
36 | prezaposlenost | 14 | overemployment |
37 | febronijanizam | 14 | Catholic Church-political doctrine |
38 | postapokalizam | 14 | post-apocalipitc actions |
39 | galeomiomahija | 14 | fight between mice and cats |
40 | hidroelektrana | 14 | hydro power plant |
41 | elektrotehnika | 14 | electrical engineering |
42 | imperijalizam | 13 | imperialism |
43 | zoogeografija | 13 | branch of geography or of zoology that studies and describes the distribution of animals on Earth |
44 | strojarstvo | 11 | engineering |
45 | arhitektura | 11 | architecture |
46 | informatika | 11 | computer science |
47 | tehnologija | 11 | technology |
48 | maritimnost | 11 | characteristic of the land with the impact of the sea |
49 | asocijacija | 11 | one word or phrase implying some other word or phrase |
50 | autooznaka | 10 | car plates |