List of administrative divisions of Anhui explained

Anhui Province
Prefectural Cities:16
County Cities:9
Ethnic Townships:7

Anhui, a province of the People's Republic of China, is made up of the following three levels of administrative division.

Administrative divisions

All of these administrative divisions are explained in greater detail at Administrative divisions of the People's Republic of China. This chart lists only prefecture-level and county-level divisions of Anhui.

Prefecture level
County Level
NameChineseHanyu PinyinDivision code[1]
Hefei city
Chinese: 合肥市
Chinese: Héféi Shì
(3401 / HFE)
Chinese: 瑶海区 Chinese: Yáohǎi Qū 340102 YAI
Chinese: 庐阳区 Chinese: Lúyáng Qū 340103 LUG
Chinese: 蜀山区 Chinese: Shǔshān Qū 340104 SSA
Chinese: 包河区 Chinese: Bāohé Qū 340111 BAH
Chinese: 长丰县 Chinese: Chángfēng Xiàn 340121 CFG
Chinese: 肥东县 Chinese: Féidōng Xiàn 340122 FDO
Chinese: 肥西县 Chinese: Féixī Xiàn 340123 FIX
Chinese: 庐江县 Chinese: Lújiāng Xiàn 340124 LJG
Chaohu city Chinese: 巢湖市 Chinese: Cháohú Shì 340181 CHB
Wuhu city
Chinese: 芜湖市
Chinese: Wúhú Shì
(3402 / WHI)
Chinese: 镜湖区 Chinese: Jìnghú Qū 340202 JHW
Chinese: 弋江区 Chinese: Yìjiāng Qū 340203 YIJ
Chinese: 鸠江区 Chinese: Jiūjiāng Qū 340207 JJW
Chinese: 湾沚区 Chinese: Wānzhǐ Qū 340209
Chinese: 繁昌区 Chinese: Fánchāng Qū 340210
Chinese: 南陵县 Chinese: Nánlíng Xiàn 340223 NLX
Wuwei city Chinese: 无为市 Chinese: Wúwéi shì 340281
Bengbu city
Chinese: 蚌埠市
Chinese: Bèngbù Shì
(3403 / BBU)
Chinese: 龙子湖区 Chinese: Lóngzǐhú Qū 340302 LOZ
Chinese: 蚌山区 Chinese: Bèngshān Qū 340303 BES
Chinese: 禹会区 Chinese: Yǔhuì Qū 340304 YUI
Chinese: 淮上区 Chinese: Huáishàng Qū 340311 HIQ
Chinese: 怀远县 Chinese: Huáiyuǎn Xiàn 340321 HYW
Chinese: 五河县 Chinese: Wǔhé Xiàn 340322 WHE
Chinese: 固镇县 Chinese: Gùzhèn Xiàn 340323 GZX
Huainan city
Chinese: 淮南市
Chinese: Huáinán Shì
(3404 / HNS)
Chinese: 大通区 Chinese: Dàtōng Qū 340402 DTQ
Chinese: 田家庵区 Chinese: Tiánjiā'ān Qū 340403 TJA
Chinese: 谢家集区 Chinese: Xièjiājí Qū 340404 XJJ
Chinese: 八公山区 Chinese: Bāgōngshān Qū 340405 BGS
Chinese: 潘集区 Chinese: Pānjí Qū 340406 PJI
Chinese: 凤台县 Chinese: Fèngtái Xiàn 340421 FTX
Shouxian County Chinese: 寿县 Chinese: Shòuxiàn 340422 SHO
Ma'anshan city
Chinese: 马鞍山市
Chinese: Mǎ'ānshān Shì
(3405 / MAA)
Chinese: 花山区 Chinese: Huāshān Qū 340503 HSM
Chinese: 雨山区 Chinese: Yǔshān Qū 340504 YSQ
Chinese: 博望区 Chinese: Bówàng Qū 340506 BWG
Chinese: 当涂县 Chinese: Dāngtú Xiàn 340521 DTU
Chinese: 含山县 Chinese: Hánshān Xiàn 340522 HSW
Hexian County Chinese: 和县 Chinese: Héxiàn 340523 HEX
Huaibei city
Chinese: 淮北市
Chinese: Huáiběi Shì
(3406 / HBE)
Chinese: 杜集区 Chinese: Dùjí Qū 340602 DJQ
Chinese: 相山区 Chinese: Xiàngshān Qū 340603 XSA
Chinese: 烈山区 Chinese: Lièshān Qū 340604 LHB
Chinese: 濉溪县 Chinese: Suīxī Xiàn 340621 SXW
Tongling city
Chinese: 铜陵市
Chinese: Tónglíng Shì
(3407 / TOL)
Chinese: 铜官区 Chinese: Tóngguān Qū 340705 TGG
Chinese: 义安区 Chinese: Yì'ān Qū 340706 YIA
Jiaoqu District Chinese: 郊区 Chinese: Jiāoqū 340711 JTL
Chinese: 枞阳县 Chinese: Zōngyáng Xiàn 340722 ZYW
Anqing city
Chinese: 安庆市
Chinese: Ānqìng Shì
(3408 / AQG)
Chinese: 迎江区 Chinese: Yíngjiāng Qū 340802 YJQ
Chinese: 大观区 Chinese: Dàguān Qū 340803 DGQ
Chinese: 宜秀区 Chinese: Yíxiù Qū 340811 YUU
Chinese: 怀宁县 Chinese: Huáiníng Xiàn 340822 HNW
Chinese: 太湖县 Chinese: Tàihú Xiàn 340825 THU
Chinese: 宿松县 Chinese: Sùsōng Xiàn 340826 SUS
Chinese: 望江县 Chinese: Wàngjiāng Xiàn 340827 WJX
Chinese: 岳西县 Chinese: Yuèxī Xiàn 340828 YXW
Tongcheng city Chinese: 桐城市 Chinese: Tóngchéng Shì 340881 TCW
Qianshan city Chinese: 潜山市 Chinese: Qiánshān Shì 340882
Huangshan city
Chinese: 黄山市
Chinese: Huángshān Shì
(3410 / HSN)
Chinese: 屯溪区 Chinese: Túnxī Qū 341002 TXN
Chinese: 黄山区 Chinese: Huángshān Qū 341003 HSK
Chinese: 徽州区 Chinese: Huīzhōu Qū 341004 HZQ
Shexian County Chinese: 歙县 Chinese: Shèxiàn 341021 SEX
Chinese: 休宁县 Chinese: Xiūníng Xiàn 341022 XUN
Yixian County Chinese: 黟县 Chinese: Yīxiàn 341023 YIW
Chinese: 祁门县 Chinese: Qímén Xiàn 341024 QMN
Chuzhou city
Chinese: 滁州市
Chinese: Chúzhōu Shì
(3411 / CUZ)
Chinese: 琅琊区 Chinese: Lángyá Qū 341102 LYV
Chinese: 南谯区 Chinese: Nánqiáo Qū 341103 NQQ
Chinese: 来安县 Chinese: Lái'ān Xiàn 341122 LAX
Chinese: 全椒县 Chinese: Quánjiāo Xiàn 341124 QJO
Chinese: 定远县 Chinese: Dìngyuǎn Xiàn 341125 DYW
Chinese: 凤阳县 Chinese: Fèngyáng Xiàn 341126 FYG
Tianchang city Chinese: 天长市 Chinese: Tiāncháng Shì 341181 TNC
Mingguang city Chinese: 明光市 Chinese: Míngguāng Shì 341182 MGG
Fuyang city
Chinese: 阜阳市
Chinese: Fùyáng Shì
(3412 / FYS)
Chinese: 颍州区 Chinese: Yǐngzhōu Qū 341202 YGZ
Chinese: 颍东区 Chinese: Yǐngdōng Qū 341203 YDO
Chinese: 颍泉区 Chinese: Yǐngquán Qū 341204 YQQ
Chinese: 临泉县 Chinese: Línquán Xiàn 341221 LQN
Chinese: 太和县 Chinese: Tàihé Xiàn 341222 TIH
Chinese: 阜南县 Chinese: Fùnán Xiàn 341225 FNX
Chinese: 颍上县 Chinese: Yǐngshàng Xiàn 341226 YSW
Jieshou city Chinese: 界首市 Chinese: Jièshǒu Shì 341282 JSW
Suzhou city
Chinese: 宿州市
Chinese: Sùzhōu Shì
(3413 / SUZ)
Chinese: 埇桥区 Chinese: Yǒngqiáo Qū 341302 YQO
Chinese: 砀山县 Chinese: Dàngshān Xiàn 341321 DSW
Xiaoxian County Chinese: 萧县 Chinese: Xiāoxiàn 341322 XIO
Chinese: 灵璧县 Chinese: Língbì Xiàn 341323 LBI
Sixian County Chinese: 泗县 Chinese: Sìxiàn 341324 SIX
Lu'an city
Chinese: 六安市
Chinese: Lù'ān Shì
(3415 / LAW)
Chinese: 金安区 Chinese: Jīn'ān Qū 341502 JAU
Chinese: 裕安区 Chinese: Yù'ān Qū 341503 YAQ
Chinese: 叶集区 Chinese: Yèjí Qū 341504 YEJ
Chinese: 霍邱县 Chinese: Huòqiū Xiàn 341522 HQI
Chinese: 舒城县 Chinese: Shūchéng Xiàn 341523 SCW
Chinese: 金寨县 Chinese: Jīnzhài Xiàn 341524 JZX
Chinese: 霍山县 Chinese: Huòshān Xiàn 341525 HOS
Bozhou city
Chinese: 亳州市
Chinese: Bózhōu Shì
(3416 / BOZ)
Chinese: 谯城区 Chinese: Qiáochéng Qū 341602 QCH
Chinese: 涡阳县 Chinese: Guōyáng Xiàn 341621 GOY
Chinese: 蒙城县 Chinese: Méngchéng Xiàn 341622 MCX
Chinese: 利辛县 Chinese: Lìxīn Xiàn 341623 LIX
Chizhou city
Chinese: 池州市
Chinese: Chízhōu Shì
(3417 / CIZ)
Chinese: 贵池区 Chinese: Guìchí Qū 341702 GCI
Chinese: 东至县 Chinese: Dōngzhì Xiàn 341721 DZI
Chinese: 石台县 Chinese: Shítái Xiàn 341722 SHT
Chinese: 青阳县 Chinese: Qīngyáng Xiàn 341723 QGY
Xuancheng city
Chinese: 宣城市
Chinese: Xuānchéng Shì
(3418 / XCI)
Chinese: 宣州区 Chinese: Xuānzhōu Qū 341802 XZO
Chinese: 郎溪县 Chinese: Lángxī Xiàn 341821 LGX
Jingxian County Chinese: 泾县 Chinese: Jīngxiàn 341823 JXA
Chinese: 旌德县 Chinese: Jīngdé Xiàn 341824 JXW
Chinese: 绩溪县 Chinese: Jìxī Xiàn 341825 JDE
Ningguo city Chinese: 宁国市 Chinese: Níngguó Shì 341881 NGU
Guangde city Chinese: 广德市 Chinese: Guǎngdé shì 341882

Administrative divisions history

Recent changes in administrative divisions

Date Before After Note Reference[2] [3]
1980-01-29 Wuhu Prefecture Xuancheng Prefecture renamed
Huizhou Prefecture transferred
↳ Ningguo County ↳ Ningguo County transferred
Wuhu Prefecture Wuhu (P-City) transferred
↳ Wuhu County ↳ Wuhu County transferred
Chizhou Prefecture Anqing Prefecture disestablished
↳ Guichi County ↳ Guichi County transferred
↳ Dongzhi County ↳ Dongzhi County transferred
Chizhou Prefecture Huizhou Prefecture disestablished
↳ Taiping County ↳ Taiping County transferred
↳ Shitai County ↳ Shitai County transferred
Chizhou Prefecture Xuancheng Prefecture disestablished
↳ Qingyang County ↳ Qingyang County transferred
1980-05-08 Xiangshan District Duji District established
Lieshan District established
Dongshi District Jiao District, Bengbu established
Xishi District established
Zhongshi District established
1980-07-30 Xiangyang District Tongguanshan District renamed
Hongxing District Shizishan District renamed
1980-10-03 Gugou District Panji District renamed
1982-11-15 Chu County Chuzhou (PC-City) reorganized
Chao County Chaohu (PC-City) reorganized
1983-01-18 all Province-controlled city (P-City) → Prefecture-level city (PL-City) Civil Affairs Announcement
all Prefecture-controlled city (PC-City) → County-level city (CL-City)
1983-09-06 Jinjiazhuang District Jiao District, Ma'anshan established
Huashan District established
Yushan District established
Xiangshan District established
1983-10-08 Chaohu Prefecture Hefei (PL-City) transferred
↳ Feidong County ↳ Feidong County transferred
Lu'an Prefecture Hefei (PL-City) transferred
↳ Feixi County ↳ Feixi County transferred
Xuancheng Prefecture Wuhu (PL-City) transferred
↳ Fanchang County ↳ Fanchang County transferred
↳ Nanling County ↳ Nanling County transferred
↳ Qingyang County ↳ Qingyang County transferred
Xuancheng Prefecture Ma'anshan (PL-City) transferred
↳ Dangtu County ↳ Dangtu County transferred
Suxian Prefecture Bengbu (PL-City) transferred
↳ Huaiyuan County ↳ Huaiyuan County transferred
↳ Guzhen County ↳ Guzhen County transferred
↳ Wuhe County ↳ Wuhe County transferred
Chao County Chaohu (CL-City) merged into
Taiping County Huangshan (CL-City) reorganized
1984-02-01 Jiao District, Huaibei Xiangshan District merged into
Lieshan District merged into
Duji District merged into
1984-10-29 Jiao District, Ma'anshan Xiangshan District merged into
Siheshan District Sihe District renamed
1986-03-11 Bo County Bozhou (CL-City) reorganized
1987-06-10 Xuancheng County Xuanzhou (CL-City) reorganized
1987-07-17 Tongshan District Jiao District, Tongling merged into
1987-11-27 Huizhou Prefecture Huangshan (PL-City) reorganized
Tunxi (CL-City) Tunxi District reorganized
Huangshan (CL-City) Huangshan District reorganized
She County Huizhou District established
1988-08-17 Anqing Prefecture Anqing (PL-City) reorganized
Anqing Prefecture Chizhou Prefecture established
↳ Guichi County ↳ Guichi (CL-City) transferred & reorganized
↳ Dongzhi County ↳ Dongzhi County transferred
↳ Shitai County ↳ Shitai County transferred
Wuhu (PL-City) Chizhou Prefecture established
↳ Qingyang County ↳ Qingyang County transferred
1989-08-17 Jieshou County Jieshou (CL-City) reorganized
1990-02-28 Yuxikou District Jiujiang District disestablished & established
Siheshan District
Jiao District, Wuhu
1992-11-20 Fuyang County Fuyang (CL-City) merged into Civil Affairs [1992]152
Lu'an County Lu'an (CL-City) merged into
Su County Suzhou (CL-City) merged into
1992-12-20 Chuxian Prefecture Chuzhou (PL-City) reorganized State Council [1992]201
Chuzhou (CL-City) Langya District reorganized
Nanqiao District reorganized
1993-09-18 Tianchang County Tianchang (CL-City) reorganized Civil Affairs [1993]187
1994-05-31 Jiashan County Mingguang (CL-City) reorganized Civil Affairs [1994]87
1996-01-01 Fuyang Prefecture Fuyang (PL-City) reorganized State Council [1996]1
Fuyang (CL-City) Yingzhou District disestablished & established
Yingdong District disestablished & established
Yingquan District disestablished & established
1996-08-20 Tongcheng County Tongcheng (CL-City) reorganized Civil Affairs [1996]59
1997-03-11 Ningguo County Ningguo (CL-City) reorganized
1998-02-01 Fuyang (PL-City) provincial-controlled transferred
↳ Bozhou (CL-City) ↳ Bozhou (CL-City) transferred
1998-12-06 Suxian Prefecture Suzhou (PL-City) reorganized
Suzhou (CL-City) Yongqiao District reorganized
1999-07-09 Chaohu Prefecture Chaohu (PL-City) reorganized State Council [1999]80
Chaohu (CL-City) Juchao District reorganized
1999-09-02 Lu'an Prefecture Lu'an (PL-City) reorganized State Council [1999]109
Lu'an (CL-City) Jin'an District disestablished & established
Yu'an District disestablished & established
2000-05-21 provincial-controlled Bozhou (PL-City) established State Council [2000]47
↳ Bozhou (CL-City) Qiaocheng District transferred & reorganized
Fuyang (PL-City) Bozhou (PL-City) transferred
↳ Woyang County ↳ Woyang County transferred
↳ Mengcheng County ↳ Mengcheng County transferred
↳ Lixin County ↳ Lixin County transferred
2000-06-25 Chizhou Prefecture Chizhou (PL-City) reorganized State Council [2000]85
Chizhou (CL-City) Guichi District reorganized
Xuancheng Prefecture Xuancheng (PL-City) reorganized State Council [2000]87
Xuanzhou (CL-City) Xuanzhou District reorganized
Xiangshan District
Jinjiazhuang District disestablished & merged into State Council [2001]75
Huashan District disestablished & merged into
Yushan District disestablished & merged into
2002-02-01 Dongshi District, Hefei Yaohai District renamed State Council [2002]10
Zhongshi District, Hefei Luyang District renamed
Xishi District, Hefei Shushan District renamed
Shijiao District, Hefei Baohe District renamed
2004-01-10 Dongshi District, Bengbu Longzihu District renamed State Council [2004]4
Zhongshi District, Bengbu Bengshan District renamed
Xishi District, Bengbu Yuhui District renamed
Jiao District, Bengbu Huaishang District renamed
2005-05-30 Jiao District, Anqing Yixiu District renamed State Council [2005]38
2005-09-30 Xinwu District Jinghu District merged into State Council [2005]77
Matang District Sanshan District established
Matang District Yijiang District renamed
2011-07-14 Chaohu (PL-City) Hefei (PL-City) disestablished & merged into State Council [2011]84
↳ Lujiang County ↳ Lujiang County transferred
↳ Juchao District ↳ Chaohu (CL-City) transferred & reorganized
Chaohu (PL-City) Ma'anshan (PL-City) disestablished & merged into
↳ Hanshan County ↳ Hanshan County transferred
↳ He County ↳ He County transferred
Chaohu (PL-City) Wuhu (PL-City) disestablished & merged into
↳ Wuwei County ↳ Wuwei County transferred
2012-09-17 Jinjiazhuang District Huashan District merged into State Council [2012]103
Dangtu County Bowang District established
2015-10-13 Tongguanshan District Tongguan District merged State Council [2015]181
Shizishan District
Huoqiu County Yeji District established
Anqing (PL-City) Tongling (PL-City) transferred
↳ Zongyang County ↳ Zongyang County transferred
2015-12-03 Lu'an (PL-City) Huainan (PL-City) transferred State Council [2015]206
↳ Shou County ↳ Shou County transferred
Tongling County Yi'an District reorganized
2018-07-02Qianshan County Qianshan (CL-City) reorganized Civil Affairs [2018]104
2019-11-20Wuwei County Wuwei (CL-City) reorganized Civil Affairs [2019]125
2020-07-?? Sanshan District Yijiang District merged into
Wuhu County Wanzhi District reorganized

Population composition




Hefei 902,830
Hefei 609,239
Hefei 1,022,321
Hefei 817,686
Hefei 629,535
Hefei 861,960
Hefei 858,895
Hefei 973,850
Hefei 780,700
Wuhu 533,330
Wuhu 309,514
Wuhu 421,695
Wuhu 294,039
Wuhu 257,764
Wuhu 404,278
Wuhu 1,180,069
Bengbu 243,123
Bengbu 334,426
Bengbu 249,361
Bengbu 145,874
Bengbu 1,028,066
Bengbu 621,973
Bengbu 541,644
Huainan 180,917
Huainan 593,981
Huainan 320,251
Huainan 175,993
Huainan 395,684
Huainan 667,070
Lu'an → Huainan 1,008,116
Ma'anshan 431,859
Ma'anshan 309,672
Ma'anshan 169,888
Ma'anshan 624,771
Ma'anshan 376,436
Ma'anshan 460,161
Huaibei 324,398
Huaibei 467,358
Huaibei 321,565
Huaibei 1,000,955
Tongling 72,301
Tongling 249,595
Tongling 839,000
Anqing 251,000
Anqing 275,000
Anqing 254,000
Anqing 593,000
Anqing 500,000
Anqing 515,000
Anqing 571,000
Anqing 527,000
Anqing 322,000
Anqing 664,000
Huangshan 217,600
Huangshan 147,600
Huangshan 95,500
Huangshan 409,300
Huangshan 250,500
Huangshan 80,700
Huangshan 157,800
Chuzhou 310427
Chuzhou 251,894
Chuzhou 432,021
Chuzhou 383,885
Chuzhou 779,174
Chuzhou 644,895
Chuzhou 602,840
Chuzhou 532,732
Fuyang 691,698
Fuyang 519,562
Fuyang 557,687
Fuyang 1,543,218
Fuyang 1,361,145
Fuyang 1,168,117
Fuyang 1,196,535
Fuyang 561,956
Suzhou 1,647,642
Suzhou 800,408
Suzhou 1,130,916
Suzhou 975,308
Suzhou 798,650
Lu'an 923,938
Lu'an 854,645
Lu'an 1,246,129
Lu'an 749,273
Lu'an 514,456
Lu'an 315,144
Bozhou 1,409,436
Bozhou 1212054
Bozhou 1,062,080
Bozhou 1,167,087
Chizhou 595,268
Chizhou 468,280
Chizhou 92,238
Chizhou 246,732
Xuancheng 772,500
Xuancheng 320,600
Xuancheng 487,200
Xuancheng 299,600
Xuancheng 156100
Xuancheng 120,000
Xuancheng 376,900
Tongling 287,765
Tongling 114,297
Wuhu 144,378

Notes and References

  1. Web site: . zh:2012国家统计局统计用区划代码 . . zh-hans.
  2. Web site: zh:中华人民共和国行政区划沿革 (1949-2006). Government of the People's Republic of China. 11 January 2016.
  3. Web site: zh:县级以上行政区划变更情况 (1999-present). Ministry of Civial Affairs of the People's Republic of China. 11 January 2016.