List of games in game theory explained

Game theory studies strategic interaction between individuals in situations called games. Classes of these games have been given names. This is a list of the most commonly studied games

Explanation of features

Games can have several features, a few of the most common are listed here.

A game is sequential if one player performs their actions after another player; otherwise, the game is a simultaneous move game.

A game has perfect information if it is a sequential game and every player knows the strategies chosen by the players who preceded them.

A game is a constant sum game if the sum of the payoffs to every player are the same for every single set of strategies. In these games, one player gains if and only if another player loses. A constant sum game can be converted into a zero sum game by subtracting a fixed value from all payoffs, leaving their relative order unchanged.

A game includes a random move by nature.

List of games

per player
No. of pure strategy
Nash equilibria
SequentialPerfect informationZero sumMove by nature
Battle of the sexes222NoNoNoNo
Blotto games2variablevariableNoNoYesNo
Cake cuttingN, usually 2infinitevariable[1] YesYesYesNo
Centipede game2variable1YesYesNoNo
Chicken (aka hawk-dove)222NoNoNoNo
Coordination gameNvariable>2NoNoNoNo
Cournot game2infinite[2] 1NoNoNoNo
Dictator game2infinite1N/A[3] N/AYesNo
Diner's dilemmaN21NoNoNoNo
Dollar auction220YesYesNoNo
El Farol barN2variableNoNoNoNo
Game without a value2infinite0NoNoYesNo
Gift-exchange gameN, usually 2variable1YesYesNoNo
Guess 2/3 of the averageNinfinite1NoNoMaybe[4] No
Kuhn poker227 & 640YesNoYesYes
Matching pennies220NoNoYesNo
Minimum effort game aka weak-link gameNinfiniteinfiniteNoNoNoNo
Muddy Children PuzzleN21YesNoNoYes
Nash bargaining game2infiniteinfiniteNoNoNoNo
Optional prisoner's dilemma231NoNoNoNo
Peace war gameNvariable>2YesNoNoNo
Pirate gameNinfiniteinfiniteYesYesNoNo
Platonia dilemmaN2


Princess and monster game2infinite0NoNoYesNo
Prisoner's dilemma221NoNoNoNo
Public goodsNinfinite1NoNoNoNo
Rock, paper, scissors230NoNoYesNo
Screening game2variablevariableYesNoNoYes
Signaling gameNvariablevariableYesNoNoYes
Stag hunt222NoNoNoNo
Traveler's dilemma2N >> 11NoNoNoNo
Trust game2infinite1YesYesNoNo
Ultimatum game2infiniteinfiniteYesYesNoNo
Vickrey auctionNinfinite1NoNoNoYes[5]
Volunteer's dilemmaN22NoNoNoNo
War of attrition220NoNoNoNo


External links

Notes and References

  1. For the cake cutting problem, there is a simple solution if the object to be divided is homogenous; one person cuts, the other chooses who gets which piece (continued for each player). With a non-homogenous object, such as a half chocolate/half vanilla cake or a patch of land with a single source of water, the solutions are far more complex.
  2. There may be finite strategies depending on how goods are divisible
  3. Since the dictator game only involves one player actually choosing a strategy (the other does nothing), it cannot really be classified as sequential or perfect information.
  4. Potentially zero-sum, provided that the prize is split among all players who make an optimal guess. Otherwise non-zero sum.
  5. The real value of the auctioned item is random, as well as the perceived value.