List of Unicode characters explained

As of Unicode version version=15.1, there are 149,878 characters with code points, covering 161 modern and historical scripts, as well as multiple symbol sets. This article includes the 1,062 characters in the Multilingual European Character Set 2 (MES-2) subset, and some additional related characters.

Character reference overview

See also: List of XML and HTML character entity references and Unicode input. HTML and XML provide ways to reference Unicode characters when the characters themselves either cannot or should not be used. A numeric character reference refers to a character by its Universal Character Set/Unicode code point, and a character entity reference refers to a character by a predefined name.

A numeric character reference uses the format



where nnnn is the code point in decimal form, and hhhh is the code point in hexadecimal form. The x must be lowercase in XML documents. The nnnn or hhhh may be any number of digits and may include leading zeros. The hhhh may mix uppercase and lowercase, though uppercase is the usual style.

In contrast, a character entity reference refers to a character by the name of an entity which has the desired character as its replacement text. The entity must either be predefined (built into the markup language) or explicitly declared in a Document Type Definition (DTD). The format is the same as for any entity reference:


where name is the case-sensitive name of the entity. The semicolon is required.

Because numbers are harder for humans to remember than names, character entity references are most often written by humans, while numeric character references are most often produced by computer programs.[1]

Control codes

See main article: Unicode control characters and C0 and C1 control codes.

See also: Control Pictures. 65 characters, including DEL. All belong to the common script.

CodeDecimalOctalDescriptionAbbreviation / Key
C0U+00000000Null characterNUL
U+00011001Start of HeadingSOH / Ctrl-A
U+00022002Start of TextSTX / Ctrl-B
U+00033003End-of-text characterETX / Ctrl-C1
U+00044004End-of-transmission characterEOT / Ctrl-D2
U+00055005Enquiry characterENQ / Ctrl-E
U+00066006Acknowledge characterACK / Ctrl-F
U+00077007Bell characterBEL / Ctrl-G3
U+00088010BackspaceBS / Ctrl-H
U+00099011Horizontal tabHT / Ctrl-I
U+000A10012Line feedLF / Ctrl-J4
U+000B11013Vertical tabVT / Ctrl-K
U+000C12014Form feedFF / Ctrl-L
U+000D13015Carriage returnCR / Ctrl-M5
U+000E14016Shift OutSO / Ctrl-N
U+000F15017Shift InSI / Ctrl-O6
U+001016020Data Link EscapeDLE / Ctrl-P
U+001117021Device Control 1DC1 / Ctrl-Q7
U+001218022Device Control 2DC2 / Ctrl-R
U+001319023Device Control 3DC3 / Ctrl-S8
U+001420024Device Control 4DC4 / Ctrl-T
U+001521025Negative-acknowledge characterNAK / Ctrl-U9
U+001622026Synchronous IdleSYN / Ctrl-V
U+001723027End of Transmission BlockETB / Ctrl-W
U+001824030Cancel characterCAN / Ctrl-X10
U+001925031End of MediumEM / Ctrl-Y
U+001A26032Substitute characterSUB / Ctrl-Z11
U+001B27033Escape characterESC
U+001C28034File SeparatorFS
U+001D29035Group SeparatorGS
U+001E30036Record SeparatorRS
U+001F31037Unit SeparatorUS
C1U+00801280302 0200Padding CharacterPAD
U+00811290302 0201High Octet PresetHOP
U+00821300302 0202Break Permitted HereBPH
U+00831310302 0203No Break HereNBH
U+00841320302 0204IndexIND
U+00851330302 0205Next LineNEL
U+00861340302 0206Start of Selected AreaSSA
U+00871350302 0207End of Selected AreaESA
U+00881360302 0210Character Tabulation SetHTS
U+00891370302 0211Character Tabulation with JustificationHTJ
U+008A1380302 0212Line Tabulation SetVTS
U+008B1390302 0213Partial Line ForwardPLD
U+008C1400302 0214Partial Line BackwardPLU
U+008D1410302 0215Reverse Line FeedRI
U+008E1420302 0216Single-Shift TwoSS2
U+008F1430302 0217Single-Shift ThreeSS3
U+00901440302 0220Device Control StringDCS
U+00911450302 0221Private Use 1PU1
U+00921460302 0222Private Use 2PU2
U+00931470302 0223Set Transmit StateSTS
U+00941480302 0224Cancel characterCCH
U+00951490302 0225Message WaitingMW
U+00961500302 0226Start of Protected AreaSPA
U+00971510302 0227End of Protected AreaEPA
U+00981520302 0230Start of StringSOS
U+00991530302 0231Single Graphic Character IntroducerSGCI
U+009A1540302 0232Single Character Intro IntroducerSCI
U+009B1550302 0233Control Sequence IntroducerCSI
U+009C1560302 0234String TerminatorST
U+009D1570302 0235Operating System CommandOSC
U+009E1580302 0236Private MessagePM
U+009F1590302 0237Application Program CommandAPC

1 Control-C has typically been used as a "break" or "interrupt" key.

2 Control-D has been used to signal "end of file" for text typed in at the terminal on Unix / Linux systems. Windows, DOS, and older minicomputers used Control-Z for this purpose.

3 Control-G is an artifact of the days when teletypes were in use. Important messages could be signalled by striking the bell on the teletype. This was carried over on PCs by generating a buzz sound.

4 Line feed is used for "end of line" in text files on Unix / Linux systems.

5 Carriage Return (accompanied by line feed) is used as "end of line" character by Windows, DOS, and most minicomputers other than Unix- / Linux-based systems

6 Control-O has been the "discard output" key. Output is not sent to the terminal, but discarded, until another Control-o is typed.

7 Control-Q has been used to tell a host computer to resume sending output after it was stopped by Control-S.

8 Control-S has been used to tell a host computer to postpone sending output to the terminal. Output is suspended until restarted by the Control-Q key.

9 Control-U was originally used by Digital Equipment Corporation computers to cancel the current line of typed-in text. Other manufacturers used Control-X for this purpose.

10 Control-X was commonly used to cancel a line of input typed in at the terminal.

11 Control-Z has commonly been used on minicomputers, Windows and DOS systems to indicate "end of file" either on a terminal or in a text file. Unix / Linux systems use Control-D to indicate end-of-file at a terminal.

Latin script

See main article: Latin script in Unicode. The Unicode Standard (version version=15.1) classifies 1,481 characters as belonging to the Latin script.

Basic Latin

See main article: Basic Latin (Unicode block).

95 characters; the 52 alphabet characters belong to the Latin script. The remaining 43 belong to the common script.
The 33 characters classified as ASCII Punctuation & Symbols are also sometimes referred to as ASCII special characters. Often only these characters (and not other Unicode punctuation) are what is meant when an organization says a password "requires punctuation marks".

& Symbols
U+0020 32040Space0001
U+002133041Exclamation mark0002
U+0022"34042Quotation mark0003
U+002335043Number sign, Hash, Octothorpe, Sharp0004
U+0024$36044Dollar sign0005
U+0025%37045Percent sign0006
U+0028(40050Left parenthesis0009
U+0029)41051Right parenthesis0010
U+002B+43053Plus sign0012
U+002E.46056Full stop0015
U+002F/47057Slash (Solidus)0016
U+0030048060Digit Zero0017
U+0031149061Digit One0018
U+0032250062Digit Two0019
U+0033351063Digit Three0020
U+0034452064Digit Four0021
U+0035553065Digit Five0022
U+0036654066Digit Six0023
U+0037755067Digit Seven0024
U+0038856070Digit Eight0025
U+0039957071Digit Nine0026
& Symbols
U+003C<60074Less-than sign0029
U+003D=61075Equal sign0030
U+003E>62076Greater-than sign0031
U+003F?63077Question mark0032
U+0040@640100At sign0033
U+0041A650101Latin Capital letter A0034
U+0042B660102Latin Capital letter B0035
U+0043C670103Latin Capital letter C0036
U+0044D680104Latin Capital letter D0037
U+0045E690105Latin Capital letter E0038
U+0046F700106Latin Capital letter F0039
U+0047G710107Latin Capital letter G0040
U+0048H720110Latin Capital letter H0041
U+0049I730111Latin Capital letter I0042
U+004AJ740112Latin Capital letter J0043
U+004BK750113Latin Capital letter K0044
U+004CL760114Latin Capital letter L0045
U+004DM770115Latin Capital letter M0046
U+004EN780116Latin Capital letter N0047
U+004FO790117Latin Capital letter O0048
U+0050P800120Latin Capital letter P0049
U+0051Q810121Latin Capital letter Q0050
U+0052R820122Latin Capital letter R0051
U+0053S830123Latin Capital letter S0052
U+0054T840124Latin Capital letter T0053
U+0055U850125Latin Capital letter U0054
U+0056V860126Latin Capital letter V0055
U+0057W870127Latin Capital letter W0056
U+0058X880130Latin Capital letter X0057
U+0059Y890131Latin Capital letter Y0058
U+005AZ900132Latin Capital letter Z0059
& Symbols
U+005B[910133Left square bracket0060
U+005D]930135Right square bracket0062
U+005E^940136Circumflex accent0063
U+005F_950137Low line0064
U+0060`960140Grave accent0065
U+0061a970141Latin Small Letter A0066
U+0062b980142Latin Small Letter B0067
U+0063c990143Latin Small Letter C0068
U+0064d1000144Latin Small Letter D0069
U+0065e1010145Latin Small Letter E0070
U+0066f1020146Latin Small Letter F0071
U+0067g1030147Latin Small Letter G0072
U+0068h1040150Latin Small Letter H0073
U+0069i1050151Latin Small Letter I0074
U+006Aj1060152Latin Small Letter J0075
U+006Bk1070153Latin Small Letter K0076
U+006Cl1080154Latin Small Letter L0077
U+006Dm1090155Latin Small Letter M0078
U+006En1100156Latin Small Letter N0079
U+006Fo1110157Latin Small Letter O0080
U+0070p1120160Latin Small Letter P0081
U+0071q1130161Latin Small Letter Q0082
U+0072r1140162Latin Small Letter R0083
U+0073s1150163Latin Small Letter S0084
U+0074t1160164Latin Small Letter T0085
U+0075u1170165Latin Small Letter U0086
U+0076v1180166Latin Small Letter V0087
U+0077w1190167Latin Small Letter W0088
U+0078x1200170Latin Small Letter X0089
U+0079y1210171Latin Small Letter Y0090
U+007Az1220172Latin Small Letter Z0091
& Symbols

Latin-1 Supplement

See main article: Latin-1 Supplement. 96 characters; the 62 letters, and two ordinal indicators belong to the Latin script. The remaining 32 belong to the common script.

& Symbols
U+00A0&nbsp;1600302 0240&nbsp;Non-breaking space0096
U+00A1¡1610302 0241&iexcl;Inverted Exclamation Mark0097
U+00A2¢1620302 0242&cent;Cent sign0098
U+00A3£1630302 0243&pound;Pound sign0099
U+00A4¤1640302 0244&curren;Currency sign0100
U+00A5¥1650302 0245&yen;Yen sign0101
U+00A6¦1660302 0246&brvbar;Broken bar0102
U+00A7§1670302 0247&sect;Section sign0103
U+00A8¨1680302 0250&uml;Diaeresis (Umlaut)0104
U+00A9©1690302 0251&copy;Copyright symbol0105
U+00AAª1700302 0252&ordf;Feminine Ordinal Indicator0106
U+00AB«1710302 0253&laquo;Left-pointing double angle quotation mark0107
U+00AC¬1720302 0254&not;Not sign0108
U+00AD1730302 0255&shy;Soft hyphen0109
U+00AE®1740302 0256&reg;Registered trademark symbol0110
U+00AF¯1750302 0257&macr;Macron0111
U+00B0°1760302 0260&deg;Degree sign0112
U+00B1±1770302 0261&plusmn;Plus–minus sign0113
U+00B2²1780302 0262&sup2;Superscript two0114
U+00B3³1790302 0263&sup3;Superscript three0115
U+00B4´1800302 0264&acute;Acute accent0116
U+00B5µ1810302 0265&micro;Micro sign0117
U+00B61820302 0266&para;Pilcrow sign0118
U+00B7·1830302 0267&middot;Middle dot0119
U+00B8¸1840302 0270&cedil;Cedilla0120
U+00B9¹1850302 0271&sup1;Superscript one0121
U+00BAº1860302 0272&ordm;Masculine ordinal indicator0122
U+00BB»1870302 0273&raquo;Right-pointing double angle quotation mark0123
U+00BC¼1880302 0274&frac14;Vulgar fraction one quarter0124
U+00BD½1890302 0275&frac12;Vulgar fraction one half0125
U+00BE¾1900302 0276&frac34;Vulgar fraction three quarters0126
U+00BF¿1910302 0277&iquest;Inverted Question Mark0127
Letters:UppercaseU+00C0À1920303 0200&Agrave;Latin Capital Letter A with grave0128
U+00C1Á1930303 0201&Aacute;Latin Capital letter A with acute0129
U+00C2Â1940303 0202&Acirc;Latin Capital letter A with circumflex0130
U+00C3Ã1950303 0203&Atilde;Latin Capital letter A with tilde0131
U+00C4Ä1960303 0204&Auml;Latin Capital letter A with diaeresis0132
U+00C5Å1970303 0205&Aring;Latin Capital letter A with ring above0133
U+00C6Æ1980303 0206&AElig;Latin Capital letter Æ0134
U+00C7Ç1990303 0207&Ccedil;Latin Capital letter C with cedilla0135
U+00C8È2000303 0210&Egrave;Latin Capital letter E with grave0136
U+00C9É2010303 0211&Eacute;Latin Capital letter E with acute0137
U+00CAÊ2020303 0212&Ecirc;Latin Capital letter E with circumflex0138
U+00CBË2030303 0213&Euml;Latin Capital letter E with diaeresis0139
U+00CCÌ2040303 0214&Igrave;Latin Capital letter I with grave0140
U+00CDÍ2050303 0215&Iacute;Latin Capital letter I with acute0141
U+00CEÎ2060303 0216&Icirc;Latin Capital letter I with circumflex0142
U+00CFÏ2070303 0217&Iuml;Latin Capital letter I with diaeresis0143
U+00D0Ð2080303 0220&ETH;Latin Capital letter Eth0144
U+00D1Ñ2090303 0221&Ntilde;Latin Capital letter N with tilde0145
U+00D2Ò2100303 0222&Ograve;Latin Capital letter O with grave0146
U+00D3Ó2110303 0223&Oacute;Latin Capital letter O with acute0147
U+00D4Ô2120303 0224&Ocirc;Latin Capital letter O with circumflex0148
U+00D5Õ2130303 0225&Otilde;Latin Capital letter O with tilde0149
U+00D6Ö2140303 0226&Ouml;Latin Capital letter O with diaeresis0150
MathU+00D7×2150303 0227&times;Multiplication sign0151
Letters:UppercaseU+00D8Ø2160303 0230&Oslash;Latin Capital letter O with stroke0152
U+00D9Ù2170303 0231&Ugrave;Latin Capital letter U with grave0153
U+00DAÚ2180303 0232&Uacute;Latin Capital letter U with acute0154
U+00DBÛ2190303 0233&Ucirc;Latin Capital Letter U with circumflex0155
U+00DCÜ2200303 0234&Uuml;Latin Capital Letter U with diaeresis0156
U+00DDÝ2210303 0235&Yacute;Latin Capital Letter Y with acute0157
U+00DEÞ2220303 0236&THORN;Latin Capital Letter Thorn0158
Letters:LowercaseU+00DFß2230303 0237&szlig;Latin Small Letter sharp S0159
U+00E0à2240303 0240&agrave;Latin Small Letter A with grave0160
U+00E1á2250303 0241&aacute;Latin Small Letter A with acute0161
U+00E2â2260303 0242&acirc;Latin Small Letter A with circumflex0162
U+00E3ã2270303 0243&atilde;Latin Small Letter A with tilde0163
U+00E4ä2280303 0244&auml;Latin Small Letter A with diaeresis0164
U+00E5å2290303 0245&aring;Latin Small Letter A with ring above0165
U+00E6æ2300303 0246&aelig;Latin Small Letter Æ0166
U+00E7ç2310303 0247&ccedil;Latin Small Letter C with cedilla0167
U+00E8è2320303 0250&egrave;Latin Small Letter E with grave0168
U+00E9é2330303 0251&eacute;Latin Small Letter E with acute0169
U+00EAê2340303 0252&ecirc;Latin Small Letter E with circumflex0170
U+00EBë2350303 0253&euml;Latin Small Letter E with diaeresis0171
U+00ECì2360303 0254&igrave;Latin Small Letter I with grave0172
U+00EDí2370303 0255&iacute;Latin Small Letter I with acute0173
U+00EEî2380303 0256&icirc;Latin Small Letter I with circumflex0174
U+00EFï2390303 0257&iuml;Latin Small Letter I with diaeresis0175
U+00F0ð2400303 0260&eth;Latin Small Letter Eth0176
U+00F1ñ2410303 0261&ntilde;Latin Small Letter N with tilde0177
U+00F2ò2420303 0262&ograve;Latin Small Letter O with grave0178
U+00F3ó2430303 0263&oacute;Latin Small Letter O with acute0179
U+00F4ô2440303 0264&ocirc;Latin Small Letter O with circumflex0180
U+00F5õ2450303 0265&otilde;Latin Small Letter O with tilde0181
U+00F6ö2460303 0266&ouml;Latin Small Letter O with diaeresis0182
MathU+00F7÷2470303 0267&divide;Division sign0183
Letters:LowercaseU+00F8ø2480303 0270&oslash;Latin Small Letter O with stroke0184
U+00F9ù2490303 0271&ugrave;Latin Small Letter U with grave0185
U+00FAú2500303 0272&uacute;Latin Small Letter U with acute0186
U+00FBû2510303 0273&ucirc;Latin Small Letter U with circumflex0187
U+00FCü2520303 0274&uuml;Latin Small Letter U with diaeresis0188
U+00FDý2530303 0275&yacute;Latin Small Letter Y with acute0189
U+00FEþ2540303 0276&thorn;Latin Small Letter Thorn0190
U+00FFÿ2550303 0277&yuml;Latin Small Letter Y with diaeresis0191

Latin Extended-A

See main article: Latin Extended-A (Unicode block). 128 characters; all belong to the Latin script.

U+0100Ā256&Amacr;Latin Capital Letter A with macron0192
U+0101ā257&amacr;Latin Small Letter A with macron0193
U+0102Ă258&Abreve;Latin Capital Letter A with breve0194
U+0103ă259&abreve;Latin Small Letter A with breve0195
U+0104Ą260&Aogon;Latin Capital Letter A with ogonek0196
U+0105ą261&aogon;Latin Small Letter A with ogonek0197
U+0106Ć262&Cacute;Latin Capital Letter C with acute0198
U+0107ć263&cacute;Latin Small Letter C with acute0199
U+0108Ĉ264&Ccirc;Latin Capital Letter C with circumflex0200
U+0109ĉ265&ccirc;Latin Small Letter C with circumflex0201
U+010AĊ266&Cdot;Latin Capital Letter C with dot above0202
U+010Bċ267&cdot;Latin Small Letter C with dot above0203
U+010CČ268&Ccaron;Latin Capital Letter C with caron0204
U+010Dč269&ccaron;Latin Small Letter C with caron0205
U+010EĎ270&Dcaron;Latin Capital Letter D with caron0206
U+010Fď271&dcaron;Latin Small Letter D with caron0207
U+0110Đ272&Dstrok;Latin Capital Letter D with stroke0208
U+0111đ273&dstrok;Latin Small Letter D with stroke0209
U+0112Ē274&Emacr;Latin Capital Letter E with macron0210
U+0113ē275&emacr;Latin Small Letter E with macron0211
U+0114Ĕ276&Ebreve;Latin Capital Letter E with breve0212
U+0115ĕ277&ebreve;Latin Small Letter E with breve0213
U+0116Ė278&Edot;Latin Capital Letter E with dot above0214
U+0117ė279&edot;Latin Small Letter E with dot above0215
U+0118Ę280&Eogon;Latin Capital Letter E with ogonek0216
U+0119ę281&eogon;Latin Small Letter E with ogonek0217
U+011AĚ282&Ecaron;Latin Capital Letter E with caron0218
U+011Bě283&ecaron;Latin Small Letter E with caron0219
U+011CĜ284&Gcirc;Latin Capital Letter G with circumflex0220
U+011Dĝ285&gcirc;Latin Small Letter G with circumflex0221
U+011EĞ286&Gbreve;Latin Capital Letter G with breve0222
U+011Fğ287&gbreve;Latin Small Letter G with breve0223
U+0120Ġ288&Gdot;Latin Capital Letter G with dot above0224
U+0121ġ289&gdot;Latin Small Letter G with dot above0225
U+0122Ģ290&Gcedil;Latin Capital Letter G with cedilla0226
U+0123ģ291&gcedil;Latin Small Letter G with cedilla0227
U+0124Ĥ292&Hcirc;Latin Capital Letter H with circumflex0228
U+0125ĥ293&hcirc;Latin Small Letter H with circumflex0229
U+0126Ħ294&Hstrok;Latin Capital Letter H with stroke0230
U+0127ħ295&hstrok;Latin Small Letter H with stroke0231
U+0128Ĩ296&Itilde;Latin Capital Letter I with tilde0232
U+0129ĩ297&itilde;Latin Small Letter I with tilde0233
U+012AĪ298&Imacr;Latin Capital Letter I with macron0234
U+012Bī299&imacr;Latin Small Letter I with macron0235
U+012CĬ300&Ibreve;Latin Capital Letter I with breve0236
U+012Dĭ301&ibreve;Latin Small Letter I with breve0237
U+012EĮ302&Iogon;Latin Capital Letter I with ogonek0238
U+012Fį303&iogon;Latin Small Letter I with ogonek0239
U+0130İ304&Idot;Latin Capital Letter I with dot above0240
U+0131ı305&inodot;Latin Small Letter dotless I0241
U+0132IJ306&IJlig;Latin Capital Ligature IJ0242
U+0133ij307&ijlig;Latin Small Ligature IJ0243
U+0134Ĵ308&Jcirc;Latin Capital Letter J with circumflex0244
U+0135ĵ309&jcirc;Latin Small Letter J with circumflex0245
U+0136Ķ310&Kcedil;Latin Capital Letter K with cedilla0246
U+0137ķ311&kcedil;Latin Small Letter K with cedilla0247
U+0138ĸ312&kgreen;Latin Small Letter Kra0248
U+0139Ĺ313&Lacute;Latin Capital Letter L with acute0249
U+013Aĺ314&lacute;Latin Small Letter L with acute0250
U+013BĻ315&Lcedil;Latin Capital Letter L with cedilla0251
U+013Cļ316&lcedil;Latin Small Letter L with cedilla0252
U+013DĽ317&Lcaron;Latin Capital Letter L with caron0253
U+013Eľ318&lcaron;Latin Small Letter L with caron0254
U+013FĿ319&Lmidot;Latin Capital Letter L with middle dot0255
U+0140ŀ320&lmidot;Latin Small Letter L with middle dot0256
U+0141Ł321&Lstrok;Latin Capital Letter L with stroke0257
U+0142ł322&lstrok;Latin Small Letter L with stroke0258
U+0143Ń323&Nacute;Latin Capital Letter N with acute0259
U+0144ń324&nacute;Latin Small Letter N with acute0260
U+0145Ņ325&Ncedil;Latin Capital Letter N with cedilla0261
U+0146ņ326&ncedil;Latin Small Letter N with cedilla0262
U+0147Ň327&Ncaron;Latin Capital Letter N with caron0263
U+0148ň328&ncaron;Latin Small Letter N with caron0264
DeprecatedU+0149ʼn329&napos;Latin Small Letter N preceded by apostrophe[2] 0265
U+014AŊ330&ENG;Latin Capital Letter Eng0266
U+014Bŋ331&eng;Latin Small Letter Eng0267
U+014CŌ332&Omacr;Latin Capital Letter O with macron0268
U+014Dō333&omacr;Latin Small Letter O with macron0269
U+014EŎ334&Obreve;Latin Capital Letter O with breve0270
U+014Fŏ335&obreve;Latin Small Letter O with breve0271
U+0150Ő336&Odblac;Latin Capital Letter O with double acute0272
U+0151ő337&odblac;Latin Small Letter O with double acute0273
U+0152Œ338&OElig;Latin Capital Ligature OE0274
U+0153œ339&oelig;Latin Small Ligature OE0275
U+0154Ŕ340&Racute;Latin Capital Letter R with acute0276
U+0155ŕ341&racute;Latin Small Letter R with acute0277
U+0156Ŗ342&Rcedil;Latin Capital Letter R with cedilla0278
U+0157ŗ343&rcedil;Latin Small Letter R with cedilla0279
U+0158Ř344&Rcaron;Latin Capital Letter R with caron0280
U+0159ř345&rcaron;Latin Small Letter R with caron0281
U+015AŚ346&Sacute;Latin Capital Letter S with acute0282
U+015Bś347&sacute;Latin Small Letter S with acute0283
U+015CŜ348&Scirc;Latin Capital Letter S with circumflex0284
U+015Dŝ349&scirc;Latin Small Letter S with circumflex0285
U+015EŞ350&Scedil;Latin Capital Letter S with cedilla0286
U+015Fş351&scedil;Latin Small Letter S with cedilla0287
U+0160Š352&Scaron;Latin Capital Letter S with caron0288
U+0161š353&scaron;Latin Small Letter S with caron0289
U+0162Ţ354&Tcedil;Latin Capital Letter T with cedilla0290
U+0163ţ355&tcedil;Latin Small Letter T with cedilla0291
U+0164Ť356&Tcaron;Latin Capital Letter T with caron0292
U+0165ť357&tcaron;Latin Small Letter T with caron0293
U+0166Ŧ358&Tstrok;Latin Capital Letter T with stroke0294
U+0167ŧ359&tstrok;Latin Small Letter T with stroke0295
U+0168Ũ360&Utilde;Latin Capital Letter U with tilde0296
U+0169ũ361&utilde;Latin Small Letter U with tilde0297
U+016AŪ362&Umacr;Latin Capital Letter U with macron0298
U+016Bū363&umacr;Latin Small Letter U with macron0299
U+016CŬ364&Ubreve;Latin Capital Letter U with breve0300
U+016Dŭ365&ubreve;Latin Small Letter U with breve0301
U+016EŮ366&Uring;Latin Capital Letter U with ring above0302
U+016Fů367&uring;Latin Small Letter U with ring above0303
U+0170Ű368&Udblac;Latin Capital Letter U with double acute0304
U+0171ű369&udblac;Latin Small Letter U with double acute0305
U+0172Ų370&Uogon;Latin Capital Letter U with ogonek0306
U+0173ų371&uogon;Latin Small Letter U with ogonek0307
U+0174Ŵ372&Wcirc;Latin Capital Letter W with circumflex0308
U+0175ŵ373&wcirc;Latin Small Letter W with circumflex0309
U+0176Ŷ374&Ycirc;Latin Capital Letter Y with circumflex0310
U+0177ŷ375&ycirc;Latin Small Letter Y with circumflex0311
U+0178Ÿ376&Yuml;Latin Capital Letter Y with diaeresis0312
U+0179Ź377&Zacute;Latin Capital Letter Z with acute0313
U+017Aź378&zacute;Latin Small Letter Z with acute0314
U+017BŻ379&Zdot;Latin Capital Letter Z with dot above0315
U+017Cż380&zdot;Latin Small Letter Z with dot above0316
U+017DŽ381&Zcaron;Latin Capital Letter Z with caron0317
U+017Ež382&zcaron;Latin Small Letter Z with caron0318
U+017Fſ383Latin Small Letter long S0319

Latin Extended-B

See main article: Latin Extended-B (Unicode block). 208 characters; all belong to the Latin script; 33 in the MES-2 subset.

CodeGlyphDecimalDescriptionMES-2 Rationale
& historic Latin
U+0180384Latin Small Letter B with stroke·
U+0181385Latin Capital Letter B with hook
U+0182386Latin Capital Letter B with top bar
U+0183387Latin Small Letter B with top bar
U+0184388Latin Capital Letter Tone Six
U+0185389Latin Small Letter Tone Six
U+0186390Latin Capital Letter Open O
U+0187391Latin Capital Letter C with hook
U+0188392Latin Small Letter C with hook
U+0189393Latin Capital Letter African D
U+018A394Latin Capital Letter D with hook
U+018B395Latin Capital Letter D with top bar
U+018C396Latin Small Letter D with top bar
U+018D397Latin Small Letter Turned Delta
U+018E398Latin Capital Letter Reversed E
U+018F399Latin Capital Letter Schwa0320for Azerbaijani
U+0190400Latin Capital Letter Open E·
U+0191401Latin Capital Letter F with hook
U+0192402Latin Small Letter F with hook0321in WGL4
U+0193403Latin Capital Letter G with hook·
U+0194404Latin Capital Letter Gamma
U+0195405Latin Small Letter HV
U+0196406Latin Capital Letter Iota
U+0197407Latin Capital Letter I with stroke
U+0198408Latin Capital Letter K with hook
U+0199409Latin Small Letter K with hook
U+019A410Latin Small Letter L with bar
U+019B411Latin Small Letter Lambda with stroke
U+019C412Latin Capital Letter Turned M
U+019D413Latin Capital Letter N with left hook
U+019E414Latin Small Letter N with long right leg
U+019F415Latin Capital Letter O with middle tilde
U+01A0416Latin Capital Letter O with horn
U+01A1417Latin Small Letter O with horn
U+01A2418Latin Capital Letter OI (= Latin Capital Letter Gha)
U+01A3419Latin Small Letter OI (= Latin Small Letter Gha)
U+01A4420Latin Capital Letter P with hook
U+01A5421Latin Small Letter P with hook
U+01A6422Latin Letter YR
U+01A7423Latin Capital Letter Tone Two
U+01A8424Latin Small Letter Tone Two
U+01A9425Latin Capital Letter Esh
U+01AA426Latin Letter Reversed Esh Loop
U+01AB427Latin Small Letter T with palatal hook
U+01AC428Latin Capital Letter T with hook
U+01AD429Latin Small Letter T with hook
U+01AE430Latin Capital Letter T with retroflex hook
U+01AF431Latin Capital Letter U with horn
U+01B0432Latin Small Letter U with horn
U+01B1433Latin Capital Letter Upsilon
U+01B2434Latin Capital Letter V with hook
U+01B3435Latin Capital Letter Y with hook
U+01B4436Latin Small Letter Y with hook
U+01B5437Latin Capital Letter Z with stroke
U+01B6438Latin Small Letter Z with stroke
U+01B7439Latin Capital Letter Ezh0322for Sami
U+01B8440Latin Capital Letter Ezh reversed·
U+01B9441Latin Small Letter Ezh reversed
U+01BA442Latin Small Letter Ezh with tail
U+01BB443Latin Letter Two with stroke
U+01BC444Latin Capital Letter Tone Five
U+01BD445Latin Small Letter Tone Five
U+01BE446Latin Letter Inverted Glottal Stop with stroke
U+01BF447Latin Letter Wynn
U+01C0448Latin Letter Dental Click
U+01C1449Latin Letter Lateral Click
U+01C2450Latin Letter Alveolar Click
U+01C3451Latin Letter Retroflex Click
CroatianU+01C4452Latin Capital Letter DZ with caron
U+01C5453Latin Capital Letter D with Small Letter Z with caron
U+01C6454Latin Small Letter DZ with caron
U+01C7455Latin Capital Letter LJ
U+01C8456Latin Capital Letter L with Small Letter J
U+01C9457Latin Small Letter LJ
U+01CA458Latin Capital Letter NJ
U+01CB459Latin Capital Letter N with Small Letter J
U+01CC460Latin Small Letter NJ
PinyinU+01CD461Latin Capital Letter A with caron
U+01CE462Latin Small Letter A with caron
U+01CF463Latin Capital Letter I with caron
U+01D0464Latin Small Letter I with caron
U+01D1465Latin Capital Letter O with caron
U+01D2466Latin Small Letter O with caron
U+01D3467Latin Capital Letter U with caron
U+01D4468Latin Small Letter U with caron
U+01D5469Latin Capital Letter U with diaeresis and macron
U+01D6470Latin Small Letter U with diaeresis and macron
U+01D7471Latin Capital Letter U with diaeresis and acute
U+01D8472Latin Small Letter U with diaeresis and acute
U+01D9473Latin Capital Letter U with diaeresis and caron
U+01DA474Latin Small Letter U with diaeresis and caron
U+01DB475Latin Capital Letter U with diaeresis and grave
U+01DC476Latin Small Letter U with diaeresis and grave
Phonetic &<br />historic lettersU+01DD477Latin Small Letter Turned E
U+01DE478Latin Capital Letter A with diaeresis and macron0323for Sami
U+01DF479Latin Small Letter A with diaeresis and macron0324
U+01E0480Latin Capital Letter A with dot above and macron0325
U+01E1481Latin Small Letter A with dot above and macron0326
U+01E2482Latin Capital Letter Æ with macron0327
U+01E3483Latin Small Letter Æ with macron0328
U+01E4484Latin Capital Letter G with stroke0329
U+01E5485Latin Small Letter G with stroke0330
U+01E6486Latin Capital Letter G with caron0331
U+01E7487Latin Small Letter G with caron0332
U+01E8488Latin Capital Letter K with caron0333
U+01E9489Latin Small Letter K with caron0334
U+01EA490Latin Capital Letter O with ogonek0335
U+01EB491Latin Small Letter O with ogonek0336
U+01EC492Latin Capital Letter O with ogonek and macron0337
U+01ED493Latin Small Letter O with ogonek and macron0338
U+01EE494Latin Capital Letter Ezh with caron0339
U+01EF495Latin Small Letter Ezh with caron0340
U+01F0496Latin Small Letter J with caron·
U+01F1497Latin Capital Letter DZ
U+01F2498Latin Capital Letter D with Small Letter Z
U+01F3499Latin Small Letter DZ
U+01F4500Latin Capital Letter G with acute
U+01F5501Latin Small Letter G with acute
U+01F6502Latin Capital Letter Hwair
U+01F7503Latin Capital Letter Wynn
U+01F8504Latin Capital Letter N with grave
U+01F9505Latin Small Letter N with grave
U+01FA506Latin Capital Letter A with ring above and acute0341in WGL4
U+01FB507Latin Small Letter A with ring above and acute0342
U+01FC508Latin Capital Letter Æ with acute0343
U+01FD509Latin Small Letter Æ with acute0344
U+01FE510Latin Capital Letter O with stroke and acute0345
U+01FF511Latin Small Letter O with stroke and acute0346
& Croatian
U+0200512Latin Capital Letter A with double grave·
U+0201513Latin Small Letter A with double grave
U+0202514Latin Capital Letter A with inverted breve
U+0203515Latin Small Letter A with inverted breve
U+0204516Latin Capital Letter E with double grave
U+0205517Latin Small Letter E with double grave
U+0206518Latin Capital Letter E with inverted breve
U+0207519Latin Small Letter E with inverted breve
U+0208520Latin Capital Letter I with double grave
U+0209521Latin Small Letter I with double grave
U+020A522Latin Capital Letter I with inverted breve
U+020B523Latin Small Letter I with inverted breve
U+020C524Latin Capital Letter O with double grave
U+020D525Latin Small Letter O with double grave
U+020E526Latin Capital Letter O with inverted breve
U+020F527Latin Small Letter O with inverted breve
U+0210528Latin Capital Letter R with double grave
U+0211529Latin Small Letter R with double grave
U+0212530Latin Capital Letter R with inverted breve
U+0213531Latin Small Letter R with inverted breve
U+0214532Latin Capital Letter U with double grave
U+0215533Latin Small Letter U with double grave
U+0216534Latin Capital Letter U with inverted breve
U+0217535Latin Small Letter U with inverted breve
RomanianU+0218536Latin Capital Letter S with comma below0347for Romanian
U+0219537Latin Small Letter S with comma below0348
U+021A538Latin Capital Letter T with comma below0349
U+021B539Latin Small Letter T with comma below0350
MiscellaneousU+021C540Latin Capital Letter Yogh·
U+021D541Latin Small Letter Yogh
U+021E542Latin Capital Letter H with caron0351for Finnish Romani, Scots
U+021F543Latin Small Letter H with caron0352
U+0220544Latin Capital Letter N with long right leg·
U+0221545Latin Small Letter D with curl
U+0222546Latin Capital Letter OU
U+0223547Latin Small Letter OU
U+0224548Latin Capital Letter Z with hook
U+0225549Latin Small Letter Z with hook
U+0226550Latin Capital Letter A with dot above
U+0227551Latin Small Letter A with dot above
U+0228552Latin Capital Letter E with cedilla
U+0229553Latin Small Letter E with cedilla
LivonianU+022A554Latin Capital Letter O with diaeresis and macron
U+022B555Latin Small Letter O with diaeresis and macron
U+022C556Latin Capital Letter O with tilde and macron
U+022D557Latin Small Letter O with tilde and macron
U+022E558Latin Capital Letter O with dot above
U+022F559Latin Small Letter O with dot above
U+0230560Latin Capital Letter O with dot above and macron
U+0231561Latin Small Letter O with dot above and macron
U+0232562Latin Capital Letter Y with macron
U+0233563Latin Small Letter Y with macron
SinologyU+0234564Latin Small Letter L with curl
U+0235565Latin Small Letter N with curl
U+0236566Latin Small Letter T with curl
MiscellaneousU+0237567Latin Small Letter Dotless J
U+0238568Latin Small Letter DB Digraph
U+0239569Latin Small Letter QP Digraph
U+023A570Latin Capital Letter A with stroke
U+023B571Latin Capital Letter C with stroke
U+023C572Latin Small Letter C with stroke
U+023D573Latin Capital Letter L with bar
U+023E574Latin Capital Letter T with diagonal stroke
U+023F575Latin Small Letter S with swash tail
U+0240576Latin Small Letter Z with swash tail
U+0241577Latin Capital Letter Glottal Stop
U+0242578Latin Small Letter Glottal Stop
U+0243579Latin Capital Letter B with stroke
U+0244580Latin Capital Letter U bar
U+0245581Latin Capital Letter Turned V
U+0246582Latin Capital Letter E with stroke
U+0247583Latin Small Letter E with stroke
U+0248584Latin Capital Letter J with stroke
U+0249585Latin Small Letter J with stroke
U+024A586Latin Capital Letter Q with hook tail
U+024B587Latin Small Letter Q with hook tail
U+024C588Latin Capital Letter R with stroke
U+024D589Latin Small Letter R with stroke
U+024E590Latin Capital Letter Y with stroke
U+024F591Latin Small Letter Y with stroke
CodeGlyphDecimalDescriptionMES-2 Rationale

Latin Extended Additional

See main article: Latin Extended Additional (Unicode block). 256 characters; all belong to the Latin script; 23 in the MES-2 subset.

CodeGlyphDescriptionMES-2 Rationale
General Use
U+1E00Latin Capital Letter A with ring below·
U+1E01Latin Small Letter A with ring below
U+1E02Latin Capital Letter B with dot above0647ISO 8859-14
U+1E03Latin Small Letter B with dot above0648
U+1E04Latin Capital Letter B with dot below
U+1E05Latin Small Letter B with dot below
U+1E06Latin Capital Letter B with line below
U+1E07Latin Small Letter B with line below
U+1E08Latin Capital Letter C with cedilla and acute
U+1E09Latin Small Letter C with cedilla and acute
U+1E0ALatin Capital Letter D with dot above0649ISO 8859-14
U+1E0BLatin Small Letter D with dot above0650
U+1E0CLatin Capital Letter D with dot below
U+1E0DLatin Small Letter D with dot below
U+1E0ELatin Capital Letter D with line below
U+1E0FLatin Small Letter D with line below
U+1E10Latin Capital Letter D with cedilla
U+1E11Latin Small Letter D with cedilla
U+1E12Latin Capital Letter D with circumflex below
U+1E13Latin Small Letter D with circumflex below
U+1E14Latin Capital Letter E with macron and grave
U+1E15Latin Small Letter E with macron and grave
U+1E16Latin Capital Letter E with macron and acute
U+1E17Latin Small Letter E with macron and acute
U+1E18Latin Capital Letter E with circumflex below
U+1E19Latin Small Letter E with circumflex below
U+1E1ALatin Capital Letter E with tilde below
U+1E1BLatin Small Letter E with tilde below
U+1E1CLatin Capital Letter E with cedilla and breve
U+1E1DLatin Small Letter E with cedilla and breve
U+1E1ELatin Capital Letter F with dot above0651ISO 8859-14
U+1E1FLatin Small Letter F with dot above0652
U+1E20Latin Capital Letter G with macron
U+1E21Latin Small Letter G with macron
U+1E22Latin Capital Letter H with dot above
U+1E23Latin Small Letter H with dot above
U+1E24Latin Capital Letter H with dot below
U+1E25Latin Small Letter H with dot below
U+1E26Latin Capital Letter H with diaeresis
U+1E27Latin Small Letter H with diaeresis
U+1E28Latin Capital Letter H with cedilla
U+1E29Latin Small Letter H with cedilla
U+1E2ALatin Capital Letter H with breve below
U+1E2BLatin Small Letter H with breve below
U+1E2CLatin Capital Letter I with tilde below
U+1E2DLatin Small Letter I with tilde below
U+1E2ELatin Capital Letter I with diaeresis and acute
U+1E2FLatin Small Letter I with diaeresis and acute
U+1E30Latin Capital Letter K with acute
U+1E31Latin Small Letter K with acute
U+1E32Latin Capital Letter K with dot below
U+1E33Latin Small Letter K with dot below
U+1E34Latin Capital Letter K with line below
U+1E35Latin Small Letter K with line below
U+1E36Latin Capital Letter L with dot below
U+1E37Latin Small Letter L with dot below
U+1E38Latin Capital Letter L with dot below and macron
U+1E39Latin Small Letter L with dot below and macron
U+1E3ALatin Capital Letter L with line below
U+1E3BLatin Small Letter L with line below
U+1E3CLatin Capital Letter L with circumflex below
U+1E3DLatin Small Letter L with circumflex below
U+1E3ELatin Capital Letter M with acute
U+1E3FḿLatin Small Letter M with acute
U+1E40Latin Capital Letter M with dot above0653ISO 8859-14
U+1E41Latin Small Letter M with dot above0654
U+1E42Latin Capital Letter M with dot below
U+1E43Latin Small Letter M with dot below
U+1E44Latin Capital Letter N with dot above
U+1E45Latin Small Letter N with dot above
U+1E46Latin Capital Letter N with dot below
U+1E47Latin Small Letter N with dot below
U+1E48Latin Capital Letter N with line below
U+1E49Latin Small Letter N with line below
U+1E4ALatin Capital Letter N with circumflex below
U+1E4BLatin Small Letter N with circumflex below
U+1E4CLatin Capital Letter O with tilde and acute
U+1E4DLatin Small Letter O with tilde and acute
U+1E4ELatin Capital Letter O with tilde and diaeresis
U+1E4FLatin Small Letter O with tilde and diaeresis
U+1E50Latin Capital Letter O with macron and grave
U+1E51Latin Small Letter O with macron and grave
U+1E52Latin Capital Letter O with macron and acute
U+1E53Latin Small Letter O with macron and acute
U+1E54Latin Capital Letter P with acute
U+1E55Latin Small Letter P with acute
U+1E56Latin Capital Letter P with dot above0655ISO 8859-14
U+1E57Latin Small Letter P with dot above0656
U+1E58Latin Capital Letter R with dot above
U+1E59Latin Small Letter R with dot above
U+1E5ALatin Capital Letter R with dot below
U+1E5BLatin Small Letter R with dot below
U+1E5CLatin Capital Letter R with dot below and macron
U+1E5DLatin Small Letter R with dot below and macron
U+1E5ELatin Capital Letter R with line below
U+1E5FLatin Small Letter R with line below
U+1E60Latin Capital Letter S with dot above0657ISO 8859-14
U+1E61Latin Small Letter S with dot above0658
U+1E62Latin Capital Letter S with dot below
U+1E63Latin Small Letter S with dot below
U+1E64Latin Capital Letter S with acute and dot above
U+1E65Latin Small Letter S with acute and dot above
U+1E66Latin Capital Letter S with caron and dot above
U+1E67Latin Small Letter S with caron and dot above
U+1E68Latin Capital Letter S with dot below and dot above
U+1E69Latin Small Letter S with dot below and dot above
U+1E6ALatin Capital Letter T with dot above0659ISO 8859-14
U+1E6BLatin Small Letter T with dot above0660
U+1E6CLatin Capital Letter T with dot below
U+1E6DLatin Small Letter T with dot below
U+1E6ELatin Capital Letter T with line below
U+1E6FLatin Small Letter T with line below
U+1E70Latin Capital Letter T with circumflex below
U+1E71Latin Small Letter T with circumflex below
U+1E72Latin Capital Letter U with diaeresis below
U+1E73Latin Small Letter U with diaeresis below
U+1E74Latin Capital Letter U with tilde below
U+1E75Latin Small Letter U with tilde below
U+1E76Latin Capital Letter U with circumflex below
U+1E77Latin Small Letter U with circumflex below
U+1E78Latin Capital Letter U with tilde and acute
U+1E79Latin Small Letter U with tilde and acute
U+1E7ALatin Capital Letter U with macron and diaeresis
U+1E7BLatin Small Letter U with macron and diaeresis
U+1E7CLatin Capital Letter V with tilde
U+1E7DLatin Small Letter V with tilde
U+1E7ELatin Capital Letter V with dot below
U+1E7FṿLatin Small Letter V with dot below
U+1E80Latin Capital Letter W with grave0661in WGL4
U+1E81Latin Small Letter W with grave0662
U+1E82Latin Capital Letter W with acute0663
U+1E83Latin Small Letter W with acute0664
U+1E84Latin Capital Letter W with diaeresis0665
U+1E85Latin Small Letter W with diaeresis0666
U+1E86Latin Capital Letter W with dot above
U+1E87Latin Small Letter W with dot above
U+1E88Latin Capital Letter W with dot below
U+1E89Latin Small Letter W with dot below
U+1E8ALatin Capital Letter X with dot above
U+1E8BLatin Small Letter X with dot above
U+1E8CLatin Capital Letter X with diaeresis
U+1E8DLatin Small Letter X with diaeresis
U+1E8ELatin Capital Letter Y with dot above
U+1E8FLatin Small Letter Y with dot above
U+1E90Latin Capital Letter Z with circumflex
U+1E91Latin Small Letter Z with circumflex
U+1E92Latin Capital Letter Z with dot below
U+1E93Latin Small Letter Z with dot below
U+1E94Latin Capital Letter Z with line below
U+1E95Latin Small Letter Z with line below
U+1E96Latin Small Letter H with line below
U+1E97Latin Small Letter T with diaeresis
U+1E98Latin Small Letter W with ring above
U+1E99Latin Small Letter Y with ring above
U+1E9ALatin Small Letter A with right half ring
U+1E9BLatin Small Letter Long S with dot above0667for Fraktur, Irish Gaelic, Old English
MedievalistU+1E9CLatin Small Letter Long S with diagonal stroke
U+1E9DLatin Small Letter Long S with high stroke
U+1E9ELatin Capital Letter Sharp S
MedievalistU+1E9FLatin Small Letter Delta
VietnameseU+1EA0Latin Capital Letter A with dot below
U+1EA1Latin Small Letter A with dot below
U+1EA2Latin Capital Letter A with hook above
U+1EA3Latin Small Letter A with hook above
U+1EA4Latin Capital Letter A with circumflex and acute
U+1EA5Latin Small Letter A with circumflex and acute
U+1EA6Latin Capital Letter A with circumflex and grave
U+1EA7Latin Small Letter A with circumflex and grave
U+1EA8Latin Capital Letter A with circumflex and hook above
U+1EA9Latin Small Letter A with circumflex and hook above
U+1EAALatin Capital Letter A with circumflex and tilde
U+1EABLatin Small Letter A with circumflex and tilde
U+1EACLatin Capital Letter A with circumflex and dot below
U+1EADLatin Small Letter A with circumflex and dot below
U+1EAELatin Capital Letter A with breve and acute
U+1EAFLatin Small Letter A with breve and acute
U+1EB0Latin Capital Letter A with breve and grave
U+1EB1Latin Small Letter A with breve and grave
U+1EB2Latin Capital Letter A with breve and hook above
U+1EB3Latin Small Letter A with breve and hook above
U+1EB4Latin Capital Letter A with breve and tilde
U+1EB5Latin Small Letter A with breve and tilde
U+1EB6Latin Capital Letter A with breve and dot below
U+1EB7Latin Small Letter A with breve and dot below
U+1EB8Latin Capital Letter E with dot below
U+1EB9Latin Small Letter E with dot below
U+1EBALatin Capital Letter E with hook above
U+1EBBLatin Small Letter E with hook above
U+1EBCLatin Capital Letter E with tilde
U+1EBDLatin Small Letter E with tilde
U+1EBELatin Capital Letter E with circumflex and acute
U+1EBFếLatin Small Letter E with circumflex and acute
U+1EC0Latin Capital Letter E with circumflex and grave
U+1EC1Latin Small Letter E with circumflex and grave
U+1EC2Latin Capital Letter E with circumflex and hook above
U+1EC3Latin Small Letter E with circumflex and hook above
U+1EC4Latin Capital Letter E with circumflex and tilde
U+1EC5Latin Small Letter E with circumflex and tilde
U+1EC6Latin Capital Letter E with circumflex and dot below
U+1EC7Latin Small Letter E with circumflex and dot below
U+1EC8Latin Capital Letter I with hook above
U+1EC9Latin Small Letter I with hook above
U+1ECALatin Capital Letter I with dot below
U+1ECBLatin Small Letter I with dot below
U+1ECCLatin Capital Letter O with dot below
U+1ECDLatin Small Letter O with dot below
U+1ECELatin Capital Letter O with hook above
U+1ECFLatin Small Letter O with hook above
U+1ED0Latin Capital Letter O with circumflex and acute
U+1ED1Latin Small Letter O with circumflex and acute
U+1ED2Latin Capital Letter O with circumflex and grave
U+1ED3Latin Small Letter O with circumflex and grave
U+1ED4Latin Capital Letter O with circumflex and hook above
U+1ED5Latin Small Letter O with circumflex and hook above
U+1ED6Latin Capital Letter O with circumflex and tilde
U+1ED7Latin Small Letter O with circumflex and tilde
U+1ED8Latin Capital Letter O with circumflex and dot below
U+1ED9Latin Small Letter O with circumflex and dot below
U+1EDALatin Capital Letter O with horn and acute
U+1EDBLatin Small Letter O with horn and acute
U+1EDCLatin Capital Letter O with horn and grave
U+1EDDLatin Small Letter O with horn and grave
U+1EDELatin Capital Letter O with horn and hook above
U+1EDFLatin Small Letter O with horn and hook above
U+1EE0Latin Capital Letter O with horn and tilde
U+1EE1Latin Small Letter O with horn and tilde
U+1EE2Latin Capital Letter O with horn and dot below
U+1EE3Latin Small Letter O with horn and dot below
U+1EE4Latin Capital Letter U with dot below
U+1EE5Latin Small Letter U with dot below
U+1EE6Latin Capital Letter U with hook above
U+1EE7Latin Small Letter U with hook above
U+1EE8Latin Capital Letter U with horn and acute
U+1EE9Latin Small Letter U with horn and acute
U+1EEALatin Capital Letter U with horn and grave
U+1EEBLatin Small Letter U with horn and grave
U+1EECLatin Capital Letter U with horn and hook above
U+1EEDLatin Small Letter U with horn and hook above
U+1EEELatin Capital Letter U with horn and tilde
U+1EEFLatin Small Letter U with horn and tilde
U+1EF0Latin Capital Letter U with horn and dot below
U+1EF1Latin Small Letter U with horn and dot below
U+1EF2Latin Capital Letter Y with grave0668in WGL4
U+1EF3Latin Small Letter Y with grave0669
U+1EF4Latin Capital Letter Y with dot below
U+1EF5Latin Small Letter Y with dot below
U+1EF6Latin Capital Letter Y with hook above
U+1EF7Latin Small Letter Y with hook above
U+1EF8Latin Capital Letter Y with tilde
U+1EF9Latin Small Letter Y with tilde
MedievalistU+1EFALatin Capital Letter Middle-Welsh LL
U+1EFBLatin Small Letter Middle-Welsh LL
U+1EFCLatin Capital Letter Middle-Welsh V
U+1EFDLatin Small Letter Middle-Welsh V
U+1EFELatin Capital Letter Y with loop
U+1EFFỿLatin Small Letter Y with loop
CodeGlyphDescriptionMES-2 Rationale

Additional Latin Extended

Phonetic scripts

See main article: Phonetic transcription and Phonetic symbols in Unicode.

IPA Extensions

See main article: IPA Extensions (Unicode block). 96 characters; all belong to the Latin script; three in the MES-2 subset.

CodeGlyphDecimalDescriptionMES-2 Rationale
U+0250592Latin Small Letter Turned A
U+0251593Latin Small Letter Alpha
U+0252594Latin Small Letter Turned Alpha
U+0253595Latin Small Letter B with Hook
U+0254596Latin Small Letter Open O
U+0255597Latin Small Letter C with Curl
U+0256598Latin Small Letter D with Tail
U+0257599Latin Small Letter D with Hook
U+0258600Latin Small Letter Reversed E
U+0259601Latin Small Letter Schwa0353for Azerbaijani
U+025A602Latin Small Letter Schwa with Hook
U+025B603Latin Small Letter Open E
U+025C604Latin Small Letter Reversed Open E
U+025D605Latin Small Letter Reversed Open E with Hook
U+025E606Latin Small Letter Closed Reversed Open E
U+025F607Latin Small Letter Dotless J with Stroke
U+0260608Latin Small Letter G with Hook
U+0261609Latin Small Letter Script G
U+0262610Latin Letter Small Capital G
U+0263611Latin Small Letter Gamma
U+0264612Latin Small Letter Rams Horn
U+0265613Latin Small Letter Turned H
U+0266614Latin Small Letter H with Hook
U+0267615Latin Small Letter Heng with Hook
U+0268616Latin Small Letter I with Stroke
U+0269617Latin Small Letter Iota
U+026A618Latin Letter Small Capital I
U+026B619Latin Small Letter L with Middle Tilde
U+026C620Latin Small Letter L with Belt
U+026D621Latin Small Letter L with Retroflex Hook
U+026E622Latin Small Letter Lezh
U+026F623Latin Small Letter Turned M
U+0270624Latin Small Letter Turned M with Long Leg
U+0271625Latin Small Letter M with Hook
U+0272626Latin Small Letter N with Left Hook
U+0273627Latin Small Letter N with Retroflex Hook
U+0274628Latin Letter Small Capital N
U+0275629Latin Small Letter Barred O
U+0276630Latin Letter Small Capital OE
U+0277631Latin Small Letter Closed Omega
U+0278632Latin Small Letter Phi
U+0279633Latin Small Letter Turned R
U+027A634Latin Small Letter Turned R with Long Leg
U+027B635Latin Small Letter Turned R with Hook
U+027C636Latin Small Letter R with long leg0354for Irish Gaelic
U+027D637Latin Small Letter R with Tail
U+027E638Latin Small Letter R with Fishhook
U+027F639Latin Small Letter Reversed R with Fishhook
U+0280640Latin Letter Small Capital R
U+0281641Latin Letter Small Capital Inverted R
U+0282642Latin Small Letter S with Hook
U+0283643Latin Small Letter Esh
U+0284644Latin Small Letter Dotless J with Stroke and Hook
U+0285645Latin Small Letter Squat Reversed Esh
U+0286646Latin Small Letter Esh with Curl
U+0287647Latin Small Letter Turned T
U+0288648Latin Small Letter T with Retroflex Hook
U+0289649Latin Small Letter U Bar
U+028A650Latin Small Letter Upsilon
U+028B651Latin Small Letter V with Hook
U+028C652Latin Small Letter Turned V
U+028D653Latin Small Letter Turned W
U+028E654Latin Small Letter Turned Y
U+028F655Latin Letter Small Capital Y
U+0290656Latin Small Letter Z with Retroflex Hook
U+0291657Latin Small Letter Z with Curl
U+0292658Latin Small Letter Ezh0355for Sami
U+0293659Latin Small Letter Ezh with Curl
U+0294660Latin Letter Glottal Stop
U+0295661Latin Letter Pharyngeal Voiced Fricative
U+0296662Latin Letter Inverted Glottal Stop
U+0297663Latin Letter Stretched C
U+0298664Latin Letter Bilabial Click
U+0299665Latin Letter Small Capital B
U+029A666Latin Small Letter Closed Open E
U+029B667Latin Letter Small Capital G with Hook
U+029C668Latin Letter Small Capital H
U+029D669Latin Small Letter J with Crossed Tail
U+029E670Latin Small Letter Turned K
U+029F671Latin Letter Small Capital L
U+02A0672Latin Small Letter Q with Hook
U+02A1673Latin Letter Glottal Stop with Stroke
U+02A2674Latin Letter Reversed Glottal Stop with Stroke
U+02A3675Latin Small Letter DZ Digraph
U+02A4676Latin Small Letter Dezh Digraph
U+02A5677Latin Small Letter DZ Digraph with Curl
U+02A6678Latin Small Letter TS Digraph
U+02A7679Latin Small Letter Tesh Digraph
U+02A8680Latin Small Letter TC Digraph with Curl
U+02A9681Latin Small Letter Feng Digraph
U+02AA682Latin Small Letter LS Digraph
U+02AB683Latin Small Letter LZ Digraph
U+02AC684Latin Letter Bilabial Percussive
U+02AD685Latin Letter Bidental Percussive
U+02AE686Latin Small Letter Turned H with Fishhook
U+02AF687Latin Small Letter Turned H with Fishhook and Tail
CodeGlyphDecimalDescriptionMES-2 Rationale

Spacing modifier letters

See main article: Spacing Modifier Letters (Unicode block). 80 characters; 15 in the MES-2 subset.

CodeGlyphDecimalDescriptionMES-2 Rationale
U+02B0ʰ688Modifier Letter Small H·
U+02B1ʱ689Modifier Letter Small H with hook
U+02B2ʲ690Modifier Letter Small J
U+02B3ʳ691Modifier Letter Small R
U+02B4ʴ692Modifier Letter Small Turned R
U+02B5ʵ693Modifier Letter Small Turned R with hook
U+02B6ʶ694Modifier Letter Small Capital Inverted R
U+02B7ʷ695Modifier Letter Small W
U+02B8ʸ696Modifier Letter Small Y
U+02B9ʹ697Modifier Letter Prime
U+02BAʺ698Modifier Letter Double Prime
U+02BBʻ699Modifier Letter Turned Comma0356in Sami
U+02BCʼ700Modifier Letter Apostrophe0357in ISO/IEC 8859-7
U+02BDʽ701Modifier Letter Reversed Comma0358
U+02BEʾ702Modifier Letter Right Half Ring·
U+02BFʿ703Modifier Letter Left Half Ring
U+02C0ˀ704Modifier Letter Glottal Stop
U+02C1ˁ705Modifier Letter Reversed Glottal Stop
U+02C2˂706Modifier Letter Left Arrowhead
U+02C3˃707Modifier Letter Right Arrowhead
U+02C4˄708Modifier Letter Up Arrowhead
U+02C5˅709Modifier Letter Down Arrowhead
U+02C6ˆ710Modifier Letter Circumflex Accent0359in WGL4
U+02C8ˈ712Modifier Letter Vertical Line·
U+02C9ˉ713Modifier Letter Macron0361in WGL4
U+02CAˊ714Modifier Letter Acute Accent·
U+02CBˋ715Modifier Letter Grave Accent
U+02CCˌ716Modifier Letter Low Vertical Line
U+02CDˍ717Modifier Letter Low Macron
U+02CEˎ718Modifier Letter Low Grave Accent
U+02CFˏ719Modifier Letter Low Acute Accent
U+02D0ː720Modifier Letter Triangular Colon
U+02D1ˑ721Modifier Letter Half Triangular Colon
U+02D2˒722Modifier Letter Centered Right Half Ring
U+02D3˓723Modifier Letter Centered Left Half Ring
U+02D4˔724Modifier Letter Up Tack
U+02D5˕725Modifier Letter Down Tack
U+02D6˖726Modifier Letter Plus Sign0362in WGL4 (?)
U+02D7˗727Modifier Letter Minus Sign·
U+02D8˘728Breve0363in WGL4
U+02D9˙729Dot Above0364
U+02DA˚730Ring Above0365
U+02DC˜732Small Tilde0367
U+02DD˝733Double Acute Accent0368
U+02DE˞734Modifier Letter Rhotic Hook·
U+02DF˟735Modifier Letter Cross Accent0369for Swedish dictionary use
U+02E0ˠ736Modifier Letter Small Gamma·
U+02E1ˡ737Modifier Letter Small L
U+02E2ˢ738Modifier Letter Small S
U+02E3ˣ739Modifier Letter Small X
U+02E4ˤ740Modifier Letter Small Reversed Glottal Stop
U+02E5˥741Modifier Letter Extra-High Tone Bar
U+02E6˦742Modifier Letter High Tone Bar
U+02E7˧743Modifier Letter Mid Tone Bar
U+02E8˨744Modifier Letter Low Tone Bar
U+02E9˩745Modifier Letter Extra-Low Tone Bar
U+02EA˪746Modifier Letter Yin Departing Tone Mark
U+02EB˫747Modifier Letter Yang Departing Tone Mark
U+02ECˬ748Modifier Letter Voicing
U+02ED˭749Modifier Letter Unaspirated
U+02EEˮ750Modifier Letter Double Apostrophe0370for Nenets
U+02EF˯751Modifier Letter Low Down Arrowhead·
U+02F0˰752Modifier Letter Low Up Arrowhead
U+02F1˱753Modifier Letter Low Left Arrowhead
U+02F2˲754Modifier Letter Low Right Arrowhead
U+02F3˳755Modifier Letter Low Ring
U+02F4˴756Modifier Letter Middle Grave Accent
U+02F5˵757Modifier Letter Middle Double Grave Accent
U+02F6˶758Modifier Letter Middle Double Acute Accent
U+02F7˷759Modifier Letter Low Tilde
U+02F8˸760Modifier Letter Raised Colon
U+02F9˹761Modifier Letter Begin High Tone
U+02FA˺762Modifier Letter End High Tone
U+02FB˻763Modifier Letter Begin Low Tone
U+02FC˼764Modifier Letter End Low Tone
U+02FD˽765Modifier Letter Shelf
U+02FE˾766Modifier Letter Open Shelf
U+02FF˿767Modifier Letter Low Left Arrow
CodeGlyphDecimalDescriptionMES-2 Rationale

Phonetic Extensions

Combining marks

See main article: Combining character.

U+0300    ̀ 768 Combining Grave Accent
U+0301    ́ 769 Combining Acute Accent
U+0302    ̂ 770 Combining Circumflex Accent
U+0303    ̃ 771 Combining Tilde
U+0304    ̄ 772 Combining Macron
U+0305    ̅ 773 Combining Overline
U+0306    ̆ 774 Combining Breve
U+0307    ̇ 775 Combining Dot Above
U+0308    ̈ 776 Combining Diaeresis
U+0309    ̉ 777 Combining Hook Above
U+030A    ̊ 778 Combining Ring Above
U+030B    ̋ 779 Combining Double Acute Accent
U+030C    ̌ 780 Combining Caron
U+030D    ̍ 781 Combining Vertical Line Above
U+030E    ̎ 782 Combining Double Vertical Line Above
U+030F    ̏ 783 Combining Double Grave Accent
U+0310    ̐ 784 Combining Candrabindu
U+0311    ̑ 785 Combining Inverted Breve
U+0312    ̒ 786 Combining Turned Comma Above
U+0313    ̓ 787 Combining Comma Above
U+0314    ̔ 788 Combining Reversed Comma Above
U+0315    ̕ 789 Combining Comma Above Right
U+0316    ̖ 790 Combining Grave Accent Below
U+0317    ̗ 791 Combining Acute Accent Below
U+0318    ̘ 792 Combining Left Tack Below
U+0319    ̙ 793 Combining Right Tack Below
U+031A    ̚ 794 Combining Left Angle Above
U+031B    ̛ 795 Combining Horn
U+031C    ̜ 796 Combining Left Half Ring Below
U+031D    ̝ 797 Combining Up Tack Below
U+031E    ̞ 798 Combining Down Tack Below
U+031F    ̟ 799 Combining Plus Sign Below
U+0320    ̠ 800 Combining Minus Sign Below
U+0321    ̡ 801 Combining Palatalized Hook Below
U+0322    ̢ 802 Combining Retroflex Hook Below
U+0323    ̣ 803 Combining Dot Below
U+0324    ̤ 804 Combining Diaeresis Below
U+0325    ̥ 805 Combining Ring Below
U+0326    ̦ 806 Combining Comma Below
U+0327    ̧ 807 Combining Cedilla
U+0328    ̨ 808 Combining Ogonek
U+0329    ̩ 809 Combining Vertical Line Below
U+032A    ̪ 810 Combining Bridge Below
U+032B    ̫ 811 Combining Inverted Double Arch Below
U+032C    ̬ 812 Combining Caron Below
U+032D    ̭ 813 Combining Circumflex Accent Below
U+032E    ̮ 814 Combining Breve Below
U+032F    ̯ 815 Combining Inverted Breve Below
U+0330    ̰ 816 Combining Tilde Below
U+0331    ̱ 817 Combining Macron Below
U+0332    ̲ 818 Combining Low Line
U+0333    ̳ 819 Combining Double Low Line
U+0334    ̴ 820 Combining Tilde Overlay
U+0335    ̵ 821 Combining Short Stroke Overlay
U+0336    ̶ 822 Combining Long Stroke Overlay
U+0337    ̷ 823 Combining Short Solidus Overlay
U+0338    ̸ 824 Combining Long Solidus Overlay
U+0339    ̹ 825 Combining Right Half Ring Below
U+033A    ̺ 826 Combining Inverted Bridge Below
U+033B    ̻ 827 Combining Square Below
U+033C    ̼ 828 Combining Seagull Below
U+033D    ̽ 829 Combining X Above
U+033E    ̾ 830 Combining Vertical Tilde
U+033F    ̿ 831 Combining Double Overline
U+0340    ̀ 832 Combining Grave Tone Mark
U+0341    ́ 833 Combining Acute Tone Mark
U+0342    ͂ 834 Combining Greek Perispomeni
U+0343    ̓ 835 Combining Greek Koronis
U+0344    ̈́ 836 Combining Greek Dialytika Tonos
U+0345    ͅ 837 Combining Greek Ypogegrammeni
U+0346    ͆ 838 Combining Bridge Above
U+0347    ͇ 839 Combining Equals Sign Below
U+0348    ͈ 840 Combining Double Vertical Line Below
U+0349    ͉ 841 Combining Left Angle Below
U+034A    ͊ 842 Combining Not Tilde Above
U+034B    ͋ 843 Combining Homothetic Above
U+034C    ͌ 844 Combining Almost Equal To Above
U+034D    ͍ 845 Combining Left Right Arrow Below
U+034E    ͎ 846 Combining Upwards Arrow Below
U+034F    ͏ 847 Combining Grapheme Joiner
U+0350    ͐ 848 Combining Right Arrowhead Above
U+0351    ͑ 849 Combining Left Half Ring Above
U+0352    ͒ 850 Combining Fermata
U+0353    ͓ 851 Combining X Below
U+0354    ͔ 852 Combining Left Arrowhead Below
U+0355    ͕ 853 Combining Right Arrowhead Below
U+0356    ͖ 854 Combining Right Arrowhead And Up Arrowhead Below
U+0357    ͗ 855 Combining Right Half Ring Above
U+0358    ͘ 856 Combining Dot Above Right
U+0359    ͙ 857 Combining Asterisk Below
U+035A    ͚ 858 Combining Double Ring Below
U+035B    ͛ 859 Combining Zigzag Above
U+035C    ͜ 860 Combining Double Breve Below
U+035D    ͝ 861 Combining Double Breve
U+035E    ͞ 862 Combining Double Macron
U+035F    ͟ 863 Combining Double Macron Below
U+0360    ͠ 864 Combining Double Tilde
U+0361    ͡ 865 Combining Double Inverted Breve
U+0362    ͢ 866 Combining Double Rightwards Arrow Below
U+0363    ͣ 867 Combining Latin Small Letter A
U+0364    ͤ 868 Combining Latin Small Letter E
U+0365    ͥ 869 Combining Latin Small Letter I
U+0366    ͦ 870 Combining Latin Small Letter O
U+0367    ͧ 871 Combining Latin Small Letter U
U+0368    ͨ 872 Combining Latin Small Letter C
U+0369    ͩ 873 Combining Latin Small Letter D
U+036A    ͪ 874 Combining Latin Small Letter H
U+036B    ͫ 875 Combining Latin Small Letter M
U+036C    ͬ 876 Combining Latin Small Letter R
U+036D    ͭ 877 Combining Latin Small Letter T
U+036E    ͮ 878 Combining Latin Small Letter V
U+036F    ͯ 879 Combining Latin Small Letter X

Greek and Coptic

See main article: Greek and Coptic (Unicode block).

See also: Coptic (Unicode block) and Coptic Epact Numbers. 144 code points; 135 assigned characters; 85 in the MES-2 subset.

U+0370Ͱ880Greek Capital Letter Heta·
U+0371ͱ881Greek Small Letter Heta
U+0372Ͳ882Greek Capital Letter Archaic Sampi
U+0373ͳ883Greek Small Letter Archaic Sampi
U+0374ʹ884Greek Numeral Sign0371
U+0375͵885Greek Lower Numeral Sign0372
U+0376Ͷ886Greek Capital Letter Pamphylian Digamma·
U+0377ͷ887Greek Small Letter Pamphylian Digamma
U+037Aͺ890Greek Ypogegrammeni0373
U+037Bͻ891Greek Small Reversed Lunate Sigma Symbol·
U+037Cͼ892Greek Small Dotted Lunate Sigma Symbol
U+037Dͽ893Greek Small Reversed Dotted Lunate Sigma Symbol
U+037E894Greek Question Mark0374
U+037FͿ895Greek Capital Letter Yot·
U+0384΄900Greek acute accent (tonos)0375
U+0385΅901Greek diaeresis with acute accent0376
U+0386Ά902Greek Capital Letter A with acute accent0377
U+0387·903Greek Ano Teleia0378
U+0388Έ904Greek Capital Letter Epsilon with acute accent0379
U+0389Ή905Greek Capital Letter Eta with acute accent0380
U+038AΊ906Greek Capital Letter Iota with acute accent0381
U+038CΌ908Greek Capital Letter Omicron with acute accent0382
U+038EΎ910Greek Capital Letter Upsilon with acute accent0383
U+038FΏ911Greek Capital Letter Omega with acute accent0384
U+0390ΐ912Greek Small Letter Iota with diaeresis and acute accent0385
U+0391Α913Greek Capital Letter Alpha0386
U+0392Β914Greek Capital Letter Beta0387
U+0393Γ915Greek Capital Letter Gamma0388
U+0394Δ916Greek Capital Letter Delta0389
U+0395Ε917Greek Capital Letter Epsilon0390
U+0396Ζ918Greek Capital Letter Zeta0391
U+0397Η919Greek Capital Letter Eta0392
U+0398Θ920Greek Capital Letter Theta0393
U+0399Ι921Greek Capital Letter Iota0394
U+039AΚ922Greek Capital Letter Kappa0395
U+039BΛ923Greek Capital Letter Lambda0396
U+039CΜ924Greek Capital Letter Mu0397
U+039DΝ925Greek Capital Letter Nu0398
U+039EΞ926Greek Capital Letter Xi0399
U+039FΟ927Greek Capital Letter Omicron0400
U+03A0Π928Greek Capital Letter Pi0401
U+03A1Ρ929Greek Capital Letter Rho0402
U+03A3Σ931Greek Capital Letter Sigma0403
U+03A4Τ932Greek Capital Letter Tau0404
U+03A5Υ933Greek Capital Letter Upsilon0405
U+03A6Φ934Greek Capital Letter Phi0406
U+03A7Χ935Greek Capital Letter Chi0407
U+03A8Ψ936Greek Capital Letter Psi0408
U+03A9Ω937Greek Capital Letter Omega0409
U+03AAΪ938Greek Capital Letter Iota with diaeresis0410
U+03ABΫ939Greek Capital Letter Upsilon with diaeresis0411
U+03ACά940Greek Small Letter Alpha with acute accent0412
U+03ADέ941Greek Small Letter Epsilon with acute accent0413
U+03AEή942Greek Small Letter Eta with acute accent0414
U+03AFί943Greek Small Letter Iota with acute accent0415
U+03B0ΰ944Greek Small Letter Upsilon with diaeresis and acute accent0416
U+03B1α945Greek Small Letter Alpha0417
U+03B2β946Greek Small Letter Beta0418
U+03B3γ947Greek Small Letter Gamma0419
U+03B4δ948Greek Small Letter Delta0420
U+03B5ε949Greek Small Letter Epsilon0421
U+03B6ζ950Greek Small Letter Zeta0422
U+03B7η951Greek Small Letter Eta0423
U+03B8θ952Greek Small Letter Theta0424
U+03B9ι953Greek Small Letter Iota0425
U+03BAκ954Greek Small Letter Kappa0426
U+03BBλ955Greek Small Letter Lambda0427
U+03BCμ956Greek Small Letter Mu0428
U+03BDν957Greek Small Letter Nu0429
U+03BEξ958Greek Small Letter Xi0430
U+03BFο959Greek Small Letter Omicron0431
U+03C0π960Greek Small Letter Pi0432
U+03C1ρ961Greek Small Letter Rho0433
U+03C2ς962Greek Small Letter Final Sigma0434
U+03C3σ963Greek Small Letter Sigma0435
U+03C4τ964Greek Small Letter Tau0436
U+03C5υ965Greek Small Letter Upsilon0437
U+03C6φ966Greek Small Letter Phi0438
U+03C7χ967Greek Small Letter Chi0439
U+03C8ψ968Greek Small Letter Psi0440
U+03C9ω969Greek Small Letter Omega0441
U+03CAϊ970Greek Small Letter Iota with diaeresis0442
U+03CBϋ971Greek Small Letter Upsilon with diaeresis0443
U+03CCό972Greek Small Letter Omicron with acute accent0444
U+03CDύ973Greek Small Letter Upsilon with acute accent0445
U+03CEώ974Greek Small Letter Omega with acute accent0446
U+03CFϏ975Greek Capital Kai Symbol·
U+03D0ϐ976Greek Beta Symbol·
U+03D1ϑ977Greek Theta Symbol
U+03D2ϒ978Greek Upsilon with hook Symbol
U+03D3ϓ979Greek Upsilon with acute and hook Symbol
U+03D4ϔ980Greek Upsilon with diaeresis and hook Symbol
U+03D5ϕ981Greek Phi Symbol
U+03D6ϖ982Greek Pi Symbol
U+03D7ϗ983Greek Kai Symbol0447
U+03D8Ϙ984Greek Letter Qoppa·
U+03D9ϙ985Greek Small Letter Qoppa
U+03DAϚ986Greek Letter Stigma0448
U+03DBϛ987Greek Small Letter Stigma0449
U+03DCϜ988Greek Letter Digamma0450
U+03DDϝ989Greek Small Letter Digamma0451
U+03DEϞ990Greek Letter Koppa0452
U+03DFϟ991Greek Small Letter Koppa0453
U+03E0Ϡ992Greek Letter Sampi0454
U+03E1ϡ993Greek Small Letter Sampi0455
U+03E2Ϣ994Coptic Capital Letter Shei·
U+03E3ϣ995Coptic Small Letter Shei
U+03E4Ϥ996Coptic Capital Letter Fei
U+03E5ϥ997Coptic Small Letter Fei
U+03E6Ϧ998Coptic Capital Letter Khei
U+03E7ϧ999Coptic Small Letter Khei
U+03E8Ϩ1000Coptic Capital Letter Hori
U+03E9ϩ1001Coptic Small Letter Hori
U+03EAϪ1002Coptic Capital Letter Gangia
U+03EBϫ1003Coptic Small Letter Gangia
U+03ECϬ1004Coptic Capital Letter Shima
U+03EDϭ1005Coptic Small Letter Shima
U+03EEϮ1006Coptic Capital Letter Dei
U+03EFϯ1007Coptic Small Letter Dei
U+03F0ϰ1008Greek Kappa Symbol
U+03F1ϱ1009Greek Rho Symbol
U+03F2ϲ1010Greek Lunate Sigma Symbol
U+03F3ϳ1011Greek Letter Yot
U+03F4ϴ1012Greek Capital Theta Symbol
U+03F5ϵ1013Greek Lunate Epsilon Symbol
U+03F6϶1014Greek Reversed Lunate Epsilon Symbol
U+03F7Ϸ1015Greek Capital Sho
U+03F8ϸ1016Greek Small Letter Sho
U+03F9Ϲ1017Greek Capital Lunate Sigma Symbol
U+03FAϺ1018Greek Capital San
U+03FBϻ1019Greek Small Letter San
U+03FCϼ1020Greek Rho with stroke Symbol
U+03FDϽ1021Greek Capital Reversed Lunate Sigma Symbol
U+03FEϾ1022Greek Capital Dotted Lunate Sigma Symbol
U+03FFϿ1023Greek Capital Reversed Dotted Lunate Sigma Symbol

Greek Extended

See main article: Greek Extended (Unicode block). For polytonic orthography. 256 code points; 233 assigned characters, all in the MES-2 subset (#670 – 902).


See main article: Cyrillic script in Unicode and Cyrillic (Unicode block).

See also: Glagolitic (Unicode block). 256 characters; 191 in the MES-2 subset.

U+0400ЀCyrillic Capital Letter Ie with grave0456
U+0401ЁCyrillic Capital Letter Io0457
U+0402ЂCyrillic Capital Letter Dje0458
U+0403ЃCyrillic Capital Letter Gje0459
U+0404ЄCyrillic Capital Letter Ukrainian Ie0460
U+0405ЅCyrillic Capital Letter Dze0461
U+0406ІCyrillic Capital Letter Byelorussian-Ukrainian I0462
U+0407ЇCyrillic Capital Letter Yi0463
U+0408ЈCyrillic Capital Letter Je0464
U+0409ЉCyrillic Capital Letter Lje0465
U+040AЊCyrillic Capital Letter Nje0466
U+040BЋCyrillic Capital Letter Tshe0467
U+040CЌCyrillic Capital Letter Kje0468
U+040DЍCyrillic Capital Letter I with grave0469
U+040EЎCyrillic Capital Letter Short U0470
U+040FЏCyrillic Capital Letter Dzhe0471
U+0410АCyrillic Capital Letter A0472
U+0411БCyrillic Capital Letter Be0473
U+0412ВCyrillic Capital Letter Ve0474
U+0413ГCyrillic Capital Letter Ghe0475
U+0414ДCyrillic Capital Letter De0476
U+0415ЕCyrillic Capital Letter Ie0477
U+0416ЖCyrillic Capital Letter Zhe0478
U+0417ЗCyrillic Capital Letter Ze0479
U+0418ИCyrillic Capital Letter I0480
U+0419ЙCyrillic Capital Letter Short I0481
U+041AКCyrillic Capital Letter Ka0482
U+041BЛCyrillic Capital Letter El0483
U+041CМCyrillic Capital Letter Em0484
U+041DНCyrillic Capital Letter En0485
U+041EОCyrillic Capital Letter O0486
U+041FПCyrillic Capital Letter Pe0487
U+0420РCyrillic Capital Letter Er0488
U+0421СCyrillic Capital Letter Es0489
U+0422ТCyrillic Capital Letter Te0490
U+0423УCyrillic Capital Letter U0491
U+0424ФCyrillic Capital Letter Ef0492
U+0425ХCyrillic Capital Letter Ha0493
U+0426ЦCyrillic Capital Letter Tse0494
U+0427ЧCyrillic Capital Letter Che0495
U+0428ШCyrillic Capital Letter Sha0496
U+0429ЩCyrillic Capital Letter Shcha0497
U+042AЪCyrillic Capital Letter Hard Sign0498
U+042BЫCyrillic Capital Letter Yeru0499
U+042CЬCyrillic Capital Letter Soft Sign0500
U+042DЭCyrillic Capital Letter E0501
U+042EЮCyrillic Capital Letter Yu0502
U+042FЯCyrillic Capital Letter Ya0503
U+0430аCyrillic Small Letter A0504
U+0431бCyrillic Small Letter Be0505
U+0432вCyrillic Small Letter Ve0506
U+0433гCyrillic Small Letter Ghe0507
U+0434дCyrillic Small Letter De0508
U+0435еCyrillic Small Letter Ie0509
U+0436жCyrillic Small Letter Zhe0510
U+0437зCyrillic Small Letter Ze0511
U+0438иCyrillic Small Letter I0512
U+0439йCyrillic Small Letter Short I0513
U+043AкCyrillic Small Letter Ka0514
U+043BлCyrillic Small Letter El0515
U+043CмCyrillic Small Letter Em0516
U+043DнCyrillic Small Letter En0517
U+043EоCyrillic Small Letter O0518
U+043FпCyrillic Small Letter Pe0519
U+0440рCyrillic Small Letter Er0520
U+0441сCyrillic Small Letter Es0521
U+0442тCyrillic Small Letter Te0522
U+0443уCyrillic Small Letter U0523
U+0444фCyrillic Small Letter Ef0524
U+0445хCyrillic Small Letter Ha0525
U+0446цCyrillic Small Letter Tse0526
U+0447чCyrillic Small Letter Che0527
U+0448шCyrillic Small Letter Sha0528
U+0449щCyrillic Small Letter Shcha0529
U+044AъCyrillic Small Letter Hard Sign0530
U+044BыCyrillic Small Letter Yeru0531
U+044CьCyrillic Small Letter Soft Sign0532
U+044DэCyrillic Small Letter E0533
U+044EюCyrillic Small Letter Yu0534
U+044FяCyrillic Small Letter Ya0535
U+0450ѐCyrillic Small Letter Ie with grave0536
U+0451ёCyrillic Small Letter Io0537
U+0452ђCyrillic Small Letter Dje0538
U+0453ѓCyrillic Small Letter Gje0539
U+0454єCyrillic Small Letter Ukrainian Ie0540
U+0455ѕCyrillic Small Letter Dze0541
U+0456іCyrillic Small Letter Byelorussian-Ukrainian I0542
U+0457їCyrillic Small Letter Yi0543
U+0458јCyrillic Small Letter Je0544
U+0459љCyrillic Small Letter Lje0545
U+045AњCyrillic Small Letter Nje0546
U+045BћCyrillic Small Letter Tshe0547
U+045CќCyrillic Small Letter Kje0548
U+045DѝCyrillic Small Letter I with grave0549
U+045EўCyrillic Small Letter Short U0550
U+045FџCyrillic Small Letter Dzhe0551
U+0460ѠCyrillic Capital Letter Omega·
U+0461ѡCyrillic Small Letter Omega
U+0462ѢCyrillic Capital Letter Yat
U+0463ѣCyrillic Small Letter Yat
U+0464ѤCyrillic Capital Letter Iotified E
U+0465ѥCyrillic Small Letter Iotified E
U+0466ѦCyrillic Capital Letter Little Yus
U+0467ѧCyrillic Small Letter Little Yus
U+0468ѨCyrillic Capital Letter Iotified Little Yus
U+0469ѩCyrillic Small Letter Iotified Little Yus
U+046AѪCyrillic Capital Letter Big Yus
U+046BѫCyrillic Small Letter Big Yus
U+046CѬCyrillic Capital Letter Iotified Big Yus
U+046DѭCyrillic Small Letter Iotified Big Yus
U+046EѮCyrillic Capital Letter Ksi
U+046FѯCyrillic Small Letter Ksi
U+0470ѰCyrillic Capital Letter Psi
U+0471ѱCyrillic Small Letter Psi
U+0472ѲCyrillic Capital Letter Fita
U+0473ѳCyrillic Small Letter Fita
U+0474ѴCyrillic Capital Letter Izhitsa
U+0475ѵCyrillic Small Letter Izhitsa
U+0476ѶCyrillic Capital Letter Izhitsa with double grave accent
U+0477ѷCyrillic Small Letter Izhitsa with double grave accent
U+0478ѸCyrillic Capital Letter Uk
U+0479ѹCyrillic Small Letter Uk
U+047AѺCyrillic Capital Letter Round Omega
U+047BѻCyrillic Small Letter Round Omega
U+047CѼCyrillic Capital Letter Omega with Titlo
U+047DѽCyrillic Small Letter Omega with Titlo
U+047EѾCyrillic Capital Letter Ot
U+047FѿCyrillic Small Letter Ot
U+0480ҀCyrillic Capital Letter Koppa
U+0481ҁCyrillic Small Letter Koppa
U+0482҂Cyrillic Thousands Sign
U+0483&nbsp;҃Combining Cyrillic Titlo
U+0484&nbsp;҄Combining Cyrillic Palatalization
U+0485&nbsp;҅Combining Cyrillic Dasia Pneumata
U+0486&nbsp;҆Combining Cyrillic Psili Pneumata
U+0487&nbsp;҇Combining Cyrillic Pokrytie
U+0488 ҈Combining Cyrillic Hundred Thousands Sign
U+0489 ҉Combining Cyrillic Millions Sign
U+048AҊCyrillic Capital Letter Short I with tail
U+048BҋCyrillic Small Letter Short I with tail
U+048CҌCyrillic Capital Letter Semisoft Sign
U+048DҍCyrillic Small Letter Semisoft Sign
U+048EҎCyrillic Capital Letter Er with tick
U+048FҏCyrillic Small Letter Er with tick
U+0490ҐCyrillic Capital Letter Ghe with upturn0552
U+0491ґCyrillic Small Letter Ghe with upturn0553
U+0492ҒCyrillic Capital Letter Ghe with stroke0554
U+0493ғCyrillic Small Letter Ghe with stroke0555
U+0494ҔCyrillic Capital Letter Ghe with middle hook0556
U+0495ҕCyrillic Small Letter Ghe with middle hook0557
U+0496ҖCyrillic Capital Letter Zhe with descender0558
U+0497җCyrillic Small Letter Zhe with descender0559
U+0498ҘCyrillic Capital Letter Ze with descender0560
U+0499ҙCyrillic Small Letter Ze with descender0561
U+049AҚCyrillic Capital Letter Ka with descender0562
U+049BқCyrillic Small Letter Ka with descender0563
U+049CҜCyrillic Capital Letter Ka with vertical stroke0564
U+049DҝCyrillic Small Letter Ka with vertical stroke0565
U+049EҞCyrillic Capital Letter Ka with stroke0566
U+049FҟCyrillic Small Letter Ka with stroke0567
U+04A0ҠCyrillic Capital Letter Bashkir Ka0568
U+04A1ҡCyrillic Small Letter Bashkir Ka0569
U+04A2ҢCyrillic Capital Letter En with descender0570
U+04A3ңCyrillic Small Letter En with descender0571
U+04A4ҤCyrillic Capital Ligature En Ghe0572
U+04A5ҥCyrillic Small Ligature En Ghe0573
U+04A6ҦCyrillic Capital Letter Pe with middle hook0574
U+04A7ҧCyrillic Small Letter Pe with middle hook0575
U+04A8ҨCyrillic Capital Letter Abkhazian Ha0576
U+04A9ҩCyrillic Small Letter Abkhazian Ha0577
U+04AAҪCyrillic Capital Letter Es with descender0578
U+04ABҫCyrillic Small Letter Es with descender0579
U+04ACҬCyrillic Capital Letter Te with descender0580
U+04ADҭCyrillic Small Letter Te with descender0581
U+04AEҮCyrillic Capital Letter Straight U0582
U+04AFүCyrillic Small Letter Straight U0583
U+04B0ҰCyrillic Capital Letter Straight U with stroke0584
U+04B1ұCyrillic Small Letter Straight U with stroke0585
U+04B2ҲCyrillic Capital Letter Ha with descender0586
U+04B3ҳCyrillic Small Letter Ha with descender0587
U+04B4ҴCyrillic Capital Ligature Te Tse0588
U+04B5ҵCyrillic Small Ligature Te Tse0589
U+04B6ҶCyrillic Capital Letter Che with descender0590
U+04B7ҷCyrillic Small Letter Che with descender0591
U+04B8ҸCyrillic Capital Letter Che with vertical stroke0592
U+04B9ҹCyrillic Small Letter Che with vertical stroke0593
U+04BAҺCyrillic Capital Letter Shha0594
U+04BBһCyrillic Small Letter Shha0595
U+04BCҼCyrillic Capital Letter Abkhazian Che0596
U+04BDҽCyrillic Small Letter Abkhazian Che0597
U+04BEҾCyrillic Capital Letter Abkhazian Che with descender0598
U+04BFҿCyrillic Small Letter Abkhazian Che with descender0599
U+04C0ӀCyrillic Letter Palochka0600
U+04C1ӁCyrillic Capital Letter Zhe with breve0601
U+04C2ӂCyrillic Small Letter Zhe with breve0602
U+04C3ӃCyrillic Capital Letter Ka with hook0603
U+04C4ӄCyrillic Small Letter Ka with hook0604
U+04C5ӅCyrillic Capital Letter El with tail·
U+04C6ӆCyrillic Small Letter El with tail
U+04C7ӇCyrillic Capital Letter En with hook0605
U+04C8ӈCyrillic Small Letter En with hook0606
U+04C9ӉCyrillic Capital Letter En with tail·
U+04CAӊCyrillic Small Letter En with tail
U+04CBӋCyrillic Capital Letter Khakassian Che0607
U+04CCӌCyrillic Small Letter Khakassian Che0608
U+04CDӍCyrillic Capital Letter Em with tail·
U+04CEӎCyrillic Small Letter Em with tail
U+04CFӏCyrillic Small Letter Palochka
U+04D0ӐCyrillic Capital Letter A with breve0609
U+04D1ӑCyrillic Small Letter A with breve0610
U+04D2ӒCyrillic Capital Letter A with diaeresis0611
U+04D3ӓCyrillic Small Letter A with diaeresis0612
U+04D4ӔCyrillic Capital Ligature A Ie0613
U+04D5ӕCyrillic Small Ligature A Ie0614
U+04D6ӖCyrillic Capital Letter Ie with breve0615
U+04D7ӗCyrillic Small Letter Ie with breve0616
U+04D8ӘCyrillic Capital Letter Schwa0617
U+04D9әCyrillic Small Letter Schwa0618
U+04DAӚCyrillic Capital Letter Schwa with diaeresis0619
U+04DBӛCyrillic Small Letter Schwa with diaeresis0620
U+04DCӜCyrillic Capital Letter Zhe with diaeresis0621
U+04DDӝCyrillic Small Letter Zhe with diaeresis0622
U+04DEӞCyrillic Capital Letter Ze with diaeresis0623
U+04DFӟCyrillic Small Letter Ze with diaeresis0624
U+04E0ӠCyrillic Capital Letter Abkhazian Dze0625
U+04E1ӡCyrillic Small Letter Abkhazian Dze0626
U+04E2ӢCyrillic Capital Letter I with macron0627
U+04E3ӣCyrillic Small Letter I with macron0628
U+04E4ӤCyrillic Capital Letter I with diaeresis0629
U+04E5ӥCyrillic Small Letter I with diaeresis0630
U+04E6ӦCyrillic Capital Letter O with diaeresis0631
U+04E7ӧCyrillic Small Letter O with diaeresis0632
U+04E8ӨCyrillic Capital Letter Barred O0633
U+04E9өCyrillic Small Letter Barred O0634
U+04EAӪCyrillic Capital Letter Barred O with diaeresis0635
U+04EBӫCyrillic Small Letter Barred O with diaeresis0636
U+04ECӬCyrillic Capital Letter E with diaeresis·
U+04EDӭCyrillic Small Letter E with diaeresis
U+04EEӮCyrillic Capital Letter U with macron0637
U+04EFӯCyrillic Small Letter U with macron0638
U+04F0ӰCyrillic Capital Letter U with diaeresis0639
U+04F1ӱCyrillic Small Letter U with diaeresis0640
U+04F2ӲCyrillic Capital Letter U with double acute0641
U+04F3ӳCyrillic Small Letter U with double acute0642
U+04F4ӴCyrillic Capital Letter Che with diaeresis0643
U+04F5ӵCyrillic Small Letter Che with diaeresis0644
U+04F6ӶCyrillic Capital Letter Ghe with descender·
U+04F7ӷCyrillic Small Letter Ghe with descender
U+04F8ӸCyrillic Capital Letter Yeru with diaeresis0645
U+04F9ӹCyrillic Small Letter Yeru with diaeresis0646
U+04FAӺCyrillic Capital Letter Ghe with stroke and hook·
U+04FBӻCyrillic Small Letter Ghe with stroke and hook
U+04FCӼCyrillic Capital Letter Ha with hook
U+04FDӽCyrillic Small Letter Ha with hook
U+04FEӾCyrillic Capital Letter Ha with stroke
U+04FFӿCyrillic Small Letter Ha with stroke

Cyrillic supplements


See main article: Armenian (Unicode block).

Semitic languages


See main article: Arabic script in Unicode, including the Persian alphabet, Kurdish alphabets and Jawi alphabet.


See main article: Unicode and HTML for the Hebrew alphabet.


See main article: Syriac (Unicode block).

See also: Syriac Supplement (Unicode block).




See main article: Thaana (Unicode block).

Brahmic (Indic) scripts

The range from U+0900 to U+0DFF includes Devanagari, Bengali script, Gurmukhi, Gujarati script, Odia alphabet, Tamil script, Telugu script, Kannada script, Malayalam script, and Sinhala script.


Bengali and Assamese


-- "and Assames" is correct. According to (under "South Asian Scripts"), the section is titled "Bengali and Assamese". The title of the article linked ( is "Bengali" but it contains a section called "Additions for Assamese"09F0 ৰ BENGALI LETTER RA WITH MIDDLE DIAGONAL= Assamese letter ra09F1 ৱ BENGALI LETTER RA WITH LOWER DIAGONAL= Assamese letter wa= bengali letter va with lower diagonal (1.0).-->

See main article: Bengali (Unicode block).


See main article: Gurmukhi (Unicode block).


See main article: Gujarati (Unicode block).


See main article: Oriya (Unicode block).


See main article: Tamil (Unicode block).

See also: Tamil Supplement (Unicode block).


See main article: Telugu (Unicode block).


See main article: Kannada (Unicode block).


See main article: Malayalam (Unicode block).


See main article: Sinhala (Unicode block).

See also: Sinhala Archaic Numbers (Unicode block).

Other Brahmic scripts

Other Brahmic and Indic scripts in Unicode include:

Other South and Central Asian writing systems

Southeast Asian writing systems


See main article: Georgian (Unicode block).

See also: Georgian Extended and Georgian Supplement.

African scripts

Ge'ez/Ethiopic script

Other African scripts

American scripts

Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics

See main article: Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics (Unicode block).

See also: Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics Extended and Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics Extended-A.

Other American scripts


See main article: Mongolian (Unicode block).

See also: Mongolian Supplement (Unicode block).

Unicode symbols

See main article: Unicode symbols.

U+2013En dash0903
U+2014Em dash0904
U+2015Horizontal bar0905
U+2017Double low line0906
U+2018Left single quotation mark0907
U+2019Right single quotation mark0908
U+201ASingle low-9 quotation mark0909
U+201BSingle high-reversed-9 quotation mark0910
U+201CLeft double quotation mark0911
U+201DRight double quotation mark0912
U+201EDouble low-9 quotation mark0913
U+2021Double dagger0915
U+2026Horizontal ellipsis0917
U+2030Per mille sign0918
U+2033Double prime0920
U+2039Single left-pointing angle quotation mark0921
U+203ASingle right-pointing angle quotation mark0922
U+203CDouble exclamation mark0923
U+2044Fraction slash0925
U+204ATironian et sign0926

General Punctuation

See main article: General Punctuation (Unicode block).

See also: Supplemental Punctuation. 112 code points; 111 assigned characters; 24 in the MES-2 subset.

Superscripts and Subscripts

See main article: Superscripts and Subscripts (Unicode block).

Currency Symbols

See main article: Currency Symbols (Unicode block).

Letterlike Symbols

See main article: Letterlike Symbols (Unicode block).

Number Forms

See main article: Number Forms (Unicode block).


See main article: Arrow (symbol) and Arrows (Unicode block).

Mathematical symbols

See main article: Mathematical operators and symbols in Unicode and Mathematical Operators (Unicode block).

Miscellaneous Technical

See main article: Miscellaneous Technical (Unicode block).

Control Pictures

See main article: Control Pictures (Unicode block).

Optical Character Recognition

See main article: Optical Character Recognition (Unicode block).

Enclosed Alphanumerics

See main article: Enclosed Alphanumerics (Unicode block).

See also: Enclosed Alphanumeric Supplement.

Box Drawing

See main article: Box Drawing.

Block Elements

See main article: Block Elements (Unicode block).

See also: Box-drawing character.

U+2580Upper half block
U+2581Lower one eighth block
U+2582Lower one quarter block
U+2583Lower three eighths block
U+2584Lower half block
U+2585Lower five eighths block
U+2586Lower three quarters block
U+2587Lower seven eighths block
U+2588Full block
U+2589Left seven eighths block
U+258ALeft three quarters block
U+258BLeft five eighths block
U+258CLeft half block
U+258DLeft three eighths block
U+258ELeft one quarter block
U+258FLeft one eighth block
U+2590Right half block
U+2591Light shade
U+2592Medium shade
U+2593Dark shade
U+2594Upper one eighth block
U+2595Right one eighth block
U+2596Quadrant lower left
U+2597Quadrant lower right
U+2598Quadrant upper left
U+2599Quadrant upper left and lower left and lower right
U+259AQuadrant upper left and lower right
U+259BQuadrant upper left and upper right and lower left
U+259CQuadrant upper left and upper right and lower right
U+259DQuadrant upper right
U+259EQuadrant upper right and lower left
U+259FQuadrant upper right and lower left and lower right

Geometric Shapes

See main article: Geometric Shapes (Unicode block) and Geometric Shapes Extended (Unicode block).

U+25A0Black square
U+25A1White square
U+25A2White square with rounded corners
U+25A3White square containing small black square
U+25A4Square with horizontal fill
U+25A5Square with vertical fill
U+25A6Square with orthogonal crosshatch fill
U+25A7Square with upper left to lower right fill
U+25A8Square with upper right to lower left fill
U+25A9Square with diagonal crosshatch fill
U+25AABlack small square
U+25ABWhite small square
U+25ACBlack rectangle
U+25ADWhite rectangle
U+25AEBlack vertical rectangle
U+25AFWhite vertical rectangle
U+25B0Black parallelogram
U+25B1White parallelogram
U+25B2Black up-pointing triangle
U+25B3White up-pointing triangle
U+25B4Black up-pointing small triangle
U+25B5White up-pointing small triangle
U+25B6Black right-pointing triangle
U+25B7White right-pointing triangle
U+25B8Black right-pointing small triangle
U+25B9White right-pointing small triangle
U+25BABlack right-pointing pointer
U+25BBWhite right-pointing pointer
U+25BCBlack down-pointing triangle
U+25BDWhite down-pointing triangle
U+25BEBlack down-pointing small triangle
U+25BFWhite down-pointing small triangle
U+25C0Black left-pointing triangle
U+25C1White left-pointing triangle
U+25C2Black left-pointing small triangle
U+25C3White left-pointing small triangle
U+25C4Black left-pointing pointer
U+25C5White left-pointing pointer
U+25C6Black diamond
U+25C7White diamond
U+25C8White diamond containing small black diamond
U+25CBWhite circle
U+25CCDotted circle
U+25CDCircle with vertical fill
U+25CFBlack circle
U+25D0Circle with left half black
U+25D1Circle with right half black
U+25D2Circle with lower half black
U+25D3Circle with upper half black
U+25D4Circle with upper right quadrant black
U+25D5Circle with all but upper left quadrant black
U+25D6Left half circle black
U+25D7Right half black circle
U+25D8Inverse bullet
U+25D9Inverse white circle
U+25DAUpper half inverse white circle
U+25DBLower half inverse white circle
U+25DCUpper left quadrant circular arc
U+25DDUpper right quadrant circular arc
U+25DELower right quadrant circular arc
U+25DFLower left quadrant circular arc
U+25E0Upper half circle
U+25E1Lower half circle
U+25E2Black lower right triangle
U+25E3Black lower left triangle
U+25E4Black upper left triangle
U+25E5Black upper right triangle
U+25E6White bullet
U+25E7Square with left half black
U+25E8Square with right half black
U+25E9Square with upper left diagonal half black
U+25EASquare with lower right diagonal half black
U+25EBWhite square with vertical bisecting line
U+25ECWhite up-pointing triangle with dot
U+25EDUp-pointing triangle with left half black
U+25EEUp-pointing triangle with right half black
U+25EFLarge circle
U+25F0White square with upper left quadrant
U+25F1White square with lower left quadrant
U+25F2White square with lower right quadrant
U+25F3White square with upper right quadrant
U+25F4White circle with upper left quadrant
U+25F5White circle with lower left quadrant
U+25F6White circle with lower right quadrant
U+25F7White circle with upper right quadrant
U+25F8Upper left triangle
U+25F9Upper right triangle
U+25FALower-left triangle
U+25FBWhite medium square
U+25FCBlack medium square
U+25FDWhite medium small square
U+25FEBlack medium small square
U+25FFLower right triangle

Miscellaneous Symbols

See main article: Miscellaneous Symbols (Unicode block).

Symbols for Legacy Computing

See main article: Symbols for Legacy Computing (Unicode block).


See main article: Dingbat.

U+2700Black safety scissors
U+2701Upper blade scissors
U+2702Black scissors
U+2703Lower blade scissors
U+2704White scissors
U+2705White heavy check mark
U+2706Telephone location sign
U+2707Tape drive
U+270ARaised fist
U+270BRaised hand
U+270CVictory hand
U+270DWriting hand
U+270ELower right pencil
U+2710Upper right pencil
U+2711White nib
U+2712Black nib
U+2713Check mark
U+2714Heavy check mark
U+2715Multiplication X
U+2716Heavy multiplication X
U+2717Ballot X
U+2718Heavy ballot X
U+2719Outlined Greek cross
U+271AHeavy Greek cross
U+271BOpen center cross
U+271CHeavy open center cross
U+271DLatin cross
U+271EShadowed white Latin cross
U+271FOutlined Latin cross
U+2720Maltese cross
U+2721Star of David
U+2722Four teardrop-spoked asterisk
U+2723Four balloon-spoked asterisk
U+2724Heavy four balloon-spoked asterisk
U+2725Four club-spoked asterisk
U+2726Black four-pointed star
U+2727White four-pointed star
U+2729Stress outlined white star
U+272ACircled white star
U+272BOpen center black star
U+272CBlack center white star
U+272DOutlined black star
U+272EHeavy outlined black star
U+272FPinwheel star
U+2730Shadowed white star
U+2731Heavy asterisk
U+2732Open center asterisk
U+2733Eight spoked asterisk
U+2734Eight pointed black star
U+2735Eight pointed pinwheel star
U+2736Six pointed black star
U+2737Eight pointed rectilinear black star
U+2738Heavy eight pointed rectilinear black star
U+2739Twelve pointed black star
U+273ASixteen pointed asterisk
U+273BTeardrop spoked asterisk
U+273COpen center teardrop spoked asterisk
U+273DHeavy teardrop spoked asterisk
U+273ESix petalled black and white florette
U+273FBlack florette
U+2740White florette
U+2741Eight petalled outlined black florette
U+2742Circled open center eight pointed star
U+2743Heavy teardrop spoked pinwheel asterisk
U+2745Tight trifoliate snowflake
U+2746Heavy chevron snowflake
U+2748Heavy sparkle
U+2749Balloon spoked asterisk
U+274AEight teardrop spoked propeller asterisk
U+274BHeavy eight teardrop spoked propeller asterisk
U+274CCross mark
U+274DShadowed white circle
U+274ENegative squared cross mark
U+274FLower right drop-shadowed white square
U+2750Upper right drop-shadowed white square
U+2751Lower right shadowed white square
U+2752Upper right shadowed white square
U+2753Black question mark ornament
U+2754White question mark ornament
U+2755White exclamation mark ornament
U+2756Black diamond minus white X
U+2757Heavy exclamation mark symbol
U+2758Light vertical bar
U+2759Medium vertical bar
U+275AHeavy vertical bar
U+275BHeavy single turned comma quotation mark ornament
U+275CHeavy single comma quotation mark ornament
U+275DHeavy double turned comma quotation mark ornament
U+275EHeavy double comma quotation mark ornament
U+275FHeavy low single comma quotation mark ornament
U+2760Heavy low double comma quotation mark ornament
U+2761Curved stem paragraph sign ornament
U+2762Heavy exclamation mark ornament
U+2763Heavy heart exclamation mark ornament
U+2764Heavy black heart
U+2765Rotated heavy black heart bullet
U+2766Floral heart
U+2767Rotated floral heart bullet
U+2768Medium left parenthesis ornament
U+2769Medium right parenthesis ornament
U+276AMedium flattened left parenthesis ornament
U+276BMedium flattened right parenthesis ornament
U+276CMedium left-pointing angle bracket ornament
U+276DMedium right-pointing angle bracket ornament
U+276EHeavy left-pointing angle quotation mark ornament
U+276FHeavy right-pointing angle quotation mark ornament
U+2770Heavy left-pointing angle bracket ornament
U+2771Heavy right-pointing angle bracket ornament
U+2772Light left tortoise shell bracket ornament
U+2773Light right tortoise shell bracket ornament
U+2774Medium left curly bracket ornament
U+2775Medium right curly bracket ornament
U+2776Dingbat negative circled digit one
U+2777Dingbat negative circled digit two
U+2778Dingbat negative circled digit three
U+2779Dingbat negative circled digit four
U+277ADingbat negative circled digit five
U+277BDingbat negative circled digit six
U+277CDingbat negative circled digit seven
U+277DDingbat negative circled digit eight
U+277EDingbat negative circled digit nine
U+277FDingbat negative circled digit ten
U+2780Dingbat circled sans-serif digit one
U+2781Dingbat circled sans-serif digit two
U+2782Dingbat circled sans-serif digit three
U+2783Dingbat circled sans-serif digit four
U+2784Dingbat circled sans-serif digit five
U+2785Dingbat circled sans-serif digit six
U+2786Dingbat circled sans-serif digit seven
U+2787Dingbat circled sans-serif digit eight
U+2788Dingbat circled sans-serif digit nine
U+2789Dingbat circled sans-serif digit ten
U+278ADingbat negative circled sans-serif digit one
U+278BDingbat negative circled sans-serif digit two
U+278CDingbat negative circled sans-serif digit three
U+278DDingbat negative circled sans-serif digit four
U+278EDingbat negative circled sans-serif digit five
U+278FDingbat negative circled sans-serif digit six
U+2790Dingbat negative circled sans-serif digit seven
U+2791Dingbat negative circled sans-serif digit eight
U+2792Dingbat negative circled sans-serif digit nine
U+2793Dingbat negative circled sans-serif digit ten
U+2794Heavy wide-headed rightward arrow
U+2795Heavy plus sign
U+2796Heavy minus sign
U+2797Heavy division sign
U+2798Heavy south east arrow
U+2799Heavy rightward arrow
U+279AHeavy north east arrow
U+279BDrafting point rightward arrow
U+279CHeavy round-tipped rightward arrow
U+279DTriangle-headed rightward arrow
U+279EHeavy triangle-headed rightward arrow
U+279FDashed triangle-headed rightward arrow
U+27A0Heavy dashed triangle-headed rightward arrow
U+27A1Black rightward arrow
U+27A2Three-D top-lighted rightward arrowhead
U+27A3Three-D bottom-lighted rightward arrowhead
U+27A4Black rightward arrowhead
U+27A5Heavy black curved downward and rightward arrow
U+27A6Heavy black curved upward and rightward arrow
U+27A7Squat black rightward arrow
U+27A8Heavy concave-pointed black rightward arrow
U+27A9Right-shaded white rightward arrow
U+27AALeft-shaded white rightward arrow
U+27ABBack-tilted shadowed white rightward arrow
U+27ACFront-tilted shadowed white rightward arrow
U+27ADHeavy lower right-shadowed white rightward arrow
U+27AEHeavy upper right-shadowed white rightward arrow
U+27AFNotched lower right-shadowed white rightward arrow
U+27B0Curly loop
U+27B1Notched upper right-shadowed white rightward arrow
U+27B2Circled heavy white rightward arrow
U+27B3White-feathered rightward arrow
U+27B4Black-feathered south east arrow
U+27B5Black-feathered rightward arrow
U+27B6Black-feathered north east arrow
U+27B7Heavy black-feathered south east arrow
U+27B8Heavy black-feathered rightward arrow
U+27B9Heavy black-feathered north east arrow
U+27BATeardrop-barbed rightward arrow
U+27BBHeavy teardrop-shanked rightward arrow
U+27BCWedge-tailed rightward arrow
U+27BDHeavy wedge-tailed rightward arrow
U+27BEOpen-outlined rightward arrow
U+27BFDouble curly loop

East Asian writing systems

CJK Symbols and Punctuation

See main article: CJK Symbols and Punctuation (Unicode block).

See also: Ideographic Symbols and Punctuation.


See main article: Hiragana (Unicode block).


See main article: Katakana (Unicode block).

See also: Halfwidth and Fullwidth Forms (Unicode block).


See main article: Bopomofo (Unicode block).

See also: Bopomofo Extended.

Hangul Jamo and Compatibility Jamo


See main article: Kanbun (Unicode block).

Enclosed CJK Letters and Months

See main article: Enclosed CJK Letters and Months (Unicode block).

See also: Enclosed Ideographic Supplement.

CJK Compatibility

See main article: CJK Compatibility (Unicode block).

CJK Compatibility Forms

See main article: CJK Compatibility Forms (Unicode block).

CJK Unified Ideographs

CJK Radicals

Other East Asian writing systems

Alphabetic Presentation Forms

See main article: Alphabetic Presentation Forms (Unicode block).

Ancient and historic scripts


See main article: Shavian (Unicode block).

Notational systems




Sutton SignWriting


  • Emoji in Unicode

Alchemical symbols

See main article: Alchemical Symbols (Unicode block).

Game symbols

Mahjong Tiles

See main article: Mahjong Tiles (Unicode block).

Domino Tiles

See main article: Domino Tiles (Unicode block).

Playing Cards

See main article: Playing Cards (Unicode block).

Chess Symbols

See main article: Chess Symbols (Unicode block).

Special areas and format characters

See also


External links


Notes and References

  1. Book: Carey, Patrick. New perspectives on XML : comprehensive. 2015. Sasha Vodnik. 978-1-285-07582-2. 3rd. 36. 904969019.
  2. Deprecated as of Unicode version 5.2.0 "U+0149 Latin small letter n preceded by apostrophe was encoded for use inAfrikaans. The character is deprecated, and its use is strongly discouraged. In nearly allcases it is better represented by a sequence of an apostrophe followed by “n”." pg. 208