List of elements by atomic properties explained

This is a list of chemical elements and their atomic properties, ordered by atomic number (Z).

Since valence electrons are not clearly defined for the d-block and f-block elements, there not being a clear point at which further ionisation becomes unprofitable, a purely formal definition as number of electrons in the outermost shell has been used.


atomic mass
First Ionization
Radii (pm)Valence
AtomicVan der WaalsCovalent
1H 1.008[2] 2.213.5984425120381
2He 4.002602(2)24.5874131140322
3Li 6.941(2)0.985.391721451821341
4Be 9.012182(3)1.579.3227105902
5B 10.811(7)2.048.2980385823
6C 12.0107(8)2.5511.260370170774
7N 14.0067(2)3.0414.5341465155755
8O 15.9994(3)3.4413.6180660152736
9F 18.9984032(5)3.9817.4228250147717
10Ne 20.1797(6)21.564638154698
11Na 22.98976928(2) 0.935.139081802271541
12Mg 24.3050(6) 1.317.646241501731302
13Al 26.9815386(8) 1.61 5.985771251183
14Si 28.0855(3)1.98.15169 1102101114
15P 30.973762(2) 2.1910.486691001801065
16S 32.065(5)2.5810.360011001801026
17Cl 35.453(2)3.1612.96764100175997
18Ar 39.948(1)15.7596271188978
19K 39.0983(1)0.824.340662202751961
20Ca 40.078(4)16.113161801742
21Sc 44.955912(6)1.366.56151601442
22Ti 47.867(1)1.546.82811401362
23V 50.9415(1)1.636.74621351252
24Cr 51.9961(6)1.666.76651401271
25Mn 54.938045(5)1.557.434021401392
26Fe 55.845(2)1.837.90241401252
27Co 58.933195(5)1.917.63981351631212
28Ni 58.6934(4)1.887.8811351262
29Cu 63.546(3)1.97.726381351401381
30Zn 65.38(2)1.659.39421351391312
31Ga 69.723(1)1.815.99931301871263
32Ge 72.63(1)2.017.89941251224
33As 74.92160(2)2.189.78861151851195
34Se 78.96(3)2.559.752381151901166
35Br 79.904(1)2.9611.813811151851147
36Kr 83.798(2)313.99961882021108
37Rb 85.4678(3)0.824.177132352111
38Sr 87.62(1)0.955.69492001922
39Y 88.90585(2)1.226.21711801622
40Zr 91.224(2)1.336.63391551482
41Nb 92.90638(2)1.66.758851451371
42Mo 95.96(2)2.167.092431451451
43Tc [98]1.97.281351561
44Ru 101.07(2)2.27.36051301261
45Rh 102.90550(2)2.287.45891351351
46Pd 106.42(1)2.28.3369140163131
47Ag 107.8682(2)1.937.57621601721531
48Cd 112.411(8)1.698.99381551581482
49In 114.818(3)1.785.786361551931443
50Sn 118.710(7)1.967.34391452171414
51Sb 121.760(1)2.058.60841451385
52Te 127.60(3)2.19.00961402061356
53I 126.90447(3)2.6610.451261401981337
54Xe 131.293(6)2.612.12981082161308
55Cs 132.9054519(2)0.793.89392602251
56Ba 137.327(7)0.895.21172151982
57La 138.90547(7)1.15.57691951692
58Ce 140.116(1)1.125.53871852
59Pr 140.90765(2)1.135.4731852
60Nd 144.242(3)1.145.5251852
61Pm [145]5.5821852
62Sm 150.36(2)1.175.64361852
63Eu 151.964(1)5.67041852
64Gd 157.25(3)1.26.15011802
65Tb 158.92535(2)5.86381752
66Dy 162.500(1)1.225.93891752
67Ho 164.93032(2)1.236.02151752
68Er 167.259(3)1.246.10771752
69Tm 168.93421(2)1.256.184311752
70Yb 173.054(5)6.254161752
71Lu 174.9668(1)1.275.4259175160 2
72Hf 178.49(2)1.36.82507155150 2
73Ta 180.94788(2)1.57.54961451382
74W 183.84(1)2.367.8641351462
75Re 186.207(1)1.97.8335135159 2
76Os 190.23(3)2.28.43821301282
77Ir 192.217(3)2.28.9671351372
78Pt 195.084(9)2.288.95871351751281
79Au 196.966569(4)2.549.22551351661441
80Hg 200.59(2)210.43751501551492
81Tl 204.3833(2) 1.626.1082190196148 3
82Pb 207.2(1)2.337.416661802021474
83Bi 208.98040(1)2.027.28561601465
84Po [209]28.4171906
85At [210]2.27
86Rn [222]10.74851201458
87Fr [223]0.74.07271
88Ra [226]0.95.27842152
89Ac [227]1.15.171952
90Th 232.03806(2)1.36.30671802
91Pa 231.03588(2)1.55.891802
92U 238.02891(3)1.386.194051751862
93Np [237]1.366.26571752
94Pu [244]1.286.02621752
95Am [243]1.35.97381752
96Cm [247]1.35.99152
97Bk [247]1.36.1979 2
98Cf [251]1.36.28172
99Es [252]1.36.422
100Fm [257]1.36.52
101Md [258] 1.36.582
102No [259] 1.36.652
103Lr [266] 1.34.93
104Rf [267] 62
105Db [268] 2
106Sg [269] 2
107Bh [270] 2
108Hs [277] 2
109Mt [278]
110Ds [281]
111Rg [282]
112Cn [285]
113Nh [286]
114Fl [289]
115Mc [290]
116Lv [293]
117Ts [294]
118Og [294]

[*] a few atomic radii are calculated, not experimental

[—] a long dash marks properties for which there is no data available

[ ] a blank marks properties for which no data has been found

Notes and References

  1. Web site: PubChem . Periodic Table of Elements . 2024-05-31 . . en.