Show by Rock!! is an anime television series produced by Bones based on the video game franchise created by Sanrio. The series follows a girl named Cyan who warps into a world filled with music, and joins the rock group Plasmagica to battle against evil. The series is directed by Takahiro Ikezoe and written by Touko Machida, with music composed by Yasuharu Takanashi, Funta7 and Rega Sound. The original series aired in Japan between April 5 and June 21, 2015, and is licensed in North America by Funimation, who simulcast the series is aired and streamed a broadcast dub version from June 7, 2015. The opening theme is and the ending theme is "Have a Nice Music!!", both performed by Plasmagica (Cyan (Gt. & Vo.) (Eri Inagawa / Bryn Apprill), Chuchu (Gt. & Vo.) (Sumire Uesaka / Alexis Tipton), Retoree (Ba. & Vo.) (Manami Numakura / Caitlin Glass) and Moa (Dr. & Vo.) (Ayane Sakura / Monica Rial)).[1] [2] [3] A short series, Show By Rock!! Short!!, aired between July 4 and September 19, 2016, and was also simulcast and dubbed by Funimation. The main theme is by Plasmagica.[4] A second season, Show By Rock!!#, began airing on October 2, 2016.[5] The opening theme is while the ending theme is "My Song is YOU!!", both performed by Plasmagica.