List of converts to Islam from paganism explained

This is a List of converts to Islam from paganism.

See also

Notes and References

  1. Devin De Weese, Devin A, (DeWeese. "Islamization and Native Religion in the Golden Horde", Penn State Press, 1 September 1994, pg.3
  2. Vásáry, p.71
  3. Asian Mythologies, By Yves Bonnefoy, Wendy Doniger, Gerald Honigsblum, pg. 337
  4. Medieval Russia, 980-1584: 980-1584, By Janet Martin, by 171
  5. David Myatt: From Neo-Nazi to Muslim
  6. The fire, the star and the cross minority religions in medieval and early modern Iran, by Aptin Khanbaghi, pg. 69-70
  7. The Biographical Dictionary of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful, pg. 226
  8. Learning to Love Africa, By Monique Maddy, pg. 156
  9. Wars of imperial conquest in Africa, 1830-1914, By Bruce Vandervort, pg. 128
  10. Society and Culture in the Early Modern Middle East By Andrew J. Newman, University of Edinburgh, pg. 30