List of Uppsala University nations explained

See also: List of Lund University nations.

This is a list of student nations at Uppsala University in Sweden. The tradition of nations at the university is practically as old as the university itself.

The list is always sorted in accordance with a time-honoured order based on the age of the diocese of the area that the nation was named after.

Active nations


Foundation year



House[1] [2]

Stockholms nationc. 1649Prof. Coco NorénStocken
Uplands nation1642Prof. Björn Victor
Gästrike-Hälsinge nationc. 1646Prof. Anders VirtanenGH
Östgöta nation1646Prof. Ulf PetterssonÖG
Västgöta nation1639Prof. Bertil WimanVG
Södermanlands-Nerikes nation1595Per StrömSnerikes
Västmanlands-Dala nation1639Prof. Johan SundströmV-Dala
Smålands nation1663 Prof. Mattias Dahlberg
Göteborgs nation1667Prof. Per Hansson
Kalmar nation1663Prof. Anders Ahlén
Värmlands nation1660Prof. Lars Burman
Norrlands nation1646Prof. Cecilia Pahlberg
Gotlands nationc. 1663Prof. Lars Magnusson

Other nations

Former nations

External links

In alphabetical order.

See also


  1. Roosval, Albin (red.), red (1915). Nationshusen i Uppsala: Illustrerade skildringar af flera författare. Stockholm: E. Lundequists Bokförlag.
  2. Bergman, Mats; Montelius, Jan-Olof (1977). Nationshusen i Upsala: En beskrivning tillägnad Upsala universitet vid dess 500-årsjubileum. Uppsala: Upsala studenters jubileumskommitterade.