List of IP protocol numbers explained

This is a list of the IP protocol numbers found in the field Protocol of the IPv4 header and the Next Header field of the IPv6 header. It is an identifier for the encapsulated protocol and determines the layout of the data that immediately follows the header. Both fields are eight bits wide. Protocol numbers are maintained and published by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA).[1]

Hex Protocol Number Keyword Protocol References/RFC
0x000HOPOPTIPv6 Hop-by-Hop Option
0x011ICMPInternet Control Message Protocol
0x022IGMPInternet Group Management Protocol
0x033GGPGateway-to-Gateway Protocol
0x044IP-in-IPIP in IP (encapsulation)
0x055STInternet Stream Protocol,
0x066TCPTransmission Control Protocol
0x077CBTCore-based trees
0x088EGPExterior Gateway Protocol
0x099IGPInterior gateway protocol (any private interior gateway, for example Cisco's IGRP)
0x0A10BBN-RCC-MONBBN RCC Monitoring
0x0B11NVP-IINetwork Voice Protocol
0x0C12PUPXerox PUP
0x0F15XNETCross Net DebuggerIEN 158[2]
0x1117UDPUser Datagram Protocol
0x1218MUXMultiplexingIEN 90[3]
0x1319DCN-MEASDCN Measurement Subsystems
0x1420HMPHost Monitoring Protocol
0x1521PRMPacket Radio Measurement
0x1B27RDPReliable Data Protocol
0x1C28IRTPInternet Reliable Transaction Protocol
0x1D29ISO-TP4ISO Transport Protocol Class 4
0x1E30NETBLTBulk Data Transfer Protocol
0x1F31MFE-NSPMFE Network Services Protocol
0x2032MERIT-INPMERIT Internodal Protocol
0x2133DCCPDatagram Congestion Control Protocol
0x22343PCThird Party Connect Protocol
0x2335IDPRInter-Domain Policy Routing Protocol
0x2436XTPXpress Transport Protocol
0x2537DDPDatagram Delivery Protocol
0x2638IDPR-CMTPIDPR Control Message Transport Protocol
0x2739TP++TP++ Transport Protocol
0x2840ILIL Transport Protocol
0x2941IPv6IPv6 Encapsulation (6to4 and 6in4)
0x2A42SDRPSource Demand Routing Protocol
0x2B43IPv6-RouteRouting Header for IPv6
0x2C44IPv6-FragFragment Header for IPv6
0x2D45IDRPInter-Domain Routing Protocol
0x2E46RSVPResource Reservation Protocol
0x2F47GREGeneric Routing Encapsulation,
0x3048DSRDynamic Source Routing Protocol
0x3149BNABurroughs Network Architecture
0x3250ESPEncapsulating Security Payload
0x3351AHAuthentication Header
0x3452I-NLSPIntegrated Net Layer Security ProtocolTUBA
0x3654NARPNBMA Address Resolution Protocol
0x3755MOBILE IP Mobility (Min Encap)
0x3856TLSPTransport Layer Security Protocol (using Kryptonet key management)
0x3957SKIPSimple Key-Management for Internet Protocol
0x3A58IPv6-ICMPICMP for IPv6,
0x3B59IPv6-NoNxtNo Next Header for IPv6
0x3C60IPv6-OptsDestination Options for IPv6
0x3D61Any host internal protocol
0x3F63Any local network
0x4064SAT-EXPAKSATNET and Backroom EXPAK
0x4266RVDMIT Remote Virtual Disk Protocol
0x4367IPPCInternet Pluribus Packet Core
0x4468Any distributed file system
0x4569SAT-MONSATNET Monitoring
0x4670VISAVISA Protocol
0x4771IPCUInternet Packet Core Utility
0x4872CPNXComputer Protocol Network Executive
0x4973CPHBComputer Protocol Heart Beat
0x4A74WSNWang Span Network
0x4B75PVP Packet Video Protocol
0x4C76BR-SAT-MONBackroom SATNET Monitoring
0x4E78WB-MONWIDEBAND Monitoring
0x5080ISO-IPInternational Organization for Standardization Internet Protocol
0x5181VMTPVersatile Message Transaction Protocol
0x5282SECURE-VMTPSecure Versatile Message Transaction Protocol
0x5484TTPTTP (Transaction Transport Protocol) (obsoleted March 2023)
0x5484IPTMInternet Protocol Traffic Manager
0x5686DGPDissimilar Gateway Protocol
0x5989OSPFOpen Shortest Path First
0x5A90Sprite-RPCSprite RPC Protocol
0x5B91LARPLocus Address Resolution Protocol
0x5C92MTPMulticast Transport Protocol
0x5E94OSKA9Q NOS compatible IP over IP tunneling
0x5F95MICPMobile Internetworking Control Protocol
0x6096SCC-SPSemaphore Communications Sec. Pro
0x6197ETHERIPEthernet-within-IP Encapsulation
0x6298ENCAPEncapsulation Header
0x6399Any private encryption scheme
0x65101IFMPIpsilon Flow Management Protocol
0x66102PNNIPNNI over IP
0x67103PIMProtocol Independent Multicast
0x68104ARISIBM's ARIS (Aggregate Route IP Switching) Protocol
0x69105SCPSSCPS (Space Communications Protocol Standards)SCPS-TP[4]
0x6B107A/NActive Networks
0x6C108IPCompIP Payload Compression Protocol
0x6D109SNPSitara Networks Protocol
0x6E110Compaq-PeerCompaq Peer Protocol
0x6F111IPX-in-IPIPX in IP
0x70112VRRPVirtual Router Redundancy Protocol, Common Address Redundancy Protocol (not IANA assigned)
0x71113PGMPGM Reliable Transport Protocol
0x72114Any 0-hop protocol
0x73115L2TPLayer Two Tunneling Protocol Version 3
0x74116DDXD-II Data Exchange (DDX)
0x75117IATPInteractive Agent Transfer Protocol
0x76118STPSchedule Transfer Protocol
0x77119SRPSpectraLink Radio Protocol
0x78120UTIUniversal Transport Interface Protocol
0x79121SMPSimple Message Protocol
0x7A122SMSimple Multicast Protocoldraft-perlman-simple-multicast-03
0x7B123PTPPerformance Transparency Protocol
0x7C124IS-IS over IPv4Intermediate System to Intermediate System (IS-IS) Protocol over IPv4 and
0x7D125FIREFlexible Intra-AS Routing Environment
0x7E126CRTPCombat Radio Transport Protocol
0x7F127CRUDPCombat Radio User Datagram
0x80128SSCOPMCEService-Specific Connection-Oriented Protocol in a Multilink and Connectionless EnvironmentITU-T Q.2111 (1999)
0x82130SPSSecure Packet Shield
0x83131PIPEPrivate IP Encapsulation within IPExpired I-D draft-petri-mobileip-pipe-00.txt
0x84132SCTPStream Control Transmission Protocol
0x85133FCFibre Channel
0x86134RSVP-E2E-IGNOREReservation Protocol (RSVP) End-to-End Ignore
0x87135Mobility HeaderMobility Extension Header for IPv6
0x88136UDPLiteLightweight User Datagram Protocol
0x89137MPLS-in-IPMultiprotocol Label Switching Encapsulated in IP,
0x8A138manetMANET Protocols
0x8B139HIPHost Identity Protocol
0x8C140Shim6Site Multihoming by IPv6 Intermediation
0x8D141WESPWrapped Encapsulating Security Payload
0x8E142ROHCRobust Header Compression
0x8F143EthernetSegment Routing over IPv6
0x90144AGGFRAGAGGFRAG Encapsulation Payload for ESP
0x91145NSHNetwork Service Headerdraft-ietf-spring-nsh-sr
0xFD-0xFE253-254Use for experimentation and testing

See also


  1. Web site: Protocol Numbers. Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA). 2016-06-22.
  2. 158.
  3. 90.
  4. Web site: SPACE COMMUNICATIONS PROTOCOL SPECIFICATION (SCPS)—TRANSPORT PROTOCOL (SCPS-TP) . 2006-05-27 . dead . . 2007-09-27 . . ymd.