List of wars involving Spain explained

This is a list of wars and armed conflicts fought by the Kingdom of Spain, its predecessor states or in Spanish territory.


Conflict! style="background:red" width=170px
Combatant 1Combatant 2Results
Barcid conquest of Hispania(237–218 BC)
  • Battle of Helike
  • Battle of Tajo

Location: Iberian Peninsula

IberiansCeltiberians Carthaginian Empire Carthaginian Victory
  • Expansion of Carthaginian Iberia
Roman conquest of Hispania (220–17 BC)

Location: Iberian Peninsula, Western Europe, Italian Peninsula, North Africa and Mediterranean Sea

Pre-Roman Iberia

Roman popularis exiles

Roman RepublicCeltic tribes vassal to Rome Roman Victory
Siege of Saguntum(219 BC)

Location: Iberian Peninsula

Saguntines Carthaginian Empire Carthaginian Victory
Second Punic War(218–201 BC)

Location: Iberian Peninsula, North Africa and Mediterranean Sea

Carthaginian Empire


Roman Republic


Roman Victory
Indibilis and Mandonius Revolt(206–205 BC)

Location: Iberian Peninsula

Roman mutineers
Roman Republic Roman Victory
Iberian revolt(197–195 BC)

Location: Iberian Peninsula

Iberian rebels: Roman Republic Roman victory and re-establishes of control over Hispania
First Celtiberian War(181–179 BC)

Location: Iberian Peninsula

Celtiberian tribesVaccaei Vettones Roman Republic Roman Victory
  • Rome conquers certain tribes, but allows them to keep autonomy
Second Celtiberian War(154–151 BC)

Location: Iberian Peninsula

Celtiberian tribes Roman Republic Roman Victory
Lusitanian War(155–139 BC)

Location: Iberian Peninsula

Roman Republic

Celtic tribes become vassals of Rome

Lusitanian tribes Celtic tribes Roman Victory
Numantine War(143–133 BC)

Location: Iberian Peninsula

Roman Republic Roman Victory
Roman conquest of Gallaecia(132–19 BC)

Location: Iberian Peninsula

GallaeciCelts Roman Republic Roman Victory
Roman conquest of Majorca(123–121 BC)

Location: Iberian Peninsula

Balearic slinger Roman Republic Roman Victory
Sertorian War(80–72 BC)

Location: Iberian Peninsula

Roman popularis exiles

Native Iberians

Native Celts

Native Aquitanians

Roman SenateRoman Senate Victory
Caesar's civil war (49–45 BC)

Location: Hispania, Italia, Graecia, Illyria, Aegyptus, Africa



Ptolemaic kingdom




Caesarian victory.
Cantabrian Wars(29–19 BC)

Location: Iberian Peninsula




Roman Empire Roman Victory
Crisis of the Third Century(235–285 AD)

Location: Western Europe, Northern Europe, Southern Europe, North Africa, Middle East

Roman Empire Roman usurpers

---- Sasanian Persia----Germanic tribes

Roman Victory
  • Gallic Empire fails in their attempt to control Hispania (conquered from 261 to 269).
  • Emperor Aurelian re-conquers both the Palmyrene and Gallic Empires, and emperor Diocletian puts an end to the civil war.
Invasions in the West of the Empire(258–260)

Location: Western Europe and Southern Europe

Roman Empire Roman Victory and invasion repelled
Roman Civil War (406–411) and Gothic War (408–416)Location: Western Europe Western Roman Empire Constantine III's Britain Usurpation----Gerontius' Hispanic Usurpation----Priscus Attalus' Italian Usurpation----Barbarians Roman Pirric Victory
Crossing of the Rhine(406–411)

Location: Western Europe and Southern Europe

Western Roman Empire Sarmatian and Germanic Barbarians

Roman usurpers

  • Start of Barbarian invasions into the Roman Empire.
Invasion of Roman Gallaecia by the Germanic Suebi(409)

Location: Iberian Peninsula

Hispania Germanics Defeat
Invasion of Hispania by the Germanic Vandals (409)

Location: Iberian Peninsula

Hispania Germanics

Sarmatian Alans

Invasion of Hispania by the Germanic Visigoths (410)

Location: Iberian Peninsula

Hispania Germanics Defeat
Visigothic Campaign on Hispania(416–418)

Location: Iberian Peninsula and Southern France

Western Roman EmpireKingdom of the SuebiVisigothsVandals


Roman-Visigothic Victory
  • Wallia got a Visigothic settlement in Aquitania by the Romans, leaving Hispania.
War between The Suevi and the Hasdingi Vandals(419)
  • Part of Germanic Invasions on Hispania

Location: Iberian Peninsula

Suebi HispaniaHasdingi VandalsRoman-Suevi Victory
Vandal War in Hispania(422)

Location: Iberian Peninsula

HispaniaHasdingi VandalsSarmatian AlansRoman defeat
Vandal pirate incursions on the Mediterranean[2] (424–429)

Location: Iberian Peninsula, North Africa and Balearic Islands


Mauretania Tingitana

Hasdingi VandalsVandal success in their piracy activities.
War between the Alans and the Suevi(428)

Location: Iberian Peninsula

Suebi HispaniaSarmatian AlansDefeat at the Battle of Mérida.
War between the Visigoths and the Vandal–Alanic alliance(429)
  • Part of Germanic Invasions on Hispania

Location: Iberian Peninsula

Visigothic KingdomVandalsSarmatian AlansVisigoth victory
Bagaudae Revolts(284–456) Western Roman Empire Bagaudae
  • Peasant rebels

Germanic tribes

Roman victory
Gothic War in Spain (456)

Location: Iberian Peninsula

Western Roman Empire Visigothic KingdomBurgundians


SuebiVisigothic victory
Gothic War (457–458)

Location: Iberian Peninsula and Gallia

Western Roman Empire Visigothic KingdomRoman Victory
  • Visigoths had to relinquish their recent conquests in Hispania and return to federal status
Roman reconquest of Hispania(459–461)

Location: Iberian Peninsula, Mediterranean Sea

Western Roman EmpireHunsSuebiVandal KingdomInconclusive
  • Victory against Suebi. Majorian reconquers Hispania for Romans for the last time, but his final campaign against the Vandals is cancelled.
  • Vandals conquer Balearic Islands.
Visigoth invasion of Hispania (461)
  • Paer of Germanic Invasions on Hispania

Location: Iberian Peninsula

Hispania Visigothic KingdomIndecisive
Visigoth conquest of Hispania(469–474)

Location: Iberian Peninsula

HispaniaSuebi Visigothic KingdomVisigoth victory
  • Roman empire, Julius Nepos recognise the conquests of Euric, Visigoth Lord of Hispania.

Notes and References

  1. Orosius, Histories against the Pagans, vi.21
  2. Book: Álvarez Jiménez, David . El reino pirata de los vándalos . 2016 . Editorial Universidad de Sevilla . 978-84-472-1851-6 . 18 April 2024 . 18 April 2024 . . live .
  3. Wise Bauer, Susan (2010). The History of the Medieval World: From the Conversion of Constantine to the First Crusade. W. W. Norton & Company. p. 369.
  4. Dupuy, R. Ernest; Dupuy, Trevor N. (1986). The Encyclopedia of Military History from 3500 B.C. to the Present (2nd ed.). New York: Harper & Row Publishers.
  5. Thomas F. Glick. Islamic and Christian Spain in the Early Middle Ages. (Princeton, Princeton University Press), p. 38
  6. [Abbasid–Carolingian alliance]
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  36. Valerii︠a︡ Fol, Bulgaria: History Retold in Brief, (Riga, 1999), 103.
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  39. Alexandru Madgearu, The Wars of the Balkan Peninsula: Their Medieval Origins, ed. Martin Gordon, (Scarecrow Press, 2008), 90.
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  67. Norwegian Catholic nobles supported Christian II.
  68. Norwegian nobles supported, fought and send troops to aid in the war.
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  86. Hayden p.22
  87. The Spanish army under Spinola refused to give up the key fortress of Wesel. Hayden p.22
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  95. Parker p.146
  96. Thion p.18
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  105. [Lord Wentworth's Regiment]
  106. Treaty of alliance between France and Portugal concluded at Paris, 1 June 1641. Davenport, Frances Gardiner: European Treaties Bearing on the History of the United States and Its Dependencies to 1648. Clark, New Jersey: The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd., 2012., pp. 324–328
  107. [English expedition to Portugal (1662–1668)]
  108. Birmingham, p.51
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  112. From 1703 started the Rákóczi's War of Independence as a proxy conflict of the Habsburg-Bourbon conflict during Spanish Succession War. Spanish mercenaries fought in the Hungarian conflict for both sides due to alliances.
  113. The Acts of Union of 1707 united the crowns of England and Scotland, forming the Kingdom of Great Britain. For much of the war, Scottish units were under Dutch pay and operated as part of the army of the Dutch Republic.
  114. In 1707, the kingdoms of England and Scotland were unified as the Kingdom of Great Britain, sharing a single Parliament at Westminster under the Act of Union 1707. After this, Scottish troops joined their English counterparts in all colonial wars.
  115. From H.M.C. Brown to Peter P. Pitchlynn. Re: rumors of a band of Comanches and Apaches of hostile nature gathering. "Peter P. Pitchlynn Collection", Western Histories Collection, University of Oklahoma Libraries
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  127. [Northwest Indian War]
  128. [:ru:Средиземноморский поход Ушакова|Ushakov expedition]
  129. Web site: De re Militari: muertos en Guerras, Dictaduras y Genocidios. 22 September 2018. 30 April 2015. live.
  130. [British intervention in Spanish American independence]
  131. [Congress of Verona]
  132. Web site: 11 June 2006 . Belgian Corps 1832–35 in Portugal's Liberal Wars . 17 February 2013 . 9 September 2015 . . live .
  133. Book: Bullón de Mendoza y Gómez de Valugera, Alfonso . La primera guerra carlista . 1992 . Actas . 978-84-87863-08-0 . 10 November 2023 . 10 November 2023 . . live .
  134. Web site: Victimario Histórico Militar . 3 November 2022 . 9 May 2008 . . live .
    • Book: Evans . Robert . Pogge von Strandmann . Hartmut . The Revolutions in Europe, 1848–1849 . Oxford University Press . 2002-01-03 . 978-0-19-924997-8 . 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199249978.003.0004.
  135. [First Italian War of Independence]
  136. Web site: Nineteenth Century Death Tolls. 17 September 2018. 13 December 2017. live.
  137. Magyarország hadtörténete 1. (Military history of Hungary), Zrínyi Katonai Kiadó 1984.
  138. [Italian military intervention in Spain]
  139. [German involvement in the Spanish Civil War]
  140. [Viriatos]
  141. Web site: 15 November 2004 . Indonesia 'bugged' Australia . The Age . 10 November 2023 . 7 July 2014 . . live .
  142. News: 19 December 2011 . The Collins allegations | Nautilus Institute for Security and Sustainability . Nautilus Institute for Security and Sustainability | We Hold That It is Possible to Build Peace, Create Security, and Restore Sustainability for All People in Our Time . 10 November 2023 . 30 March 2023 . . live .
  143. Web site: PM – A look behind the 'Jakarta Lobby' . Australian Broadcasting Corporation . 13 November 2023 . 10 November 2023 . 10 January 2023 . . live .
  144. Web site: PM – Intelligence analyst blasts the DIO . Australian Broadcasting Corporation . 13 November 2023 . 10 November 2023 . 10 January 2023 . . live .
  145. Web site: 2013-01-13 . España promete ayuda militar y apoyo logístico a Mali en la guerra contra Ansar Dine . 2023-06-21 . Cuartopoder . es . 5 March 2016 . . live .
  146. Rwanda deploys troops to CAR under bilateral arrangement
  147. News: 2021-04-29. Central African troops and Russian mercenaries accused of abuses in anti-rebel offensive. The New Humanitarian. 2021-05-13. 21 March 2022. live.
  148. Web site: Radical Russian Imperial Movement Expanding Global Outreach . Sahinkaya . Ezel . Galperovich . Danila . 9 May 2020 . . 8 October 2022 . 25 March 2022 . . live .
  149. L'incroyable constellation des groupes armés en Centrafrique
  150. France suspends military, budgetary support to Central African Republic
  151. Web site: Nzilo . Alain . Le Préfet du Haut-Mbomou sous pression : une nouvelle milice d'autodéfense locale, AZANDE ANI KPI GBE, appelle à son départ . corbeaunews-centrafrique . 13 March 2023 . Corbeaunews Centrafrique . 8 July 2023 . 8 July 2023 . . live .
  152. News: González . Miguel . 2014-10-22 . El Congreso apoya la misión en Irak . es . El País . 2023-06-21 . 1134-6582 . 21 June 2023 . . live .
  153. News: González . Miguel . 2017-11-25 . Cuando España volvió a la guerra . es . El País . 2023-06-21 . 1134-6582 . 23 May 2024 . . live .
  154. Spremić, Momčilo (2005). Balkanski vazali kralja Alfonsa Aragonskog [Spremić, Momčilo (2005). Balkan vassals of King Alfonso of Aragon<nowiki>]]. [43]

    (since 1463)


    (1447–1448)|Albanese victory

    |-|Aragonese-Venice War (1449–50)[45]

    Location: Adriatic Sea| Crown of Aragon

    | Kingdom of Bosnia ----|Indecisive|-|Forana Revolt(1450–53)

    Location: Balearic Islands| Kingdom of Majorca

    • NobilityItalian mercenaries

    |Peasants of Part Forana and Artesans of Mallorca|Nobiliary victory|-|Navarrese Civil War
    (1451–64)Location: Iberian Peninsula and Pyrenees| Forces of Charles IV of Navarre
    Crown of Castile| Forces of John II of Aragon
    Crown of Aragon
    County of Foix|Victory for John II of Aragon|-|Battle of Los Alporchones

    Location: Iberian Peninsula| Kingdom of Castile

    | Emirate of Granada|Castilian victory|-|Catalan-Genoese War(1454–58)[49]
    Location: Mediterranean Sea| Crown of Aragon| Republic of Genoa Angevin Dinasty|Stalemate|-|Enrique IV war of Granada
    (1455–58)Location: Iberian Peninsula| Crown of Castile| Emirate of Granada|Inconclusive|-|Angevin-Aragonese War (1460–1464)

    Location: Italian Peninsula and Mediterranean Sea| Aragonese Dinasty

    Duchy of Milan

    Papal States| Angevin Dinasty Principality of Taranto|Victory

    |-|Catalan uprising of 1460-1461Location: Iberian Peninsula| Principality of Catalonia|Catalan elite


    |-|Catalan Civil War

    Location: Iberian Peninsula| Principality of Catalonia
    Crown of Castile
    Kingdom of PortugalDuchy of Lorraine| Forces of John II of Aragon
    Kingdom of France|Victory for John II of Aragon

    |-|Ottoman–Venetian War (1463–1479)

    Location: Morea (Peloponnese), Negroponte (Euboea), Albania, Aegean Sea, Anatolia, Balkan and the Black Sea.|

    Papal States

    League of Lezhë

    Principality of Zeta

    Kingdom of Hungary

    Knights Hospitaller[50]

    Crown of Aragon

    Kingdom of Naples

    Aq Qoyunlu

    Duchy of Burgundy[51]


    Principality of Moldavia

    Kingdom of Croatia

    Duchy of Saint Sava

    Kingdom of France[53]

    Republic of Ragusa

    Grand Duchy of Lithuania

    Crown of Castile




    Greek rebels||Defeat

    |-|Conflict over the succession of Henry IV of Castile(1465–1474)

    Location: Iberian Peninsula| Crown of Castile


    • Royalist victory of Henry IV against Liga Nobiliaria supporter of Alfonso of Castile during the 1st phase (Farce of Ávila).
    • Inconclussive after death of Henry IV, starting a new phase as the War of the Castilian Succession between Joanna and Isabella.

    |-|Sardinian Revolt (1470–1478)

    Location: Sardinia| Crown of Aragon

    | Sardinian rebels led by Leonardo Alagon|Victory|-|Aragonese-French conflict over Perpignan(1473–1493)

    | Crown of Aragon| Kingdom of France|Stalemate

    |-|War of the Castilian Succession
    (1475–79)Location: Iberian Peninsula| Isabella Supporters
    Crown of Aragon| Juana Supporters
    Kingdom of Portugal
    Kingdom of France|Peace Treaty

    |-|Siege of Ceuta (1476)[54]
    Location: North Africa (Ceuta)| Kingdom of Portugal Crown of Castile (Juana Supporters)|Marinid Sultanate|Victory|-|Battle of Guinea

    Location: Africa, Gulf of Guinea (Near Elmina)| Crown of Castile| Kingdom of Portugal|Defeat|-|Ottoman conquest of Otranto (1480–81)Location: Italian Peninsula| Kingdom of Naples Crown of Aragon

    Kingdom of Sicily

    Kingdom of Hungary

    Kingdom of Portugal[55] | |Victory

    • Ottomans conquer Otranto and gain foothold in Southern Italy
    • Ottoman garrison surrender the city after 13 months

    |-|Granada War

    Location: Iberian Peninsula| Castile–Aragon Union
    Military Orders
    European crusaders| Emirate of Granada|Victory

    |-|Flemish revolts against Maximilian of Austria[56] (1483–92)

    | Burgundian State

    Supported by: Holy Roman Empire

    Kingdom of England

    Kingdom of Castile-León

    Papal States

    Duchy of Brittany| County of Flanders

    Supported by:
    Kingdom of France

    Duchy of Guelders|Pirric Victory

    |-|Pallars War (1484–91)Location: Iberian Peninsula| Castile–Aragon Union| County of Pallars SobiràSupported by:
    Kingdom of France|Victory

    |-|Mad War (1485–1488)Location: Western Europe, Modern France| Duchy of Lorraine Duchy of Brittany

    Lordship of Albret

    Principality of Orange

    County of Angoulême

    Supported by:

    Holy Roman Empire

    Kingdom of England

    Kingdom of Castile-León| Kingdom of France|Defeat|-|French-Breton War (1487–1491)Location: Western Europe, Modern France| Duchy of Brittany Holy Roman Empire

    Kingdom of England

    Kingdom of Castile-León| Kingdom of France|Defeat

    |-|Ottoman expedition on Granada(1487–1495)

    Location: Western Mediterranean Sea (Iberian Peninsula and Italian Peninsula) | Castile–Aragon Union| Supported by:



    Catholic Monarchy

    ConflictCombatant 1Combatant 2Results
    First Italian War

    Location: Italian Peninsula, Mediterranean Sea

    League of Venice:

    Kingdoms of Spain
    Duchy of Milan

    Duchy of Mantua
    (from 1496)

    Duchy of Milan (before 1495)

    • Forced French retreat
    Spanish conquest of Haiti[57]
    Location: Americas, Caribbean Sea, Hispaniola
    Conquest of Melilla

    Location: North Africa

    Castile and AragonWattasid dynastyVictory
    Rebellion of the Alpujarras(1499–1501)

    Location: Iberian Peninsula

    Castile–Aragon Union Muslims of GranadaVictory
    • Rebellion defeated
    • Mass forced conversions of all Muslims in Granada
    Second Ottoman–Venetian War

    Location: Adriatic, Ionian and Aegean Seas

    Castile and Aragon
    Second Italian War
    (1499–1501)Location: Italian Peninsula, Mediterranean Sea
      Duchy of MilanVictory,
      Ottoman raid on the Balearic Islands (1501)Location: Mediterranean Sea, Balearic Islands Castile and Aragon Supported by: MoriscosVictory
      Third Italian War

      Location: Italian Peninsula

      Guelders Wars(1502–1543)

      Location: Low Countries, Frisia



      County of Holland

      County of Flanders

      Duchy of Brabant

      Duchy of Luxemburg---- Imperial Frisia (Saxony) (1514–15)---- Bishopric of Utrecht (1508–28)

      Guelders: Duchy of Guelders

      Groningen & Ommelanden (1514–36)

      Frisian rebels (1514–23)

      Jülich-Cleves-Berg (1538–43)

      Supported by:

      Kingdom of France---- County of East Frisia (1514–17)---- Utrecht rebel groups (1520–28)

      Habsburg victory
      • Guelders, Utrecht, Frisia and Groningen annexed
      • Overijssel and Drenthe detached from Utrecht
      • Jülich and East Frisia remain independent
      Spanish crusade[58]

      Location: North Africa (modern Maghreb countries), Mediterranean Sea

      Crown of Aragon
      Kingdom of Tlemcen
      Hafsid dynasty

      Wattasid dynasty

      War of the League of Cambrai

      Location: Western Europe (Italian Peninsula, Iberian Peninsula, Modern France and England)



      Holy League:


      Swiss mercenaries


      Duchy of Milan
      Swiss mercenaries
      League of Cambrai:

      Duchy of Ferrara

      Duchy of Ferrara

      Duchy of Ferrara1513–16:

      Duchy of Ferrara
      Spanish conquest of Iberian Navarre (1512–1529)Location: Iberian Peninsula Castile and Aragon
      Spanish conquest of Puerto Rico
      (1508–1511)Location: Americas, Caribbean Sea, Puerto Rico
      Spanish conquest of Cuba
      (1511–13)Location: Americas, Caribbean Sea, Cuba
      Taíno rebellion of 1511
      (1511–13)Location: Americas, Caribbean Sea, Puerto Rico
      Taínos of Boriken and allies from The AntillesVictory
      Spanish conquest of the Maya(1511–1697)

      Location: Mesoamerica and Central America

      SpainLate Postclassic Maya states Victory
      Spanish conquest of Iberian Navarre(1511–1529)

      Location: Pyrenees

      Spain Kingdom of NavarreSupported by:Castilian-Aragonese victory
      • Navarre south of the Pyrenees is annexed to Spain, while north of the Pyrenees to France.

      Habsburg Spain

      ConflictCombatant 1Combatant 2Results
      Spanish-Ottoman Wars of 1515–1577

      Location: Mediterranean Sea, Southern Europe, North Africa

      Supported by:

      Holy Roman Empire


      Republic of Florence

      Hafsid Kingdom

      Supported by:

      Spanish-Algerian war (1516–1518)

      Location: North Africa

      Kingdom of Tlemcen

      Regency of AlgiersKingdom of KukuHispano-Zayyanid Victory
      Spanish-Ottoman War (1518–1519)

      Location: North Africa

      Kingdom of Sicily----Kingdom of Kuku

      Spanish conquest of the Aztec Empire

      Location: Mesoamerica (ModernMexico)

      Spanish conquistadoresIndian auxiliaries Victory
      • Aztec empire is annexed to Spanish Empire
      Revolt of the Brotherhoods

      Location: Iberian Peninsula

      Empire of Charles V GermaniesRoyalist victory
      Revolt of the Comuneros

      Location: Iberian Peninsula

      Empire of Charles VCastilian rebelsRoyalist victory
      Italian War of 1521–1526

      Location: Western Europe (Italian Peninsula, Iberian Peninsula, Modern France and Low Countries)


      (1521–1523 and 1525–1526)


      Marquisate of Saluzzo

      Habsburg Victory
      Green Banner Mutiny(1521)

      Location: Iberian Peninsula, Seville

      Andalusian rebelsGovernment victory
      Battle of Mactan (1521)

      Location: Asia, Philippine Islands

      Rajahnate of Cebu
      Kedatuan of MactanDefeat
      1521 Santo Domingo Slave Revolt (1521)Location: Americas, Caribbean Sea, Hispaniola SpainAfrican slavesVictory
      Moluccas issue(1521–1529)

      Location: Asia, Maluku Islands (modern Indonesia)

      Spain Stalemate
      Tidore-Ternate conflicts (1521–1667)[59] [60]

      Location: Asia, Maluku Islands and Philippine Islands

      Sultanate of TidoreSupported by: Spain

      Jailolo Sultanate (until 1536)

      Sultanate of Bacan (1521–1557; 1583–1609)

      Sultanate of Ternate

      Supported by:

      Portuguese Empire (until 1605)

      Dutch Empire (since 1605)

      Sultanate of Bacan (1557–1583; 1609–1667)

      Spanish conquest of the Tarascan empire(1522–1530)

      Location: Mesoamerica (ModernMexico)

      Indian auxiliaries

      Purépecha EmpireVictory
      Spanish conquest of Chiapas
      (1523–1695)Location: Mesoamerica (ModernMexico)

      Indian auxiliaries

      Zoque people
      Chiapaneca peopleIndependent Maya, including:
      Spanish conquest of Yucatán
      (1523–1547)Location: Mesoamerica (ModernMexico)

      Indian auxiliaries

      Mayan tribesVictory
      Spanish conquest of Guatemala
      (1524–1667)Location: Central America

      Indian auxiliaries

      Independent indigenous kingdoms and city-statesVictory
      Spanish conquest of El Salvador
      (1524–1539)Location: Central America

      Indian auxiliaries

      Indigenous peoples of El Salvador, including: Victory
      Spanish conquest of Honduras(1524 – c. 1539)

      Location: Central America

      Indigenous peoples of Honduras, including: Victory
      Spanish Expedition to Chesapeake Bay(1526)

      Location: North America (Modern South Carolina)

      Hostile Natives----African rebels----Spanish mutineersDefeat
      War of the League of Cognac

      Location: Italian Peninsula



      Duchy of Ferrara

      Duchy of Mantua (1528–1530)

      Republic of Florence


      Kingdom of Navarre
      Duchy of Milan

      Ottoman–Habsburg wars

      Location: Eastern Europe, Central Europe, Southern Europe, North Africa, Mediterranean Sea, Indian Ocean, Southeast Asia

      Habsburg Dynasty:

      Kingdom of Hungary

      Non-Habsburg allies:

      Tsardom of Russia
      Cossack Hetmanate (Muscovite and Polish vassals)
      Holy League Allies:
      Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth
      Duchy of Mantua

      Order of Saint John

      VictoryEnd of Ottoman expansion
      Hungarian Civil War (1526–1538)

      Location: Eastern Europe and Central Europe (Modern Hungary, Croatia, Romania and Austria)

      Western Hungarian Kingdom

      Supported by:

      Empire of Charles V

      Serbian rebels

      Eastern Hungarian Kingdom

      Supported by:

      • Hungary was divided into larger Ottoman and smaller Habsburg spheres of influence, as well as a semi-independent Hungarian vassal state of Transylvania.
      • Treaty of Nagyvárad divided Hungary between them. Ferdinand recognized Zápolya as John I, King of Hungary and ruler of two-thirds of the Kingdom, while Zápolya conceded the rule of Ferdinand over western Hungary, and recognized him as heir to the Hungarian throne, since Zápolya was childless.
      Espadán Rebellion (1526) Spain MoriscoCrown victory
      Narváez expedition (1528–36)Location: North America (modern Southern United States) TocobagaUzita
      • Spanish troops lost the route after an Hurricane and return by land to Mexico.
      First Austro-Turkish War (1529–1533)

      Location: Central Europe (Modern Austria and Southern Germany)

      Empire of Charles V

      Eastern Hungarian Kingdom

      Spanish-Ottoman War (1529–1541)

      Location: Mediterranean Sea and North Africa

      Empire of Charles V

      Papal States

      Kingdom of Portugal

      (until 1534)

      Hafsid dynasty

      Kingdom of Kuku

      Kabyle people

      Kingdom of Tlemcen

      Banu Rashid

      Arab irregulars

      (since 1535)

      Ternatean–Portuguese conflicts (1530–1605)

      Location: Asia, Maluku Islands and Philippine Islands

      Spain (since 1580)

      Sultanate of Ternate

      Spain (from 1533 to 1536)

      Dutch Empire (since 1605)

      Spanish conquest of the Inca Empire

      Location: South America (Modern Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, southern Colombia, northern Chile and northwest Argentina)

      Indian auxiliaries

      (until 1535)

      ---- (since 1536)

      Yaqui Wars(1533–1929)

      Location: North America

      Spanish Empire (until 1821)

      ---- (since 1821)---- (since 1896)

      YaquiStalemateMexican-American victory
      Dutch-Hanseatic Corsair War(1532–1534)[64] Empire of Charles V


      (until 1533)

      Supported by:

      Denmark-Norway [Catholics]

      Hanseatic League

      (since 1533)

      Supported by:


      Denmark-Norway [Protestants]

      Military inconclussive, Political Victory
      • Marx Meier successfully sacks the Spanish Fleets on the Baltic and English Coasts while Protestant Reformation still ongoing in Nordic countries, but Hanseatic League start to decline in Northern Europe (in favour of Dutch, Danes and Swedes) and it is isolated of support from the German enemies of Charles V.[66]
      • The Council of Lübeck, beside the attitude of Jürgen Wullenwever (mayor of Lübeck) accept a Ceasefire offer in March 1534, and also changed sides in the Denmark Succession Conflict and joins to the Count's Feud in favour of Cristian II (so, the conflict ended de facto as both were in the same side in the new Conflict, but legally would continue 4 years more). Also Peace of Stockeldorf with Holstein
      • Dutch and Spanish ships can cross the Øresund Strait and commerce in Eastern Baltic Sea, declining the Hanseatic Monopoly.
      • End of the economical supremacy of Lubeck over the Hanseatic League, and also fall of Jürgen Wullenwever.
      Count's Feud (1534–1536)

      Location: Northern Europe (Denmark)

      Christian II (Catholics) County of Oldenburg

      Free City of Lübeck


      Supported by:

      Norwegian nobles[67]

      Empire of Charles V

      Christian III (Protestants) Schleswig



      Duchy of Prussia



      Supported by:

      Norwegian nobles[68]

      Duchy of Guelders

      Iguape War(1534–1536)

      Location: Southern Brazil

      Spanish EmpireIndian auxiliaries Portuguese Empire Defeat
      Expedition of Francisco Vázquez de Coronado(1535–1554)

      Location: North America

      Indian auxiliaries

      PuebloSpanish withdrawal
      Sicily Mutiny(1535)
      Location: Sicily
      Tercio of Sicily mutineersRebellion repressed
      First attempt of colonizing Buenos Aires(1536–1541)

      Location: Río de la Plata Basin (Modern Argentina)

      QuerandíHelp from:





      • Indigenous peoples burned down the city in 1539.
      • The Spanish abandon the city and translate to Asunción in 1541.
      Italian War of 1536–1538
      (1536–1538)Location: Southern France, Northern Italy and Mediterranean Sea

      Civil wars between the conquerors of Peru (1537–1554)

      Location: South America (Modern Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador and Chile)

      Royalists Pizarrists (New Castile)
      Almagrists (New Toledo)
      Royalist Victory
      Spanish conquest of the Muisca

      Location: South America (Modern Colombia)

      Indian auxiliaries

      Muisca Confederation Guecha warriorsVictory
      Third Ottoman–Venetian War

      Location: Mediterranean Sea

      Holy League

      Kingdom of Sicily
      Knights of Malta

      (until 1538)
      Spanish expedition to North America

      Location: North America

      Indian auxiliaries

      Portuguese volunteers

      Northern Utina
      Coosa chiefdom
      Grijalva expedition to the equatorial Pacific (1539–42)Location: Pacific Ocean Hostile Indigenous peoples
      Spanish mutineers
      Inconsclusive due to the loss of the ship in New Guinea.
      Revolt of Ghent (1539–1540)Location: Low Countries and Germany Empire of Charles VCitizens of GhentVictory
      Mixtón War

      Location: North America

      Tiguex War

      Location: North America

      Tiwa IndiansVictory
      Second Austro-Turkish War (1540–1547)

      Location: Central Europe and Eastern Europe

      Habsburg monarchy


      Eastern Hungarian Kingdom

      Conquest of Chile (1541–1598)

      Location: South America (modern Chile)

      Spanish Empire

      Indian auxiliaries

      Indigenous peoples in ChileEstablishment of the Captaincy General of Chile after incorporating the territories up to the Biobío River, avoiding incorporating hostile indigenous people.Beginning of the Arauco War.
      Italian War of 1542–1546

      Location: Western Europe (Iberian Peninsula, Low Countries, England, France)



      Denmark-Norway (1542–1543)

      Spanish expedition to Tidore and Papuan Islands of Ruy López de Villalobos (1542–1543)Location: Pacific Ocean (Modern Indonesia and Papua New Guinea) Spain Pirates' nest Gebe on Papuan IslandsPirric Victory
      1st Communero Rebellion of Paraguay (1544)Location: South America (Paraguay, North Argentina and Eastern Bolivia) Spanish Empire Communero rebelsDefeat
      Attack on Jailolo(1545)

      Location: Maluku Islands

      Portuguese Empire

      Spanish Empire

      Sultanate of Ternate

      Sultanate of JailoloDefeat
      Arauco War
      (1546–17th or 18th century)

      Location: South America (Modern Chile and Argentina)

      Spanish Empire

      Indian auxiliaries

      Indigenous people from Araucania and Patagonia: Defeat
      • Spanish Empire renounces the domination of the territories south of the Biobío River and recognizes the independence of the Mapuche tribes of the place.
      • «La Frontera» appears, as a border area between the Captaincy General of Chile and the territory of the Mapuche tribes.
      • Successive peace parliaments between the Spanish Empire and the Mapuche tribes during the conflict.
      Schmalkaldic War

      Location: Central Europe (Holy Roman Empire, Modern Germany)

      Empire of Charles V:

      Kingdom of Hungary
      Kingdom of Bohemia and other Lands of the Bohemian Crown

      Schmalkaldic League Victory
      The Estates Revolt in Bohemia(1547)[69]

      Location: Central Europe (Holy Roman Empire, Modern Czech Republic)

      Empire of Charles V Bohemian rebels---- Victory
      Bayano Wars (1548–82)Location: South America (Modern Colombia) SlavesVictory
      Chichimeca War

      Location: North America (Modern Mexico)

      Chichimeca (Zacateco, Guachichil, Guamare, Pame)Defeat
      Spanish-Ottoman War (1550–1560)

      Location: Mediterranean Sea, North Africa and Central Europe (Mostly Hungary)

      Knights of Malta

      Saadi Sultanate

      Kingdom of Beni Abbas

      Kingdom of Kuku

      • Béjaïa under Ottoman rule.
      • Ottomans capture Tripoli.
      • Mahdia was abandoned by Spain.
      • Ottomans temporarily occupy parts of the Balearics.
      • Ottoman supremacy on Mediterranean sea seizured until Battle of Lepanto.
      Italian War of 1551–1559

      Location: Western Europe (Italian Peninsula, Low Countries, France)

        Republic of Siena

        Papal States

        Second Schmalkaldic War (1552–55)Location: Central Europe (Holy Roman Empire, Modern Germany) Empire of Charles V: Hesse

        Duchy of Prussia

        Electorate of Brandenburg

        Principality of Bayreuth

        Third Austro-Turkish War (1552–1559)

        Location: Central Europe and Eastern Europe (Modern Hungary and Romania)

        Habsburg monarchy

        Eastern Hungarian Kingdom (until 1556)


        Eastern Hungarian Kingdom (since 1556)

        Bandeirantes raids from Brazil to Spanish domains (1557–18th century)Location: South America (mostly Amazon rainforest) Bandeirantes from Colonial BrazilStalemate
        • The Amazon is divided between Spain and Portugal with the Treaty of Madrid (1750), as both countries compromissed to stop and punish bandits expeditions from bandeirantes.
        Spanish-Ottoman War (1559–1565)[70]

        Location: Mediterranean Sea, Iberian Peninsula, North Africa


        Knights of Malta

        Republic of Genoa

        Grand Duchy of Tuscany

        Kingdom of Beni Abbas

        Kingdom of Kuku

        • Dragut dies in action leading to conflict between remaining Ottoman generals
        • Myth of Ottoman Invincibility in Europe destroyed
        Calchaquí Wars (1560–1667)

        Location: South America (modern Argentine Northwest)

        Spanish Empire Diaguita ConfederationVictory
        • Conquest of Tucuman.
        French Wars of Religion

        Location: France and Low Countries

        Catholics: Protestants:


        • Uneasy truce.
        • The Edict of Nantes granted the Huguenots substantial rights in certain areas.
        • Paris and other defined territories were declared to be permanently Catholic.
        • Failure of France's enemies to weaken France or to gain territories.
        Spanish-Chiriguana War (1564–17th century)Location: South America (Eastern Bolivia) Spanish Empire Ava Guaraní peopleVictory
        Spanish assault on French Florida (1565)Location: North America, Florida Spain Victory
        Spanish conquest of the Philippines

        Location: Southeast Asia, Philippine Islands

        Spain Rajahnate of Maynila
        Tondo polity
        Rahjanate of Cebu
        Spanish–Moro conflict

        Location: Southeast Asia, Southern Philippine Islands and Borneo Island

        Spanish Empire Sultanate of Sulu
        Sultanate of Maguindanao
        Confederation of sultanates in LanaoSupported by:
        Philippine revolts against Spain

        Location: Philippines

        • Most revolts failed
        Spanish expeditions to the Solomon Islands and Vanuatu (1567–1606)

        Location: Oceania (Mostly Polynesia)

        Spanish Empire Hostile inhabitants of PolynesiaStalemate
        • Failed colonization attempts due to disease and belligerence of the inhabitants, as well as war crimes by explorers that discouraged the enterprise.
        Battle of Maracapana (1567/68)Location: Caribbean Islands Indian auxiliaries KalinagoDecisive Spanish victory, dissolution of the Caribbean alliance and flight of the chief Guaicaipuro to Suruapo to be assassinated in 1569.
        Battle of San Juan de Ulúa (1568)Location: Caribbean Sea, Puerto Rico Victory
        Blockade of Cebu (1568)

        Location: Philippines

        Portuguese EmpireVictory
        Eighty Years' War
        (1568–1648)Western Europe

        European Waters


        East Indies

        Spanish Empire

        Portuguese Empire (since 1580)


        Morisco Revolt

        Location: Iberian Peninsula

        Morisco rebelsWith the support of: Victory
        Spanish-Ottoman War (1569–1580)

        Location: Eastern Mediterranean Sea (Peloponnese) and North Africa


        Knights of Malta

        Republic of Genoa

        Grand Duchy of Tuscany

        Hafsid dynasty

        Regency of Algiers

        Pirric Victory
        • Stop of the Ottoman advance in Europe after the end of its naval superiority. But lost of Spanish conquests in North Africa.
        • Division of the Mediterranean sea into areas of influence: western for Spain (from Iberian Peninsula to Italy) and eastern for the Ottomans (From the Balkans to Anatolia, and North Africa).
        • End of the Spanish-Ottoman proxy conflict for the control of the Mediterranean Sea and Maghreb since 1515.
        Fourth Ottoman–Venetian War

        Location: Ionian Islands and Aegean Sea

        Holy League


        Grand Duchy of Tuscany
        Duchy of Urbino

        Knights of Malta

        • Cyprus under Ottoman rule
        Spanish conquest of Mesopotamia(1573–1583)

        Location: South America, Mesopotamia, Argentina

        Indian auxiliaries

        Charrúan ComplexQuerandí


        Castilian War (1578)

        Location: Southeast Asia (Borneo, Mindanao, Sulu)

        Spanish Empire

        Bruneians who defected to Spain

        Bruneian Empire Sultanate of Sulu


        Supported by:


        Sultanate of Aceh

        Status quo ante bellum
        • Bruneian military victory to seize its independence from Spanish Empire. Becoming a city-state until today.
        • Spanish tactical Victory in ending Bruneian empire at sea and its influence on Philippines.
        Expeditions to Chile hostile to Spain during the colony (1578–18th century)Location: Chile Spanish Empire European Pirates and Corsairs (mostly English, Dutch and French)StalemateMostly repelled
        Second Desmond Rebellion

        Location: British Isles (Ireland)

        FitzGeralds of Desmond


        allied Irish clans

        allied Irish clans
        Revolution of the Seven Chiefs(1580) Rebel CriollosVictory
        War of the Portuguese Succession

        Location: Iberian Peninsula (mostly Portugal) and Atlantic Ocean

        Portugal loyal to Philip of Spain
        Portugal loyal to Prior of Crato

        Ottoman–Portuguese conflicts(1580–89)

        Location: Africa (East Africa, Swahili coast) and Indian Ocean

        Iberian Union Victory
        • Portuguese control in the South East African coast restored and Mir Ali Bey captured
        Ribagorza War(1580–91) Spanish CrownCounty of RibagorzaVictory
        Viltipoco Rebellion(1582)

        Location: South America (modern Argentine Northwest)

        Conflicts against Pirates in Argentina(1582–1724)

        Location: Modern Argentina

        European Pirates and Corsairs (mostly English, French, Danish and Portuguese)StalemateMostly repelled
        • The island Martín García remains in Spanish control
        • Foundation of Montevideo
        1582 Cagayan battles (1582)Location: Philippines Spain Wokou (Japanese, Chinese, and Korean pirates)Victory
        Cologne War
        (1583–88)Location: Germany
        Ernst of Bavaria Prince-Elector, Cologne, 1583–1612
        House of Wittelsbach
        Free Imperial City of Cologne
        Philip of Spain, and for him:
        House of Farnese
        House of Isenburg-Grenzau
        House of Mansfeld (main line)
        House of Berlaymont-Flyon
        and others
        Gebhard, Truchsess von Waldburg, Prince-Elector, Cologne 1578–1588
        House of Neuenahr-Alpen
        House of Waldburg
        House of Palatinate-Zweibrücken
        House of Nassau
        House of Solms-Braunfels and others
        Anglo-Spanish War (1585–1604)

        Location: British Isles, Low Countries, France, Italian Peninsula, Iberian Peninsula, Mediterranean Sea, Atlantic Ocean and Americas

        Spanish Empire

        Order of Saint John


        War of the Three Henrys (1585–1589)

        Location: France

        Catholics (Henry I, Duke of Guise):Politiques (Henry III of France):

        Kingdom of France----Protestants (Henry of Navarre):

        Militar StalematePolitical Defeat
        Revolt of the Lakans (1587–1588)Location: Philippines Spanish EmpireTondo polity Victory
        War of the Succession of Henry IV of France (1589–1594)

        Location: France and Low Countries


        Catholic League


        Politiques and Protestants: HuguenotsMilitary Inconclusive
        • Start of a Franco-Spanish War in 1595 in defense of Catholic resistance remnants.

        Political Defeat

        Brittany Campaign (1590–1598)

        Location: France (Brittany)

        Spanish Empire Catholic League Kingdom of France Huguenots
        Spanish Crown Diputación del General del Reino de AragónVictory
        Siamese–Cambodian War (1591–1594)[74] Location: Southeast Asia (modern Cambodia) Kingdom of CambodiaSupported by:

        Spanish Empire

        Ayutthaya KingdomDefeat
        Luxemburg campaigns (1593–1595)

        Location: Low Countries (Modern Luxembourg and Belgium)


        Prince-Bishopric of Liège (1595)[75]

        Dutch States Army

        Duchy of Bouillon

        Kingdom of France (1595)

        Sino-Spanish conflicts(1593–XVIII Century)

        Location: Philippine Sea

        Spanish Empire Ming China

        Supported by:

        Chinese in the Philippines[76]

        Sultanate of Sulu

        • Chinese attempts to conquer the islands are cancelled.
        • Anti-Spanish revolts from Chinese colonies in the Philippines are defeated.
        • Pagan chineses are expelled from the islands after Anti-Chinese paranoia on Spanish governors.
        Cambodian–Spanish War
        (1593–97)Location: Southeast Asia (ModernCambodia)
        Spanish Empire

        Cambodian allies

        Japanese mercenaries


        Supported by:

        Ayutthaya Kingdom

        Johor Sultanate (Muslim Malay merchants)

        Kingdom of Champa (Muslim Cham merchants)

        Long Turkish War (1593–1606)

        Location: Eastern Europe (mostly modern Romania)

        Principality of Transylvania


        Zaporozhian Cossacks

        Serbian hajduks

        Papal States

        Irish Nine Years' War

        Location: Ireland (island)

        Alliance of Gaelic Irish clans
        Scottish Gaelic mercenaries

        Franco-Spanish War (1595–1598)

        Location: France and Low Countries

        Spanish Empire Kingdom of France
        Acoma War
        (1598–99)Location: North America
        Spanish Empire AcomaVictory
        Spanish-Portuguese conflict on China (1598–1600)Location: China Spanish Empire Portuguese Empire Defeat
        • End of Spain's attempts to circumvent the restrictions placed on them from reaching China.
        • Portuguese monopoly on the 16th century China trade seizured.
        Franco-Savoyard War (1600–1601)Location: Northern ItalySupported by: SpainStalemate
        Apache–Mexico Wars (1600–1915)

        Location: North America


        (1716–1821)---- Mexico
        (1850–1924)---- (1861–1865)
        ApacheSpanish/Mexican victory
        Navajo Wars

        Location: North America



        NavajoUnited States victory
        Acaxee Rebellion

        Location: North America

        Spanish Empire Acaxee IndiansVictory
        Igorot revolt (1601)Location: Philippines Spanish Empire Igorot people rebel forces Defeat
        Dutch–Portuguese War

        Location: South America (mostly Modern Brazil), Atlantic Ocean, Africa (mostly Modern Angola), Asia (mostly Modern India, China, Indonesia)

        Supported by:

        Supported by:

        Pirric Victory
        Battle of L'Escalade(1602)

        Location: Geneva, Switzerland

        Spanish Empire Old Swiss Confederacy Defeat
        • Savoy fails in their attempt to conquer Geneva, and the Spanish Road is closed in the Western Alps route.
        Sangley Rebellion (1603)Location: Philippines Spanish Empire

        Japanese mercenaries

        Chinese rebels Victory
        Antarctic Expedition of the Armada del Mar del Sur to the South Seas and Terra Australis (1603)Location: South America and Antarctic seas Spanish Empire Dutch corsairsInconclusive
        Moroccan civil war (1603–1627)[78] [79] [80] [81] [82] Location: North Africa, Morocco Mohammed esh Sheikh el Mamun and Abdallah al-Ghalib II forces from FezSupported by: Zidan Abu Maali forces from Marrakesh----Sidi al-Ayachi rebel forces

        Supported by:

        ----Ahmed ibn Abi Mahalli rebel forces[84]

        Military Defeat

        Economical Victory

        Spanish-Barbary Wars (1605–1792)

        Location: North Africa (Barbary Coast)

        Spanish Empire

        Supported by:


        Barbary Coast

        Supported by:

        Barbary pirates

        Stalemate and mostly Status quo ante bellum
        Spanish conquest of Ternate and Jailolo (1606–1611)Location: Southeast Asia, Maluku Islands (modern Indonesia) Spanish Empire

        Japanese mercenaries

        Sultanate of Ternate

        Moro people

        Dutch Empire

        • Sultan Saidi Berkat captured by Pedro Bravo de Acuña and exiled to Manila.
        • Mole Majimu took over or received back a number of territories previously held by Ternate, such as parts of Makian, Mayu island, and a section of Morotai.
        • Start of Spanish-Ternatean conflicts until 1660s, through Mudafar Syah I proclamation of Sultan of Ternate with Dutch recognization.
        • The island was divided between the two powers: the Spaniards were allied with Tidore and the Dutch with their Ternaten allies. Spanish colonization until 1663.
        Japanese insurrection in Philippines (1606)Location: Philippines Spanish Empire Japanese in the PhilippinesInconclusive
        War of the Jülich Succession

        Location: Germany

        Supporting Emperor Rudolf:

        Principality of Strasbourg
        Prince-Bishopric of Liège
        Supporting Wolfgang William:
        Catholic League
        Opposed to Emperor Rudolph:
        Margraviate of Brandenburg

        Protestant Union
        Supporting John Sigismund:
        Margraviate of Brandenburg

        Protestant Union
        Spanish-Ottoman War (1610–1614)

        Location: Mediterranean Sea and Balkans (near modern Turkey and Greece)


        Greek and Albanian rebels

        Spanish victory
        War of the Montferrat Succession (1613–1617)

        Location: Italian Peninsula

        Supporting the Duke of Mantua:

        Duchy of Mantua


        Tuscany (1613)

        Spanish Empire


        Supporting the Duke of Savoy:


        Tuscany (1613)


        VictoryPeace of Asti
        Dutch-Ternatean invasions of Spanish Tindore (1613–1614)Location: Molucca Sea, Maluku Islands (Modern Indonesia) Spanish Empire Dutch Empire Victory
        • Dutch presence on Tidore Island ended in 1621.
        Conquest of La Mamora
        (1614)Location: North Africa (Morocco)
        Saadi dynastyVictory
        Uskok War (1615–1617)Location: Adriatic Sea (near modern Croatia) Kingdom of Croatia Spanish Empire Republic of Venice
        Battle of Cape Celidonia (1616)Location: Mediterranean Sea (near modern Turkey) Spanish EmpireVictory
        Spanish-Venetian War (1617–1621)[90]

        Location: Adriatic Sea (near modern Croatia)

        Spanish Empire Inconclusive due to Conspiracy of Venice.
        Tepehuán Revolt

        Location: North America

        Spanish Empire TepehuánesVictory
        Spanish conquest of Petén
        (1618–1697)Location: Central America
        Independent Maya, including: Victory
        Spanish-Ottoman War (1618–1619) Location: Mediterranean Sea Spanish EmpireInconclusive
        Thirty Years' War

        Location: All Europe: Central Europe (modern Czech Republic, Germany, Switzerland, Austria and Hungary), Eastern Europe (modern Romania), Italian Peninsula, Low Countries, France, Scandinavia, Iberian Peninsula, English Channel, Baltic Sea and Mediterranean Sea. Also the Americas

        Electorate of Bavaria
        Catholic League
        Spanish Empire

        Kingdom of Hungary


        Catholic League

        Catholic League

        Kingdom of Hungary
        Spanish Empire

        Spanish Empire

        Kingdom of Hungary

        Supported by:

        Electorate of the Palatinate

        Ottoman Empire



        Sweden Transylvania

        Supported by:

        Bündner Wirren(1618–1639)

        Location: Switzerland (Grisons)

        Grison rebels


        The Three LeaguesStalemate
        • Capitulation of Milan
        • The subjugated territories were returned to the Three Leagues after expelling the French, but with restrictions on the sovereign rights of the leagues (the Three Leagues effectively became a protectorate of Austria and Spain).
        • The Spanish representative in the Duchy of Milan was granted a right of supervision over the administration of Graubünden and a right of protection over Catholic subjects. Spain also received permission to recruit mercenaries and the right to use roads and mountain passes. These should remain closed to all enemies of Spain
        Valtellina War

        Location: Switzerland and Northern Italy


        The Three Leagues

        • Treaty of Monzón
        • France prevents Habsburg total control of Valtellina by soliciting the Papal troops to occupy Valtellina
        • The territory was "definitively" ceded to the Grisons in 1639 with the only condition that the practice of the Catholic religion be respected in this valley.
        Tamblot Uprising (1621)Location: Philippines Spanish Empire Pagans forces (mostly Boholanos) lidered by the babaylan TamblotVictory
        Anglo-Persian capture of Hormuz[91] (1622)

        Location: West Asia, Strait of Hormuz

        Iberian Union

        Kingdom of Ormus

        Safavid Persia

        East India Company

        War of the Vicuñas and Basques(1622–1625)

        Location: South America (modern Bolivia)

        Spanish Empire "Vicuñas" Victory of the Government
        Spanish-Siam War (1624–1636)[92] [93] [94] Location: Southeast Asia (modern Thailand) Iberian Union Dutch East India CompanyDefeat
        First Genoese–Savoyard War

        Location: Italian Peninsula

        Anglo-Spanish War (1625–30)

        Location: Low Countries, Atlantic Ocean (English Channel), Americas (Spanish Main) and Iberian Peninsula

        Spanish expedition to Formosa
        (1626)Location: Modern Taiwan
        Spanish East Indies Kingdom of MiddagVictory
        War of the Mantuan Succession

        Location: Italian Peninsula

        Supporting the Duke of Guastalla Supporting the Duke of Nevers Defeat
        • Duke of Nevers recognized as ruler of Mantua
        Motim das Maçarocas


        Location: Iberian Peninsula

        Iberian Union Portuguese independentistsVictory
        Salt Tax Revolt (1631–34)

        Location: Iberian Peninsula (Portugal)

        Biscayan rebelsVictory
        Republic of Salé Internal conflicts (1630–1668)[99] [100] [101] [102] [103] [104] Location: North Africa Morisco/Andalusians partySupported by:

        ---- Saadi Sultanate

        Supported by:

        ---- Alawi

        Naval war on Lake Constance(1632–1648)

        Location: Lake Constance

        Spanish Empire

        ---- Old Swiss Confederacy

        • Catholic Cantons
        Württemberg Sweden

        ---- Old Swiss Confederacy

        • Protestant Cantons
        War of Ten Years(1634–1644)

        Location: Franche-Comté

        Spanish Empire

        Statu quo ante bellum
        • Spain maintains the control of the Franche-Comté, but the region was devastated and in economic ruin.
        Franco-Spanish War (1635–59)

        Location: Iberian Peninsula (mostly Catalonia), Pyrenees, Italian Peninsula, Northern France, Rhineland, Low Countries, Atlantic Ocean, Mediterranean Sea

        Spanish Empire

        Modena and Reggio (1635–46)

        (until 1648)

        English Royalists (from 1657)[105]

        Dutch Republic (until 1648)

        Duchy of Modena (1647–1649 and 1655–1659)
        Principality of Catalonia (from 1640) Kingdom of Portugal (1640–59)
        Manuelinho Revolt(1637)

        Location: Iberian Peninsula (Portugal)

        Iberian Union Portuguese independentistsVictory
        Spanish campaigns in Lanao (1637–1639)

        Location: Philippines

        Spanish Empire Confederate States of LanaoSupported by:

        Dutch Empire

        • Failure of the conquest and Christianize the Maranao people
        2nd Sangley Rebellion (1639) Spanish Empire

        Sultanate of Sulu

        Japanese in the Philippines

        Chinese rebels Victory
        Piedmontese Civil War

        Location: Italian Peninsula

        Prince Thomas faction

        Regency faction
        Catalan Revolt

        Location: Iberian Peninsula (Catalonia) and Pyrenees

        Portuguese Restoration War

        Location: Iberian Peninsula

        Castile and Aragon Kingdom of Portugal
        Supported by:


        (after 1662)[107]
        Battle of Mbororé(1641)

        Location: South America (modern Misiones Province, Argentina)

        Tupi people

        • Portuguese raids stop
        • Guarani people are excluded from forced labour
        • The jesuits gain more autonomy regarding the administration of their missions
        Andalusian alterations(1647–52) Peasant rebelsStalemate
        • The king, aware of the situation, helps the city by buying wheat to make it cheaper and amnestying all the mutineers.
        Neapolitan Revolt

        Location: Italian Peninsula

        Neapolitan Republic
        • Revolt crushed
        The Fronde (1648–1653)

        Location: France

        Parti Dévot

        Spanish Empire[109]

        Kingdom of FranceDefeat
        • Revolt suppressed and instauration of Absolutism in France.
        Communera rebellion of Paraguay (1649–1650)Location: South America, Río de la Plata (modern Paraguay) Spanish Empire Paraguayan comunero rebelsVictory
        Anglo-Spanish War (1654–60)

        Location: Low Countries, Iberian Peninsula, Atlantic Ocean and Americas (Spanish Main)

        Royalists of England, Ireland and Scotland[110]

        VOC-Tidore war (1653–1654)Location: Modern IndonesiaSultanate of Tidore Spanish Empire Dutch East India CompanyInconclusive
        Mapuche uprising of 1655 (1655–1656)

        Location: Southern Chile (Araucanía Region)

        Spanish Empire Mapuche rebelsDefeat
        Chinese piracy incursions and rebellions to the Philippines (1662–63)Location: Philippines Spanish Empire Koxinga's Chinese-Japanese pirate forcesInconclusive
        • Koxinga's forces raided effectively several towns in the Philippines, but demanded tribute from the colonial government never accomplished and threatened invasion cancelled due to his death.
        Raid of Tangier(1662)

        Location: North Africa

        Khadir Ghaïlan forcesSupported by:

        Crown of Spain

        Saadi Morocco

        Supported by:

        Piracy attacks on Lake Nicaragua(1665–1857)

        Location: Central America


        ---- Nicaragua

        Costa Rica

        El Salvador


        West Indies Pirates

        American Filibusters

        • Piracy and filibustering suppressed by 1857
        Piracy attack on Maracaibo(1666)Location: Lake Maracaibo (Modern Venezuela) Spanish Empire French piratesDefeat
        War of Devolution

        Location: Low Countries

        Spanish Empire

        ----Triple Alliance:

        Swedish Empire

        Spanish–Chamorro Wars
        (1670–99)Location: Micronesia, Mariana Islands (Modern Guam and Northern Mariana Islands)
        Spanish Empire
        • Chamorro loyalists
        Franco-Dutch War

        Location: Western Europe (mostly Low Countries and Rhineland), North Sea, Americas, Caribbean Sea

        (from 1673)

        (from 1673)

        Denmark–Norway (from 1675)


        (from 1674)
        Bishopric of Münster (1672–1673)
        Archbishopric of Cologne (1672–1673)
        Second Genoese–Savoyard War
        (1672–73)Location: Northern Italy

        Supported by:
        Messina revolt(1672–78)

        Location: Southern Italy

        Spanish Empire Messina cityPartito dei MalvizziVictory
        Siege of Orán and Mers el-Kébir(1675–1678) Spanish Empire Inconclussive
        Moulay Ismail Ibn Sharif Campaigns (1678–1727)[111]

        Location: North Africa

        Spanish Empire----


        Sultanate of MoroccoStalemate
        Chepo expedition (1679)

        Location: Central America

        Spanish Empire PiracyDefeat. Looting and then burning the town of Chepo, Panama.
        First occupation of Sacramento Colony(1680)

        Location: Río de la Plata Basin (Modern Uruguay)

        Militar VictoryPolitical defeat
        Pueblo Revolt

        Location: North America

        Spanish Empire PuebloansDefeat
        • Expulsion of Spanish settlers
        Combat of San Marcos de Arica (1681)Location: Modern Chile Spanish Empire PiracyVictory
        Spanish-Brandenburg War (1680–1682)

        Location: Atlantic Ocean (Mediterranean Sea, North Sea, Caribbean Sea)

        Spanish EmpireVictory
        Great Turkish War
        (1683–1699)Location: Central Europe and Eastern Europe
        Holy Roman Empire

        Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth
        Tsardom of Russia

        Republic of Venice

        Albanian rebels
        Serbian rebels
        Greek rebels
        Bulgarian rebels
        Romanian rebels
        Croatian rebels

        Ottoman Empire
        Vassal states
        War of the Reunions

        Location: Western Europe (Mostly Low Countries)

        Spanish Empire

        Revolt of the Barretinas (1687–1689)Location: Iberian Peninsula Peasant rebels of CataloniaSpanish Crown victory.
        Nine Years' War

        Location: Western Europe, British Isles, Americas, West Africa and India

        Grand Alliance

        Wabanaki Confederacy

        Irish and Scottish Jacobites

        Second Brotherhood (1693)Location: Iberian Peninsula agermanats (peasant rebel forces)Victory
        Siege of Oran (1693)

        Location: North Africa (Algeria)

        Spanish Empire

        Regency of Algiers

        Sultanate of MoroccoAlgerian-Spanish victory
        Sieges of Ceuta (1694–1727)Location: North Africa
        Bourbons (1704–1713)
        Supported by:
        (from 1707)

        Bourbon Spain

        ConflictCombatant 1Combatant 2ResultsCasualties
        War of the Spanish Succession

        Location: Western Europe, Central Europe, Americas, West Africa, East Indies and India

        Spain loyal to Philip

        Bavaria (until 1704)

        Duchy of Mantua (until 1708)

        Cologne (until 1702)

        Liège (until 1702)


        (formed on 1707)[113]

        (after 1703)

        Kingdom of Portugal (from 1703)

        Spain loyal to Charles

        Danish Auxiliary Corps


        Political victory for Spain loyal to Philip
        Military victory for Spain loyal to Charles
        Queen Anne's War

        Location: North America


        (before 1707)[114]

        (after 1707)

        Protests and rebellions of the 18th century in the Viceroyalty of Peru(1700s) Rebellions of perulerosPyric victory of the Viceroyalty authorities.
        • Partial reforms are given to appease the rebels, as well as severe punishments for repeat offender leaders, to prevent future insurrections among the local population.
        • Multiple social groups, dissatisfied with the Bourbon Reforms, would continue to rebel under the motto of "Long live the King, death to the bad government" for an improvement of the Spanish state in its compliance with the colonial pact between subject and monarch, longing for the previous "fueros" and local autonomies of the traditional Monarchy of the House of Austria against the thriving Bourbon Absolutism.
        • First notions of anti-colonial political independence in the most radical groups, usually influenced by the Spanish-American Enlightenment.
        Battle of the Yi(1702)

        Location: South America, Yí River (Modern Uruguay)

        Guaraní Tribes

        Charrúa TribesStalemate
        • 300 Charrúas died during the negotiations
        • Decisive weakening of the Charrúa forces
        Second occupation of Sacramento Colony(1705)

        Location: Río de la Plata Basin (Modern Uruguay)

        Comanche Wars

        Location: North America

        Spanish Empire (until 1820)---- (since 1821)---- (since 1836)---- Choctaw Republic[115] ---- (since 1845) ComancheOther Indigenous nationsDefeat
        Apache Wars

        Location: North America

        Spanish Empire ApacheDefeat
        Siege of Oran (1707–1708)Location: North Africa (Algeria) Kingdom of Spain Regency of Algiers Defeat
        • Algerians conquers Oran.
        Pablo Presbere's insurrection (1709–1710)

        Location: Central America

        Spanish Empire Talamanca Teribe CabécareVictory
        Huilliche rebellion
        (1712)Location: South America
        Spanish Empire Huilliches of ChiloéVictory
        • Key encomenderos killed
        • Suppression of the rebellion
        • Encomienda mildened
        Tzeltal Rebellion of 1712 (1712–1713)

        Location: Central America

        Spanish Empire Maya communitiesVictory
        Seventh Ottoman–Venetian War
        (1714–18)Location: Peloponnese, Aegean Sea, Ionian Islands, Dalmatia

        Austria (from 1716)

        War of the Quadruple Alliance

        Location: Western Europe, Americas


        Savoy and Austria swap Sicily for Habsburgs and Sardinia for Savoy.

        4,350 killed or wounded[117]
        Jacobite rising of 1719

        Location: Scotland



        Revolt of the Comuneros (Paraguay) (1721–25/1730–35)Location: South America (Paraguay) Spanish Empire Paraguayan comunero rebelsVictory
        • Paraguayans lose their right to vote for their Cabildo.
        Mapuche uprising of 1723

        Location: South America (Araucanía, Chile)

        Spanish Empire Mapuche rebelsVictory
        Anglo-Spanish War (1727–29)

        Location: Atlantic Ocean (Caribbean, Mediterranean Sea, English Channel)

        Indecisive 20,000 killed (both sides)[118]
        Spanish-Algerian War
        (1732)Location: North Africa (Algeria)
        Spain Victory 30 dead
        War of the Polish Succession

        Location: Italian Peninsula, Rhineland, Poland-Lithuania

        Poland loyal to Stanisław I

        Poland loyal to Augustus III

        Victory 3,000 killed or wounded[119]
        Spanish–Portuguese War (1735–37)Location: South America, Río de la Plata Basin (Banda Oriental) Spanish Empire Portuguese Empire Defeat
        War of Jenkins' Ear

        Location: Americas, Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean (mostly Caribbean and Mediterranean Sea)

        Spanish Empire Victory
        War of the Austrian Succession

        Location: Western Europe, Americas, Atlantic Ocean (mostly Caribbean, Mediterranean Sea and North Sea), Pacific Ocean and India

        Wabanaki Confederacy

        Bavaria (1741–45)
        Sicily and Naples
        Sweden (1741–43)

        Iroquois Confederacy

        (1741–43, 1748)

        Victory 3,000 killed or wounded[121]
        Dagohoy rebellion (1744–1829)Location: Philippines Spanish Empire Dagohoy rebel group Victory
        • Pardoned 19,420 survivors and permitted them to live in new villages at the lowlands
        Pima Revolt

        Location: North America

        Spanish Empire Pima IndiansVictory
        Action of 28 November 1751
        (1751)Location: North Africa
        Regency of AlgiersVictory
        Guaraní War (1754–56)Location: South America, Misiones Orientales (Paraguay-Brazil-Argentina borders) Spanish Empire Guaraní Tribes


        Spanish-Portuguese victory.
        Mutiny of the Ceclavineros(1755)Location: SpainCeclavínDefeat
        • Ceclavine smugglers continue with their activities
        Seven Years' War

        Location: Europe, Americas, West Africa, India, Southeast Asia.

            Defeat 3,000 killed or wounded[122]
            Anglo-Spanish War (1762–63)

            Location: Iberian Peninsula, North America (Florida and French Louisiana), Central America, South America (Río de la Plata), Caribbean (Cuba), East Indies (Philippines)

            Spanish Empire

            Filipino rebels

            • Spain cedes Florida to Britain in exchange for return of Havana.
            • Spain received Louisiana from France.
            Silang Revolt (1762–1763)

            Location: Philippines

            Spanish Empire Diego Silang and Gabriela Silang rebel forcesSupported by: Victory
            Fantastic War (1762–63)

            Location: Iberian Peninsula and South America (Río de la Plata and Amazon Forest)

            Spain Stalemate
            Quito Revolt of 1765Location: South America (modern Ecuador) Spain Quito rebelsVictory
            Esquilache Riots(1766)

            Location: Spain

            SpainMadrid revoltersCompromise
            • The King accept popular demands
            Mapuche uprising of 1766 (1766)

            Location: Chile

            Spanish Empire

            Mapuche allies----Pehuenche

            Mapuche rebelsDefeat
            Louisiana Rebellion (1768)Location: North America Spanish Empire Louisiana Creole peopleVictory
            Communera Revolution of Paraguay (1770)Location: South America, Paraguay Spanish Empire Paraguayan comunero rebelsVictory
            Capture of Port Egmont(1770)

            Location: Atlantic Ocean, Falkland Islands

            Spanish expeditions to Tahiti (1772–75)[123] [124] Location: Pacific Ocean, Polynesia Spanish Empire

            Allied Christianized Tahitians

            Pagan Tahitians----Spanish and Peruvian mutineersVictory, but withdrawal due to anti-clerical policies of Charles III and economical problems in Peru to support the stability of the catholic missions.
            Mutiny of the Barcelona quintas (1773)Location: Spain, Catalonia Diputación de CataluñaStalemate
            Siege of Melilla (1774)Location: North Africa Morocco
            Supported by:
            Spanish expeditions against Algiers
            (1775, 1783, 1784)

            Location: North Africa (Algeria)

            Regency of AlgiersDefeat500 dead (1775)
            26 dead (1783)
            53 dead (1784)
            Spanish–Portuguese War (1776–77)

            Location: South America, Río de la Plata Basin

            Spanish Empire Victory
            Spanish expedition to Fernando Poo and Annobón(1778–80)
            Location: Africa, Gulf of Guinea
            Spanish Empire Bubi people loyal to Portuguese rule----Spanish mutineers of Jerónimo Martín----Defeat
            • The rebels apprehend the highest authority (Lieutenant Colonel Primo de Rivera), passing command to the second in command, Sergeant Martín. The new chief evacuated the colony, directing the survivors to São Tomé, where he was captured by the Portuguese who restored the Ten. Cor. Primo de Rivera in his position.
            • The Spanish city of Concepción is razed by the native Africans.
            • Due to the adversity of the climate, the tropical diseases that decimated the soldiers, the hostility of the nearby British fleet and the fear of an attack by the Bubi population. The Spanish leave the colony after taking possession in the name of Carlos III of Spain of the Territories of the Gulf of Guinea.
            • Later British occupation of Fernando Poo since 1827 to 1843
            American Revolutionary War (1775–1782)

            Location: North America, Central America, Atlantic Ocean

            United States Spain (since 1779)

            (since 1778)


            Watauga Association





            CherokeeGerman Auxiliaries

            Anglo-Spanish War (1779–83)

            Europe & Atlantic

            Louisiana and the Gulf Coast

            Central America

            West Indies

            Spain Victory 5,000 killed or died of disease
            Rebellion of Túpac Amaru II

            Location: South America, Andes (Modern Peru and Bolivia)

            Spain Túpac Amaru II forces
            • Aymara and Quechua rebels
            • Spanish rebels, mostly peasants, including creoles, mestizos and blacks
            Victory100,000 Indians and 10,000–40,000 non-Indians[125] [126]
            Revolt of the Comuneros (New Granada) (1781)

            Location: South America, Colombia

            Spanish Empire Comunero rebels of New GranadaVictory
            Insurrection of the comuneros of Venezuela (1781)Location: South America, Venezuela Spanish Empire Comunero rebels of Captaincy General of VenezuelaVictory
            Cherokee–American wars [2nd phase post-revolution] (1783–1795)

            Location: North America (United States, Old Southwest)

            Spanish Empire



            Northwestern Confederacy[127]

            United StatesSpanish withdrawal due to Coalition Wars.Defeat of Cherokees
            Nootka Crisis (1789–1790)

            Location: North America, Nootka Sound (modern Canada)

            Spanish Empire

            ----Nuu-chah-nulth people----


            Hispano-Moroccan War (1790–1791)

            Location: North Africa

            Spain Sultanate of MoroccoVictory
            Haitian Revolution

            Location: Caribbean, Hispaniola

            French royalists
            Spanish Empire (from 1793)

            French royalists

            Spanish Empire (until 1795)

            Louverture Loyalists
            United Kingdom

            Slave owners
            Kingdom of France (until 1792)
            French Republic
            French Republic

            Rigaud Loyalists
            French Republic

            Huilliche uprising of 1792Location: Chile Spanish Empire Huilliche people of FutahuillimapuVictory
            Algerian conquest of Oran (1792)Location: North Africa (Algeria) Spanish Empire Regency of AlgiersDefeat
            • Spain cedes Oran to Algiers in exchange of economical privileges.
            War of the First Coalition

            Location: Europe, Mediterranean Sea

              First Coalition:

              Army of Condé
              Spain (until 1795)
              (until 1795)
              Sardinia (until 1796)

              Other Italian states

              War of the Pyrenees

              Location: Pyrenees, Hispaniola

              French Émigrés

              French expedition to Sardinia (1792–1793)

              Location: Mediterranean Sea, Sardinia


              Spain (since 1793)

              FranceSpanish-Sardinian victory
              Federalist revolts(1793)

              Location: France

              Fédéralistes French Royalists

              Kingdom of Spain

              France Defeat
              East Indies theatre of the French Revolutionary Wars (1793–1801)

              Location: Asia–Pacific

              French Republic

              Spanish Empire

              Coalition forces

              Anglo-Spanish War (1796–1808)





              Inconclusive 7,000 killed or wounded (1796–1802)
              War of the Second Coalition

              Location: Europe, Atlantic Ocean (Mediterranean Sea, Caribbean), Middle East

              Polish Legions
              French client republics:
              Second Coalition:

              (until 1801)
              (from 1801)
              (until 1801)[128]

              Grand Duchy of Tuscany
              Order of Saint John (1798)
              Malta (1798–1800)

              French Royalists----
              (Quasi-War) (until 1800)

              Spanish-Russian War (1799–1801)

              Location: North Pacific Ocean and Mediterranean Sea

              Inconclusive 0
              War of the Oranges

              Location: Iberian Peninsula (mostly Portugal) and South America (mostly Brazil and Río de la Plata)

              War of the Third Coalition

              Location: Europe, Mediterranean Sea and West Indies

              French Empire


              Third Coalition:

              Kingdom of Sicily
              French counter-revolutionaries
              French royalists
              Caribbean campaign of 1803–1810

              Location: Caribbean

              (since 1808)

              French Empire

              (until 1808)

              Denmark–Norway (since 1808)

              Coallition Victory
              • West Indies were in total control of British and Spanish naval forces.
              Franco-Swedish War (1805–10)

              Location: Northern Europe

              French Empire Holland

              Denmark–Norway (1808–1809)

              (until 1808)

              (since 1808)



              (until 1807)

              Spanish retreat of the conflict due to Peninsular War.

              French victory

              War of the Fourth Coalition

              Location: Europe

              French Empire Fourth Coalition: Victory
              British invasions of the River Plate (1806–1807)

              Location: Río de la Plata Basin (Modern Argentina and Uruguay)

              Spanish-Rioplatense Victory
              Invasion of Portugal (1807)

              Location: Iberian Peninsula

              French Empire
              English Wars (Scandinavia) (1807–1814)

              Location: Northern Europe

              Denmark–Norway Supported by: Supported by: Spanish retreat of the conflict after Evacuation of La Romana's division. Start of "Huéscar-Danish War".Anglo-Swedish Victory
              Peninsular War

              Location: Iberian Peninsula, Southern France

              Bourbon Spain

              French Empire
              Bonapartist Spain

              Duchy of Warsaw

              Kingdom of Italy

              Confederation of the Rhine

              Swiss Confederation

              Victory 300,000 military deaths
              200,000 civilian deaths[129]
              Spanish reconquest of Santo Domingo

              Location: Caribbean, Hispaniola

              French EmpireVictory
              War of the Fifth Coalition

              Location: Europe, Atlantic Ocean

              Fifth Coalition: France Defeat
              Bolivian War of Independence

              Location: South America (Bolivia, Southern Peru, Argentine Northwest)

              United Provinces of the River Plate
              Republiquetas Republic of Peru (since 1821)

              (since 1824)

              Ecuadorian War of Independence

              Location: South America (Ecuador)

              Independentist Armies

              Republic of Peru

              • Independence of Ecuador from Spain
              Mexican War of Independence

              Location: North America (Mexico) and Central America

              Army of the Three Guarantees (1821)
              Argentine War of Independence

              Location: South America (Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Bolivia and Chile)

              Viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata
              Viceroyalty of Peru
              United Provinces of the River Plate
              Chilean exilesSupported by:
              Chilean War of Independence

              Location: South America (Chile and Neuquén Basin, Argentina), South pacific

              Mapuche allies

              United Provinces
              Mapuche alliesSupported by:
              • Chilean emancipation from Spanish colonial rule
              Portuguese invasion of the Banda Oriental (1811–1812)

              Location: South America, Banda Oriental (Uruguay)

              Kingdom of Spain United Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil and the Algarves---- United ProvincesInconclusive
              Venezuelan War of Independence

              Location: South America (Venezuela and Colombia), Caribbean Sea

              Kingdom of Spain Venezuela

              New Granada Haiti
              British Legions
              • Venezuelan independence
              Peruvian War of Independence

              Location: South America (Peru, Western Bolivia, Southern Ecuador)

              Kingdom of Spain United Liberating Army

              British Legions (from 1824)

              • Peru becomes independent of the Spanish monarchy.
              • End of mainland South American war of independence.
              Huánuco rebellion

              Location: South America, Peru

              Huánuco rebelsVictory
              Gutiérrez–Magee Expedition (1812)

              Location: North America (ModernSouthwestern United States)

              French invasion of Russia

              Location: Eastern Europe

              French Empire



              Russian EmpireDefeat
              Anglo-American war (1812–1815)

              Location: North America, Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean

              Tecumseh's Confederacy
              Kingdom of Spain (from 1813)

              United States
              Choctaw Nation Cherokee Nation

              Creek Allies

              War of the Sixth Coalition

              Location: Europe


              Denmark–NorwayConfederation of the Rhine----
              (War of 1812)

              Cuzco Rebellion of 1814 (1814)

              Location: South America, Peru

              Kingdom of Spain Government Junta of CuzcoSupported by:

              United Provinces

              War of the Seventh Coalition

              Location: Western Europe

              Seventh Coalition:


              French Kingdom
              French Empire
              Spanish reconquest of New Granada

              Location: South America, (Colombia) and Caribbean Sea

              Kingdom of Spain United Provinces of New GranadaVictory
              • Reconquest of New Granada by the Spanish monarchy
              Seminole Wars (1817–18)Location: FloridaSeminole---- Kingdom of Spain Defeat
              Amelia Island affair (1817)

              Location: Florida

              Kingdom of Spain Republic of the Floridas VenezuelaNo victorUnited States annexation of Florida.
              Guerra a muerte (1819–32)

              Location: Chile

              Kingdom of Spain

              Mapuche allies

              • Lafkenches
              • Wenches
              • Pehuenches
              • Boroans
              Rebellion of Rafael de Riego (1820)

              Location: Spain

              Kingdom of SpainLiberal Rebels of Rafael del RiegoSupported by: Defeat
              Totonicapán Uprising of 1820

              Location: Central America, Guatemala

              Spanish Empire K'iche of TotonicapánVictory
              Spanish reconquest attempts in Mexico

              Location: Mexico

              Spanish Empire MexicoDefeat
              Royalist War (1822–23)

              Location: Spain

              Kingdom of Spain Royalists forces

              Supported by:

              Quintuple Alliance[131]

              Junta Provisional Consultiva Liberals (constitucionals) forces Absolutist victory
              French invasion of Spain
              (1823)Location: Spain
              Kingdom of France
              Armée de la Foi
              Partisans of the CortesRoyalist victory
              Novales Revolt(1823) Kingdom of Spain Filipino and Latin American RebelsRoyalist Victory
              Chilean conquest of Chiloé (1824–26)

              Location: Chile, Chiloé Island

              Kingdom of Spain Defeat.End of Spanish presence in South America.
              Capture of the sloop Anne(1825)

              Location: Caribbean

              Tri-national anti-piracy alliance Roberto Cofresí's piratesVictory
              War of the Aggrieved (1827)

              Location: Spain

              Kingdom of Spain

              Supported by:

              Kingdom of France

              Cuerpo de Voluntarios Realistas rebel forces Victory
              • The Agraviados, who rose up against the "reformist" Enlightened absolutism government that supposedly had King Ferdinand VII "kidnapped", lay down their arms when Ferdinand VII had to go to Catalonia to demonstrate that he enjoyed full freedom.
              Portuguese Civil War

              Location: Portugal

              Liberal Forces of Queen Maria II and Pedro IVSupported by:
              Spain (Since 1834)
              United Kingdom
              France (Since 1830)

              Belgian volunteers (1832–1834)[132]

              Traditionalist Forces of King Miguel
              Supported by:
              Spain (Until 1833)
              Liberal victory
              First Carlist War

              Location: Spain


              Forces of Queen Isabella IISupported by:

              United Kingdom
              French Kingdom
              Forces of Queen Maria II

              Supported by:

              Holy Alliance[133]

              Liberal victory 135,000 dead[134]
              Riot of La Granja de San Ildefonso(1835)
              Location: Spain
              Forces of Queen Isabella II ProgresivistsDefeat
              Second Egyptian-Ottoman War (1839–1841)

              Location: Levant

              Eyalet of Egypt Kingdom of France

              Kingdom of Spain

              Ottoman Empire British Empire

              Austrian Empire

              Russian Empire

              Kingdom of Prussia

              • Egypt renounces claim on Syria, Britain recognizes Muhammad Ali and his descendants as the legitimate rulers of Egypt.
              Revolt of the indigenous Benga against their king Bonkoro I (1843–1858)Location: Africa, Gulf of Guinea Spain Benga people rebels led by ImungaStalemate
              • The throne of the ndowés (Kingdom of Corisco) remains separated into two branches (Cabo San Juan and the north of the Corisco island) since 1843.
              • Bonkoro I flee to Cape san juan and complies the arrangement with Juan José Lerena y Barry (Treaty of Tika) of stablishing a Spanish protectorate. His son, king Bonkoro II recognized Spanish sovereignty over Cabo San Juan, including several towns that had not been ceded by his father, such as Corisco and Elobey.
              • Imunga proclaims himself as king Munga I of Kombe people, then reigned in Corisco between the years 1848 and 1858, date on which he received the support of the first Spanish governor, Carlos de Chacón y Michelena, who appointed him lieutenant governor of Corisco, transforming also in a Spanish protectorate.
              • In 1906 the two parts of the kingdom (Cabo San Juan and northern Corisco) were reunited under the kingdom of Santiago Uganda.
              Second Carlist War

              Location: Spain

              Spain Carlist insurgentsLiberal victory10,000 dead
              Patuleia (1846)

              Location: Portugal

              Forces of Queen Maria II

              Quadruple Alliance

              Junta in Porto forces Victory
              Italian Revolution of 1848[135] (1848–49)

              Location: Italy

              Austrian Empire[136]

              Grand Duchy of Tuscany

              Kingdom of Two Sicilies

              Papal States

              Spain (1849)

              French Republic (1849)

              Kingdom of Sicily

              Provisional Government of Milan

              Republic of San Marco

              Roman Republic

              Supported by:

              Kingdom of Sardinia

              • Papal rule restored in Rome
              Spanish expedition to Balanguingui
              (1848)Location: Philippines (Sulu Sea)
              Moro PiratesVictory
              Spanish Revolution of 1854Location: Spain Kingdom of Spain Rebel troops Rebel victory of Leopoldo O'Donnell and Baldomero Espartero.
              Carlist Insurrection of 1855Location: Spain Kingdom of Spain Carlist insurgentsVictory of the government
              El Arahal insurrection(1857)

              Location: Spain (Seville)

              Kingdom of SpainPeasant rebelsRepublicansFreemasonryVictory of the government
              Cochinchina Campaign

              Location: Southern Vietnam


              French Empire

              Đại NamVictory
              Hispano-Moroccan War (1859–60)

              Location: North Africa (Morocco)

              MoroccoVictory 1,152 killed[137]
              2,888 died of disease
              Carlist Landing of 1860Location: Spain Kingdom of Spain Carlist insurgentsVictory of the government
              Expedition of the Thousand (1860–61)

              Location: Italy and Mediterranean Sea

              Supported by Sardinia

              Supported by

              Post-Unification Italian Brigandage (1861–1865)

              Location: Southern Italy


              Supported by

              Supported by:

              French Empire

              Franco-Mexican War
              (1861–67)Location: Mexico
              French Empire
              Mexican EmpireSupported by:

              Spain (until 1862)
              (until 1862)

              Eyalet of Egypt

              Confederate exiles

              Polish exiles

              Supported by:
              Loja uprising (1861)Location: Spain Kingdom of Spain SocialistsVictory of the government
              Dominican Restoration War

              Location: Hispaniola, Dominican Republic

              Dominican RepublicDefeat
              • Restoration of Dominican sovereignty
              10,888 killed or wounded
              30,000 died of disease
              Chincha Islands War

              Location: Peru and Chile Coasts

              Nominal participation:
              Indecisive, both sides claimed victory
              • The state of war is maintained between the belligerent parties until the signing of an indefinite armistice in 1871.
              • Peace treaties between Spain and Perú (1879), Bolivia (1879), Chile (1883) and Ecuador (1885).
              Glorious Revolution (1868)Location: Spain Kingdom of Spain Revolutionaries Defeat


              ConflictCombatant 1Combatant 2ResultsCasualties
              Ten Years' War

              Location: Cuba

              n rebelsSupported by:
              Latin American Volunteers
              Victory 90,000 dead
              Grito de Lares(1868)

              Location: Puerto Rico

              Puerto Rico rebelsVictory
              Carlist insurrection of 1869Location: Spain Kingdom of Spain Carlist insurgentsGovernment victory
              Carlist insurrection of 1870Location: Spain Kingdom of Spain Carlist insurgentsGovernment victory
              Cavite mutiny (1872)Location: Philippines Filipino mutineersVictory
              Third Carlist War

              Location: Spain

              Kingdom of Spain (1872–73)
              I Republic (1873–74)
              Kingdom of Spain (1875–76)
              Carlist insurgentsRoyal Victory50,000 dead
              Cantonal rebellion (1872–74)Location: Spain Canton of Cartagena Victory of the Republican Government
              Petroleum Revolution(1873)

              Location: Spain

              I Republic Committee of Public Health Spanish Regional Federation of the IWAVictory of the Republican Government
              Little War
              (1879–1880)Location: Cuba
              n rebelsVictory
              Carolines Question (1885)Location: Western Pacific Ocean (Caroline islands and Palau) Victory
              Jerez uprising(1892)

              Location: Spain

              Anarchist peasantsVictory of the Spanish State
              Verduleras' Mutiny(1892)
              Location: Spain
              Madrid verdulerasVictory and revolt repressed
              First Melillan campaign
              (1893–1894)Location: North Africa
              Kingdom of MoroccoVictory
              Cuban War of Independence

              Location: Cuba

              Cuban rebels
              Defeat 45,100 dead
              Philippine Revolution

              Location: Philippines

              Katipunan Revolutionaries

              Republic of Biak-na-Bato
              (until 1897)
              ---- Filipino rebels (1898)

              Peace Treaty (1897)

              Defeat (1898)

              Spanish–American War

              Location: Caribbean and Philippine Sea

              Spain United StatesDefeat 1,000 killed
              800 wounded
              15,000 died of disease
              30,000 captured
              1898 Guinean rebellion led by Sas-Ebuera (1898)Location: Bight of Biafra, Bioko Island (Modern Equatorial Guinea) Spain Bubis rebelsVictory
              1900 Carlist Sublevation(1900)

              Location: Spain (near Badalona)

              Kingdom of Spain Carlist insurgentsAlfonsist Victory
              Siege of the International Legations

              Location: China, Peking

              Eight-Nation Alliance


              ---- Mutual Protection of Southeast China

              Venezuelan Crisis of 1902–1903(1902–1903)

              Location: Venezuela and Caribbean Sea

              United Kingdom


              Support: Compromise
              • European fleet withdraws after Washington Protocols.
              1906 Carlist insurrectionLocation: Spain (Valls, Calella, Rajadell) Kingdom of Spain Carlist insurgentsAlfonsist Victory
              French conquest of Morocco (1907–1934)

              Location: Maghreb (Morocco and Western Sahara)


              MoroccoChaouia tribes

              Zaian Confederation

              Various other tribes

              Second Melillan campaign

              Location: North America

              Spain Rif tribesVictory
              • Melilla territory extended to Cape Three Forks and the Bḥar Ameẓẓyan lagoon
              Tragic Week (1909)
              Location: Spain
              Kingdom of SpainAnarchistsSocialistsRepublicansFreemasonsVictory of the Spanish government
              Bubi uprising of 1910 (1910)Location: Bight of Biafra, Bioko Island (Modern Equatorial Guinea) Spain Bubis rebelsVictory
              Agadir Crisis (1911)
              • Moroccan Rebellion

              Location: North Africa (Morocco)


              MoroccoMilitary Victory

              Diplomatic Failure

              Mutiny on the frigate Numancia(1911)

              Location: North Africa (Tangier)

              Governmentfrigate Numancia mutiners and republicansVictory of the monarchical Government
              Kert campaign (1911–1912)

              Location: North Africa (Morocco)

              Spain Riffian tribesVictory
              • Consolidation of the Spanish-controlled territory in Kelaïa east of the Kert River
              Royalist attack on Chaves(1912)

              Location: Iberian Peninsula (Galicia and Portugal)

              Royalist supporters

              Supported by:


              Spanish liberal state crisis(1917–1923)

              Location: Spain



              Paramilitary militia

              ----Sindicatos Libres

              Spanish workers' movement
              • UGT
              • PSOE
              • CNT
              • Anarchist action groups
              • Marxists action groups
              Río Muni Punishment Expedition (1918)Location: Africa, Guinea region (Modern Equatorial Guinea) Spain Fang people
              • Mawomo
              Rif War
              Location: North Africa (Morocco)


              Republic of the RifVictory 18,000 killed or died of disease
              5,000 wounded or missing
              Jaca uprising (1930)Location: Spain Kingdom of Spain Spanish republicansVictory

              Second Spanish Republic

              ConflictCombatant 1Combatant 2ResultsCasualties
              Anarchist insurrections against Spanish Republic


              Location: Spain

              ---- Communist Party of Spain

              Supported by

              Soviet Union



              Friends of Durruti Group


              Confederal militias

              Anarchist commune (1937)

              Victory of the Spanish State and repression of Spanish Anarchists. Divission between moderates which wanted to collaborate with Spanish Republic (Treintists and Possibilists of the Syndicalist Party) and Radicals opposed to the State (Faístas). Truce between Anarchists and Republicans during Spanish Revolution of 1936.

              Anarchists, Anarcho-Syndicalists Libertarian socialist and Libertarian Communism are defeated by Marxists Communists, Leninists and Stalinists during the internal conflict between left-wing groups during Spanish Civil War.

              Communists revolts during Spanish Republic(1932) Communist Party of SpainVictory of the Spanish moderate left
              Militar Reactions against Spanish Republic (1932) Monarchical and Right-Wing rebel forces Victory of the Spanish Republic
              Revolution of 1934

              Location: Spain

              Asturian Workers Alliance

              ---- Catalan State

              • The Spanish Republican government effectively eliminates the rebellions in Asturias and Catalonia.
              Extremaduran peasant rebellion(1936)

              Location: Spain (Extremadura)

              UGT Peasant victory0
              Spanish Civil War
              • (See for battles)

              Location: Spain

              Spain Republic

              Supported by:


                Rebel or Nationalist faction

                Supported by:

                Nationalist faction victory 500,000–1,000,000 dead
                1936 uprising in Spanish Guinea(1936)

                Location: Modern Equatorial Guinea

                Spain Republic Clerical InsurgentsRebel victory
                • Hispanicization of the zone and legally unification of Fernando Poo and Río Muni with the rest of Spain.
                • Gradual Emancipation of the natives.

                Francoist Spain

                ConflictCombatant 1Combatant 2ResultsCasualties
                Spanish Maquis

                Location: Spain

                Francoist Spain
                Supported by:

                Fascist Italy
                United States
                (after 1953)
                Republican Partisans
                Supported by:
                French Resistance (1940–1944)
                Italian Resistance (1943–1945)
                Soviet Union (until 1956)
                Francoist Victory. Decline and eventual extinction of Maquis activity
                Spanish occupation of Tangier (1940–1945)Location: North Africa (Morocco) Spain Tangier International ZoneInconclusive
                Eastern Front (World War II)
                (1941–1945) Volunteers only

                Location: Europe

                Axis powers
                • (until 1944)
                • (until 1943)
                ----Axis puppet states
                  Allies----Former Axis powers or co-belligerents----Aerial and naval only----Volunteers Soviet-allied victory22,700
                  Ifni War
                  (1957–1958)Location: North Africa (Morocco)
                  MoroccoVictory 190 dead
                  Basque Conflict
                  (1959–1975)Location: Spain (Basque Country)
                  Spain Euskadi Ta AskatasunaInconclusive
                  Zemla Intifada (1970)

                  Location: Africa, Western Sahara

                  Movement for the Liberation of Saguia el Hamra and Wadi el DhahabVictory
                  • Repression and end of the Harakat Tahrir movement.
                  Western Sahara Revolt

                  Location: Africa, Western Sahara

                  Polisario Front of National LiberationSupport:

                  Libyan Arab Republic

                  Green March (1975)

                  Location: Africa(Western Sahara and Morocco)



                  ConflictCombatant 1Combatant 2Results
                  Basque Conflict
                  (1975–2011)Location: Basque Country region (Spain and France)

                  Supported by:

                  Euskadi Ta AskatasunaVictory
                  • ETA declares definitive cessation of its terrorist activities.
                  As Encrobas Conflict(1975–2007)

                  Location: Spain (Galicia)

                  Peasant revoltersInconclusive
                  • Most of the residents abandoned their homes.
                  Búnker's Confrontations(1975–early 1980s)

                  Democratic Junta of SpainLimited Support:

                  Euskadi Ta Askatasuna (1976–1978)


                  Limited Support:
                  Traditionalist Carlists (1976)
                  (until 1982)

                  Democratical victory
                  Bonito War(1990s)

                  Location: Atlantic Ocean

                  • The efforts of all the governments involved managed to end the tension between the fleets, but there would still be protests from the Spanish fishing fleet.
                  Gulf War
                  (1991)Location: Persian Gulf (Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia)
                  Saudi Arabia
                  Other Allies
                  Ba'athist IraqVictory
                  • Kuwait regains its independence
                  Somali Civil War
                  (1992–1995)Location: East Africa (Somalia)

                  Saudi Arabia



                  • UN humanitarian mandate fulfilled.
                  • About 100,000 lives were saved by outside resistance.
                  • Civil war is ongoing.
                  Bosnian intervention

                  Location: Balkans (Bosnia and Herzegovina)

                  United Nations Protection Force
                  Turbot War (1994–1996)Location: Grand Banks of Newfoundland and English Channel
                  • Canadian Position Recognized
                  • In 1996, Canada agrees not to apply its laws to Spanish fishing vessels with criteria of extraterritoriality.
                  Kosovo War

                  Location: Balkans (Kosovo and Albania)

                  1999 East Timorese crisis (1999–2005)



                  Pro-Indonesia militias

                  Supported by:

                  • Independence of East Timor is seizured
                  War in Afghanistan

                  Location: Afghanistan

                  Islamic Emirate of AfghanistanDefeat
                  • Fall of Taliban regime
                  Operation Active Endeavour(2001–2016) Non-NATO:Unspecified terrorist and smuggling groups"Victory"
                  Perejil Island crisis
                  (2002)Location: North Africa, Perejil Island
                  • Moroccan soldiers removed by Spanish military
                  Iraq War

                  Location: Middle East (Iraq)


                  Iraq after the fall of Saddam Hussein

                  Iraq under Saddam Hussein
                  Various insurgents
                  Coalition victory
                  • Spanish withdrawal in 2004, escalation of sectarian insurgency after U.S. withdrawal in 2011
                  Operation Atalanta(2008–) (European Union Training Mission in Somalia)Non EU: Somali piratesOngoing
                  Boko Haram insurgency
                  (2009–)Location: Sub-Saharan Africa (Mostly Nigeria)
                  Supported by:
                  African Union




                  Boko HaramOngoing
                  Libyan intervention

                  Location: North Africa, Libya

                  Many NATO members acting under UN mandateand
                  Anti-Gaddafi forces
                  several Arab League states
                  Pro-Gaddafi forcesVictory
                  • Fall of Gaddafi regime
                  2012 Peñón de Vélez de la Gomera incident (2012)Location: North Africa, Peñón de Vélez de la GomeraVictory
                  • Moroccan activists arrested
                  Mali War (2012–)

                  Location: West Africa (Mostly Mali)



                  Ansar DineAl-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb

                  ---- Azawad

                  Central African Republic Civil War (2012–)

                  Location: Central Africa

                  MINUSCA (since 2014)
                  Rwanda (since 2020)[147]
                  (since 2018)
                  Wagner Group[148]

                  Black Russians[150] ----Formerly: South Africa (2013)
                  MISCA (2013–2014)
                  France (2013–2021)[151]
                  EUFOR RCA

                  Lord's Resistance Army
                  Azande Ani Kpi Gbe (since March 2023)[152] ----Defunct groups: RJ (2013–2018)
                  MNLC (2017–2019)
                  MLCJ (2008–2022)
                  RPRC (2014–2022)
                  Military intervention against ISIL

                  Location: Muslim world (Middle East and North Africa, Caucasus and Southeast Asia)

                  United States

                  Turkey (2014–17)

                  Morocco (2014–16)
                  [153] [154]
                  2017–2018 Spanish constitutional crisis(2017–2018)

                  Location: Catalonia

                  Generalitat de CatalunyaVictory of Spanish Government

                  See also

