List of Y-dwarfs explained

This is a list of astronomical objects with the spectral type Y. They are a mix of brown dwarfs and planetary-mass objects. They are the coldest such objects in interstellar space and have a temperature around below 500 Kelvin (227°C; 440°F). Only a few are known due to their faint nature. The list is sorted after distance.

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List of Y-dwarfs!Name!spectral type!Teff(Kelvin)!Mass estimate!distance(light years)!Year of discovery
JupiterY-class analog1251solar systemknown since ancient times
WISE J0855−0714Y4 (extrapolated)250 ± 503−107.43 ± 0.042014
Epsilon Indi AbY3 (estimated)2752018 (discovered) 2024 (imaging)
WISE J1639−6847Y0pec412 ± 88 5−14 or 9−1715.45 ± 0.042012
WISE J0350−5658Y1388 ± 883−8 or 7−1318.49 ± 0.242012
WISEPA J1541−2250Y18−2019.54 ± 0.232011
WISE J2209+2711Y08−19 or 520.17 ± 0.252014
WISEPC J1405+5534Y0.5 (pec?)9−2120.6 ± 0.32011
WISE J0825+2805Y0.53−8 or 521.4 ± 0.42015
WISEPA J0410+1502Y0451 ±888−2021.6 ± 0.32011
CWISE J1055+5443Y0 (pec)500 ± 1504−62023
WISEPC J2056+1459Y013−23 or 523.2 ± 0.32011
WISEPA J1738+2732Y0450 ± 885−14, 3−9 or 11−2124.9 ± 0.42011
WISEA J2354+0240Y18−1425.0 ± 0.62015
CWISEP J0402−2651≥Y1 (estimated)367 ± 792020
WISENF J1936+0408Y0 (estimated)460 ± 792020
WISE J0713−2917Y0464 ± 8813−2929.8 ± 0.62012
WISEPC J1217+1626 BY0460 ± 798−2030.4 ± 1.02012
WISEA J1930−2059≥Y1 (estimated)367 ± 792020
WISEA J1141−3326Y0460 ± 793–831.4 ± 0.92014
CWISEP J1446−2317Y1366 ± 148.0 or 14.62020
CWISEP J2256+4002≥Y1 (estimated)367 ± 792020
WISEPA J1828+2650≥Y2406 ± 883–82011
WISE J0336−0143 AY0:460 ± 798.5–1832.7 ± 0.72012
WISE J0336−0143 BY2.5 (estimated)285–3055–11.532.7 ± 0.72023
WISE J0647−6232Y1393 ± 885–1332.8 ± 0.62013
WISEU J0503−5648≥Y1 (estimated)367 ± 792020
WISE J2220−3628Y0452 ± 888–202012
CWISE J0925−4720Y0 (estimated)460 ± 79~35.02021
CWISER J0216+4230Y0 (estimated)460 ± 79~35.22023
WISEA J0830+2837≥Y1 (estimated)367 ± 794−132020
CWISEP J0238−1332≥Y1 (estimated)367 ± 792020
WISE J1206+8401Y06−14 or 12−222015
CWISE J2351−7000Y0 (estimated)460 ± 79~42.72020
WISE J0734−7157Y09−2043.8 ± 1.02012
WISE J0359−5401Y012−22 or 1344.3 ± 1.22012
WISE J0304−2705Y0 pec465 ± 882014
CWISEP J2230+2549≥Y1 (estimated)367 ± 792020
CWISEP J2011−4812Y0 (estimated)460 ± 7946 ± 22020
CWISE J1811+6658early-Y (estimated)412 ± 792023
CWISEP J1935−1546≥Y1 (estimated)367 ± 792019
WISE J0535−7500Y18−20 or 12+182012
CWISEP J1047+5457Y120.6 or 15.92020
CWISEP J0321+6932Y0.5 (estimated)412 ± 7948 ± 32020
WISEA J2243−1458Y0 (estimated)460 ± 79~47.82020
CWISEP J0938+0634Y0 (estimated)460 ± 792020
CWISEP J0940+5233≥Y1 (estimated)367 ± 792020
CWISEP J0634+5049Y0 (estimated)460 ± 792020
WISEA J1534−1043esdT/Y (estimated)686 ± 7953 ±42020
WISEA J1257+7153≥Y1 (estimated)367 ± 79~54.22020
WISEA J0302−5817Y0:460 ± 7955 ± 32018
CWISE J1531−3306Y0 (estimated)460 ± 79~55.42021
CWISEP J2356−4814Y0.5 (estimated)412 ± 79~56.62020
Ross 19 BT/Y (estimated)460 ±7915−4056.89 ± 0.042021
WISE 0226-0211 BT9.5 to Y0 (estimated)511 ±792019
L 97-3 BY1 (estimated)377 ± 887−962.73 ± 0.022011
WISE J0146+4234 BY0460 ± 798−2063 ± 22015
CWISE J2227+2604Y0 (estimated)460 ± 79~65.22023
CWISEP J0859+5349Y0 (estimated)460 ± 792020
CFBDSIR 1458+10 BY0 (estimated)370 ± 406–1575.34 ± 7.832011