List of eponymous medical signs explained

Eponymous medical signs are those that are named after a person or persons, usually the physicians who first described them, but occasionally named after a famous patient. This list includes other eponymous entities of diagnostic significance; i.e. tests, reflexes, etc.

SignNameSpecialtyAssociated conditionsExternal link
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Descriptor -surgery epigastric pain with pressure on McBurney's point -endocrinology levator palpebrae superioris spasm -neurology absence of pain on Achilles tendon pressure -obstetrics pregnancy serum reaction;obsolete -infectious disease presence of arsenical anti-syphilitic;obsolete -nephrology quantitative cells and casts in 24hr. urine -neurology ciliary nerve damage dilated pupil, poorly reactive but with normal near accommodation -vascular surgery obliteration of radial pulse with manoeuvres -neurology, neurosurgery, ENT vestibular lesions describes nystagmus in vestibular lesions -vascular surgery, critical care[1] arterial supply of the hand tests for presence of palmar ulnar-radial anastomosis (palmar arch) -obstetrics, pediatrics assess health of newborn -orthopaedic surgery meniscal lesions manoeuvres to elicit knee pain -Argyll Robertson pupils neurology neurosyphilis[2] light-near dissociation -haematology, nutrition folate deficiency lobulation of neutrophil nuclei -Gustav Asboe-Hansen extension of a blister to adjacent unblistered skin when pressed -obstetrics normal pregnancy oestral reaction in mouse injected with pregnant urine -rheumatology, pathology foci of interstitial inflammation in the myocardium and elsewhere -haematology, pathology haemolysis agglutination test for erythrocyte survival -A Dr. Heather AshtonAuberger (patient) haematology normal physiology Aua antigen -cardiology bulging epigastrium -hematology cytoplasmic inclusions in myeloblasts -dermatology pinpoint bleeding when scales are removed from psoriasis or warts -cardiology mid-diastolic rumble heard at apex -neurology Kumar SP, Ramasubramanian D . The Babinski sign—a reappraisal . Neurol India . 48 . 4 . 314–8 . December 2000 . 11146592 . 13 April 2009. dorsiflexion of the hallux with fanning of the remaining phalanges upon soft stimulation of the lateral plantar surface of the foot -cardiology normal physiology increase in heart rate with increase in circulating blood volume -genetics RNA transcription large chromosome puff indicating site of RNA transcription -general surgery abdominal/splenic trauma percussive dullness left flank, LUQ, percussive resonance right flank -vascular medicine pain on anterior, but not lateral, compression of calf -ENT, neurology vertigo, vestibular dysfunction nystagmus elicited by hot or cold irrigation of ear canal -Thomas Geoffrey Barlow, English Pediatric Orthopedist, (1915 - 1975) paediatrics, orthopaedic surgery dislocation on adduction of hip -Obstetrics, pathology indicates a specific cause of death in some stillborns Loss of all four alpha-globin genes (total alpha-thalassemia) leads to severely anemic stillborn babies with small amounts of an abnormal hemoglobin composed of four gamma sub-units (Bart's Hemoglobin) -neurology spinal cord transection loss of muscle tone and reflexes below lesion level -neurosurgery/traumatology mastoid ecchymosis -dermatology, internal medicine multiple, including trauma transverse ridges on nails -cardiology hypotension, increased central venous pressure (JVP), distant heart sounds -ophthalmology, endocrinology visible pulsation of retinal arteries -neurology, neurosurgery spinal trauma at T10 cephalad movement of navel on cervical flexion -neurology pyramidal tract lesions stroking dorsal radial skin, with forearm in supination, elicits wrist and finger flexion -neurology pyramidal tract lesions toe flexion on percussion of dorsum of foot -hematology -endocrinology reagent for presence of monosaccharides -neurology normal physiology electroencephalographic alpha wave -pharmacology, toxicology effect of certain alkaloids apnea, bradycardia, hypotension -neurology, ophthalmology -neurology extension of the great toe on pricking the dorsum of the foot with a pin -neurology brain stem herniation quick shallow respirations followed by period of apnea -ophthalmology vitamin A deficiency spots of keratin deposition in the conjunctiva -ophthalmology comet shaped visual field defect, extending temporally from the physiological blind spot -surgery peritonitis rebound tenderness -gastroenterology gastric ulcer dermal hyperaesthesia just left of T12 -gastroenterology acute cholecystitis dermal hyperaesthesia at inferior angle of R scapula
clinical chemistry unit of alkaline phosphatase concentration in blood -ophthalmology, endocrinology spasmodic ptosis on downward gaze -rheumatology bony outgrowths on dorsa of proximal interphalangeal joints -cardiology infective endocarditis yellow-white spots in the myocardium -vascular surgery, nephrology chronic kidney disease, hemodialysis pressing on proximal portion of AV fistula results in bradycardia -obstetrics normal pregnancy "false labour". sporadic contractions beginning as early as mid 1st trimester -nephrology, pathology pyelonephritis dark red wedge shaped areas on kidney section resembling infarcts -neurology pyramidal tract lesions plantar stimulation elicits contraction of tensor fasciae latae -cardiology L atrial hypertrophy systole palpable in posterior chest wall -cardiology adhesive pericarditis recession of L inferior intercostal spaces -neurology, neuropsychology developmental or other pathology of various frontal cortical areas -general medicine, surgery superficial vein is percussed proximally; if impulse is felt over vein distally, valvular incompetence is present -surgery, obstetrics if breast milk flown into a sterile pad is mixed with pus (brown, yellow or bloody traces), mastitis may be present -general medicine, surgery identifies level of valvular incompetence -neurology neck flexion elicits hip and knee flexion -neurology pressure beneath zygoma elicits flexion of forearm -neurology pressure over symphisis pubis elicits knee, hip flexion and leg abduction -neurology passive flexion of knee to abdomen elicits flexion of contralateral hip and knee -paediatric cardiology ventricular septal defect loud pansystolic murmur -neurology frontal lobe lesions difficulty moving feet in contact with floor, tendency to fall backwards -neurology cerebellopontine angle tumor, vestibular schwannoma nystagmus that coarsens in amplitude on lateral gaze -ophthalmology, genetics Downs' syndrome or non-pathological greyish-white spots at periphery of iris -general medicine, surgery pallor of the leg upon elevation -toxicology NEJM 354:e21 5/18/06blue discolouration of the gingival border -hematology lead poisoning, anaemias threadlike strands in erythrocytes -gastroenterology, surgery portal hypertension distended veins radiating from umbilicus -cardiology, thoracic surgery aortic arch dilatation or aneurysm, mediastinal tumour left displacement of trachea elicits palpable pulsation of same -cardiology, rheumatology rheumatic fever mid-diastolic rumble -primary care, surgery abdominal mass and/or pain Am J Med Sci 174 (1927): 579–599 supine patient lifts head from bed;↑ pain – abdominal wall ;↓ pain – intraperitoneal -cardiology increase in volume of murmur on inspiration -nutrition pellagra (niacin deficiency) Casal collar at Medscapewidely variable collar of dermatitis characteristically in c3,c4 dermatomes -infectious disease, tropical medicine intradermal injection of hydatid fluid causing wheal -various inflammation 1. Rubor (redness) 2. Tumor (swelling)3. Calor (heat) 4. Dolor (pain) -neurology pyramidal lesions, corticospinal tract lesions extension of big toe with stimulation of skin over lateral malleolus -obstetrics pregnancy cyanosis of vulva, vagina and cervix
Chagas diseaseCarlos Chagasinfectious disease, tropical medicineheart failureHeart failure, enlarged esophagus, enlarged colon
surgery jaundice, fever and chills, RUQ pain -neurology nystagmus, intention tremor, staccato speech -pathology lysophospholipase crystals in various tissues -palliative care respiratory center damage -heart failure -endocrinology tapping over facial nerve elicits abnormal muscle contraction(s) -emergency medicine, surgery blunt abdominal trauma heart and/or breath sounds heard through abdominal wall indicate rupture of viscus -paediatrics painless symmetrical hydrarthroses, particularly of the knees -oncology, orthopaedic surgery, radiology osteosarcoma, Ewing's sarcoma triangular subperiosteal growth -paediatrics rubeola whitish patches on gingiva and buccal mucosa -Comolli's sign Antonio Comolli Orthopaedic surgery Web site: Comolli's sign . The Free Dictionary. 29 May 2013. triangular swelling corresponding to the outline of the scapula -hematology -Albert Coons at National Academies Press -Ethel L. Cornell, American Neuropsychologist and Psychiatrist, Columbia University NY (1882–1972) pyramidal tract lesions The Babinski sign – a reappraisal Neurol India 48 (4): 314–8. scratching alongside big toe extensor tendon elicits an extensor plantar response -cardiology carotid pulsations with abrupt ascending and descending phases -infectious disease yellow fever, viral haemorrhagic fevers eosinophilic globules in liver -gastroenterology obstructive jaundice palpable gall bladder w/ painless jaundice unlikely to be cholelithiasis -neuropsychiatry 'general paresis' tremor at corners of mouth and of outer canthus -dermatology neurofibromatosis type I axillary freckling --surgery, obstetrics intra-abdominal haemorrhage, ectopic pregnancy ecchymosis around umbilicus predicts onset of acute pancreatitis -spiral mucus plugs found in sputum -neurology elevated systolic bp, bradycardia, irregular respiration -trauma surgery penetrating pelvic traumabimanual palpation of foreign object lodged in pelvis with one digit in an incision lateral to the anus and the other digit inserted in the rectum -Johan Dahlén, Ernst Fuchs ophthalmology sympathetic ophthalmiagranulocytic infiltrate of the uvea-K.V. Dahl pigmented calluses on anterior surface of thighs (from leaning on elbows) -ophthalmology, endocrinology thyrotoxicosis widened palpebral opening -(paediatric)surgery empty RLQ (retracted right iliac fossa) -allergy, dermatology urticaria pigmentosa -neurology multiple sclerosis fingerlike appearance of lateral ventricle on mri, ct, or at autopsy -cardiology head nodding in time with heartbeat -Charles Clayton Dennie
DB Morgan
dermatology Dennie's line at TheFreeDictionary.comaccentuated fold below the lower eyelid -orthopaedic surgery pelvic fracture superior to inguinal ligament, in scrotum or of thigh -Elicitation of extreme vertigo upon lateral movement of a patient's head when lying in a supine position -pathology various including trauma and neoplasm basophilic inclusions in peripheral cytoplasm of neutrophils -Hitoka Doi reappearance of absent deep tendon reflexes after short period of maximal muscle contraction -surgery appendicitis in abdominal pain on coughing -cardiology double bruit heard over femoral artery when it is compressed distally (see Traube's sign) -ophthalmology hypertensive retinopathy -paediatrics normal newborn cystic papules on palate -cardiology percussive dullness, aegophony and bronchial breath sounds at L scapular tip -Jean-Charles Faget infectious disease yellow fever Typhoid Fever tularaemia brucellosis others -Harry Finkelstein rheumatology -paediatrics small red spots on the soft palate -surgery anterior abdominal mass which does not cross the midline and is still palpable when abdominal wall muscles are tensed -gastroenterology haemorrhagic pancreatitis ecchymosis of inguinal ligament (blood tracks retroperitoneally) -ear crease indicating risk of heart disease (disputed) -cardiology constrictive pericarditis, tricuspid insufficiency collapse of distended neck veins in diastole -neurology ulnar nerve palsy patient required to hold paper between thumb and palm (against attempt to withdraw);ability to do so is assessed - -G -cardiology aortic stenosis dissociation of musical and noisy elements in ejection murmur -histology basophilic cytoplasmic inclusion bodies -histology small yellow-brown foci in the spleen -dermatology repeated extreme tension of extensor tendon in interphalangeal joint thickening of skin and tissue over interphalangeal joint -'s+sign
controversial: see references -A neurological scale which aims to give a reliable and objective way of recording the conscious state of a person for initial as well as subsequent assessment. The sum of Eye, Motor and Verbal responses. -Seen during right ventriculography in the setting of a patent ductus arteriosus, the Goetz sign refers to the negative contrast effect seen in the pulmonary artery from non-contrast enhanced blood shunting left to right from the aorta -Viktor Gonda, Ukrainian Neuropsychiatrist, (1889–1959) pyramidal tract lesions The Babinski sign – a reappraisal Neurol India 48 (4): 314–8. flexing then suddenly releasing the 4th toe elicits an extensor plantar response -obstetrics pregnancy softening of the vaginal part of the cervix during the first trimester -gastroenterology, general surgery anatomical relationships, differentiation of fistula types -pyramidal tract lesions The Babinski sign – a reappraisal Neurol India 48 (4): 314–8. squeezing the calf muscle elicits an extensor plantar response -rheumatology Pathologic Basis of Disease (8th Ed), Robbins & Cotran Scaling, erythematous eruption or dusky red patches over the knuckles, elbows and knees -Gowers' sign[3] neurology -pulmonary regurgitation murmur in patients with pulmonary hypertension secondary to mitral stenosis -surgery retroperitoneal hemorrhage flank ecchymosis -Alexander Hill Griffith, Scottish Ophthalmologist, Manchester (1858–1937) (needed) lid lag of the lower eyelid on upward eye movement
Grisel's syndromePierre Griselrheumatologynon-traumatic subluxation of the atlanto-axial joint caused by inflammation of the adjacent tissues
-thoracic surgery oesophageal perforation w/ pneumomediastinum crepitus in sync w/ heartbeat but not respiration -pulmonology, radiology pulmonary embolus with infarct wedge shaped consolidation at periphery with base on the pleura -radiology, gastroenterology line on barium meal indicating mucosal oedema associated with ulcer -John G. Hannington-Kiff absent thigh adductor reflex with positive patellar reflex -rib deformity at the lower thorax -? paediatrics, infectious disease mumps (needed)tenderness behind angle of jaw (typically before swelling is evident) -rheumatology same as bouchard's nodes, but over dip joints -obstetrics normal pregnancy softening of cervical isthmus appearing between 4th and 6th weeks (usually) -capillary fragility appearance of petechiae after compression of arm by bandage or blood pressure cuff -DH Hildreth dermatology Relief of pain at tumor site upon vascular occlusion of limb, with acute return of pain on reperfusion
palliative care impending death -pulmonary medicine chronic hypoxia clubbing of distal phalanges -ophthalmology corneal reflection centred (-) or not centred (+) on pupil -neurology corticospinal tract lesions tapping distal phalanx of 3rd or 4th finger elicits flexion of same in thumb -hypertension, coronary artery disease, and/or diabetes cholesterol embolus(i) of retinal artery(ies) -knee bent, ankle abruptly dorsiflexed, popliteal pain -neurology, psychiatry lower extremity paresis differentiates organic from non-organic etiology -inward movement of lower ribs during inspiration -surgery pain from an obturator hernia radiating to knee -dermatology precancerous facial pigmentation -oculomotor nerve lesion dilated pupil on the side of an intracranial lesion due to IIIrd nerve compression -lesion on tip of the nose which can presage ocular herpes zoster -Hutchinson's teeth[4] small, widely spaced incisors with notched biting surfaces -interstitial keratitis, nerve deafness, Hutchinson's teeth -cardiology palmar or plantar erythematous or haemorrhagic papules -neurology hyporeflexia compares patellar reflex w/ and w/o distraction
Jobe's relocation testChristopher Jobeorthopedics
lack of forehead wrinkling when patient looks up with head bowed -electromyography test using repeated stimuli to show fatiguability in myasthenia -T. Duckett Jones criteria used to diagnose rheumatic fever -orthopedics, rheumatology tenosynovitis of flexor digitorum tendon (1) finger held in slight flexion, (2) fusiform swelling, (3) tenderness along the flexor tendon sheath, and (4) pain with passive extension of the digit. -neurology, gastroenterology Wilson's disease (hepatolenticular degeneration) ring of brownish copper deposit at corneo-scleral junction -trauma surgery referred pain to L shoulder -surgery, urology visible response of ureter when touched (means of identifying same) -radiology -neurology hip and knee fully flexed, extension of knee elicits pain and/or opisthotonus -ophthalmology, endocrinology Hyperthyroidism, Basedow's disease, In fixation on a fast upwards movement there occurs a convulsive retraction of the eyelid -dermatology various conditions -ophthalmology granulomatous nodules at pupillary margin -pediatrics -cardiology Korotkov described 5 sounds. Only the first (the onset of audible sound, and corresponding to systolic pressure) and the fifth (sound becomes inaudible, corresponding to diastolic pressure) are of practical clinical significance (however, see:Auscultatory gap) -Kussmaul breathing[5] endocrinology laboured deep breathing with normal or reduced frequency -various, including right side failure increased jugular distension on inspiration -pulmonary medicine intradermal injection of lymphatic extract from known sufferer; obsolete -John Lachman orthopedic surgery anterior cruciate ligament injury modified anterior drawer test with knee in less flexion -Louis Julius Ladin, Lithuanian-American Gynecologist, (1862–1951) obstetrics normal pregnancy (needed) -giant v-wave in seen in jugular vein
Landau–Kleffner syndromeWilliam Landau, Frank Kleffnerneurology, psychiatryaphasiaaphasia and an abnormal EEG
pain in sacroiliac area on sitting down on hard chair -neurosurgery, orthopaedic surgery lumbar disc lesions, sciatica better known as straight leg raise test -obstetrics determination of fetal lie --patient clenches fist over chest when asked to describe pain -neurology electrical sensation down the back and into limbs with neck flexion or extension -Carl von Liebermeister internal medicine For each fever degree Celsius an increase of 8 beats per minute in cardiac frequency -ophthalmology type I neurofibromatosis yellow brown hamartomata on iris -? internal medicine (needed) tenderness on percussion of antero-medial tibia -cardiology eMedicinecotton-wool exudate in the retina -psychiatry malingering due to simulated deafness automatic rise in the loudness of a person's voice when they speak in noise -? internal medicine deep venous thrombosis (needed)increased pain along vein with Valsalva; proximal pressure prevents this -vascular medicine (needed) immediate pain on inflating blood pressure cuff around calf -John M. MacDonald psychiatry enuresis, firesetting and animal torture predictive of future criminal behaviour -neurology, neurosurgery hydrocephalus, brain abscess resonance on percussion of fronto-temporo-parietal suture -feeling of moving foreign body under the skin -infectious disease intradermal protein derivative – diameter of wheal evaluated -ophthalmology, neurology severe retinal disease, lesion of optic nerve anterior to chiasm Relative pupil dilatation when light swings to the affected side -George Bushar Markle IV surgery (needed) RLQ pain on dropping from standing on toes to heels -surgery appendicitis (needed) grimace of the patient upon a right sided (and not left) sweep. -? (needed) diastolic blood pressure drop of >15mmHg on raising arm -surgery 2/3 of the way lateral on a line from umbilicus to anterior superior iliac spine (corresponds to junction of vermiform appendix and cecum) -M.V. McConnell echocardiography finding of akinesia of the mid-free wall of the right ventricle but normal motion of the apex -orthopaedics meniscal tear knee extended, valgus stress applied, leg rotated produces palpable or audible click -J. Lerman, J.H. Means systolic heart murmur similar to pericardial rub -R.A. Mees arsenic or heavy metal poisoning transverse white lines across the nails -Joe Vincent Meigs Meigs' syndrome: the history of the eponym Triad of ascites, hydrothorax and benign ovarian tumor
Karl Hermann Mellinghoff, German Endocrinologist, (1908–1967)cutaneous decompression sicknesscoughing or Valsalve accentuates the venous markings of an erysipeloid rash -William C. Mentzer Jr. hematology differentiates iron deficiency anaemia from beta thalassaemia -neurology Improvement in cognitive function after withdrawal of CSF during lumbar puncture used to confirm diagnosis -pyramidal tract lesions The Babinski sign – a reappraisal Neurol India 48 (4): 314–8. forceful plantar flexion of the ankle elicits an extensor plantar response -inability to maintain convergence of eyes -paired transverse white lines on nail bed -Jacob D. Mulder transverse compression of the forefoot elicits pain in the distribution of the affected nerve -patient attempts to breathe in with nose and mouth closed (opposite of Valsalva maneuver) --perinephric abscess punch tenderness at the costovertebral angle -surgery hesitation on inspiration while gall bladder is palpated -neurology inability to resist blinking when glabella is percussed --administration of morphine and neostigmine reproduces sharp LUQ pain; not in general use -dermatology shearing of epidermis under pressure -? the integrity of the glenoid labrum and AC joint -D. O'Donoghue orthopaedics, sports medicine knee injury coincidence of anterior cruciate injury, medial collateral injury and meniscal tear -aortic arch aneurysm caudal movement of trachea with systole -pyramidal tract lesions irritation downward of the medial tibia causes dorsiflexion of big toe -palpable clunk on moving hip -positive deflection at QRS-ST junction -various, including SBE and SLE painful red lesions on the pads of the fingers and plantar surfaces -falsely elevated bp reading due to incompressibility of calcified vessels -Antonio Palla Pulmonary embolism at Merck Manual onlineenlarged right descending pulmonary artery on chest x-ray -lines of confluent petechiae in skin creases (associated with Scarlatiniform rash and strep pyogenes) -external rotation of the hip causes pain -C.N. Peabody calf muscle spasm when raising the affected leg with the foot extended -thoracic surgery arms elevated over head elicits facial plethora, distended neck veins and inspiratory stridor -rheumatology, hand surgery 30–60 seconds of full forced flexion of wrist elicits symptoms -normal pregnancy palpable lateral bulge at tubal-uterine junction; present at 7–8 weeks -onycholysis especially of ring and little fingers -Gerald H. Pratt pain elicited by compression of posterior calf
Prehn's signDouglas T. Prehnurologytesticular torsionno pain relief with lifting the affected testicle suggests testicular torsion
bilateral jugular vein pressure during lumbar puncture causes sudden rise in CSF pressure -visible pulsation in ungual capillary bed -B.M. Reynolds Charcot's triad + hypotension and altered mental state -bruit over globe of the eye -Rigler's sign[6] radiology, abdominal surgery gas outlines both mucosal and serosal surfaces of bowel -ENT, neurology, audiometry comparison of air conduction to bone conduction differentiates sensorineural from conductive deafness -painless unilateral periorbital swelling -inability to maintain posture with eyes closed -? vascular medicine (needed) Warm, stiff feeling of skin when affected leg is pinched -clinical chemistry -Advances in Pediatrics. JP Medical Ltd. p. 1432. . tenderness in the right lower quadrant increases when the patient moves from the supine position to a recumbent posture on the left side -pyramidal tract lesions The Babinski sign – a reappraisal Neurol India 48 (4): 314–8. percussion of the tips of the toes causes exaggerated flexion of the toes - id="Rotch sign" Rotch sign cardiology Rotch sign. (n.d.) Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing. (2012). Retrieved September 6, 2023 from percussion dullness in the fifth intercostal space on the right -various, including SBE and systemic vasculitides retinal haemorrhages with pale centres seen at fundoscopy -palpation of LLQ elicits pain in RLQ -capillary fragility petechiae seen after compression by tourniquet -scarring of the dorsum of one hand (contact with incisors when purging) -deflection of retinal veins at right angle junctions due to elongation or shortening of connected arterioles -Max Schaeffer pyramidal tract lesions squeezing the Achilles tendon elicits an extensor plantar response -identifies clubbing of distal phalanges -Walter Schiller affected areas of cervix fail to stain brown with iodine solution -pernicious anaemia, coeliac disease, other malabsorption disorders B12 radioassay; rare -quantifies lacrimal secretion -physiatry, rheumatology, orthopaedics various disorders of lumbar vertebrae quantifies lumbar flexion -surgery appendicitis area of hyperaesthesia over the right lower abdomen -John D. Shone supravalvular mitral ring, parachute deformity of mitral valve, subaortic stenosis and coarctation of the aorta -malignant hypertension hyperpigmented streaks parallel to choroidal vessels -squeezing of calf fails to produce plantar flexion -Harry M. Sims, Max Huhner -Sister Mary Joseph nodule[7] Sister Mary Joseph Dempsey (born Julia Dempsey) various abdominal malignancies palpable lymph node in the umbilicus -axial compression and rotation of cervical spine to the side of symptoms causes pain --paediatric cardiology systolic ejection sound ; vibratory/musical; best heard at left lower sternal border -? pyramidal tract lesions The Babinski sign – a reappraisal Neurol India 48 (4): 314–18. sudden abduction and release of little toe causes extensor plantar response -neuropsychology various, including ADHD and schizophrenia reaction times for incongruent stimuli (e.g., word red printed in blue) -neurology spastic pareses of the lower extremity failure of abrupt passive flexion of the hip and/or knee to elicit dorsiflexion and adduction of foot -Carel Hendrik Leo Herman ten Horn surgery pain in the right iliac fossa after traction of spermatic cord -R. Terry white 'ground glass' nails;absence of lunula -Orthopaedics Atlas of Signs in Musculoskeletal Radiology Gap between the scaphoid and lunate bones on AP wrist radiograph -Orthopaedics Supine patient flexes one hip whilst keeping other leg flat; back arches if flexion deformity is present -pyramidal tract lesions The Babinski sign – a reappraisal Neurol India 48 (4): 314–8. pressure over dorsal big toe MTP joint elicits an extensor plantar response -neuritis, compression disorders 'DTP' – distal tingling on percussion -focal weakness for as much as 48 hours after seizure -various -inferior gluteal palsy, other causes of hip abductors weakness pelvic tilt contralateral to 'stance leg' -Various abdominal malignancies, especially stomach cancerEnlargement of the left supraclavicular lymph node (=Virchow's node) -various malignancies, including pancreatic spontaneous thrombosis of multiple veins, including portal circulation -in hypocalcaemia, occlusion of brachial artery induces carpal spasm -↑ in neurological symptoms with exercise or other increase in body temperature -Siegfried Unterberger neurology, ENT vestibular lesions patient walks in place with eyes closed;direction of rotation indicates vestibular lesion on that side -Various abdominal malignancies, especially stomach cancerEnlargement of the left supraclavicular lymph node (=Troisier's sign) -Hypercoagulability, Hemodynamic changes (stasis, turbulence) and Endothelial injury/dysfunction -softening of the uterine fundus at the site of implantation at 4–5 weeks gestation -' lid lag'; immobility of upper lid on downward gaze -epilepsy, anatomical lesions of cerebrum short acting barbiturate injected in internal carotid; lateralizes language function -G. Waddell primary care, psychiatry chronic pain identify non-organic sources of low back pain -J.P. Waddell paediatric trauma child pedestrian struck by motor vehicle Head trauma, thoracic and/or abdominal trauma, femoral fracture -J. Suvarna Watson's water hammer pulse Journal of Postgraduate Medicine 2008-04-01 bounding forceful pulse elicited with postural manoeuvres -Hein Wellenssevere stenosis of LAD characteristic ekg changes
Wernicke encephalopathyCarl Wernickeneurology, psychiatrythiamine deficiencyneurological symptoms caused by biochemical lesions of the central nervous system after exhaustion of B-vitamin reserves, in particular thiamine
Wernicke–Korsakoff syndromeCarl Wernicke, Sergei Korsakoffneurology, psychiatryWernicke encephalopathy, Korsakoff syndromecombined presence of Wernicke encephalopathy (WE) and Korsakoff syndrome
Area of oligaemia on chest x-ray -1.symptoms associated with hypoglycaemia 2. measured low serum glucose 3. relief of symptoms with administration of glucose p.o. or iv -dermatology white or greyish lines on the lichen planus lesions -serum agglutination; obsolete(?) -posterior cervical chain adenopathy -pre-excitation on ECG -? (needed)-? (needed) sacroiliac pain on rotation of ilium and extension of hip -Yergason's test ? orthopedic surgery bicipital tendinitis anterior shoulder pain with resisted supination of the forearm

Numerous additional signs can be found for Graves disease under Graves' ophthalmopathy.

See also

Notes and References

  1. if the palmar arch is not present, radial artery stick for blood gases is contraindicated
  2. Book: Goldman, Lee. Goldman's Cecil Medicine. Elsevier Saunders. Philadelphia. 1437727883. 2446. 24th.
  3. also called Gowers' manoeuvre
  4. also called Hutchinson's incisors
  5. or Kussmaul respiration
  6. also called the double wall sign
  7. also Sister Mary Joseph sign