List of benzodiazepines explained

The tables below contain a sample list of benzodiazepines and benzodiazepine analogs that are commonly prescribed, with their basic pharmacological characteristics, such as half-life and equivalent doses to other benzodiazepines, also listed, along with their trade names and primary uses. The elimination half-life is how long it takes for half of the drug to be eliminated by the body. "Time to peak" refers to when maximum levels of the drug in the blood occur after a given dose. Benzodiazepines generally share the same pharmacological properties, such as anxiolytic, sedative, hypnotic, skeletal muscle relaxant, amnesic, and anticonvulsant effects. Variation in potency of certain effects may exist amongst individual benzodiazepines. Some benzodiazepines produce active metabolites. Active metabolites are produced when a person's body metabolizes the drug into compounds that share a similar pharmacological profile to the parent compound and thus are relevant when calculating how long the pharmacological effects of a drug will last. Long-acting benzodiazepines with long-acting active metabolites, such as diazepam and chlordiazepoxide, are often prescribed for benzodiazepine or alcohol withdrawal as well as for anxiety if constant dose levels are required throughout the day. Shorter-acting benzodiazepines are often preferred for insomnia due to their lesser hangover effect.[1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

It is fairly important to note that elimination half-life of diazepam and chlordiazepoxide, as well as other long half-life benzodiazepines, is twice as long in the elderly compared to younger individuals. Due to increased sensitivity and potentially dangerous adverse events among elderly patients, it is recommended to avoid prescribing them as specified by the 2015 American Geriatrics Society Beers Criteria.[6] Individuals with an impaired liver also metabolize benzodiazepines more slowly. Thus, the approximate equivalent of doses below may need to be adjusted accordingly in individuals on short acting benzodiazepines who metabolize long-acting benzodiazepines more slowly and vice versa. The changes are most notable with long acting benzodiazepines as these are prone to significant accumulation in such individuals and can lead to withdrawal symptoms. For example, the equivalent dose of diazepam in an elderly individual on lorazepam may be half of what would be expected in a younger individual.[7] [8] Equivalent doses of benzodiazepines differ as much as 20 fold.[9] [10] [11]

Pharmacokinetic properties of various benzodiazepines

Equivalency data in the table below is taken from the Ashton "Benzodiazepine Equivalence Table".[4] [12] [13] [14]

data-sort-type="text" Drug Name Common Trade Namesdata-sort-type="number" Year ApprovedTypical Oral Dosage Formulations data-sort-type="number" Approx. Equivalent Oral Dose to 10 mg Diazepam data-sort-type="number" Peak Onset of Actiondata-sort-type="number" Elimination Half-life of Active Metabolite Primary Therapeutic Use
AdinazolamDeracyn1–23anxiolytic, antidepressant
AlprazolamXanax, Helex, Xanor, Trankimazin, Onax, Alprox, Misar, Restyl, Solanax, Tafil, Neurol, Frontin, Kalma, Ksalol, Farmapram0.25, 0.5, 1, 20.51–311-13 [10–20][15] anxiolytic, antidepressant[16]
Bretazenil[17] 2.5anxiolytic, anticonvulsant
BromazepamLexotanil, Lexotan, Lexilium, Lectopam, Lexaurin, Lexatin, Bromam1.5, 3, 661–520–40anxiolytic,hypnotic, muscle relaxant
Bromazolam2, 42anxiolytic
BrotizolamLendormin, Dormex, Sintonal, Noctilan0.250.50.5–24–5hypnotic
CamazepamAlbego, Limpidon401–36–11anxiolytic
ChlordiazepoxideLibrium, Risolid, Elenium5, 10, 25251.5–636–200anxiolytic
CinazepamLevana0.5, 1, 22–460hypnotic, anxiolytic
ClobazamOnfi, Frisium, Urbanol5, 10, 2020 1–58–60anxiolytic, anticonvulsant
ClonazepamRivatril, Rivotril, Klonopin, Iktorivil, Paxam0.5, 1, 20.5-11–519.5–50anticonvulsant, anxiolytic
Clonazolam0.25,[18] hypnotic, anticonvulsant
ClorazepateTranxene, Tranxilium3.75, 5, 7.515Variable32–152anxiolytic, anticonvulsant
ClotiazepamVeratran, Clozan, Rize5, 10101–34anxiolytic
CloxazolamCloxam, Sepazon, Olcadil1, 2, 41.5 2–555–77 anxiolytic, anticonvulsant
DelorazepamDadumir0.5, 1, 21-1.51–279<[19] anxiolytic, amnesic
Deschloroetizolam1, 24anxiolytic
DiazepamAntenex, Apaurin, Apzepam, Apozepam, Diazepan, Hexalid, Normabel, Pax, Stesolid, Stedon, Tranquirit, Valium, Vival, Valaxona2, 5, 10101–1.532–205anxiolytic, anticonvulsant, muscle relaxant, amnesic
Diclazepam[20] 1, 221.5–342 anxiolytic, muscle relaxant
EstazolamProSom, Nuctalon1, 22 3–510–24hypnotic, anxiolytic
Ethyl carfluzepate2 1–511–24hypnotic
EtizolamEtilaam, Etizest, Pasaden, Depas121–35-7anxiolytic, muscle relaxant, anticonvulsant
Ethyl loflazepateVictan, Meilax, Ronlax2[21] 2.5–373–119anxiolytic
Flualprazolam0.5, 10.25 1-212-22 anxiolytic, hypnotic
Flubromazepam[22] Templex4, 8, 1241.5–8100–220anxiolytic, hypnotic, amnesic, muscle relaxant, anticonvulsant
FlubromazolamRemnon0.25, 0.50.075 0.5-510-20[23] hypnotic
Fluclotizolam0.25-0.5 anxiolytic
FlunitrazepamRohypnol, Hipnosedon, Vulbegal, Fluscand, Flunipam, Ronal, Rohydorm, Hypnodorm1, 21.50.5–318–200hypnotic
Flunitrazolam0.25, 0.50.1 0.5-1 5-13 hypnotic
FlurazepamDalmadorm, Dalmane, Fluzepam30 20-251–1.540–250hypnotic
Flutemazepam10.5-58-20hypnotic, anxiolytic, anticonvulsant, muscle relaxant[24]
FlutoprazepamRestas1, 22.50.5–987[25] hypnotic, anticonvulsant, muscle relaxant
HalazepamAlapryl, Paxipam20, 40403–615-35 [30-100]anxiolytic
KetazolamAnxon, Sedotime15, 30, 45202.5–630-100 [36-200]anxiolytic
LoprazolamDormonoct, Havlane1, 21.52–56–20[26] hypnotic
LorazepamAtivan, Orfidal, Lorenin, Lorsilan, Temesta, Tavor, Lorabenz0.5, 1, 2, 2.512–410–20anxiolytic, anticonvulsant, hypnotic, muscle relaxant[27] [28]
LormetazepamLoramet, Noctamid, Pronoctan1, 21.50.5–210-12hypnotic, anxiolytic
MedazepamNobrium, Ansilan, Mezapam, Rudotel, Raporan10104-836–200anxiolytic
Metizolam1, 2, 42–412anxiolytic
MexazolamMelex, Sedoxil0.5, 11–2anxiolytic
MidazolamDormicum, Flormidal, Versed, Hypnovel, Dormonid7.5, 1510 (oral)4 (IV)0.5–11.8-6 hypnotic, anticonvulsant
Nifoxipam0.5, 1, 2hypnotic
NimetazepamErimin, Lavol52.5-50.5–314–30hypnotic
Nitemazepam2 0.5-5 10-27 hypnotic, anticonvulsant
NitrazepamMogadon, Alodorm, Pacisyn, Dumolid, Nitrazadon5, 1050.5–717–48hypnotic, anticonvulsant
Nitrazolam0.5, 1hypnotic
NordazepamMadar, Stilny5, 7.5, 1510-1530–150anxiolytic
OxazepamSeresta, Serax, Serenid, Serepax, Sobril, Oxabenz, Oxapax, Oxascand, Ox-Pam, Opamox, Alepam, Medopam, Murelax, Noripam, Purata10, 15, 30, 50303–44–11anxiolytic
PhenazepamPhenazepam, Phenzitat1.5–4 60anxiolytic, anticonvulsant
PinazepamDomar, Duna5, 1040–100anxiolytic
PrazepamDemetrin, Lysanxia, Prazene, Centrax10, 20, 3015-202–636–200anxiolytic
Pyrazolam0.25, 0.5, 11–1.516–18[29] anxiolytic, amnesic
QuazepamDoral, Quiedorm15201–539–120hypnotic
TemazepamRestoril, Normison, Euhypnos, Temaze, Tenox10, 2015-200.5–34–11hypnotic, anxiolytic, muscle relaxant
TetrazepamMyolastan, Clinoxam, Epsipam, Musaril501–33–26 muscle relaxant, anxiolytic
TriazolamHalcion, Rilamir, Notison, Somese0.125,–22hypnotic
Drug Name Common Trade Names Year Approved Typical Dosages of Oral TabletsApprox. Equivalent Oral Dose to 10mg Diazepam Peak onset of action Elimination Half-life of Active Metabolite Primary Therapeutic Use

Atypical benzodiazepine receptor ligands

Drug NameCommon Trade Names Year approved(US FDA) Elimination Half-lifeof Active Metabolite Primary Therapeutic Use
anxiogenic, convulsant
FlumazenilAnexate, Lanexat, Mazicon, Romazicon 1 antidote
Eszopiclone§ Lunesta 2004 6 hypnotic
Zaleplon§ Sonata, Starnoc 1999 1 hypnotic
Zolpidem§ Ambien, Nytamel, Sanval, Stilnoct, Stilnox, Sublinox (Canada), Xolnox, Zoldem, Zolnod 1992 2.6 hypnotic
Zopiclone§ Imovane, Rhovane, Ximovan; Zileze; Zimoclone; Zimovane; Zopitan; Zorclone, Zopiklone 4–6 hypnotic


In 2015 the UK's House of Commons attempted to get a two to four week limit mandate for prescribing benzodiazepines to replace the two to four week benzodiazepine prescribing guidelines, which are merely recommended.[30]

Binding data and structure-activity relationship

A large number of benzodiazepine derivatives have been synthesised and their structure-activity relationships explored in detail.[31] [32] [33] [34] This chart contains binding data for benzodiazepines and related drugs investigated by Roche up to the late 1990s (though in some cases the compounds were originally synthesised by other companies such as Takeda or Upjohn).[35] [36] [37] [38] [39] [40] Other benzodiazepines are also listed for comparison purposes,[41] [42] [43] but it does not however include binding data for;

While binding or activity data are available for most of these compounds also, the assay conditions vary between sources, meaning that in many cases the values are not suitable for a direct comparison. Many older sources used animal measures of activity (i.e. sedation or anticonvulsant activity) but did not measure in vitro binding to benzodiazepine receptors.[49] [50] See for instance Table 2 vs Table 11 in the Chem Rev paper, Table 2 lists in vitro pIC50 values matching those below, while Table 11 has pEC50 values derived from in vivo assays in mice, which show the same activity trends but cannot be compared directly, and includes data for compounds such as diclazepam and flubromazepam which are not available in the main data set.

Also note;

See also

Further reading

Notes and References

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  2. de Visser SJ, van der Post JP, de Waal PP, Cornet F, Cohen AF, van Gerven JM . Biomarkers for the effects of benzodiazepines in healthy volunteers . British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology . 55 . 1 . 39–50 . January 2003 . 12534639 . 1884188 . 10.1046/j.1365-2125.2002.t01-10-01714.x .
  3. Web site: Benzodiazepine Names . 2009-04-05 . . dead . . 2008-12-08 .
  4. Web site: Ashton CH . Benzodiazepine Equivalence Table . . March 2007 . 2009-04-05.
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