List of equipment of the Royal Jordanian Army explained

This is a list of equipment used by the Royal Jordanian Army.

Small arms


Standard issue pistol. The hammerless Caracal pistol was developed by the Austrian handgun designer Wilhelm Bubits. 8,000+ acquired.[1]

Standard issue pistol for the Jordanian armed forces.[2] [3]
[4] [5]

Used By Royal Guard.[6]
Assault rifles
Standard issue assault carbine. Sold as part of a 2007 Foreign Military Sales package.[8] Additional M4s sold as a 2008 Foreign Military Sales package.[9]
M16A4 used by Border Guard Force[10]
Used by Jordan Royal Guard.[11]
Used by Jordan Royal Guard
Jordanian Special Operations Forces employ the G36C.
Used by Joint Special Operations Command (Jordan) only
Standard shotgun.
Sniper rifles
Standard Issue for all Infantry Units.[12]
Standard issue for all Infantry Units.[13]
The TRG-22 and TRG-42 sniper rifles are used by Jordanian Special forces.[14]
Employed by Jordanian Special Operations Forces.
Barrett M82A1 Versions.[15] [16]
Employed by Jordanian Special Operations Forces.
Submachine guns
Used by Special Forces.[17]
Used by Jordanian Special Operations Forces.
Machine guns
HK21A1 variant.
Standard issue general-purpose machine gun.
1,261+ acquired. In use on tripods and as flexible gun on M113A2 Mk 1J armoured personnel carrier and other armoured vehicles.
Grenade launcher

Used by Jordanian Special Forces.

Heavy equipment

Main battle tanks

Main battle tanks (in service)
LeclercMain battle tank80Donated by the United Arab Emirates in September 2020.[18]
Another donation of 70-100 tanks will be received in December 2020.
Al-Husseinin service)[19]
(in storage)
United Kingdom supplied Jordan with 400 Challenger 1 tanks as part of a government-to-government deal in 2002.[20] [21]
Currently there are 190 tanks in service and they are being replaced entirely by the new Leclerc tank donated from United Arab Emirates.
M60A3 Patton182Jordan upgraded four battalions of total 225 M60A3 tanks with IFCS by Raytheon.[22] [23] [24] [25] [26]
Main battle tanks (in storage)
M60A1 PattonMain battle tank8236 captured from Iran during the Iran–Iraq War and transferred by Saddam Hussein to Jordan in 1980. In storage, 20+ Converted to Al-Monjed A2 ARV by King Abdullah Design and Development Bureau (now Jordan Design and Development Bureau), 30 tanks donated to Lebanon[27] and the remaining in storage.
Khalid274+90The Khalid is essentially the Chieftain FV4030/2 MBT with minor modifications to suit Jordanian requirements. Jordan received 90 captured Iranian Chieftain tanks from Iraq after Iran–Iraq War but never used.[28] Currently all in storage.
Tariq300-400In storage, some converted to MAP II Heavy Armoured APC by King Abdullah Design and Development Bureau (now Jordan Design and Development Bureau).

Infantry carrier vehicle

Infantry fighting vehicle
Marder 1A3Infantry fighting vehicle75Secondhand from Germany
YPR-765336290+ YPR-765 pri 25mm IFV from Netherlands
13 AIFV-B-C25 25mm IFV from Belgium
Armoured personnel carrier
M113A2MK-1JArmoured personnel carrier370Upgraded to Jordan configuration, including 70 M106A2, 93 M901 ITV, 7 M1059[29] [30] [31]
YPR-765105192 YPR-765 pri.50 including YPR-806 prbrg ARV from Netherlands[32] [33]
48 AIFV-B from Belgium
M577Command vehicle269Command vehicle based on the M113, 200 M577A2 received from the United States in 2012.[34]
FV103 SpartanArmoured personnel carrier100In storage

Reconnaissance vehicles

FV101 ScorpionArmoured fighting vehicle2650 Scorpions received from Belgium in 2001, 4 × AT-14 Kornet-E Ready to launch (upgraded By JERSCO).[35] [36]
FV107 Scimitar75Jordan had 75 Scimitar and obtained over 100 Scimitars in a 2006 deal that netted the British $20 million[37]
B1 CentauroWheeled tank destroyer141141 B1 Centauro (all ex Italian Army); some donated as Italian military aid and modernized with upgrade kits.

Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected Vehicle

MaxxPro MRAPMedium Mine Protected Vehicle200200 MaxxPro MRAP received through US EDA.[38]
Cougar CAT II MRAP131131 Cougar MRAP received through US EDA.[39]
RG-33L MRAP South Africa200200 RG-33L MRAP from the United States in 2018.
Mbombe 60 (50+)On order.[40]


Self-propelled artillery
M109A2Self-propelled howitzer35878 M109A2 purchased from the United States, and 121 M109A2-90 purchased from the Netherlands.[41] [42]
Towed howitzer
M119 howitzerTowed howitzer12The United States has donated 12 howitzers and 24 Humvees to the Jordan Armed forces (JAF).[43] The howitzers are used by the QRF Brigade.
M102A150Small number in service, majority in storage
M11418In storage
Rocket artillery
HIMARSRocket artillery12[44] 12 launchers with 72 M31A1 GMLRS Unitary pods and 24 M30A1 GMLRS-AW pods (each pod contains six missiles), option for additional 12 launchers.
WM-120 MLRS24The system has a maximum range of 120 km (it appeared in a military drill conducted by JAF).[45] [46] [47] [48]
64Hanwha-70 70mm MLRS produced by Hanwha Corporation and King Abdullah II Design and Development Bureau (now Jordan Design and Development Bureau)[49] [50]
The system never entered service in the army.
M252 mortarMortar267 [51] JAF planned to completely replace the M29 mortar with M252 mortar in all units under Jordan Operational Engagement program (JOEP).[52]
M29 mortar1,450
W-86200200 W-86 120 mm mortar For JSOC[53]
No longer in use. In storage
WW-90375375 WW-90 60 mm mortar [54]
No longer in use. In storage
PPT8912751275 PPT89 60 mm mortar
No longer in use. In storage
Artillery-locating radars
TPQ-36Weapon locating system127
COBRA72[55] 5 COBRA Counter Battery Radars were donated from UK in 2016.
Precision-guided munitions
M982 ExcaliburGuided artillery shell901+[56] More orders placed in 2018 and 2020.
M712 CopperheadPrecision-guided munitions1000+[57]

Air defense

Air defense missile system
9K35 Strela-10Surface-to-air missile92Financed by Saddam Hussein in 1982 as reward for Jordanian volunteer unit fighting against Iran.
Self-propelled anti-aircraft gun
ZSU-23-4 ShilkaSurface-to-air missile48Financed by Saddam Hussein in 1982 as reward for Jordanian volunteer unit fighting against Iran.
M163 Vulcan8181 VADS transferred to Jordan in 2005
Flakpanzer Gepard? (60) 60 have been bought from withdrawn Dutch surplus for 21 million dollars.[58] [59] All 60 sold to the US for $118m (Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative) at least 30 would be sent before 2024 estimated completion by May 2024.
Man-portable air-defense systems
Igla-SMan-portable air-defense system182182 Dzhigit launchers (2x Igla-S) with Sagem vision on light vehicles.
SA-18 Igla100Replaced SA-16 Igla-1 and SA-14 Strela-3

Utility vehicles

HumveeMultipurpose utility vehicle600+250 M998A0 HMMWVs, 50 M1165A1B3 HMMWVs[62] received from the United States in 2013
Jeep J8350Jordanian Armed Forces are set to receive an undisclosed number of Jeep J8 Patrol [63]
Desert Iris450[64] [65]
Al-Thalab (Fox) LRPV1,200[66] [67]
AB2 Al-Jawad289
LTATVAll terrain vehicle345KADDB has already received orders for 50 ATVs.[68] [69]
Toyota Land Cruiser (J70)Light utility vehicle101Used in large numbers and numerous variants with border security forces and some army units

Anti-tank weapons

Tank destroyer
M901 ITVTank destroyer93+Numbers of M901 ITV might be much higher than 93.
YPR-765 prat155+Received with Tow Under Armor (TUA) from Netherlands
Anti-tank guided missile
BGM-71 TOWAnti-tank missile300Jordan received 300 Tow-2A Wireless RF systems in 2016 to replace all old TOW-2 units. 1132 BGM-71E TOW-2A missiles and 400 BGM-71F TOW-2B missiles.
FGM-148 Javelin192+192 CLUs with 1924 missiles delivered. More systems ordered in 2017.[70] [71]
The Javelin replaced the M47 Dragon and currently its the standard issue for all infantry battalions.
9M133 Kornet200200 launchers and 2,000 missiles[72]
Rocket-propelled grenade
Rocket-propelled grenade25,00015,000 training units (Jordan will manufacture 60,000 Nashab units annually),[73] the system name has been changed from Hashim to Nashab.
Standard issue for all infantry battalions.
RPG-263,000[74] Used mainly for anti-structure by infantry units
RGW-90 ASRecoilless rifle anti-structure385Jordan received 385 RGW-90 AS from Germany.[76] [77]
Used by special forces, QRF and special mission brigade.[78]

Logistic and engineering vehicles

Armoured recovery vehicle
AL Monjed ARVArmoured recovery vehicle20AL-Monjed ARV based on M-60A1 tank[79]
FV4204 ARV49
Leopard 1 ARV5Five Leopard 1 armoured recovery vehicles will be handed over to Jordan from Netherlands together with two Leopard 1 main battle tanks (MBT), which will be used for spare parts.
M88 Recovery Vehicle5222x M88A2 purchased from the U.S. Anniston Army Depot in April 2012 (to be rebuilt and, potentially, upgraded either at Anniston Army Depot or at the King Hussein Maintenance Facility in Jordan).[80]
M578 Light Recovery Vehicle30Used with M110A2 Howitzer
YPR-806 and M80690+24 M113 ARV received from Belgium in 2008/2010. Additional 17 YPR-806 ARV received from Netherlands in 2012.
Cargo truck
HEMTT8x8 off-road heavy cargo truck≈ 100[81]
FMTVCargo truck≈ 300M1078, M1083, M1085A1, M1089, M1091[82] [83]
Replaces M35, M800 and M900 cargo trucks.
Navistar 7000-MV100[84] Replaces M35, M800 and M900 cargo trucks.
Mercedes-Benz Zetros70[85] Germany donated 20 Zetros 2733 A 6×6 trucks and 50 Zetros 1833 A 4×4 trucks.Daniel,[86]
Replaces M35, M800 and M900 cargo trucks.
DAF Trucks967467 various DAF trucks (DAF4442 and YAK/YAS2300) received from Netherlands.
Another 500 Military DAF Trucks ordered from Netherlands in 2018 (250 type YAD, 250 type YAS).
Replaces M35, M800 and M900 cargo trucks.
Engineering vehicle
Caterpillar D9Heavy armored bulldozerNA
Caterpillar D8NA
Caterpillar D7GNA
Caterpillar CAT 924, 930, 950 & 966LoaderNA
Caterpillar 349ELarge excavator NA
Caterpillar 12G, 14M & 120MMotorgraders NA
Komatsu D155A, D275AHeavy bulldozerNA
Komatsu PC400Large excavatorNA
Husky 2GVehicle-mounted mine detectionNAJordan placed an order in 2017.[87] [88]
M58 MICLICMine clearingNA
Aardvark JSFU12+Aardvark Mk 2/3 flail
Pearson Combat Dozer UDK1Combat dozer60+For Challenger-1 tank[89]
Heavy Equipment Transport System
Oshkosh M1070Heavy Equipment Transport System110Jordan received 50 M1070A0 with 635NL semi-trailers in 2004.[90] 60 M1070P1 with 50 M1000 semi-trailers delivered in December 2018 through US EDA.[91]
M915A26060 M915A2 received from the United States in 2012.
Scammell Commander100No longer in use, replaced with Oshkosh M1070.

Notes and References

  1. Web site: Five companies to watch for . Gale, Ivan . 1 July 2008 . The National newspaper . 2010-06-21.
  2. The Viper
  3. Web site: Modern Firearms. 22 October 2010. 9 December 2014.
  4. Jones, Richard D. Jane's Infantry Weapons 2009/2010. Jane's Information Group; 35 edition (January 27, 2009). .
  5. SER_08.pdf —
  6. Kasler, 79
  7. Diez, Octavio (2000). Armament and Technology. Lema Publications, S.L. .
  8. Web site: The 5.56 X 45mm: 2007. Daniel Watters. October 10, 2008. dead. March 25, 2009.
  9. Web site: The 5.56 X 45mm: 2008. Daniel Watters. The Gun Zone. 2010-01-04. dead. 2009-01-27.
  10. Jane's Special Forces Recognition Guide, Ewen Southby-Tailyour (2005) p. 446.
  11. 中華民國軍方證實國造T86步槍及T91步槍銷往約旦(T86 & T91 sold to Jordan confirmed by ROC army)
  12. Special Operations Report -Spotlight Jordan
  13. Web site: Special Operations Report . 2013-03-10 . dead . . 2012-05-18.
  14. Web site: Special Operations Report - Spotlight Jordan . 2020-10-13 . 2012-05-18 . . dead .
  15. Book: Gander, Terry. Jane's Infantry Weapons 2006–2007. Jane's Information Group. London. 2006. 0-7106-2755-6. 22.
  16. Shea, Dan (Spring 2009). "SOFEX 2008". Small Arms Defense Journal, p. 29.
  17. Book: Richard D.. Jones. Leland S.. Ness . Jane's Infantry Weapons 2009/2010. January 27, 2009. 35th . Jane's Information Group. Coulsdon. 978-0-7106-2869-5.
  18. (2020) United Arab Emirates To Donate 80 French Made Leclerc MBTs To Jordan
  19. The Military Balance 2023 . International Institute for Strategic Studies . 2023 . . 9781032508955 . 0459-7222 . International Institute for Strategic Studies . Hackett . James . 334.
  20. Web site: Trade Registers.
  21. Web site: UK gives 400 tanks to Jordan. 29 October 2002.
  22. M60A3 Main Battle Tank – Army Technology
  23. Web site: Raytheon: Investors: News Release.
  24. Web site: Raytheon wins US$ 50 mill contract to upgrade Jordan's M60 tanks.
  25. Web site: Raytheon To Upgrade Jordanian M60 Fire Control System.(Raytheon Aircraft Co.). dead. 24 September 2015. 16 April 2004.
  26. Web site: AML - support.gale.
  27. Web site: النشرة: الجيش الاردني سيزود الجيش اللبناني بدبابات M60 الأميركية الصنع.
  28. Web site: Iraq Gives Captured Iranian Arms to Jordan. Los Angeles Times. 18 August 1988 . 9 December 2014.
  29. Web site: Jordan – Refurbishment/Sustainment of M113A1 Armored Personnel Carriers . . . March 9, 2012 .
  30. Web site: UD to Upgrade M113 Tracked Vehicles for Jordanian Armed - at DefenceTalk.
  31. Web site: BAE SYSTEMS AWARDED CONTRACT TO UPGRADE JORDANIAN ARMORED VEHICLES. May 12, 2009. BAE Systems. February 18, 2016 . dead . . February 21, 2011.
  32. Netherlands Sells Army Vehicles to Jordan
  33. Army materiel to be delivered to Jordan | Ministry of Defence
  34. Web site: Results. . . June 26, 2004.
  35. Web site:

    JRESCO :: - Products

    . dead. 29 October 2010. 29 October 2010.
  37. Web site: Alvis FV107 Scimitar Armed Reconnaissance Vehicle - United Kingdom.
  38. Web site: Excess Defense Articles (EDA) | Defense Security Cooperation Agency.
  39. Web site: Trade Registers.
  40. Jordan armed forces to sign a contract for production of 50 Mbombe armoured fighting vehicles
  41. Web site: Trade Registers . SIPRI . Arms Transfers Database . 1 May 2023.
  42. Book: The Military Balance 2022 . 2022 . Abingdon, Oxon . 978-1-03227900-8 . International Institute for Strategic Studies.
  43. Web site: Howitzers.
  44. Web site: Artillery: Jordan Gets Its Smart Rockets.
  45. Russia said the international market, China began to sell WM-120 multiple rocket launchers | Military of China, force comment
  46. Web site: Defense & Security Intelligence & Analysis: IHS Jane's - IHS. 2020-10-13. 2012-07-13. dead.
  47. Web site: 中国外贸型WM-120多管火箭炮. 2020-10-13. 2016-03-03. dead.
  48. 约旦大赞我WM-120火箭炮 称其为战略武器 – 铁血网
  49. News: S. Korea to Sell Multiple Rocket Launchers to Jordan . . July 28, 2013 . live . . July 1, 2015.
  50. Web site: 70mm Multiple Rocket System MRS Hanwha Corporation Indo Defence 2010 South Korea Korean Defence UK - Indo Defence 2010 news pictures video actualites - International defense Exhibition news pictures UK. Administrator.
  51. Web site: استلمت القوات المسلحة الاردنية 26... - U.S. Embassy - Jordan.
  52. Web site: Jordan Operational Engagement Program Soldiers zero-in their mortar skills.
  53. Web site: Defence & Security Intelligence & Analysis - Jane's 360.
  54. Web site: Jordan Raw Report [Guns & Air Defense Systems]]. dead. 21 January 2013. 18 October 2020.
  55. United Kingdom Strategic Export Controls Annual Report 2016
  56. DeMasi, Peter (December 2015) Selected Acquisition Report (SAR) Defense Acquisition Management
  57. Web site: Defense & Security Intelligence & Analysis: IHS Jane's - IHS.
  58. Web site: Jordanië koopt overtollige tanks. 12 February 2013 .
  59. Web site: Dutch Cheetah air defence guns sold to Jordan - LWI - Land Warfare - Shephard Media.
  60. DRS Technologies
  61. Web site: Jordans JBSP Border Security Program.
  62. News: Vehicles shipped in support of coalition partner mission. January 14, 2012. July 23, 2013.
  63. Web site: SOFEX 2010: Jordan to receive Jeep 18 ISVs and J8s. May 13, 2010. July 28, 2013.
  64. Web site: Defense & Security Intelligence & Analysis: IHS Jane's - IHS.
  65. Web site: Desert Iris 4x4 light multi role utility wheeled vehicle technical data sheet specifications picture. Administrator.
  66. Web site: Defense & Security Intelligence & Analysis: IHS Jane's - IHS.
  67. Al-Thalab Long-Range Patrol Vehicle – Army Technology
  68. Web site: SOFEX 2014 Jane's Exhibition - Jane's 360. 2020-10-13. 2013-02-17. dead.
  69. Web site: KADDB and KIG participation at SOFEX 2012. 9 May 2012.
  70. Web site: Javelin Block 0.
  71. Web site: Jordan – JAVELIN Guided Missile Systems . . July 28, 2013 . dead. . May 16, 2013.
  72. Web site: Kornet.
  73. Eurasian Development Bank :: News of the Region :: RPG-32 Hashim plant due to be opened in Jordan in May 2012 – official
  74. Web site: RPG-26 Raw Report. dead. 21 January 2013. 17 October 2020.
  75. Web site: RPG-27 Raw Report. 21 January 2013.
  76. Web site: Latest News | al Defaiya.
  77. Web site: Research - National reports | SIPRI.
  78. Web site: limited . . 2022-04-30. الدفاع الأردني - Jordanian Defense on Facebook . Facebook.
  79. Web site: Defense & Security Intelligence & Analysis: IHS Jane's - IHS.
  80. Web site: Jordanian visitors choose recovery vehicles for overhaul.
  81. Web site: Oshkosh M977 heavy expanded mobility tactical truck (HEMTT) and M989A1 heavy expanded mobility ammunition trailer (HEMAT) . . 2015-06-14 . 2015-06-14.
  82. BAE to display combat vehicles at Jordan show
  83. Web site: BAE Systems Receives $6 Million US Army Contract for FMTV Trucks for Jordan.
  84. Web site: Contracts for October 14, 2014.
  85. Web site: Germany delivers Jordan €18 million in military equipment | DW | 14.01.2018. Deutsche Welle.
  86. Dennis (January 25, 2018) Germany gives 126 Mercedes-Benz vehicles as aid to Jordan Construction Week
  87. CSI Awarded $132 Million Long-Term Contract for Husky 2G Protected Payload Delivery Vehicle and Route Clearance Payloads. 3 April 2017.
  88. (20 August 2018) (Dulles, VA) Chemring Contract for HUSKY Mine Clearance Vehicles Mönch Publishing Group
  89. Web site: Defense & Security Intelligence & Analysis: IHS Jane's - IHS.
  90. Web site: Oshkosh M1070 and M1070A1 (8 × 8) Heavy Equipment Transporters (HETs) and M1000 semi-trailer . IHS Jane's Shaun C Connors & Christopher F Foss . 2015-08-27 . 2015-09-22 . 2021-03-20 . . dead .
  91. Web site: Contracts Army, release CR-060-17. U.S. DoD. 2017-03-30 . 2017-04-04.