List of cities, towns and villages in Solomon Islands explained

This is a list of populated places in the nation state of Solomon Islands, it excludes areas within the Solomon Islands archipelago that fall under a different jurisdiction, such as Bougainville.

Populated places

City, town or village Census 1999 Province
-8.76°N 160.7°W Malaita Province
-8.16°N 159.62°W Isabel Province
Gizo (Ghizo) -8.1°N 156.85°W Western Province
-9.43°N 159.91°W Guadalcanal Province
-8.4776°N 159.8082°W ? Isabel Province
Kirakira (Kaokaona) -10.44°N 161.88°W Makira (San Cristobal) Makira-Ulawa Province
Lata (Santa Cruz) -10.71°N 165.83°W n/a Temotu Province
Maniora -10.26°N 161.52°W Makira (San Cristobal) Makira-Ulawa Province
-8.33°N 157.27°W n/a Western Province
-8.22°N 157.22°W Western Province
-6.72°N 156.43°W Choiseul Province
Tigoa (Tinggoa) -11.54°N 160.03°W n/a Rennell Island (Mungava) Rennell and Bellona Province
Tulagi (Tulaghi) -9.09°N 160.15°W Central Province
