List of endemic birds of New Zealand explained
Many of New Zealand's birds are endemic to the country, that is, they are not found in any other country. Approximately 71% of the bird species breeding in New Zealand before humans arrived are widely accepted as being endemic.[1]
There is also a smaller group of species are not fully endemic, but are breeding endemic, in that they breed only in New Zealand, but migrate or range elsewhere.
Population status symbols are those of the Red List published by the International Union for Conservation of Nature.[2] The symbols and their meanings, in increasing order of peril, are:
= least concern = near threatened = vulnerable = endangered = critically endangered = extinct
Endemic Bird Areas
BirdLife International has defined the following Endemic Bird Areas (EBAs) in New Zealand:
In addition the following are classified as secondary areas:
Secondary areas have at least one restricted-range bird species, but do not meet the criteria for EBAs.
List of endemic species
These species (and subspecies) are found only in New Zealand. They are listed in alphabetical order by common name, with an indicator of their conservation status.
- Antipodes Island parakeet, Cyanoramphus unicolor
- Antipodes snipe, Coenocorypha aucklandica meinertzhagenae
- Auckland Island merganser, Mergus australis
- Auckland Island shag, Leucocarbo colensoi
- Auckland rail, Lewinia muelleri
- Auckland teal, Anas aucklandica
- Bellbird (korimako), Anthornis melanura
- Black robin, Petroica traversi
- Black stilt (kakī), Himantopus novaezelandiae
- Black-billed gull (tarāpuka), Chroicocephalus bulleri
- Black-fronted tern (tarapirohe), Chlidonias albostriatus
- Blue duck (whio), Hymenolaimus malacorhynchos
- Bounty Island shag, Leucocarbo ranfurlyi
- Brown creeper (pipipi), Mohoua novaeseelandiae
- Brown teal (pāteke), Anas chlorotis
- Bushwren (mātuhituhi), Xenicus longipes
- Campbell Island shag, Leucocarbo campbelli
- Campbell snipe, Coenocorypha aucklandica perseverance
- Campbell teal, Anas nesiotis
- Chatham Island bellbird, Anthornis melanocephala
- Chatham Island fernbird, Megalurus rufescens
- Chatham island oystercatcher (tōrea tai), Haematopus chathamensis
- Chatham Island pigeon (parea), Hemiphaga chathamensis
- Chatham Island rail, Cabalus modestus
- Chatham Island shag, Leucocarbo onslowi
- Chatham Island snipe, Coenocorypha pusilla
- Chatham Island warbler (riroriro), Gerygone albofrontata
- Chatham parakeet (Forbes' parakeet), Cyanoramphus forbesi
- Dieffenbach's rail (moeriki), Gallirallus dieffenbachii
- Fernbird (matata), Megalurus punctatus
- Fiordland crested penguin (tawaki), Eudyptes pachyrhynchus
- Foveaux shag (kawau), Leucocarbo stewarti
- Great spotted kiwi (roa), Apteryx haastii
- Grey warbler (riroriro), Gerygone igata
- Hawkin's rail (mehonui), Diaphorapteryx hawkinsi
- Hodgens' waterhen, Gallinula hodgenorum
- Huia, Heteralocha acutirostris
- Kākāpō, Strigops habroptilus
- Kea, Nestor notabilis
- King shag (kawau), Leucocarbo carunculatus
- Laughing owl (whēkau), Sceloglaux albifacies
- Little spotted kiwi (kiwi pukupuku), Apteryx owenii
- Long-tailed cuckoo (koekoea), Urodynamis taitensis
- Lyall's wren (Stephens Island wren), Traversia lyalli
- Morepork
Ninox novaeseelandiae
- Malherbe's parakeet (orange-fronted parakeet) (kākāriki karaka), Cyanoramphus malherbi
- New Zealand bittern (kaoriki), Ixobrychus novaezelandiae
- New Zealand dotterel (tuturiwhatu), Charadrius obscurus
- New Zealand falcon (kārearea), Falco novaeseelandiae
- New Zealand fantail (pīwakawaka), Rhipidura fuliginosa
- New Zealand grebe (weweia), Poliocephalus rufopectus
- New Zealand kaka, Nestor meridionalis
- New Zealand pigeon (kererū), Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae
- New Zealand quail (koreke), Coturnix novaezelandiae
- New Zealand scaup (pāpango), Aythya novaeseelandiae
- North Island brown kiwi, Apteryx mantelli
- North Island kōkako, Callaeas wilsoni
- North Island piopio, Turnagra tanagra
- North Island robin (toutouwai), Petroica longipes
- North Island saddleback (tīeke), Philesturnus rufusater
- North Island snipe, Coenocorypha barrierensis
- North Island takahē (mōho), Porphyrio mantelli
- Okarito brown kiwi (rowi), Apteryx rowi
- Otago shag (kawau), Leucocarbo chalconotus
- Paradise shelduck (pūtangitangi), Tadorna variegata
- Pipit (pihoihoi), Anthus novaeseelandiae
- Pitt shag, Phalacrocorax featherstoni
- Red-billed gull (tarāpunga), Chroicocephalus novaehollandiae scopulinus
- Red-fronted parakeet (kākāriki), Cyanoramphus novaezelandiae
- Reischek's parakeet, Cyanoramphus hochstetteri
- Rifleman (titipounamu), Acanthisitta chloris
- Rock wren (piwauwau), Xenicus gilviventris
- Shore plover (tūturuatu), Thinornis novaeseelandiae
- Snares snipe (tutukiwi), Coenocorypha huegeli
- South Island kōkako, Callaeas cinereus
- South Island pied oystercatcher (tōrea), Haematopus finschi
- South Island piopio, Turnagra capensis
- South Island robin (toutouwai), Petroica australis
- South Island saddleback (tīeke), Philesturnus carunculatus
- South Island snipe (tutukiwi), Coenocorypha iredalei)
- South Island takahē (takahē), Porphyrio hochstetteri
- Southern brown kiwi (tokoeka), Apteryx australis
- Spotted shag (parekareka), Phalacrocorax punctatus
- Stitchbird (hihi), Notiomystis cincta
- Subantarctic snipe, Coenocorypha aucklandica
- Tomtit (miromiro), Petroica macrocephala
- Tūī, Prosthemadera novaeseelandiae
- Variable oystercatcher (tōrea tai), Haematopus unicolor
- Weka, Gallirallus australis
- Whitehead (pōpokatea), Mohoua albicilla
- Wrybill (ngutuparore), Anarhynchus frontalis
- Yellow-crowned parakeet (kākāriki), Cyanoramphus auriceps
- Yellow-eyed penguin (hoiho), Megadyptes antipodes
- Yellowhead (mōhua), Mohoua ochrocephala
List of breeding-endemic species
These species breed only in New Zealand, but are found elsewhere also, so are not fully endemic. They include seabirds that range elsewhere and migratory birds.
- Black petrel, Procellaria parkinsoni
- Buller's albatross, Thalassarche bulleri
- Buller's shearwater, Ardenna bulleri
- Chatham petrel, Pterodroma axillaris
- Cook's petrel, Pterodroma cookii
- Double-banded plover, Charadrius bicinctus
- Erect-crested penguin, Eudyptes sclateri
- Fiordland crested penguin, Eudyptes pachyrhynchus
- Fluttering shearwater, Puffinus gavia
- Grey-faced petrel, Pterodroma gouldi
- Hutton's shearwater, Puffinus huttoni
- Magenta petrel, Pterodroma magentae
- Mottled petrel, Pterodroma inexpectata
- Pacific long-tailed cuckoo, Urodynamis taitensis
- Pycroft's petrel, Pterodroma pycrofti
- Snares crested penguin, Eudyptes robustus
- Southern royal albatross, Diomedea epomophora
- Westland petrel (tāiko), Procellaria westlandica
- Whenua Hou diving petrel, Pelecanoides whenuahouensis
- White-necked petrel, Pterodroma cervicalis
- Yellow-eyed penguin (hoiho), Megadyptes antipodes
See also
Notes and References
- Web site: Brockie . Bob . Native plants and animals – overview - Species unique to New Zealand. Te Ara - the Encyclopedia of New Zealand. Ministry for Culture and Heritage. 27 January 2014. Wellington. 21 November 2012.
- The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2017-1 . Accessed 23 May 2017