Puchimas! Petit Idolmaster is an original net animation series by Gathering based on the comedy manga by Akane, which is itself a spin-off of Bandai Namco Games' The Idolmaster franchise. The series revolves around the idols of 765 Production as they are joined by super-deformed versions of themselves known as Puchidols. The first season was streamed on Animate.tv and Niconico every weekday between January 1 and March 29, 2013. Funimation began simulcasting the series from January 14, 2013.[1] A second season, titled Puchimas!! Petit Petit Idolmaster, was streamed between April 1, 2014 and June 30, 2014.[2]
The opening theme is .[3] For the first season, the main ending theme for episodes 1-23 is by Haruka (Eriko Nakamura), Makoto (Hiromi Hirata), Miki (Akiko Hasegawa) and Ritsuko (Naomi Wakabayashi), the ending theme for episodes 24-43 is "Today With Me" by Chihaya (Asami Imai), Yukiho (Azumi Asakura), Hibiki (Manami Numakura), Ami and Mami (Asami Shimoda), and the ending theme for episodes 44-63 is "Maybe Tomorrow" by Yayoi (Mayako Nigo), Takane (Yumi Hara), Azusa (Chiaki Takahashi) and Iori (Rie Kugimiya), and the ending theme for episodes 64 and OVA is "La♪La♪La♪Wonderland" by 765PRO ALLSTARS featuring the Puchidols. For the second season, the first ending theme for episodes 1-13 and 15-25 is by Yayoi, Iori, Hibiki, Ami, and Mami, the second ending theme for episode 14 is by the Producer (Junji Majima), the third ending theme for episodes 26-50 is by Ritsuko, Makoto, Haruka and Chihaya, the fourth ending theme for episodes 51-73 is by Azusa, Takane, Yukiho and Miki, and the fifth ending theme for episodes 74 is by 765PRO ALLSTARS featuring the Puchidols.
An introductory original video animation episode was bundled with ASCII Media Works' Dengeki Maoh magazine on October 27, 2012. The Takatsuki Gold Densetsu Special!! Haruka-san Matsuri episodes are divided into two parts. World 1, World 2-1 and World 3 were bundled with the fifth manga volume on March 27, 2013, while World 2-2, World 2-3 and World 2-4 were each released with the BD/DVD volumes of the series.