List of hoshū jugyō kō explained

The following is a list of hoshū jugyō kō (supplementary weekend Japanese schools) that are or were recognized as such by the Ministry of Education of Japan (MEXT).


With teachers from Japan:[1]

Without teachers from Japan:[1]


With teachers from Japan:[6]

Without teachers from Japan:[6]

Not designated by MEXT:


With teachers from Japan:[36]

Without teachers from Japan:[36]

Latin America

With teachers from Japan:

Without teachers from Japan:[96]

Middle East

With teachers from Japan:[102]

Without teachers from Japan:[102]

North America


With teachers from Japan:[108]

Without teachers from Japan:[108]

United States

With teachers from Japan:[108]

Without teachers from Japan:


With teachers from Japan:[243]

Without teachers from Japan:[243]

Not designated by MEXT:





Middle East

North America

There was also a hoshuko in Mansfield, Ohio, located at Ohio State University-Mansfield, in 1989.[270]


South America

Notes and References

  1. "アフリカの補習授業校一覧(平成22年4月15日現在)" . Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. Retrieved on February 13, 2015. "トリポリ Japanese Supplemental School in Tripoli International School of Tripoli 内 Saraj, Janzour Road, Shaabait Al-Jfara, Tripoli, Libya"
  2. Home page
  3. "概要" (Archive). Dar Es Salaam Japanese Language Class. Retrieved on April 3, 2015. "設置年月日 昭和47年1月1日"
  4. Home
  5. Holder, Will. "British school in Libya sets up virtual classrooms" (Archive). The Telegraph. 10 March 2011. Retrieved on 15 September 2015. "The IST, based at Janzour Road, Saraj, Tripoli,[...]"
  6. "アジアの補習授業校一覧(平成25年4月15日現在)" . Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. Retrieved on February 13, 2015. "チェンナイ Japanese School Educational Trust of Chennai Inside American International School Chennai, 100 Feet Road, Taramani, Chennai, 600113, INDIA" "南京 Nanjing Japanese Saturday School 中華人民共和国南京市栖霞区仙林大学城 学衝路8号 南京国際学校内" and "珠海 広東省珠海市拱北九州大道西2001号 恒信工業区「QSI International School of Zhuhai」内"
  7. "学校案内 ." Japanese School Educational Trust of Chennai. Retrieved on February 14, 2015.
  8. "HANDBOOK(学校案内英字版)." Japanese School Educational Trust of Chennai. Retrieved on February 13, 2015. Japanese names from: "学校沿革史": " 4月補習校設立の気運。6月マドラス日本語補習教室設立。 [...] < 平成10年(1998)度>〔児童・生徒16名〕4月チェンナイ日本語補習校に校名変更。[...] <平成16年(2004)度>[...]3月教育信託団体証書登録「チェンナイ補習授業校(Japanese School Educational Trust of Chennai)」名に変更 " – "学校案内 ": "チェンナイには「チェンナイ日本人会」"
  9. "お問合せページ." The Japanese Supplementary School Singapore. Retrieved on February 14, 2015.
  10. " ." Japanese Association of Cambodia (JACAM;カンボジア日本人会 Kambojia Nihonjin-kai). Retrieved on May 14, 2020. "プノンペン補習授業校 (Japanese Supplementary School of Phnom Penh) 住所 No. 205B, St. Lum, Phumi Toek Thla, Sangkat Toek Thla, Khan Sen Sok, Phnom Penh, CAMBODIA"
  11. Web site: 概略・所在地. Phnom Penh Japanese School. 2020-05-14. プノンペン補習授業校 (Japanese Supplementary School of Phnom Penh) 住所 No. 205B, St. Lum, Phumi Toek Thla, Sangkat Toek Thla, Khan Sen Sok, Phnom Penh, CAMBODIA.
  12. Web site: Project Completion Report Appendix 4 Manual. Japan International Cooperation Agency. 2020-05-14. 60.
  13. "学校案内." Japanese Weekend School of Nanjing. Retrieved on April 1, 2015. "所在地 南京国際学校(NIS)"
  14. Home page
  15. Home page
  16. "学校概要 ." Shenyang Hoshuko. Retrieved on March 31, 2015. "所在地 小書童教育連鎖機構瀋陽文芸路学習中心内(瀋陽市文芸路地王国際花園10号楼2号)"
  17. "沈阳市组织机构代码管理办公室" (Archive). National Administration to Code Allocation to Organizations (NACAO; 全国组织机构代码管理中心). Retrieved on April 1, 2015. "沈阳市沈河区五爱街2号(地王国际花园东裙楼)"
  18. "日本人学校・補習授業校一覧." Consulate-General of Japan in Guangzhou (在広州日本国総領事館/日本国驻广州总领事馆). Retrieved on December 21, 2017. "深セン日本人補習校 518052 広東省深セン市南山区白石洲金三角大廈8階" and "広東省 珠海市 珠海日本人補習校 519000 広東省珠海市吉大石花西路161号(珠海藤倉電装有限公司内)"
  19. "アジアの補習授業校一覧" . MEXT. January 2, 2003. Retrieved on April 7, 2015. "The Japanese School in Brunei Darussalam(学校所在地) No. 29, Lot38211, SPG.130-15, JLN Telanai BA2312, Bandear Seri Begawan, Brunei Darussalam" and "シラチヤ・パタヤ SRIRAOHA・PATTAYA JAPANESE SUPPLEMENT SCHOOL 53 SRIRACHA NAKHON SOI I, SUKHUMNT ROAD CHONBURI " and "青島 青島市彰化路銀都花園T5-2" and "蘇州 蘇州日本人補習授業校 (連絡先) 中華人民共和国江蘇省蘇州市新区獅山路16号金獅大厦10D住友銀行蘇州支店 (所在地) 中華人民共和国江蘇省蘇州市新区金山路118号蘇州外国語学校内" and "カルカタ 休 校 中" and "中華人民共和国広東省SHENZHEN市蛇口工業區亀山路8號「明華国際会議中心」"
  20. "Home" . Wuxi Japanese Saturday School. April 8, 2008. Retrieved on April 2, 2015. "所在地:無錫市新区行創四路88号 無錫国際学校国際部"
  21. "無錫日本語補習授業校" (Archive). Wuxi Japanese Saturday School. Retrieved on April 3, 2015. "開校日: 2006年4月14日" and "住所: 無錫市新区行創四路88号 無錫東方国際学校内 無錫日本語補習授業校"
  22. "Home." Hong Kong Japanese Supplementary School. Retrieved on February 14, 2015.
  23. Home page
  24. Web site: Home. ja. Japanese Supplementary School of Bangalore. 2024-07-31. 2010年2月より、Koramangalaの校舎から[...]Trio World Academyに移転いたしました。.
  25. "所在地・アクセス" (Archive). Japanese School of Bali. Retrieved on March 31, 2015. "【所在地】Jl.Kutat Lestari No. 26XX Sanur Kauh Bali Indonesia" Old URL.
  26. Home page
  27. " Topページ." Taipei Japanese Supplementary School. Retrieved on February 14, 2015.
  28. Web site: 補習校授業日誌 - プーケット日本人会 Phuket Japanese Association.
  29. "アジアの補習授業校一覧" . MEXT. March 28, 2005. "Khu do thi Nam SaiGon, LoM9. P Tan Phu, Dist, 7, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Num" Retrieved on April 9, 2015. The old website of the hoshuko
  30. "学校施設 ." Chengdu Hoshuko. Retrieved on April 1, 2015. "成都日本語補習校は、成都市内にある広島・四川中日友好会館の一室をお借りして授業を行っています。" and "成都日本語補習校四川省成都市武候嗣盛隆街9号"
  31. "学校概要 ." Chengdu Hoshuko. Retrieved on April 1, 2015.
  32. "学校施設 ." Chengdu Hoshuko. Retrieved on April 1, 2015.
  33. "アクセスmap." Kuala Lumpur Japanese Saturday School. Retrieved on January 13, 2018. "Vista Kiara教室 モントキアラ、Jalan Kiara3の、ガーデンインターナショナルスクール目の前のコンドです。プラザモントキアラの裏口向かい(30秒)に、裏口もあります。住所:Vista Kiara Condominium No. 7 Jalan Kiara 3, Off Bukit Kiara"
  34. "English." Penang Japanese Saturday School. Retrieved on January 13, 2018.
  35. "Japanese for KIDS." Penang Japanese Saturday School. Retrieved on January 13, 2018.
  36. "欧州の補習授業校一覧(平成26年4月15日現在)" . Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT). Retrieved on December 20, 2014. "ストックホルム Japanska Skolan i Stockolm Tegnerlunden 5, 111 61 Stockholm Sweden(連絡先)Hogbergsgatan 68, 118 54 Stockholm Sweden and "ティルブルグ Stiching the Japanese School of Tilburg 2College (現地中学校の建物を借用) Wandelboslaan 1,5042 PA Tilburg"
  37. "japanskaskolan." Japanska Skolan i Stockholm. Retrieved on December 20, 2017. "ストックホルム補習校事務所 Högbergsgatan 68 118 54 Stockholm"
  38. "ストックホルム日本人補習学校の概要" Japanska Skolan i Stockholm. Retrieved on December 20, 2017. " 学校協会事務所 [...] Högbergsgatan 68A, 118 54 Stockholm Sweden [...] 借用校舎(Enskilda校、[...] Enskilda Gymnasiet Tegnérlunden 5 111 61 Stockholm"
  39. "欧州の補習授業校一覧(平成25年4月15日現在)." Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT). Retrieved on December 20, 2017. "ストックホルム Japanska Skolan i Stockolm Johannesgatan 18, 118 38 Stockholm Sweden(連絡先)Hogbergsgatan 68, 118 54 Stockholm Sweden"
  40. "Home." École japonaise complémentaire de Genève. Retrieved on February 14, 2015. "10, rue de la Muse, 1205 Geneve, Suisse"
  41. "ダービー日本人補習校 (Derby Japanese School)." Derby Japanese School. Retrieved on February 14, 2015. "c/o Derby College Broomfield Hall, Morley Ilkeston, Derby DE7 6DN UK"
  42. Home
  43. Home page
  44. News: School presentation in English. Japanese Supplementary School in Alsace (Strasbourg). 2018-01-31. fr.
  45. アルザス日本語教育協会 Aruzasu Hoshū Jugyō Kō
  46. Web site: アルザス補習授業校(ストラスブール). en. 2018-01-31.
  47. News: アルザス補習授業校 ストラスブール École japonaise de Strasbourg ホーム. 2018-01-31. fr.
  48. News: アルザス補習授業校 ストラスブール École japonaise de Strasbourg ホーム. 2018-01-31. fr.
  49. "École complémentaire des Japonais (日本語授業補習校)." L'Association franco-japonaise de Grenoble et de l'Isère (グルノーブル・イゼール日仏協会). Thursday October 11, 2007. Retrieved on 31 March 2015.
  50. "学校案内 ." École japonaise du Nord-Pas-de-Calais. Retrieved on February 14, 2015. "(【文部科学省認定在外教育施設としての名称】ノールパドゥカレー補習授業校)は「1901年7月協会法」のもと、[...]" Even though the school's official name says "日本人学校", it is actually a part-time school.
  51. "Présentation ." École japonaise du Nord-Pas-de-Calais. Retrieved on February 14, 2015.
  52. Home page
  53. "概要 Qui sommes-nous?" École japonaise complémentaire de Marseille. Retrieved on February 14, 2015.
  54. "お問い合わせ." École de langue japonaise de Paris. Retrieved on February 14, 2015. " 在仏日本人会 AARJF Association amicale des ressortissants japonais en France 在仏日本人会ホームページ 住所:9 Av. Marceau 75116 Paris メトロ:ALMA MARCEAU(9番線)"
  55. "エベイユ学園周辺の地図 ." Association Eveil Japon. Retrieved on February 14, 2015.
  56. Home page
  57. "Mot de la Présidente." Association Pour l'Enseignement du Japonais en Touraine (APEJT). Retrieved on 11 January 2017.
  58. Web site: Mentions légales - SACLA. 2019-08-21. Chez IMRA Europe 220, RUE ALBERT CAQUOT BP 213 06904 SOPHIA ANTIPOLIS CEDEX France.
  59. "Introduction." Lycée international Section japonaise. Retrieved on 31 March 2015.
  60. "2014 年度 " (Archive). Japanische Erganzungsschule in Berlin. Retrieved on February 14, 2015. "Japanische Ergänzungsschule in Berlin e.V. c/o Halensee – Grundschule Joachim – Friedrich – Str. 35/36 10711 Berlin"
  61. "Halensee-Grundschule ." City of Berlin. Retrieved on April 2, 2015. "Halensee-Grundschule Joachim-Friedrich-Str. 35-36 10711 Berlin–Wilmersdorf"
  62. "欧州の補習授業校一覧(平成25年4月15日現在)" (Archive). MEXT. Retrieved on May 10, 2014. "c/o Comenius-Schule Gieselerstr. 4, 10713 Berlin, GERMANY"
  63. "Deutsch." Zentrale Schule fur Japanisch Berlin e.V.. Retrieved on April 6, 2015. "Die Zentrale Schule für Japanisch Berlin e.V. wurde im April 1997 als gemeinnütziger Verein durch eine Elterninitiative gegründet, um Kindern und Jugendlichen aus japanischen, deutschen und interkulturellen Familien die Möglichkeit zu geben, ihre japanischen Sprachkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift zu erhalten und weiter zu entwickeln."
  64. "アクセス ." Japanische Schule Bonn. Retrieved on February 14, 2015.
  65. Home page
  66. "Geschichte ." Japanische Schule Köln. Retrieved on February 14, 2015. "Wir sind umgezogen. Ab 20.08.2009 findet der Unterricht in der Kaiserin-Theophanu-Schule, Kantstr. 3 in 51103 Köln-Kalk statt." Japanese version .
  67. "補習校案内." Japanische Erganzungsschule in Dresden. Retrieved on February 14, 2015.
  68. Web site: デュッセルドルフ日本語補習校. 2010-07-17.
  69. "Impressum." Japanisches Institut Frankfurt am Main. Retrieved on 31 March 2015. "Langweidenstr. 8-12 60488 Frankfurt am Main"
  70. "Lake, Kontakt." Japanische Erganzungsschule Heidelberg. Retrieved on February 1, 2015. Japanese version
  71. "Institute." Japanisches Institut in München e.V.. Retrieved on March 31, 2015. "Grundschule am Gärtnerpl. / Mathilde-Eller SchuleKlenzestr. 27 80469 München" and "Japanische Internationale Schule München e.V. Bleyerstr. 4 81371 München" (school locations) and "Klenzestr. 18 80469 München" (office)
  72. "住所・地図・お問い合わせ ." Japanische Schule Stuttgart. Retrieved on February 14, 2015.
  73. Home
  74. "Japanese Saturday School in Dublin." Ireland Japan Association. Retrieved on February 14, 2015.
  75. "Old News Page." Associazione Giapponese in Toscana (トスカーナ日本人会). Retrieved on February 14, 2015. "フィレンツェ日本語補習校 運動会のお知らせ"
  76. Home page
  77. Web site: トリノ補習授業校 . . dead . . 2008-01-30.
  78. Home page
  79. "場所(地図)." Maastricht Japanese Supplementary School. Retrieved on February 15, 2015. "Discusworp 65, 6225 XP Maastricht, The Netherlands" – Old URL
  80. "Home." The Hague-Rotterdam Japanese Saturday School. Retrieved on February 15, 2015. "Verhulstlaan 19 3055WJ Rotterdam The Netherlands"
  81. "Introduction" (Archive). The Hague-Rotterdam Japanese Saturday School. Retrieved on April 5, 2015. Dutch version (Archive). Japanese version (Archive).
  82. Home page
  83. Home page
  85. "TOPページ ." Hoshuko Barcelona Educación Japonesa. Retrieved on February 15, 2015. "Camí de Can Graells 61 Polígon Can Graells 08174 Sant Cugat del Valles, Barcelona "
  86. Home page
  87. "ヨーテボリ日本人補習学校案内及び手続き." Japanese School in Gothenburg. Retrieved on February 14, 2015. "3、所在地 <小学部、幼児部年中・年長> 毎週金曜日 Vuxenskolan(成人学校) Örngatan 6 416 67 Göteborg <幼児部、小学部共> 三週毎の土曜日 Redbergskyrkan Landerigatan 9 416 70 Göteborg" – Old website
  88. Web site: Wales Japan Club/ウェールズ日本人会 . . 12 January 2022 . . 3 February 2006 . dead.
  89. "Contact." Kent Japanese School. Retrieved on January 11, 2018. "Classes are held from 10:00 to 12:30 every Saturday in Canterbury."
  90. "Home." Kent Japanese School. Retrieved on January 11, 2018.
  91. "Contact Us." Manchester Japanese School. Retrieved on February 15, 2015. "Oughtrington Lane, Lymm, Cheshire, WA13 0RB, UK(Language Centre at Lymm High School)"
  92. "How to Find Us ." Yorkshire and Humberside Japanese School. Retrieved on February 15, 2015.
  93. "概要" (Archive). The Scotland Japanese School. Retrieved on February 15, 2015. "1982年5月 三菱電機、日本電気、ダイワスポーツが中心となり、SDA(現在のSDI、スコットランド国際開発庁)の協力を得て、エジンバラ市のGraigmount High Schoolの教室を借り、生徒数11名、教師3名の複合3クラスでスタートし、その後2003年4月 に上記の所在地に移転、現在に至っています。"
  94. "Home." Telford Japanese School. Retrieved on February 15, 2015. "c/o Lakeside Academy, Stirchley, Telford, Shropshire TF3 1FA"
  95. "所在地 ." North East of England Japanese Saturday School. Retrieved on February 15, 2015. "C/O Oxclose Community School, Dilston, Close, Oxclose, Washington, Tyne and Wear, NE38 0LN"
  96. "中南米の補習授業校一覧(平成25年4月15日現在)" . Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT). Retrieved on February 13, 2015. "c/o Secundaria y Preparatoria Femenil Colinas de San Jaier (コリナス・サン・ハビエール女子校内) Paseo del Prado 1210 Lomas del Valle,45129 Zapopan Jalisco MEXICO" and "サンサルバドルEscuela Japonesa en San Salvador Calle La Reforma #169, Colonia San Benito, San Salvador"
  97. "中南米の補習授業校一覧." MEXT. Retrieved on January 11, 2018. "(連絡先) OFFICINA#61 APARTADO POSTAL 157 GUADALAJARA JALISCO 44630,MEXICO (学校所在地) c/o Escuela Primaria Antonio Caso AV,Montevideo No. 3301 Acueducto-Providencia Sector Hidalgo Guadalajara,Jalisco44630 Mexico"
  98. Home page
  100. "中南米の補習授業校一覧" . MEXT. January 2, 2003. Retrieved on April 6, 2015. "サンサルバドルEscuela Japonesa en San Salvador(連絡先)Apartado Postal 05-91 (Itochu) San Salvador, El Salvador(学校所在地) 89 Ave. Norte #335 Col. Escalon, San Salvador, El Salvador"
  101. "中南米の補習授業校一覧." MEXT. October 29, 2000. Retrieved on January 11, 2017. "ポルト・アレグレ 休 校 中 サルバドール 休 校 中 " and "モンテレー Asociacion Regiomontana de Lengua Japonesa Blvd. Parque Industrial 502, Apodaca, N.L., Mexico"
  102. "中近東の補習授業校一覧(平成25年4月15日現在)" . Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT). Retrieved on February 13, 2015.
  103. Home page
  104. "学校経営の概要." Japanese School in Oman. December 28, 2008. Retrieved on January 12, 2017. "オマーン王国の首都マスカット市に昭和58年、大使館の一室を借用し、母親のボランティア教師で 本校がスタートした。"
  105. Home page
  106. Home
  107. "Gakkou." Japanese Society of Istanbul (イスタンブール日本人会/İstanbul Japon Derneği). Retrieved on March 31, 2015.
  108. "北米の補習授業校一覧(平成25年4月15日現在)". MEXT. Retrieved on May 5, 2014.
  109. Home page
  110. "トップページ". Calgary Hoshuko Japanese School Association. Retrieved on February 15, 2015.
  111. "Time/Location ". Metro Edmonton Japanese Community School. Retrieved on February 15, 2015.
  112. "Contact." The Ottawa Hoshuko. Retrieved on February 15, 2015. "日本大使館 領事班 オタワ補習校事務局  (住所)255 Sussex Dr., Ottawa, ON"
  113. "About San Francisco Japanese School." San Francisco Japanese School. Retrieved on February 23, 2014.
  114. "2010 Block Census Map Westchester, Florida" (Archive). U.S. Census Bureau. Retrieved on April 30, 2014.
  115. "Map of the City of Doral." (Archive) City of Doral. Retrieved on September 16, 2012.
  116. "ホーム" ("Home"). Miami Hoshuko. Retrieved on April 30, 2014. "借用校・校舎 Iglesia Bautisita de Coral Park 8755 SW 16 Street Miami, FL. 33165" and "補習校事務所 Miami Hoshuko, Inc., 3403 NW 82 Avenue, Suite 340 Miami, Florida, 33122"
  117. "学校所在地." Georgia Japanese School. Retrieved on March 30, 2014.
  118. News: Turner. Renee D.. Immigrants find home in Georgia. The Atlanta Constitution. Atlanta, Georgia. 1986-11-17. 1-C, 2-C. - Clipping of first and of second page from
  119. Web site: The Hawaii Japanese School - Rainbow Gakuen - 卒業生・同窓生便り . . dead . . 2009-07-23.
  120. "インディアナ日本語学校内図." Indiana Japanese Language School. Retrieved on February 14, 2015. "C/O The Orchard School 615 West 64th Street Indianapolis, IN 46260"
  121. Home page
  122. "ホーム." Central Kentucky Japanese School. Retrieved on February 14, 2015. "Central Kentucky Japanese School, 264 Richardson Place Lexington, Kentucky, 40509, U.S.A."
  123. News: Holland. Holly. Rising sum. The Courier-Journal. Lexington, Kentucky. 1986-08-30. B-9. - Clipping from
  124. News: Ogawa. Jillian. Extra Education. Lexington Herald-Leader. Lexington, Kentucky. 2006-03-30. A1, A10. - Clipping of first and of second page at
  125. News: Ismail. Raviya J.. New building for students from Japan gets board OK. Lexington Herald-Leader. Lexington, Kentucky. 2005-09-27. B1, B3. - Clipping of first and of second page from
  126. "Map" (Archive). Town of Garrett Park. Retrieved on April 30, 2014.
  127. "2010 Census – Census Block Map: North Bethesda CDP, MD" (Archive). U.S. Census Bureau. Retrieved on April 30, 2014.
  128. Web site: Home. Washington Japanese Language School. 2022-02-06. 学校事務局 Holy Cross Church, Quinn Hall 2F. 4900 Strathmore Avenue, Garrett Park, MD 20896 [...] 校舎 ストーンリッジ校 Stone Ridge School of the Sacred Heart 9101 Rockville Pike Bethesda, MD 20814.
  129. "English ." Washington Japanese Language School. Retrieved on April 30, 2014. "Washington Japanese Language School c/o Holy Cross Church, Quinn Hall, 4900 Strathmore Avenue, Garrett Park, MD 20896"
  130. News: Wank. David L.. Japanese school is like kanji from heaven. Cox News Service. Dayton Daily News. Dayton, Ohio. 1983-07-17. 5-B. - Clipping from
  131. "ワシントン日本語学校概要" . Washington Japanese Language School. May 6, 2003. Retrieved on April 16, 2015. "学校事務局 Washington Japanese Language School Holy Cross Church, Quinn Hall内. 4900 Strathmore Avenue, Garrett Park, MD 20896" and "ホーリークロス校 Holy Cross Church Elementary School 4900 Strathmore Ave, Garret Park, MD 20896" and "プレプ校 Georgetown Preparatory School 10900 Rockville Pike, North Bethesda, MD 20852" and "セントルーク校 St.Luke Catholic School 7005 Georgetown Pike, McLean, VA 22101"
  132. Web site: Address & Contact - Japanese Language School. 2014-03-30.
  133. News: Sullivan. Mark. The ties that bind. Boston Globe. Boston. 1995-01-01. 1, 8. - Clipping of first and of second page at
  134. Home page
  135. News: Wyatt. Liz. Students close educational gap. Battle Creek Enquirer. Battle Creek, Michigan. 1997-06-23. 1A, 2A. - Clipping of first and of second page at
  136. News: Wyatt. Liz. Graduation time for 19 students. Battle Creek Enquirer. Battle Creek, Michigan. 1998-03-26. 3A. - Clipping from
  137. News: Japanese school wins international awards. Battle Creek Enquirer. Battle Creek, Michigan. 2007-12-16. 4B. - Clipping from
  138. "入学のご案内 entrance ." Japanese Weekend School of New Jersey. Retrieved on July 7, 2013. "Japanese Weekend School of NJ ニュージャージー補習授業校事務所 2 Executive Drive, Suite 660, Fort Lee, NJ 07024"
  139. News: Kinney. Pat. Students get best of both worlds. The Record. Hackensack, New Jersey. 1994-03-20. NJ-6. - Clipping from
  140. "Home." Princeton Community Japanese Language School. Retrieved on February 14, 2015. "プリンストン日本語学校オフィス 14 Moore Street, Princeton, NJ 08542" and "Sunday Office Rider University, Memorial Hall, Rm301"
  141. "補習校事務所." Japanese Weekend School of New York. Retrieved on July 8, 2013.
  142. "LI校 ." Japanese Weekend School of New York. Retrieved on July 8, 2013.
  143. "ウエストチェスター校 ." Japanese Weekend School of New York. Retrieved on July 8, 2013.
  144. "Home." The Japanese Language School in Charlotte. July 4, 2007. Retrieved on February 14, 2015. "【補習校事務所】 c/o International House 322 Hawthome Lane, Charlotte, NC 28204"
  145. Home
  146. News: Young Japanese Study Own Language. The Charlotte Observer. Charlotte, North Carolina. 1984-01-22. 1D. - Clipping from
  147. "マップ." [Map] Japanese Language School of Raleigh. Retrieved on February 14, 2015. "事務局 (Office) 5102 Oak Park Rd. Raleigh, NC 27612" and "借用学校 (School) Saint Mary's School 900 Hillsborough Street, Raleigh, NC 27603"
  148. "English ." Columbus Japanese Language School. Retrieved on February 14, 2015. " School Office (Tuesday thru Friday) 8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. 450 W.Wilson Bridge Rd. Suite 360 Worthington Ohio 43085" and " Schools (Saturday) [Kindergarten, Elementary School] Granby Elementary School 1490 Hard Road Columbus, Ohio, 43235" and "[Middle School, High School] McCord Middle School 1500 Hard Road Columbus, Ohio, 43235"
  149. "本校概要 ." Western Ohio Japanese Language School. Retrieved on February 14, 2015. "2801 North Stringtown Road, Troy, Ohio, 45373"
  150. "北米の補習授業校一覧" . National Education Center, Japan (国立教育会館). October 29, 2000. Retrieved on April 16, 2015. "オハイオ西部 Western Ohio Japanese Language School (連絡先) P.O.BOX11 Vandalia OHIO 45377, U.S.A. [...] (学校所在地) c/o Northridge / Vandalia-Butler Preschool, 346 South Dixie Drive, Vandalia, Ohio, 45377, U.S.A." and "ブラントカウンティ Blount County Japanese School (連絡先・学校所在地)c/o Maryville College 502 East Lamar Alexander Plowy Maryville TN" and "サウスベン SBN Japanese School Inc., 51156 Placid Pointe Court, Granger, In., 46530, U.S.A." and "サウスベン SBN Japanese School Inc. 51156 Placid Point Court, Granger, In., 46530, U.S.A."
  151. News: Harper. Rita. Japanese school: An investment in the future. Dayton Daily News. 1990-03-04. 6 - Z5. - Clipping from Reprint on April 25, 1990: "Japanese students live, learn in two worlds" (page 17, Z4)
  152. News: Scott. Carol. School keeps Japanese students up on homeland. Dayton Daily News. 2004-08-30. B1, B4. - Clipping of first and of second page at
  153. "学校所在地・連絡先" (Archive). Portland Japanese School. Retrieved on April 9, 2015. "商工会事務局(月~金)教育委員会事務局(火~金) Park Plaza West, Suite 600 10700 S.W. Beaverton-Hillsdale Hwy Beaverton, Oregon 97005" and "日本人学校(土) Hazelbrook Middle School 11300 S.W. Hazelbrook Rd. Tualatin, Oregon 97062"
  154. "Directions ." Japanese Language School of Philadelphia. Retrieved on March 30, 2014.
  155. News: Kerkstra. Patrick. Just like home for Japanese students. Philadelphia Inquirer. 1999-11-09. B1, B5. - Clipping of first and of second page at
  156. News: Volunteer from Japan wins a school's praise. The Philadelphia Inquirer. Philadelphia. 1999-02-05. B2. - Clipping from
  157. News: Bonner. Jeanne. Japanese culture blossoms in the Lehigh Valley. The Morning Call. Allentown, Pennsylvania. 2007-05-13. A1, A6, A7. - See clipping of first, of second, and of third page at
  158. "In English ." Pittsburgh Japanese School. Retrieved on February 14, 2015. "c/o Shady Side Academy Middle School 500 Squaw Run Road East Pittsburgh, PA 15238"
  159. "Zoning Map" (Archive). Borough of Fox Chapel. Retrieved on May 6, 2014.
  160. Web site: Niederberger. Mandy. Ambassador pays a visit to Japanese school. Pittsburgh Post Gazette. 2009-08-31. 2022-02-07.
  161. News: Gray. Janice. Local school educates Japanese students. Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. 1994-11-09. N-9. - Clipping from
  162. "事務所." Japanese Supplementary School in Middle Tennessee. Retrieved on March 30, 2014.
  163. "Japanese Class." East Tennessee Japanese School. Retrieved on February 14, 2015.
  164. News: Park. Pam. School helps Japanese kids adjust to U.S.. The Knoxville News-Sentinel. Knoxville, Tennessee. 1990-02-12. BC1, BC2. - See clipping of first and of second page at
  165. "お問い合わせ." Japanese School of Dallas. Retrieved on December 5, 2016. " 学校所在地 JAPANESE SCHOOL OF DALLAS C/O TED POLK MIDDLE SCHOOL 2001 KELLY BLVD. CARROLLTON, TEXAS 75006[...]事務局所在地 JAPANESE SCHOOL OF DALLAS 4101 MCEWEN RD. SUITE 245 DALLAS, TEXAS 75244"
  166. "City of Farmers Branch District Zoning Map" (Archive). City of Farmers Branch. Adopted February 24, 1969. Updated March 2013. Retrieved on April 30, 2014.
  167. "学校紹介 ." Japanese School of Dallas. Retrieved on March 30, 2014. "学校所在地 Japanese School of Dallas, C/O Ted Polk Middle School, 2001 Kelly Blvd. Carrollton, Texas, 75006" and "事務局所在地 Japanese School of Dallas, 4100 Alpha Road, Suite 917, Dallas, Texas, 75244" – Old URL.
  168. Home page
  169. Home page
  170. "shisetsulist.html." (Archive). Consulate-General of Japan in Atlanta. Retrieved on May 11, 2014.
  171. "About Birmingham Supplementary School" (Archive). Birmingham Supplementary School. Retrieved on May 11, 2014. "Mailing Address 1800 Honda Drive Lincoln, AL 35096 c/o Honda Manufacturing of Alabama, LLC" and "Facility Jefferson State Community College, Shelby Campus 4600 Valleydale Road Birmingham, AL 35242 " Japanese page: "学校の概要" (Archive). Old URL
  172. "2010 Census – Census Block Block Map: Hoover City, Alabama." (Archive). U.S. Census Bureau. Retrieved on May 11, 2014.
  173. "補習授業校" (Archive). Consulate-General of Japan in Los Angeles. Retrieved on March 30, 2014.
  174. News: School for Japanese might move to Tempe. The Arizona Republic. Phoenix, Arizona. 1991-06-26. 5. - Clipping from
  175. News: Bland. Kari. School for Japanese kids may move farther west. The Arizona Republic. Phoenix, Arizona. 1991-06-24. 1, 3. - See clipping of first and of second page at
  176. "Welcome ." Grossman Academy. Retrieved on April 1, 2015.
  177. Home page
  178. News: Cox. John D.. The global economy. Sacramento Bee. Sacramento, California. 1985-12-16. D1, D6. - Clipping of first and of second page at
  179. News: Rosenhall. Laurel. KVIE honors 3 during Asian Pacific American month. The Sacramento Bee. Sacramento, California. 2009-05-09. B2. - Clipping from
  180. "Colorado Japanese School Information." Colorado Japanese School. Retrieved on February 13, 2015.
  181. Home page
  182. "所在地." The Japanese School of Greater Hartford. Retrieved on April 1, 2015. Old URL.
  183. News: Hirsh. Linda B.. Japanese school nurtures skills, roots. Hartford Courant. Hartford, Connecticut. 1991-08-12. C5. - Clipping from
  184. News: Drury. Dave. New school to offer Japanese language and culture classes. Hartford Courant. Hartford, Connecticut. 1989-05-20. B4. - Clipping from
  185. Home page
  186. "~ 学校の概要 ~ ." Bloomington/Normal Japanese Saturday School. Retrieved on March 31, 2015. "郵便送付先: 1413 Heritage Road West, Normal, IL 61761"
  187. Web site: Steinbacher. Michele . Japanese school celebrates 20th anniversary . The Pantagraph. 2006-10-18. 2022-02-09.
  188. "Southern Indiana Japanese School". University of Southern Indiana. Retrieved on April 2, 2015. Japanese page (Archive).
  189. PDF version
  190. Web site: Erbacher. Megan. Local Japanese school keeps kids connected to home; earns 10th consecutive writing award. Courier & Press. 2016-02-11. 2022-02-09.
  191. News: Local Japanese school wins sixth time in a row. Evansville Courier and Press. Evansville, Indiana. 2011-12-04. 3A. - Clipping from
  192. News: Derk. James. Japanese youngsters study overtime. Courier & Press. 1998-10-12. A1, A3. - Clipping of first and of second page at
  193. News: Orr. Susan. Lessons from home. Evansville Courier and Press. Evansville, Indiana. 2008-04-22. D1, D2. - Clipping of first and of second page at
  194. News: McCoy. Lydia X.. Another field of learning. Evansville Courier and Press. Evansville, Indiana. 2008-10-05. B1, B9. - Clipping of first and of second page at
  195. "日本人学校及び日本語補習授業校のご案内" (Archive). Consulate General of Japan in Chicago. Retrieved on April 8, 2015.
  196. "Japanese Saturday School" (Archive). Indiana University – Purdue University Fort Wayne. Retrieved on April 8, 2015.
  197. "グレータールイビル日本語補習校概要 ." Greater Louisville Regional Japanese Saturday School. Retrieved on March 31, 2015. "所在地 4201 Grant Line Road, KV-225 New Albany, Indiana 47150 U.S.A."
  198. "Japan Center" (Archive). Indiana University Southeast. Retrieved on April 1, 2015.
  199. News: Adams. Harold J.. Japanese school keeps local students well versed. The Courier-Journal. Louisville, Kentucky. 2006-01-08. B1, B4. - Clipping of first and of second page at
  200. News: Helmes. Rebecca. Japanese pupils take on Saturday classes. Palladium-Item. Richmond, Indiana. 2006-06-11. A1, A4. - Clipping of first and of second page at
  201. News: Japanese Language School might rent space. Palladium-Item. Richmond, Indiana. 2004-06-08. A3. - Clipping at
  202. Home page
  203. News: Hennigan. Gregg. Local classes prepare students for school in Japan. Iowa City Press-Citizen. Iowa City, Iowa. 2005-11-08. 1A, 4A. - Clipping of first and of second page at
  204. "About Our School" (Archive). Kansas City Japanese School, Inc. Retrieved on April 5, 2015.
  205. News: Uhlenhuth. Karen. Japanese culture stays within grasp at school. The Kansas City Times. Kansas City, Missouri. 1985-03-22. B-5, B-6. - See clipping of first and of second page at
  206. Home page
  207. News: Japanese students learn about native culture in Kentucky. Lexington Herald-Leader. Associated Press. Lexington, Kentucky. 1997-11-02. B7. - Clipping from
  208. "補習授業校リスト" (Archive). Consulate General of Japan in Nashville. Retrieved on February 15, 2015.
  209. "学校概要 ." Japanese Weekend School of New Orleans. Retrieved on February 15, 2015. "現在、ニューオリンズ日本語補習校の授業は、私立の小中学校Waldorf School of New Orleansの校舎で行われています。"
  210. "2010 Census – Census Block Map: Ada township, MI (Part 2) (Archive). U.S. Census Bureau. Retrieved on April 6, 2015. See Part 1 of Ada Township (Archive), See Overall (Archive)
  211. News: Ingebretsen. Kelly. Full speed ahead for the Japan-America Society: group is clearinghouse for Japanese culture, business, social events. Mississippi Business Journal. 2003-05-26. 25. 21. 54. The Dolan Media Holding Company. - Accessed from Gale General OneFile, via the Wikipedia Library
  212. "Japanese Supplementary School." OGE-US Japan Partnership, University of Mississippi. Retrieved on February 25, 2015.
  213. Web site: McArthur. Danny. A wide perspective': Learning Japanese, American culture through language and education. Northeast Mississippi Daily Journal. 2021-10-24. 2022-02-16.
  214. "Street Map" (Archive). City of Webster Groves. Retrieved on May 14, 2014.
  215. "English" (Archive). St. Louis Japanese School. Retrieved on May 13, 2014. "Location: Sverdrup Business/Technology Complex at Webster University 8300 Big Bend Blvd St. Louis MO 63119"
  216. "所在地 ." Omaha Japanese School. Retrieved on April 1, 2015. "Omaha Japanese School St. Mark Lutheran Church 1821 N 90th St Omaha, NE 68114"
  217. Home
  218. "School info & Admission ." Las Vegas Gakuen. Retrieved on April 1, 2015. "School starts at 8:45 a.m. and ends at 12:30 p.m. on Saturdays. The school is located at Clark High School on Arville and Pennwood."
  219. "バッファロー日本語補習校." Japanese Group of Buffalo (バッファロー日本人会 Baffarō Nihonjin Kai). Retrieved on April 1, 2015.
  220. "Home page." Rochester Japanese School. Retrieved on April 1, 2015. "415 Thornell Rd. Pittsford, New York 14534 Christ Clarion Presbyterian Church of Pittsford" The old website is blocked by robots.txt and is inaccessible in the Internet Archive.
  221. Web site: 学校概要. Japanese Language School of Cleveland. 2022-02-11. 郵便宛先: JAPANESE LANGUAGE SCHOOL OF CLEVELAND C/o Laurel School 1 Lyman Circle, Shaker Heights, OH. 44122. 2022-02-11. dead.
  222. News: Takahashi. Marina. Japanese language schools help children keep pace with peers in Japan. Marysville Journal-Tribune. Marysville, Ohio. 2005-09-02. 6B. - Clipping from
  223. "北米の補習授業校一覧" . National Education Center, Japan (国立教育会館). October 29, 2000. Retrieved on April 16, 2015. "クリーブランド Japanese Language School of Cleveland(連絡先) 2224 Jesse Drive Hudson, OH.44236, U.S.A.[...](学校所在地)c/o Regina High School 1857 South Green Rd, South Euclid, OH 44121,4299 "
  224. Web site: Resistration. dead. 2004-04-16. Office : Japanese Language School of Cleveland Adress 2709 Myrick Lane, Twinsburg, OH 44087 [...] School : c/o Regina High School [...] Adress 1857 South Green Rd., South Euclid, OH 44121-4299.
  225. Web site: Information (for 2016) ENGLISH . Japanese Language School of Cleveland . 2016-04-01 . 2022-02-11 . Address: C/O The Lillian and Betty Ratner School 27575 Shaker Boulevard, Pepper Pike, OH 44124 . . 1 April 2016 . dead.
  226. "学校案内" (Archive). Central PA Nihongo Gakko. Retrieved on February 13, 2015.
  227. "2010 Census – Census Block Map: Wade Hampton CDP, SC" (Archive). U.S. Census Bureau. Retrieved on May 11, 2014.
  228. "GSSへのDirection" (Archive). Greenville Saturday School. Retrieved on May 11, 2014. Old website
  229. News: Greenville school to meet need of Japanese youths. Associated Press. The State. Columbia, South Carolina. 1988-12-30. 4-C. - Clipping from
  230. News: Japanese Kids Get Saturday School. Associated Press. The Charlotte Observer. Charlotte, North Carolina. 1988-12-29. 1C, 4C. - Clipping of first and of second page from
  231. "School Designation English ." Matsuba Gakuen. Retrieved on April 1, 2015. "Location: c/o Japanese Program Dept. of Languages, Literatures and Cultures University of South Carolina Columbia, SC 29208 USA"
  232. News: Ellis. B.J.. The ABCs of Japanese. The State. Columbia, South Carolina. 1989-01-08. 1-E, 4-E. - Clipping of first (Text part A and Text part B) and of second page (Text part A, Text part B, Text part C) at
  233. "学校案内." Austin Japanese School. Retrieved on February 17, 2015. "O. Henry Middle School 2610 West 10th St. Austin, TX 78703 " See internal mapOld address : "学校住所: 12301 North Lamar Blvd, Austin TX 78753"
  234. News: Martin. Debi. Weekend Learning. Austin American-Statesman. Austin, Texas. 1987-10-09. C1, C5. - Clipping of first and of second page at
  235. "日本語補習授業校" (Archive). Consulate-General of Japan in Houston. Retrieved on February 17, 2015. "エルパソ日本語補習校 学校住所: 600 Montana Av. El Paso, TX 79902" and "マッカーレン日本語補習校 学校住所: St. Paul Latheran School, 300 W. Pecan Blvd, McAllen, TX 78501-2397 "
  236. Home page
  237. "Home." Japanese Supplementary School of San Antonio. Retrieved on February 15, 2015. "This is the website of the Japanese Supplementary School of San Antonio. We are located at Raba Elementary School in San Antonio, Texas."
  238. "Access" . Newport News Japanese School. Retrieved on April 5, 2015. "600 Harpersville Rd. Newport News VA 23601"
  239. "Japanese Schools" (Archive). Japan-Virginia Society (JVS; 日本バージニア協会). Retrieved on April 5, 2015. Richmond school address: "Richmond Japanese School Bon Air Baptist Church 2531 Buford Rd. North Chesterfield, VA 23235" Newport News school address: "Peninsula Catholic High School 600 Harpersville Rd. Newport News, VA 23601" and Roanoke: "The school was closed on Feb.2009" Japanese version (Archive). Japanese text confirms Roanoke closing in February 2009: "ロアノーク補習授業校 (Roanoke Japanese Saturday School) Information 2009年2月に廃校"
  240. "2010 Census – Census Block Map: Bon Air CDP, VA" (Archive). U.S. Census Bureau. Retrieved on April 5, 2015.
  241. "国際学校の概要 ." West Virginia International School. Retrieved on April 1, 2015. "所在地 Scott Teays Elementary(借用校) 4308 Teays Valley Road Scott Depot, WV 25560" and "事務所 WV Department of Education Building 6, Room 318 1900 Kanawha Blvd. East Charleston, WV 25305-0330  "
  242. "当校の概要 ." Japanese Community School of Saipan (サイパン日本人補習校 Saipan Nihonjin Hoshūkō). Retrieved on January 14, 2018. "学校所在地 USL BUILDING 2nd Floor, GUALO RAI,SAIPAN,MP 96950 Commonwealth of The Northern Marianas Islands"
  243. "大洋州の補習授業校一覧(平成25年4月15日現在)" . MEXT. Retrieved on February 13, 2015.
  244. "平成 26(2014)年度" (Archive). The Japanese Language Supplementary School of Queensland. Retrieved on April 1, 2015. p. 4. "借用校舎:インドロピリー州立高校(Indooroopilly State High School) Ward Street, Indooroopilly, QLD4068, AUSTRALIA 事務所:The Japanese Club of Brisbane/The Japanese School of Brisbane Suite 17, Taringa Professional Centre, 180 Moggill Road, Taringa, QLD4068" and "借用校舎:オールセインツアングリカンスクール(All Saints Anglican School) Highfield Drive, Merrimac, QLD4226, AUSTRALIA 事務所:The Japanese Society of the Gold Coast/ The Japanese School of Gold Coast 25 Mawarra Building, 3108 Gold Coast Highway, Surfers Paradise, QLD4217"
  245. "所在地." Canterbury Japanese Supplementary School. Retrieved on February 14, 2015. "66 Ilam Road, Ilam, Christchurch 8041 New Zealand (Ilam School の校舎を借用しています。)"
  246. "学校名称." Adelaide Japanese Community School. Retrieved on April 7, 2015. Old URL
  247. Home page
  248. Home
  249. "大洋州の補習授業校一覧" . MEXT. February 13, 2002. Retrieved on April 7, 2015. "ポートモレスビー Port Moresby Japanese Language School c/o Embassy of Japan P.O. Box 1040 Port Moresby P.N.G." and "ケアンズ The Japanese Language Supplementary School of Cairns(学校所在地)c/o Cairns State High School Cnr.Sheridan & Upward Street,Cairns,Queensland,AUSTRALIA(連絡先) The Director of the Japanese Language Supplementary School of Cairns P.O.Box 4850,Cairns,Queensland,AUSTRALIA"
  250. "学校概要" (Archive). Canberra Japanese Supplementary School Inc. Retrieved on 7 April 2015. "借用校 Alfred Deakin High School (Denison St., Deakin, 2600, ACT) ディーキンハイスクール(写真)校舎・2Fにて授業を実施" and "日本大使館領事部:112 Empire Circuit, Yarralumla, Act 2600, Australia"
  251. "ニューカレドニア日本語補習校(Ecole Japonaise de la Nouvelle-Calédonie)." Association Japonaise en Nouvelle-Calédonie (ニューカレドニア日本人会 Nyū Karedonia Nihonjinkai). Retrieved on January 14, 2017.
  252. "お問い合わせ ." Auckland Japanese Supplementary School. Retrieved on February 1, 2015. "所在地 One Tree Hill College 421-451 Great South Rd, Penrose, Auckland"
  253. Home page
  254. Home page
  255. "Home." "学校所在地 / Location of the School Cammeray Public School (Palmer Street,Bellevue Street Cammeray NSW 2062)" – ap
  256. "アフリカの補習授業校一覧" . MEXT. February 13, 2002. Retrieved on April 7, 2015. "休校中" means the school had already closed.
  257. "アジアの補習授業校一覧" National Education Center, Japan. October 29, 2000. Retrieved on April 16, 2015. . "スマラン 休 校 中"
  258. "欧州の補習授業校一覧 .MEXT, January 2, 2003. Retrieved on April 6, 2015. "Budapest Japanese Supplementary School(Budapesti Japan Altalamos Iskola) (連絡先・学校所在地) c/o Moricz Zsigmond Gimnazium H-1025 Budapest 2 Torokvesz ut 48-54, HUNGARY" and "ラス・パルマス La escueda complementaria japonesa de Las Palmas Carretera del Centro 47, TafiraAlta, LasPalmas de Gran Canaria SPAIN"
  259. "Presentazione Scuole" /"学校・サークル" . Gruppo Giapponese nel Veneto (ヴェネト日本人会). Retrieved on April 1, 2015.
  260. "中近東の補習授業校一覧" . MEXT. January 7, 2002. Retrieved on April 7, 2015. "休校中" means the school was already closed.
  261. "北米の補習授業校一覧" . MEXT. January 2, 2003. Retrieved on April 6, 2015. Piedmont Triad: "Piedmont Triad Japanese Language School(連絡先) P.O. Box 160 Pine Hall, NC, 27042 U.S.A.(学校所在地)2500 West Mountain St. Kernersiville, NC, 27284 U.S.A." Puerto Rico: "(学校所在地) Calledelfos #2119 Alto Apolo, Guaynabo, P.R, 00969, U.S.A." Moses Lake: "Japanese Supplementary School of Moses Lakec/o JAL Building 3401,6955 22nd Ave., Moses Lake, WA, 98837, U.S.A." Tuscaloosa: "(学校所在地) 7 Riverside Circle, Tuscaloosa, AL, 35487, U.S.A." and "サウスベンド SBN Japanese School Inc. 706 Alana Dr. Goshen, IN, 46526, U.S.A. "
  262. News: School Keeps Japanese Tied To Native Culture. Associated Press. The Montgomery Advertiser. Montgomery, Alabama. 1986-12-26. 5C. - Clipping from
  263. News: UA's 'Saturday School' is strictly for Japanese kids. Associated Press. The Selma Times-Journal. Selma, Alabama. 1986-12-26. 5. - Clipping from
  264. News: UA class plays key role in luring firm to state. Associated Press. Alabama Journal. Montgomery, Alabama. 1986-12-26. 2. - Clipping from
  265. Persaud, Babita. "Japanese residents in Central Florida strive to keep their children's legacy alive with Japanese culture and language courses at Orlando Hoshuko school" (Archive). Orlando Sentinel. December 16, 2007. Retrieved on February 16, 2015. "Sometimes the schools are temporary, lasting only as long as Japanese workers are stationed in the area, which was the case at one point in Boca Raton."
  266. News: Special School To Open For Japanese Children. The Herald-Sun. Associated Press. Durham, North Carolina. 1989-04-05. 3C. - Clipping at
  267. News: Heller. Janice. School prepares kids for trip home. Rocky Mount Telegram. Rocky Mount, North Carolina. 1989-05-08. 3. - Clipping from
  268. "2010 Census – Census Block Map: Daleville CDP, VA" (Archive). U.S. Census Bureau. Retrieved on April 5, 2015.
  269. "Japanese Schools" . Japan-Virginia Society (JVS; 日本バージニア協会). June 4, 2008. Retrieved on April 5, 2015. Roanoke: "c/o Greenfield Education Center 57S Center Dr. Daleville, VA 24083" and "The school has been closed since April, 2006."
  270. News: Harris. Chriss. Japanese get special school. News-Journal. Mansfield, Ohio. 1989-01-29. 1-B, 2-B. - Clipping of first and of second page by
  271. "関係機関へのリンク" (Archive). The Japan School of Doha. Retrieved on March 31, 2015. "ポート・モレスビー補習授業校(2009年8月休校)" and "(ニューメキシコ)アルバカーキ補習授業校(休校)" and "(プエルトリコ)プエルトリコ補習授業校(2006年3月閉校)"