The Big Bang Theory is an American television sitcom created and executively produced by Chuck Lorre and Bill Prady for CBS. Like the name of the series itself (with the exception of the first episode, "Pilot"), episode titles of The Big Bang Theory always start with "The" and resemble the name of a scientific principle, theory or experiment, whimsically referencing a plot point or quirk in that episode.
All seasons and episodes have been released on DVD, Blu-ray, and Max.
See main article: The Big Bang Theory season 1.
See main article: The Big Bang Theory season 2.
See main article: The Big Bang Theory season 3.
See main article: The Big Bang Theory season 4.
See main article: The Big Bang Theory season 5.
See main article: The Big Bang Theory season 6.
See main article: The Big Bang Theory season 7.
See main article: The Big Bang Theory season 8.
See main article: The Big Bang Theory season 9.
See main article: The Big Bang Theory season 10.
See main article: The Big Bang Theory season 11.
See main article: The Big Bang Theory season 12.