List of diplomats of the United Kingdom to Saxony explained
Below is an incomplete list of diplomats from the United Kingdom to Saxony, specifically Heads of Missions.
Heads of Missions
Envoys Extraordinary and Ministers Plenipotentiary
Elector of Saxony
- 1693: Sir William Dutton Colt Two Special Missions
- 1693–1698: George Stepney Three Special Missions: 1693–1694 as Commissary and Deputy; 1695 as Minister; 1698 as Envoy Extraordinary[1]
Elector of Saxony and King of Poland
1698 to 1763: The Elector of Saxony was usually also King of Poland: no separate mission to Saxony: see List of Ambassadors from the United Kingdom to Poland
Elector of Saxony
1806–1816: No diplomatic relations[1]
Kingdom of Saxony
Notes and References
- D. B. Horn, British Diplomatic Representatives 1689–1789 (Camden 3rd Ser. 46, 1932)
- Haydn, Joseph – The Book of Dignities, 1851