This article contains a list of encyclicals of Pope Benedict XV. Pope Benedict XV issued 12 papal encyclicals during his reign as Pope.
No. | Title (Latin) | Title (English translation) | Subject | Date |
1. | Ad beatissimi Apostolorum | 1 November 1914 | ||
2. | Humani generis redemptionem | Redemption of the Human Race | 15 June 1917 | |
3. | Quod iam diu | That for which | 1 December 1918 | |
4. | In hac tanta | We are in the midst | 14 May 1919 | |
5. | Paterno iam diu | Of Our paternal heart | 24 November 1919 | |
6. | Pacem, Dei munus pulcherrimum | Peace, the Beautiful Gift of God | On Peace and Christian Reconciliation | 23 May 1920 |
7. | Spiritus Paraclitus | 15 September 1920 | ||
8. | Principi Apostolorum Petro | To Peter, Prince of the Apostles | 5 October 1920 | |
9. | Annus iam plenus | A whole year has passed | On Children in Central Europe | 1 December 1920 |
10. | Sacra propediem | Solemn Festivities | 6 January 1921 | |
11. | In praeclara summorum | Among the many celebrated geniuses | 30 April 1921 | |
12. | Fausto appetente die | The seventh centenary of the day approaches | 29 June 1921 | |