Paleobiota of the La Brea Tar Pits explained

A list of prehistoric and extinct species whose fossils have been found in the La Brea Tar Pits, located in present-day Hancock Park, a city park on the Miracle Mile section of the Mid-Wilshire district in Los Angeles, California.[1] [2]

Some of the tar pit's fossils are displayed in the adjacent George C. Page Museum of La Brea Discoveries in the park. They are primarily from Pleistocene predator species. Daggers (†) in the list denote extinct species.



Common nameSpeciesMaterialNotesImage
Western camel[3] [4] Camelops hesternusat least 36 individuals.A large species of camel with a generalized browsing diet. Camelops, alongside the ancient bison and the western horse, is one of the most common large herbivores found in the tar pits.
Ancient bison[5] [6] Bison antiquusAt least 300 individuals.[7] A large migratory bison species, possibly ancestral to the modern American bison through the intermediate Bison occidentalis. It is the most common large herbivore found at La Brea.
† Dwarf pronghorn[8] Capromeryx minorHundreds of specimens.A diminutive pronghorn less than half the size of the modern species. Due to the decreased weight and size, Capromeryx was generally more slender than other pronghorns. It further differs through its conical, non-branching horns. Although most of the skeleton was known by 1914, it wouldn't be until over a hundred years later that the postcranial bones would be described in detail.
Flat-headed PeccaryPlatygonus compressusA fragmentary skull and limb bonesA widespread species of peccary known to have inhabitet grassland and arid regions. Compared to other species of its genus, Platygonus compressus was better adapted at feeding on grasses.[9]
Giant bison[10] Bison latifronsOne of the largest known ruminants, the long-horned bison is thought to be the direct ancestor to the ancient bison. Bison latifrons differs from the other La Brea species in size and the dimensions of the horns.
Cf. Mule deer[11] Odocoileus cf. hemionusDeer remains that were tentatively assigned to the modern mule deer by several authors. However, in Balassa et al. 2022 these remains are assigned to the white-tailed deer instead.[12]
Pronghorn[13] [14] Antilocapra americanaAn extant relative of the dwarf pronghorn Capromeryx, this species is notably larger and features characteristic two-pronged horns. The La Brea material is indistinguishable from the modern form.
Cf. Wapiti[15] Cervus cf. canadensisAlthough present at the tar pits, material assigned to the modern elk has not been dated. This leaves it ambiguous whether or not it coexisted with some of the well known La Brea animals such as the short-faced bear and American lion.
Shrub-oxEuceratherium cf. collinumAn extinct relative of the modern muskox. Findings from Colorado suggest that it was a browser that fed on trees and shrubs.[16]
Large-headed llamaHemiauchenia macrocephalaIsolated Limb BonesA species of llama with an opportunistic generalized diet.[17]


Common nameSpeciesMaterialNotesImage
American badger[18] [19] Taxidea taxusBadger fossils make up approximately 0.39% of the total carnivoran fauna at Rancho La Brea. It is possible that some of the badgers may have become trapped when tar entered their burrows.
American black bear[20] Ursus americanusAmong the black bear remains from La Brea is the skull of a juvenile individual. Black bears from this time were larger than their modern relatives, but are relatively underrepresented in the La Brea fossil record. This might be due to their omnivorous diet, suggesting that the abundance of predators may be directly related to scavenging behavior.
American lion[21] [22] [23] Panthera atroxAt least 80 individualsA large pantherine, the American lion is a possible descendent of Eurasian cave lions that had become isolated in North America. This big cat is found much more rarely than the contemporary Smilodon. Within the species itself, more fossil specimens are thought to represent males.[24]
Bobcat[25] Lynx rufusBobcats are rare compared to other cats at La Brea. Van Valkenburgh suggests that they may have lived at the fringe of the predator community.
Cougar[26] Puma concolorIsotopic analysis suggests that cougars, as well as other large cats at La Brea, preferred to hunt prey living in more closed environments. Cougars were found to be more generalized in diet than contemporary cats such as Smilodon or the American lion, which could be the reason why they survived into modern days.
Dire wolf[27] Aenocyon dirusOver 4.000 individualsA large wolf-like carnivore, the dire wolf was the most common predator found in the tar pits of La Brea, outnumbering the slightly smaller grey wolf over 100-fold. They could reach a weight of approximately 68kg (150lb). Despite the name this animal is not a wolf but instead part of its own genus distinct from Canis that evolved independently from modern wolves.
Domestic dog[28] Canis familiarisSeveral individualsThe dogs from La Brea include a small dog similar to the Techichi breed. Despite being found close to the human remains known as the La Brea Woman, the dog remains proved to by approximately 7.000 years younger. This means that there is no connection between the dog and human remains of La Brea. Another larger individual was initially thought to be a distinct species.
Giant jaguarPanthera onca augustaAt least five individuals represented by 20 specimens, which include a palette, vertebrae, ribs and limb bonesA giant subspecies of the modern jaguar. The material ranges in age from 11,600 years to 28,000 years old.
Giant short-faced bear[29] Arctodus simusAt least 30 individualsArctodus was one of the largest known carnivorans in history and belonged to the Tremarctinae, a subfamily of bears endemic to the Americas. Studies suggest that much like many modern bears, Arctodus was an omnivore with no direct adaptations for either hypercarnivory or scavenging as previously believed. This bear reached an average weight of 600kg (1,300lb).
Gray foxUrocyon cinereoargenteusRemains of gray foxes make up 0.48% of the La Brea predator fauna. A baculum from the pits suggests that these foxes were smaller in the past.
Gray wolf[30] Canis lupusModern wolves are notably rarer at La Brea than the slightly larger dire wolves. One particular fossil preserves the femur of a wolf that survived a traumatic injury. The nature of the fossil suggests that the wolf's leg was either broken and developed a pseudarthrosis or that the leg was entirely amputated and healed. Such an injury could have been inflicted by the numerous larger predators such as bears, big cats or dire wolves.
Grizzly bear[31] Ursus arctos horribilisA complete grizzly bear skull was found in Pit 10, which also yielded human remains. Carbon dating confirms that the Californian grizzly only appeared in La Brea after the extinction of the larger short-faced bear.
Long-tailed weaselNeogale frenata53 skullsIsotopic analysis indicates that at La Brea the long-tailed weasel fed on ground squirrels and cottontail rabbits. It is the most common mustelid at La Brea.
Pleistocene coyote[32] [33] Canis latrans orcuttiFossils from La Brea show that Pleistocene coyotes were larger and more robust than their modern relatives and actively hunted larger prey. However, Holocene coyote fossils from Pit 10 already show a decrease in size and change in the anatomy of the mandible, indicating that by this point in time coyotes had begun adapting towards conditions more similar to today. This includes changing their diet from large prey to smaller animals such as rabbits. They are the third most common predator found in the tar pits, only behind the dire wolf and Smilodon.
RaccoonProcyon lotorA single specimenRaccoons and the related ringtail may be rare due to their nocturnal habits, which would mean they are active when the tar is cool and more solid.
RingtailBassariscus astutusA single specimen
† Saber-toothed cat[34] Smilodon fatalisOver 2.000 individuals represented by more than 130.000 specimens.Smilodon is among the most well-known mammals from Rancho La Brea and the second most common carnivore found in the pits, only behind the dire wolf. Unlike the American lion, which is a true cat, Smilodon was a member of the Machairodontinae. Based on the microwear texture of the teeth it has been suggested that Smilodon fed on both harder material and soft flesh, preferring the later following injuries to the jaws and teeth.
Scimitar-toothed cat[35] Homotherium serumCanine teeth and metapodialsRelative to the related Smilodon, Homotherium was much rarer at La Brea. Ecologically it was a more cursorial hunter preferring open environments and predominantly feeding on grazers. Among the prey known to have been taken by Homotherium are juvenile mammoths.
Striped skunkMephitis mephitisApproximately 0.96% of the La Brea carnivore fauna is made up of striped skunks.
Western spotted skunk[36] [37] Spilogale gracilisFossils of the spotted skunk are rarer than those of striped skunks. They only account for 0.18% of La Brea's carnivoran fauna.


Common nameSpeciesMaterialNotesImage
Hoary batLasiurus cinereusRemains of the hoary bat were discovered in Pit 91.
Pallid batAntrozous pallidusPallid bats might have become entrapped in tar due to their habit of feeding on insects near the ground.


Common nameSpeciesMaterialNotesImage
Black-tailed jackrabbit[38] [39] Lepus californicusThis species appears to only occur in deposits from the Last Glacial Maximum onward and is absent in those predating it. This could be indicative of environmental changes occurring at La Brea in this time period.
Brush rabbitSylvilagus bachmaniThe brush rabbit is more commonly found in the older La Brea deposits. This might be because the species requires denser vegetation and was faced with increased aridification and more open environments that favored jackrabbits and desert cottontails.
Desert cottontailSylvilagus auduboniiExcluding juvenile remains, desert cottontail fossils from La Brea suggest that the species was smaller than modern individuals


Common nameSpeciesMaterialNotesImage
California tapir[40] Tapirus californicusOne jaw with teeth and two phalangesA small species of tapir known from few remains at La Brea. The taxonomic status of many North American tapirs is debated and many of the species may be synonyms of each other.
Mexican horse[41] Equus conversidensA small bodied horse species of dubious nature, only few remains are known from La Brea. Some researchers have argued that the Mexican horse is a synonym of Haringtonhippus or that the name is a nomen dubium.[42] [43]
Western horse[44] [45] Equus occidentalisOver 200 individualsOne of the most common herbivores found in the tar pits, its teeth are more complex than that of modern horses. Due to this the western horse has been interpreted to have filled a different dietary niche than horses today, possibly being a mixed feeder consuming a not insignificant amount of wooden browse from shrubs and other plants.


Common nameSpeciesMaterialNotesImage
Columbian mammoth[47] Mammuthus columbiAt least 36 individuals.A large species of mammoth. The largest individual found at La Brea, nicknamed Zed, was unearthed in 2006 and had tusks 3.16m (10.37feet) long (measured along their outer curve). Zed is also the most complete mammoth found in the tar pits, preserving 80% of the bones.[48]
† Pacific mastodon[49] Mammut pacificus11 specimens.The Pacific mastodon is endemic to the western United States including California and Idaho. This species differs from the American mastodon by having narrower teeth and lacking mandibular tusks. Additionally, this species has 6 instead of 5 neck vertebrae and a more robust femur.


Common nameSpeciesMaterialNotesImage
Agile kangaroo ratDipodomys agilisA relatively common rodent.
Botta's pocket gopher[50] Thomomys bottaeGopher skulls are said to be abundant from La Brea. Joseph Grinnell describes these skulls to be identical to those of modern Botta's pocket gophers, which still inhabit California today.
California ground squirrel[51] Otospermophilus beecheyi
California pocket mousePerognathus californicusA relatively abundant species.
California vole[52] Microtus californicus
Dusky-footed woodrat ?[53] Neotoma fuscipes ?Hundreds, possibly thousands of fossil fecal pellets (coprolites) are known from La Brea and assigned to Neotoma in addition to fossil bones. While the bones have historically been identified as Neotoma fuscipes, taxonomic revisions have cast doubt on the assignment. Today Neotoma lepida and Neotoma macrotis are still found in the area, the later of which was formerly considered to be a subspecies of Neotoma fuscipes. The La Brea fossils could subsequently represent one of these two species, a southern population of N. fuscipes or even a hybrid.
† Imperfect mousePeromyscus imperfectusThe only extinct rodent from La Brea. This species may be ancestral to the deer mice of the south Californian islands.
Neotamias cf. merriami
Southern grasshopper mouse[54] Onychomys torridus
Western harvest mouse[55] Reithrodontomys megalotis


Common nameSpeciesMaterialNotesImage
Broad-footed mole[56] Scapanus sp.A single right humerusThe remains of the broad-footed mole have been found at Pit 91.
Crawford's gray shrew[57] [58] Notiosorex crawfordiThis species is notably more common in the tar pits than the ornate shrew, outnumbering the later 10:1.
Ornate shrewSorex ornatusA few bonesThe ornate shrew is still found at La Brea today.


Common nameSpeciesMaterialNotesImage
Harlan's ground sloth[59] [60] [61] Paramylodon harlaniOver 70 individuals with at least 30 preserved skulls.The largest and most common of the La Brea sloths. Harlan's ground sloth is considered to be a "grazing sloth" with large portions of its diet being composed of grasses. Coltrain and colleagues however argue that it was more of a mixed feeder regardless of the dental anatomy.
Jefferson's ground sloth[62] [63] Megalonyx jeffersoniiMegalonyx appears to be the rarest of the three La Brea ground sloths. Although more closely related to Nothrotheriops, it approached Paramylodon in size. It was a browsing animal preferring woodland and forest.
Shasta ground sloth[64] [65] Nothrotheriops shastensisA solitary ground sloth species roughly the size of a bear. Unlike Paramylodon it was a browser that may have only occasionally come into proximity of the tar pits, preferring more arid regions adjacent to La Brea.



Common nameSpeciesMaterialNotesImage
American neophron[66] [67] Neophrontops americanusA species of old world vulture. Hertel determined that it was likely a scrapper scavenger, meaning that Neophrontops americanus would stay back when larger scavengers feed and then pick on left over scraps of meat. This matches the behavior seen in modern Egyptian vultures.[68]
Bald eagle[69] Haliaeetus leucocephalusAt least 175 individuals.Bald eagles are among some of the most common fossil birds found in the tar pits. Despite the fact that modern populations are strongly affected by Bergmann's rule, there is no sign of the La Brea bald eagles changing in size during the glacial maximum. This is similar to what is observed in many of the other birds of prey found in La Brea.
Black-winged kiteElanus caeruleusA single specimen
Fragile eagle[70] [71] Buteogallus fragilisAt least 83 individualsA slender-legged bird of prey similar in proportions to the common black hawk.
Accipiter cooperii52 specimen
Daggett's eagle[72] Buteogallus daggettiOnly few fossils, primarily of the legs.Also known as "Walking eagle", B. daggetti was a species of long-legged hawk related to but notably larger than the savanna hawk. Due to the elongated leg bones it is commonly compared to the secretary bird from modern Africa. Estimates suggest a wingspan of NaNcm (-2,147,483,648inches) and a body mass of 3kg (07lb).
Errant eagle[73] [74] Neogyps erransIn spite of being considered a gypaetine vulture, Neogyps errans is thought to have been more eagle-like in appearance with leg bones somewhat similar to the bearded vulture. Hertel predicted Neogyps to have been a ripper scavenger, meaning it would have been one of the first vultures at a carcass, ripping it open and feeding on tougher elements like the hide.
Ferruginous hawk[75] Buteo regalisAt least 127 individuals.
Golden eagle[76] Aquila chrysaetosA minimum of 960 individuals.The most common bird species found in the La Brea tar pits.
† Grinnell's hawk-eagle[77] Spizaetus grinnelliAt least 105 individuals.A species of hawk-eagle, remains of Spizaetus grinnelli are also known from Florida.
HawkButeo sp.A group of individuals similar in proportion to the red-shouldered hawk.
Northern harrier[78] Circus hudsoniusA minimum of 164 individuals.
Accipiter gentilisAt least two specimen
Red-tailed hawk[79] Buteo jamaicensisA minimum of 108 individuals.
Buteo lagopusTwo tarsometatarsi and a femur
Sharp-shinned hawkAccipiter striatus veloxFive specimen
Swainson's hawk[80] Buteo swainsoniAt least 130 individualsA species of hawk that primarily feeds on insects. Unlike other bird species found at La brea, which are typically larger than their modern counterparts, the Swainson's hawk appears to have undergone a size increase. Modern individuals are more robust than those found in the tar pits.
Woodward's eagleButeogallus woodwardiB. woodwardi was previously regarded as a species of Amplibuteo before taxonomic revisions.[81]


Common nameSpeciesMaterialNotesImage
Cf. Brant goose[82] Branta cf. bernicla
Canada goose[83] Branta canadensis
CanvasbackAythya valisineria
Cinnamon tealSpatula cyanoptera
Green-winged teal[84] Anas carolinensisMultiple specimensOne of the first duck species recorded at La Brea. This species is well recorded in both the academy and museum pits.
GadwallMareca strepera
Graceful pygmy goose[85] [86] Anabernicula gracilentaAt least 150 specimen representing 23 to 24 individualsAn extinct species of shellduck. The average pygmy goose from La Brea was found to be smaller than those from the McKittrick tar pits.
Anser albifronsSeveral tarsometatarsi and femoraAccording to Howard, the La Brea material includes sizes that fall within the range of both modern subspecies.
Anas platyrhynchosMultiple specimensMallards are well represented in both the academy and museum pits. Mallards were among the first ducks identified at La Brea.
Northern shoveler? Spatula clypeata?Multiple specimens including fused carpal phalangesRemains are of similar size as those of modern shovelers.
Ross's goose? Anser rossi?Several tarsometatarsiSkeletal elements of this species are assigned to it on the basis of their lesser size compared to the snow goose. However this is deemed to be tentative as the difference could also be explained by intraspecific size variation.
Anser caerulescensFemora and tarsometatarsiAccording to Hildegarde Howard, snow goose material from La Brea indicates that this species attained larger sizes during the Pleistocene than today.
Cygnus columbianusA carpometacarpus, femur and possible tarsometatarsus


Common nameSpeciesMaterialNotesImage
Cathartornis gracilis[88] 2 tarsometatarsiA poorly known teratorn only known from two bones. Although additional material has been considered to be referable to it, said fossils remain undescribed.
Gymnogyps amplus[89] A species of condor larger and more robust than the modern Californian condor. It is possible that this species gave rise to the modern form some time during the early Holocene, however due to the timing of this size decrease it is thought that the changes were not a direct response to the extinction of the Pleistocene megafauna.
La Brea black vulture[90] [91] Coragyps occidentalisA species of black vulture also known as the Pleistocene black vulture. Although initially thought to be ancestral to the modern form, later studies showed that instead they evolved from South American black vultures that specialised in colder high-altitude environments. Hertel classified the La Brea black vulture as a scrapper scavenger, more specialised in feeding on small scraps.
† La Brea condor [92] Breagyps clarkiHertel considers Breagyps to be a gulper in regards to scavenging style, though with the most deviating anatomy compared to the other contemporary gulp scavengers. This is due to the vulture's elongated and narrow beak. Fisher described Breagyps as a generalized vulture with a cranium similar to the two modern condor species and a beak reminiscent of the black vulture.
† Merriam's teratorn [93] Teratornis merriamiOver 100 individualsA large bodied teratorn with a wingspan between NaNm (-2,147,483,648feet). Despite being commonly depicted as vulture-like scavengers, the cranial anatomy of teratorns indicates that they were active predators built to swallow prey whole. Consequently, Merriam's teratorn would have likely preyed on animals such as frogs, lizards, small birds and rodents.[94]
Turkey vulture[95] Cathartes aura34 specimenAlthough turkey vultures found in La Brea are considered to be part of the same species as modern populations, the fossils indicate that they were slightly larger. Additionally, this Pleistocene form was more adapted towards feeding on larger chunks of carrion compared to the more recent representatives of the species.


Common nameSpeciesMaterialNotesImage
Asphalt stork[96] [97] Ciconia malthaA widespread species of stork with great intraspecific variation. The asphalt stork was described based on material from La Brea, but has since then found in multiple other localities across the United States. Individual asphalt storks could have reached a height of 1.5m (04.9feet) and a wingspan of 3m (10feet).
Mycteria wetmorei[98] A mandible and the end of a tarsometatarsus.An extinct relative of the modern wood stork, Mycteria wetmorei was larger than the extant species and had a straighter mandible that was more similar to that seen in the African and Asian species.


Common nameSpeciesMaterialNotesImage
Recurvirostra americanaFive specimens
† La Brea lapwing[99] Belonopterus downsiRight carpometacarpus and a partial humerusAn extinct species of lapwing most closely related to species from South America. Its size is intermediate between the southern lapwing and the Andean lapwing.
Black-legged kittiwake?[100] Rissa tridactyla?A coracoidPossible remains of the black-legged kittiwake are known from La Brea. However the identification is not certain.
Calidris alpina
Tringa melanoleucaSeveral specimen
Pluvialis squatarolaSeveral specimen
Killdeer[101] Charadrius vociferusA humerus and tarsometatarsusMiller regarded the presence of killdeers at La Brea as unsurprising given the species' appearance in modern inland sloughs and meadows.
Long-billed curlew[102] Numenius americanusRight tarsometatarus and a left coracoidThe bones from La Brea show no difference from modern curlews.
Marbled godwit? Limosa fedoa?Material of the tarsometatarsus and tibiotarsusFossil material assigned to the marbled godwit closely resembles material of modern specimens in shape and size. However, due to the incomplete nature of the material the assignment is considered to be only tentative by Howard.
Phalaropus fulicarius
Calidris alba
Limnodromus griseusA coracoid and an incomplete humerusMiller regards the presence of dowitchers as less expected than that of killdeers, but argues that birds with similar habits are known to take breaks around small freshwater ponds. It could have been during one such break that a dowitcher may have gotten stuck in the asphalt.
Short-billed gull? Larus brachyrhynchus?A humerusA species of gull which at times was considered to be conspecific with the European common gull, causing it to be identified as Larus canus in some publications. The La Brea humerus may have belonged to this species on account of its size.
Numenius phaeopus hudsonicus
Tringa semipalmata
Wilson's snipe[103] Gallinago gallinago delicata


Common nameSpeciesMaterialNotesImage
Band-tailed pigeonPatagioenas fasciataAt least three specimens belonging to a minimum of three individualsStock notes that band-tailed pigeons were relatively rare in the tar seeps of La Brea, which Howard argues may reflect the environmental conditions. This matches the fact that band-tailed pigeons prefer forest habitats, while Pleistocene La Brea is thought to have been more open.
Mourning doveZenaida macroura29 specimens belonging to a minimum of 17 individual birdsMourning doves are considerably more common than the other pigeon species found in the asphalt seeps. This reflects the bird's preferred habitat, with the mourning dove frequenting more open areas than its two contemporaries.
† Passenger pigeon[104] [105] Ectopistes migratoriusSix fossils belonging to at least three individualsAlthough initially thought to have been an exclusively northern and eastern species, bones found in La Brea and New Mexico eventually showed that the passenger pigeon was found on both coasts during the Pleistocene. Although Howard argued that its abundance cannot be determined, its rarer nature matches that of the band-tailed pigeon which has a similar preference for forests.


Common nameSpeciesMaterialNotesImage
American kestrel[107] Falco sparverius79 specimens
Falcon Falco sp.An indetermined species of falcon.
La Brea caracaraCaracara plancus prelutosusIt was initially established by Hildegarde Howard as a distinct species, Polyborus pelutosus, but this notion was later rejected by Storrs Olson. Olson considered both the northern and southern caracara to be nothing but subspecies and subsequently argued that the traits of the La Brea caracara would fall within the variation of this combined species. Regardless, the animal is still considered to be a valid temporal subspecies.[108] Later revisions caused the genus name to be changed from Polyborus to Caracara.
Merlin[109] Falco columbarius16 specimen
Falco peregrinus29 specimen
Falco mexicanus24 specimen


Common nameSpeciesMaterialNotesImage
Californian turkey[110] Meleagris californicaOver 11.000 fossil specimens belonging to almost 800 individual birds.One of the most common birds at the La Brea tar pits, the Californian turkey is most closely related to the modern wild turkey, from which it likely evolved after a population became isolated in California. In size it was intermediate between the two modern turkey species.
California quail[111] Callipepla californica138 specimens


Common nameSpeciesMaterialNotesImage
Fulica americanaA tibiotarsus
Grus pagei[112] At least 17 individuals based on 42 fossil bonesA gracile crane that was comparable in size to the smallest modern sandhill crane individuals, but notably smaller than members of the species found at La Brea. Besides size the two cranes differ in the anatomy of the skull, which is larger and more slender in Grus pagei.
Sandhill craneAntigone canadensis417 fossils corresponding to at least 52 individualsSandhill crane fossils found in the tar pits indicate that individuals of this species grew to much larger sizes during the Pleistocene. The species Grus minor, described from the La Brea tar pits, was later found to be a synonym of the sandhill crane.
Whooping craneGrus americanaA minimum of 45 specimens representing at least 8 individualsThe largest but also rarest of the La Brea crane species. While Grus pagei and the sandhill crane were commonly found together, whooping cranes appear in less than half of the same pits as the other cranes.


Common nameSpeciesMaterialNotesImage
Asio sp.159 fossils of 46 individualsVarious owl remains found in La Brea are not diagnostic enough to be assigned to either of the two Asio species found in the pits. The material however shows no signs of belonging to a distinct third species.
Barn owl[113] Tyto albaAlmost 2.000 specimens amounting to at least 253 individuals.The barn owl is among the most common owls found in the La Brea tar pits, second only to the burrowing owl. This matches with the barn owl's preference for open environments with scattered trees.
Brea miniature owl[114] Asphaltoglaux cecileae4 fossils of 3 individuals.The rarest owl found in the pits, the lack of material might have various reasons. Its small size means that they may not have been caught in the asphalt as often as larger animals, additionally, older collections valued large animals over small ones. Fossils of Asphaltoglaux are found in the same pits as those of Kurochkin's pygmy owl, which could suggest that these particular pits were located in less open environments more suited to these small owl species. Asphaltoglaux is similar to and may be related with owls of the genus Aegolius.
Burrowing owlAthene cuniculariaOver 2.700 specimens belonging to almost 400 animals.The most common owl of La Brea, burrowing owl fossils make up 35% of all owl fossils and 34% of all individuals. This abundance can at least partially be explained by the species' habitat preferences, as burrowing owls prefer open environments such as prairies, grasslands and deserts. This matches the environment of La Brea, which is generally considered to have been open with no proper forests. Being ground dwellers also means that these owls are more likely to come in contact with the asphalt seeps.
Great horned owlBubo virginianus1.280 fossils of at least 131 owls.The great horned owl is the fourth most common owl species found at La Brea. It is known to inhabit a wide range of environments including more wooded areas, however according to Campbell and Bochenski the species prefers to forage in more open environments. Regardless, the authors note that the weight of this bird would work against it when getting stuck, meaning that although it may not come into contact with the tar as commonly the risk of being unable to move is increased.
Kurochkin's pygmy owlGlaucidium kurochkini12 fossil specimens belonging to at least 6 individuals.Although it is difficult to determine habitat preferences of the extinct La Brea owls, Campbell and Bochenski argue that they would likely be similar to those of extant Glaucidium species, which prefer woodlands over open landscape. This is further supported by the fact that it is found alongside Asphaltoglaux in the same pits, an owl that may have also preferred more forested areas. G. kurochkini was approximately the size of the modern mountain pygmy owl, which the fossils were assigned to before being recognized as a distinct species.
La Brea owl[115] Oraristrix brea144 fossil specimens belonging to at least 28 birds.A large owl similar in size to the great grey owl and the great horned owl. Specimens of this owl are most commonly found in pits that also contain high numbers of the later species, indicating that they may have overlapped in prey preferences or hunting methods. It was a slender bird with longer limbs, which have been interpretet to correspond with more terrestrial habits, potentially living in coastal shrubland rather than forests.
Long-eared owlAsio otus173 specimens accounting for at least 50 individuals.Unlike the related short-eared owl, the long-eared owl is relatively more rare in the La Brea pits. This might be due to the species' preference for wooded areas, although it does not require closed canopy forests. Additionally, unlike many of the more common owls known from fossil material, the long-eared owl is much more strictly nocturnal. This means that the tar would be much cooler when this species hunts, decreasing the risk of getting stuck.
Western screech owlMegascops kennicottii79 fossils of 22 birds.The western screech owl is known to have similar habitat preferences and periods of activity as the long-eared owl.
Short-eared owlAsio flammeusClose to 1.400 fossil specimens belonging to a minimum of 186 birds.Much like the burrowing owl and barn owl, the short-eared owl shows a preference for open environments in its modern range, explaining why the species is so abundant in the La Brea tar pits. The fact that this owl is also more diurnal, like the burrowing owl, presents an additional risk as the asphalt is stickier during the warm days.


Common nameSpeciesMaterialNotesImage
American crowCorvus brachyrhynchos22 specimens
Spinus tristisThree specimens including at least one upper and one lower mandibleGolfinches may have inhabited the open fields and meadows of La Brea as well as the weedy borders of these habitats. They were resident birds during the Last Glacial Maximum, but are only present during the winter today.
Turdus migratorius18 specimens
Bell's sparrow[116] Amphispiza belliSeven mandiblesMaterial of the Bell's sparrow was reported alongside that of the black-throated sparrow by Sibley (1939).
Black-headed grosbeakPheucticus melanocephalusUpper and lower mandibleThe oak trees known from La Brea would have offered a suitable habitat for this species.
Black-throated sparrow[117] Amphispiza bilineataUpper and lower mandiblesAlthough today preferring desert environments with sparse vegetation and contrasting with some of the other passerines from La Brea, the shrew Notiosbrex also found in the tar pits is known to have similar environmental preferences.
Molothrus aterA single specimen
California scrub jayAphelocoma californicaEight specimen One of several birds that likely inhabited the oak forests at La Brea.
California thrasher[118] Toxostoma redivivumSix specimen including a cranial fragment
Pipilo fuscusTwo incomplete lower mandiblesA towhee species notably smaller than spotted towhee, which was initially thought to be present at La Brea.
Cassin's kingbirdTyrannus vociferansFour specimen Although today only breeding in the region around La Brea, it was a resident species during the Pleistocene.
Cedar waxwingBombycilla cedrorum
Chihuahuan raven[119] Corvus cryptoleucusA single specimenAs the distribution of this species during the Last Glacial Maximum appears to be inconsistent with its presence at La Brea, Zink and colleagues argue that this might be a case of misidentification.
Spizella passerinaSix specimen
Nucifraga columbianaTwo specimen
Common raven[120] Corvus corax114 specimen One of the most common La Brea passerines, ravens from the pits show no response to the changing climate conditions caused by the Last Glacial Maximum. They were however more robust than their modern descendents.
Pipilo erythrophthalamus
† La Brea blackbird[121] [122] Euphagus magnirostrisA single specimen A species of blackbird also known as the large-billed blackbird. Although first described from La Brea, its fossils were later also found in Peru and Venezuela.
Coccothraustes vespertinusA single lower mandibleThe La Brea material shows the same heavy symphysis as modern evening grosbeaks and further resembles them in the details of the mandible. Although it is a wandering species, individuals of this species are known to appear in modern Los Angeles.
Passerella iliacaTwo lower mandiblesThe two La Brea mandibles are of different size, falling within the ranges of the larger and smaller modern subspecies.
Eremophila alpestrisAt least one specimenThis species is less abundant in La Brea compared to other Pleistocene tar pits like the McKittrick tar seeps.
Icterus spp.
Lark sparrowChondestes grammacusThree upper mandiblesThe mandibles are assigned to the genus Chondestes and further to the lark sparrow due to the fact that it is the only known species of the genus.
Lanius ludovicianusThree specimen
Poecile gambeli
Corvus caurinus
† Convex-billed cowbird[123] [124] Pandanaris convexaUpper and lower rostrumA species of New World blackbirds with a short and deep beak, much more robust than that of the La Brea blackbird.
Indeterminate Parulinae
Pine siskinCarduelis pinus
Pipilo angelensis Two upper mandibles and six lower mandiblesA species of towhee first described from La Brea as Pipilo angelensis. It was of larger size than any modern Pipilo species.
Cf. Red-winged blackbirdAgelaius phoeniceus californicus
Oreoscoptes montanusOne specimen
Melospiza melodiaTen upper mandiblesThe fossils are larger in size than the mandibles of the Lincoln's and swamp sparrow, instead matching the song sparrow the closest.
Indeterminate sparrow Spizella sp.Six upper mandiblesThe size of the nostrils in the most complete specimen resemble the American tree sparrow, however due to the fragmentary nature of the material no assignment is made.
Cyanocitta stelleriFour specimen
Pooecetes gramineusA single upper mandibleThe La Brea fossil resembles material of the modern vesper sparrow, which is the only known extant species of Pooecetes from North America.
Sialia mexicanaSeven specimen
Sturnella neglecta125 specimenWestern meadowlarks are more common at La Brea compared to the McKittrick tar seeps and among the most common small birds in the asphalt seeps.
Zonotrichia leucophrysThree upper mandiblesAlthough two species of Zonotrichia are present in Los Angeles today, the fossil material matches the nostril shape of Z. leucophrys.
Pica nuttalli174 specimenOne of the most common passerines at La Brea, there appears to be no response by magpies to the climate conditions changing during the Last Glacial Maximum.
Xanthocephalus sp.


Common nameSpeciesMaterialNotesImage
American bitternBotaurus lentiginosus
Black-crowned night heron[125] Nycticorax nycticorax
Great blue heron[126] Ardea herodias
Ardea albaA tibiotarsus and coracoid
Little blue heron? Egretta caerulea?A tarsometatarsusThe presence of the little blue heron at La Brea is deemed questionable due to the possible confusion with the tricolored heron.
Platalea ajaja
Snowy egret? Egretta thula?Several specimensAlthough the material matches what is known from snowy egrets, early descriptions were uncertain about the assignment due to the lack of comparative material with the little blue and tricolored heron.
Butorides striatusA tibiotarsusThese remains were initially assigned to the green heron, but later referred to the related striated heron instead.
White-faced ibis[127] Plegadis chihiPleistocene records of this species are only known from La Brea and Térapa, Sonora.


Common nameSpeciesMaterialNotesImage
Bitumenpicus minimus[128] 8 fossil specimens that could belong to a single individualThe smallest woodpecker at La Brea, it was similar in size to Nuttall's woodpecker.
Breacopus garrettiA carpometacarpus and the distal end of a tibiotarsusThe largest woodpecker found in the region, it was approximately the size of a modern pileated woodpecker. Its size suggests that large trees must have been present to some degree, probably scattered across the more open environment. The bones of Breacopus were initially misidentified as having belonged to the pileated woodpecker and although some bones referred to the modern species could not be located, Campbell and Bochenski argue that the missing material also likely represents Breacopus remains.
Lewis's woodpeckerMelanerpes lewisi92 specimens belonging to at least 18 individual birdsA species of woodpecker still native to the region today. Its remains are common in the tar pits, possibly due to its habit of pursuing insects in flight. This would lead it closer to the asphalt seeps than woodpeckers drilling for food.
Melanerpes shawi18 specimens corresponding to at least 4 individualsMelanerpes shawi was similar in size to the contemporary Lewis's woodpecker, making it one of the largest members of the genus.
Northern flickerColaptes auratus317 specimens suggesting a minimum of 38 individualsThe most numerous woodpecker found in the La Brea tarpits, likely due to its more terrestrial lifestyle. This would bring it into contact with the tar more commonly and thus lead to increased likelihood of being preserved.
Piciformes indet.8 specimensWoodpeckers similar in size to Sphyrapicus that could not be referred to any particular genus.
Red-breasted sapsuckerSphyrapicus ruberA total of 26 specimens belonging to at least 4 individualsAs this species prefers open woodland, this species indicates that the environment of Rancho La Brea was relatively open. Howard reported at least three instances of Sphyrapicus sp. as well; of which one was lost, another was referred to S. ruber while the third could not be identified to species level.


Common nameSpeciesMaterialNotesImage
Grebe[129] Podiceps sp.A humerusA grebe or loon, initially identified as Colymbus sp. by Miller and Howard, although Howard wrote that it might also belong to Podilymbus. Stock later listed the specimen as belonging to Podiceps.
Pied-billed grebe[130] [131] Podilymbus podicepsA femurThe Grebe fossil was discovered in pit 16.



Common nameSpeciesMaterialNotesImage
California whipsnake[132] [133] Masticophis lateralisMid and posterior trunk vertebraeThe first fossil material of this species was discovered at La Brea. It inhabited foothills, forests as well as chaparral, grassy and brushy regions.
Centipede snakeTantilla sp.Multiple mid and posterior trunk vertebraeAlthough the fossils match the western black-headed snake, which also occurs in California today, the material is not assigned to any particular species due to the often restricted range of centipede snakes and the fact that members of the genus are poorly understood.
Coast horned lizard[134] [135] [136] Phrynosoma coronatumAlthough present in La Brea during the Pleistocene, the coast horned lizard is now absent from the Los Angeles-Orange County basin, seemingly having gone extinct before the first historical records.
Common garter snakeThamnophis sirtalisMid trunk vertebraeCommon garter snakes are commonly found near aquatic environments. Unlike many of the other snakes from Rancho La Brea, it is not commonly found in the modern Los Angeles area, which is situated at the southern edge of its range.
Common kingsnakeLampropeltis getulaA maxilla and multiple vertebraeA medium to large sized snake most active during the twilight hours and night. It ranges over a great area over the southern USA and is found in various Pleistocene localities.
Common side-blotched lizardUta stansburianaA desert lizard known to also enter wood- and shrublands, its fossils are common at Rancho La Brea.
Desert night lizard?[137] Xantusia vigilis?Remains of Xantusia were originally reported by Brattstrom in 1953, but later publications have called the identification into question, suggesting the fossils may have been those of an iguana in the genus Uta instead.
Desert spiny lizard[138] [139] Sceloporus magisterWhile the western fence lizard is still present in California, the desert spiny lizard has disappeared from the area and instead retreated to more arid regions.
Eumeces sp.An skink assigned to the Eumeces genus. This genus underwent taxonomic revisions and American species have since then been placed in either Plestiodon or Mesoscincus.
Garter snakeThamnophis sp.Over 900 specimen in pit 91Remains of a snake within the genus Thamnophis that is not clearly identifiable as either of the two species known from the tar pits. Remains of Thamnophis sp. make up 64% of the snake fauna at pit 91.
Indetermined tortoiseA land tortoise initially assigned to Geochelone. However, since then many species previously included in this genus were split into their own genera, with true members of Geochelone being endemic to Asia.
Glossy snakeArizona elegansA few vertebraeAn open environment snake found in grasslands and chaparral.
Great plains rattlesnakeCrotalus viridisA dentary and various vertebraeThe only rattlesnake from Pleistocene South California identified to the species rank. It is known to have inhabited a wide range of environments excluding for deserts.
KingsnakeLampropeltis sp.
Legless lizard[140] Anniella sp.Two isolated vertebraeAn indetermined species of legless lizard from Pit 91.
Long-nosed snakeRhinocheilus leconteiTwo vertebraeA nocturnal snake inhabiting prairies, deserts and bushlands. It is still found in Los Angeles today. Within pit 91 it is the rarest occurring snake.
Night snakeHypsiglena torquataMultiple mid and posterior trunk vertebrae as well as anterior trunk vertebrae, precloacal vertebrae and juvenile remainsAssignment to H. torquata was primarily based on geography. Although falling in the range of variation of the modern form, the fossil did show relatively shorter vertebrae.
Pine snakePituophis melanoleucusMultiple maxillae, a pterygoid and compound bone and great number of vertebraeA common snake found at various Late Pleistocene sites, matching its generalist lifestyle not specialised in any particular habitat.
RattlesnakeCrotalus sp.
Ring-necked snakeDiadophis punctatusA maxilla, compound bone and a great number of mid trunk vertebrae. The allocated material includes anterior trunk vertebrae as well as material of juvenile individuals.A snake that occurs in Los Angeles to this day, it prefers wetter environments including woodlands but can be found in more arid regions next to rivers.
Sceloporine indet.Various cranial and postcranial remainsMultiple remains referred the Sceloporus-group of Phrynosomatidae. No genus or species assignment could be made.
cf. Sierra garter snakeThamnophis cf. couchiiMid and posterior trunk vertebraeDue to taxonomic revisions of T. couchii it is not entirely certain which species this snake may have belonged to. Some members of the former T. couchii group, including T. couchii itself, were more waterbound while others were more terrestrial.
Southern alligator lizardElgaria multicarinata
Western fence lizardSceloporus occidentalisThe western fence lizard is still commonly found in coastal south California.
Western pond turtle[141] Actinemys marmorataA freshwater turtle that appears to not differ ecologically from the modern form.
Western skink[142] Plestiodon skiltonianus
Western whiptailAspidoscelis tigrisA long-tailed teiid lizard primarily found in arid regions.
Western yellow-bellied racerColuber constrictor mormonA maxilla, compound bone and a great number of various vertebraeA well represented snake species known to inhabit semiarid to moist open environments.


Common nameSpeciesMaterialNotesImage
Arboreal salamanderAneides lugubris
Arizona toadAnaxyrus microscaphus
California toad[143] Anaxyrus boreas halophilusAlthough initially described as a distinct species from La Brea, Anaxyrus nestor was later considered to be synonymous with the California toad.
Northern red-legged frog[144] Rana auroraA radioulna and a vertebra
Tree frogHyla sp.


Common nameSpeciesMaterialNotesImage
Arroyo chub[145] [146] Gila orcutti4 bones consisting of a dentary and three vertebraeThe largest vertebrae indicate trout with a standard length of 6.2cm (02.4inches).
Rainbow troutOncorhynchus mykiss15 bones consisting of isolated vertebraeThe largest vertebrae indicate trout with a standard length of 15cm (06inches).
Three-spined sticklebackGasterosteus aculeatus51 bones consisting of pelvic spines, vertebrae and parts of the pelvis belonging to at least 23 individualsThe spines indicate that the sticklebacks of La Brea reached standard length of NaNcm (-2,147,483,648inches).



Common nameSpeciesMaterialNotesImage


Common nameSpeciesMaterialNotesImage
Pill bugs
Water fleas


Common nameSpeciesMaterialNotesImage
Amara insignis[148]
Apsena laticornis (syn=Apsena labreae)
Apsena pubescens [149]
Calosoma semilaeve
Canthon praticola[150]
Canthon simplex subsp. antiquus
Cicindela haemorrhagica[151]
Cicindela oregona
Coniontis abdominalis subsp. caseyi [152]
Coniontis elliptica
Coniontis lamentabilis
Coniontis puncticollis
Coniontis remnans
Coniontis robusta
Copris pristinus[153]
Damsel and dragonflies
?Deltochilum sp.
Dytiscus marginicolliss
Eleodes (Eleodes) acuticauda (syn=Eleodes laticollis)
Eleodes (Eleodes) grandicollis (syn=Eleodes elongata)
Eleodes (Cratidus) osculans (syn=Eleodes behrii, E. consobrina, E. intermedia)
Heterosilpha ramosa (syn=Silpha (Heterosilpha) ramosa)[154]
Megachile gentilis
Necrobia violacea[155]
Nicrophorus marginatus (syn=Nicrophorus guttulus, N. mckittricki, N. obtusiscutellum)
Nicrophorus nigrita (syn=Nicrophorus investigator)
Nyctoporis carinata [156]
Onthophagus everestae
Phanaeus labreae (syn=Paleocopris labreae)
Phloeodes diabolicus (syn=Phloeodes pustulosus)
Phloeodes plicatus (syn=Noserus corrosus)
Pterostichus sp.
Cf. Platynus funebris
Serica kanakoffi
Thanatophilus lapponicus (syn=Silpha (Thanatophilus) lapponica)
True bugs and cicadas
Veromessor andrei


Common nameSpeciesMaterialNotesImage
Hiltonius australis




AchnanthesAchnanthes lanceolata[158] (Breb.) Grun.
CocconeisCocconeis placentula var. lineata(Ehr.) V.H.
Cocconeis scutellum var. stauroneiformisW. Smith


ActinocyclusActinocyclus ehrenbergii
CoscinodiscusCoscinodiscus marginatus
Coscinodiscus radiatus
MelosiraMelosira clavigera
Melosira italica
StephanodiscusStephanodiscus astraea


AmphoraAmphora coffeiformis var. coffeiformis(Ag.) Kutz.
Amphora normanii var. normaniiRabh.
(Kutz.) V.H. ex DeT.
Amphora ovalis var. pediculus(Kutz.) V.H. ex DeT.
Amphora venata var. venataKutz.
CymbellaCymbella cistula var. cistula(Ehr.) Kirchn.
Cymbella mexicana var. mexicana(Ehr.) Cl.
Cymbella muelleri var. muelleriHust.


DenticulaDenticula elegans var. elegansKutz.
Denticula elegans var. kittoniana(Grun.) DeT.
Denticula lauta var. lautaJ.W. Bail.
EpithemiaEpithemia adnata var. minor(Perag. & Herb) Patr.
Epithemia emarginata var. emarginataAndrews
Epithemia intermedia var. intermediaFricke
Epithemia turgida var. turgida(Ehr.) Kutz.
Epithemia turgida var. westermanii(Ehr.) Grun.
RhopalodiaRhopalodia gibba var. gibba(Ehr.) O. Mull.
Rhopalodia gibburula var. gibberula(Ehr.) O. Mull.
Rhopalodia musculus var. musculus(Kutz.) O. Mull.


FragilariaFragilaria bicapitata var. bicapitata
Fragilaria construens var. binodis(Ehr.)
Fragilaria vaucheriae var. vaucheriae
Fragilaria virescens var. virescens
MeridionMeridion circulare var. constrictum
SynedraSynedra fasciculata var. truncata(Grev.)
Synedra ulna var. ulna


GomphonemaGomphonema affine var. affine
Gomphonema insigneGreg.
Gomphonema angustatum var. angustatum(Kutz.) Rabh.
Gomphonema parvulum var. micropus(Kützing) Kützing, 1849
Gomphonema subclavatum var. commutatum(Grun.) A. Maye


HanzschiaHanzschia amphioxys
NitzschiaNitzschia angustata var. acutaGrun.
Nitzschia denticulaeGrun.
Nitzschia fonticolaGrun.
Nitzschia frustulum(Kutz.) Grun.
Nitzschia hungarciaGrun.
Nitzschia ignorata var. ignorataKrasske
Nitzschia palea(Kutz.) W. Sm.


AnomoeoneisAnomoeoneis sphaerophora var. sphaerophora
CaloneisCaloneis bacillum var. bacillum(Grun.) Cl.
Caloneis lewisii var. lewisiiPatr.
Caloneis limosa var. limosa(Kutz.) Patr.
Caloneis ventricosa var. minuta(Grun.) Patr.
DiploneisDiploneis elliptica var. elliptica(Kutz.) Cl.
Diploneis didyma var. didyma(Ehr.)
Diploneis pseudovalis var. pseudovalisHust.
MastogloiaMastogloia elliptica var. danseii(Thwaites) Cl.
NaviculaNavicula aurora var. auroraSov.
Navicula cuspidata var. cuspidata(Kutz.)
Navicula cuspidata var. majorMeist.
Navicula halophila var. halophila(Grun.) Cl.
Navicula laneplata var. lanceolata(Ag.)
Navicula mutica var. muticaKutz.
Navicula mutica var. cohnii(Hilse) Grun.
Navicula peregrina var. peregrina(Ehr.) Kutz.
Navicula pseudoatomusLund
Navicula pupula var. pupulaKutz.
Navicula pygmaea var. pygmaeaKutz.
Navicula radiosa var. radiosaKutz.
Navicula viridula var. slesvicensis(Grun.) Cl.
NeidiumNeidium iridis var. iridis(Ehr.) Cl.
PinnulariaPinnularia borealis var. borealisEhr.
Pinnularia brebissonii var. brebissonii(Kutz.) Rabh.
Pinnularia intermedia var. intermedia(Lagerst.) Cl.
Pinnularia viridis var. viridis(Nitz.) Ehr.
StauroneisStauroneis acuta var. acutaW. Sm.
Cf. Stauroneis anceps var. linearis(Ehr.) Hust.
Stauroneis laterostrataHust.

Charophyte green algaes




Californian cypressCupressus goveniana
California juniperJuniperus californica
Coastal RedwoodSequoia sempervirens
Monterey cypressCupressus macrocarpa
Tecate cypressCupressus forbesii
cf. West Indies junipercf. Juniperus barbadensis


Bishop pinePinus muricata
Foothill pinePinus sabiniana
Monterey pinePinus radiata

Monocot flowering plants

Order Poales

See also: Poales.

Chess grassBromus sp.
Club-rushScirpus spp.
Curly mesquiteHilaria sp.
Festuca sp.
Giant bur-reedSparganium eurycarpum
Grama grassBouteloua sp.
SpikesedgeEleocharis sp.
True sedgeCarex sp.
Sacaton grassSporobolus sp.

Order Alismatales

See also: Alismatales.

ArrowheadSagittaria sp.
Horned pondweedZannichellia palustris
PondweedPotamogeton sp.
Water-nymphNajas sp.

Order Liliales

See also: Liliales.

Dicot flowering plants

Order Campanulales

See also: Campanulales.

Common nameSpeciesMaterialNotesImage
RagweedAmbrosia sp.
Clustered tarweedHemizonia fasciculata
False rosinweedOsmadenia tenella
Large cockleburXanthium strumarium
SagebrushArtemisia sp.
TarweedMadia sp.
ThistleCirsium sp.


Coast live oakQuercus agrifolia
Nuttall's scrub oakQuercus dumosa
Valley oakQuercus lobata


Wild buckwheatEriogonum sp.
Willow dockRumex salicifolius


GoosefootChenopodium sp.
SaltbushAtriplex sp.
WinterfatKrascheninnikovia lanata


Fringed redmaidsCalandrinia ciliata
Miner's lettuceClaytonia perfoliata


ButtercupRanunculus sp.
Water-crowfootRanunculus aquatilis


California blackberryRubus vitifolius
ChamiseAdenostoma fasciculatum


California coffeeberryRhamnus californica
Soap bushCeanothus sp.


Lesser water-parsnipBerula erecta
Water parsleyOenanthe sarmentosa


Bigberry manzanitaArctostaphylos glauca
Island manzanitaArctostaphylos insularis
Mission manzanitaXylococcus bicolor
Morro manzanitaArctostaphylos morroensis
Pecho manzanitaArctostaphylos pechoensis
Pointleaf manzanitaArctostaphylos pungens
Whiteleaf manzanitaArctostaphylos viscida
Woollyleaf manzanitaArctostaphylos tomentosa


Nuttall's snapdragonAntirrhinum nuttallianum
Purple owl's cloverOrthocarpus purpurascens


External links

Notes and References

  1. "Fauna and Flora of Rancho La Brea"
  2. Web site: Museum. La Brea Tar Pits and. Collections. La Brea Tarpits and Museum. 24 June 2015.
  3. Baskin. J.. Thomas. R.. 2016. A review of Camelops (Mammalia, Artiodactyla, Camelidae), a camel from the Middle and Late Pleistocene (Irvingtonian and Rancholabrean) of North America. Historical Biology. 28. 1–2. 120–127. 10.1080/08912963.2015.1020800. 83931251 .
  4. Jones. D.B.. Desantis. L.R.G.. 2017. Dietary ecology of ungulates from the La Brea tar pits in southern California: A multi-proxy approach. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 466. 110–127. 0031-0182. 10.1016/j.palaeo.2016.11.019. 2017PPP...466..110J . free.
  5. Scott. E.. Cox. S.M.. 2008. Late Pleistocene distribution of Bison (Mammalia; Artiodactyla) in the Mojave Desert of southern California and Nevada. Geology and Vertebrate Paleontology of Western and Southern North America. Contributions in Honor of David P. Whistler (X. Wang and L.G. Barnes, Eds.). Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County Science Series. 41. 359–382.
  6. Wilson. M. C.. HillsL.. V.. Shapiro. B.. 2008. Late Pleistocene northward-dispersing Bison antiquus from the Bighill Creek Formation, Gallelli Gravel Pit, Alberta, Canada, and the fate of Bison occidentalis. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences. 45. 7. 827–859. 10.1139/e08-027. 2008CaJES..45..827W.
  7. Web site: Mammal Collections; la Brea Tar Pits.
  8. Prothero. D.R.. De Anda. E.. Balassa. D.. 2021. The Postcranial Skeleton of Capromeryx minor, a Dwarf Pronghorn (Artiodactyla:Antilocapridae) from the Late Pleistocene of Rancho La Brea. Fossil Record. 7. 321–333.
  9. Perry . T.. van Loenen . A.L. . Heiniger . H.. Lee . C.. Gongora . J.. Cooper . A.. Mitchell . K.J. . 2017. Ancient DNA analysis of the extinct North American flat-headed peccary (Platygonus compressus) . Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution . 112 . 258–267 . 10.1016/j.ympev.2017.03.024 . 28363818 . free .
  10. Miller. W.E.. 1968. Occurrence of a Giant Bison, Bison latifrons, and a Slender-Limbed Camel, Tanupolama, at Rancho La Brea. Contributions in Science. 147. 1–9 . 10.5962/p.241136 . 91686380 .
  11. DeSantis. L.R.G.. Crites. J.M.. Feranec. R.S.. Fox-Dobbs. K.. Farrell. A.B.. Harris. J.M.. Takeuchi. G.T.. Cerling. T.E.. 2019. Causes and Consequences of Pleistocene Megafaunal Extinctions as Revealed from Rancho La Brea Mammals. Current Biology. 29. 15. 2488–2495. 0960-9822. 10.1016/j.cub.2019.06.059. 31386836 . 199469362 . free.
  12. Balassa. D.. Prothero. D.R.. Olson. S.M.. Cleaveland. C.. Marriott. K.. 2022. How did White-Tailed Deer Respond to the Pleistocene-Holocene Transition?. Fossil Record. 8. 90. 41–45.
  13. Reynolds. R.L.. 1976. New Record of Antilocapra americana Ord, 1818, in the Late Pleistocene Fauna of the Los Angeles Basin. Journal of Mammalogy. 57. 1. 176–178. 10.2307/1379523. 1379523 .
  14. Balassa. D.. Prothero. D.R.. Olson. S.M.. Cleaveland. C.. Marriott. K.. 2022. Did Pronghorns Change Size After the Ice Ages?. Fossil Record. 8. 90. 35–39.
  15. Fox-Dobbs. K.. Dundas. R.G.. Trayler. R.B.. Holroyd. P.A.. 2014. Paleoecological implications of new megafaunal (super 14) C ages from the McKittrick tar seeps, California. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 34. 1. 220–223. 10.1080/02724634.2013.791694. 128943450 .
  16. Kropf. M.. Mead. J. I. . Anderson. R. S.. 2007. Dung, diet, and the paleoenvironment of the extinct shrub-ox (Euceratherium collinum) on the Colorado Plateau, USA . Quaternary Research. 67. 1. 143–151. 10.1016/j.yqres.2006.10.002. 2007QuRes..67..143K. 73566207.
  17. Yann. L.T.. DeSantis. L.R.G.. Koch. P.L.. Lundelius. E.L.. 2016. Dietary ecology of Pleistocene camelids: Influences of climate, environment, and sympatric taxa. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 461. 389–400. 0031-0182. 10.1016/j.palaeo.2016.08.036. 2016PPP...461..389Y .
  18. Hartstone-Rose. A.. Dundas. R.G.. Boyde. B.. Long. R.C.. Farrell. R.B.. Shaw. C.A. . 2015. The bacula of Rancho La Brea.. Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County Science Series. 42. 53–63.
  19. McHorse. B.K.. Orcutt. J.D.. Davis. E.B.. 2012. The carnivoran fauna of Rancho La Brea: Average or aberrant?.. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 329. 118–123. 10.1016/j.palaeo.2012.02.022. 2012PPP...329..118M .
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