List of loanwords in Chinese explained

Loanwords have entered written and spoken Chinese from many sources, including ancient peoples whose descendants now speak Chinese. In addition to phonetic differences, varieties of Chinese such as Cantonese and Shanghainese often have distinct words and phrases left from their original languages which they continue to use in daily life and sometimes even in Mandarin. As a result of long-term direct relationships with northern peoples, starting from the pre-Christ period, there are many exchanges of words. In addition, there were times when northern tribes dominated China. Similarly, northern dialects include relatively greater numbers of loanwords from nearby languages such as Turkic, Mongolian, and Manchu(Tungusic).

Throughout China, Buddhism has also introduced words from Sanskrit and Pali. More recently, foreign invasion and trade since the First and Second Opium Wars of the mid-nineteenth century has led to prolonged contact with English, French, and Japanese. Although politically minded language reform under the Republic and People's Republic of China have generally preferred to use calques and neologisms in place of loanwords, a growing number particularly from American English have become current in modern Chinese. On the mainland, transcription into Chinese characters in official media and publications is directed by the Proper Names and Translation Service of the Xinhua News Agency and its reference work Names of the World's Peoples.[1]

Since Hong Kong was under British control until 1997, Hong Kong Cantonese borrowed many words from English such as 巴士 (from the word "bus", Mandarin: bāshì, Cantonese: baa1 si2), 的士 (from "taxi", Man.: dīshì, Can.: dik1 si2), 芝士 (from "cheese", Man.: zhīshì, Can.: zi1 si6), and 麥當勞/麦当劳 (from "McDonald's", Man.: Màidāngláo, Can.: Mak6 dong1 lou4), and such loanwords have been adopted into Mandarin, despite them sounding much less similar to the English words than the Cantonese versions.[2]

Foreign businesses and products are usually free to choose their own transliterations and typically select ones with positive connotations and phonetic similarity to their products: for example, Chinese: 宜家 (IKEA) is "proper home". Owing to antonomasia and genericization, these can then enter general Chinese usage: for example Coca-Cola's Chinese: 可口可乐 Man.: kěkǒu kělè ("delicious fun") has led to Chinese: 可乐 Man.: kělè becoming the common Chinese noun for all colas.

Since the Kuomintang retreated to Taiwan after the Chinese Civil War, relations between the ROC and PRC had been hostile, thus communication between Taiwan and mainland China became limited. For that reason, many loanwords and proper names became quite different from each other. For example, "cheese" in mainland China is 芝士 zhīshì, while cheese in Taiwan is 起司 qǐsī.


Chinese Word Pronunciation Meaning Original Word Pronunciation Original Meaning
剎那 chànà instant क्षण kṣaṇa instant
蘋果 píngguǒ apple बिम्बा bimbā apple
涅槃 nièpán nirvana निर्वाण nirvāna nirvana
舍利子 shèlìzi relic शरीर śarīra body
曇花 tánhuā epiphyllum उदुम्बर udumbara cluster fig tree
須彌山 xūmíshān Mt. Sumeru सुमेरु sumeru Mt. Sumeru
波羅蜜多bōluómìduōPāramitā पारमिता pāramitā perfection


Chinese Word Pronunciation Meaning Original Word Pronunciation Original Meaning
巴刹 bāshā bazar (market) بازار bāzār bazar (market)
巴旦木 bādànmù almond بادام bādām almond
葡萄 pútáo grape باده or Bactrian *bādāwa bāde wine
獅子 shīzi lion شیر šīr lion
百里香 Bǎilǐxiāng Thyme آویشن Avišan Thyme


Chinese words of English origin have become more common in mainland China during its reform and opening and resultant increased contact with the West. Note that some of the words below originated in other languages but may have arrived in Chinese via English (for example "pizza/披萨" from Italian). English acronyms are sometimes borrowed into Chinese without any transcription into Chinese characters; for example "IT" (information technology), "PPT" (PowerPoint), "GDP" (Gross domestic product), "APP" (mobile app), "KTV" (karaoke), or "DVD". A rarer occurrence is the blending of the Latin alphabet with Chinese characters, as in "卡拉OK" ("karaoke"), “T恤” ("T-shirt"), "IP卡" ("internet protocol card").[3] In some instances, the loanwords exists side by side with neologisms that translate the meaning of the concept into existing Chinese morphemes. For instance, while the loanword for 'penicillin' is 盘尼西林 (pánníxīlín), a neologism that 'translates' the word was later coined, 青霉素 (qīngméisù), which means 'blue/green mold extract/essence'. In contemporary Chinese, neologisms using native Chinese morphemes tend to be favored over loanwords that are transliterations. In the case of penicillin, the term 青霉素 is used almost exclusively, while 盘尼西林 is viewed as an early 20th century relic. Similarly, 'science' is now known as 科学 (kēxué) 'subject/specialty study' rather than 赛因斯 (sàiyīnsī), though it should be pointed out that the characters 科学 were actually coined in the late 19th century by the Japanese as a kanji compound.

In the chart below, loanwords in Taiwan will be written in traditional characters and loanwords in mainland China will be written in simplified characters.

ammoniaāmóníyàScience & technologyRarely used in mainland China
amoebaāmǐbāScience & technology
amoxicillināmòxīlínHealth & medicine
ampereānpéiScience & technology
amphetamineānfēitāmìngHealth & medicine
ampouleānbùScience & technology
aspartameāsībātiánFood & drink
AspirināsīpílínHealth & medicine
BaccaratBǎijiālèArts & entertainment
baconpéigēnFood & drink
bagelbèiguǒFood & drink
balletbālěiArts & entertainment
bandagebēngdàiHealth & medicine
banjobānzhuóqínArts & entertainment
bar(jiǔ)bāArts & entertainment
Baroquebāluòkè, bāluókèArts & entertainment
bassbèisīArts & entertainment
bassoonbāsōngArts & entertainment
bazookabāzǔkǎScience & technology
beerpíjiǔFood & drink
bingobīnguǒArts & entertainment
bit (unit of information)bǐtèScience & technology
blogbókèCulture & society
bluesbùlǔsīArts & entertainment
bolerobōláiluóArts & entertainment
brandybáilándìFood & drink
browniebùlǎngníFood & drink
bullyingbàlíngCulture & society
bungee jumpingbèngjíArts & entertainment
caffeinekāfēiyīnFood & drink
caloriekǎlùlǐScience & technology
cancankāngkāngwǔArts & entertainment
cannonjiānóngpàoScience & technology
caratkèlāScience & technology
carbinekǎbīnqiāngScience & technology
cardkǎpiànScience & technologyAs the last element of a compound, kǎ 卡 alone is used, e.g. yínháng kǎ 银行卡 / 銀行卡 "Bank card (ATM card)".
carnivaljiāniánhuáArts & entertainment
cartelkǎtè'ěrCulture & society
cartoonkǎtōngArts & entertainment
celluloidsàilùluòScience & technology
cementshúiméntīngScience & technologyDated in mainland China
cha-chaqiàqiàwǔArts & entertainment
ChampagnexiāngbīnFood & drink
cheeseqǐsī/qishì/zhīshìFood & drinkFirst two loanwords used in Taiwan, last used in mainland China
cherrychēlíziFood & drinkTransliterated from plural, exclusively refers to black cherries in mainland China
chiffonxuěfǎng, qìfēngClothing, Food & drinkThe first loanword refers to chiffon as a kind of fabric, the second refers to chiffon cake
chocolateqiǎokèlìFood & drink
ciderxīdáFood & drink
cigarxuějiāFood & drink
clonekèlóngScience & technology
coca, cokekějiā, gǔkēFood & drink
Coca-Colakěkǒu kělèFood & drink
colakělèFood & drink
cocoakěkěFood & drink
codeinekědàiyīnHealth & medicine
coffeekāfēiFood & drink
cookieqǔqíFood & drink
copykǎobèiOnly used in the context of computers
coup d'étatkǔdiédǎPolitics
cratonkèlātōngScience & technology
creamjìlián, qílínFood & drink
crêpekělìbǐngFood & drink
croissantkěsòngFood & drink
cuminkūmíngFood & drinkRarely used in mainland China, usually appears in compound words such as kūmíngqúan 枯茗醛 “cuminaldehyde”
currygālíFood & drink
cyanideshān'āiScience & technologyRarely used in mainland China
DacrondíquèliángScience & technology
didgeridoodíjílǐdùguǎnArts & entertainment
discodísīkěArts & entertainment
dominoduōmǐnuòArts & entertainment
drive-thrudéláisùFood & drink
einsteiniumài/āiScience & technologyFirst loanword used in Taiwan, second used in mainland China
eurekayóulǐkǎCulture & society
fanfěnsīArts & entertainmentTransliterated from plural, also a term for cellophane noodles
fantasyfàntèxīArts & entertainmentRarely used in mainland China
filletfēilìFood & drinkUsually refers to filet mignon
geekjíkèScience & technology
ghettogédōuCulture & society
go-kartgāokǎchēArts & entertainment
golfgāo'ěrfūArts & entertainment
guitarjítāArts & entertainment
hackerhēikèScience & technology
hamburgerhànbǎobāoFood & drink
hippiexīpíshìCulture & society
honeyhāníSlangAs a term of endearment
hysteriaxiēsīdǐlǐHealth & medicine
humouryōumòCulture & society
ice creambīngqílínFood & drink
jazzjuéshìArts & entertainment
JeepjípǔchēTransportation, organizations
jitterbugjítèbāArts & entertainment
karaokekǎlā ok (kǎlāōukēi)Arts & entertainment
ketaminekètāmìngScience & technology
lesbianlěisībīanCulture & society
lacquerlàkèScience & technology
laserléishèScience & technology
lattenátiěFood & drink
lemonníngméngFood & drink
limbolíngbōwǔArts & entertainment
liquorlìkǒujiǔFood & drink
logicluójiScience & technology
lotterylètòuArts & entertainment
marathonmǎlāsōngArts & entertainment
margarinemàiqílínFood & drinkDated in mainland China
markermǎkèbǐCulture & society
massagemǎshājīCulture & societyRarely used in mainland China
metreScience & technology
mememíyīnArts & entertainment
minimǐnǐCulture & society
microphonemàikèfēngScience & technology
modelmótèrArts & entertainment
modernmódēngCulture & society
montage (film)méngtàiqíArts & entertainment
mosaicmǎsàikèArts & entertainment
motifmǔtǐ, múArts & entertainment
motormǎdáScience & technology
moussemùsīFood & drink
mozzarellamòzālǐlā, mǎsūlǐlāFood & drink
muffinmǎfēn, màifēnFood & drink
mugmǎkèbēiFood & drink
mummymùnǎiyīCulture & society
NaziNàcuìPolitics, organization
neonníhóngScience & technology
nicotinenígǔdīngHealth & medicine
ohmōumǔScience & technology
parfaitbāfēiFood & drink
parkapàikè dàyīClothing
partypàiduìCulture & society
penicillinpánníxīlínScience & technologyDated in mainland China
PharaohfǎlǎoCulture & society
pickup truckpíkǎTransportation
piepàiFood & drink
pizzapīsà/bǐsàFood & drink
plutoniumbù, bùScience & technology
pokerpūkèArts & entertainmentRefers to card games in general
polkabō'ěrkǎArts & entertainment
puddingbùdīngFood & drink
pumpbèngScience & technology
punkpéngkèArts & entertainment
radarléidáScience & technology
romanceluómànshǐ, làngmànCulture & society
rumlǎngmǔjiuFood & drink
rumbalúnbāArts & entertainment
saladshālà, shalǜFood & drink
salmonsānwényúFood & drink
salonshālóngCulture & society
sandwichsānmíngzhì, sānwénzhìFood & drink
sardineshādīngyúFood & drink
saunasāngnáHealth & medicine
saxophonesàkèsī(fēng)Arts & entertainment
scootersùkèdáTransportationRarely used in mainland China
shampooxiāngbōHealth & medicine
sherryxuělìjiǔFood & drink
shockxīukèHealth & medicine
sirloinshālǎng, xīlěngFood & drinkFirst loanword used in Taiwan, second used in mainland China
sonarshēngnàScience & technology
sodasūdáFood & drinksūdáshǔi 苏打水 is used when referring to soft drinks, xiǎosūdá 小苏打 is used when referring to baking soda
strawberryshìduōpílíFood & drinkRarely used in mainland China
sundaeshèngdài, xīndìFood & drink
talk showtuōkǒuxiùCulture & society
tangotàngēArts & entertainment
tannic aciddānníngsuānScience & technology
tarottǎluóCulture & society
Teflontiěfúlóng, tèfùlóngScience & technologyFirst loanword used in Taiwan, second used in mainland China
T-shirtt xù (tīxù)Clothing
telephonedélǜfēngArts & entertainmentDated in mainland China
ten-pin bowlingbǎolíngqiúArts & entertainment
toffeetàifēitángFood & drink
toasttǔsīFood & drink
tunatūnnáyúFood & drink
USB flash driveu pán (yóupán)Science & technology
valveScience & technology
VaselinefánshìlínHealth & medicine
vitaminwéitāmìngHealth & medicine
vodkafútéjiāFood & drink
waltzhuá'ěrzīArts & entertainment
wattwǎtèScience & technology
whiskywēishìjìFood & drink
X-rayx guāng (àikésīguāng)Health & medicine
yogayújiāArts & entertainment
yogurtyōugéFood & drink
yo-yoyōuyōuqiúArts & entertainment
yuppieyǎpíshìCulture & society


These words are only used in Singapore and Malaysia.

saguxīgǔmǐsago (starch)sagu+米 (, 'grain')
tumpanglóngbāngto stay with somebody

See also

Further reading

Notes and References

  1. [Xinhua News Agency]
  2. Web site: 8 Chinese Words Borrowed From English That Will Finally Make Sense to You. 2018-10-03.
  3. Zuo, X. (2005). Language planning with respect to English into China. Terminology, 11(2), 283-292.