List of telenovelas explained
This article contains a list of telenovelas sorted by their country of origin. Telenovelas are a style of limited-run television soap operas, particularly prevalent in Latin America.[1]
See main article: List of Argentine telenovelas.
- Alas, Poder y Pasión ("Wings, Power and Passion")
- Alen, Luz de Luna ("Alen, Moonlight")
- Alma Pirata ("Pirate Soul")
- Amigos son los Amigos ("Friends Will Be Friends")
- Amor Latino ("Latin Love")
- Amor Mío ("My Love")
- Amor Prohibido ("Forbidden Love") 1987
- Amor Sagrado ("Sacred Love")
- Andrea Celeste 1979
- Antonella 1992
- Atraccionx4 ("Attraction to the 4th Power")
- Buenos Vecinos ("Good Neighbors")
- Cabecita ("Little Head")
- Campeones de la Vida ("Champions of Life")
- Cara Bonita ("Pretty Face")
- Carola Casini
- Casi Ángeles ("Almost Angels")
- Celeste, Siempre Celeste ("Celeste, Always Celeste") 1993
- Clave de Sol ("G-Clef") 1987-1990
- Collar De Esmeraldas ("Emerald Necklace")
- Como Vos y Yo ("Like You And Me")
- Con alma de tango ("With Tango Soul")
- Corazones de Fuego ("Hearts of Fire")
- Cosecharás tu Siembra ("You Reap What You Sow")
- Costumbres Argentinas ("Argentine Customs")
- Culpable de este Amor ("Guilty of This Love")
- Culpables ("Sinners")
- De corazón ("Sincerely")
- Déjate Querer ("Let Yourself To Be Loved")
- Doble Vida ("Double Life")
- Dr. Amor ("Dr. Love")
- Dulce Ana ("Sweet Ana")
- El Día Que Me Quieras ("The Day That You Love Me")
- El Refugio (de los Sueños) ("The Refuge (of Dreams)")
- El Sodero de Mi Vida ("The Soda-Water Salesman of my Life")
- El Tiempo No Para ("Time Doesn't Stop")
- El Último Verano ("The Last Summer")
- EnAmorArte
- Entre el Amor y el Poder ("Between Love and Power")
- Estrellita Mía ("My Little Star")
- ("Franco Buenaventura: Teacher")
- Frecuencia 04 ("Frequence 04")
- Gasoleros
- Gladiadores de Pompeya ("Gladiators of Pompeii")
- Hombre de Honor ("Man of Honor")
- Hombre de Mar ("Man of the Sea")
- Ilusiones Compartidas ("Shared Illusions")
- Inconquistable Corazón ("Unconquered Heart")
- Jesús, el Heredero ("Jesus, the Heir")
- Juanita, la Soltera ("Juanita, The Unmarried One")
- Kachorra
- La Extraña Dama ("Strange Lady")
- La Lola
- Laberinto ("Labyrinth")
- Los Buscas de Siempre
- Los Cien Días de Ana ("Anna's One Hundred Days")
- Los Médicos de Hoy ("The Doctors of Today")
- Los pensionados ("Pensioners")
- Los Secretos de Papá ("Dad's Secrets")
- María de Nadie ("Maria Of Nobody") 1985
- Más Allá del Horizonte ("Beyond the Horizon")
- Máximo Corazón ("Maximum Heart")
- Media Falta ("Half Absence")
- Mía, Sólo Mía ("Mine, Only Mine")
- Mil Millones ("A Billion")
- Milady
- Montaña Rusa ("Rollercoaster")
- Naranja y Media ("Orange and a Half")
- Niní ("Nini")
- Pasiones ("Passions")
- PH (Propiedad Horizontal) ("Horizontal Property")
- Poliladron
- Por El Nombre de Dios ("In The Name of God")
- Por Siempre Mujercitas ("Always Little Women")
- Primer amor (with G.Corrado, Grecia Colmenares) ("First Love")
- Princesa ("Princess")
- Provócame ("Provoke Me")
- Resistiré ("Forever Julia"), 2003
- Ricos y Famosos ("Rich and Famous")
- Rincón de Luz ("Corner of Light")
- Sálvame María ("Save Me Maria")
- Se Dice Amor ("It Is Called 'Love'")
- Señorita Andrea ("Miss Andrea")
- Sheik
- Soy Gina ("I'm Gina")
- Una Familia Especial ("A Special Family")
- Verano del '98 ("Endless Summer")
- Yago, Pasión Morena ("Yago, Moreno Passion")
- ("Gypsy Woman")
See main article: article.
- Amor en tiempo seco ("The love in time of drought")
- Cambas en apuros ("Cambas in difficulties")
- Carmelo Hurtado
- Carmelo Hurtado - El Retorno ("Carmelo Hurtado Returns")
- Chantaje de Amor ("Blackmail of love")
- Coraje Salvaje ("Wild courage")
- Hotelucho ("Poor Hotel")
- Indira
- La Fundación ("The Foundation")
- La Última Expedición ("The Last Expedition")
- La Virgen de las Siete Calles ("The Virgin of the Seven Streets")
- Las Tres Perfectas Solteras ("The Three Perfect Unmarried Women")
- Los Pioneros ("The Pioneers")
- Luna de Locos ("Moon of the crazies")
- Tardes Antiguas ("Old Afternoon")
- Tierra Adentro ("Inland")
- Una Vida, Un Destino ("A life, a destiny")
See main article: List of Brazilian telenovelas.
Rede Globo
See main article: List of Rede Globo telenovelas.
See also: List of 8/9 PM telenovelas of Rede Globo and List of 11 PM telenovelas of Rede Globo.
- A Barba Azul ("The Blue Beard") - 1974
- A Casa das Sete Mulheres ("House of the Seven Women") - 2003
- A Deusa Vencida ("The Defeated Goddess")
- A Favorita ("The Favourite") - 2008
- A Gata Comeu ("The Cat Ate It") - 1985
- A Muralha ("The Wall") - 1968
- A Próxima Vítima ("The Next Victim") - 1995
- A Regra do Jogo ("The Rule of the Game") - 2015
- A Sucessora ("The Successor")
- A Viagem ("The Journey") - 1994
- Além do Tempo ("Beyond Time") - 2015
- Alma Gêmea ("Soulmate") - 2005
- América ("America") - 2005
- Amor à Vida ("Love for Life") - 2013
- Anjo Mau - 1976, Anjo Mau ("Evil Angel") - 1997
- Antônio Maria
- Aritana
- As Minas de Prata ("The Silver Mines")
- Avenida Brasil ("Brazil Avenue") - 2012
- Babilônia (refers to the Rio de Janeiro slum rather than Babylon) - 2015
- Baila Comigo ("Dance With Me") - 1981
- Bandeira Dois ("Flag Two"—referring to the higher night rate on taxicabs.)
- Barriga de Aluguel ("Rent Womb") - 1990
- Beleza Pura ("Pure Beauty") - 2008
- Belíssima ("Beautiful") - 2005
- Beto Rockfeller - 1968
- Boogie Oogie - 2014
- Cama de Gato ("Cat's Cradle") - 2009
- Carinhoso ("Affectionate")
- Celebridade ("Celebrity") - 2003
- Cheias de Charme ("All Charming") - 2012
- Chocolate com Pimenta ("Chocolate and Pepper") - 2003
- Cidadão Brasileiro ("Brazilian Citizen") - 2006
- Ciranda de Pedra ("Marble Dance") - 2008
- Cobras & Lagartos ("Snakes & Lizards") - 2006
- Coração de Estudante ("Student's Heart") - 2002
- Da Cor do Pecado ("Shades of Sin") - 2004
- Dancin' Days - 1978
- Desejo Proibido ("Forbidden Desire") - 2007
- Dona Beija - 1986
- Duas Caras ("Two-Faces") - 2008
- Em Família ("In Family") - 2014
- Éramos Seis ("We Were Six")
- Escalada ("The Way Up")
- Escrava Isaura ("Isaura - Slave Girl")
- Estúpido Cupido ("Stupid Cupid")
- Eta Mundo Bom! ("What a Good World!") - 2016
- Eterna Magia ("Eternal Magic") - 2007
- Feijão Maravilha ("Wonderful Bean")
- Guerra dos Sexos ("War of the Sexes")
- História de Amor ("Love Story") - 1995
- Hoje é dia de Maria ("Today is Mary's Day")
- Ídolo de Pano ("Cloth Idol")
- Império ("Empire") - 2014
- Insensato Coração ("Reckless Heart") - 2011
- Irmãos Coragem ("Brave Brothers")
- JK (Screen adaptation of the autobiography of Juscelino Kubitschek, Brazilian President from 1956 to 1961) - 2006
- Joia Rara ("Rare Jewel") - 2013
- Gabriela
- Laços de Família ("Family Ties") - 2000
- Liberdade, Liberdade ("Freedom, Freedom") - 2016
- Locomotivas ("Locomotives"—a 1970s slang for beautiful woman) - 1977
- Mad Maria
- Meu Rico Português ("My Rich Portuguese")
- Minha Doce Namorada ("My Sweet Girlfriend")
- Mulheres Apaixonadas ("Women in Love") - 2003
- Mulheres de Areia ("Women of Sand") - 1993
- Negócio da China ("China Business") - 2008
- Ninho da Serpente ("Snake's Nest")
- Nino, o Italianinho ("Nino, The Little Italian")
- O Astro (1977 TV series) - 1977
- O Astro (2011 TV series) - 2011
- O Beijo do Vampiro ("Kiss of the Vampire") - 2002
- O Bem-Amado ("The Well-Loved") - 1973
- O Casarão ("The Manor")
- O Clone ("The Clone") - 2001
- O Cravo e a Rosa ("The Carnation and the Rose") - 2000
- O Direito de Nascer ("The Right to Be Born") - 1964
- O Direito de Nascer - 1978
- O Espigão ("The Skyscraper")
- O Machão ("The Macho Man")
- O Profeta ("The Prophet")
- O Rebu ("The Big Confusion")
- O Rei do Gado ("The Cattle King") - 1996
- Os Imigrantes ("The Immigrants")
- Os Ossos do Barão ("The Bones of the Baron")
- Páginas da Vida ("Pages of Life") - 2006
- Pai Herói ("Hero Father") - 1979
- Paixões Proibidas ("Forbidden Loves")
- Pão pão, Beijo beijo ("Bread Bread, Kiss Kiss") - 1983
- Paraíso Tropical ("Tropical Paradise") - 2007
- Pigmalião 70 ("Pygmalion '70") - 1970
- Por Amor ("For Love") - 1997
- Quatro por Quatro ("Four By Four") - 1994
- Que Rei Sou Eu? ("What King Am I?") - 1989
- Rainha da Sucata ("Queen of the Scrap Metal") - 1990
- Redenção ("Redemption")
- Roda de Fogo ("Wheel of Fire") - 1986
- Roque Santeiro - 1985
- Salve Jorge ("Hail George") - 2012
- Sangue do Meu Sangue ("Blood of My Blood")
- Saramandaia
- Selva de Pedra ("Stone Jungle")
- Senhora do Destino ("Lady of Destiny") - 2004
- Sete Pecados ("Seven Sins") - 2007
- Sete Vidas ("Seven Lives") - 2015
- Sinhá Moça ("Little Missy", "Niña Moza")
- Sonho Meu ("My Dream") - 1993
- Terra Nostra (Italian for "Our Land") - 1999
- Tieta - 1989
- Totalmente Demais ("Totally Awesome") - 2015
- Três Irmãs ("Three Sisters") - 2008
- Um Só Coração ("Only One Heart") - 2004
- Vale Tudo ("Anything Goes") - 1988
- Vamp - 1991
- Velho Chico ("Old Chico", referring to the São Francisco River) - 2016
- Verdades Secretas ("Secret Truths") - 2015
- Vereda Tropical ("Tropical Path") - 1984
Rede Record
See main article: List of RecordTV telenovelas.
Rede Bandeirantes
- Água na Boca ("Water in My Mouth")
- Água Viva ("Jellyfish")
- Dance, Dance, Dance
- Floribella
Sistema Brasileiro de Televisão
Rede Manchete
See main article: List of Chilean telenovelas.
- A La Sombra del Angel ("In the shadow of the angel")
- A Todo Dar ("Top Speed")
- Adrenalina ("Adrenaline")
- Algo está cambiando ("Something's Changing")
- Alguien te mira ("Somebody is looking at you")
- Ámame ("Love me")
- Amor a domicilio ("Love for Delivery")
- Amor por accidente
- Amores de mercado ("Loves from the Market")
- Angel malo ("Bad Angel", remake of Anjo Mau)
- Aquelarre ("Witches' sabbath")
- Bellas y audaces ("Beautiful and bold girls")
- Brujas ("Witches")
- Cerro Alegre ("Happy Hill")
- Champaña ("Champagne")
- Cómplices ("Accomplices")
- Destinos Cruzados ("Crossed Destinies")
- Don Amor ("Mr. Love")
- El amor está de moda ("The love is quite the thing")
- El Circo de las Montini ("The Montini's Circus")
- El señor de La Querencia ("The Lord of the haunt")
- Estúpido Cupido ("Stupid Cupid", remake of Estúpido Cupido)
- Fuera de control ("Out of Control")
- Gatas y tuercas ("Jacks and Nuts")
- Hijos del Monte ("Monte's sons")
- Hippie
- Ídolos ("Idols")
- Iorana (rapa nui word for "Hello")
- Jaque Mate ("Checkmate")
- Juegos de fuego ("Fire games")
- La Dama del Balcón ("The Lady of the Balcony")
- La Fiera ("The Wild Animal")
- La Invitación ("The Invitation")
- La Madrastra ("The Stepmother")
- La Quintrala ("A female character of the Chilean History")
- La Torre 10 ("The tower 10")
- La última cruz ("The last cruise")
- Loca piel ("Crazy skin")
- Los Capo ("The Capos")
- Los Pincheira ("The Pincheiras")
- Los títeres ("The Puppets")
- Los 30 ("30")
- Machos ("Macho Men")
- Mala Conducta ("Bad Behavior")
- Marparaíso
- Marrón Glacé
- Matrimonio de Papel ("Marriage of paper")
- Mi nombre es Lara ("My name's Lara")
- Oro verde ("Green gold")
- Pampa Ilusión ("Illusion of Pampa")
- Papi Ricky
- Playa Salvaje ("Wild Beach")
- Purasangre ("Bloodstock")
- Rojo y miel ("Red and Honey")
- Romané ("Gypsies")
- Rompecorazón ("Heartbreaker")
- Rossabella
- Santo Ladrón ("Saint thief")
- Semidiós ("Semigod")
- Sucupira
- Tentación ("Temptation")
- Tic Tac
- Trampas y Caretas ("Cheats and Masks")
- Floribella
- Villa Nápoli ("Napoli villa")
- Viuda Alegre ("Cheerful")
See main article: List of Colombian telenovelas.
See main article: List of Croatian telenovelas.
AVA Production
- Villa Maria ("Villa Maria") (2004-2005)
- Ljubav u zaleđu ("Love in offside") (2005-2006)
- Obični ljudi ("Ordinary people") (2006-2007)
- Ponos Ratkajevih ("Ratkaj's pride") (2007-2008)
- Zakon ljubavi ("The law of love") (2008)
RTL Televizija
- Ne daj se, Nina ("Don't give up, Nina") (2008)
- Ruža vjetrova ("Rose of winds") (2011-2013)
- Tajne ("Secrets") (2013-2014)
- Vatre ivanjske ("Ivanja fires") (2014-2015)
- Prava žena ("True Woman") (2016-2017)
- Pogrešan čovjek ("A Wrong Man") (coproduction with Serbia) (2018-2019)
Ring Multimedia
Nova TV
Dominican Republic
- María José, Oficios Del Hogar ("María José, Housewife")
- Catalino El Dichoso ("Lucky Catalino")
- En La Boca De Los Tiburones ("Inside The Sharks' Mouth")
- Trópico ("Tropical Paradise")
El Salvador
Paprika Studios
- Oltári csajok – "Glorious Gals" (2017–2018)
See main article: List of Televisa telenovelas.
TV Azteca
See main article: List of TV Azteca telenovelas and series.
Argos Comunicación
- Pobre Diabla ("Wretch")
- Luz Maria
- Leonela, Muriendo de Amor ("Leonela, Dying of Love")
- Cosas del Amor ("Things of Love")
- Cazando a un millonario ("Hunting a Millionaire")
- Girasoles para Lucía ("Sunflowers for Lucía")
- Besos robados ("Stolen Kisses")
- Carmín
- El adorable professor Aldao ("The Adorable Professor Aldao")
- Natacha
- Simplemente María ("Simply Maria")
- Travesuras del corazón ("Pranks of the Heart")
- Luciana y Nicolás ("Luciana and Nicolás")
- Me llaman Gorrión ("They call me Gorrión")
- Nino... las cosas simples de la vida ("Nino... The Simple Things in life")
- Los de arriba y los de abajo ("Those Ones From Above and Those Ones From Below")
- ¡Qué buena raza! (Pun of "What a Nerve!" literally translating "What A Good Race")
- Eva del Edén ("Eve of Eden")
- Hermanos Coraje ("Courage Brothers")
- Torbellino ("Whirlwind")
- Los unos y los otros ("The Ones and the Others")
- La Rica Vicky ("Vicky the Delightful")
- Amor serrano ("Serrano Love")
- Los Choches ("The Buddies")
- Al Fondo Hay Sitio ("There's Room At The Back")
- Gente Como Uno ("People Like One")
- Mil Oficios ("Jack of All Trades")
- Demasiada Belleza ("Too Much Beauty")
- ("Dina Paucar: The Fight For A Dream")
- Latin lover ("Latin Lover")
- El Gran Reto ("The Great Challenge")
- Gamboa ("Gamboa")
- Paginas De La Vida ("Pages of Life")
- No Hay Por Que Llorar ("There's No Reason for Crying")
- Solo por ti ("Only For You")
- Matalache ("Matalache")
- Bésame Tonto ("Kiss me, You Dumb")
- Las Mujeres De Mi Vida ("The Women of my Life")
- Clave uno ("Code One")
- Tatán ("Tantán")
- Cuando Los Angeles Lloran ("When Angels Cry")
- Secretos ("Secrets")
See main article: List of Philippine telenovelas.
See main article: List of Portuguese telenovelas.
- Vila Faia (1982),(Beech Village) [RTP]
- Origens (1983), (Origins) [RTP]
- Chuva na Areia (1985), (The Rain on the Sand) [RTP]
- Palavras Cruzadas (1987), (Crosswords) [RTP]
- Passerelle (1988), [RTP]
- Ricardina e Marta (1989), [RTP]
- Cinzas (1992), (Ashes) [RTP]
- A Banqueira do Povo (1993), (The Banker of the People) [RTP]
- Telhados de Vidro (1993), (Glass Roofs) [TVI]
- Verão Quente (1993), (Hot Summer) [RTP]
- Na Paz dos Anjos (1994), (In Heavenly Peace) [RTP]
- Desencontros (1994), (Mismatches) [RTP]
- Roseira Brava (1995), (Briar Rose) [RTP]
- Primeiro Amor (1995), (First Love) [RTP]
- Vidas de Sal (1996), (Salt Lives) [RTP]
- Filhos do Vento (1996), (The Children of the Wind) [RTP]
- A Grande Aposta (1997), (The Great Bet) [RTP]
- Terra Mãe (1998), (Motherland) [RTP]
- Os Lobos (1998), (The Wolves) [RTP]
- A Lenda da Garça (1999), (The Heron Legend) [RTP]
- Todo o Tempo do Mundo (1999), (All the time in the world) [TVI]
- Ajuste de Contas (2000), (The Reckoning) [RTP]
- Jardins Proibidos (2000), (Forbidden Gardens) [TVI]
- Senhora das Águas (2001), (The Lady of the Waters) [RTP]
- Ganância (2001), (Greed) [SIC]
- Olhos de Água (2001), (Water Eyes) [TVI]
- Nunca Digas Adeus (2001), (Never say Goodbye) [TVI]
- Filha do Mar (2001), (The Daughter of the Sea) [TVI]
- Anjo Selvagem (2001/2002), (Wild Angel) [TVI]
- Lusitana Paixão (2002), (Portuguese Passion)
- Fúria de Viver (2002), (Rage of Living) [SIC]
- O Olhar da Serpente (2002), (Snake Stare)
- Tudo Por Amor (2002), (All for Love) [TVI]
- Sonhos Traídos (2002), (Betrayed Dreams) [TVI]
- O Último Beijo (2002), (The Last Kiss) [TVI]
- Amanhecer (2002), (Dawn) [TVI]
- O Jogo (2003), (The Game) [SIC]
- Saber Amar (2003), (Know How to Love) [TVI]
- Coração Malandro (2003), (Naughty Heart) [TVI]
- O Teu Olhar (2003), (Your Stare) [TVI]
- Queridas Feras (2003/2004), (Dear Beasts) [TVI]
- Mistura Fina (2004/2005), (Fine Blend) [TVI]
- Baía das Mulheres (2004/2005), (Women Bay) [TVI]
- Ninguém Como Tu (2005), (No one like you) [TVI]
- Mundo Meu (2005/2006), (My World) [TVI]
- Dei-te Quase Tudo (2005/2006), (I gave you almost everything) [TVI]
- Fala-me de Amor (2006), (Talk to me about Love) [TVI]
- Floribella (2006) [SIC]
- Tempo de Viver (Time to live) [TVI]
- Jura (2006) (Promise me) [SIC]
- Doce Fugitiva (2006/2007), (Sweet Fugitive) [TVI]
- Tu e Eu (2006/2007), (You and me) [TVI]
- Paixões Proibidas (2007) (Forbidden Passions) [RTP]
- Vingança (2007) (Revenge) [SIC]
- Ilha dos Amores (2007), (Island of Love) [TVI]
- Resistirei (2007), (I Will Resist) [SIC]
- Deixa-me amar (2007), (Let Me Love) [TVI]
- Fascínios (2007), (Fascinations) [TVI]
- Rebelde Way (2008), (Rebel Way)
- A Outra (2008), (The Other) [TVI]
- Vila Faia 2008 (2008), [RTP]
- Flor do Mar (2008), (Flower of the Sea) [TVI]
- Olhos nos Olhos (2008), (Eye to eye) [TVI]
- Podia Acabar o Mundo (2008), (It Could End the World) [SIC]
- Feitiço de Amor (2008), (Love Spell) [TVI]
- Deixa que te leve (2009), (Let me take you) [TVI]
- Sentimentos (2009), (Feelings) [TVI]
- Meu Amor (2009), (My Love) [TVI]
- Perfeito Coração (2009), (Perfect Heart) [SIC]
- Mar de Paixão (2010), (Sea of Passion) [TVI]
- Lua Vermelha (2010), (Red Moon) [SIC]
- Espírito Indomável (2010), (Wild Spirit) [TVI]
- Laços de Sangue (2010), (Blood Ties)
- Sedução (2010), (Seduction) [TVI]
- Anjo Meu (2011), (Angel of Mine) [TVI]
- Remédio Santo (2011), (Holy Remedies) [TVI]
- Rosa Fogo (2011), (Firerose) [SIC]
- Doce Tentação (2012), (Sweet Temptation) [TVI]
- Dancin' Days (2012)
- Louco Amor (2012), (Crazy Love) [TVI]
- Destinos Cruzados (2012), (Crossed Destinies) [TVI]
- Doida por Ti (2012), (Crazy about You) [TVI]
- Mundo Ao Contrário (2013), (World Upside Down) [TVI]
- Sol de Inverno (2013), (Winter's Sun) [SIC]
- Os Nossos Dias (2013), (Our Days) [RTP]
- Belmonte (2013), (Belmonte) [TVI]
- Mulheres (2014), (Women) [TVI]
- O Beijo do Escorpião (2014), (Scorpion's Kiss) [TVI]
- Água de Mar (2014), (Sea's Water) [RTP]
- Mar Salgado (2014), (Salty Sea) [SIC]
- Jardins Proíbidos 2014 (2014), (Forbidden Gardens 2014) [TVI]
- Poderosas (2015), (Will for Revenge) [SIC]
- A Única Mulher (2015), (The Only Woman) [TVI]
- Coração D'ouro (2015), (Heart of Gold) [SIC]
- Rainha das Flores (2016), (Frozen Memories) [SIC]
- Amor Maior (2016), (More Than Love) [SIC]
- Sol de Inverno (2013), (Winter's Sun) [SIC]
- Espelho D'Água (2016), (Water Mirror) [SIC]
- Jogo Duplo (2017), (Double Game) [TVI]
- Ouro Verde (2017), (Payback) [TVI]
- O Sábio (2017), (The Wise One) [RTP]
- Paixão (2017), (Living Passion) [SIC]
- A Herdeira (2017), (The Gipsy Heiress) [TVI]
- A Teia (2018), (The Web) [TVI]
- Valor da Vida (2018), (Value of Life) [TVI]
- Vidas Opostas (2018), (Tangled Lives) [SIC]
- Alma e Coração (2018), (Heart and Soul) [SIC]
- Amar Depois de Amar (2019), (Loving After Loving) [TVI]
- Prisioneira (2019), (Trapped) [TVI]
- Alguém Perdeu (2019), (Someone Lost) [CMTV]
- Terra Brava (2019), (Wild Land) [SIC]
- Na Corda Bamba (2019), (On Thin Ice) [TVI]
- Nazaré (2019), (Nazaré) [SIC]
- Quer o Destino (2020), (Destiny Desires) [TVI]
- Amar Demais (2020), (Unlimited Love) [TVI]
- Bem Me Quer (2020), (Broken Bonds) [TVI]
- Amor Amor (2021), (Love is a Song) [SIC]
- A Serra (2021), (Mountain Range) [SIC]
- Festa é Festa (2021), (Party is Party) [TVI]
- Para Sempre (2021), (Forever) [TVI]
- Quero é Viver (2022), (I want to live) [TVI]
- Por Ti (2022), (For You) [SIC]
- Rua das Flores (2022), (Flowers Street) [TVI]
- Lua de Mel (2022), (Honeymoon) [SIC]
Puerto Rico (U.S.)
- El Derecho de Nacer
- Entre la Espada y la Cruz
- El Retrato de Angela
- La Divina Infiel
- Cuatro Mujeres
- La sombra del otro
- La infamia
- Cuando los Hijos Condenan
- El Hijo de Angela María
- El Rosario (The Rosary)
- La Mujer de Aquella Noche
- Conciencia Culpable
- Los Dedos de la Mano
- Marcelo y Marcelina
- Juan de Dios
- Sombras del Pasado
- Cristina Bazan
- Mujeres sin Hombres
- La Otra Mujer
- La Intrusa
- Tomiko
- Mami Santa
- La Sombra de Belinda
- El Idolo
- Anacaona
- Martha Llorens
- El Amor Nuestro de Cada Dia
- Tanairi
- Amame (Love Me)
- La Jibarita
- Fue sin Querer
- Escándalo
- Rojo Verano
- Modelos S.A.
- Vida
- Millie
- Cadenas de Amor
- Coralito
- Karina Montaner
- Aventurera
- Cuando Vuelvas
- Vivir Para Ti
- Diana Carolina
- Yo Se Que Mentia
- Apartamento de Solteras
- (The Island)
- (The Other)
- Ave De Paso
- Alejandra
- Laura Guzman, ¡Culpable!
- Sombras del Pasado
- Preciosa
- La Verdadera Eva
- De que color es el amor?
- Tormento (Torment)
- Señora Tentación
- Dueña y Señora
See main article: List of Serbian telenovelas.
- Jelena ("Jelena") (2004–2005)
- Ljubav i mržnja ("Love and hate") (2007–2008)
- Zaustavi vreme ("Stop the time") (2008)
- Istine i laži ("Truths and lies") (2017–2019)
- Pogrešan čovek ("The Wrong Man") (coproduction with Croatia) (2018–2019)
- Crveni mesec ("Red moon") (2019–2020)
- Tate ("Fathers") (2020–2021)
- Kolo sreće ("Wheel of fortune") (2021–2022)
- Od jutra do sutra ("From morning until tomorrow") (2022–2023)
South Africa
United States
See main article: List of telenovelas of Univision.
See main article: List of telenovelas of Telemundo.
See main article: List of Venezuelan telenovelas.
See main article: List of Venevisión telenovelas.
See main article: List of Radio Caracas Televisión telenovelas.
See also
Notes and References
- Web site: 2012-01-25 . The Power of the Telenovela . 2024-11-30 . PBS News . en-us.