This is a list of royal commissions appointed by the Government of Western Australia since 1934:[1] [2]
Name | Commissioner | Years |
Royal Commission Appointed to Investigate, Report and Advise Upon Matters in Relation to the Condition and Treatment of Aborigines | Henry D. Moseley | 1934–1935 |
Royal Commission on the Electoral Act, 1907-1921 and Other Relative Matters | John C. Willcock | 1935 |
Bulk Handling of Wheat Royal Commission | William C. Angwin | 1935 |
Royal Commission on Money-Lending and Hire-Purchase Traders | Henry D. Moseley | 1936 |
Royal Commission on the Claremont Hospital for the Insane | Henry D. Moseley | 1936 |
Royal Commission Investigating Certain Charges of Corruption | Percy L. Hart | 1937–1938 |
Royal Commission on Youth Employment and the Apprenticeship System | Albert Wolff | 1937–1938 |
Royal Commission on Light Lands and Poison-Infested Lands | Charles G. Latham | 1938 |
Royal Commission into the Heathcote Mental Reception Home and the Administration of Mental Hospitals Generally | Henry D. Moseley | 1938 |
Royal Commission on the South-West National Power Scheme | Frank E. Shaw | 1938–1940 |
Royal Commission into the Administration of the Municipal Council of the City of Perth | Howard S. Raphael | 1938 |
Royal Commissioner on Stored Wheat | Albert Wolff | 1940 |
Royal Commission on Coal Supplies and Development in the Collie Coalfields | Richard C. Wilson | 1940 |
Royal Commission into the Financial and Economic Position of the Pastoral industry in the Leasehold areas in Western Australia | Wallace V. Fyfe | 1940 |
Royal Commission on the Administration of the University of Western Australia | Albert Wolff | 1941–1942 |
Royal Commission on the Provisions of the Companies Bill | Emil Nulsen | 1941 |
Royal Commission into the Care and Reform of Youthful Delinquents | Hal Colebatch | 1943 |
Royal Commission on Personal Covenants in Mortgages of Land | John E. Shillington | 1945 |
Royal Commission on the Vermin Act | Arthur F. Watts | 1945 |
Royal Commission to Ascertain the Next-of-Kin of Leslie Adamson | Leslie W. Stotter | 1945 |
Royal Commission into the Australian Standard Garratt Locomotive | Albert Wolff | 1945–1946 |
Royal Commission into the Administration, Conduct and Control of the Sport of Trotting in the State of Western Australia | Charles McLean | 1946 |
Royal Commission on the Timber Industry (Housing of Employees) Bill | Herbert H. Styants | 1946 |
Royal Commission on the Development of the Outports of the State | Herbert H. Styants | 1946 |
Royal Commission into the Coal Mining Industry of Western Australia | William J. Wallwork | 1947 |
Royal Commission on Wheat Marketing and Stabilisation in Western Australia | John S. Teasdale | 1947 |
Royal Commission on Workers' Compensation | George W. Simpson | 1947–1948 |
Royal Commission into the Management, Workings and Control of the Western Australian Government Railways | Alexander J. Gibson | 1947–1948 |
Royal Commission into the Financial and Economic Position of the Milk Industry in Western Australia | William E. Stannard | 1947–1948 |
Royal Commission on the State Housing Commission | Henry D. Moseley | 1947–1948 |
Royal Commission on Municipal Boundaries | Emanuel H. Rosman | 1947–1949 |
Royal Commission on Betting | Charles McLean | 1948 |
Royal Commission into Some Aspects of the Administration of the Police Force of Western Australia Under the Commissioner of Police | C. H. Book | 1948–1949 |
Royal Commission into the Fishing Industry of Western Australia | Hugh A. Leslie | 1949 |
Royal Commission into Bran, Pollard and Stock Food Concentrates | Leslie C. Nimmo | 1949 |
Royal Commission on the Local Government Bill | A. E. White | 1950 |
Royal Commission into Alleged Cases of Brutality at the Claremont Mental Hospital | Adrian H. Curlewis | 1950 |
Royal Commission into Forestry and Timber matters in Western Australia | G. J. Rodger | 1951 |
Royal Commission into the Effect Generally of the Application of Lime with Super upon the Fertility of the Soil | John M. Hearman | 1951–1952 |
Royal Commission into the Efficacy of the Agricultural Practices of Mr Eric Farleigh | John M. Hearman | 1951 |
Royal Commission on the Town Planning and Development Act Amendment Bill 1951 | Harry Hearn | 1952 |
Royal Commission on Kindergartens | Robert R. McDonald | 1952–1953 |
Royal Commission into Allegations against Snowden and Willson Proprietary Limited, and Snowden and Willson (Housebuilders) Proprietary Limited | Alan G. Smith | 1952–1953 |
Royal Commission into Allegations of Bribery in the Western Australian Transport Board | Alan G. Smith | 1953 |
Royal Commission into Matters Relating to the Marketing and Distribution of Potatoes, Onions and Eggs | Alan G. Smith | 1955 |
Royal Commission into Matters Relating to the Retailing of Motor Spirits and Accessories | Leslie C. Diver | 1956 |
Royal Commission into the War Service Land Settlement Scheme in Western Australia | Leslie A. Logan | 1956–1957 |
Royal Commission on Restrictive Trade Practices and Legislation | Arthur F. Watts | 1957 |
Royal Commission appointed to inquire into administration of the Western Australian Government Railways | Alan G. Smith | 1957 |
Royal Commission on Betting | George C. Ligertwood | 1959 |
Royal Commission into Administration of the Western Australian Government Railways | 1957–1959 | |
Royal Commission into the Provisions of the Natural Therapists Bill | Hugh N. Guthrie | 1960–1961 |
Royal Commission into Bribery or Inducements Offered to Members of Parliament Regarding the Totalisator Agency Board Betting Bill 1960 | William J. Wallwork | 1960 |
Royal Commission into the Bush Fires of December, 1960 and January, February and March, 1961 in Western Australia | Geoffrey J. Rodger | 1961 |
Royal Commission on the Builders' Registration Act 1961 | Norman E. Baxter | 1961 |
Royal Commission on Procedures Affecting Financial Returns from Apple Growing | William C. Gillespie | 1961–1962 |
Royal Commission into the Fisheries Act 1905-1962 and its Application to the Crayfishing Industry | Norman E. Baxter | 1964 |
Royal Commission into the Safety of Ships | William J. Wallwork | 1964 |
Royal Commission into Allegations Referring to the Operation of the Totalisator Agency Board | James H. Forrest | 1967 |
Royal Commission into the Trading Activities of Wool Exporters Pty Ltd and Associated Companies | Francis Burt | 1968 |
Royal Commission into Hire Purchase and Other Agreements | Walter R. McPharlin | 1971–1972 |
Royal Commission into the Corridor Plan for Perth | Frederick R. White | 1972 |
Royal Commission into Fremantle Prison | Robert E. Jones | 1972–1973 |
Royal Commission into the Treatment of Alcohol and Drug Dependents in Western Australia | Richard J. Williams | 1972–1973 |
Royal Commission upon all matters affecting the well being of persons of Aboriginal descent in Western Australia | Lyn C. Furnell | 1973–1974 |
Royal Commission into Metropolitan Municipal District Boundaries | Laurence F. Johnson | 1973–1974 |
Royal Commission on the State Government Insurance Office | Desmond C. Heenan | 1973–1974 |
Royal Commission into Gambling | Phillip R. Adams | 1973–1974 |
Royal Commission into Matters Relating to Homosexuality | Richard J. Williams | 1974 |
Royal Commission on the Administration of the Stirling City Council Effluent Disposal Service | Lawrence F. Johnson | 1974 |
Royal Commission upon Airline Services in the State and Related Matters | Reginald R. Sholl | 1974–1975 |
Laverton Royal Commission | Gresley D. Clarkson | 1975–1976 |
Royal Commission Concerning the Trial of Baymis Ugle | John E. Virtue | 1975–1976 |
Royal Commission into Matters Surrounding the Administration of the Law Relating to Prostitution | John G. Norris | 1975–1976 |
Royal Commission into the Marketing and Distribution of Beef and Sheep Meat Products | Albert V. Crane | 1975–1976 |
Royal Commission into Dairy Products and Market Milk | Barry R. Blaikie | 1982 |
Royal Commission into the Liquor Laws in Western Australia | John F. Syme | 1984–1985 |
Royal Commission into Racing and Trotting in Western Australia | Norman E. Baxter | 1983 |
Royal Commission into Parliamentary Deadlocks | Eric J. Edwards | 1984–1985 |
Royal Commission into the Conservation and Land Management Act 1984 | Alexander A. Lewis | 1985 |
Royal Commission into Grain Storage, Handling and Transport[3] | James M. McColl | 1986–1988 |
Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody | 1987–1991 | |
Royal Commission into Commercial Activities of Government and Other Matters | 1991–1992 | |
Royal Commission into Use of Executive Power | 1995 | |
Royal Commission into the City of Wanneroo | Roger Davis | 1996–1997 |
Royal Commission into the Finance Broking Industry | 2001 | |
Royal Commission Into Whether There Has Been Corrupt or Criminal Conduct By Any Western Australian Police Officer | 2001–2004 | |
Perth Casino Royal Commission | Hon Neville Owen, Hon Lindy Jenkins & Colin Murphy PSM | 2021–2022 |