List of Rhyssomatus species explained
This is a list of 189 species in Rhyssomatus, a genus of true weevils in the family Curculionidae.
Rhyssomatus species
- Rhyssomatus aciculaticollis Boheman, 1837
c- Rhyssomatus acutecostatus Champion, 1904
i c
i c b- Rhyssomatus aethiops Kirsch, 1875
c- Rhyssomatus alternans Champion, 1904
c- Rhyssomatus amibinus Fiedler, 1937
c- Rhyssomatus angustulus Faust, 1893
c- Rhyssomatus annectans Casey, 1895
i g b- Rhyssomatus arizonicus (Van Dyke, 1930)
i c- Rhyssomatus ater Philippi, 1864
c- Rhyssomatus aterrimus Fiedler, 1937
c- Rhyssomatus atrolucens Fiedler, 1937
c- Rhyssomatus atronitens Fiedler, 1937
c- Rhyssomatus atropiceus Fiedler, 1937
c- Rhyssomatus atrorubens Fiedler, 1937
c- Rhyssomatus auropilosus Fiedler, 1937
c- Rhyssomatus auroscutosus Fiedler, 1942
c- Rhyssomatus barioides Fiedler, 1937
c- Rhyssomatus beutenmuelleri (Van Dyke, 1930)
i c- Rhyssomatus bicolor Fiedler, 1937
c- Rhyssomatus bicoloratus Boheman, 1845
c- Rhyssomatus bicoloripennis Fiedler, 1937
c- Rhyssomatus bifasciatus Fiedler, 1937
c- Rhyssomatus biseriatus Champion, 1904
c- Rhyssomatus brevis Fiedler, 1937
c- Rhyssomatus breyeri Brèthes, 1910
c- Rhyssomatus brunneipennis Fiedler, 1937
c- Rhyssomatus brunnescens Fiedler, 1942
c- Rhyssomatus calcarifer Fiedler, 1937
c- Rhyssomatus canaliculatus Fiedler, 1937
c- Rhyssomatus carbonarius Fiedler, 1939
c- Rhyssomatus championi Blackwelder, 1947
c- Rhyssomatus chrysocephalus Fiedler, 1937
c- Rhyssomatus compertus Fiedler, 1937
c- Rhyssomatus contractirostris Fiedler, 1937
c- Rhyssomatus convexus Fiedler, 1939
c- Rhyssomatus crassicollis Fiedler, 1937
c- Rhyssomatus crassirostris Fiedler, 1937
c- Rhyssomatus crenatus Champion, 1904
c- Rhyssomatus crenulatus Blanchard, 1851
c- Rhyssomatus crispicollis Boheman, 1837
c- Rhyssomatus curvatirostris Fiedler, 1937
c- Rhyssomatus debilis Champion, 1904
c- Rhyssomatus difficilis Fiedler, 1939
c- Rhyssomatus dilaticollis Champion, 1904
c- Rhyssomatus discoideus Fiedler, 1939
c- Rhyssomatus diversicollis Heller, 1921
c- Rhyssomatus diversirostris Fiedler, 1937
c- Rhyssomatus dumosus Kuschel, 1955
c- Rhyssomatus ebeninus Suffrian, 1872
c- Rhyssomatus elongatulus Fiedler, 1939
c- Rhyssomatus erythrinus Fiedler, 1937
c- Rhyssomatus erythropterus Fiedler, 1937
c- Rhyssomatus exaratus Blanchard, 1851
c- Rhyssomatus extensus Fiedler, 1939
c- Rhyssomatus fausti Blackwelder, 1947
c- Rhyssomatus ferruginipes Fiedler, 1937
c- Rhyssomatus filirostris Fiedler, 1937
i c b- Rhyssomatus flavosparsus Fiedler, 1937
c- Rhyssomatus fortirostris Fiedler, 1939
c- Rhyssomatus fulvicornis Fiedler, 1939
c- Rhyssomatus fulvomixtus Fiedler, 1939
c- Rhyssomatus fulvopilosus Fiedler, 1937
c- Rhyssomatus fulvosparsus Fiedler, 1939
c- Rhyssomatus gracilirostris Fiedler, 1937
c- Rhyssomatus granatensis Fiedler, 1937
c- Rhyssomatus grandicollis (Casey, 1895)
i c- Rhyssomatus griseofasciatus Fiedler, 1939
c- Rhyssomatus haemopterus Fiedler, 1939
c- Rhyssomatus impolitus Fiedler, 1937
c- Rhyssomatus impressicollis Fiedler, 1942
c- Rhyssomatus incertus Fiedler, 1939
c- Rhyssomatus iners Fiedler, 1939
c- Rhyssomatus inflexirostris Fiedler, 1939
c- Rhyssomatus landeiroi Bondar, 1942
c- Rhyssomatus languidus Fiedler, 1937
c- Rhyssomatus laticollis Champion, 1904
c- Rhyssomatus latipennis Champion, 1904
c- Rhyssomatus latovalis Fiedler, 1942
c- Rhyssomatus latus Champion, 1904
i c b (milkweed stem weevil)
- Rhyssomatus lineatifrons Fiedler, 1942
c- Rhyssomatus longirostris Chevrolat,
c- Rhyssomatus macilentus Fiedler, 1942
c- Rhyssomatus marginatus Fåhraeus, 1837
i c b- Rhyssomatus minutus Kirsch, 1875
c- Rhyssomatus morio Rosenschoeld, 1837
c- Rhyssomatus nigerrimus Fåhraeus, 1837
c- Rhyssomatus nigriventris Fiedler, 1937
c- Rhyssomatus nigropiceus Fiedler, 1937
c- Rhyssomatus nigrosignatus Fiedler, 1937
c- Rhyssomatus nitidus Champion, 1904
c- Rhyssomatus notabilis Fiedler, 1937
c- Rhyssomatus novalis Schoenherr, 1837
c- Rhyssomatus obliquefasciatus Fiedler, 1937
c- Rhyssomatus oblongovalis Fiedler, 1942
c- Rhyssomatus obtusus Fiedler, 1939
c- Rhyssomatus ochraceus Fiedler, 1937
c- Rhyssomatus oculatus (Schaeffer, 1909)
i c- Rhyssomatus opacus Fiedler, 1939
c- Rhyssomatus opimus Fiedler, 1937
c- Rhyssomatus oriformis Fiedler, 1937
i c b- Rhyssomatus ovatulus Fiedler, 1939
c- Rhyssomatus oviformis Fiedler, 1939
c- Rhyssomatus ovipennis Fiedler, 1939
i c b- Rhyssomatus parvidens Fiedler, 1942
i c b
c- Rhyssomatus paululus Fiedler, 1942
c- Rhyssomatus perparvulus Hustache, 1936
c- Rhyssomatus peruvianus Kirsch, 1875
c- Rhyssomatus picinus Fiedler, 1937
c- Rhyssomatus pilosipes Heller, 1921
c- Rhyssomatus pilosus Kissinger, 1962
c- Rhyssomatus pinguis Fiedler, 1937
c- Rhyssomatus polycoccus Fåhraeus, 1837
c- Rhyssomatus productus Fiedler, 1939
i c b- Rhyssomatus psidii Marshall, 1929
i c b- Rhyssomatus pullus Hustache, 1924
c- Rhyssomatus punctatosulcatus Champion, 1904
c- Rhyssomatus puncticollis Champion, 1904
c- Rhyssomatus pupillatus Suffrian, 1872
c- Rhyssomatus pusillus Fiedler, 1937
c- Rhyssomatus rectirostris Fiedler, 1942
c- Rhyssomatus robustus Fiedler, 1939
c- Rhyssomatus rubidus Fiedler, 1937
c- Rhyssomatus rubripennis Fiedler, 1937
c- Rhyssomatus rubrocostatus Fiedler, 1937
c- Rhyssomatus rubrofasciatus Fiedler, 1937
c- Rhyssomatus rubromixtus Fiedler, 1939
c- Rhyssomatus rubropiceus Fiedler, 1939
c- Rhyssomatus rubrovarius Fiedler, 1937
c- Rhyssomatus rudicollis Fiedler, 1937
c- Rhyssomatus rufescens Champion, 1904
c- Rhyssomatus rufinus Fiedler, 1937
c- Rhyssomatus rufipennis Kirsch, 1875
c- Rhyssomatus rufitarsis Roelofs, 1875
c- Rhyssomatus rufulus Fiedler, 1937
c- Rhyssomatus rufus Fåhraeus, 1837
c- Rhyssomatus rugosus Champion, 1904
c- Rhyssomatus rugulipennis Champion, 1904
i c- Rhyssomatus sculpticollis Champion, 1904
c- Rhyssomatus sculpturatus Champion, 1904
c- Rhyssomatus sculpturatus ? Champion, 1902-06 (0
c- Rhyssomatus scupticollis Champion, 1902-06 (0
c- Rhyssomatus scutellaris Fiedler, 1939
c- Rhyssomatus semicostatus Boheman, 1845
c- Rhyssomatus semistriatus Fiedler, 1942
c- Rhyssomatus seriepilosus Fiedler, 1937
c- Rhyssomatus sexcostatus Champion, 1910
c- Rhyssomatus spectatus Faust, 1893
c- Rhyssomatus strangulatus Gyllenhal, 1837
c- Rhyssomatus striatellus Fiedler, 1937
c- Rhyssomatus strigicollis Schoenherr, 1837
c- Rhyssomatus strigosus Fiedler, 1937
c- Rhyssomatus striolatus Fiedler, 1937
c- Rhyssomatus subcostatus Fåhraeus, 1837
c- Rhyssomatus subfasciatus Faust, 1893
c- Rhyssomatus subovalis Fiedler, 1937
c- Rhyssomatus subrhomboidalis Fiedler, 1939
c- Rhyssomatus subrufus Champion, 1904
c- Rhyssomatus substrigosus Fiedler, 1939
c- Rhyssomatus subtilis Fiedler, 1937
c- Rhyssomatus tabescens Scudder, 1893
c- Rhyssomatus tenellus Fiedler, 1942
c- Rhyssomatus tenuifasciatus Fiedler, 1937
c- Rhyssomatus tenuirostris Fiedler, 1937
c- Rhyssomatus tenuistrigatus Fiedler, 1937
i g b- Rhyssomatus thoracicus Fiedler, 1937
c- Rhyssomatus tomentosus Fiedler, 1939
c- Rhyssomatus totostriatus Fiedler, 1942
c- Rhyssomatus trifasciatus Fiedler, 1937
c- Rhyssomatus tuberculirostris Fiedler, 1942
c- Rhyssomatus umbrinus Fiedler, 1937
c- Rhyssomatus vacillatus Fiedler, 1937
c- Rhyssomatus variegatus Fiedler, 1937
c- Rhyssomatus variipennis Fiedler, 1937
c- Rhyssomatus vehemens Boheman, 1845
c- Rhyssomatus vestitus Fiedler, 1942
c- Rhyssomatus viridipes Fåhraeus, 1837
c- Rhyssomatus yucatanus Champion, 1904
cData sources: i = ITIS, c = Catalogue of Life, g = GBIF, b =