List of invasive plant species in Connecticut explained

Scientists at the University of Connecticut together with principals at the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) have identified numerous plant species that pose a threat to habitats, human health and economy. The list below is a partial inventory of non-native species that are considered to be an existing threat or potential threat.[1] [2] [3] [4]

Terrestrial Plant Threats

class=unsortablePictureScientific NameCommon Name
Acer platanoidesNorway maple
Ailanthus altissimatree of heaven
Alliaria petiolatagarlic mustard
Ampelopsis glandulosaporcelain berry
Aralia elataJapanese angelica tree
Berberis thunbergiiJapanese barberry
Celastrus orbiculatusOriental bittersweet
Centaurea maculosaspotted knapweed
Cirsium arvenseCanada thistle
Egeria densalarge-flowered waterweed
Euonymus alatuswinged spindle, burning bush
Euphorbia esulagreen spurge
Ligustrum vulgareEuropean privet
Lonicera maackiiAmur honeysuckle
Lythrum salicariapurple loosestrife
Microstegium vimineumJapanese stiltgrass
Miscanthus sinensismaiden silvergrass
Ranunculus ficarialesser celandine
Reynoutria japonicaAsian knotweed
Rhodotypos scandensjetbead
Rosa multifloramultiflora rose
Rubus phoenicolasiusJapanese wineberry

See also

External links

Notes and References

  1. Web site: Invasive Plant List. University of Connecticut. October 14, 2019.
  2. Web site: Connecticut Invasive Plant List. October 14, 2019.
  3. Web site: Invasive Plants Common in Connecticut. Connecticut Forest and Park Association. October 14, 2019.
  4. Web site: Invasive Species. The Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP). October 14, 2019.