List of football clubs in Romania by county explained

On this page you can find all the Romanian clubs that have played in the national leagues in Romania(liga I, II, III), Austria-Hungary/Hungary(liga 1, 2, 3), the Ottoman Empire, Bulgaria or the Russian Empire, by place of residence.

On the first column the first name as the founding name in Romanian, on the second column the name as it appeared in the documents of the time(if the town did not belong to Romania at the time), on the third column the foundation date, in parentheses – the polisportive club, outside – the football section of the club and on fourth column the date the club was dissolved(if it is the case) and on the fifth column the best place they occupied in the highest league.

Alba County

(Romanian)NameOfficial/Initial NameFoundation DateDissolvedBest place
CS Metalurgistul CugirMetalurgistul Cugir 1939 Liga II 5th[1]
Soda Ocna-Mureș 2018 Liga III 16th
Unirea Mihai Viteazul 1924 Liga I 6th[2] [3] [4] [5]

Arad County

(Romanian)NameOfficial/Initial NameFoundation DateDissolvedBest place
ACB Ineu[6] [7] AS Victoria Ineu 1920 Liga II 9th
ACU Arad[8] [9] 1995 2011 Liga II 13th
AMEFA Arad[10] Aradi Munkás Testedző Egylet(Arad Workers Sport Association) 1911 2006 Liga I 2nd
Aradi Torna Egyesulet (Aradi TE) (1879)1911 1919 Liga 2[11] 2nd
Asociația Sportivă a Lucrătorilor Poștali și de Telegraf Arad Aradi Posta-és Távírdatisztviselők Sport Egylete 1908 1910 Liga 2 6th
Cercul de Exerciții Arad Aradi Testgyakorlók Köre 1906 1913 Liga 2 6th
Club Atletic Arad Aradi Atlétikai Club
Aradi AC
(1899)1903 Liga 2 1st
Clubul de Gimnastică Arad Aradi Torna Club 1899
Strungul Chișineu Criș 1954 Liga III 2nd
Sport Club Arad Aradi Sport Club 1910 Liga 2 5th
Gloria Arad 1913 Liga I 2nd
Sebișana Sebiș 1922 Liga III 2nd
Steaua Roșie Pecica 1949 Liga III: 4th
Șoimii Lipova 1974 Liga III


Spartak Pâncota 1938 2016 Liga II 9th
Intreprinderea Textile Arad 1945 Liga I 1st

Argeș County

(Romanian)NameOfficial/Initial NameFoundation DateDissolvedBest place
FC Argeș PiteștiDinamo Pitești 1953 Liga I 1st
Metalul Colibași 1953 2001 Liga III(1993–94) 1st
AS Mioveni 2000 2000 Liga I 16th
Muscelul Câmpulung 1947 Liga II 14th
Internațional Piteşti 2000 2011 Liga I 12th
AS Valea Ursului 2007Liga III 9th

Bacău County

(Romanian)NameOfficial/Initial NameFoundation DateDissolvedBest place
Aripile Bacău 1977 Liga II 9th
Dinamo Bacău 1950 2020 Liga I 4th
1975 1994 Liga III 1st
1994 2015 Liga I 14th
ACS Gauss BacăuMesagerul Bacău 2006 Liga III 1st
CSM MoineștiPetrolul Moinești 1948 Liga III 1st

Bihor County

(Romanian)NameOfficial/Initial NameFoundation DateDissolvedBest place
Asociația de Gimnastică a Muncitorilor Stăruința OradeaTörekvés Munkás Testedzők Egyesülete Nagyvárad 1912 1958 Liga I Quarterfinals
Asociația Sportivă Oradea Nagyváradi Sport Egyesület 1906 1913 Liga 2 3rd
Nagyváradi Atletic Club 1910 Liga I 1st, Liga 1 1st
Clubul de Gimnastică Căile Ferate Maghiare Oradea Nagyváradi MÁV Torna Klub 1943 1945 Liga 2 3rd
Clubul de Scrimă Bihor Bihari Vívók Clubja 1912 1914 Liga 2 6th
1929 1954 Liga I 3–4th
2009 Liga IV 1st
Aurora Beiuș 1921 Liga III 9th
CSC Sânmartin 2009 Liga III 6th
2001 Liga II 8th
Tricolorul Alparea 2000 Liga III 3rd
Crișul Oradea 1958 2016 Liga I 7th
Crisul Oradea 2022 Liga III 1st
Nagyváradi Egyetértés SC 1912 1941 Liga 2 8th
Liberty Salonta 2003 2017 Liga II 1st
Nagyszalontai SC 1911 Liga III 2nd
Sport Club Oradea Nagyváradi Sport Club 1912 1914 Liga 2 5th

Bistrița-Năsăud County

(Romanian)NameOfficial/Initial NameFoundation DateDissolvedBest place
1922 2015 Liga I 3rd
1. FC Gloria 2018 Liga III 2nd
Hungarian Sports Association of Bistrița Besztercei Magyar Sport Egylet 1942 1945 Liga 2 8th
Beclean Gimnastics Sport Association Bethleni STE 1943 1945 Liga 312th

Botoșani County

(Romanian)NameOfficial/Initial NameFoundation DateDissolvedBest place
CS Botoșani 2001 Liga I 4th
2002 2023 Liga III 1st
2010 2015 Liga II 7th

Brașov County

(Romanian)NameOfficial/Initial NameFoundation DateDissolvedBest place
1914 1937 Liga I Semi-final
1921 2013 Liga I 9th
1920 Liga I 1st
2009 2021 Liga I 18th
Explosivi Făgăraș 1922 Liga II 4th
Uzinele Astra Brașov 1936 2017 Liga I 2nd
2021 2023 Liga II 7th
2002 2011 Liga II 2nd
1950 Liga II 2nd
FC Râșnov 1930 Liga III 7th
2017 Liga III 2nd
Industria Aeronautică Română Brașov 1927 2006 Liga II 1st
1983 2017 Liga III 1st

Brăila County

(Romanian)NameOfficial/Initial NameFoundation DateDissolvedBest place
2002 Liga III 8th
Dacia Brăila 1919 Liga I 13th
Franco-Româna Brăila 1928 Liga II 1st
2003 Liga III 7th


(Romanian)NameOfficial/Initial NameFoundation DateDissolvedBest place
1912 1916 Liga I 2nd
1922 2020 liga I 2nd
1909 1947 liga I 1st
1913 1938 Liga I 3rd
Juventus Colentina București 1992 Liga I 14th
Ciocanul București 1948 Liga I 1st
Metalul București 1935 2005 Liga I 13th
FC Steaua București 2003 Liga I 1st
Maccabi București 1919 1948 Liga I 7th
1923 Liga I 7th
1904 1946 1910–11 1st
B.N.R. București 1944 2009 Liga I
2014 Liga III 2nd
Asociația Culturală și Sportivă CFR București 1923 Liga I 1st
Asociaţia Sportivă a Uzinei de Autobuze București 1953 2009 1999–00 12th
1906 1916 1914–15 1st
Sporting Club Universitar Studenţesc București1916 2017 Liga I 2nd
Asociația Sportivă a Armatei București 1947 Liga I 1st
Teiul București 1914 1958 Liga I 1st
1914 Liga I 1st
1949 1990 Liga I 3rd
1962 1963 Liga I 14th

Buzău County

(Romanian)NameOfficial/Initial NameFoundation DateDissolvedBest place
2016 Liga II 8th
Clubul Sportiv Municipal Buzău 1973 2016 Liga I 5th
AS Metalul Buzău 1954 Liga III 5th
Olimpia Râmnicu Sărat 1966 Liga II 17th

Călărași County

(Romanian)NameOfficial/Initial NameFoundation DateDissolvedBest place
Celuloza Călărași 1962 Liga I 13th
2009 Liga III 6th
2005 2009 Liga II 4th
Phoenix Ulmu 2005 Liga III 2nd
Șantierul Naval Oltenița 1948 Liga II 11th

Caraș-Severin County

(Romanian)NameOfficial/Initial NameFoundation DateDissolvedBest place
1951 2014 Liga II 4th
Muncitorul Reșița1911 2017 Liga III 7th
Uzinele și Domeniile Reșița 1926 Liga I 1st
Scorilo Caransebeș 2006 2019 Liga II 8th

Cernăuți County

(Romanian)NameOfficial/Initial NameFoundation DateDissolvedBest place
Rumänischer Fußballklub (RFK) Czernowitz (Romanian Football Club Cernauti) 1909 1946 Liga I SF (3rd–4th), Liga I 10th(division format)
Czernowitzer Turn- und Sportverein Jahn(Sport and gymnastic society Jahn Cernăuți) 1903 1940 Liga I SF (3rd–4th)
Maccabi Czernowitz 1909 1941 Liga I SF (3rd–4th)
Polonia Czernowitz 1910 1940 Liga I QF (5–8th)

Cluj County

(Romanian)NameOfficial/Initial NameFoundation DateDissolvedBest place
Kolozsvári Kereskedelmi Akadémia Sportköre(Cluj Comercial Academy Sports Circle) 1905 1945 Liga 2 1st
Kolozsvári Vasutas Sport Club(Cluj Railroad Sports Club) 1907 Liga I 1st
Kolozsvári Egyetemi Atlétikai Club(Cluj University's Sports Club) (1902)1912 1945 Liga 2 4th
Industria Sârmei Câmpia Turzii 1921 2021 1952 12th
AS Colegiul de Agricultură Cluj Kolozsvári Mezőgazdasági Főiskolai SE(Cluj-Napoca Agricultural College SA) 1943 1945 Liga 2 13th
Kolozsvári Korvin SE 1940 1945 Liga 2 11th
Kolozsvári Bástya SE(Bastionul Cluj) 1937 1967 Liga I 11th
Kolozsvári FC 1908 1910 Liga 2 4th
Kolozsvári Atlétikai Club (1880)1904 1948 Liga I 6th, Liga 2 1st
Kolozsvári Munkás Testedző Egylet(Cluj Worker Training Association) 1912 1945 Liga 2 4th
Kolozsvári Postás Sport Egylet(Cluj Post Sports Association) 1941 1945 Liga 2 9th
1986 Liga III 4th
Unirea Jucu 1974 Liga IV 1st
Muncitorul Turda 1907 Liga II 6th
1921 Liga II 9th
1974 Liga III 4th
Societatea Sportivă a Studenților Universitari Cluj 1919 Liga I 2nd
1920 2022 Liga I 2nd

Constanța County

(Romanian)NameOfficial/Initial NameFoundation DateDissolvedBest place
Mercur Cernavodă 1927 Liga III 4th
Metalul Mangalia 1962 2015 Liga II 9th
Serviciul Porturi Maritime(Maritime Port Services) – SPM Constanța 1920 Liga I 5th
Cimentul Medgidia (Medgidia Cement) 1952 Liga II 12th
1993 Liga II 2nd
2004 Liga III 2nd
SPT Constanța 1930 Liga II 11th
2010 2015 Liga I 17th
2021 2023
2009 2021 2016–17 1st

Covasna County

(Romanian)NameOfficial/Initial NameFoundation DateDissolvedBest place
Kézdivásárhelyi Sportegyesület(Târgu Secuiesc Sports Association) 1912 Liga III 3rd
2011 2016–17 4th

Dâmbovița County

(Romanian)NameOfficial/Initial NameFoundation DateDissolvedBest place
2010 2016–17 7th
1936 2005 Liga II 2nd
Astra Moreni 1922 1988–89 4th
FC Aninoasa 1985 Liga III 11th
1948 2018 Liga I 7th

Dolj County

(Romanian)NameOfficial/Initial NameFoundation DateDissolvedBest place
1940 1949 Liga I 9th
2008 Liga III 5th
FC Craiova 2008 Liga III 3rd
1948 1990–91 1st
1991 Liga I 2nd

Galați County

(Romanian)NameOfficial/Initial NameFoundation DateDissolvedBest place
2011 Liga III 14th
1950 1975 Liga II 14th
1922 1950 Liga I QF (5–8)
1953 2020 Liga II 4th
FC Galați 1970 2014 Liga I 18th
ASC Galaţi 1932 1970 Liga I 10th
1937 2018 Liga II 1st
1964 Liga I 1st
2012 Liga III 8th

Giurgiu County

(Romanian)NameOfficial/Initial NameFoundation DateDissolvedBest place
Clubul Sportiv Astra-Română 1921 2022 Liga I 1st
FC Dunărea Giurgiu 1948 Liga II 5th

Gorj County

(Romanian)NameOfficial/Initial NameFoundation DateDissolvedBest place
1962 2022 Liga I 2nd
FC Dunărea Giurgiu 1976 Liga III 12th
Minerul Horăști 1962 Liga II 4th
AS Șirineasa 1998 Liga II 7th

Harghita County

(Romanian)NameOfficial/Initial NameFoundation DateDissolvedBest place
Csíkszereda 1904 Liga II 5th
Textila Odorheiu Secuiesc 1922 Liga II 17th

Hunedoara County

(Romanian)NameOfficial/Initial NameFoundation DateDissolvedBest place
Mica Brad 1934 Liga I 5th
Mureșul Deva 1921 Liga II 4th
Piski Vasutas Sport Egylet (in Hungarian) – Asociația Sportivă Feroviară din Simeria(in Romanian) 1909 Liga III 3rd
Corvinul 2005 Hunedoara2005 2008 2005–06 Divizia B 6th
Fero Sport Hunedoara 1921 2004 Liga I 3rd
1935 Liga II 11th
2009 Liga III 2nd
CAM Petroșani 1919 Liga I 2nd
1920 Liga I 2nd
1957 Liga III 2nd
Minerul Paroșeni 1970 1997 Liga II 6th
Minerul Vulcan 1921 Liga III 14th

Ialomița County

(Romanian)NameOfficial/Initial NameFoundation DateDissolvedBest place
Locomotiva CFR Fetești 1945 Liga III 3rd
Unirea Slobozia 1955 Liga II 2nd
Aurora Urziceni 1954 Liga I 1st
2002 Liga III 6th

Iași County

(Romanian)NameOfficial/Initial NameFoundation DateDissolvedBest place
CFR Pașcani 1921 Liga II 5th
Sportul Studențesc Iași 1945 2010 Liga I 6th
ACSMU Politehnica Iași 2010 Liga I 6th
2009 Liga II 17th

Ilfov County

(Romanian)NameOfficial/Initial NameFoundation DateDissolvedBest place
CS Buftea 2005 Liga I 5th
Sportul Studențesc Iași 1996 Liga II 5th
ACSMU Politehnica Iași 2006 Liga II 6th
2008 2022 Liga II 5th
Victoria Brănești 1968 Liga II 1st
1957 Liga I 9th
2001 2013 Liga I 17th
CS Popești-Leordeni 2011 Liga III 5th
Argeșul 30 Decembrie 1950 1992 Liga II 6th
Damila Măciuca 2007 2020 Liga II 3rd
Arsenal Tunari 1980 Liga III 3rd
1983 2017 Liga II 4th
1968 Liga I 16th
CS Snagov 1997 Liga II 12th
2010 Liga I 9th

Lăpușna County

(Romanian)NameOfficial/Initial NameFoundation DateDissolvedBest place
1920 1940 Liga I SF (3rd–4th)
1920 1940 Liga I SF (3rd–4th)

Maramureș County

(Romanian)NameOfficial/Initial NameFoundation DateDissolvedBest place
2013 Liga II 14th
2010 2013 Liga II 11th
CSM Baia Mare 1927 Liga I 4th
1934 2017 Liga II 6th
1932 2000 Liga I 5th
1936 1991 Liga II 16th
Marmația Sighetu Marmației 1996 Liga III 4th

Mehedinți County

(Romanian)NameOfficial/Initial NameFoundation DateDissolvedBest place
2002 2009 Liga II 12th
1958 2011 Liga II 2nd
CSM Baia Mare 1994 2015 Liga III 3rd
CS Gaz Metan Severin 2007 2013 Liga I 3rd

Mureș County

(Romanian)NameOfficial/Initial NameFoundation DateDissolvedBest place
FCM Târgu Mureș 2008 2018 Liga I 2nd
1962 Liga I 2nd
Foresta Reghin 1949 Liga I 13th
CS Gaz Metan Severin 2007 2013 Liga III 2nd
1921 1964 Liga I SF (3rd–4th)
ASM Târgu Mureș 1944 1960 Liga I 4th

Neamț County

(Romanian)NameOfficial/Initial NameFoundation DateDissolvedBest place
Ozana Târgu Neamț 1919 Liga I 4th
1974 Liga II 4th
Laminorul Roman 1954 Liga II 5th

Olt County

(Romanian)NameOfficial/Initial NameFoundation DateDissolvedBest place
Metalul Craiova 1949 2013 Liga I 3rd
Viitorul Scornicești 1972 Liga I 4th
Alro Slatina 2006 2015 Liga II 5th
Răsăritul Caracal 1924 2004 Liga II 13th
2009 Liga II 4th
Laminorul Roman 1982 Liga III 1st

Prahova County

(Romanian)NameOfficial/Initial NameFoundation DateDissolvedBest place
Chimia Brazi 1968 Liga II 17th
Astra Câmpina 1936 2008 Liga II 2nd
Fortuna Brazi 2012 2015 Liga I 11th
Alro Slatina 1947 Liga III 2nd
FC Juventus București 1924 Liga I 1st
Tricolor Ploieşti 1922 1949 Liga I 8th
United Ploiești 1909 2021 Liga I 1st
1971 Liga II 16th
2004 2013 Liga III 3rd

Sălaj County

(Romanian)NameOfficial/Initial NameFoundation DateDissolvedBest place
Unirea Zalău 1970 Liga II 4th
Liga III 14th
FC Silvania Șimleu Silvaniei 2007 Liga III 2nd
Liga III 9th
2005 2017 Liga III 4th
2019 Liga III 2nd

Satu Mare County

(Romanian)NameOfficial/Initial NameFoundation DateDissolvedBest place
Szatmári Sport Egylet(Satu Mare Sport Association) 1920 Liga 2 6th
Szatmári Vasutas SE(Satu Mare Railway SE) 1940 1945 Liga 3 5th
Szatmári Torna és Vívó Egylet(Satu Mare Gymnastics and Fencing Association) 1912 Liga III 3rd
Szatmárnémeti Barkochba 1940 1941 Liga 3 5th
Unirea Zalău (2007)2018 Liga III 8th
1921 Liga I 9th
Energia Negrești-Oaș 1969 Liga II 8th
Szatmárnémeti Törekvés(Satu Mare Aspiration) 1940 1945 Liga 3 4th

Sibiu County

(Romanian)NameOfficial/Initial NameFoundation DateDissolvedBest place
Karres Mediaș 1945 2022 Liga I 6th
2022 Liga IV 1st
2015 Liga I 8th
Independența Sibiu 1968 Liga I 4th
Textila Cisnădie 1969 Liga 3 2nd
Unirea Zalău 2003 2007 Liga II 2nd
Hermannstädter Turnverein – HATV(Gymnastics Society Sibiu) (1862)1919 1945 Liga I 2nd
Șoimii Sibiu(Falcons Sibiu) Szatmárnémeti Törekvés(Satu Mare Aspiration) 1913 2001 Liga I SF (3–4th), Liga I 7th
Viitorul Șelimbăr 2016 Liga III 1st
1965 2012 Liga I 16th
2013 Liga IV 3rd

Suceava County

(Romanian)NameOfficial/Initial NameFoundation DateDissolvedBest place
Progresul Rădăuți 1956 Liga III 1st
CS Armata(Army Sports Club) 1948 1953 Liga I 3rd
Independența Sibiu 2004 2010 Liga II 14th
Avântul Fălticeni 1954 2003 Liga I 13th
CFR Ițcani 1946 2024 Liga II 10th
Hermannstädter Turnverein – HATV(Gymnastics Society Sibiu) 1950 Liga II 11th
2010 Liga II 11th
2008 2014 Liga III 5th
Progresul Suceava 1957 1997 Liga I 18th

Teleorman County

(Romanian)NameOfficial/Initial NameFoundation DateDissolvedBest place
Unirea Alexandria 1948 Liga II 3rd
Chimia Turnu Măgurele 1962 Liga II 9th
Voința Saelele 1965 2021 Liga II 4th
2008 Liga III 3rd

Timiș County

(Romanian)NameOfficial/Initial NameFoundation DateDissolvedBest place
1923 1950 Liga I SF (3–4th)
Sparta CFR Timișoara 1933 Liga I 2nd
Temesvári Kinizsi SE(Timișoara Chinezul Sports Association) 1910 1946 Liga II 1st
2009 Liga III 3rd
1929 Liga III 5th
2016 Liga III 3rd
1973 2017 Liga II 15th
1922 1936 Liga II 1st
Vulturii Lugoj 1920 Liga I 7th
2002 2018 Liga III 2nd
ACS Recaș 2012 2021 Liga I 11th
Societatea Sportiva Politehnica 1921 2012 Liga I 2nd
2012 Liga I 6th
1917 2012 Liga II 2nd
1928 2023 Liga I 1st
1902 1936 Liga 2 1st, Liga II 6th
1936 1949 Liga I 5th
UMT 1960 2008 Liga I 16th
1957 Liga III 1st

Tulcea County

(Romanian)NameOfficial/Initial NameFoundation DateDissolvedBest place
1973 - Liga II 1st
1960 2022 Liga III 5th

Vâlcea County

(Romanian)NameOfficial/Initial NameFoundation DateDissolvedBest place
1946 2004 Liga I 8th
CSM Râmnicu Vâlcea 2004 Liga III 1st
Minerul Horezu 1963 Liga III 3rd

Vaslui County

(Romanian)NameOfficial/Initial NameFoundation DateDissolvedBest place
2014 2017 Liga III 11th
20052009 Liga III 6th
1968 Liga III 5th
Fotbal Club Vaslui 2002 Liga I 2nd
Inter Vaslui 1976 1990 Liga II 15th
2018 Liga IV 1st

Notes and References

  1. Web site: Romania – CF Metalurgistul Cugir 1939 – Results, fixtures, squad, statistics, photos, videos and news – Soccerway.
  2. Web site: Cornel Ţălnar, la Unirea Alba Iulia! De la vară, ca şi manager general. Romanian . Cornel Ţălnar, at Unirea Alba Iulia! Starting from the summer, as general manager. 17 January 2018. 15 November 2021.
  3. Web site: FOTO-VIDEO: Unirea Alba Iulia, 30 de ani de la semifinala de poveste din Cupa României, cu Universitatea Craiova!. Romanian . PHOTO-VIDEO: Unirea Alba Iulia, 30 years since the story semifinal of the Romanian Cup, with the Universitatea Craiova!. 29 May 2021. 15 November 2021.
  4. Web site: Ioan Mărginean "Limoniu", fundașul de fier al Unirii Alba Iulia: "Cârțu a recunoscut că i-a trecut glonțul pe la ureche". Romanian . Ioan Mărginean "Limoniu", the iron defender of Unirea Alba Iulia: "Cârțu admitted that the bullet went past his ear". 7 June 2021. 15 November 2021.
  5. Web site: FOTO-VIDEO, Gică Bran: "Unirea Alba Iulia se lua la trântă cu oricine din Divizia A! Am dovedit cu Steaua și Craiova, în Cupă!". Romanian . PHOTO-VIDEO, Gică Bran: "Unirea Alba Iulia was fighting with anyone from Division A! We proved it with Steaua and Craiova, in the Cup!". 9 June 2021. 15 November 2021.
  6. Web site: Clubul Sportiv Ineu (CS INEU). 3 August 2020.
  7. Academia Brosovszky Ineu, acreditată la nivel național: „Certificarea muncii depuse în ultimii ani, dar trebuie să ne ridicăm cu toții nivelul”
  8. Web site: Dispare încă un club de fotbal! ACU Arad şi-a sistat activitatea. Adevărul. 2 August 2011.
  9. Web site: Culisele desfiinţării clubului ACU Arad, exclus acum de FRF din Liga a III-a. Adevărul. 18 August 2011.
  10. Web site: Evolutia denumirilor echipelor de-a lungul anilor. The evolution of team names over the years. 9 September 2020.
  11. News: Vidéki bajnokság – Déli kerület, Aradvidéki alosztály 1912/1913. Rural Championship – Southern District, Arad Region Subdivision 1912/1913. hu. 4 February 2022.