List of National Natural Landmarks in Kentucky explained

From List of National Natural Landmarks, these are the National Natural Landmarks in Kentucky. There are 7 in total, 1 is shared with Indiana.

1 36.885°N -85.2364°WPrivateAn outstanding illustration of subterranean stream diversion.
2 37.8604°N -87.7801°WState (Dept. of Fish & Wildlife) One of the largest wetlands remaining in Kentucky
3 37.0879°N -82.9925°WState (Eastern Kentucky University) Virgin tract of mixed mesophytic forest.
4 37.8339°N -83.6078°WFederal (Daniel Boone National Forest)Contains examples of many geological formations, including 41 natural bridges.
5 37.2881°N -83.8753°WFederal (Daniel Boone National Forest) One of the few virgin hemlock hardwood forests remaining in Kentucky.
6 38.8869°N -84.7478°WState (Big Bone Lick State Park) Combination of salt springs and associated Late Pleistocene bone beds. Also on the mighty Ohio River.
7 38.2767°N -85.7654°WFederal (Falls of the Ohio National Wildlife Conservation Area)A classic example of a Silurian and Devonian coral community. Extends into Indiana.

See also