List of countries by income inequality explained

This is a list of countries and territories by income inequality metrics, as calculated by the World Bank, UNU-WIDER, OCDE, and World Inequality Database, based on different indicators, like Gini coefficient and specific income ratios. Income from black market economic activity is not included.

The Gini coefficient is a number between 0 and 1 or 100, where 0 represents perfect equality (everyone has the same income), while an index of 1 or 100 implies perfect inequality (one person has all the income and everyone else has no income).

Income ratios include the pre-tax national income share held by top 10% of the population and the ratio of the upper bound value of the ninth decile (i.e. the 10% of people with highest income) to that of the upper bound value of the first decile (the ratio of the average income of the richest 10% to the poorest 10%).

Income distribution can vary greatly from wealth distribution in a country.

List of countries by income inequality based on Gini coefficient

+ Country/Territory UN Region World Bank Income group
Gini coefficient
  WB  [1] Year UNU-
Year OECD[3] [4] [5] Year
Southern Asia data-sort-value="cc" Low income 2017 
Middle Africa data-sort-value="tt" Lower middle income 2018 2019 
Southern Europe data-sort-value="ww" Upper middle income 2020 2020 
Southern Europe data-sort-value="zz" High income 2016 
Western Asia data-sort-value="zz" High income 2018 2019 
South America data-sort-value="ww" Upper middle income 2022 2022 
Western Asia data-sort-value="ww" Upper middle income 2022 2021 
Australia and New Zealand data-sort-value="zz" High income 2018 2018 
Western Europe data-sort-value="zz" High income 2021 2022 2021
Western Asia data-sort-value="ww" Upper middle income 2005 2005 
Eastern Africa data-sort-value="cc" Low income 2020 2014 
Western Europe data-sort-value="zz" High income 2021 2022 2021
Western Africa data-sort-value="tt" Lower middle income 2021 2019 
Western Africa data-sort-value="cc" Low income 2021 2019 
Southern Asia data-sort-value="tt" Lower middle income 2022 2016 
Eastern Europe data-sort-value="zz" High income 2021 2022 
Western Asia data-sort-value="zz" High income 2015 
Caribbean data-sort-value="zz" High income 2013 
Southern Europe data-sort-value="ww" Upper middle income 2011 2011 
Eastern Europe data-sort-value="ww" Upper middle income 2020 2020 
Central America data-sort-value="ww" Upper middle income 1999 1999 
South America data-sort-value="tt" Lower middle income 2021 2021 
South America data-sort-value="ww" Upper middle income 2022 2022 
Caribbean data-sort-value="zz" High income 2017 
South-eastern Asia data-sort-value="zz" High income 1981 
Southern Asia data-sort-value="tt" Lower middle income 2022 2022 
Southern Africa data-sort-value="ww" Upper middle income 2015 2016 
Middle Africa data-sort-value="cc" Low income 2021 2021 
Northern America data-sort-value="zz" High income 2019 2021 2021
Western Europe data-sort-value="zz" High income 2020 2021 
South America data-sort-value="zz" High income 2022 2022 2022
Eastern Asia data-sort-value="ww" Upper middle income 2021 2020 
Western Africa data-sort-value="tt" Lower middle income 2021 2019 
Middle Africa data-sort-value="tt" Lower middle income 2021 2014 
Middle Africa data-sort-value="cc" Low income 2020 
Middle Africa data-sort-value="tt" Lower middle income 2011 2012 
South America data-sort-value="ww" Upper middle income 2022 2021 
Eastern Africa data-sort-value="tt" Lower middle income 2014 2014 
Western Africa data-sort-value="tt" Lower middle income 2015 2015 
Central America data-sort-value="ww" Upper middle income 2023 2022 2022
Caribbean data-sort-value="ww" Upper middle income 2000 
Western Asia data-sort-value="zz" High income 2021 2022 
Eastern Europe data-sort-value="zz" High income 2021 2022 2021
Western Europe data-sort-value="zz" High income 2020 2022 
Eastern Africa data-sort-value="tt" Lower middle income 2017 2017 
Northern Europe data-sort-value="zz" High income 2021 2022 
Caribbean data-sort-value="ww" Upper middle income 2022 2022 
Northern Africa data-sort-value="ww" Upper middle income 2011 2012 
South America data-sort-value="ww" Upper middle income 2023 2022 
Northern Africa data-sort-value="tt" Lower middle income 2019 2020 
Southern Europe data-sort-value="zz" High income 2021 2022 2021
Northern Europe data-sort-value="zz" High income 2021 2022 2021
Eastern Africa data-sort-value="cc" Low income 2015 2016 
Northern Europe data-sort-value="zz" High income 2021 2022 2022
Melanesia data-sort-value="ww" Upper middle income 2019 2020 
Western Europe data-sort-value="zz" High income 2021 2022 2021
Micronesia data-sort-value="tt" Lower middle income 2013 2013 
Middle Africa data-sort-value="ww" Upper middle income 2017 2017 
Northern Europe data-sort-value="zz" High income 2021 2022 2021
Eastern Europe data-sort-value="ww" Upper middle income 2022 2021 
Western Africa data-sort-value="tt" Lower middle income 2016 2017 
Western Africa data-sort-value="tt" Lower middle income 2018 2019 
Western Africa data-sort-value="cc" Low income 2020 2021 
Western Africa data-sort-value="cc" Low income 2021 2019 
Middle Africa data-sort-value="ww" Upper middle income 2006 
Southern Europe data-sort-value="zz" High income 2021 2022 2021
Caribbean data-sort-value="ww" Upper middle income 2018 2008 
Northern America data-sort-value="zz" High income 2018 
Central America data-sort-value="ww" Upper middle income 2014 2014 
South America data-sort-value="zz" High income 1998 2006 
Eastern Asia data-sort-value="zz" High income 2016 
Central America data-sort-value="tt" Lower middle income 2019 2021 
Southern Europe data-sort-value="zz" High income 2021 2022 
Caribbean data-sort-value="tt" Lower middle income 2012 2012 
Eastern Europe data-sort-value="zz" High income 2021 2022 2021
South-eastern Asia data-sort-value="ww" Upper middle income 2023 2022 
Southern Asia data-sort-value="tt" Lower middle income 2021 2022 
Northern Europe data-sort-value="zz" High income 2021 2022 2021
Southern Asia data-sort-value="ww" Upper middle income 2022 2020 
Western Asia data-sort-value="ww" Upper middle income 2012 2013 
Northern Europe data-sort-value="zz" High income 2017 2018 
Western Asia data-sort-value="zz" High income 2021 2020 2021
Southern Europe data-sort-value="zz" High income 2021 2022 2021
Caribbean data-sort-value="ww" Upper middle income 2021 2017 
Western Asia data-sort-value="tt" Lower middle income 2010 2014 
Eastern Asia data-sort-value="zz" High income 2013 2018 2021
Central Asia data-sort-value="ww" Upper middle income 2021 2018 
Eastern Africa data-sort-value="tt" Lower middle income 2021 2021 
Central Asia data-sort-value="tt" Lower middle income 2022 2020 
South-eastern Asia data-sort-value="tt" Lower middle income 2012 
Micronesia data-sort-value="tt" Lower middle income 2019 2020 
Caribbean data-sort-value="zz" High income 2009 
Eastern Asia data-sort-value="zz" High income 2021 2020 2022
Western Asia data-sort-value="zz" High income 2000 
South-eastern Asia data-sort-value="tt" Lower middle income 2018 2019 
Western Asia data-sort-value="tt" Lower middle income 2011 2012 
Western Africa data-sort-value="cc" Low income 2016 2016 
Northern Africa data-sort-value="ww" Upper middle income 2008 
Caribbean data-sort-value="ww" Upper middle income 2015 2016 
Southern Asia data-sort-value="tt" Lower middle income 2019 2019 
Southern Africa data-sort-value="tt" Lower middle income 2017 2018 
Northern Europe data-sort-value="zz" High income 2021 2022 2021
Western Europe data-sort-value="zz" High income 2021 2022 2021
Northern Europe data-sort-value="zz" High income 2021 2022 2022
Northern Africa data-sort-value="tt" Lower middle income 2013 2014 
Eastern Europe data-sort-value="ww" Upper middle income 2021 2021 
Eastern Africa data-sort-value="cc" Low income 2012 2013 
Southern Asia data-sort-value="ww" Upper middle income 2019 2020 
Central America data-sort-value="ww" Upper middle income 2022 2022 2022
Micronesia data-sort-value="ww" Upper middle income 2019 2020 
Southern Europe data-sort-value="ww" Upper middle income 2019 2020 
Western Africa data-sort-value="cc" Low income 2021 2021 
Southern Europe data-sort-value="zz" High income 2020 2022 
South-eastern Asia data-sort-value="tt" Lower middle income 2017 2017 
Southern Europe data-sort-value="ww" Upper middle income 2021 2020 
Eastern Asia data-sort-value="ww" Upper middle income 2022 2018 
Eastern Africa data-sort-value="cc" Low income 2019 2020 
Western Africa data-sort-value="tt" Lower middle income 2019 2014 
Eastern Africa data-sort-value="ww" Upper middle income 2017 2012 
Eastern Africa data-sort-value="cc" Low income 2019 2020 
South-eastern Asia data-sort-value="ww" Upper middle income 2021 
Southern Africa data-sort-value="ww" Upper middle income 2015 2016 
Western Africa data-sort-value="cc" Low income 2021 2019 
Western Africa data-sort-value="tt" Lower middle income 2018 2019 
Central America data-sort-value="tt" Lower middle income 2014 2014 
Western Europe data-sort-value="zz" High income 2021 2022 2022
Northern Europe data-sort-value="zz" High income 2019 2021 2022
Southern Asia data-sort-value="tt" Lower middle income 2022 2011 
Micronesia data-sort-value="zz" High income 2012 2013 
Australia and New Zealand data-sort-value="zz" High income 2020 
Western Asia data-sort-value="zz" High income 2019 
Southern Asia data-sort-value="tt" Lower middle income 2018 2019 
Central America data-sort-value="zz" High income 2023 2022 
South America data-sort-value="ww" Upper middle income 2022 2021 
South-eastern Asia data-sort-value="tt" Lower middle income 2021 2021 
Micronesia data-sort-value="zz" High income 2014 
Melanesia data-sort-value="tt" Lower middle income 2009 2010 
Eastern Europe data-sort-value="zz" High income 2021 2022 2021
Caribbean data-sort-value="zz" High income 2003 
Southern Europe data-sort-value="zz" High income 2021 2022 2021
South America data-sort-value="ww" Upper middle income 2022 2022 
Western Asia data-sort-value="tt" Lower middle income 2016 2017 
Western Asia data-sort-value="zz" High income 2017 2013 
Eastern Africa data-sort-value="aa" style="text-align:center;" — 1977 
Eastern Europe data-sort-value="zz" High income 2021 2022 
Eastern Europe data-sort-value="zz" High income 2021 2020 
Eastern Africa data-sort-value="cc" Low income 2016 2017 
Western Asia data-sort-value="zz" High income 2018 
Northern Africa data-sort-value="cc" Low income 2014 2014 
Western Africa data-sort-value="tt" Lower middle income 2021 2019 
South-eastern Asia data-sort-value="zz" High income 2011 
Melanesia data-sort-value="tt" Lower middle income 2012 2013 
Western Africa data-sort-value="cc" Low income 2018 2018 
Central America data-sort-value="ww" Upper middle income 2022 2022 
Southern Europe data-sort-value="zz" High income 2017 
Eastern Africa data-sort-value="cc" Low income 2016 
Southern Europe data-sort-value="ww" Upper middle income 2021 2021 
Eastern Africa data-sort-value="cc" Low income 2016 2017 
Middle Africa data-sort-value="tt" Lower middle income 2017 2017 
South America data-sort-value="ww" Upper middle income 2022 2017 
Eastern Europe data-sort-value="zz" High income 2021 2022 2021
Southern Europe data-sort-value="zz" High income 2021 2022 2021
Northern Europe data-sort-value="zz" High income 2021 2022 2022
Southern Africa data-sort-value="tt" Lower middle income 2016 2017 
Eastern Africa data-sort-value="zz" High income 2018 2019 
Western Asia data-sort-value="cc" Low income 2022 2007 
Caribbean data-sort-value="zz" High income 1999 
Middle Africa data-sort-value="cc" Low income 2022 2019 
Western Africa data-sort-value="cc" Low income 2021 
South-eastern Asia data-sort-value="ww" Upper middle income 2021 2021 
Central Asia data-sort-value="tt" Lower middle income 2015 2015 
Central Asia data-sort-value="ww" Upper middle income 1998 1998 
South-eastern Asia data-sort-value="tt" Lower middle income 2014 2014 
Polynesia data-sort-value="ww" Upper middle income 2021 2015 
Caribbean data-sort-value="zz" High income 1992 1992 
Northern Africa data-sort-value="tt" Lower middle income 2021 2016 
data-sort-value="aa" style="text-align:center;" data-sort-value="ww" Upper middle income 2021 2021 2021
Polynesia data-sort-value="ww" Upper middle income 2010 2010 
Eastern Asia data-sort-value="zz" High income 2021 
Eastern Africa data-sort-value="tt" Lower middle income 2018 2018 
Eastern Africa data-sort-value="cc" Low income 2019 2020 
Eastern Europe data-sort-value="ww" Upper middle income 2020 2020 
South America data-sort-value="zz" High income 2022 
Northern America data-sort-value="zz" High income 2022 2022 2022
Central Asia data-sort-value="tt" Lower middle income 2022 2003 
Caribbean data-sort-value="ww" Upper middle income 2008 
South America data-sort-value="aa" style="text-align:center;" — 2006 2014 
South-eastern Asia data-sort-value="tt" Lower middle income 2022 2020 
Melanesia data-sort-value="tt" Lower middle income 2019 2020 
Polynesia data-sort-value="tt" Lower middle income 2013 2014 
Southern Europe data-sort-value="ww" Upper middle income 2017 2017 
Western Asia data-sort-value="cc" Low income 2014 2014 
Southern Africa data-sort-value="ww" Upper middle income 2014 2017 
Eastern Africa data-sort-value="tt" Lower middle income 2022 2022 
Eastern Africa data-sort-value="tt" Lower middle income 2019 2019 

List of EU countries by income inequality based on Gini coefficient

Member state Gini coefficient[6]
data-sort-type=number 2011data-sort-type=number 2012data-sort-type=number 2013data-sort-type=number 2014data-sort-type=number 2015data-sort-type=number 20162017201820192020202120222023
25.224.924.625.125.0 25.124.524.

List of OECD countries by income inequality based on Gini coefficient

Country Gini coefficient[7]
Before taxes
and transfers
After taxes
and transfers
0.441 0.318 2020
0.486 0.274 2019
0.489 0.262 2019
0.438 0.280 2020
0.495 0.460 2017
0.551 0.487 2021
0.432 0.248 2019
0.445 0.268 2019
0.465 0.305 2019
0.516 0.265 2020
0.519 0.292 2019
0.497 0.296 2019
0.525 0.308 2019
0.463 0.286 2019
0.369 0.250 2017
0.520 0.292 2018
0.449 0.342 2019
0.511 0.330 2018
0.570 0.381 2021
0.483 0.355 2020
0.495 0.357 2019
0.490 0.305 2019
0.435 0.420 2020
0.453 0.304 2020
0.454 0.320 2020
0.436 0.263 2020
0.452 0.281 2018
0.511 0.310 2019
0.383 0.222 2019
0.444 0.246 2019
0.405 0.331 2020
0.491 0.320 2019
0.433 0.276 2020
0.402 0.316 2019
0.502 0.415 2019
0.507 0.355 2020
0.517 0.375 2021

List of countries by income inequality based on different income ratios

+ List of countries by income inequality based on Pre-tax national income share held by top 10% of the population, and Country/Territory UN Region World Bank Income group
Pre-tax national income
Top 10% share
Income Decile 1 Interdecile
Year UNU-
Year Poverty
Year OECD[11] [12] [13] Year
Southern Asia data-sort-value="cc" Low income % 2022 
Middle Africa data-sort-value="tt" Lower middle income % 2022 2019 2018 
Southern Europe data-sort-value="ww" Upper middle income % 2022 2020 2020 
Southern Europe data-sort-value="zz" High income % 2022 2016 
Western Asia data-sort-value="zz" High income % 2022 2019 2018 
South America data-sort-value="ww" Upper middle income % 2022 2021 2022 
Western Asia data-sort-value="ww" Upper middle income % 2022 2021 2022 
Australia and New Zealand data-sort-value="zz" High income % 2022 2018 2018 2020
Western Europe data-sort-value="zz" High income % 2022 2022 2021 2021
Western Asia data-sort-value="ww" Upper middle income % 2022 2018 2005 
Eastern Africa data-sort-value="cc" Low income % 2022 2014 2020 
Western Europe data-sort-value="zz" High income % 2022 2022 2021 2021
Western Africa data-sort-value="tt" Lower middle income % 2022 2019 2021 
Western Africa data-sort-value="cc" Low income % 2022 2019 2021 
Southern Asia data-sort-value="tt" Lower middle income % 2022 2022 2022 
Eastern Europe data-sort-value="zz" High income % 2022 2022 2021 2021
Western Asia data-sort-value="zz" High income % 2022 
Caribbean data-sort-value="zz" High income % 2022 2013 
Southern Europe data-sort-value="ww" Upper middle income % 2022 2011 2011 
Eastern Europe data-sort-value="ww" Upper middle income % 2022 2020 2020 
Central America data-sort-value="ww" Upper middle income % 2022 1999 1999 
South America data-sort-value="tt" Lower middle income % 2022 2021 2021 
South America data-sort-value="ww" Upper middle income % 2022 2021 2022 2022
Caribbean data-sort-value="zz" High income % 2022 2010 
South-eastern Asia data-sort-value="zz" High income % 2022 1981 
Southern Asia data-sort-value="tt" Lower middle income % 2022 2022 2022 
Southern Africa data-sort-value="ww" Upper middle income % 2022 2016 2015 
Middle Africa data-sort-value="cc" Low income % 2022 2021 2021 
Northern America data-sort-value="zz" High income % 2022 2020 2019 2021
Western Europe data-sort-value="zz" High income % 2022 2021 2020 2020
South America data-sort-value="zz" High income % 2022 2020 2022 2022
Eastern Asia data-sort-value="ww" Upper middle income % 2022 2020 2021 2011
Western Africa data-sort-value="tt" Lower middle income % 2022 2019 2021 
Middle Africa data-sort-value="tt" Lower middle income % 2022 2014 2021 
Middle Africa data-sort-value="cc" Low income % 2022 2013 2020 
Middle Africa data-sort-value="tt" Lower middle income % 2022 2012 2011 
South America data-sort-value="ww" Upper middle income % 2022 2021 2022 
Eastern Africa data-sort-value="tt" Lower middle income % 2022 2014 2014 
Western Africa data-sort-value="tt" Lower middle income % 2022 2015 2015 
Central America data-sort-value="ww" Upper middle income % 2022 2022 2023 2023
Caribbean data-sort-value="ww" Upper middle income % 2022 1978 
Western Asia data-sort-value="zz" High income % 2022 2022 2021 
Eastern Europe data-sort-value="zz" High income % 2022 2022 2021 2021
Western Europe data-sort-value="zz" High income % 2022 2022 2020 2020
Eastern Africa data-sort-value="tt" Lower middle income % 2022 2017 2017 
Northern Europe data-sort-value="zz" High income % 2022 2022 2021 2019
Caribbean data-sort-value="ww" Upper middle income % 2022 2021 2022 
Northern Africa data-sort-value="ww" Upper middle income % 2022 2012 2011 
South America data-sort-value="ww" Upper middle income % 2022 2022 2023 
Northern Africa data-sort-value="tt" Lower middle income % 2022 2020 2019 
Southern Europe data-sort-value="zz" High income % 2022 2022 2021 2021
Northern Europe data-sort-value="zz" High income % 2022 2022 2021 2021
Eastern Africa data-sort-value="cc" Low income % 2022 2016 2015 
Northern Europe data-sort-value="zz" High income % 2022 2022 2021 2022
Melanesia data-sort-value="ww" Upper middle income % 2022 2020 2019 
Western Europe data-sort-value="zz" High income % 2022 2022 2021 2021
Micronesia data-sort-value="tt" Lower middle income % 2022 2013 2013 
Middle Africa data-sort-value="ww" Upper middle income % 2022 2017 2017 
Northern Europe data-sort-value="zz" High income % 2022 2021 2021 2021
Western Asia data-sort-value="ww" Upper middle income % 2022 2021 2022 
Western Africa data-sort-value="tt" Lower middle income % 2022 2017 2016 
Western Africa data-sort-value="tt" Lower middle income % 2022 2019 2018 
Western Africa data-sort-value="cc" Low income % 2022 2021 2020 
Western Africa data-sort-value="cc" Low income % 2022 2019 2021 
Middle Africa data-sort-value="ww" Upper middle income % 2022 
Southern Europe data-sort-value="zz" High income % 2022 2022 2021 2021
Caribbean data-sort-value="ww" Upper middle income % 2022 2008 2018 
Northern America data-sort-value="zz" High income % 2022 2018 
Central America data-sort-value="ww" Upper middle income % 2022 2014 2014 
South America data-sort-value="zz" High income % 2022 1998 1998 
Eastern Asia data-sort-value="zz" High income % 2022 2016 
Central America data-sort-value="tt" Lower middle income % 2022 2019 2019 
Southern Europe data-sort-value="zz" High income % 2022 2022 2021 2021
Caribbean data-sort-value="tt" Lower middle income % 2022 2012 2012 
Eastern Europe data-sort-value="zz" High income % 2022 2022 2021 2021
South-eastern Asia data-sort-value="ww" Upper middle income % 2022 2022 2023 
Southern Asia data-sort-value="tt" Lower middle income % 2022 2022 2021 2011
Northern Europe data-sort-value="zz" High income % 2022 2022 2021 2021
Southern Asia data-sort-value="ww" Upper middle income % 2022 2020 2022 
Western Asia data-sort-value="ww" Upper middle income % 2022 2013 2012 
Northern Europe data-sort-value="zz" High income % 2022 2018 2017 2017
Western Asia data-sort-value="zz" High income % 2022 2018 2021 2021
Southern Europe data-sort-value="zz" High income % 2022 2022 2021 2021
Caribbean data-sort-value="ww" Upper middle income % 2022 2015 2021 
Western Asia data-sort-value="tt" Lower middle income % 2022 2014 2010 
Eastern Asia data-sort-value="zz" High income % 2022 2014 2013 2021
Central Asia data-sort-value="ww" Upper middle income % 2022 2018 2021 
Eastern Africa data-sort-value="tt" Lower middle income % 2022 2021 2021 
Central Asia data-sort-value="tt" Lower middle income % 2022 2020 2022 
South-eastern Asia data-sort-value="tt" Lower middle income % 2022 2012 
Micronesia data-sort-value="tt" Lower middle income % 2022 2020 2019 
Caribbean data-sort-value="zz" High income % 2022 
Eastern Asia data-sort-value="zz" High income % 2022 2016 2021 2022
Western Asia data-sort-value="zz" High income % 2022 1973 
South-eastern Asia data-sort-value="tt" Lower middle income % 2022 2019 2018 
Western Asia data-sort-value="tt" Lower middle income % 2022 2012 2011 
Western Africa data-sort-value="cc" Low income % 2022 2016 2016 
Northern Africa data-sort-value="ww" Upper middle income % 2022 
Caribbean data-sort-value="ww" Upper middle income % 2022 2016 2015 
Southern Asia data-sort-value="tt" Lower middle income % 2022 2019 2019 
Southern Africa data-sort-value="tt" Lower middle income % 2022 2018 2017 
Northern Europe data-sort-value="zz" High income % 2022 2022 2021 2021
Western Europe data-sort-value="zz" High income % 2022 2022 2021 2021
Northern Europe data-sort-value="zz" High income % 2022 2022 2021 2022
Northern Africa data-sort-value="tt" Lower middle income % 2022 2014 2013 
Eastern Europe data-sort-value="ww" Upper middle income % 2022 2021 2021 
Eastern Africa data-sort-value="cc" Low income % 2022 2013 2012 
Southern Asia data-sort-value="ww" Upper middle income % 2022 2020 2019 
Central America data-sort-value="ww" Upper middle income % 2022 2022 2022 2022
Micronesia data-sort-value="ww" Upper middle income % 2022 2020 2019 
Southern Europe data-sort-value="ww" Upper middle income % 2022 2020 2019 
Western Africa data-sort-value="cc" Low income % 2022 2021 2021 
Southern Europe data-sort-value="zz" High income % 2022 2022 2020 
South-eastern Asia data-sort-value="tt" Lower middle income % 2022 2017 2017 
Southern Europe data-sort-value="ww" Upper middle income % 2022 2021 2021 
Eastern Asia data-sort-value="ww" Upper middle income % 2022 2018 2022 
Eastern Africa data-sort-value="cc" Low income % 2022 2020 2019 
Western Africa data-sort-value="tt" Lower middle income % 2022 2014 2019 
Eastern Africa data-sort-value="ww" Upper middle income % 2022 2017 2017 
Eastern Africa data-sort-value="cc" Low income % 2022 2020 2019 
South-eastern Asia data-sort-value="ww" Upper middle income % 2022 2019 2021 
Southern Africa data-sort-value="ww" Upper middle income % 2022 2016 2015 
Western Africa data-sort-value="cc" Low income % 2022 2019 2021 
Western Africa data-sort-value="tt" Lower middle income % 2022 2019 2018 
Central America data-sort-value="tt" Lower middle income % 2022 2014 2014 
Western Europe data-sort-value="zz" High income % 2022 2022 2021 2022
Northern Europe data-sort-value="zz" High income % 2022 2021 2019 2022
Southern Asia data-sort-value="tt" Lower middle income % 2022 2011 2022 
Micronesia data-sort-value="zz" High income % 2022 2013 2012 
Australia and New Zealand data-sort-value="zz" High income % 2022 2018 2020
Western Asia data-sort-value="zz" High income % 2022 
Southern Asia data-sort-value="tt" Lower middle income % 2022 2019 2018 
Central America data-sort-value="zz" High income % 2022 2021 2023 
South America data-sort-value="ww" Upper middle income % 2022 2021 2022 
South-eastern Asia data-sort-value="tt" Lower middle income % 2022 2021 2021 
Micronesia data-sort-value="zz" High income % 2022 2014 
Melanesia data-sort-value="tt" Lower middle income % 2022 2010 2009 
Eastern Europe data-sort-value="zz" High income % 2022 2022 2021 2021
Caribbean data-sort-value="zz" High income % 2022 1977 
Southern Europe data-sort-value="zz" High income % 2022 2022 2021 2021
South America data-sort-value="ww" Upper middle income % 2022 2022 2022 
Western Asia data-sort-value="tt" Lower middle income % 2022 2017 2016 
Western Asia data-sort-value="zz" High income % 2022 2017 
Eastern Europe data-sort-value="zz" High income % 2022 2022 2021 2021
Eastern Europe data-sort-value="zz" High income % 2022 2020 2021 2017
Eastern Africa data-sort-value="cc" Low income % 2022 2017 2016 
Western Asia data-sort-value="zz" High income % 2022 
Northern Africa data-sort-value="cc" Low income % 2022 2014 2014 
Western Africa data-sort-value="tt" Lower middle income % 2022 2019 2021 
South-eastern Asia data-sort-value="zz" High income % 2022 2012 
Melanesia data-sort-value="tt" Lower middle income % 2022 2013 2012 
Western Africa data-sort-value="cc" Low income % 2022 2018 2018 
Central America data-sort-value="ww" Upper middle income % 2022 2022 2022 
Southern Europe data-sort-value="zz" High income % 2022 
Eastern Africa data-sort-value="cc" Low income % 2022 2016 
Southern Europe data-sort-value="ww" Upper middle income % 2022 2021 2021 
Eastern Africa data-sort-value="cc" Low income % 2022 2017 2016 
Middle Africa data-sort-value="tt" Lower middle income % 2022 2017 2017 
South America data-sort-value="ww" Upper middle income % 2022 2022 F
Eastern Europe data-sort-value="zz" High income % 2022 2022 2021 2021
Southern Europe data-sort-value="zz" High income % 2022 2022 2021 2021
Northern Europe data-sort-value="zz" High income % 2022 2022 2021 2022
Southern Africa data-sort-value="tt" Lower middle income % 2022 2017 2016 
Eastern Africa data-sort-value="zz" High income % 2022 2019 2018 
Western Asia data-sort-value="cc" Low income % 2022 2007 2022 
Caribbean data-sort-value="zz" High income % 2022 
Middle Africa data-sort-value="cc" Low income % 2022 2019 2022 
Western Africa data-sort-value="cc" Low income % 2022 2019 2021 
South-eastern Asia data-sort-value="ww" Upper middle income % 2022 2021 2021 
Central Asia data-sort-value="tt" Lower middle income % 2022 2015 2015 
Central Asia data-sort-value="ww" Upper middle income % 2022 1993 1998 
South-eastern Asia data-sort-value="tt" Lower middle income % 2022 2014 2014 
Polynesia data-sort-value="ww" Upper middle income % 2022 2015 2021 
Caribbean data-sort-value="zz" High income % 2022 1992 1992 
Northern Africa data-sort-value="tt" Lower middle income % 2022 2016 2021 
data-sort-value="aa" style="text-align:center;" data-sort-value="ww" Upper middle income % 2022 2021 2021 2021
Polynesia data-sort-value="ww" Upper middle income % 2022 2010 2010 
Eastern Asia data-sort-value="zz" High income % 2022 2021 2021 
Eastern Africa data-sort-value="tt" Lower middle income % 2022 2018 2018 
Eastern Africa data-sort-value="cc" Low income % 2022 2020 2019 
Eastern Europe data-sort-value="ww" Upper middle income % 2022 2020 2020 
South America data-sort-value="zz" High income % 2022 2022 2022 
Northern America data-sort-value="zz" High income % 2022 2022 2022 2022
Central Asia data-sort-value="tt" Lower middle income % 2022 2003 2022 
Caribbean data-sort-value="ww" Upper middle income % 2022 
South America data-sort-value="aa" style="text-align:center;" — % 2022 2014 2006 
South-eastern Asia data-sort-value="tt" Lower middle income % 2022 2020 2022 
Melanesia data-sort-value="tt" Lower middle income % 2022 2020 2019 
Polynesia data-sort-value="tt" Lower middle income % 2022 2014 2013 
Southern Europe data-sort-value="ww" Upper middle income % 2022 2018 2017 
Western Asia data-sort-value="cc" Low income % 2022 2014 2014 
Southern Africa data-sort-value="ww" Upper middle income % 2022 2017 2014 2017
Eastern Africa data-sort-value="tt" Lower middle income % 2022 2015 2022 
Eastern Africa data-sort-value="tt" Lower middle income % 2022 2019 2017 

See also

Further reading

External links

Notes and References

  1. Web site: World Bank . Gini index . 2024 . . 2024-10-25.
  2. Web site: UNU-WIDER . World Income Inequality Database (WIID). Version 28 . World Income Inequality Database - WIID . . November 2023 . 10.35188/UNU-WIDER/WIID-281123 . free . 2024-10-25.
  3. Web site: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development . Income inequality (disposable income), Gini coefficient, 2021 . 2024 . . 2024-10-25.
  4. Web site: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development . Income inequality (disposable income), Gini coefficient, 2022 . 2024 . . 2024-10-25.
  5. Web site: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development .[ds=DisseminateFinalDMZ&df[id]=DSD_WISE_IDD%40DF_IDD&df[ag]=OECD.WISE.INE&dq=.A.INC_DISP_GINI..._T.METH2012.D_CUR.&pd=2010%2C2023&to[TIME_PERIOD]=false&vw=tb Income distribution database. Gini (disposable income) ]. OECD Data Explorer . . 2024 . 2024-10-25.
  6. Web site: Eurostat . Gini coefficient of equivalised disposable income . EC Data Browser . . 2024-10-25.
  7. Web site: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development .[ds=DisseminateFinalDMZ&df[id]=DSD_WISE_IDD%40DF_IDD&df[ag]=OECD.WISE.INE&dq=.A.INC_DISP_GINI..._T.METH2012.D_CUR.&pd=2010%2C&to[TIME_PERIOD]=false&ly[cl]=TIME_PERIOD&ly[rs]=COMBINED_UNIT_MEASURE&ly[rw]=REF_AREA&vw=tb Income distribution database. Gini (disposable income) ]. OECD Data Explorer . . 2024 . 2024-10-25.
  8. Web site: World Inequality Database (WID) . Pre-tax national income share held by top 10% of the population . 2024 . . 2024-10-25.
  9. Web site: UNU-WIDER . World Income Inequality Database (WIID). Version 28 . World Income Inequality Database - WIID . . November 2023 . 10.35188/UNU-WIDER/WIID-281123 . free . 2024-10-25.
  10. Web site: World Bank . Poverty & Inequality Indicators. Income Decile 1 . Poverty and Inequality Platform . 2024 . . 2024-10-25.
  11. Web site: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development .[ds=DisseminateFinalDMZ&df[id]=DSD_WISE_IDD%40DF_IDD&df[ag]=OECD.WISE.INE&dq=.A.D9_1_INC_DISP..._T.METH2012.D_CUR.&pd=2010%2C2023&to[TIME_PERIOD]=false&ly[cl]=TIME_PERIOD&ly[rs]=COMBINED_UNIT_MEASURE&ly[rw]=REF_AREA&vw=tb Income distribution database. P90/P10 disposable income decile ratio ]. OECD Data Explorer . . 2024 . 2024-10-25.
  12. Web site: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development . Income inequality (disposable income), Interdecile P90/P10, 2021 . Income inequality . . 2024 . 2024-10-25.
  13. Web site: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development . Income inequality (disposable income), Interdecile P90/P10, 2022 . Income inequality . . 2024 . 2024-10-25.