List of saints by pope explained

This article is a list of saints by the pope who canonized them.

Although popes have been canonizing saints since at least 993 and have claimed sole authority to do so since the late 12th century, it has been rare historically for any pope to canonize more than a handful of saints.

9th Century

Pope Nicholas I

Pope Nicholas I canonized one saint.

Pope Adrian II

Pope Adrian II canonized one saint.

Pope John VIII

Pope John VIII did not canonize any saints.

Pope Marinus I

Pope Marinus I did not canonize any saints.

Pope Adrian III

Pope Adrian III did not canonize any saints.

Pope Stephen V

Pope Stephen V did not canonize any saints.

Pope Formosus

Pope Formosus did not canonize any saints.

Pope Boniface VI

Pope Boniface VI did not canonize any saints.

Pope Stephen VI

Pope Stephen VI did not canonize any saints.

Pope Romanus

Pope Romanus did not canonize any saints.

Pope Theodore II

Pope Theodore II did not canonize any saints.

Pope John IX

Pope John IX did not canonize any saints.

10th Century

Pope Benedict IV

Pope Benedict IV did not canonize any saints.

Pope Leo V

Pope Leo V did not canonize any saints.

Pope Sergius III

Pope Sergius III did not canonize any saints.

Pope Anastasius III

Pope Anastasius III did not canonize any saints.

Pope Lando

Pope Lando did not canonize any saints.

Pope John X

Pope John X did not canonize any saints.

Pope Leo VI

Pope Leo VI did not canonize any saints.

Pope Stephen VII

Pope Stephen VII did not canonize any saints.

Pope John XI

Pope John XI did not canonize any saints.

Pope Leo VII

Pope Leo VII canonized one saint.

Pope Stephen VIII

Pope Stephen VIII did not canonize any saints.

Pope Marinus II

Pope Marinus II did not canonize any saints.

Pope Agapetus II

Pope Agapetus II did not canonize any saints.

Pope John XII

Pope John XII did not canonize any saints.

Pope Benedict V

Pope Benedict V did not canonize any saints.

Pope Leo VIII

Pope Leo VIII did not canonize any saints.

Pope John XIII

Pope John XIII canonized one saints.

Pope Benedict VII

Pope Benedict VII canonized one saint.

Pope John XIV

Pope John XIV did not canonize any saints.

Pope John XV

Pope John XV canonized one saint.

Pope Gregory V

Pope Gregory V did not canonize any saints.

Pope Sylvester II

Pope Sylvester II canonized one saint.

!No.!Saint!Date of Canonization
1.Adalbert of Prague999

11th Century

Pope John XVII

Pope John XVII did not canonize any saints.

Pope John XVIII

Pope John XVIII did not canonize any saints.

Pope Sergius IV

Pope Sergius IV did not canonize any saints.

Pope Benedict VIII

Pope Benedict VIII canonized one saint.

!No.!Saint!Date of Canonization
1.Simeon of Mantua1016

Pope John XIX

Pope John XIX canonized three saints.

!No.!Saint!Date of Canonization
1.Adalard of Corbie1026

Pope Sylvester III

Pope Sylvester III did not canonize any saints.

Pope Benedict IX

Pope Benedict IX canonized two saints

!No.!Saint!Date of Canonization
1.John of Beverley1037
2.Symeon of Trier25 December 1041

Pope Clement II

Pope Clement II canonized one saint.

!No.!Saint!Date of Canonization
1.Wiborada5 January 1047

Pope Damasus II

Pope Damasus II did not canonize any saints.

Pope Leo IX

Pope Leo IX canonized nine saints

!No.!Saint!Date of Canonization
1.Deodatus of Nevers1049
3.Floribert of Liège20 April 1049
4.Romaric3 December 1049
5.Amatus3 December 1049
6.Adelphus3 December 1049
7.Gerard of Toul2 May 1050
8.Wolfgang of Regensburg8 October 1052
9.Erhard of Regensburg8 October 1052

Pope Victor II

Pope Victor II did not canonize any saints.

Pope Stephen IX

Pope Stephen IX did not canonize any saints.

Pope Nicholas II

Pope Nicholas II did not canonize any saints.

Pope Alexander II

Pope Alexander II canonized four saints.

!No.!Saint!Date of Canonization
1.William of Gellone1066
3.Robert de Turlande1070
4.Theobald of Provins1073

Pope Gregory VII

Pope Gregory VII canonized nine saints

!No.!Saint!Date of Canonization
1.Paschasius Radbertus12 July 1073
2.Heribert of Cologne1075
3.Alphege of Canterbury1078
4.Pope Leo IX1082
5.Gerard Sagredo1083
6.Stephen of Hungary20 August 1083
7.Emeric of Hungary1083
8.Andrew Zorard1083
9.Benedict of Skalka1083

Pope Victor III

Pope Victor III did not canonize any saints.

Pope Urban II

Pope Urban II canonized six saints.

!No.!Saint!Date of Canonization
5.Adelaide of Burgundy1097
6.Nicholas the Pilgrim1098

12th Century

Pope Paschal II

Pope Paschal II canonized four saints.

!No.!Saint!Date of Canonization
2.Canute19 April 1101
3.Peter of Anagni4 June 1109

Pope Gelasius II

Pope Gelasius II did not canonize any saints

Pope Callixtus II

Pope Callixtus II canonized five saints

!No.!Saint!Date of Canonization
1.Arnulf of Soissons6 January 1120
2.Hugh of Cluny1120
3.Conrad of Constance1120
4.David of Wales1123
5.Gerard of Potenza1123

Pope Honorius II

Pope Honorius II did not canonize any saints

Pope Innocent II

Pope Innocent II canonized three saints.

!No.!Saint!Date of Canonization
1.Gotthard of Hildesheim29 October 1131
2.Hugh of Châteauneuf22 April 1134
3.Sturm19 April 1139

Pope Celestine II

Pope Celestine II did not canonize any saints.

Pope Lucius II

Pope Lucius II did not canonize any saints.

Pope Eugene III

Pope Eugene III canonized two saints.

!No.!Saint!Date of Canonization
1.Henry II4 March 1146
2.Senatro of Missanello1 August 1151

Pope Anastasius IV

Pope Anastasius IV did not canonize any saints.

Pope Adrian IV

Pope Adrian IV canonized three saints.

!No.!Saint!Date of Canonization
1.Famianus of Compostela1154
2.Sigfrid of Sweden1158
3.Henry of Uppsala1158

Pope Alexander III

Pope Alexander III canonized seven saints.

!No.!Saint!Date of Canonization
1.Edward the Confessor7 February 1161
2.Anselm of Canterbury9 June 1163
3.Theotonius of Coimbra1163
4.Helen of Skövde1164
5.Canute Lavard8 November 1164
6.Thomas Becket21 February 1173
7.Bernard of Clairvaux18 January 1174

Pope Lucius III

Pope Lucius III canonized four saints.

!No.!Saint!Date of Canonization
1.Bruno di Segni5 September 1181
2.Silaus of Lucca1183
3.Anno of Cologne1183
4.Galgano Guidotti1185

Pope Urban III

Pope Urban III did not canonize any saints.

Pope Gregory VIII

Pope Gregory VIII did not canonize any saints.

Pope Clement III

Pope Clement III canonized four saints.

!No.!Saint!Date of Canonization
2.Stephen of Muret21 March 1189
3.Otto of Bamberg29 April 1189

Pope Celestine III

Pope Celestine III canonized nine saints

!No.!Saint!Date of Canonization
1.Peter of Tarentaise10 May 1191
2.Ladislaus I of Hungary27 June 1192
3.Ubald4 March 1192
4.Ronald of Orkney1192
5.Bernward of Hildesheim8 January 1193
6.John Gualbert24 October 1193
9.Gerald of Sauve-Majeure27 April 1197

13th Century

Innocent III

Pope Innocent III canonized nine saints.

!No.!Saint!Date of Canonization
1.Homobonus21 Jan 1199
2.Cunigunde of Luxembourg3 April 1200
3.Jón Ögmundsson1201
4.Gilbert of Sempringham1202
5.William of Maleval8 May 1202
6.Wulfstan of Worcester14 May 1203
8.Procopius of Sázava2 July 1204
9.Peter of Trevi1 Oct 1215

Honorious III

Pope Honorious III canonized nine saints.

!No.!Saint!Date of Canonization
1.William of Donjeon17 May 1218
2.Bertrand of Comminges1220
3.Benedict of Nursia1220
4.Hugh of Lincoln17 Feb 1220
5.Robert of Molesme8 Jan 1222
6.William of Æbelholt21 Jan 1224
7.Lorcán Ua Tuathail11 Dec 1225
8.Raynerius of Aquila1225
9.William of York18 March 1226

Gregory IX

Pope Gregory IX canonized five saints.

!No.!Saint!Date of Canonization
1.16 July 1228
2.Anthony of Padua30 May 1232
3.Virgil of Salzburg18 June 1233
4.Dominic of Osma13 July 1234
5.27 May 1235

Celestine IV

Pope Celestine IV did not canonize any saints.

Innocent IV

Pope Innocent IV canonized six saints.

!No.!Saint!Date of Canonization
1.Edmund of Abingdon16 December 1246
2.William Pinchon24 March 1247
3.Margaret of Scotland1250
4.George of Vienne1251
5.Peter of Verona9 March 1253
6.Stanislaus of Szczepanów8 September 1253

Alexander IV

Pope Alexander IV canonized three saints.

!No.!Saint!Date of Canonization
1.Clare of Assisi12 August 1255
2.William of Perth1256
3.Íñigo of Oña18 June 1259

Urban IV

Pope Urban IV canonized two saints.

No.SaintDate of Canonization
1.Richard of Chichester25 January 1262
2.Felix of ValoisMay 1, 1262

Clement IV

Pope Clement IV canonized one saint.

Gregory X

Pope Gregory X did canonized one saint.

Innocent V

Pope Innocent V did not canonize any saints.

Adrian V

Pope Adrian V did not canonize any saints.

John XXI

Pope John XXI did not canonize any saints.

Nicholas III

Pope Nicholas III did not canonize any saints.

Martin IV

Pope Martin IV canonized one saint.

!No.!Saint!Date of Canonization
1.Benvenutus Scotivoli1284

Honorius IV

Pope Honorius IV did not canonize any saints.

Nicholas IV

Pope Nicholas IV did not canonize any saints.

Celestine V

Pope Celestine V did not canonize any saints.

Boniface VIII

Pope Boniface VIII canonized three saints.

!No.!Saint!Date of Canonization
3.Louis IX of France11 July 1297

14th Century

Benedict XI

Pope Benedict XI did not canonize any saints.

Clement V

Pope Clement V canonized one saint.


Pope John XXII canonized three saints.

!No.!Saint!Date of Canonization
1.Louis of Anjou7 April 1317
2.Thomas de Cantilupe17 April 1320
3.Thomas Aquinas18 July 1323

Benedict XII

Pope Benedict XII did not canonize any saints.

Clement VI

Pope Clement VI canonized one saint.

!No.!Saint!Date of Canonization
1.Ivo of Kermartin26 June 1347

Innocent VI

Pope Innocent VI did not canonize any saints.

Urban V

Pope Urban V canonized two saints.

No.SaintDate of Canonization
1.Elzéar of Sabran15 April 1369
2.Calamanda of Calaf

Gregory XI

Pope Gregory XI did not canonize any saints.

Urban VI

Pope Urban VI canonized one saint.

!No.!Saint!Date of Canonization

Boniface IX

Pope Boniface IX canonized two saints.

!No.!Saint!Date of Canonization
1.Bridget of Sweden7 October 1391
2.John Twenge1401

15th Century

Innocent VII

Pope Innocent VII did not canonize any saints.

Gregory XII

Pope Gregory XII did not canonize any saints.

Martin V

Pope Martin V canonized one saint.

!No.!Saint!Date of Canonization
1.Sebaldus26 March 1425

Eugene IV

Pope Eugene IV canonized three saints.

No.SaintDate of Canonization
1.Honorius of Buzançais1444
2.Nicholas of Tolentino1 February 1447
3.Bellinus of Padua

Nicholas V

Pope Nicholas V canonized two saints.

No.SaintDate of Canonization
1.Sergius of Radonezh1449
2.Bernardine of Siena24 May 1450

Callixtus III

Pope Callixtus III canonized five saints.

!No.!Saint!Date of Canonization
1.Vincent Ferrer3 June 1455
2.Angelus of Jerusalem1456
3.Osmund1 January 1457
4.Albert of Trapani15 October 1457
5.Rose of Viterbo1457

Pius II

Pope Pius II canonized one saint.

Paul II

Pope Paul II did not canonize any saints.

Sixtus IV

Pope Sixtus IV canonized six saints.

No.SaintDate of Canonization
1.Berard of Carbio and companions7 Aug 1481
2.Bonaventure14 May 1482

Innocent VIII

Pope Innocent VIII canonized two saint.

No.SaintDate of Canonization
1.Catherine of Vadstena1484
2.Leopold the Good6 Jan 1485

Alexander VI

Alexander VI canonized one saint.

Pius III

Pope Pius III did not canonize any saints.

16th Century

Julius II

Pope Julius II canonized six saints.

!No.!Saint!Date of Canonization
1.Nicolò Politi7 June 1507
2.Five Polish Brothers1508

Leo X

Pope Leo X canonized eleven saints.

!No.!Saint!Date of Canonization
2.Daniele Fasanella and his six companions22 January 1516
3.Francis of Paola1 May 1519
5.Casimir Jagiellon1521

Adrian VI

Pope Adrian VI canonized one saint.

!No.!Saint!Date of Canonization
1.Benno of Meissen31 May 1523

Clement VII

Pope Clement VII canonized one saint.

Paul III

Pope Paul III canonized two saints.

No.SaintDate of Canonization
1.Ginés de la Jara1541
2.Abraham of Smolensk1549

Julius III

Pope Julius III did not canonize any saints.

Marcellus II

Pope Marcellus II did not canonize any saints.

Paul IV

Pope Paul IV did not canonize any saints.

Pius IV

Pope Pius IV did not canonize any saints.

Pius V

Pope Pius V canonized one saint.

!No.!Saint!Date of Canonization
1.Ivo of Chartres18 December 1570

Gregory XIII

Pope Gregory XIII canonized one saint.

!No.!Saint!Date of Canonization
1.Norbert of Xanten1582

Sixtus V

Pope Sixtus V canonized one saint.

Urban VII

Pope Urban VII did not canonize any saints.

Gregory XIV

Pope Gregory XIV did not canonize any saints.

Innocent IX

Pope Innocent IX did not canonize any saints.

Clement VIII

Pope Clement VIII canonized five saints.

!No.!Saint!Date of Canonization
1.Hyacinth of Poland17 April 1594
2.Julian of Cuenca18 October 1594
3.Romualdo di Camaldoli1595
4.Sylvester Gozzolini1598
5.Raymond of Penyafort29 April 1601

17th Century

Leo XI

Pope Leo XI did not canonize any saints

Paul V

Pope Paul V canonized five saints.

!No.!Saint!Date of Canonization
1.Anthelm of Belley1607
2.Frances of Rome29 May 1608
3.Charles Borromeo1 November 1610
5.Albert of Louvain9 August 1613

Gregory XV

Pope Gregory XV canonized six saints.

!No.!Saint!Date of Canonization
1.Isidore the Laborer12 March 1622
2.Francis Xavier12 March 1622
3.Ignatius of Loyola12 March 1622
4.Teresa of Ávila12 March 1622
5.Philip Neri12 March 1622
6.Bruno of Cologne17 February 1623

Urban VIII

Pope Urban VIII canonized seven saints.

!No.!Saint!Date of Canonization
1.Stephen Harding1623
2.Conrad of Piacenza2 June 1625
3.Peter Nolasco5 November 1625
4.Elizabeth of Portugal24 June 1626
5.Peter Thomas1628
6.Andrew Corsini22 April 1629
7.Conon of Naso16 Feb 1630

Innocent X

Pope Innocent X did not canonize any saints.

Alexander VII

Pope Alexander VII canonized four saints.

!No.!Saint!Date of Canonization
1.Raymond Nonnatus1657
2.Thomas of Villanova1 November 1658
3.Francis de Sales19 April 1665
4.John of Matha21 October 1666

Clement IX

Pope Clement IX canonized three saints.

!No.!Saint!Date of Canonization
1.Mary Magdalene de' Pazzi28 April 1669
2.Peter of Alcántara28 April 1669
3.Raymond Nonnatus13 August 1669

Clement X

Pope Clement X canonized eight saints.

!No.!Saint!Date of Canonization
1.Peter Pascual14 August 1670
2.Ferdinand III of Castile4 April 1671
3.Cajetan12 April 1671
4.Francisco de Borja12 April 1671
5.Louis Bertrand12 April 1671
6.Philip Benizi12 April 1671
7.Rose of Lima12 April 1671
8.Leo III1673

Innocent XI

Pope Innocent XI canonized three saints.

!No.!Saint!Date of Canonization
1.Gertrude the Great22 January 1678
2.Bernard of Menthon1681
3.Pedro Armengol8 April 1687

Alexander VIII

Pope Alexander VIII canonized five saints.

!No.!Saint!Date of Canonization
1.John of Capistrano16 October 1690
2.John of God16 October 1690
3.John of Sahagún16 October 1690
4.Lawrence Justinian16 October 1690
5.Paschal Baylón16 October 1690

Innocent XII

Pope Innocent XII canonized two saints.

!No.!Saint!Date of Canonization
1.Mary de Cervellione13 February 1692
2.Zita5 September 1696

18th Century

Clement XI

Pope Clement XI canonized eight saints.

!No.!Saint!Date of Canonization
1.Stephen of Obazine1701
2.Boniface of Brussels1702
3.Bernat Calbó26 September 1710
4.Andrew Avellino22 May 1712
5.Catherine of Bologna22 May 1712
6.Felix of Cantalice22 May 1712
7.Pope Pius V22 May 1712
8.Humility27 Jan 1720

Innocent XIII

Pope Innocent XIII did not canonize any saints.

Benedict XIII

Pope Benedict XIII canonized seventeen saints.

!No.!Saint!Date of Canonization
1.Boris and Gleb1724
2.Agnes of Montepulciano10 December 1726
3.James of the Marches10 December 1726
4.Turibius of Mongrovejo10 December 1726
5.Francis Solanus27 December 1726
6.John of the Cross27 December 1726
7.Peregrine Laziosi27 December 1726
8.Aloysius Gonzaga31 December 1726
9.Stanislaus Kostka31 December 1726
10.Bertharius26 August 1727
11.Gilert of Neuffonts22 January 1728
12.Gottfried von Cappenberg28 March 1728
13.Serapion of Algiers14 April 1728
14.Margaret of Cortona16 May 1728
15.Pope Gregory VII24 May 1728
16.John of Nepomuk19 March 1729

Clement XII

Pope Clement XII canonized five saints.

!No.!Saint!Date of Canonization
1.Peitro Oresolo18 April 1731
2.Catherine of Genoa16 June 1737
3.Juliana Falconieri16 June 1737
4.John Francis Regis16 June 1737
5.Vincent de Paul16 June 1737

Benedict XIV

Pope Benedict XIV canonized ten saints.

!No.!Saint!Date of Canonization
1.Peter González13 December 1741
2.Gerard of Lunel1 August 1742
3.Peter de Regalado29 June 1746
4.Catherine of Ricci29 June 1746
5.Fidelis of Sigmaringen29 June 1746
6.Joseph of Leonessa29 June 1746
7.Camillus de Lellis29 June 1746
8.Agnes of Assisi6 November 1751
9.Saturius of Soria31 August 1753
10.Franco of Assergi1757

Clement XIII

Pope Clement XIII canonized six saints.

!No.!Saint!Date of Canonization
1.Gerolamo Emiliani16 July 1767
2.Jane Frances de Chantal16 July 1767
3.John Cantius16 July 1767
4.Joseph Calasanz16 July 1767
5.Joseph of Cupertino16 July 1767
6.Seraphin of Montegranaro16 July 1767

Clement XIV

Pope Clement XIV did not canonize any saints.

Pius VI

Pope Pius VI did not canonize any saints.

19th century

Pius VII

Pope Pius VII canonized five saints.

No.SaintDate of Canonization
1.Angela Merici24 May 1807
2.Benedict the Moor24 May 1807
3.Colette Boylet24 May 1807
4.Francis Caracciolo24 May 1807
5.Hyacintha Mariscotti24 May 1807


Pope Leo XII canonized two saints.

!No.!Saint!Date of Canonization
1.Peter Damian1823
2.Cumiano of Bobbio


Pope Pius VIII did not canonize any saints.

Gregory XVI

Pope Gregory XVI canonized six saints.

No.SaintDate of Canonization
1.Philomena30 January 1837
2.Alphonsus Maria de Liguori26 May 1839
3.Francis de Geronimo26 May 1839
4.John Joseph of the Cross26 May 1839
5.Pacificus of San Severino26 May 1839
6.Veronica Giuliani26 May 1839

Pius IX

Pope Pius IX canonized 54 saints in 11 causes.

No.SaintDate of Canonization
1.Framboldus of Bayeux13 June 1861
2.Michael de Sanctis8 June 1862
3.Twenty-six Martyrs of Japan9 June 1862
4.Germaine Cousin29 June 1867
5.Josaphat Kuntsevych29 June 1867
6.Leonard of Port Maurice29 June 1867
7.Mary Frances of the Five Wounds29 June 1867
8.Nicholas Pieck and 18 companions29 June 1867
9.Paul of the Cross29 June 1867
10.Pedro de Arbués29 June 1867
11.Conus of Lucania27 April 1871


See main article: List of saints canonized by Pope Leo XIII.

Pope Leo XIII canonized 19 saints in 12 causes.

20th century

Pius X

Pope Pius X canonized eleven saints.

No.SaintDate of Canonization
1.Justus of Condat9 December 1903
2.Alexander Sauli11 December 1904
3.Gerard Majella11 December 1904
4.John of Montemarano1906
5.Alice of Schaerbeek1907
6.Romedius24 July 1907
7.Felicio, Simplicio, and Potentino of Karden12 August 1908
8.Clemens Maria Hofbauer20 May 1909
9.Joseph Oriol20 May 1909

Benedict XV

Pope Benedict XV canonized four saints.

No.SaintDate of Canonization
1.Peter of Canterbury1915
2.Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows13 May 1920
3.Marguerite Marie Alacoque13 May 1920
4.Joan of Arc16 May 1920

Pius XI

See main article: List of saints canonized by Pope Pius XI.

Pope Pius XI canonized 34 saints in 27 causes.

Pius XII

See main article: List of saints canonized by Pope Pius XII.

Pope Pius XII canonized 36 saints. None were group causes.


See main article: List of saints canonized by Pope John XXIII.

Pope John XXIII canonized 10 saints. None were group causes.

Paul VI

See main article: List of saints canonized by Pope Paul VI.

Pope Paul VI canonized 85 saints in 21 causes.

John Paul I

Pope John Paul I did not canonize any saints.

John Paul II

See main article: List of saints canonized by Pope John Paul II.

Pope John Paul II canonized 482 saints in 110 causes.

21st century

Benedict XVI

See main article: List of saints canonized by Pope Benedict XVI.

Pope Benedict XVI canonized 45 saints. None were group causes.


See main article: List of saints canonized by Pope Francis. Pope Francis has canonized 911 saints in 68 causes, which includes the 813 Martyrs of Otranto as a group.

See also