List of Power Rangers Dino Fury characters explained

Power Rangers Dino Fury, and its third season Power Rangers Cosmic Fury, is an American children's television series that originally aired on Nickelodeon before being transferred to Netflix and serve as the 28th, 29th, 30th entries in the Power Rangers franchise. Dino Fury follows the Power Rangers Zayto (Russell Curry), Amelia Jones (Hunter Deno), Ollie Akana (Kai Moya), Izzy Garcia (Tessa Rao), Javi Garcia (Chance Perez), and Aiyon (Jordon Fite) as they protect the Earth from the armored alien warrior, Void Knight (Jared Turner), who seeks the Sporix to revive his lover Santaura (Siobhan Marshall) by any means necessary[1] [2] [3] while Cosmic Fury sees the Rangers acquiring new powers to combat longtime Ranger foe Lord Zedd and the intergalactic corporation Squid Ink Inc.

Main characters

Dino/Cosmic Fury Power Rangers

Based in Dinohenge, located in a forest near the city of Pine Ridge, the Dino Fury Rangers wield Chromafury Sabers and a series of Dino Fury Keys, with a set of six for transformation and several Boost Keys that grant additional abilities.[4] [5] During Cosmic Fury, the Rangers use Cosmic Orbs.[6]


Zayto is an alien knight from the planet Rafkon with tactile telepathy. After pursuing the Sporix Beasts to Earth with a small team of his fellow knights, they joined forces with a group of dinosaurs and became the original Dino Fury Rangers, with Zayto becoming the Red Ranger. However, most of his original team fell in battle and he became separated from his fellow surviving knight, Aiyon.[7] Zayto went into stasis for 65 million years to protect the Sporix they captured before he is revived and accidentally unleashes the Sporix in the present day. In response, Zayto leads a new group of Dino Fury Rangers in the hopes of stopping the evil forces that ravaged his planet from doing the same to Earth while trying to acclimate himself to Earth's culture.[8] After sacrificing himself to destroy the Nemesis Beast, Zayto was revived by the Morphin Masters and temporarily granted the power to become the Dino Fury Ghost Ranger before turning him into the Cosmic Fury Zenith Ranger.[9]

Throughout Cosmic Fury, Zayto assists his team in their fight against Lord Zedd and Squid Ink Inc. despite his waning lifespan before sacrificing his Ranger powers to restore Ollie's and returning to the Morphin Grid' to become a Morphin' Master.[10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17]

Zayto is portrayed by Russell Curry.[18] [19] [20] [21]

Amelia Jones

Amelia Jones is a paranormal-obsessed journalist who works for the internet media agency, BuzzBlast. After pleading with her editor to report on Dinohenge and eventually gaining permission to run the story, she becomes the new Pink Ranger while preventing Void Knight from obtaining the Sporix. In season two, she enters a relationship with Ollie[22] and discovers she is a Rafkonian and the daughter of Tarrick and Santaura.[23] Using this knowledge, she frees Tarrick of his brainwashing[24] and convinces Santaura to forget her revenge plot. Six months later, they have reunited as a family, with Amelia expecting a baby sister named Poppy.[9]

During the events of Cosmic Fury, Amelia becomes the Cosmic Fury Red Ranger and takes Zayto's place as the Rangers' leader.[25]

Amelia Jones is portrayed by Hunter Deno.

Ollie Akana

Oliver "Ollie" Akana is a confident, logical skeptic who is never afraid to share his opinion, always needs to prove he is right, and believes everything can be explained by science. Growing up, he traveled the globe with his archaeologist mother, Dr. Lani Akana, before coming to Pine Ridge to study the mysterious Dinohenge. After he befriends Amelia, they follow Void Knight into the caverns beneath Dinohenge and Ollie becomes the new Blue Ranger while preventing Void Knight from obtaining the Sporix. While he initially clashes with Amelia over their beliefs,[26] [27] [28] he eventually enters a relationship with her in season two.

During the events of Cosmic Fury, Ollie is brainwashed by Lord Zedd again, and forced to serve him as the Dino Fury Evil Blue Ranger until his allies free him from Zedd's control and grant him the power to become the Cosmic Fury Blue Ranger.

Ollie Akana is portrayed by Kai Moya.

Izzy Garcia

Isabella "Izzy" Garcia is a highly competitive and virtuous athlete and Javi's step-sister. Izzy becomes the new Green Ranger after helping the first three Rangers protect the Nephrite Orb.[29] She later enters into a relationship with her former sports rival Fern.[30] [31]

Izzy Garcia is portrayed by Tessa Rao.[32]

Javi Garcia

Javier "Javi" Garcia is a free-spirited musician and Izzy's step-brother who can be quiet at times, focusing his energy on his creative process and artistic endeavors. Though he loves music, he cannot settle on any one style or instrument. His step-sister Izzy is his biggest supporter and the most important person in his life while his father Carlos disapproves of his interests. Javi becomes the new Black Ranger after helping the first three Rangers defend the Nephrite Orb.

During the events of Cosmic Fury, Javi loses an arm while helping his allies gain new Zords and receives a robotic prosthetic arm from Billy Cranston.

Javi Garcia is portrayed by Chance Perez.


Aiyon is a fun-loving Rafkonian knight and a surviving member of the original Dino Fury Ranger team like Zayto who was presumed dead. While Aiyon does not always follow the rules, he willingly fights for the righteous.[33] When the Sporix were first created, Aiyon realized something was wrong with the machine that created them and tried to stop it from endangering Rafkon and the galaxy. While Zayto prevented him, he would eventually realize Aiyon was right. They traveled to Earth to stop the Sporix and became Dino Fury Rangers together, with Aiyon becoming the Gold Ranger, but were separated after Aiyon was stranded in the sea in a stasis pod while the rest of their original teammates died in battle.[7] After the Ninja Nexus Prism locates his stasis pod in the present, Aiyon rejoins Zayto to combat Void Knight and his forces.

Aiyon is portrayed by Jordon Fite.[34] [35]


Fern (guest: Dino Fury; main: Cosmic Fury) is Izzy Garcia's sports rival, later girlfriend.[36] During the events of Cosmic Fury, Fern inadvertently becomes involved with Izzy's work as a Power Ranger before receiving her own Ranger powers from Solon, becoming the Orange Cosmic Fury Ranger. Fern is portrayed by Jacqueline Joe.

Billy Cranston

See main article: Billy Cranston.

Recurring characters

Morphin' Masters

The Morphin' Masters are six ageless beings with untold powers who monitor and empower various groups of Power Rangers, such as the original Dino Fury Rangers, the Dino Thunder Rangers, the Dino Charge Rangers, and the Ninja Steel Rangers.[37] [38] After the present day Dino Fury Rangers lose their powers while defeating Void Knight, the Green Morphin' Master restores them[39] so they can face Lord Zedd despite her fellow Morphin' Masters' policy against intervening too many times. After the Green Morphin' Master sacrifices herself to capture Zedd, the Red and Blue Morphin' Masters free her and take Zedd away. However, Zedd escapes off-screen.

The Red, Blue and Green Morphin' Masters are voiced by Daryl Habraken, Kevin Keys and Beth Allen respectively.

Lani Akana

Dr. Lani Akana is a globetrotting archaeologist from the Global Association of Archaeology who recently moved to Pine Ridge to study Dinohenge with her son Ollie. Throughout season one, she remains unaware of Ollie being a Power Ranger until she is kidnapped by Void Knight's forces during the season one finale and Ollie inadvertently reveals his and his friends' secret identities while foiling Void Knight's plans.[40]

Dr. Lani Akana is portrayed by Shavaughn Ruakere.

Warden Carlos Garcia

Warden Carlos Garcia is the short-tempered, stern park warden of Pine Ridge Park, father of Javi, step-father of Izzy, and husband of Rina.[36]

Warden Carlos Garcia is portrayed by Blair Strang.


Tarrick, also known as Void Knight and Void King, is a mysterious Rafkonian warrior and Amelia Jones' father who came to Earth with his wife, Santaura, for a scavenging mission meant to restore Rafkon 20 years prior to the series, only to be captured and experimented on by scientists from Area 62. After asking Ed Jones to take care of Amelia for them and following an accident that left Santaura comatose, Tarrick believed Amelia was lost in an explosion. While searching for Sporix to revive Santaura, he found the Dino Knight Morpher and used it become Void Knight. Furthermore, he established the abandoned Area 62 as a base, built a machine capable of harnessing the Sporix to revive Santaura there, and comes into conflict with the Rangers until he discovers he can use the Morphin' Grid to power his machine instead and steals Dr. Akana's equipment to facilitate this goal.[41] While the Rangers destroy his machine and seemingly destroy him, Tarrick survives and resurfaces sometime later to resume his plans.[42]

He eventually collects enough Sporix to successfully revive Santaura,[43] only to learn her plans run counter to his own.[44] [45] After failing to convince her to leave Earth with him, he is forced to seek out the Rangers for help in stopping her.[46] To prove himself to them, he joins forces with and gives his powers to the Rangers to defeat Snageye, but Santaura kidnaps Tarrick and transforms him into the monstrous knight/heart-themed Void King, brainwashing him into serving her in the process.[47] While aiding in Santaura's plot to destroy Pine Ridge via the Nemesis Beast,[48] he is eventually freed by Amelia, who had discovered her heritage, and uses his Void Knight powers to teleport the Nemesis Beast's cocoon to a desert. After Amelia brings Santaura back to her senses, the three reunite as a family. Six months later, Tarrick and Santaura prepare for the arrival of their new daughter and Amelia's sister.

During the events of Cosmic Fury, Tarrick lends his assistance to the Cosmic Fury Rangers in their fight against Lord Zedd by forming a resistance movement with his fellow Earthbound Rafkonians and recruiting Heckyl to serve as a spy within Zedd's ranks.

As Void Knight, Tarrick wields the Void Saber. As Void King, he can fire lasers from his hands and eyes, produce shockwaves with his blows, possesses enhanced strength and durability, and wields a double-bladed naginata. Tarrick is portrayed by Jared Turner.[49]


Mucus is a mushroom-themed Sporix Beast with the ability to reform her body after being destroyed and turn into slime who becomes Tarrick's minion. Unlike the other Sporix Beasts, she lacks the ability to grow. Amidst Santaura's efforts to create the Nemesis Beast to destroy Pine Ridge, Mucus is temporarily turned back into her Sporix form, but is freed after the Rangers defeat Santaura. Six months later, having gone into hiding with Slyther and taken on human forms, Mucus goes on to run a circus with him. The pair would later help the Cosmic Fury Rangers in their fight against Lord Zedd.

Mucus is voiced by Torum Heng, who also portrays her human form.


Boomtower is a robotic rook/tank-themed warrior who was created by Tarrick to help him gather Sporix. After several failed attempts to destroy the Rangers,[27] Boomtower empowers himself with one of Void Knight's Sporix.[50] While attempting to steal the Ninja Nexus Prism for Tarrick, Boomtower enlarges himself, but is destroyed by the Dino Fury Megazord Warrior Formation while Izzy reclaims the Sporix he used. Void Knight later orders the necromancer Reaghoul to resurrect Boomtower twice to stop the Rangers while he attempts to take control of the Morphin' Grid. Following both resurrections, Boomtower fights the Rangers, only to be destroyed twice more.

Months later, Void King tasks Scrozzle with using Boomtower's data to construct an upgraded knight/Gatling gun-themed model named Boomblaster to bolster Lord Zedd's forces. Boomblaster assists Zedd in his plot to steal the Sporix generator until the former is eventually destroyed by Aiyon.[51] [52]

Boomtower and Boomblaster are both voiced by Mark Mitchinson.


Santaura is a Rafkonian, Tarrick's wife, and Amelia Jones' mother who came to Earth with him for a scavenging mission 20 years prior to the series, only to be captured and experimented on by scientists from Area 62 and end up comatose following an unspecified accident. By the present, Tarrick eventually succeeds in reviving Santaura, only to find that she has plans of her own. Upon discovering how he revived her, she takes a Sporix from his machine and uses it to transform into the monstrous Void Queen to seek revenge on humanity for harming her and seemingly taking her daughter from her.[53] She would soon go on to usurp command of his forces and brainwash him into Void King so that he can serve her. After collecting the remaining Sporix and obtaining those of the Rangers', she uses them to create a Sporix cocoon, from which she intends to hatch the Nemesis Beast. However, a freed Tarrick teleports the cocoon to a desert, where Zayto sacrifices all of the Rangers' Zords to weaken the Nemesis Beast. Santaura tries to destroy the remaining Rangers and Tarrick, but Amelia convinces her to stand down, destroy the Nemesis Beast, and revert to her original form. Six months later, Santaura, Tarrick, and Amelia live peacefully as a family, with another daughter on the way.

Santaura is portrayed by Siobhan Marshall.


Slyther is a robotic bishop/ringmaster-themed illusionist who was created by Mucus and empowered with a Sporix by Tarrick to aid in their cause,[54] though he later loses his Sporix to Boomtower. While aiding in Santaura's plot to destroy Pine Ridge via a Sporix cocoon, Slyther tries to attack Amelia for infiltrating Area 62, but is driven off by her and the other Rangers. Six months later, he and Mucus have taken on human forms and began running a circus together. The pair would later help the Cosmic Fury Rangers in their fight against Lord Zedd.

Slyther is voiced by Campbell Cooley, who also portrays his "Mr. Wiz" disguise, while Sara Wiseman portrays his "Arla" disguise.


Wreckmate is a robotic rook/submarine/pirate-themed warrior who was created by Slyther from boat parts to destroy the Mosa Razor Zord. After receiving a Sporix from Tarrick to increase his power and enlarge himself, Wreckmate defeats the Rangers in combat until Aiyon, Zayto, and the Mosa Razor Zord seemingly destroy him. Months later however, it is revealed that Wreckmate reverted to his normal size and returned to Pine Ridge via its sewers to serve Tarrick once more[55] until he is eventually destroyed by the Primal Ultrazord while aiding in Santaura's plot to destroy Pine Ridge via a Sporix cocoon. Wreckmate is voiced by John Leigh.


Snageye is a robotic bishop/cannon-themed general built to serve Santaura. He succeeds in trapping the Rangers in his personal pocket dimension, but Tarrick frees Zayto and gives the latter his Dino Knight Morpher and Key so Zayto can destroy Snageye and free his friends. Months later, Void King tasks Scrozzle with using Snageye's data to build an upgraded version called Nulleye to assist in Lord Zedd's plot to steal the Sporix generator. After the Rangers and Green Morphin' Master defeat Zedd, Nulleye escapes with Void King and is eventually destroyed by Zayto while assisting in Santaura's plot to destroy Pine Ridge.

Snageye and Nulleye are both voiced by Steve McCleary.


The Hengemen are pawn/conquistador-themed foot soldiers who originally served as Solon's guards in Dinohenge until Tarrick steals their key and takes control of them.


Solon is a Solonosaurus and a friend of Zayto who was given cybernetic implants after being seriously wounded in battle against the Sporix Beasts.

Solon is voiced by Josephine Davison.[56]

Ed Jones

Edward "Ed" Jones is a handyman in Pine Ridge and Amelia Jones' legal guardian, whom she affectionately calls "Pop-Pop" and initially believes is her grandfather.[57] In season two, it is revealed Ed encountered Tarrick and Santaura while working at Area 62 and was asked to take care of an infant Amelia for them.

Ed Jones is portrayed by Greg Johnson.

Lord Zedd

Lord Zedd is an alien conqueror, husband of Rita Repulsa, and father of Thrax who previously fought the original Power Rangers before he was purified by Zordon's energy wave. During the events of Dino Fury, the necromancer Reaghoul revives Zedd in his original form and places a compliance collar on the latter to make him his servant. Zedd infiltrates Area 62 to locate the Sporix and defeats Void Knight and his group, but Reaghoul stops Zedd from killing them so the necromancer can join forces with Void Knight. Zedd captures four of the Dino Fury Rangers, but Ollie destroys Zedd's collar. Enraged, Zedd attacks Reaghoul for enslaving him until the necromancer escapes. Zedd fights the Dino Fury Rangers, but is forced to retreat upon realizing he does not have his staff. Upon recruiting Scrozzle,[58] Lothorn, and Sizzurai as well as reclaiming his staff, Zedd resurfaces and forms an alliance with Void Queen and King to reach Rafkon, obtain the Sporix generator, and conquer Earth with a Sporix Beast army of his own. However, he is defeated by Aiyon and the Green Morphin' Master, with the latter sacrificing herself to destroy the Sporix generator and imprison Zedd in a crystalline prison so her fellow Morphin' Masters can take him away. Sometime later however, Zedd escapes off-screen.

During the events of Cosmic Fury, Zedd aligns himself with his liberators, Squid Ink Inc., to conquer the universe and steal the Morphin' Masters powers to evolve into Master Zedd. After being betrayed by the corporation and convinced by Zayto to relinquish his additional power, Zedd is trapped on the planet Nibyro with a hallucination of Rita.

Lord Zedd is voiced by Andrew Laing in Dino Fury and Fred Tatasciore in Cosmic Fury.

Bajilla Naire

Bajilla Naire is a callous, greedy, selfish, and insane opportunistic cephalopod-themed alien warmonger and CEO of Squid Ink Inc., an intergalactic mega-corporation that scours the universe with space-faring drones for raw materials to make weapons of war and capitalize on the resulting conflict. After freeing and joining forces with Lord Zedd, she sets her sights on Earth, intending to mine it for its resources and use its inhabitants as slave labor. She later betrays Zedd in an attempt to use him and the Morphin' Masters' energy to destroy all heroic individuals in the universe. However, she is killed by the Cosmic Fury Rangers.

In combat, Bajilla possesses the ability to modify her body, self-regeneration so long as a piece of her remains, and general superhuman capabilities.

Bajilla Naire is voiced by Amanda Billing.


Zentinels are mechanical foot soldiers used by Lord Zedd and Squid Ink Inc. led by a Red Zentinel Commander. Zentinels are made via the Squidrills, which strip resources from a planet and uses that to create these foot soldiers, making them seemingly endless until the planet's resources are spent. Zentinels are like a combination of the Z-Putties and Quantrons. Zentinels are all destroyed by five Legendary Rangers' Megazords.

Guest characters

External links

Notes and References

  1. Web site: Prudom . Laura . Power Rangers Season 28 Will Be Titled Dino Fury (EXCLUSIVE) . . 2020-05-16 . en . 2020-05-15.
  2. Web site: Dodge . John . 2022-10-02 . New Cosmic Fury Green and Gold Power Rangers Unveiled . 2022-11-13 . CBR . en-US.
  3. Web site: January 17 . Patrick Gomez . EST . 2023 at 10:00 am . Original 'Power Rangers' stars reunite for 30th anniversary Netflix special . 2023-01-18 . . en.
  4. Destination Dinohenge. Power Rangers Dino Fury. Nickelodeon. 1. February 20, 2021.
  5. Sporix Unleashed. Power Rangers Dino Fury. Nickelodeon. 2. February 27, 2021.
  6. Off Grid. Power Rangers Cosmic Fury. Netflix. 1. September 29, 2023.
  7. Ancient History. Power Rangers Dino Fury. Netflix. 16. October 15, 2021.
  8. Web site: Craven . Tom . Power Rangers Dino Fury Character Bios Released . That Hashtag Show . 2 October 2021 . 1 February 2021.
  9. The Nemesis. Power Rangers Dino Fury. Netflix. 22. September 29, 2022.
  10. Lightning Strikes. Power Rangers Cosmic Fury. Netflix. 1. September 29, 2023.
  11. Team Work. Power Rangers Cosmic Fury. Netflix. 4. September 29, 2023.
  12. Rock Out. Power Rangers Cosmic Fury. Netflix. 5. September 29, 2023.
  13. Take Off. Power Rangers Cosmic Fury. Netflix. 6. September 29, 2023.
  14. Operation Seasoning. Power Rangers Cosmic Fury. Netflix. 7. September 29, 2023.
  15. Switching Sides. Power Rangers Cosmic Fury. Netflix. 8. September 29, 2023.
  16. Master Plan. Power Rangers Cosmic Fury. Netflix. 9. September 29, 2023.
  17. The End. Power Rangers Cosmic Fury. Netflix. 10. September 29, 2023.
  18. Web site: Aguilar. Matthew. Power Rangers: Get To Know The Cast of Dino Fury (Exclusive). October 30, 2020. October 30, 2020. en.
  19. Web site: Kelley . Shamus . Power Rangers Dino Fury Cast, Release Date, Trailer Revealed . . February 8, 2021 . October 30, 2020.
  20. Web site: Power Rangers Dino Fury Videos & Characters . Power Rangers . 3 October 2021 . en.
  21. Web site: Power Rangers Dino Fury Cast Interview. 2021-02-19. Screen Rant. en-US. 2022-02-18.
  22. Love Hate. Power Rangers Dino Fury. Netflix. 13. September 29, 2022.
  23. The Invasion. Power Rangers Dino Fury. Netflix. 20. September 29, 2022.
  24. The Truth. Power Rangers Dino Fury. Netflix. 21. September 29, 2022.
  25. Beyond Repair. Power Rangers Cosmic Fury. Netflix. 2. September 29, 2023.
  26. Lost Signal. Power Rangers Dino Fury. Nickelodeon. 3. March 6, 2021.
  27. Superstition Strikes. Power Rangers Dino Fury. Nickelodeon. 6. April 3, 2021.
  28. Old Foes. Power Rangers Dino Fury. Netflix. 14. October 15, 2021.
  29. New Recruits. Power Rangers Dino Fury. Nickelodeon. 4. March 20, 2021.
  30. The Matchmaker. Power Rangers Dino Fury. Netflix. 13. October 15, 2021.
  31. Things Unspoken. Power Rangers Dino Fury. Netflix. 17. September 29, 2022.
  32. Web site: Aguilar. Matthew. Power Rangers Dino Fury Reveals First LGBTQ+ Ranger. September 7, 2021. October 17, 2021. en.
  33. Storm Surge. Power Rangers Dino Fury. Netflix. 15. October 15, 2021.
  34. Web site: Sorrentino . Mike . Power Rangers Dino Fury's new Gold Ranger is Jordon Fite . . 10 April 2021 . en.
  35. Web site: Aguilar. Matthew. Power Rangers Dino Fury Reveals Jordon Fite as New Gold Ranger. April 10, 2021. October 17, 2021. en.
  36. Winning Attitude. Power Rangers Dino Fury. Nickelodeon. 5. March 27, 2021.
  37. Unexpected Guest. Power Rangers Dino Fury. Nickelodeon. 8. April 17, 2021.
  38. Web site: Kelley . Shamus . Power Rangers: Who Are The Morphin Masters? . . February 22, 2021 . February 21, 2021.
  39. Void Trap. Power Rangers Dino Fury. Netflix. 21. October 15, 2021.
  40. Waking Nightmares. Power Rangers Dino Fury. Netflix. 20. October 15, 2021.
  41. The Hunt. Power Rangers Dino Fury. Netflix. 31. March 3, 2022.
  42. Numero Uno. Power Rangers Dino Fury. Netflix. 23. March 3, 2022.
  43. Tiny Trouble. Power Rangers Dino Fury. Netflix. 26. March 3, 2022.
  44. Stitched Up. Power Rangers Dino Fury. Netflix. 27. March 3, 2022.
  45. Jam Session. Power Rangers Dino Fury. Netflix. 28. March 3, 2022.
  46. Serious Business. Power Rangers Dino Fury. Netflix. 30. March 3, 2022.
  47. The Copycat. Power Rangers Dino Fury. Netflix. 32. March 3, 2022.
  48. Bad Vibes. Power Rangers Dino Fury. Netflix. 19. September 29, 2022.
  49. Web site: Kelley . Shamus . Power Rangers Dino Fury Season 2: How The Show Broke All The Rules . . March 18, 2022 . March 27, 2022.
  50. Stego Search. Power Rangers Dino Fury. Nickelodeon. 7. April 10, 2021.
  51. Rafkon Revealed. Power Rangers Dino Fury. Netflix. 14. September 29, 2022.
  52. Morphin Master. Power Rangers Dino Fury. Netflix. 15. September 29, 2022.
  53. New Leaf. Power Rangers Dino Fury. Netflix. 29. March 3, 2022.
  54. Phoning Home. Power Rangers Dino Fury. Netflix. 10. June 15, 2021.
  55. The Festival. Power Rangers Dino Fury. Netflix. 24. March 3, 2022.
  56. Web site: Lydia Zanetti . The Human Agency . 3 October 2021 . en-NZ.
  57. McScary Manor. Power Rangers Dino Fury. Netflix. 11. June 15, 2021.
  58. Ultimate Mystery. Power Rangers Dino Fury. Netflix. 12. September 29, 2022.
  59. Cut Off. Power Rangers Dino Fury. Netflix. 9. June 15, 2021.
  60. Super Hotshot. Power Rangers Dino Fury. Nickelodeon. 12. October 9, 2021.
  61. Our Hero. Power Rangers Dino Fury. Netflix. 17. October 15, 2021.
  62. Crossed Wires. Power Rangers Dino Fury. Netflix. 18. October 15, 2021.
  63. The Makeover. Power Rangers Dino Fury. Netflix. 19. October 15, 2021.
  64. Missing Pieces. Power Rangers Dino Fury. Netflix. 25. March 3, 2022.
  65. Losers Weepers. Power Rangers Dino Fury. Netflix. 32. March 3, 2022.
  66. Wishful Thinking. Power Rangers Dino Fury. Netflix. 16. September 29, 2022.
  67. Guilt Trip. Power Rangers Dino Fury. Netflix. 18. September 29, 2022.
  68. Web site: Kira Josephson . Kathryn Rawlings & Associates . 3 October 2021 . en.
  69. Web site: Kelley . Shamus . How Power Rangers Dino Fury Finally Embraced The Franchise's Continuity . . February 8, 2021 . April 17, 2021.
  70. ⚡️⚡️ . RangerBoard . 1362551603644030978 . February 18, 2021 . RT @thepowerscoop: Victoria Abbott has been cast in the role of "J-Borg" in Dino Fury ↳ Source: Instagram ↳https:… . en . March 3, 2021.
  71. Web site: Kelley . Shamus . Power Rangers Dino Fury Will Feature a Returning Character . . February 8, 2021 . February 1, 2021.