List of banned and restricted pesticides in India explained

This article provides a comprehensive list of pesticides currently subject to specific regulatory restrictions in India as of 31 March 2024. Restrictions are implemented to protect public health, the environment, and to ensure safer agricultural practices by limiting the use, production, and application of certain pesticides.[1]

Pesticides banned from manufacture, import, and use

Pesticides banned from manufacture, import, and use[2]
No. Name Order and date
1 S.O. 3951 (E), dated 08.08.2018
2 S.O. 682 (E) dated 17 July 2001
5 S.O. 3951(E) dated 8 August 2018
7 S.O. 3951(E) dated 8 August 2018
8 S.O. 682 (E) dated 17 July 2001
12 S.O. 3951(E) dated 8 August 2018
13 Dibromochloropropane (DBCP) S.O. 569 (E) dated 25 July 1989
14 S.O. 3951 (E), dated 08.08.2018
15 S.O. 4294(E) dated 3 October 2023
16 S.O. 682 (E) dated 17 July 2001
17 Dinocap S.O. 4294(E) dated 3 October 2023
18 ad-Interim order of the Supreme Court of India in the WritPetition (Civil) No. 213 of 2011 dated 13 th May, 2011 and finally disposed ofdated 10 January 2017
22 Ethylene dibromide (EDB) S.O. 682 (E) dated 17 July 2001
23 S.O 3951(E) dated 8 August 2018
24 S.O 3951(E) dated 8 August 2018
26 Lindane (Gamma-HCH)
27 S.O 3951(E) dated 8 August 2018
28 S.O. 682 (E) dated 17 July 2001
29 Menazon
30 S.O. 4294(E) dated 3 October 2023
31 S.O 3951(E) dated 8 August 2018
32 S.O 3951(E) dated 8 August 2018
33 Metoxuron
35 Paraquat dimethyl sulfate (Gramoxone)
36 Pentachloronitrobenzene (PCNB) S.O. 569 (E) dated 25 July 1989
39 S.O. 3951 (E), dated 08.08.2018
40 S.O. 3951 (E), dated 08.08.2018
41 banned for Insecticidal purpose only S.O 3951(E) dated 8thAugust, 2018); Regulation to be continued in the extant manner for non-insecticidal uses.
44 Thiometon S.O 3951(E) dated 8 August 2018
45 Toxaphene (Camphechlor) S.O. 569 (E) dated 25 July 1989
46 S.O. 3951 (E), dated 08.08.2018
47 S.O 3951(E) dated 8 August 2018
48 Trichloroacetic acid (TCA) S.O. 682 (E) dated 17 July 2001
49 S.O. 3951 (E), dated 08.08.2018

Pesticides banned for use but manufacture allowed for export

Pesticides banned for use but allowed for export
No. Name Order and date
1 Captafol 80% Powder S.O. 679 (E) dated 17 July 2001
2 S.O. 1196 (E) dated 20 March 2020
3 S.O. 325 (E) dated 11 May 1992
4 S.O. 1196 (E) dated 20 March 2020
5 S.O. 1196 (E) dated 20 March 2020

Pesticides Withdrawn

List of Withdrawn Pesticides
No. Name Order and date
5 Paradichlorobenzene (PDCB)
7 S.O. 2485 (E) dated 24 September 2014
8 S.O. 915 (E) dated 15 June 2006

Pesticides refused registration

Pesticides refused registration
No. Name
1 2,4,5-T
2 Ammonium sulphamate
3 Azinphos-ethyl
4 Azinphos-methyl
5 Binapacryl
6 Calcium arsenate
7 Carbophenothion
8 Chinomethionate (Morestan)
9 Dicrotophos
10 EPN
11 Fentin acetate
12 Fentin hydroxide
13 Lead arsenate
14 Leptophos (Phosvel)
15 Mephosfolan
16 Mevinphos (Phosdrin)
17 Disulfoton (Thiodemeton)
18 Vamidothion

Pesticides restricted for use in the country

Pesticides restricted for use in the country
No. Name Details of Restrictions
1 Pest control operations allowed only by Govt./Govt. undertakings/approved experts, except 15% 12g and 6% tablets. Production, marketing, and use of 10 and 20 tablet tube packs banned. (RC circular, G.S.R. 371(E), S.O. 677(E) dated 17 July 2001)
2 Foliar spray banned; permitted only as seed dresser. Manufacture of 80% powder banned for domestic use; allowed for export. (S.O. 569(E) dated 25 July 1989; S.O. 679(E) dated 17 July 2001)
3 All formulations banned except 3% encapsulated granule (CG) with crop labels. (S.O. 4294(E) dated 3 October 2023)
4 Banned for use in Ber, Citrus, and Tobacco. (S.O. 4294(E) dated 3 October 2023)
5 3% smoke generator restricted to use by Pest Control Operators only, not for general public. (Delhi High Court Order, WP(C) 10052 of 2009)
6 Not permitted for use on Tea. (S.O. 3006(E) dated 31st Dec 2008)
7 Dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane (DDT) Restricted to 10,000 MT per year for public health; export allowed under Stockholm Convention. Banned in agriculture; special permissions for plant protection may be granted by Govt. (S.O. 295(E) dated 8 March 2006; S.O. 378(E) dated 26 May 1989)
8 Banned for use in fruits and vegetables consumed raw. (S.O. 4294(E) dated 3 October 2023)
9 Banned in agriculture except for locust control and public health. (S.O. 706(E) dated 3 May 2007)
10 Banned for use on Sorghum, Pea, Soybean, Castor, Sunflower, and specific fruits/vegetables including Apple, Mango, and Grape. (S.O. 4294(E) dated 3 October 2023)
11 Banned for use on Guava, Jowar, and Tapioca. (S.O. 4294(E) dated 3 October 2023)
12 Restricted for use only by Govt./Govt. undertakings or approved experts. (G.S.R. 371(E) dated 20 May 1999)
13 Banned for use on vegetables; discontinuation of 36% SL formulation after existing stocks expire. (S.O. 1482(E) dated 10th Oct 2005; S.O. 4294(E) dated 3 October 2023)
14 Banned for use on Potato and Groundnut. (S.O. 4294(E) dated 3 October 2023)
15 Banned for use on Jute, Cardamom, and Sorghum. (S.O. 4294(E) dated 3 October 2023)
16 All uses banned except in wheat from Aug 2018; cautionary statement must be incorporated in the label and leafletwarning it is toxic to aquatic organism, hence should not be used near water bodies, aquaculture or pisciculture areas. (S.O. 3951(E) dated 8 August 2018)

Recent proposals

The Government of India has proposed further restrictions on the usage of 27 pesticides which are already banned in other countries on 14 May 2020. This decision follows recommendations from an expert committee that reviewed the safety, environmental impact, and international regulatory status of these substances. The proposal seeks to ban the import, manufacture, sale, transport, and use of these pesticides in agriculture, citing risks such as carcinogenicity, endocrine disruption, and toxicity to aquatic organisms and pollinators.[3] [4]

Proposed pesticides for restricted Use in India [4]

Insecticide Key Concerns Banned Countries Environmental Impact Notable Details
  • Endocrine disruption concerns
  • Incomplete resistance data for rice and cotton
32 countries including EU, China, Malaysia Toxic to honey-bees Organophosphate compound
  • Incomplete bio-efficacy data
  • Endocrine disruption potential
37 countries including EU, UK Toxic to aquatic organisms Product leaching concerns
  • Carcinogenic impurities
  • Reprotoxic effects
  • Incomplete data submission
28 countries including EU, UK Ground water contamination risk Metabolites proven more toxic
  • Incomplete bio-efficacy studies
  • Leaching concerns
31 countries including EU, UK Toxic to aquatic organisms Alternatives available
  • Listed in US-EPA Endocrine Disruptor Screening
  • Incomplete toxicity data
6 countries including Cambodia, Saudi Arabia Toxic to aquatic organisms Incomplete bio-efficacy data
  • Foetotoxic and teratogenic
  • Contains toxic impurities
  • High fungicide resistance risk
29 countries including EU, UK Not specified Endocrine disruption potential
  • Extremely toxic (WHO Class Ib)
  • Very low Acceptable Daily Intake
63 countries including EU, UK, Canada Toxic to honey bees, aquatic organisms, birds Endocrine disruption concerns
  • Neurotoxic
  • Incomplete toxicity data
  • Health hazards to children
31 countries including EU Organophosphate toxicity Banned except for desert locust control
  • Carcinogenic dioxin content
  • Incomplete crop data
3 countries Not specified Endocrine disruption concerns
  • Incomplete resistance data
  • Limited crop data
Not specified Toxic to honey bees Banned except for desert locust and public health use
  • DDT contamination concerns
  • No current bio-efficacy data
45 countries including EU Highly toxic to aquatic organisms Endocrine disruption concerns
  • Highly toxic organophosphorus
  • Toxic metabolites
31 countries including EU Not specified Genotoxicity concerns
  • No current bio-efficacy data
  • Teratogenic concerns
28 countries including EU, UK Toxic to aquatic organisms Limited data availability
  • Endocrine disruption concerns
  • Incomplete crop data
Banned in Mozambique Toxic to aquatic organisms TCAB contamination concerns
  • Incomplete bio-efficacy data
  • Limited crop studies
2 countries Ecotoxic Allowed for desert locust and public health
  • ETU toxicity concerns
  • Incomplete thyroid profile data
Banned in Saudi Arabia Toxic to aquatic organisms Limited crop data
  • Extremely toxic (WHO Class Ib)
  • Limited toxicity data
41 countries including EU Toxic to honey bees, silkworms, birds, aquatic organisms Very low ADI
  • Extremely toxic (WHO Class Ib)
  • Poisoning risks
112 countries including EU, UK, China Toxic to honey bees, aquatic organisms, birds Very low ADI
  • Possible human carcinogen
  • Blood parameter effects
2 countries Toxic to aquatic organisms Affects terrestrial plants
  • Incomplete toxicity data
  • Thyroid concerns
2 countries Highly toxic to aquatic organisms Limited aquatic studies
  • High acute mammalian toxicity
  • Incomplete neurotoxicity data
30 countries including EU, UK Highly toxic to aquatic organisms Organophosphorus compound
  • Resistance development
  • Limited effectiveness
Banned in Norway Not specified Resistance in target weeds
  • High mammalian toxicity
  • Incomplete studies
Banned in EU, UK Toxic to honey bees and aquatic organisms Methomyl metabolite concerns
  • High fungicide resistance risk
  • Incomplete thyroid studies
Not specified Toxic to earthworms Related to banned Benomyl
  • Toxic metabolites
  • Endocrine disruption
28 countries including EU Toxic to aquatic organisms, Risk to birds ETU toxicity concerns
  • Endocrine disruption
  • ETU toxicity concerns
32 countries including EU Toxic to aquatic organisms Limited data submission
  • Endocrine disruption
  • ETU toxicity concerns
EPA Inactive Toxic to aquatic organisms Incomplete bio-efficacy data

Notes and References

  1. Web site: Registered Products Directorate of Plant Protection, Quarantine & Storage GOI . 2024-11-09 .
  3. Web site: 2020-05-20 . Government Proposes Banning of 27 Pesticides Used in India Which are Banned In Other Countries . 2024-11-09 . Pesticide Action Network (PAN) India.
  4. 2020-05-18 . NOTIFICATION . . Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, India . CG-DL-E-18052020-219423 . 2024-11-09.