Budapest, the capital of Hungary has 23 districts (hu|kerület, in Hungarian pronounced as /ˈkɛrylɛt/), each with its own municipal government.
Budapest was organized into 10 districts (numbered from I to X) in 1873 after the unification of the cities of Pest, Buda and Óbuda. The districts at that time:
In the 1930s, 4 new districts were organized, numbered from XI to XIV. On 1 January 1950, 7 neighboring towns and 16 villages were annexed to Budapest by creating 9 new districts, so the number of its districts increased to 22. District IV was annexed to District V and the number IV was given to the northernmost newly merged town, Újpest. Former district borders were also partly modified but the old numbering system is still clear on the map. In 1994, Soroksár left District XX, became the newest district and received the number XXIII.
Listed below are the ordinal numbers of the 23 districts of Budapest, their official names (if there is one), and the names of the neighbourhoods within the districts. Each district can be associated with one or more neighbourhoods named after former towns within Budapest.
District number | District name | Neighborhoods | Sights |
I. | Várkerület (Castle District) | Buda Castle, Tabán, Gellérthegy, Krisztinaváros, southern Víziváros | Buda Castle, Matthias Church, Hungarian National Gallery, Castle Hill Funicular, Sándor Palace, Fisherman's Bastion, Gellért Hill, Labyrinth of Buda Castle |
II. | 2nd District of Budapest | Adyliget, Budakeszierdő, Budaliget, Csatárka, Erzsébetliget, Erzsébettelek, Felhévíz, Gercse, Hársakalja, Hárshegy, Hűvösvölgy, Kővár, Kurucles, Lipótmező, Máriaremete, Nyék, Országút, Pálvölgy, Pasarét, Pesthidegkút-Ófalu, Petneházy-rét, Remetekertváros, Rézmál, Rózsadomb, Szemlőhegy, Széphalom, Szépilona, Szépvölgy, Törökvész, Újlak, Vérhalom, northern Víziváros, Zöldmál. | Tomb of Gül Baba, Mechwart Park, Cave of Szemlő Hill, Stalactite Cave of Pál Valley, Lukács Bath |
III. | Óbuda-Békásmegyer (Old Buda - Frog county) | Óbuda, Aquincum, Aranyhegy, Békásmegyer, Csillaghegy, Csúcshegy, Filatorigát, Hármashatár-hegy, Kaszásdűlő, Mátyáshegy, Mocsárosdűlő, Óbudai-sziget, Remetehegy, Rómaifürdő, Solymárvölgy, Szépvölgy, Táborhegy, Testvérhegy, Törökkő, Ürömhegy, Újlak. | Ruins of Aquincum, Aquincum Military Amphitheatre, Római Part (Roman Beach), Zichy Castle |
IV. | Újpest (New Pest) | Újpest, Megyer, Káposztásmegyer, Székesdűlő, Istvántelek. | Queen of Heavens Church, Synagogue of Újpest, Water Tower of Újpest |
V. | Belváros-Lipótváros (Inner City-Leopold Town) | Inner City, Lipótváros | Parliament, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Gresham Palace, St. Stephen's Basilica, Vigadó Concert Hall, Ethnographic Museum, Hungarian National Bank, Károlyi Garden, ELTE Faculty of Law |
VI. | Terézváros (Theresa Town) | Terézváros | Andrássy Avenue, Hungarian State Opera House, House of Terror Museum, St. Theresa of Ávila Church. |
VII. | Erzsébetváros (Elizabeth Town) | Erzsébetváros | Dohány Street Synagogue, Rumbach Street Synagogue, Kazinczy Street Synagogue, St. Elizabeth of Árpád House Church, Reformed Church of Fasor, Madách Theatre, Gozsdu udvar, Hungária Bath (today: Continental Hotel Zara), New York Palace (today: Boscolo Budapest Hotel) |
VIII. | Józsefváros (Joseph Town) | Józsefváros, Kerepesdűlő, Tisztviselőtelep | Hungarian National Museum, Erkel Theatre, Orczy Garden, Botanic Garden, Hungarian Natural History Museum, Kerepesi Cemetery, ELTE Faculty of Humanities |
IX. | Ferencváros (Francis Town) | Ferencváros, Gubacsidűlő, József Attila-lakótelep | National Theatre, Palace of Arts, Kálvin Square Reformed Church, Assisi St. Francis Church, Zwack Unicum Museum, Ráday Street, Holocaust Memorial Center, Museum of Applied Arts, Corvinus University |
X. | Kőbánya (Quarry) | Felsőrákos, Gyárdűlő, Keresztúridűlő, Kőbánya-Kertváros | Népliget (People's Park), Planetarium, St. László Church, Csősztorony (Keeper Tower) |
XI. | Újbuda (New Buda) | Albertfalva, Dobogó, Gazdagrét, Gellérthegy, Hosszúrét, Kamaraerdő, Kelenföld, Kelenvölgy, Kőérberek, Lágymányos, Madárhegy, Őrmező, Örsöd, Péterhegy, Pösingermajor, Sasad, Sashegy, Spanyolrét, Tabán | Gellért Hill, Citadella, Liberty Statue, Budapest University of Technology and Economics St. Gellért Church, Kopaszi Dike, ELTE Faculty of Science |
XII. | Hegyvidék (Highlands) | Budakeszierdő, Csillebérc, Farkasrét, Farkasvölgy, Istenhegy, Jánoshegy, Kissvábhegy, Krisztinaváros, Kútvölgy, Magasút, Mártonhegy, Németvölgy, Orbánhegy, Sashegy, Svábhegy, Széchenyihegy, Virányos, Zugliget. | Elizabeth Lookout Tower, Normafa |
XIII. | 13th District of Budapest | Újlipótváros, Angyalföld, Vizafogó, Népsziget, Göncz Árpád városközpont | Comedy Theatre, St. Margaret of Árpád House Church, Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church |
XIV. | Zugló (Nook) | Alsórákos, Herminamező, Istvánmező, Kiszugló, Nagyzugló, Rákosfalva, Törökőr, City Park | City Park, Heroes' Square, Zoo, Széchenyi Medicinal Bath, Gundel Restaurant, Vajdahunyad Castle, Petőfi Hall, Museum of Fine Arts, Hall of Art, Transport Museum, Municipal Grand Circus, Petőfi Hall, Ferenc Puskás Stadium |
XV. | 15th District of Budapest | Rákospalota, Pestújhely, Újpalota | Water Tower |
XVI. | 16th district of Budapest | Mátyásföld, Sashalom, Cinkota, Rákosszentmihály, Árpádföld, Kisszentmihály, Ilonatelep, Petőfikert, Nagyiccetelep, Szentgyörgytelep, Szabadságtelep, Huszkatelep | Mátyásföld Airport, |
XVII. | Rákosmente (Crabway) | Rákoskeresztúr, Rákoscsaba, Rákoscsaba-Újtelep, Rákosliget, Rákoshegy, Rákoskert, Akadémiaújtelep, Madárdomb, Régiakadémiatelep | Statue of Heroes, Statue of Pope John Paul II, Rákos Stream, Merzse Marsh |
XVIII. | Pestszentlőrinc-Pestszentimre (Pest Saint Lawrence-Pest Saint Emeric) | Pestszentlőrinc, Pestszentimre | Ferenc Liszt Airport, Sándor Petőfi Statue |
XIX. kerület | Kispest (Little Pest) | Kispest, Wekerletelep | Our Lady Church of Kispest |
XX. | Pesterzsébet (Pest Elizabeth) | Gubacsipuszta, Kossuthfalva, Pacsirtatelep, Pesterzsébet, Pesterzsébet-Szabótelep | St. Elizabeth of Árpád House Church, Statue of Lajos Kossuth |
XXI. | Csepel | Csepel | Little Our Lady Church, Tamariska Hill |
XXII. | Budafok-Tétény (Cape Buda) | Budatétény, Nagytétény, Budafok | Czuba-Durozier Castle, Nagytétény Castle, Sacelláry Castle, Törley Castle, Törley Mausoleum, Memento Park |
XXIII. | Soroksár (Mudrow) | Soroksár | Heroes' Statue, Molnár Island |
non-district | Margit-sziget (Margaret Island) | Margit-sziget | Dominican Monastery ruins, Franciscan Monastery ruins, Premonstratensian Convent, Water Tower, Japanese Garden, Alfréd Hajós National Swimming Stadium, Palatinus Swimming Pool, Musical Fountain |
District ! Name | data-sort-type="number" | Population (2016) ! data-sort-type="number" | Area (km2) ! data-sort-type="number" | Population density (people per km2) | - | I. kerület | Várkerület ("Castle District") | 25,196 | 3.41 | 7388.8 | - | II. kerület | - | 89,903 | 36.34 | 2473.9 | - | III. kerület | Óbuda-Békásmegyer ("Old Buda-Békásmegyer") | 130,415 | 39.70 | 3285.0 | - | IV. kerület | Újpest ("New Pest") | 101,558 | 18.82 | 5396.2 | - | V. kerület | Belváros-Lipótváros ("Inner City - Leopold Town") | 26,284 | 2.59 | 10,148.2 | - | VI. kerület | Terézváros ("Theresa Town") | 38,504 | 2.38 | 16,178.1 | - | VII. kerület | Erzsébetváros ("Elisabeth Town") | 53,381 | 2.09 | 25,541.1 | - | VIII. kerület | Józsefváros ("Joseph Town") | 76,811 | 6.85 | 11,213.2 | - | IX. kerület | Ferencváros ("Francis Town") | 59,056 | 12.53 | 4713.1 | - | X. kerület | Kőbánya ("Quarry") | 78,414 | 32.49 | 2413.4 | - | XI. kerület | Újbuda ("New Buda") | 151,812 | 33.49 | 4533.0 | - | XII. kerület | Hegyvidék ("Highlands") | 58,171 | 26.67 | 2181.1 | - | XIII. kerület | Angyalföld-Újlipótváros-Vizafogó ("Angel's Field - New Leopold Town - Beluga Catching Area") | 120,256 | 13.43 | 8954.2 | - | XIV. kerület | Zugló | 124,841 | 18.13 | 6885.8 | - | XV. kerület | Rákospalota-Pestújhely-Újpalota | 80,573 | 26.94 | 2990.8 | - | XVI. kerület | - | 73,486 | 33.51 | 2192.9 | - | XVII. kerület | Rákosmente | 87,793 | 54.82 | 1601.4 | - | XVIII. kerület | Pestszentlőrinc-Pestszentimre ("Saint Lawrence by Pest - Saint Emeric by Pest") | 101,738 | 38.60 | 2635.6 | - | XIX. kerület | Kispest ("Little Pest") | 60,731 | 9.38 | 6474.5 | - | XX. kerület | Pesterzsébet ("Elisabeth by Pest") | 65,321 | 12.19 | 5385.5 | - | XXI. kerület | Csepel | 76,911 | 25.75 | 2985.8 | - | XXII. kerület | Budafok-Tétény | 54,611 | 34.25 | 1594.4 | - | XXIII. kerület | Soroksár | 23,641 | 40.77 | 579.8 | - | All | Budapest | 1,759,407 | 525.13 | 3350.4 | - |
District I is a small area in central Buda (the western side), including the historic Castle. District II is in Buda again, in the northwest, and District III stretches along in the northernmost part of Buda.
To reach District IV, one must cross the Danube to find it in Pest (the eastern side), also at north. With District V, another circle begins: it is located in the absolute centre of Pest. Districts VI, VII, VIII and IX are the neighbouring areas to the east, going southwards, one after the other.
District X is another, more external circle also in Pest, while one must jump to the Buda side again to find Districts XI and XII, going northwards. No more districts remaining in Buda in this circle, we must turn our steps to Pest again to find Districts XIII, XIV, XV, XVI, XVII, XVIII, XIX and XX (mostly external city parts), almost regularly in a semicircle, going southwards again.
District XXI is the extension of the above route over a branch of the Danube, the northern tip of a long island (Csepel-sziget) south from Budapest. District XXII is still on the same route in southwest Buda, and finally District XXIII is again in southernmost Pest, irregular only because it was part of District XX until the mid-90s.
See also: List of twin towns and sister cities in Hungary.
Budapest III – Óbuda-Békásmegyer[4]
Budapest V – Belváros-Lipótváros[5]
Budapest VII – Erzsébetváros[7]
Budapest VIII – Józsefváros[8]
Budapest XVII – Rákosmente[18]
Budapest XVIII – Pestszentlőrinc-Pestszentimre[19]
Budapest XX – Pesterzsébet[21]
Budapest XXII – Budafok-Tétény[23]