List of Theban tombs explained

The Theban Necropolis is located on the west bank of the Nile, opposite Luxor, in Egypt. As well as the more famous royal tombs located in the Valley of the Kings and the Valley of the Queens, there are numerous other tombs, more commonly referred to as Tombs of the Nobles (Luxor), the burial places of some of the powerful courtiers and persons of the ancient city.

There are at least 415 cataloged tombs, designated TT for Theban Tomb. There are other tombs whose position has been lost, or for some other reason do not conform to this classification. See for instance the List of MMA Tombs. Theban tombs tended to have clay funerary cones placed over the entrance of the tomb chapels. During the New Kingdom they were inscribed with the title and name of the tomb owner, sometimes with short prayers. Of the 400 recorded sets of cones, only about 80 come from cataloged tombs.[1]

The numbering system was first published Arthur Weigall's 1908 Report on the Tombs of Shêkh Abd’ el Gûrneh and el Assasîf (up to TT 45–100)[2] [3] and then more fully in Alan Gardiner and Arthur Weigall's 1913 A Topographical Catalogue of the Private Tombs of Thebes (TT 1–252).[4] This was followed by Reginald Engelbach's A Supplement to the Topographical Catalogue of the Private Tombs of Thebes (TT 253 to 334), extended further in Bernard Bruyère,[5] N. de Garis Davies,[6] Ahmed Fakhry,[7] and later in Bertha Porter's Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Reliefs, and Paintings.[8] In their publication, Gardiner and Weigall acknowledged that the numbers do not follow any topographical order, and are due the order in which the tombs were discovered.[9]


Servant in the Place of Truth[10] Ramesses II, 19th Dynasty
Servant in the Place of Truth Ramesses II, 19th Dynasty
Servant in the Place of Truth Ramesses II, 19th Dynasty
Sculptor of Amun Ramesses II, 19th Dynasty
NeferabetServant in the Place of Truth Ramesside Period
Nebnefer or NeferhotepChief of Workmen HoremhebRamesses II, 19th Dynasty
Ramesses II, 19th Dynasty
Kha Chief of the Great Place Amenhotep II, Tuthmosis IV and Amenhotep III
AmenmoseServant in the Place of Truth Ramesside Period
Kasa / PenbuyServant in the Place of Truth Ramesses II, 19th Dynasty
Djehuty[11] Overseer of Treasury and of Works HatshepsutTuthmosis III, 18th Dynasty
Overseer of the Granary of Queen Ahhotep Tao IIAmenhotep I, 17th Dynasty18th Dynasty
Chief of the Brazier-bearers of Amun20th Dynasty
Huy Priest of Amenhotep, the Image of Amun Ramesses II, 19th Dynasty
Tetiky, son of Rahotep Ahmose I, 18th Dynasty
Prophet of Amenhotep of the Forecourt 20th Dynasty
Nebamun Scribe and Physician of the King Amenhotep II, 18th Dynasty
Baki Chief Weigher of the Gold of Amun Thutmose III, 18th Dynasty
Amenmose First Prophet of Amenhotep of the Forecourt 20th Dynasty
Montukherkhopshef Thutmose III, 18th Dynasty
User Thutmose I, 18th Dynasty
Meryamon / Wah Royal Butler / Eldest of the King 18th Dynasty
Tjay, also called To Royal Scribe of Dispatches Merneptah, 19th Dynasty
NebamunThutmose III, 18th Dynasty
Amenemheb El-AssasifRamesses II, 19th Dynasty
Khnumemheb El-AssasifRamesses II, 19th Dynasty
Sheshonq El-Assasif26th Dynasty
Hori Officer of the Estate of Amun El-AssasifRamesside Period
Amenemopet called PairyVizier, Governor of Thebes Sheikh Abd el-QurnaAmenhotep II, 18th Dynasty
Unknown, usurped by KhonsumoseSheikh Abd el-QurnaRamesses III, 19th Dynasty
Early 20th Dynasty
Djehutymose Chief Steward of Amun El-AssasifRamesses II, 19th Dynasty
26th Dynasty
Fourth Prophet of Amun, Mayor of ThebesEl-Assasif25th Dynasty
First Prophet of Amun Dra' Abu el-Naga'20th Dynasty
Chief Steward of the "Adorer of the God" El-Assasif26th Dynasty
Chief Steward of the Divine Wife El-Assasif26th Dynasty
DjeserkarasenebScribe, Counter of the Grain in the Granary of Amun Tuthmosis IV, 18th Dynasty
Second Prophet of Amun Thutmose III, 18th Dynasty
Amenhotep called HuyTutankhamen, 18th Dynasty
Amenemopet, also called IpyChief Steward of Amun in Thebes19th Dynasty
AmenmoseThutmose III, 18th Dynasty
NeferronpetKitchen-master of the King Amenhotep I, 18th Dynasty
AmenemhebPriest in Front of Amun Ramesside Period
Thiut / TutemhebSteward of Mey, First Prophet of Amun / Chief Weaver of the Estate of Amun Amenhotep II, 18th Dynasty / Ramesses II, 19th Dynasty
RamoseSteward and Overseer of the Estate of Amun Amenhotep IIIAkhenaten, 18th Dynasty
UserhetOverseer of the Royal Harim El-AssasifAmenhotep III, 18th Dynasty
Amenemhat, also called Surer Chief Steward Amenhotep III, 18th Dynasty
Neferhotep Chief Scribe of Amun Ay, 18th Dynasty
NeferhotepDivine Father of Amun-Re Horemheb, 18th Dynasty
Userhat called NeferhabefEarly 19th Dynasty
Scribe, Astronomer of AmunThutmosis IV, 18th Dynasty
AmenemhatAgent of AmunThutmose III, 18th Dynasty
Huy / KenroSculptor of Amun / Priest of Khonsu Thutmosis IVAmenhotep III, 18th Dynasty
RamoseGovernor of Thebes, Vizier Amenhotep IIIAkhenaten, 18th Dynasty
UserhetRoyal Scribe, Child of the Royal Nursery Amenhotep II, 18th Dynasty
Royal Scribe, Overseer of Royal Granaries Amenhotep III, 18th Dynasty
Unknown, usurped by Amenhotep and Amenemonet Overseer of the prophets of Amun and Scribe in the Temple of Ramesses II resp.Sheikh Abd el-QurnaAmenhotep III
usurped 19th or 20th dyn.
Qen Thutmose III, 18th Dynasty
Senet Mother or wife of Intefiqer.12th Dynasty
Useramen, also called User Governor of Thebes, Vizier Thutmose III, 18th Dynasty
Amenemwaskhet Overseer of the Cabinet Thutmose III, 18th Dynasty
Sebekhotep Overseer of the seal[12] Thutmosis IV, 18th Dynasty
HekernehehNurse of the Royal Son Thutmosis IV, 18th Dynasty
Imiseba / NebamonChief of the Altar / Scribe of the Royal Accounts Hatshepsut, 18th Dynasty
HepuVizier Thutmosis IV, 18th Dynasty
First Prophet of Amun Hatshepsut, 18th Dynasty
Meryptah, Paenkhemenu, Nespaneferhor and HorProphet of Amun 18th Dynasty, 20th Dynasty and 21st Dynasty
MennaScribe of the Fields of the King Thutmosis IVAmenhotep III?, 18th Dynasty
TT70AmenmoseOverseer of Artificers of Amun
Senenmut (unused) Chief Steward, Steward of Amun Hatshepsut, 18th Dynasty
ReFirst Prophet of Amun Amenhotep II, 18th Dynasty
TT73Amenhotep[13] Chief Steward Hatshepsut, 18th Dynasty
TT74TjanunyRoyal Scribe, Commander of Soldiers Thutmosis IV, 18th Dynasty
TT75Amenhotep-si-seSecond Prophet of Amun Thutmosis IV, 18th Dynasty
TT76ThenunaThutmosis IV, 18th Dynasty
Ptahemhet or RoyStandard-beaer of the King[14] Thutmosis IV, 18th Dynasty
TT78HoremhebSuperintendent of the Sacred Cattle, Captain of Archers[15] Thutmose IIIAmenhotep III, 18th Dynasty
TT79Menkheper, also called MenkheperresenebScribe of the King's Granaries Thutmose IIIAmenhotep II, 18th Dynasty
TutneferPrince, Scribe of the TreasuryAmenhotep II, 18th Dynasty
Architect of Thutmose IAmenhotep IThutmose III, 18th Dynasty
AmenemhatScribe of the Grain Thutmose III, 18th Dynasty
VizierThutmose III, 18th Dynasty
TT84Amunedjeh or Mery (High Priest of Amun)Prince, Chief Royal Herald, Steward of the PalaceThutmose III, 18th Dynasty
TT85Amenemheb, also called Mahu Prince, Royal Registrar Thutmose IIIAmenhotep II, 18th Dynasty
TT86Menkheperraseneb IHigh Priest of Amun Thutmose III, 18th Dynasty
TT87MinnakhteSuperintendent of the Granaries Thutmose III, 18th Dynasty
TT88Pehsukher, also called ThenenuPrince, Royal Registrar, Standard-Bearer of the KingThutmose IIIAmenhotep II, 18th Dynasty
TT89[16] AmenmoseSteward in the Southern City Amenhotep III, 18th Dynasty
TT90NebamonCaptain of Troops of Police on the West of Thebes, Standardbearer of the Royal Barque[17] Tuthmosis IVAmenhotep III, 18th Dynasty
TT92SuemnutCupbearer of the King Amenhotep II, 18th Dynasty
KenamonHigh steward, Royal Steward of Amenhotep II Amenhotep II, 18th Dynasty
TT94Amy, also called RamoseFirst herald of the king, Fan-bearer on the right of the King Amenhotep II, 18th Dynasty
MeryHigh Priest of Amun Amenhotep II, 18th Dynasty
SenneferMayor of Thebes Amenhotep II, 18th Dynasty
AmenemhatHigh Priest of Amun Amenhotep II, 18th Dynasty
TT98KaemheribsenThird Prophet of Amun Thutmose IIIAmenhotep II, 18th Dynasty
Sennefer[18] Overseer of Seal Bearers Thutmose III, 18th Dynasty
Vizier Thutmose IIIAmenhotep II, 18th Dynasty


TT101ThanuroCupbearer of the King Amenhotep II, 18th Dynasty
TT102ImhotepRoyal scribe, child of the nursery Amenhotep III, 18th Dynasty
TT103DagiGovernor of the town and Vizier, 11th Dynasty
TutneferOverseer of the TreasurySheikh Abd el-QurnaAmenhotep II, 18th Dynasty
TT105KhaemopetPriest of the noble standard of Amun Sheikh Abd el-Qurna19th Dynasty
PaserVizier, High Priest of Amun 19th Dynasty
TT107Nefersekheru Royal Scribe in the palace at Malkata18th Dynasty
TT108NebseniHigh Priest of Inherit (Onuris) Tuthmosis IV 18th Dynasty
TT109MinMayor of Tjeny (Thinis), Overseer of the prophets of Onuris, Tutor of Amenhotep II Tuthmosis III 18th Dynasty
TT110TutmosisCupbearer of the King, Herald of the king HatshepsutTuthmosis III 18th Dynasty
AmenwahsuScribe of God's Writings in the Amun Domain, Leader in the house of Amun, wab-priest of Sekhmet, Festival leader of all the gods in their annual feasts. Sheikh Abd el-QurnaRamesses II 19th Dynasty
TT112Menkheperreseneb II (later Ashefytemwaset) High priest of Amun (priest of Amun-aashefyt) Tuthmosis III 18th Dynasty, usurped during the Ramesside period.
TT113KynebuPriest in Temple for King Thutmose IV, Rameses VIII
TT114UnknownHead Goldsmith in the Amun Domain Ramesside (20th Dynasty)
TT116UnknownTuthmosis IV to Amenhotep III(?) 18th Dynasty
TT117usurped by DjemutefankhDraughtsman of Mansion of Gold Originally 11th dynasty; usurped during the 21st Dynasty or 22nd Dynasty
TT118AmenmoseFanbearer on the Right of the King Amenhotep III? 18th Dynasty
TT119UnknownHatshepsutTuthmosis III 18th Dynasty
Second Priest of Amun, Brother of Queen Tiye[19] Amenhotep III 18th Dynasty
AhmoseFirst Lector-priest of Amun Tuthmosis III 18th Dynasty
TT122Amenemhat Overseers of the Production Area of Amun Tuthmosis III 18th Dynasty
TT123AmenemhatScribe, Overseer of the granary, Counter of bread Tuthmosis III 18th Dynasty
TT124RayOverseer of the storerooms of Pharaoh, Steward of the good god Tuthmosis I Tuthmosis I 18th Dynasty
TT125DuaunehehFirst Herald, Overseer of the estate of Amun Hatshepsut 18th Dynasty
TT126HormoseCommander-in-chief of Troops of the Amun domain Late Period
Royal scribe, Overseer of all that grows Hatshepsut 18th Dynasty
TT128PathenfyMayor of Edfu and Thebes Late Period, 26th dynasty
TT129Unknown18th Dynasty
TT130MayHarbour Master in Thebes Tuthmosis III, 18th Dynasty
Useramun, called User[20] Vizier of Thutmose III Tuthmosis III, 18th Dynasty
TT132RamoseGreat scribe of the king, Overseer of the treasuries of Taharqa Sheikh Abd el-QurnaTaharqa
NeferronpetChief of the weavers in the Ramesseum Ramesses II
TT134Thauenany, also called Anypriest of king Amenhotep who navigates on the sea of Amun 19th Dynasty
TT135Bakenamonwab-priest at the fore of Amun 19th Dynasty
TT136Unknown Royal Scribe of the Lord of the Two Lands 19th Dynasty
Mosehead of works of Pharaoh in every monument of Amun Ramesses II
NedjemgerOverseer of the garden in the Ramesseum Ramesses II
TT139Pairiwab-priest in front of Amun, Overseer of peasants of Amun Amenhotep III
TT140Kefia, also called Neferronpet Goldworker, Portrait sculptor 18th Dynasty
TT141Bakenkhonswab-priest at the fore of Amun Ramesside Period
TT142SamutOverseer of works of Amun-Ra in Karnak Tuthmosis IIIAmenhotep II
TT144NuOverseer of estate labour Tuthmosis III
TT145NebamonHead of bowmen 18th Dynasty
TT146NebamonOverseer of the granary of Amun, Counter of grain, iny of the God's Wife Tuthmosis III
TT147[21] Heby / Unknown Scribe who counts the cattle of Amun in Upper and Lower Egypt / Head Elder of the portal in Karnak
TT148AmenemopetPriest of Amun Ramesses IIIRamesses IV
TT149AmenmoseRoyal scribe of the table of the Lord of the Two Lands, Overseer of hunters of Amun Ramesside Period
TT150UserhetOverseer of cattle of Amun 18th Dynasty
TT151HetyScribe, Counter of cattle of the God's Wife of Amun, Steward of the god's wife of AmunTuthmosis IV
TT152Unknown18th Dynasty, usurped during the Ramesside Period.
TT153UnknownSeti I?
TT154Tati Cupbearer 18th Dynasty
TT155Intef Great herald of the King18th Dynasty, Hatshepsut, Tuthmosis III
PennesuttawyCaptain of troops, Governor of the South Lands Ramesses I
High priest of AmunRamesses II
TT158Thonefer Third prophet of Amun20th Dynasty
Raia Fourth priest of Amun20th Dynasty
TT160BesenmutTrue king's acquaintanceLate Period (Saite)
TT161NakhtBearer of floral offerings of Amun18th Dynasty, Amenhotep III?
TT162KenamonMayor of Thebes, Overseer of the Granary of Amun18th Dynasty, Amenhotep III
TT163AmenemhatMayor of Thebes, Royal Scribe 19th Dynasty
IntefScribe of recruits18th Dynasty, Tuthmosis III
TT165Nehemaway Goldsmith Dra' Abu el-Naga'18th Dynasty, Tuthmosis IVAmenhotep III
TT166Ramose Overseer of works in Karnak, Overseer of cattleHoremhebSety I
TT167Unknown18th Dynasty
AnyDivine Father clean of hands, Chosen lector of the lord of the godsRamesses II
SenenaHead goldsmith of AmunAmenhotep III
NebmehytScribe of recruits of the Ramesseum in the estate of AmunRamesses II
Unknown18th Dynasty
Mentiywi Royal Butler, child of the nurseryTuthmosis IIIAmenhotep II
TT173Khay Scribe of divine offerings of the gods of Thebes19th Dynasty
Ashakhet Priest in front of Mut 20th Dynasty
TT175Unknown 18th Dynasty
Userhet Servant of Amun, clean of hands18th Dynasty
Amenemopet Scribe of Truth in the Ramesseum in the estate of AmunRamesses II
Kenro, also called Neferrenpet Scribe of the treasury in the Amun-Ra domain Ramesses II
TT179Nebamon Scribe, Counter of grain in the granary of divine offerings of Amun Hatshepsut
TT180Unknown 19th Dynasty
TT181Ipuky and Nebamon Sculptor of Pharaoh and Head sculptor of Pharaoh resp. Late 18th Dynasty
TT182Amenemhat Scribe of the mat Tuthmosis III
TT183Nebsumenu Chief Steward, Steward in the house of Ramesses II Ramesses II
Nefermenu Mayor of Thebes, Royal Scribe Ramesses II
TT185Senioker[22] Treasurer of the God, Hereditary Prince, Divine Chancellor First Intermediate Period
TT186Ihy Governor First Intermediate Period
Pakhihet wab-priest of Amun 20th Dynasty
ParenneferRoyal butler clean of hands, Steward El-KhokhaAkhenaten
NakhtdjehutyChief of carpenters and Goldworkers in the Amun domain El-AssasifRamesses II
EsbanebdedDivine Father, Prophet at the head of the king El-AssasifLate Period
WahibrenebpehtiChamberlain of the Divine Adoratrix, Director of the festival El-AssasifPsamtik I
Kharuef,[23] also called Senaa El-Assasif18th Dynasty
PtahemhebOfficial of the seal in the treasury of the Amun domain El-Assasif
TutemhebOverseer of marshland-dwellers in the Amun domain, Scribe in the temple of Amun El-AssasifRamesses II
BakenamonScribe of the treasure of the Amun domain, El-Assasif
TT196[24] PadihorresnetChief steward of Amun El-AssasifLate Period
TT197PadineithChief steward of the God's Wife of Amun, the Divine Adoratrix Ankhnesneferibre El-AssasifPsamtik II
TT198Riya Head of the magazine of Amun in KarnakRamesside Period
TT199Amenarnefru Overseer of the store-rooms 18th Dynasty
TT200Dedi Governor of the deserts to the west of Thebes, Head of the troops of Pharaoh, Tuthmosis IIIAmenhotep II


TT201Re First herald of the king 18th Dynasty
TT202Nakhtamun Prophet of Ptah Lord of Thebes, Priest in front of Amun 19th Dynasty
TT203Wennefer Divine Father of Mut 19th Dynasty, Ramesses II
TT204Nebanensu Sailor of the high priest of Amun 18th Dynasty
TT205Tutmosis Royal Butler 18th Dynasty
TT206Ipuemheb Scribe of the Place of Truth Ramesside Period
TT207Horemheb Scribe of divine offerings of Amun Ramesside Period
TT208Roma Divine Father of Amun-Ra Ramesside Period
TT209Nisemro Overseer of the stamp South AsasifLate Period (25th Dynasty)
RawebenServant in the Place of Truth 19th Dynasty, Ramesses II
PanebServant of Pharaoh in the Place of Truth 19th Dynasty, Ramesses II
Ramose Scribe of the Place of Truth 19th Dynasty, Ramesses II
PenamunServant of Pharaoh in the Place of Truth 19th Dynasty, Ramesses II
KhawiCustodian in the Place of Truth, Servant of Amun in Luxor 19th Dynasty, Ramesses II
Amenemopet Royal scribe in the Place of Truth 19th Dynasty, Ramesses II
NeferhotepForeman in the Place of the Truth 19th Dynasty, Ramesses II
TT217IpuySculptor 19th Dynasty, Ramesses II
TT218Amenakhte and IymwayServant in the Place of Truth 19th Dynasty, Ramesses II
TT219NebenmaatServant in the Place of Truth 19th Dynasty, Ramesses II
TT220KhaemteriServant in the Place of Truth 19th Dynasty, Ramesses II
TT221Horimin Scribe of troops in the palace of the king on the West of Thebes 20th Dynasty, Ramesses III
TT222Hekammatranakhte, also called TuroHigh priest of Monthu 20th Dynasty
Karakhamonfirst ka(?)-priest Late Period (Saite)
TT224Ahmose, also called HumayOverseer of the estate of the God's Wife, Overseer of the double granaries of the God's Wife Ahmose-Nefertary Sheikh Abd el-Qurna18th Dynasty, Tuthmosis III and Hatshepsut
TT225Unknown (possibly Amenemhet) First Prophet of Hathor18th Dynasty
Heqareshu Royal scribe, Overseer of nurses of the king18th Dynasty, Amenhotep III
TT227Unknown18th Dynasty, Tuthmosis III
TT228AmenmoseScribe of the Amun treasury 18th Dynasty, Tuthmosis III
TT229Unknown18th Dynasty
TT230MenScribe of troops of Pharaoh 18th Dynasty
TT231NebamunScribe, Counter of grain of Amun in the granary of divine offerings 18th Dynasty
TT232TharwasScribe of the divine seal of the Amun treasury Ramesside Period
Saroy (and Amenhotep)Royal Scribe of the offering table of the Lord of the Two Lands, Royal Scribe of the king's repast, Keeper of the royal documents in the presence (of the king), Leader of the Festival, Cattle Counter in the Estate of Amun, Royal Messenger to the hill country, Overseer of the hunters of AmunRamesside Period
TT234RoyMayor 18th Dynasty, Tuthmosis III
TT235UserhetHigh priest of Monthu 20th Dynasty
TT236HornakhtSecond prophet of Amun, Overseer of the treasury of Amun Ramesside Period
TT237Wenneferchief lector-priest Ramesside Period
TT238Neferweben Royal butler clean of hands 18th Dynasty
TT239PenhetOverseer for all the Northern Lands 18th Dynasty
MeruOverseer of sealers El-AssasifDynasty 11 Temp Mentuhotep-Nebhepetre
TT241AhmoseScribe of divine writings, Child of the nursery, Head of the mysteries in the House of the morning 18th Dynasty
TT242WehibreChamberlain of the god's wife of Amun Ankhnesneferibre El-AssasifLate Period (Saite)
TT243Pemu called Pahymayor of Thebes El-AssasifLater Period (Saite)
TT244PakharuOverseer of carpenters of the Amun domain El-Assasif
TT245Hori Scribe, Overseer of the estate of the great wife of the king 18th Dynasty
TT246Senenre Scribe 18th Dynasty
TT247Samut Scribe, Counter of cattle of Amun 18th Dynasty
TT248Tutmosis Maker of offerings of Thutmose III 18th Dynasty
TT249Neferronpet Supplier of dates/cakes in the temple of Amenhotep III 18th Dynasty
TT250Ramosescribe of the Place of Truth
TT251AmenmoseRoyal scribe, Overseer of cattle of Amun, Overseer of magazine of Amun 18th Dynasty
TT252SenimenSteward, Nurse of the God's Wife 18th Dynasty, Hatshepsut
TT253Khnummose Scribe, Counter of grain in the granary of Amun 18th Dynasty, Amenhotep III
TT254Mose (Amenmose) Scribe of the treasury, Custodian of the estate of queen Tiye in the Amun domain Late 18th Dynasty
Roy Royal Scribe, Steward of the estates of Horemheb and Amun Late 18th Dynasty
TT256Nebenkemet Overseer of the cabinet, Fanbearer, Child of the nursery 18th Dynasty Amenhotep II
TT257Neferhotep (usurped by Mahu) Counter of grain of Amun (Deputy in the Ramesseum) 18th Dynasty Tuthmosis IIIAmenhotep III (usurped during the time of Ramesses II)
TT258Menkheper Child of the nursery, Royal scribe of the house of the royal children 18th Dynasty Tuthmosis IV
TT259HoriScribe in all the monuments of the estate of Amun, Head of the outline-draughtsmen in the Gold House of the Amun domain Ramesside Period
TT260User Scribe, Weigher of Amun, overseer of fields of Amun 18th Dynasty Tuthmosis III
TT261Khaemwasetwab-priest of king Amenhotep I 18th Dynasty Tuthmosis IIIAmenhotep II
TT262Unknownoverseer of fields 18th Dynasty
TT263PiayScribe in the granary in the Amun domain, Scribe of accounts in the Ramesseum 19th Dynasty Ramesses II
TT264Ipiy Overseer of cattle, Chief of the Lord of the Two Lands 19th Dynasty Ramesses IIMerneptah
TT265Amenemopet Scribe of the king in the Place of Truth 19th Dynasty Seti IRamesses II
TT266AmenakhteChief craftsman of the Lord of the Two Lands in the Place of Truth on the west of Thebes 19th Dynasty
TT267HayOfficer of workmen in the Place of Truth, Fashioner of the images of all the gods in the House of Gold 20th Dynasty
TT268NebnakhteServant in the Place of Truth 19th Dynasty
TT269UnknownRamesside Period
TT270Amonemuiawab-priest, lector-priest of Ptah-Sokar 19th Dynasty
TT271NayRoyal scribe 18th Dynasty, Ay
TT272KhaemopetDivine Father of Amun in the west, lector-priest of the Sokar temple 20th Dynasty
TT273SayemiotfScribe in the estate of his lord Ramesside Period
TT274AmenwahsuHigh priest of Monthu of Tod and of Thebes, sem-priest in the Ramesseum in the estate of Amun 19th Dynasty Ramesses IIMerneptah
TT275SebekmoseHead wab-priest, Divine Father in the temples of king Amenhotep III and Sokar Ramesside Period
TT276AmenemopetOverseer of the treasury of gold and silver, Judge, Overseer of the cabinet 18th Dynasty, Tuthmosis IV
TT277AmenemonetDivine father of the temple of king Amenhotep III 19th Dynasty
TT278AmenemhebHerdsman of Amun-Ra 20th Dynasty
TT279Chief Steward to the Nitocris I, Divine Adoratrice of AmunEl-AssasifPsamtik I
Chief Steward, Chancellor Early Middle Kingdom
TT281Mentuhotep III?PharaohSheikh Abd el-Qurna11th Dynasty
Nakhtmin (Troop Commander)Head of the bowmen, Overseer of the South Lands 19th Dynasty
TT283Roma, also called RoyHigh priest of Amun, 19th Dynasty, Ramesses IIMerneptah
TT284PahemnetjerScribe of offerings of all gods Ramesside Period
TT285InyHead of the magazines of Mut Ramesside Period
NiayScribe of the table Ramesside Period
TT287Penduawab-priest of Amun, Ramesside Period
TT288BakenkhonsScribe of divine book of Khons Ramesside Period
TT289Viceroy of Kush, Overseer of the South Lands, Chief Bowman of Kush 19th Dynasty, Ramesses II
TT290Irinuferservant in the Place of Truth 19th Dynasty, Ramesses II
TT291Nakhtmin and Nuservant in the Place of Truth, servant in the Great Place 18th Dynasty, Horemheb
TT292Pashedu Servant in the Place of Truth 19th Dynasty, Seti IRamesses II
TT293RamessenakhteHigh priest of Amun 20th Dynasty, Ramesses IV
TT294Amenhotep (Usurped by Roma) Overseer of the granary of Amun Amenhotep III
TT295Paroy, also called TuhmosisHead of the secrets in the Chest of Anubis, sem-priest in the Good House, Embalmer Tuthmosis IVAmenhotep III (?)
TT296NefersekheruScribe of divine offerings of all gods, Officer of the treasury Ramesses II
TT297Amenemopet, also called Djehutynefer or ThoneferScribe, Counter of grain of Amun, Overseer of the fields El-Assasif18th Dynasty
TT298Baki, WenneferForeman in the Place of Truth, Servant of Pharaoh in the Place of Truth Ramesside Period
TT299InherkauForeman in the Place of Truth[25]
TT300Anhotep Viceroy of KushRamesses II


TT301HoriScribe of the table of Pharaoh in the Amun domain Ramesside Period
TT302ParaemhebOverseer of the magazine Ramesside Period
TT303PaserHead of the magazine of Amun, Third Prophet of Amun Ramesside Period
TT304PiayScribe of the offering-table of Amun, Scribe of the Lord of the Two Lands Ramesside Period
TT305Paserwab-priest in front of Amun Ramesside Period
TT306IrdjanenDoor-opener of the Amun domain Ramesside Period
TT307ThoneferRamesside Period or Dynasty 21
Sole adornment of the king, Prophetess of Hathor 11th Dynasty Mentuhotep-Nebhepetre
TT309Unknown Ramesside Period
TT310 (MMA 505) Unknown Chancellor of the King of Lower Egypt 11th Dynasty
TT311 (MMA 508) Treasurer of the King of Lower Egypt 11th Dynasty Mentuhotep-Nebhepetre
TT312Nespakashuty Governor of town and Vizier Psamtik I and later
TT313 (MMA513) Great steward 11th Dynasty Mentuhotep-Nebhepetre and Mentuhotep III
TT314Horhotep Seal-bearer of the King of Lower Egypt 11th Dynasty
TT315Governor of the town and Vizier, Judge 11th Dynasty Mentuhotep-Nebhepetre
TT316Neferhotep Head of the archers early Middle Kingdom
TT317TutneferScribe of the counting of corn in the granary of divine offerings of Amun Tuthmosis III (?)
TT318AmenmoseNecropolis-worker of Amun Tuthmosis IIIHatshepsut
Neferu IIKing's Wife of Mentuhotep II11th Dynasty
Deir el-Bahri Cache Various 21st Dynasty
reburials from various periods
TT321Khaemopetservant in the Place of Truth Ramesses II
TT322PenshenabuServant in the Place of Truth Ramesses II
TT323PasheduOutline-draughtsman in the Place of Truth and in the Temple of Sokar Sethi I
TT324HatiayOverseer of all the prophets of all the gods, high priest of Sobek 20th Dynasty[26]
TT325Smen18th Dynasty
TT326PasheduForeman (see TT3)
TT327TurobayServant in the Place of Truth Ramesses II
TT328Hayservant in the Place of Truth Ramesside Period
TT329Mose, Mose and IpyA family tomb of Servants in the Place of Truth Ramesside Period
TT330KaroServant in the Place of Truth Ramesses II
TT331Penne, also called SuneroHigh priest of Monthu Ramesses II
TT332PenrenutetChief watchman of the granary of the Amun domain Ramesside Period
TT333UnknownAmenhotep III
TT334UnknownAmenhotep III
TT335Nakhtamunservant in the Place of Truth Ramesses IIMerneptah
TT336Neferronpetservant in the Place of Truth Ramesses IIMerneptah
TT337Eskhons or KenSculptor in the Place of TruthRamesses II
TT338MayDraughtsman of Amunlate 18th Dynasty
TT339Huy or Pashedu Necropolis-stonemason, Servant in the Place of Truth Ramesside Period
TT340Amenemhat Servant early-mid 18th Dynasty
TT341Nakhtamun19th Dynasty
TT342TutmosisFirst Royal HeraldTuthmosis III
TT343Paheqamen (or Pahekamen), also called BeniaChild of the Royal Nursery, Overseer of Works[27] early 18th Dynasty
TT344Piay[28] Overseer of the CattleRamesside Period
TT345Amenhotep Priest, Eldest King's Son of Thutmose I[29] 18th Dynasty

Thutmose I

TT346Amenhotep / PenraOverseer of the Women of the Inner Palace Quarters for the Divine Adoratrix / Chief of the MedjayPenra's tomb probably dates to the time of Ramesses II. Usurped by Amenhotep during the time of Ramesses IV
TT347HoriScribeRamesside Period
TT348Na'amutnakht 22nd Dynasty
TT349TjayOverseer of Fowlpens18th Dynasty
TT350UnknownScribe18th Dynasty
TT351AbauScribe of CavalryRamesside Period
TT352Unknown Overseer of the Granary of AmunRamesside period
TT353SenenmutHigh Steward[30] 18th Dynasty
TT354Unknown 18th Dynasty
TT355AmenpahapyServant in the Place of Truth20th Dynasty
TT356AmenemwiaServant in the Place of Truth19th Dynasty
TT357TutihermaktufServant in the Place of Truth20th Dynasty
18th Dynasty
InherkhauForeman in the Place of Truth 20th Dynasty
TT360Qeh Foreman in the Place of Truth19th Dynasty
TT361HuyCarpenter in the Place of Truth19th Dynasty
TT362PaanemwasetPriest of Amun19th Dynasty
TT363ParaemhebOverseer of Singers of Amun19th Dynasty
TT364AmenemhebScribe of the Divine OfferingsEl-Assasif19th Dynasty
TT365NefermenuOverseer of Wig-Makers of Amun in Karnak, Scribe of the Treasury of Amun18th Dynasty

Thutmose III

TT366DjarKing's Guard of the Inner PalaceEl-Assasif11th Dynasty
TT367PaserHead of the Bowmen, Child of the Royal Nursery, Companion of His Majesty18th Dynasty

Amenhotep II

TT368Amenhotep, called Huy Overseer of Sculptors of Amun in Thebeslate 18th Dynasty
TT369KhaemwasetHigh priest of Ptah, Third priest of Amun19th Dynasty
TT370Unknown Royal ScribeRamesside
TT371Unknown Ramesside
TT372AmenkhauOverseer of Carpenters of the Temple of Ramesses III20th Dynasty
TT373AmenmessuScribe of the Altar of the Lord of the Two LandsRamesside
AmenemopetTreasury Scribe in the Ramesseum19th Dynasty
TT376Unknown18th Dynasty
TT378Unknown19th Dynasty
TT380AnkefenrahorakhtyChief in ThebesPtolemaic Period
TT381AmenemonetMessenger of the King to Every LandRamesside
UsermontuFirst Prophet of MonthuRamesside
Merymose Viceroy of Kush 18th Dynasty
TT384NebmehytPriest of Amun in the Ramesseum19th Dynasty
HuneferMayor of Thebes, Overseer of the granary of Divine Offerings of AmunRamesside
TT386IntefChancellor of the King of Lower Egypt, Overseer of SoldiersEl-AssasifMiddle Kingdom
MeryptahRoyal Scribe of the Altar of the Lord of the Two Lands,El-Assasif19th Dynasty

Ramesses II

UnknownEl-AssasifSaite Period
TT389BasaChamberlain of Min, Priest, Mayor of ThebesEl-AssasifSaite Period
IrtyrauFemale scribe, Chief attendant of the Divine Adoratrice of Amun, Nitocris ISouth El-Assasif26th Dynasty

Psamtik I

Karabasken (later usurped by Pedubast)Prophet of Khonsemweset-Neferhotep, Fourth prophet of Amun, Mayor of the CitySouth El-Assasif25th Dynasty
TT392Unknown Saite Period
TT393Unknown 18th Dynasty
TT394Unknown Ramesside Period
TT395Unknown Ramesside Period
TT396Unknown 18th Dynasty
TT397NakhtPriest of Amun, Overseer of the Magazine of Amun, First king's Son of Amun18th Dynasty
TT398Kamose called NentowarefChild of the Royal NurseryProbably 18th Dynasty
Unknown Sheikh Abd el-QurnaRamesside Period
PenrennuRamesside Period


TT401NebseniOverseer of goldsmiths of Amun18th Dynasty

Thutmose III to Amenhotep II

TT402Unknown18th Dynasty

Thutmose IV to Amenhotep III

TT403MerymaatTemple Scribe18th Dynasty? Ramesside Period?
TT404AkhamenerauChief Steward of the Divine Adoratrix Amenirdis I and Shepenupet IIEl-Assasif25th Dynasty
TT405KhentiNomarchFirst Intermediate Period
PiayScribe of the Altar of the Lord of the Two LandsEl-AssasifRamesside Period
BentenduanetjerChamberlain of the Divine AdoratrixEl-Assasif26th Dynasty (Saite Period)
TT408BakenamonHead of Estate-Workers of the Amun domainEl-AssasifRamesside Period
Samut, also called KikiAccountant of Cattle of the Amun domain[31] El-Assasif19th Dynasty

Ramesses II

MutirdisChief follower of the God's Priestess El-Assasif26th Dynasty (Saite Period)
TT412KenamonRoyal scribeEl-Assasif
TT413UnasankhOverseer of Upper EgyptEl-Assasif
Ankhhor Mayor of MemphisEl-Assasif26th Dynasty
TT415Amenhotep Chief physician of Amun El-Assasif

Other tombs


Dra' Abu el-Naga'

18th Dynasty
Tomb A.1Amenemhet ka-servant 18th Dynasty
Tomb A.2"Tomb of the Dancers" 17th Dynasty(?)
Tomb A.3Ruru Chief of the Medjay New Kingdom
Tomb A.4Si-User Scribe, Mayor of the Southern City, Overseer of the Granary 19th Dynasty
Neferhotep Overseer of granaries 18th Dynasty

Thutmosis IIIAmenhotep II

Djehutinefer Overseer of marshlands of the Lord of the Two Lands 19th Dynasty
Tomb A.7Amenhotep Scribe18th Dynasty
Tomb A.8Amenemhab Royal Scribe, Steward in the Mansion of Amenhotep I on the West of Thebes 18th Dynasty or 19th Dynasty
Tomb A.9Unknown 18th Dynasty

Amenhotep II

Tomb A.10Djehutynefer Overseer of the treasury Early 18th Dynasty
SimutSecond priest of Amun


B1 Mehehy Priest of Amun El-Khokha (Location lost) Ramesside Period
B2 Amenneferu Priest at the fore El-Khokha (Location lost) mid Dynasty 18
B3 Hauf El-Khokha (Location lost) Late Period
B4 (TT41)
B5 (TT386)

Sheikh Abd el-Qurna

C.1AmenhotepOverseer of carpenters of Amun Amenhotep III
C.2AmenemhatNoble at the head of the People Ahmose IAmenhotep I
Amenhotep (C.3)[32] Sheikh Abd el-Qurna
C.4Merymaatwab-priest of Maat Late Eighteenth dynasty of Egypt
C.5UnknownLate Eighteenth dynasty of Egypt?
C.6IpyOverseer of boats in the temple of king Thutmose IV Tuthmosis IV
HormoseHead guard of the treasury in the Ramesseum Ramesses II
Nakht[33] Overseer of the fowl-houses in the Estate of Amun Sheikh Abd el-Qurna (Location lost)
C.9Unknown Unknown
C.10Penrenenu scribe of the offering-table Eighteenth dynasty of Egypt
C.11NebsenyOverseer of goldsmiths of Amun, Overseer of all works silver and gold Tuthmosis III
C.12MahuOverseer of the gate Unknown
Ankhefenthut called Neferibre-seneb Late Period – Saite
C.15UnknownOverseer of the two houses of gold, Overseer of the two houses of silver Eighteenth dynasty of Egypt
Sheikh Abd el-Qurna cacheroyal princessesKing's daughters Eighteenth dynasty of Egypt

Qurnet Murai

NehyViceroy of Kush, Governor of the South Lands Tuthmosis III
D.2Peterssuemhebsed New Kingdom?
D.3Amenemhab called MahuSteward of [...] Tuthmosis III
D–HatiayOverseer of the double granary of the Temple of the Aten Amenhotep IIIAkhenaten

Notes and References

  1. Web site: Funerary Cones of the 18th Dynasty. Digital Egypt. UCL. 2008-01-30.
  2. A. E. P. Weigall, ‘A Report on the Tombs of Shêkh Abd’ el Gûrneh and el Assasîf’, ASAE 9 (1908), 118–36: "As will be seen, I have renumbered them all, and I trust that in future these numbers will always be held to, so as to avoid confusion. The tombs have been numbered in a haphazard sort of way two or three times, and one often finds two or more numerals marked down for each tomb. A few years ago Mr. Newberry made out a complete list of new numbers, and Mr. Carter had these neatly painted on wooden boards. The list, so far as I can make out, was then lost, and the boards were piled in a back room, where I found them. They ran consecutively from 100 to about ho, but I could only find a few of the numerals below 40. For this reason, I commenced my numbering at 100, and outside the doorway of each tomb the number has been nailed so that there can be no mistake."
  3. As Weigall explains, previous numbering schemes, such as that in the Baedeker Travel Guide (1902) had not been followed consistently
  4. A Topographical Catalogue of the Private Tombs of Thebes
  5. B. Bruyère, ‘New Details for Insertion in the Theban 1/1000 Scale Maps: I. Deir el- Madina’, ASAE 25 (1925), 174–177
  6. Norman de Garis Davies (N. de G. Davies, ‘New Details for Insertion in the Theban 1/1000 Scale Maps. II: Sheykh ‘Abd el-Qurna and Dira’ Abu’l Naga’, ASAE 25 (1925), 239–241
  7. A. Fakhry, ‘A Report on the Inspectorate of Upper Egypt’, ASAE 46 (1947), 37–54)
  8. Kaczanowicz . Marta . Gordon Jelf and his Notes on the Work Conducted in the Theban Necropolis, 1909–1910 . The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology . SAGE Publications . 106 . 1–2 . 2020 . 0307-5133 . 10.1177/0307513320966617 . 37–58. 226349562 . free .
  9. A Topographical Catalogue of the Private Tombs of Thebes
  10. Book: Baikie, James. Egyptian Antiquities in the Nile Valley. Methuen. 1932.
  11. Web site: Spanish – Egyptian Mission at Dra Abu el-Naga Tombs of Djehuty and Hery. Project Djehuty. 2008-02-17. dead. 2011-07-10.
  13. Book: Porter and Moss. Topographical Bibliography I part 1 (2nd ed).
  14. Book: Manniche, Lise. The wall decoration of three Theban tombs (TT77, 175, and 249). 1988. Copenhagen.
  15. Book: Weigall, Arthur . A Guide to the Antiquities of Upper Egypt. Mentheun & Co. London. 1910. 1-4253-3806-2.
  16. Web site: Theban Tomb #89 Epigraphic Project. 2007-05-02. dead. 2008-03-15.
  17. Porter and Moss, Topographical Bibliography: The Theban Necropolis
  19. Web site: Queen Tiye. 2008-01-30. 2017-12-16. dead.
  20. Web site: Theban tombs: 18th Dynasty. 2007-10-15.
  21. Web site: Thebes Excavation – October 2003 newsletter. Boyo G. Ockinga. 2007-05-02. Macquarie Theban Tombs Project.
  22. Web site: Theban Tombs: Old and Middle Kingdom. 2007-05-02. UCL.
  23. Book: OIP 102: The Tomb of Kheruef: Theban Tomb 192. The Epigraphic Survey. The Oriental Institute Of The University of Chicago. 1980.
  24. Web site: Publikation des thebanischen Grabes TT 196 . Muenster University . 2007-05-02 . de . . 2007-06-07 . dead.
  25. Web site: The two tombs of Inerkhau. 2007-04-29.
  26. Porter and Moss, Topographical Bibliography: The Theban Necropolis, pp. 395–396
  27. Web site: 2007-04-29. TT343, the Tomb of Benia.
  28. Web site: Theban Tomb 344. UCL. 2008-03-12.
  29. Web site: Theban Tombs. 2007-04-29. 2016-11-09. dead.
  30. Web site: Senenmut Project – 2004 Campaign. 2007-05-02. Spanish Institute of Studies of the Ancient Egypt. 2007-09-27. dead.
  31. Web site: Kyky Samout egypt tomb. 2007-04-29.
  32. Web site: Tomb C.3 – the tomb of Amenhotep?. 2007-05-02. Nigel Strudwick. 2003-06-26. dead.
  33. Web site: Tomb of Nakht, Thebes. 2008-03-12. UCL.