List of lemuroids explained

Lemuroidea is a superfamily of primates. Members of this superfamily are called lemuroids, or lemurs. Lemuroidea is one of two superfamilies that form the suborder Strepsirrhini, itself one of two suborders in the order Primates. They are found exclusively on the island of Madagascar, primarily in forests but with some species also in savannas, shrublands, or wetlands. They range in size from the Margot Marsh's mouse lemur, at 80NaN0 plus a 110NaN0 tail, to the indri, at 900NaN0 plus a 60NaN0 tail. Lemuroids primarily eat fruit, leaves, and insects. Most lemuroids do not have population estimates, but the ones that do range from 40 mature individuals to 5,000. Most lemuroid species are at risk of extinction, with 45 species categorized as endangered, and a further 32 species categorized as critically endangered.

The 107 extant species of Lemuroidea are divided into five families. Cheirogaleidae contains 41 dwarf, mouse, and fork-marked lemur species in five genera. Daubentoniidae contains a single species, the aye-aye. Indriidae contains nineteen woolly lemur and sifaka species in three genera. Lemuridae contains 21 ruffed, ring-tailed, bamboo, and other lemur species in five genera. Lepilemuridae contains 25 sportive lemur species in a single genus.

Dozens of extinct prehistoric lemuroid species have been discovered, though due to ongoing research and discoveries the exact number and categorization is not fixed. At least 17 species and eight genera are believed to have become extinct in the 2,000 years since humans first arrived in Madagascar.[1] [2] All known extinct species were large, ranging in weight from 10to. The largest known subfossil lemur was Archaeoindris fontoynonti, a giant sloth lemur, which weighed more than a modern female gorilla. The extinction of the largest lemurs is often attributed to predation by humans and possibly habitat destruction.[1] Since all extinct lemurs were not only large (and thus ideal prey species), but also slow-moving (and thus more vulnerable to human predation), their presumably slow-reproducing and low-density populations were least likely to survive the introduction of humans.[1] Gradual changes in climate have also been blamed, and may have played a minor role; however since the largest lemurs also survived the climatic changes from previous ice ages and only disappeared following the arrival of humans, it is unlikely that climatic change was largely responsible.[1]


Conservation status codes listed follow the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List of Threatened Species. Range maps are provided wherever possible; if a range map is not available, a description of the lemuroid's range is provided. Ranges are based on the IUCN Red List for that species unless otherwise noted.


See main article: article and Taxonomy of lemurs.

The superfamily Lemuroidea consists of five extant families: Cheirogaleidae, Daubentoniidae, Indriidae, Lemuridae, and Lepilemuridae. Cheirogaleidae contains 41 species in five genera. Daubentoniidae contains a single species. Indriidae contains nineteen species in three genera. Lemuridae contains 21 species in five genera. Lepilemuridae contains 25 lemur species in a single genus. There are additionally three families which went extinct prior to modern record-keeping: Archaeolemuridae, Megaladapidae, and Palaeopropithecidae, as well as an extinct genus in Lemuridae.

Family Archaeolemuridae (monkey lemurs)

Family Cheirogaleidae

Family Daubentoniidae

Family Indriidae

Family Lemuridae

Family Lepilemuridae

Family Megaladapidae (koala lemurs)

Family Palaeopropithecidae (sloth lemurs)


The following classification is based on the taxonomy described by the reference work Mammal Species of the World (2005), with augmentation by generally accepted proposals made since using molecular phylogenetic analysis, as supported by both the IUCN and the American Society of Mammalogists.

Family Cheirogaleidae

See main article: article and Cheirogaleidae.

Family Daubentoniidae

See main article: article and Daubentoniidae.

Family Indriidae

See main article: article and Indriidae.

Family Lemuridae

See main article: article and Lemuridae.

Family Lepilemuridae

See main article: article and Lepilemuridae.

Extinct species

See main article: article and Subfossil lemur. All known extinct lemurs from Madagascar are known from recent, subfossil remains.[3] Conditions for fossilization were not ideal on the island, so little is known about ancestral lemur populations. All known extinct lemurs are thought to have died out after the arrival of humans.

Scientific name!scope=col class="unsortable"
Common namescope=colFamilyscope=colEstimated sizescope=col class="unsortable"Extinction datescope=col class="unsortable"References
scope=rowArchaeoindris fontoynontiSloth lemursPalaeopropithecidae350 BCE[4]
scope=rowArchaeolemur edwardsiMonkey lemurs (or baboon lemurs)Archaeolemuridae1047–1280 CE[5] [6]
scope=rowArchaeolemur majoriMonkey lemurs (or baboon lemurs)Archaeolemuridae1047–1280 CE
scope=rowBabakotia radofilaiSloth lemursPalaeopropithecidae3050 BCE
scope=rowDaubentonia robustaGiant aye-ayeDaubentoniidae891–1027 CE[7] [8]
scope=rowHadropithecus stenognathusMonkey lemurs (or baboon lemurs)Archaeolemuridae444–772 CE
scope=rowMegaladapis edwardsiKoala lemursMegaladapidae1280–1420 CE[9] [10]
scope=rowMegaladapis grandidieriKoala lemursMegaladapidae1280–1420 CE
scope=rowMegaladapis madagascariensisKoala lemursMegaladapidae1280–1420 CE
scope=rowMesopropithecus dolichobrachionSloth lemursPalaeopropithecidae245–429 CE
scope=rowMesopropithecus globicepsSloth lemursPalaeopropithecidae245–429 CE
scope=rowMesopropithecus pithecoidesSloth lemursPalaeopropithecidae245–429 CE
scope=rowPachylemur insignisPachylemurLemuridae680–960 BCE[11]
scope=rowPachylemur jullyiPachylemurLemuridaeHolocene
scope=rowPalaeopropithecus ingensSloth lemursPalaeopropithecidae1300–1620 CE[12] [13]
scope=rowPalaeopropithecus kelyusSloth lemursPalaeopropithecidaeLate Quaternary
scope=rowPalaeopropithecus maximusSloth lemursPalaeopropithecidae1300–1620 CE

See also


Notes and References

  1. [#CITEREF_LEMURSMAD|Mittermeier]
  2. Gommery . D. . Ramanivosoa . B. . Tombomiadana-Raveloson . S. . Randrianantenaina . H. . Kerloc'h . P. . A new species of giant subfossil lemur from the North-West of Madagascar (Palaeopropithecus kelyus, Primates). 10.1016/j.crpv.2009.02.001 . Comptes Rendus Palevol . 8 . 5. 471–480. 2009.
  3. [#CITEREF_LEMURSMAD|Mittermeier]
  4. William L. Jungers . Laurie R. Godfrey . Elwyn L. Simons . Prithijit S. Chatrath . amp . Phalangeal curvature and positional behavior in extinct sloth lemurs (Primates, Palaeopropithecidae) . 28 October 1997 . PNAS . 94 . 11998–12001 . 22 . 23681. 10.1073/pnas.94.22.11998 . 11038588. 1997PNAS...9411998J . free .
  5. [#CITEREF_LEMURSMAD|Mittermeier]
  6. [#CITEREF_PrimWorld|Nowak]
  7. [#CITEREF_LEMURSMAD|Mittermeier]
  8. Nowak, p. 92
  9. [#CITEREF_LEMURSMAD|Mittermeier]
  10. [#CITEREF_PrimWorld|Nowak]
  11. [#CITEREF_CENOZOIC|Godfrey; Jungers; Burney]
  12. [#CITEREF_LEMURSMAD|Mittermeier]
  13. [#CITEREF_PrimWorld|Nowak]