List of Odontomyia species explained
This is a list of species in Odontomyia, a genus of soldier flies in the family Stratiomyidae.[1] [2] [3]
Odontomyia species
- Odontomyia adusta Loew, 1857[4]
- Odontomyia aequalis (Walker, 1861)[5]
- Odontomyia africana (Lindner, 1943)[6]
- Odontomyia albigenata (Lindner, 1935)[7]
- Odontomyia albomaculata Macquart, 1838[8]
- Odontomyia aldrichi Johnson, 1895[9]
- Odontomyia alini Lindner, 1955[10]
- Odontomyia alolena (Séguy, 1930)[11]
- Odontomyia altifrons Wulp, 1888[12]
- Odontomyia americana Day, 1882[13]
- Odontomyia amyris Walker, 1849[14]
- Odontomyia anchorata Bigot, 1879[15]
- Odontomyia angulata (Panzer, 1798)[16]
- Odontomyia angusta Walker, 1854[17]
- Odontomyia angustilimbata Brunetti, 1923[18]
- Odontomyia annulata (Meigen, 1822)[19]
- Odontomyia annulipes Macquart, 1850[20]
- Odontomyia araneifera Schiner, 1868[21]
- Odontomyia arcuata Loew, 1872[22]
- Odontomyia argentata (Fabricius, 1794)[23]
- Odontomyia aterrima Walker, 1856[24]
- Odontomyia atraria (Walker, 1865)[25]
- Odontomyia atrodorsalis James, 1941
- Odontomyia atrovirens Bigot, 1879[15]
- Odontomyia aurata Meijere, 1911[26]
- Odontomyia aureovestis (James, 1948)[27]
- Odontomyia aureovittata Curran, 1928
- Odontomyia australensis Schiner, 1868[21]
- Odontomyia azurea Becker, 1909[28]
- Odontomyia bahamensis (James, 1953)[29]
- Odontomyia barbata (Lindner, 1940)[30]
- Odontomyia bekily Woodley, 2001[31]
- Odontomyia bermudensis Johnson, 1914[32]
- Odontomyia bifascia (Walker, 1861)[33]
- Odontomyia bimaculata Yang, 1995[34]
- Odontomyia bipunctata Bigot, 1859[35]
- Odontomyia bipunctifacies (Lindner, 1951)
- Odontomyia blastulaefrons (Lindner, 1939)[36]
- Odontomyia boharti (James, 1948)[27]
- Odontomyia borealis James, 1936
- Odontomyia brodiei (Cockerell, 1915)[37]
- Odontomyia bulbifrons (James, 1950)
- Odontomyia calva Lindner, 1972
- Odontomyia carinata Macquart, 1846[38]
- Odontomyia carinifacies Macquart, 1850[20]
- Odontomyia carinifacies var. grandimaculata Hardy, 1920
- Odontomyia carnifacies var. minima Hardy, 1920
- Odontomyia carnifex (Gerstaecker, 1857)[39]
- Odontomyia chathamensis Hutton, 1901[40]
- Odontomyia chloris (Walker, 1854)[17]
- Odontomyia chrysaner (James, 1948)[27]
- Odontomyia cincta Olivier, 1811[41]
- Odontomyia cinctilinea (Walker, 1861)[42]
- Odontomyia clarifrons Lindner, 1972[43]
- Odontomyia claripennis Thomson, 1869[44]
- Odontomyia cohaerens Brunetti, 1923[18]
- Odontomyia colei James, 1936
- Odontomyia collarti (Lindner, 1938)[45]
- Odontomyia collina Hutton, 1901[40]
- Odontomyia confertissima (Walker, 1858)[46]
- Odontomyia confusa (Rossi, 1794)[47]
- Odontomyia consobrina Macquart, 1848[48]
- Odontomyia coreana (Pleske, 1928)
- Odontomyia cuthbertsoni (Lindner, 1937)
- Odontomyia cyanea Brunetti, 1920[49]
- Odontomyia damascena Villeneuve, 1912
- Odontomyia decipiens (Guerin-Meneville, 1838)[50]
- Odontomyia disciclara (Séguy, 1929)
- Odontomyia discolor Loew, 1846[51]
- Odontomyia discolorata James, 1936
- Odontomyia disparina (Lindner, 1935)[7]
- Odontomyia elisabethae Lindner, 1966[52]
- Odontomyia emarginata Macquart, 1838[8]
- Odontomyia evansi (James, 1957)
- Odontomyia excocta Walker, 1851[53]
- Odontomyia exigua (Lindner, 1937)[54]
- Odontomyia fangchengensis Yang, Gao & An, 2004[55]
- Odontomyia fasciata Macquart, 1834[56]
- Odontomyia fascipes Brunetti, 1923[18]
- Odontomyia fastuosa (Bigot, 1884)[57]
- Odontomyia fiebrigi (Lindner, 1976)
- Odontomyia filipjewi (Pleske, 1928)
- Odontomyia finalis (Walker, 1859)[58]
- Odontomyia flava Day, 1882[13]
- Odontomyia flavissima (Rossi, 1790)[59]
- Odontomyia foveifrons Thomson, 1869[44]
- Odontomyia frontalis Macquart, 1838[8]
- Odontomyia fulminans Bezzi, 1928[60]
- Odontomyia fulviceps (Walker, 1854)[17]
- Odontomyia gagathina Bezzi, 1928[60]
- Odontomyia garatas Walker, 1849[14]
- Odontomyia guianae (Lindner, 1949)[61]
- Odontomyia guizhouensis Yang, 1995[34]
- Odontomyia halophila Wang, Perng & Ueng, 2007
- Odontomyia halophila Wang, Perng & Ueng, 2007[62]
- Odontomyia herbacea Lindner, 1966[52]
- Odontomyia herichsonii Hope, 1847[63]
- Odontomyia heterogastra Bezzi, 1928[60]
- Odontomyia hirayamae Matsumura, 1916[64]
- Odontomyia hirtocculata James, 1936[65]
- Odontomyia hoodiana Bigot, 1887[66]
- Odontomyia hunteri (MacLeay, 1826)[67]
- Odontomyia hydroleon (Linnaeus, 1758)[68]
- Odontomyia hydroleonoides Johnson, 1895[9]
- Odontomyia ialemus Walker, 1849[14]
- Odontomyia icae (Lindner, 1941)[69]
- Odontomyia idahoensis James, 1932
- Odontomyia immiscens (Walker, 1859)[58]
- Odontomyia inaequalis Loew, 1866[70]
- Odontomyia inanimis (Walker, 1857)[71]
- Odontomyia interrupta Olivier, 1811[72]
- Odontomyia jamesi Lindner, 1968[73]
- Odontomyia kamande Woodley, 2001[2]
- Odontomyia kashmirensis Brunetti, 1920[49]
- Odontomyia kirchneri Jaennicke, 1867[74]
- Odontomyia kiricenkoi (Pleske, 1922)
- Odontomyia lamborni (Lindner, 1937)
- Odontomyia lateremaculata Macquart, 1850[20]
- Odontomyia limae Guerin, 1831[75]
- Odontomyia limbata (Meigen & Wiedemann, 1822)[19]
- Odontomyia limbata var. cephalonica Strobl, 1898[76]
- Odontomyia limbifacies Bigot, 1859[35]
- Odontomyia lineata Meijere, 1913
- Odontomyia longicornis Lindner, 1966[52]
- Odontomyia lutatius Walker, 1849[14]
- Odontomyia luteiceps Meijere, 1911[26]
- Odontomyia maculata Meijere, 1907[77]
- Odontomyia magnificus Lachaise & Lindner, 1973
- Odontomyia marginella Macquart, 1850[20]
- Odontomyia masaica (Lindner, 1953)[78]
- Odontomyia megacephala Olivier, 1811
- Odontomyia microcera (Séguy, 1930)[11]
- Odontomyia microleon (Linnaeus, 1758)[68]
- Odontomyia microstoma Loew, 1866[70]
- Odontomyia mutica Wulp, 1885[79]
- Odontomyia neodorsalis Miller, 1950
- Odontomyia nexura (Walker, 1858)[46]
- Odontomyia nigerrima Loew, 1872[22]
- Odontomyia nigrinervis Bezzi, 1926[80]
- Odontomyia nitidiceps Wulp, 1888[12]
- Odontomyia nitidissima (James, 1950)[81]
- Odontomyia notatifrons Brunetti, 1923[18]
- Odontomyia novaecaledoniae (Lindner, 1937)[54]
- Odontomyia novaeguineensis (Lindner, 1957)[82]
- Odontomyia nyassica (Lindner, 1943)[6]
- Odontomyia obscuripes Thomson, 1869[44]
- Odontomyia ochropa Thomson, 1869[44]
- Odontomyia okinawae Nagatomi, 1977
- Odontomyia opertanea White, 1916
- Odontomyia ophrydifera (Lindner, 1935)[7]
- Odontomyia ornata (Meigen, 1822)[19]
- Odontomyia pachycephala Schiner, 1868[21]
- Odontomyia pachyceps Bigot, 1879[15]
- Odontomyia painteri James, 1936
- Odontomyia pallida Hill, 1919[83]
- Odontomyia parallela (Walker, 1865)[25]
- Odontomyia parallelina Bezzi, 1928[60]
- Odontomyia pauliani James, 1975
- Odontomyia pectoralis Thomson, 1869[44]
- Odontomyia periscelis Loew, 1873[84]
- Odontomyia peruviana Macquart, 1855[85]
- Odontomyia picea Walker, 1851[53]
- Odontomyia picta (Pleske, 1922)>[86]
- Odontomyia pictifrons Loew, 1854[87]
- Odontomyia pilimanus Loew, 1866[70]
- Odontomyia pilosus Day, 1882[13]
- Odontomyia plebeja Loew, 1872[22]
- Odontomyia poecilopoda Bezzi, 1906[88]
- Odontomyia polycedes (Speiser, 1910)[89]
- Odontomyia proba (Lindner, 1957)[82]
- Odontomyia profuscata Steyskal, 1938[90]
- Odontomyia pubescens Day, 1882[13]
- Odontomyia pulcherrima Brunetti, 1920[49]
- Odontomyia quadrata (Lindner, 1937)[54]
- Odontomyia quadrinotata Loew, 1857[4]
- Odontomyia rectifasciata Macquart, 1838[8]
- Odontomyia regisgeorgii Macquart, 1838[8]
- Odontomyia restricta (Walker, 1864)[91]
- Odontomyia rhodaspis James, 1980
- Odontomyia rufifacies Macquart, 1850[20]
- Odontomyia rufipes Loew, 1866[70]
- Odontomyia rufiventris (Lindner, 1966)[92]
- Odontomyia rufocera Woodley, 2001[2]
- Odontomyia rufoscutellata Brunetti, 1926
- Odontomyia saphyrina Lindner, 1968[73]
- Odontomyia schoutedeni (Lindner, 1938)[45]
- Odontomyia scutellata Macquart, 1846[38]
- Odontomyia seyrigi Lindner, 1968[73]
- Odontomyia shikokuana (Nagatomi, 1977)
- Odontomyia siderogaster (Wiedemann, 1824)[93]
- Odontomyia sidneyensis Schiner, 1868[21]
- Odontomyia simplex (Bigot, 1887)[66]
- Odontomyia sinica Yang, 1995[34]
- Odontomyia smaragdifera (Lindner, 1938)[94]
- Odontomyia solennis Walker, 1851[53]
- Odontomyia stigmaticalis Thomson, 1869[44]
- Odontomyia stricta Erichson, 1842[95]
- Odontomyia stylata Macquart, 1847[96]
- Odontomyia subdentata Macquart, 1850[20]
- Odontomyia subobscura (James, 1948)[27]
- Odontomyia subpicta (James, 1957)
- Odontomyia thula Woodley, 2001[2]
- Odontomyia tigrina (Fabricius, 1775)[97]
- Odontomyia timorensis (Lindner, 1951)
- Odontomyia toxopeusi (Lindner, 1957)[82]
- Odontomyia transversa Brunetti, 1920[49]
- Odontomyia triangulifera Becker, 1913
- Odontomyia tumida Banks, 1926[98]
- Odontomyia uninigra Yang, 1995[34]
- Odontomyia vanderwulpiana Brèthes, 1907
- Odontomyia vicina Macquart, 1838[8]
- Odontomyia virgo (Wiedemann, 1830)[99]
- Odontomyia viridana (Wiedemann, 1824)[93]
- Odontomyia vittata Macquart, 1850[20]
- Odontomyia xanthopus Bezzi, 1906[88]
- Odontomyia yangi Yang, 1995[34]
Notes and References
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- Lindner . E. . Athiopische Stratiomyiiden (Dipt.) . Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift . 1935 . 1934 . 291–316.
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