List of butterflies of Laos explained
This is a list of the butterflies of Laos.
- Papilionidae—swallowtail butterflies
- Pieridae—yellow-white butterflies
- Nymphalidae—brush-footed butterflies
- Lycaenidae—blues, hairstreaks and gossamer-winged butterflies
- Riodinidae—metalmark butterflies
- Hesperiidae—skipper butterflies
Family Papilionidae
- Psyche (Leptosia nina) (Fabricius, 1793)
- Vietnam Jezebel (Delias vietnamensis) (Monastyrskii & Devyatkin, 2000)
- White-streaked Jezebel (Delias lativitta tai) (Yoshino, 1999)
- Pale Jezebel (Delias sanaca) (Moore, 1857)
- Redspot Jezebel (Delias descombesi) (Boisduval, 1836)
- Painted Jezebel (Delias hyparete) (Linnaeus, 1758)
- Common gull (Cepora nerissa) (Fabricius, 1775)
- Lesser gull (Cepora nadina) (Lucas, 1852)
- Spotted sawtooth (Prioneris thestylis) (Doubleday, 1842)
- Eastern striped albatross (Appias olferna) (Swinhoe, 1890)
- Chocolate albatross (Appias lyncida) (Cramer, 1779)
- Orange albatross (Appias nero) (Butler, 1867)
- Indian orange albatross (Appias galba) (Wallace, 1867)
- Common albatross (Appias albina) (Boisduval, 1836)
- Plain puffin (Appias indra) (Moore, 1858)
- Large cabbage white (Pieris brassicae) (Gray, 1846)
- Small cabbage white (Pieris rapae) (Boisduval, 1836)
- Green veined white (Artogeia erutae) (Verity, 1911)
- Yellow orange tip (Ixias pyrene) (Linnaeus, 1764)
- Great orange tip (Hebomoia glaucippe) (Linnaeus, 1758)
- Pale wanderer (Pareronia avatar) (Moore, 1858)
- Common wanderer (Pareronia valeria) (Butler, 1879)
Subfamily: Curetinae
- Bright sunbeam (Curetis bulis) (Westwood, 1851)
- Tonkin sunbeam (Curetis tonkina) (Evans, 1954)
- Siam brownie (Miletus archilochus siamensis) (Godfrey, 1916)
- Mallus brownie (Miletus mallus mallus) (Fruhstorfer, 1913)
- Corbet's darkie (Allotinus corbeti) (Eliot, 1956)
- Crenulate darkie (Allotinus drumila) (Moore, 1865)
- Blue darkie (Allotinus subviolaceus subviolaceus) Felder & Felder, [1865]
- Moore's darkie (Allotinus substrigosus substrigosus) (Moore, 1884)
- Lesser darkie (Allotinus unicolor rekkia) Riley & Godfrey, 1921
- Dark mottle (Logania distanti massalia) Doherty, 1891
- Pale mottle (Logania marmorata marmorata) Moore, 1884
- Watson's mottle (Logania watsoniana) de Niceville, 1898
- Apefly (Spalgis epeus epeus) (Moore, 1878)
- Common Pierrot (Castalius rosimon rosimon) (Fabricius, 1775)
- Spotted Pierrot (Tarucus callinara) Butler, 1886
- Pea blue (Lampides boeticus) (Linnaeus, 1767)
- Straight Pierrot (Caleta roxus roxana) (de Niceville, 1897)
- Elbowed Pierrot (Caleta elna noliteia) (Fruhstorfer, 1918)
- Angled Pierrot (Caleta decidia decidia) (Hewitson, [1876])
- Banded blue Pierrot (Discolampa ethion ethion) (Westwood, [1851])
- Short-tailed blue (Everes argiades diporides) Chapman, 1909
- Indian Cupid (Everes lacturnus lacturnus) (Godart, [1824])
- Dusky blue Cupid (Everes huegelii dipora) Moore, 1865)
- Prized hedge blue (Udara dilecta dilecta) (Moore, 1879)
- Howarth's hedge blue (Udara placidula howarthi) (Cantlie & Norman, 1960)
- White hedge blue (Udara akasa sadanobui) Eliot & Kawazoe, 1983
- Bicolored hedge blue (Udara selma cerima) (Corbet, 1937)
- Albocerulean (Udara albocaerulea albocaerulea) (Moore, 1879)
- Common hedge blue (Acytolepis puspa gisca) (Fruhstorfer, 1910)
- Hampson's hedge blue (Acytolepis lilacea indochinensis) Eliot & Kawazoe, 1983
- Margined hedge blue (Celatoxia marginata marginata) (de Niceville, [1884])
- Plain hedge blue (Celastrina lavendularis limbata) (Moore, 1879)
- Metallic hedge blue (Callenya melaena melaena) (Doherty, 1899)
- Swinhoe's hedge blue (Monodontides musina pelides) (Fruhstorfer, 1910)
- Lesser grass blue (Zizina otis sangra) (Moore, [1866])
- Pale grass blue (Zizeeria maha maha) (Kollar, [1844])
- Dark grass blue (Zizeeria karsandra) (Moore, 1865)
- Tiny grass blue (Zizula hylax hylax) (Fabricius, 1775)
- Black spotted grass blue (Famegana alsulus eggletoni) (Corbet, 1941)
- Oriental grass jewel (Chilades putli) (Kollar, [1844])
- Lime blue (Chilades lajus lajus) (Stoll, [1780])
- Plains Cupid (Luthrodes pandava pandava) (Horsfield, [1829])
- Gram blue (Euchrysops cnejus) (Fabricius, 1798)
- Forget-me-not (Catochrysops strabo strabo) (Fabricius, 1793)
- Zebra blue (Leptotes plinius) (Fabricius, 1793)
- Dark cerulean (Jamides bochus bochus) (Stoll, [1782])
- Common cerulean (Jamides celeno celeno (Cramer, [1775])
- White cerulean (Jamides pura pura) (Moore, 1886)
- Glistering cerulean (Jamides elpis pseudelpis) (Butler, [1879])
- Royal cerulean (Jamides caeruleus caeruleus) (H. Druce, 1873)
- Metallic cerulean (Jamides alecto alocina) Swinhoe, 1915
- White line blue (Nacaduba angusta albida) Riley & Godfrey, 1925
- Rounded six-line blue (Nacaduba berenice aphya) Fruhstorfer, 1916
- Opaque six-line blue (Nacaduba beroe gythion) Fruhstorfer, 1916
- Transparent six-line blue (Nacaduba kurava euplea) Fruhstorfer, 1916
- Large four-line blue (Nacaduba pactolus continentalis) Fruhstorfer, 1916
- Violet four-line blue (Nacaduba subperusia lysa) Fruhstorfer, 1916
- Jewel four-line blue (Nacaduba sanaya naevia) Toxopeus, 1929
- Pointed lineblue (Ionolyce helicon merguiana) (Moore, 1884)
- Banded lineblue (Prosotas aluta coelestis) (Wood-Mason & de Niceville, [1887])
- Bhutya lineblue (Prosotas bhutea bhutea) (de Niceville, [1884])
- Tailess lineblue (Prosotas dubiosa indica) (Evans, 1925)
- Dark-based lineblue (Prosotas gracilis ni) (de Niceville, 1902)
- Brown lineblue (Prosotas lutea sivoka) (Evans, 1910)
- Common lineblue (Prosotas nora ardates) (Moore, [1875])
- White-tipped lineblue (Prosotas noreia hampsoni) (de Niceville, 1885)
- Margined lineblue (Prosotas pia marginata) Tite, 1963
- Dingy lineblue (Petrelaea dana) (de Niceville, [1884])
- Una (Una usta usta) (Distant, 1886)
- Chinese straight-wing blue (Orthomiella rantaizana rovorea) (Fruhstorfer, 1918)
- Straight-wing blue (Orthomiella pontis fukienensis) Forster, 1941
- White-banded Pierrot (Niphanda asialis) (de Niceville, 1895)
- Pointed Pierrot (Niphanda cymbia cymbia) de Niceville, [1884]
- Large pointed Pierrot (Niphanda tessellata tessellata) Moore, [1875]
- Ciliate blue (Anthene emolus emolus) (Godart, [1824])
- White ciliate blue (Anthene licates dusuntua) Corbet, 1940
- Poined ciliate blue (Anthene lycaenina lycambes) (Hewitson, [1878])
- Evan's silverline (Cigaritis evansii ayuthia) (Murayama & Kimura, 1990)
- Pale-banded silverline (Cigaritis learmondi) (Tytler, 1940)
- Aroon's silverline (Cigaritis leechi arooni) (Murayama & Kimura, 1990)
- Long-banded silverline (Cigaritis lohita himalayanus) (Moore, 1884)
- Karen silverline (Cigaritis maximus) (Elwes, [1893])
- Laos silverline (Cigaritis miyamotoi) Saito & Seki, 2008
- Silver-red silverline (Cigaritis rukma) (de Niceville, [1889])
- Fruhstorfer's silverline (Cigaritis seliga) (Fruhstorfer, [1912])
- Club silverline (Cigaritis syama peguanus) (Moore, 1884)
- Aberrant silverline (Cigaritis vixinga davidsoni) (Talbot, 1936)
- Common silverline (Cigaritis vulcanus tavoyana) (Evans, 1925)
- Brown yamfly (Drina donina donina) (Hewitson, [1865])
- White imperial (Neomyrina nivea hiemalis) (Godman & Salvin, 1878)
- Yamfly (Loxura atymnus continentalis) Fruhstorfer, [1912]
- Branded yamfly (Yasoda tripunctata tripunctata) (Hewitson, [1863])
- Fruhstorfer's yamfly (Yasoda androconifera) Fruhstorfer, [1912]
- Cardinal (Thamala marciana marciana) (Hewitson, [1863])
- Common imperial (Cheritra freja evansi) Cowan, 1965
- Truncate imperial (Cheritrella truncipennis) de Niceville, 1887
- Blue imperial (Ticherra acte acte) (Moore, [1858])
- Siamese onyx (Ahmetia achaja achaja) (Fruhstorfer, [1912])
- Common posy (Drupadia ravindra boisduvalii) Moore, 1884
- Dark posy (Drupadia theda fabricii) Moore, 1884
- Blue posy (Drupadia scaeva cooperi) (Tytler, 1940)
- Silverstreak blue (Iraota timoleon timoleon) (Stoll, [1790])
- Scarce silverstreak (Iraota rochana boswelliana) Distant, 1885
- Blue leafblue (Amblypodia narada taooana) Moore, [1879]
- Purple leafblue (Amblypodia anita anita) Hewitson, 1862
- Pale bushblue (Arhopala aberrans) (de Niceville, [1889])
- Aberrant bushblue (Arhopala abseus indicus) Riley, 1923
- Tytler's dull oakblue (Arhopala ace arata) Tytler, 1915
- Large oakblue (Arhopala amantes amatrix) de Niceville, 1891
- Centaur oakblue (Arhopala centaurus nakula) (Felder & Felder, 1860)
- Large metallic oakblue (Arhopala aedias meritatas) Corbet, 1941
- Purple-glazed oakblue (Arhopala agaba) (Hewitson, 1862)
- De Niceville's oakblue (Arhopala agrata binghami) Corbet 1946
- White-stained oakblue (Arhopala aida aida) de Niceville, 1889
- Purple broken-band oakblue (Arhopala alitaeus mirabella) Doherty, 1889
- Magnificent oakblue (Arhopala anarte anarte) (Hewitson, 1862)
- Anthelus bushblue (Arhopala anthelus) (Westwood, [1852])
- Small tailless oakblue (Arhopala antimuta antimuta) Felder & Felder, [1865]
- Purple-brown tailless oakblue (Arhopala arvina aboe) de Niceville, 1895(Hewitson, [1863])
- Plain tailless oakblue (Arhopala asopia) (Hewitson, [1869])
- Broad-banded oakblue (Arhopala asinarus asinarus) Felder & Felder, [1865]
- Tailed disc oakblue (Arhopala atosia jahara) Corbet, 1941
- Dark broken-band oakblue (Arhopala atrax) (Hewitson, 1862)
- Grey-washed oakblue (Arhopala aurelia) (Evans, 1925)
- Powered oakblue (Arhopala bazalus teesta) (de Niceville, 1886)
- Burmese bushblue (Arhopala birmana birmana) (Moore, [1884])
- White-dot oakblue (Arhopala democritus democritus) (Fabricius, 1793)
- Frosted oakblue (Arhopala dispar dispar) Riley & Godfrey, 1921
- Violetdisc oakblue (Arhopala epimete duessa) Doherty, 1889
- Green oakblue (Arhopala eumolphus eumolphus) (Cramer, [1780])
- Spotless oakblue (Arhopala fulla ignara) Riley & Godfrey, 1921
- Tailess bushblue (Arhopala ganesa watsoni) Evans, 1912
- Doherty's green oakblue (Arhopala hellenore hellenore) Doherty, 1889
- Doherty's dull oakblue (Arhopala khamti) Doherty, 1891
- Pale yellow oakblue (Arhopala moolaiana maya) (Evans, 1932)
- Mutal oakblue (Arhopala muta merguiana) Corbet, 1941
- Hewitson's dull oakblue (Arhopala oenea oenea) (Hewitson, [1869])
- Opal oakblue (Arhopala opalina opalina) (Moore, [1884])
- Dusky bushblue (Arhopala paraganesa zephyretta) (Doherty, 1891)
- Hooked oakblue (Arhopala paramuta paramuta) (de Niceville, [1884])
- Yellowdisc oakblue (Arhopala perimuta perimuta) (Moore, [1858])
- Dark Himalayan oakblue (Arhopala rama ramosa) (Evans, 1925)
- Reddish-brown oakblue (Arhopala selta selta) (Hewitson, [1869])
- Sylhet oakblue (Arhopala silhetensis silhetensis) (Hewitson, 1862)
- Pointed oakblue (Arhopala singla) (de Niceville, 1885)
- Large spotted oakblue (Arhopala vihara hirava) Corbet, 1941
- Zambra oakblue (Arhopala zambra zambra) Swinhoe, [1911]
- Silky oakblue (Arhopala alax) (Evans, 1932)
- Darkie plushblue (Flos anniella artegal) Doherty, 1889
- Plain plushblue (Flos apidanus ahamus) Doherty, 1891
- Tailess plushblue (Flos areste) (Hewitson, 1862)
- Spangled plushblue (Flos asoka) (de Niceville, [1884])
- Bifid plushblue (Flos diardi diardi) (Hewitson, 1862)
- Shining plushblue (Flos fulgida fulgida) (Hewitson, [1863])
- Variegated plushblue (Flos adriana) (de Niceville, [1884])
- Many-tailed oakblue (Thaduka multicaudata multicaudata) Moore, [1879]
- Falcate oakblue (Mahathala ameria ameria) (Hewitson, 1862)
- Crenulate oakblue (Apporasa atkinsoni) (Hewitson, [1869])
- Red-edge (Semanga superba siamensis) Talbot, 1936
- Common acacia blue (Surendra quercetorum quercetorum) (Moore, [1858])
- Acacia blue (Surendra vivarna neritos) (Fruhstorfer, 1907)
- Silver streaked acacia blue (Zinaspa todara) (Moore, [1884])
- Commomn tinsel (Catapaecilma major albicans) Corbet, 1941
- Cornelian (Deudorix epijarbas epijarbas) (Moore, [1858])
- Scarce cornelian (Deudorix hypargyria hypargyria) (Elwes, [1893])
- Abnormal flash (Rapala duma) Hewitson, 1878
- Frustorfer's flash (Rapala melida nicevillei) Swinhoe, 1911
- Common flash (Rapala nissa ranta) Swinhoe, 1897
- Indigo flash (Rapala varuna orseis) Hewitson, [1863]
- Copper flash (Rapala pheretima petosiris) (Hewitson, [1863])
- Myanmar flash (Rapala hades) (de Niceville, 1895)
- Malayan red flash (Rapala damona) Swinhoe, 1890
- Common red flash (Rapala iarbus iarbus) (Fabricius, 1787)
- Slate flash (Rapala manea schistacea) (Moore, 1879)
- Scarce shot flash (Rapala scintilla scintilla) de Niceville, 1890
- Branded flash (Rapala tara) de Niceville, [1889]
- Brown flash (Rapala rectivitta) (Moore, 1879)
- Suffused flash (Rapala suffusa suffusa) (Moore, [1879])
- Broad spark (Sinthusa chandrana grotei) (Moore, [1884])
- Narrow spark (Sinthusa nasaka obscurata) Fruhstorfer, [1912]
- Lister's hairstreak (Pamela dudgeonii) (de Niceville, 1894)
- Green hairstreak (Novosatsuma oppocoenosa) Johnson, 1992
- Ahlbergia pluto (Leech, 1893)
- Common onyx (Horaga onyx onyx) (Moore, [1858])
- Violet onyx (Horaga albimacula viola) Moore, 1882
- Purple onyx (Horaga amethysta purpurescens) Corbet, 1941
- White onyx (Horaga takanamii) Seki & Saito, [2004]
- Orchid tit (Hypolycaena othona) Hewitson, 1865
- Blue tit (Hypolycaena kina inari) (Wileman, 1908)
- Common tit (Hypolycaena erylus himavantus) Fruhstorfer, [1912]
- Fluffy tit (Hypolycaena amasa amasa) Hewitson, [1865]
- Azure royal (Britomartis cleoboides cleoboides) (Elwes, [1893])
- Mandarin blue (Charana mandarina mandarina) (Hewitson, [1863])
- Broadtail royal (Creon cleobis cleobis) (Godart, [1824])
- White-banded royal (Dacalana cotys) (Hewitson, [1865])
- Spectacular royal (Dacalana inorthodoxa) Seki & Saito, 2006
- Diagonal royal (Dacalana penicilligera) (de Niceville, 1890)
- Abnormal Judy (Abisara abnormis) Moore, [1884]
- Double-banded Judy (Abisara bifasciata angulata) Moore, [1879]
- White-spotted Judy (Abisara burnii timaeus) (Fruhstorfer, [1904])
- Plum Judy (Abisara echerius paionea) Fruhstorfer, [1914]
- Lesser Judy (Abisara freda freda) Bennett, 1957
- Dark Judy (Abisara fylla fylla) (Westwood, [1851])
- Two-spotted Judy (Abisara miyazakii shigehoi) K. & T. Saito, 2005
- Tailed Judy (Abisara neophron gratius) Fruhstorfer, 1912
- Forest Judy (Abisara saturata meta) Fruhstorfer, [1904]
- White-banded Judy (Abisara latifasciata) Inoué & Kawazoé, 1964
- Striped Punch (Dodona adonira adonira) Hewitson, [1866]
- White Punch (Dodona deodata deodata) Hewitson, 1876
- Lesser Punch (Dodona dipoea) Hewitson, [1866]
- Orange Punch (Dodona egeon egeon) (Westwood, [1851])
- Tailed Punch (Dodona eugenes venox) Fruhstorfer, 1912
- Katerina's Punch (Dodona katerina katerina) Monastyrskii & Devyatkin, 2000
- Spotted Punch (Dodona maculosa maculosa) Leech, 1890
- Mixed Punch (Dodona ouida ouida) Hewitson, [1866]
- Spectacular Punch (Dodona speciosa) Monastyrskii & Devyatkin, 2000
- Dark Punch (Dodona dracon dracon) de Nicéville, 1897
- Lesser harlequin (Laxita thuisto ephorus) (Fruhstorfer, [1904])
- Common red harlequin (Paralaxita telesia boulleti) (Fruhstorfer, [1914])
- Columbine (Stiboges nymphidia nymphidia) Butler, 1876
- Orange harlequin (Taxila haquinus berthae) Fruhstorfer, [1904]
- Dora's harlequin (Taxila dora) Fruhstorfer, [1904]
- Punchinello (Zemeros flegyas allica) (Fabricius, 1787)
- Mountain columbine (Stiboges elodinia) Fruhstorfer, [1914]
- Bernard D'Abrera Butterflies of the Oriental Region. Part 1 (1981) Papilionidae, Pieridae, Danaidae Part 2 (1983) Nymphalidae, Satyridae, Amathusidae Part 3 (1986) Lycaenidae, Riodinidae Hill House Publishers Lansdowne Editions.
- Charles Thomas Bingham in William Thomas Blanford Ed. The Fauna of British India, Including Ceylon and Burma London,Taylor & Francis Volume 1 1905, Volume 2 1907 online
- Cotton, A.M. & T. Racheli, 2007 Preliminary Annotated Checklist of the Papilionidae of Laos with Notes on Taxonomy, Phenology, Distribution and Variation (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea). Fragmenta Entomologica, Roma, 38(2): 279-378.
- Davidson, D.M. & J.J.Macbeth, 1938 The Butterflies of Siam. The Journal of the Siam Society: Natural History Suppl. 11(2):67-95.
- Fleming, W. A., 1975 Butterflies of West Malaysia & Singapore Berkshire, Eng.: Classey Publications Two volumes (volume 1)
- Fruhstorfer, H., 1910 The Indo-Australian Rhopalocera. [Danaidae] in Seitz, A. (ed.). The Macrolepidoptera of the World: A Systematic Description of the Hitherto Known Macrolepidoptera. Stuttgart: Alfred Kernen Vol. 9 1197 pp.
- Fruhstorfer, H., 1911. Appendix to Danaidae in Seitz, A. (ed.). The Macrolepidoptera of the World. 9. The Indo-Australian Rhopalocera. 2 vols. Stuttgart: Alfred Kernen Verlag viii+1197 pp.
- Fruhstorfer, H., 1911. The Indo-Australian Rhopalocera. [Amathusiidae]. pp. 403–448 in Seitz, A. (ed.). The Macrolepidoptera of the World: A Systematic Description of the Hitherto Known Macrolepidoptera. Stuttgart: Alfred Kernen Vol. 9 1197 pp.
- Fruhstorfer, H., 1911. The Indo-Australian Rhopalocera. [Satyridae]. 285-401 pls 87-99 in Seitz, A. (ed.). The Macrolepidoptera of the World: A Systematic Description of the Hitherto Known Macrolepidoptera. Stuttgart: Alfred Kernen Vol. 9 1197 pp.
- Fruhstorfer, H., 1912. The Indo-Australian Rhopalocera. [Nymphalidae]. 453-536, 545-560 pls 115, 119, 123-138 in Seitz, A. (ed.). The Macrolepidoptera of the World: A Systematic Description of the Hitherto Known Macrolepidoptera. Stuttgart: Alfred Kernen Vol. 9 1197 pp.
- Fruhstorfer H., 1910 The Indo-Australian Rhopalocera. [Pieridae] in Seitz, A. (ed.). The Macrolepidoptera of the World: A Systematic Description of the Hitherto Known Macrolepidoptera. Stuttgart: Alfred Kernen Vol. 9 1197 pp.
- Fruhstorfer H., 1915-1924 The Indo-Australian Rhopalocera [Lycaenidae (pars)] in Seitz, A. (ed.). The Macrolepidoptera of the World: A Systematic Description of the Hitherto Known Macrolepidoptera. Stuttgart: Alfred Kernen Vol. 9 1197 pp.
- Hanafusa, H. 1994 Ten new butterflies from Indonesia and Laos (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae, Satyridae, Nymphalidae). Futao 16: 16-20
- Jordan, K., 1908-1909 The Indo-Australian Rhopalocera [Papilionidae] in Seitz, A. (ed.). The Macrolepidoptera of the World: A Systematic Description of the Hitherto Known Macrolepidoptera. Stuttgart: Alfred Kernen Vol. 9 1197 pp.
- Kimura, Y., T.Aoki, S.Yamaguchi, Y.Uémura, & T.Saito., 2011 The Butterflies of Thailand. Based on Yunosuke KIMURA Collection vol.1. Hesperiidae, Papilionidae, Pieridae.Mokuyosha. (220pp)
- Hanafusa, H., 1987: New Subspecies of Charaxes, Polyura and Moduza from South East Asia.Iwase 4:14-37, 4 pls.
- George Frederick Leycester Marshall and Lionel de Nicéville The Butterflies of India, Burmah and Ceylon. a Descriptive Handbook of All the Known Species of Rhopalocerous Lepidoptera Inhabiting That Region, With Notices of Allied Species Occurring in the Neighbouring Countries Along the Border; With Numerous Illustrations. Calcutta:Central Press Co., ld., 1882-90. online
- Murayama, S. and Kimura, Y., 1990: Some new butterflies from Thailand. Nature and Insects 25(2):19-24, figs.1-23.
- Alexander L. Monastyrskii Butterflies of Vietnam Vol. 1 (2005) Nymphalidae: Satyrinae. Vol. 2 (2007) Papilionidae . Vol. 3 (2011) Nymphalidae: Danainae, Amathusiinae. 2011. .[Hanoi] Dolphin Media Co., [Hanoi], Vietnam-Russia Research Tropical Centre.
- Alexander L. Monastyrskii and Alexey L Devyatkin Butterflies of Vietnam: An Illustrated Checklist
- Motono, A & N. Negishi, 1989 Butterflies of Laos. (in Japanese) Kirihara Shoten, Tokyo. 215pp.
- Okubo, 1983 Butterflies of Tioman Island, West Malaysia, with the description of new species Tyô to Ga 33 (3,4): 168-184
- Seitz, A., 1924-1927 The Indo-Australian Rhopalocera [Lycaenidae (pars)] in Seitz, A. (ed.). The Macrolepidoptera of the World: A Systematic Description of the Hitherto Known Macrolepidoptera. Stuttgart: Alfred Kernen Vol. 9 1197 pp.
- Talbot, G. (1939) The Fauna of British India, Including Ceylon and Burma Papilionidae, Pieridae xxix + 600 p - 184 figs - 1 folding map - 3 col. pl. Butterflies. Vol. 1 online
- Talbot, G. (1947) The Fauna of British India, Including Ceylon and Burma Danaidae, Satyridae, Amathusiidae and Acraeidae. xv + 506 p - 104 figs - 2 col. pl. Butterflies. Vol. 2 online
- Woodfield, E. & R. Murton, 2006 Butterfly Field Guide Southwest Cambodia. Frontier-Cambodia.
- Papers published in "Butterflies (Teinopalpus)" Journal of The Butterfly Society of Japan List
- Key papers listed by author at Wikispecies are by: Edward John Godfrey, Yunosuke Kimura, Henry Maurice Pendlebury, Alexander Steven Corbet, Osamu Yata, Takashi Shirôzu, John Nevill Eliot, Amnuay Pinratan, Yunosuke Kimura, Kotaro Saito, Yasuo Seki, papers by Japanese authors in Yadoriga (Entomological Society of Japan) online and open access)