Seven Mortal Sins is a Japanese anime television series produced by Artland and TNK that aired from April 14 to July 29, 2017. The series ran for 12 episodes and had 19 ona.[1] It is an adaptation of Hobby Japan's media franchise The 7 Deadly Sins (七つの大罪 Nanatsu no Taizai), which primarily consists of a series of fantasy figures. The opening theme "My Sweet Maiden" and ending theme "Welcome to our diabolic paradise" were both sung by Mia Regina.[2]
The Seven Heavenly Virtues is a Japanese anime television series produced by Bridge that aired from January 26 to March 30, 2018. The series ran for 10 episodes and had 2 ova.[3] It is an adaptation of Hobby Japan's media franchise The Seven Heavenly Virtues (七つの美徳 Nanatsu no Bitoku), which primarily consists of a series of fantasy figures. The opening theme is "Psychomachia" by Yousei Teikoku.