List of Tasmanian House of Assembly countbacks explained

This is a list of casual vacancies in the Tasmanian House of Assembly since 1965. Casual vacancies in the House of Assembly are filled by a countback of the votes of the departing member.

Date Electorate Outgoing member Party Reason for vacancy Incoming member Party
4 October 2023FranklinElise Archer IndependentResigned as an Independent after quitting the Liberal Party a week earlier after being forced to resign as MinisterSimon Behrakis Liberal
13 July 2023FranklinCassy O'Connor GreensResigned as Greens leader and in a successful bid for Legislative Council seat of Hobart at the 2024 periodic electionsVica Bayley 
25 July 2022FranklinJacquie Petrusma LiberalResignedDean Young Liberal
8 April 2022BassPeter Gutwein LiberalResigned as PremierSimon Wood Liberal
10 February 2022BassSarah Courtney LiberalResignedLara Alexander Liberal
14 March 2021BraddonAdam Brooks LiberalResigned Felix Ellis Liberal
27 July 2020BraddonJoan Rylah LiberalResignedFelix Ellis Liberal
20 January 2020FranklinWill Hodgman LiberalResigned as PremierNic Street Liberal
25 August 2019ClarkScott Bacon LaborResigned with his replacement quitting the Labor Party and entering Parliament as an IndependentMadeleine Ogilvie Independent
25 February 2019LyonsRene Hidding LiberalResigned John Tucker Liberal
12 February 2019BraddonAdam Brooks LiberalResigned Joan Rylah Liberal
17 March 2017BraddonBryan Green LaborResigned as opposition leaderShane Broad Labor
3 March 2016FranklinPaul Harriss LiberalResignedNic Street Liberal
17 August 2015FranklinNick McKim GreensResigned to accept Senate appointmentRosalie Woodruff 
9 June 2015BassKim Booth GreensResigned as Greens leaderAndrea Dawkins Greens
26 May 2011DenisonDavid Bartlett LaborResigned as PremierGraeme Sturges Labor
9 February 2009FranklinPaula Wriedt LaborResigned after being dropped as MinisterDaniel Hulme Labor
28 July 2008DenisonPeg Putt GreensResigned as Greens leaderCassy O'Connor Greens
27 May 2008FranklinPaul Lennon LaborResigned as PremierRoss Butler Labor
10 May 2005LyonsKen Bacon LaborResigned as MinisterHeather Butler Labor
1 April 2004DenisonJim Bacon LaborResigned as Premier due to ill healthDavid Bartlett Labor
22 April 2002FranklinFran Bladel LaborResigned in unsuccessful bid for
Legislative Council seat of Huon
at 2002 periodic elections
Neville Oliver Labor
19 October 2001FranklinPeter Hodgman LiberalResigned in unsuccessful bid for
Franklin at the 2001 federal election
Martin McManus Liberal
21 August 2001DenisonRay Groom LiberalResignedMichael Hodgman Liberal
14 March 2000BassFrank Madill LiberalResigned due to ill healthDavid Fry Liberal
15 July 1997BraddonMichael Field LaborResignedMike Gard Labor
15 July 1997BraddonRoger Groom LiberalResignedCarole Cains Liberal
15 December 1995LyonsRobin Gray LiberalResignedDenise Swan Liberal
15 May 1995FranklinGerry Bates GreensResigned in unsuccessful bid for
Legislative Council seat of
Queenborough at the
1995 periodic elections
Mike Foley Greens
10 April 1995FranklinMichael Aird LaborResigned in successful bid for
Legislative Council seat of Derwent
at the 1995 periodic elections
John Sheppard Labor
26 February 1993DenisonBob Brown GreensResignedPeg Putt Greens
15 October 1990FranklinKen Wriedt LaborResignedPaul Lennon Labor
6 August 1990FranklinNick Evers LiberalResignedBrian Davison Liberal
15 February 1990DenisonJohn Bennett LiberalResignedChris Gibson Liberal
14 November 1988FranklinGeoff Pearsall LiberalResignedJohn Cleary Liberal
29 September 1987DenisonGeoff Davis LiberalResignedJohn Barker Liberal
14 July 1987LyonsDarrel Baldock LaborResigned to return to football coachingChris Batt Labor
10 August 1984BassMichael Barnard LaborResignedPeter Patmore Labor
25 June 1984DenisonJohn Devine LaborResignedBob Graham Labor
25 June 1984DenisonMax Bingham LiberalResignedCarmel Holmes Liberal
4 January 1983DenisonNorm Sanders DemocratResignedBob Brown Green Independents
8 September 1980DenisonNeil Batt LaborResignedBob Graham Labor
28 September 1979FranklinEric Barnard LaborResignedBill McKinnon Labor
12 December 1977FranklinBill Neilson LaborResignedBill McKinnon Labor
10 July 1975WilmotAngus Bethune LiberalResignedIan Braid Liberal
16 May 1975BraddonLloyd Costello LaborResignedJohn Coughlan Labor
12 April 1975BraddonEric Reece LaborResignedJoseph Britton Labor
17 August 1974DenisonKevin Corby LaborResignedJohn Green Labor
26 July 1974WilmotRoy Fagan LaborResignedCharles Batt Labor
26 July 1974BassAllan Foster LaborResignedHarry Holgate Labor
27 April 1974DenisonMerv Everett LaborResigned in successful bid for
the Australian Senate at the
1974 federal election
Ian Cole Labor
25 October 1968BassJohn Steer LiberalDied in officeJames Henty Liberal
27 October 1966FranklinThomas Pearsall LiberalResigned in successful bid for
seat of Franklin at the 1966 federal election
Eric Iles Liberal
10 July 1965DenisonRex Townley LiberalResignedGeorge Deas Brown Liberal


See also