List of legendary rulers of Cornwall explained

"Duke of Cornwall" appears as a title in pseudo-historical authors such as Geoffrey of Monmouth. The list is patchy and not every succession was unbroken. Indeed, Geoffrey repeatedly introduces Dukes of Cornwall only to promote them to the Kingship of the Britons and thus put an end to their line as (merely) dukes. As adjuncts or supporting roles to the kings of the Britons, the legendary dukes of Cornwall are considered part of the vast Matter of Britain, and can also be found in other stories, such as Culhwch and Olwen, the Prose Tristan, Havelok the Dane, and Gesta Herewardi. Antiquaries such as Richard Carew (Survey of Cornwall, 1602) and John Williams (the Book of Baglan, 1600–1607) also provide lists of legendary rulers of Cornwall, often combining the above with other sources.

As a result, these lists are more often thought of as a conglomeration of various Celtic rulers, Celtic warlords, and mythical heroes. If the lists of kings of Britain are legendary, then the list of dukes must be considered still more a genealogical and historical legend with no solid basis in the view of most historians. The titles given for the rulers also vary, even within sources; Geoffrey's History, has the title fluctuating between "duke" (dux Cornubiae) and "king" (rex Cornubiae), and Carew wrote that before the Norman Conquest "these titles of honour carry a kinde of confusednes, and rather betokened a successive office, then an established dignity. The following ages received a more distinct forme, and left us a certeyner notice."[1]


NameTitleNotesApproximate time frameSources
CorineusDukeFirst ruler of Cornwall; given the land by Brutus1154 BCHistoria Regum Britanniae
Survey of Cornwall
GwendolenQueenDaughter of Corineus; became queen regnant of BritainHistoria Regum Britanniae
GorbonianDukeSon of Camber; also became chief governor of CambriaBook of Baglan folios 84, 305
Difnwall HenDukeSon of Gorbonian; also one of or the chief governor of CambriaBook of Baglan folios 84, 306
KingenDukeSon of Difnwall Hen; also chief governor of CambriaBook of Baglan folios 84, 306
AserDukeSon of Kingen; also chief governor of CambriaBook of Baglan folios 84, 306
BledhudDukeSon of Aser; also chief governor of CambriaBook of Baglan folios 84, 306
HenwinDukeSon of Bledhud; also chief governor of Cambria; Duke under King Leir; husband of Leir's daughter Regan or Gonorille, and with her ruled half of Britain899 BCHistoria Regum Britanniae; Survey of Cornwall; Book of Baglan folios 84, 306
CunedagiusDukeSon of Henwin; duke of Cornwall under Queen Cordelia; became king of Britain; built a temple to Apollo in Cornwall832 BCHistoria Regum Britanniae; Survey of Cornwall
AntoniusDukeGreat-great-grandson of Henwin; second son of Gorwst, king of BritainBook of Baglan folios 83, 306
AedhmawrDukeSon of AntoniusBook of Baglan folios 83, 306, 307
PrydanDukeSon of AedhmawrBook of Baglan folios 83, 307
KynfarchDukeSon of PrydanBook of Baglan folios 83, 307
ClotenKing/Duke/PrinceSon of Kynfarch; ruled Cornwall during the pentarchy after Ferrex and Porrex528 BCHistoria Regum Britanniae; Survey of Cornwall; Book of Baglan folios 83, 165, 307; Gorboduc
Dyfnwal MoelmudKing/DukeSon of Cloten; unites Britain as its kingHistoria Regum Britanniae; Survey of Cornwall; Book of Baglan folios 83, 165, 307
BelinusSon of Dyfnwal Moelmud; became king of Britain, and direct ruler of Loegria, Kambria, and Cornwall, as his appanage; brother of Brennus430 BCHistoria Regum Britanniae; Survey of Cornwall
TasciovanusDukeSon of King Lud; made duke by his uncle King Cassibelanus; succeeds him as king of Britain96 BCHistoria Regum Britanniae; Survey of Cornwall
ThanorKingContemporary with Joseph of Arimatheac. 1st century ADProse Tristan
AsclepiodotusDukeDuke under Allectus; becomes king of Britain231 ADHistoria Regum Britanniae; Survey of Cornwall
Conan MeriadocDukeNephew of Octavius; became king of Armorica329 ADSurvey of Cornwall
SalomonDukeFather of Corinius who was said to have attended the Synod of Arles351 ADSurvey of Cornwall


Sources diverge leading up to the time of King Arthur, with Caradoc placed either during the time of Arthur (as in the Welsh Triads, and later tradition), soon before Gorlois (Carew's Survey of Cornwall), or before his brother Dionotus as Caradocus in the Historia Regum Britanniae, while the Book of Baglan only keeps Gorlois, but gives him an entirely different set of ancestors. Gorlois is sometimes given other names, such as Ricca in Culhwch and Olwen, Tador in William Worcester's Itineraries, and Hoel in the Prose Merlin. In some sources Gorlois is not ruler of Cornwall, and is replaced in this role by Mark in the Prose Tristan, Ydiers in the Prose Merlin, and the unnamed King Cornwall in "King Arthur and King Cornwall".

Welsh Triads

NameTitleNotesApproximate time frameSources
ArthurChief lordChief lord of the "three tribal thrones of the Island of Prydain": Celliwig in Cornwall, Pen Rhionydd in the north, and Mynyw in WalesPeniarth MS 54, triad 1
Caradawg VreichvrasChief elderArthur's chief elder for Cornwall; also one of the "three cavaliers of battle of the Island of Prydain"Peniarth MS 54, triads 1, 16

Historia Regum Britanniae

NameTitleNotesApproximate time frameSources
CaradocusDuke/KingDuke under King Octavius; put forward Maximianus as king of Britain and was king of Cornwall under himHistoria Regum Britanniae
DionotusKingBrother of Caradocus; made regent of Britain during Maximianus' campaignsHistoria Regum Britanniae
GorloisDukeDuke under kings Aurelius Ambrosius and Uther; first husband of Igraine, Arthur's motherHistoria Regum Britanniae
CadorDuke/KingRuler of Cornwall as one of four kings under King ArthurHistoria Regum Britanniae
ConstantineSon of Cador; kinsman of King Arthur, who he succeeds as king of Britain542 ADHistoria Regum Britanniae

Survey of Cornwall

NameTitleNotesApproximate time frameSources
DionethusDuke/KingSent Saint Ursula and 11,000 handmaids to Conan Meridock in Armorica; also called Dionotus383 ADSurvey of Cornwall
MoigneDukeBrother of Aurelius and Uter-Pendragon; governor of the realm under Emperor Honorius433 ADSurvey of Cornwall
CarodocDukeTasked by Octavius to found the University of Cambridge443 ADSurvey of Cornwall
GorloisDukeHusband of Igerna with whom Uter-Pendragon had Arthur and Amy500 ADSurvey of Cornwall
CadorEarlKilled King Childerick of the Saxons who invaded after being banished by Arthur526 ADSurvey of Cornwall
MarkeKingIn the time of ArthurSurvey of Cornwall

Book of Baglan

NameTitleNotesApproximate time frameSources
OwenDukeDirect descendant of Dyfnwall Moelmud; son of Maxentius, king of Britain and emperor of RomeBook of Baglan folios 82, 276, 309
MoureDukeSon of Owen; also called Mour or MoorBook of Baglan folios 82, 276, 309
GolorDukeSon of Moure; also called SolorBook of Baglan folios 82, 276, 309
Pendoff the GreatDukeSon of Golor; also duke of Wessex; also called Pendof or Pendaff the GreatBook of Baglan folios 81, 276, 309
SortogusDukeSon of PendoffBook of Baglan folios 81, 276, 309
GurleisDuke/PrinceSon of Sortogus; married Eigyr, a descendant of Joseph of Arimathea's sister; also called Goulisor or GwrleisBook of Baglan folios 81, 276, 309
CadorDuke/PrinceSon of GurleisBook of Baglan folios 81, 276

Culhwch and Olwen

NameTitleNotesApproximate time frameSources
ArthurHas his court at Celliwig in Cornwallc. 6th century ADCulhwch and Olwen
RiccaChief ElderFather of Arthur's half-brother Gormantc. 6th century ADCulhwch and Olwen
Gwyn HywarOverseerOverseer or steward of Cornwall and Devon; one of the nine who plotted the Battle of Camlannc. 6th century ADCulhwch and Olwen

Prose Tristan

NameTitleNotesApproximate time frameSources
FelixKingMany generations after Thanorc. late 5th century ADProse Tristan
Mark of CornwallKingSon of Felix, and uncle of Tristanc. early 6th century ADProse Tristan

Prose Merlin

NameTitleNotesApproximate time frameSources
HoelDukeDuke of Tintagel, husband of Ygerne; had five daughters with her, who married King Lot, King Ventres, King Urien, and King BriadasProse Merlin
YdiersKingKing of Cornwall; one of seven kings who fight Arthur; joins forces with Arthur during the Saxon invasionProse Merlin


Survey of Cornwall

NameTitleNotesApproximate time frameSources
BledericDukeFought with other Welsh kings against Ethelferd, and by dying won the battle603 ADSurvey of Cornwall
IvorSon of King Alane of Brittany; won Cornwall, Devon, and Somerset from the Saxons688 ADSurvey of Cornwall
RodericKingKing of the Bretons in Wales and Cornwall; lost Cornwall to King Adelred of Wessex and fled to Wales720 ADSurvey of Cornwall
BletiusPrincePrince of Cornwall and Devon under King Roderic720 ADSurvey of Cornwall
DungarthKingDrowned by mischance872 ADSurvey of Cornwall
AlpsiusDukeDuke of Devon and Cornwall900 ADSurvey of Cornwall
OrgeriusDukeFather of Alfride who married King Edgar959 ADSurvey of Cornwall
CondorEarlPaid homage to William the Conqueror for his earldom1067 ADSurvey of Cornwall

Book of Baglan

NameTitleNotesApproximate time frameSources
BredriceDukeGrandson of Cador; son of Constantyn III the king of Britain; also called PeledricBook of Baglan folios 81, 276
ClementDuke/PrinceSon of Bredrice; also called ClemeasBook of Baglan folios 81, 276
PedrockDukeSon of Clement; also called PedronckBook of Baglan folios 81, 276
ProgmaellDukeSon of PedrockBook of Baglan folios 81, 276
CoilbyeDukeSon of Progmaell; also called KoilbieBook of Baglan folios 81, 276
CaretDukeSon of Coilbye; also called GaretBook of Baglan folios 81, 276
DwnDukeSon of CaretBook of Baglan folios 81, 276
IthelDukeSon of Dwn; also called IthynBook of Baglan folios 81, 276
DyfnuallDukeSon of Ithel; also called BoifunallBook of Baglan folios 81, 276
CanordolyeDukeSon of Dyfnuall; also called CanordolyBook of Baglan folios 81, 276
OstwalltDukeSon of Canordolye; also called UstwalldBook of Baglan folios 81, 276
HernamDukeSon of OstwalltBook of Baglan folios 81, 276
HopkinDukeSon of Hernam; also called HopkynBook of Baglan folios 81, 276
MordaphDukeSon of Hopkin; also called MordaffBook of Baglan folios 81, 276
FferverdynDukeSon of MordaphBook of Baglan folios 81, 276
ElnydDukeSon of FferverdynBook of Baglan folios 81, 276
AlanorDukeSon of ElnydBook of Baglan folios 81, 276
RolopedaphDukeSon of AlanorBook of Baglan folios 81, 276
VortegynDukeSon of Rolopedaph; also duke of WessexBook of Baglan folios 81, 276
VephyneDukeSon of Vortegyn; also duke of WessexBook of Baglan folios 81, 276
AluredDukeSon of Vephyne; also duke of WessexBook of Baglan folios 81, 276
GodwynDukeSon of Alured; also duke of WessexDied 1013Book of Baglan folios 39, 81, 276, 327, 373
HerbertLord/EarlSon of Godwyn; also duke of Wessex; father of Henry Herbert Lord of the Forest of Deane and Chamberlain to Henry I of EnglandBook of Baglan folios xxiii, xxiv, 39, 81
CandorEarlPaid homage to William the ConquerorEarl in 1066Book of Baglan folio 196
CandorEarlSon of Candor; father of Avicia who married Reginald de Dunstanville, 1st Earl of CornwallBook of Baglan folio 196

Havelok the Dane

NameTitleNotesApproximate time frameSources
GodrichEarlEarl under King Athelwold; made regent of Englandc. 6th/7th century ADHavelok the Dane
BertramEarlGodrich's cook; made earl by Havelokc. late 6th/7th century ADHavelok the Dane

Gesta Herewardi

See also

Notes and References

  1. Book: Carew, Richard . The Survey of Cornwall. And An Epistle concerning the Excellencies of the English Tongue . 1769 . 1602 . E. Law and J. Hewett .