Regional Council of Réunion explained

The Regional Council of Réunion consists of 45 members.

Organization and composition

Regional assembly

Acronym!Elected members!Group
Majority (29 seats)
Miscellaneous leftDVG10
Pour La RéunionPLR6
Communist Party of RéunionPCR3
La France InsoumiseLFI2
Socialist PartyPS2
Territories of ProgressTdP1
Action populaire de La RéunionAPR1
Mouvement citoyen réunionnaisMCR1
Endemik RéunionER1
Opposition (16 seats)
Miscellaneous rightDVD7
Objectif RéunionOR4
The RepublicansLR2
Union of Democrats and IndependentsUDI1
France Réunion AvenirFRA1
Miscellaneous centreDVC1


Since 2 July 2021, the President of the Regional Council of Réunion has been Huguette Bello.

In office Name Party
Presidents of the Regional Public Institution
1973 1978 UDF
1978 1983 RPR
Presidents of the Regional Council
1983 1986 PCR
1986 1992 RPR-UDF
1992 1993 Free Dom
1993 1998 DVD
1998 2010 PCR
2010 2021 UMP-LR (2010–2018)
2021IncumbentHuguette BelloPLR


External links