List of Hungarian botanists explained
The below list contains most important Hungarian botanists in alphabetical order, indicating their main biographical dates and fields of botany in which they have been researching.
- Sámuel Ab Hortis (1729–1792) plant physiology
- Éva Ács (born 1964) phycology
- József Agnelli (1852–1923) agricultural botany, medical botany
- László Almádi (born 1936) herbology, plant systematics
- István Ambrózy (1869–1933) floristics, horticulture
- József Andrasovszky (1889–1943) ampelography
- Gábor Andreánszky (1895–1967) phytogeography, paleobotany
- Lambert Angeli (1916–1971) agricultural botany
- Dezső Angyal (1852–1936) pomology
- Dániel Antal (1901–1972) agricultural botany, pomology
- Béla Augustin (1877–1954) medical botany
- Nándor Bacsó (1904–1974) plant ecology
- Leona Baksay (1915 – c. 2005) plant physiology, plant systematics
- Sándor Bálint (1860–1922) ampelography
- József Balogh (1750 – c. 1781) floristics
- Henrik Band (1840–1913) floristics, horticulture
- Zoltán Barabás (1926–1993) agricultural botany
- Aurél Baranyai (1903–1983) medical botany
- Zoltán Baráth (1924–1982) phytosociology, plant systematics, floristics
- Béla Barna (1931–1979) agricultural botany, pomology
- Beáta Mária Barnabás (born 1948) agricultural botany
- Károly Baross (1865–1905) ampelography
- László Baross (1865–1938) agricultural botany
- István Barra (1900–1986) ampelography, phytopathology
- István Barra (1805–1865) plant systematics
- József Barth (1833–1915) floristics
- Bertalan Baskay Tóth (1903–1976) agricultural botany
- Károly Bátky (1794–1859) agricultural botany
- János Keresztély Baumgarten (1756–1843) floristics
- Jenő Bayer (1932–1970) phytochemistry
- Zoltán Bedő (born 1951) agricultural botany
- László Beke (1881–1950) agricultural botany, phytopathology
- Miklós Békésy (1903–1980) agricultural botany, medical botany
- László Benedek (1901–1977) agricultural botany
- Dániel Benkő (1799–1883) agricultural botany
- Máté Bereczki (1824–1895) pomology
- Lajos Bontovics (1929–1987) agricultural botany
- József Benkő (1740–1814) floristics, medical botany
- Jenő Bernátsky (1873–1944) phytosociology, plant systematics, phytopathology, mycology
- Péter Betegh (1884–1969) medical botany
- István Beythe (1532–1612) floristics, mycology
- Gyula Bihari (1889–1977) herbology
- Gyula Bittera (1893–1970) agricultural botany, medical botany
- Miklós Bittera (1887–1947) agricultural botany
- Tibor Blattny (1883–1969) forestry
- Béla Bodnár (1932–1960) floristics, phytogeography
- János Bodnár (1889–1953) phytochemistry
- István Bodócs (1887–1965) plant morphology
- Pál Bodor (1773–1828) pomology
- György Bodrogközy (born 1924) phytosociology, plant ecology
- János Bolla (1806–1881) floristics, mycology
- Pál Bolza (1861–1947) horticulture
- Vinczé von Borbás (1844–1905) floristics, plant systematics, phytosociology
- Attila Borhidi (born 1932) plant systematics, floristics, phytosociology
- Ádám Boros (1900–1973) floristics, bryology, phycology
- Rezső Boros (1925–1968) pomology
- Olga Borsos (1926–1996) plant systematics, plant morphology
- György Böckh (1822–1874) phytogeography
- János Bruder (1913–1982) agricultural botany
- József Budai (1851–1939) pomology, floristics
- László Cholnoky (1899–1967) phytochemistry
- Kornél Chyzer (1836–1909) floristics
- Ottó Claader (1907–1985) phytochemistry
- József Csapó (1734–1799) medical botany
- József Csapó M. (1911–1979) agricultural botany
- István Csapody (1930–2002) forestry, floristics
- Vera Csapody (1890–1985) floristics, plant systematics, plant physiology
- Kálmán Csatári-Szüts (1912–1973) agricultural botany
- János Csató (1833–1913) floristics
- Adolf Cserey (1851–1918) plant systematics
- Farkas Cserey (1773–1842) floristics
- Sándor Cserháti (1852–1909) agricultural botany
- József Csókás (1824–1905) ampelography
- János Csolsch (fl. 18th–19th century) horticulture
- Szabó István Csonti (1895–1960) agricultural botany
- Zoltán Csorba (1904–1981) phytopathology, mycology
- István Csűrös (1914–1998) floristics, phytosociology
- Kálmán Czakó (1843–1895) agricultural botany
- Nándor Czeiner (1850–1928) ampelography
- Antal Czetz (1801–1865) floristics
- Gyula Czimber (born 1936) herbology
- Ágnes Dániel (1929–1986) phytochemistry, plant physiology
- Lajos Dániel (1902–1978) pomology
- Ferenc Darvas (1883–1934) medical botany
- Zsolt Debreczy (born 1941) dendrology, bryology
- János Kristóf Deccard (1686–1764) floristics
- János Vilmos Deccard (1722–1778) floristics
- Árpád Degen (1866–1934) floristics, plant morphology, agricultural botany
- Imre Deininger (1844–1918) agricultural botany, paleoethnobotany
- Károly Demeter (1852–1890) bryology
- Dezső Dicenty (1879–1965) ampelography
- Sámuel Diószegi (1760–1813) plant systematics
- Géza Károly Doby (1877–1968) phytochemistry
- Gábor Doleschall (1813–1891) plant physiology
- János Domokos (1904–1978) horticulture
- József Dorner (1808–1873) plant morphology
- Lajos Dőry (1904–1977) agricultural botany
- István László Endlicher (1804–1849) plant systematics
- Ferenc Entz (1805–1877) ampelography
- József Ercsei (1792–1868) floristics
- József Ernyey (1874–1945) history of botany
- Sándor Fáber (1874–1933) agricultural botany
- János Fábry (1830–1907) floristics
- Géza Facsar (born 1941) plant systematics, paleoethnobotany, horticulture
- Béla Faludi (1909–1984) plant morphology
- Gábor Farkas (1925–1986) plant physiology, plant morphology, phytopathology
- Edit Éva Farkas (born 1959) lichenologist
- Loránd Farkas (1914–1986) phytochemistry
- Mihály Farkas (1833–1900) agricultural botany
- Mihály Fazekas (1766–1828) plant systematics
- Dániel Fehér (1890–1955) forestry, plant physiology
- Sándor Feichtinger (1817–1907) floristics
- Gábor Fekete (born 1930) floristics, phytogeography, phytosociology
- József Fekete (1842–1905) horticulture
- Lajos Fekete (1837–1916) forestry
- Zoltán Fekete (1877–1962) forestry, phytogeography
- Lajos Felföldy (born 1920) phycology
- Ferenc Fellner (1847–1913) horticulture
- Lajos Fialowski (1846–1909) history of botany
- Nándor Filarszky (1858–1941) phycology, plant morphology, plant systematics
- Károly Flatt (1853–1906) agricultural botany, history of botany
- Rudolf Fleischmann (1879–1950) agricultural botany
- Ferenc Fóriss (1892–1977) floristics, lichenology
- János Földi (1755–1801) plant systematics
- Rezső Francé (1874–1943) phytopathology, phycology
- Alfonz Sándor Freh (1832–1915) floristics
- Vilmos Frenyó (1908–1998) plant physiology
- János Fridvaldszky (1730–1784) dendrology
- Loránd Fridvaldszky (1923–1994) plant morphology
- Imre Frivaldszky (1799–1870) floristics
- Mihály Fucskó (1885–1914) plant morphology, plant physiology
- Mihály Fuss (1814–1883) floristics
- Miklós Galántai (1937–2005) horticulture
- László Gallé (1908–1980) phytopathology, lichenology
- Gyula Gáyer (1883–1932) plant systematics, phytogeography, floristics
- Samuel Genersich (1768–1844) floristics
- János Ádám Gensel (1677–1720) floristics
- István Gergely (1877–1960) pomology
- Guido Gerhárdt (1876–1939) agricultural botany
- Rezső Geschwind (1829–1910) horticulture
- György Lajos Gillemot (1813–1892) horticulture
- Nándor Gimesi (1892–1953) plant physiology, plant morphology, phycology
- Rudolf Giovannini (1891–1963) medical botany
- Károly Gomba (1889–1916) plant morphology
- Endre Gombocz (1882–1945) floristics, plant systematics, history of botany
- István Gondola (1922–1970) agricultural botany, herbology
- Jenő Görög (1920–1978) phytopathology, mycology
- Emil Grabner (1878–1955) agricultural botany, medical botany
- Pál Greguss (1889–1984) plant physiology, plant morphology
- Ferenc Greinich (1867–1942) floristics
- Irma Greisiger (1882–1947) bryology floristics
- György Griger (1879–1946) horticulture
- Béla Gróf (1883–1936) agricultural botany, phytopathology
- Ferenc Gruber (1905–1971) agricultural botany
- Ignác Grundl (1813–1878) floristics
- Antal Gulyás (1884–1980) phytopathology
- József Gulyás (1917–1979) phytochemistry
- József Gyárfás (1875–1965) agricultural botany
- Barna Győrffy (1911–1970) plant physiology
- István Győrffy (1880–1959) bryology
- József György (1813–1862) floristics
- Antal Gyürki (1817–1890) ampelography
- Károly Haberle (1764–1832) plant systematics
- Lilla Hably (born 1953) paleobotany
- Márta Halász (1905–1971) phycology
- János Halmai (1903–1973) medical botany
- Lajos Haracsi (1898–1978) erdészeti phytopathology
- Árpád Haraszty (1907–1987) plant morphology, plant physiology
- Zoltán Hargitai (1912–1945) floristics, phytosociology
- Lajos Haynald (1816–1891) floristics
- András Háznagy (1913–1987) medical botany
- Bertalan Hazslinszky (1902–1966) plant morphology, veterinary botany
- Frigyes Ákos Hazslinszky (1818–1896) floristics, mycology, lichenology, bryology, phycology
- Dezső Hegyi (1873–1926) phytopathology, mycology
- Árpád Hensch (1847–1913) agricultural botany
- Márton Herczeg (1936–1987) agricultural botany
- László Heszky (born 1945) agricultural botany
- János Heuffel (1800–1857) floristics
- Ede Heykal (1844–1929) horticulture, pomology
- Ferenc Hollendonner (1882–1935) plant morphology, paleoethnobotany
- László Hollós (1859–1940) mycology, floristics
- András Horánszky (born 1928) floristics, plant systematics, dendrology
- János Horn (1881–1958) pomology
- Miklós Horn (1899–1965) agricultural botany
- Tibor Hortobágyi (1912–1990) phycology, plant systematics, agricultural botany
- Adolf Olivér Horvát (1907–2006) floristics, phytosociology
- Ernő Horváth (1929–1990) floristics
- Imre Horváth (1926–1979) plant ecology, forestry
- József Horváth (born 1936) agricultural botany, phytopathology
- János Hulják (1883–1942) floristics
- Béla Husz (1892–1954) phytopathology, mycology
- József Igmándy (1897–1950) floristics, bryology
- Zoltán Igmándy (1925–2000) forestry, mycology
- Károly Irk (1882–1924) medical botany
- István Isépy (born 1942) medical botany
- Gyula Istvánffi (1860–1930) plant morphology, phycology, mycology, ampelography
- Jenő Jablonszky (1892–1975) plant systematics, paleobotany
- Miklós József Jacquin (1727–1817) floristics
- István Jakobey (1901–1971) agricultural botany
- Pál Jakucs (1928–2000) phytosociology, plant ecology
- Béla Jámbor (1917–1971) plant physiology, plant morphology
- Viktor Janka (1837–1890) floristics, plant systematics
- Andor Jánossy (1908–1975) agricultural botany
- Sándor Jávorka (1883–1961) floristics, plant systematics
- József Jeanplong (born 1919) floristics, phytogeography, phytosociology
- Endre Jeney (1891–1970) phytochemistry
- Miklós Juhász (born 1938) palynology
- Pál Juhász-Nagy (1935–1993) plant ecology
- Lajos Jurányi (1837–1897) plant morphology, plant physiology
- János Kabay (1896–1936) medical botany
- Ágoston Kanitz (1843–1896) floristics, history of botany
- Károly Kaplonyi (1918–1971) agricultural botany, plant physiology
- Bertalan Karmacsi (1898–1977) pomology
- Rezső Károly (1868–1945) agricultural botany
- Árpád Károlyi (1907–1972) floristics, bryology
- István Kárpáti (1924–1989) phycology
- Zoltán Kárpáti (1909–1972) floristics, phytogeography, plant systematics, dendrology
- Mihály Dénes Katona (1782–1874) agricultural botany
- Zsigmond Katona (1828–1902) pomology, ampelography
- Gusztáv Adolf Kayser (1817–1878) floristics
- Miklós Kedves (1933–2003) palynology
- Jenő Keller (1917 – c. 1945) plant systematics
- Kálmán Kenessey (1822–1913) agricultural botany
- József Kerekes (1924–1973) agricultural botany, medical botany
- Elek Kerényi (1916–1963) horticulture
- Herman Kern (1876–1957) phytopathology, mycology
- Kálmán Kerpely (1864–1940) agricultural botany
- Pál Kitaibel (1757–1817) floristics
- Gyula Klein (1844–1915) phycology, mycology, plant morphology
- Antal Kodolányi (1835–1910) agricultural botany, plant morphology
- Erzsébet Kol (1897–1980) phycology
- Károly Kolbai (1901–1972) agricultural botany
- Pál Kolbány (1758–1816) phytochemistry
- Kálmán Kolecsányi (1886–1960) horticulture
- Magda Komlódi (born 1931) floristics, palynology
- István Koren (1805–1893) floristics
- Gyula Korponay (1888–1975) pomology, gyümölcskórtan
- Tamás Kosutány (1848–1915) agricultural botany, plant physiology
- Ervin Iván Kovács (1934–1987) plant morphology
- János Kovács (1816–1906) floristics
- Margit Kovács (1930–1977) floristics, phytosociology
- Ferenc Kovács Huszka (1869–1944) floristics
- Ferenc Kováts (1873–1956) plant systematics
- Gyula Kováts (1815–1873) paleobotany, floristics
- Károly Kovatsits (1876–1929) agricultural botany
- Dénes Kozma (1875–1925) herbology
- Vilmos Kőfaragó-Gyelnik (1906–1945) lichenology
- Tamás Kőmíves (born 1944) agricultural botany
- Ferenc Kövessi (1875–1945) plant physiology, ampelography
- János György Kramer (1684–1744) plant systematics, medical botany
- András Kubacska (1871–1942) plant morphology, kertészeti növénytan
- Ágoston Kubinyi (1799–1873) floristics
- Samu Kupcsok (1850–1914) floristics
- Jenő Béla Kümmerle (1876–1931) plant morphology, pteridológia
- István Kwaysser (1915–1982) ampeleológus
- Adolf Ferenc Láng (1795–1863) floristics
- Géza Láng (1916–1980) agricultural botany
- Samuel Lasz (1859–1930) climatology, zoology, and geology
- Gábor László (1878–1960) ősnövénytan, phytosociology
- Ödön Legány (1876–1944) agricultural botany
- Ferenc Legányi (1884–1964) paleobotany
- Ödön Lehner (1887–1938) pomology
- János Leibitzer (1763–1817) pomology
- Géza Lengyel (1884–1965) agricultural botany, floristics
- Lajos Letenyei (1822–1868) agricultural botany
- Viktor Ligeti (1912–1986) phytochemistry
- Károly Limbacher (1868–1937) pomology
- György Linhart (1844–1925) agricultural botany, phytopathology
- János Lippai (1606–1666) pomology
- Károly Frigyes Loew (1699–1741) floristics
- Hugó Lojka (1844–1887) floristics, lichenology
- István Lumnitzer (1747–1806) floristics
- Sándor Mágócsy-Dietz (1855–1945) plant physiology, dendrology, mycology
- Gyula Magyar (1884–1945) agricultural botany, pomology, horticulture
- Pál Magyar (1895–1969) forestry, plant systematics, phytosociology
- Gyula Magyary-Kossa (1865–1944) medical botany
- Antal Majer (1910–1996) forestry
- Móric Májer (1815–1904) floristics
- György Mándy (1913–1976) agricultural botany, plant morphology
- István Manninger (1920–1990) agricultural botany, phytopathology
- Ferenc Marc (1813–1900) kertészeti növénytan
- Antal Margittai (1880–1939) floristics
- Sándor Márkus (1831–1867) phycology, floristics
- László Martos (1930–1957) plant physiology
- Imre Máthé, sr. (1911–1993) floristics, plant ecology, agricultural botany, phytochemistry, medical botany
- Imre Máthé, jr. (born 1942) phytochemistry, plant ecology
- Tamás Mauksch (1749–1832) floristics, mycology
- Gyula Méhes (1897–1970) medical botany
- Juhász Péter Méliusz (1532–1572) floristics
- László Menyhárth (1849–1897) floristics
- Ákos Mesterházy (born 1945) agricultural botany, phytopathology
- Lajos Mészáros (1913–1969) agricultural botany, plant morphology
- Gyula Mészöly (1910–1974) agricultural botany
- Gyula Mezey (1861–1922) phytopathology
- István Milkovits (born 1937) plant systematics
- László Miltényi (1901–1936) agricultural botany, plant morphology
- József Misák (1866–1939) horticulture
- Vidor Modor (1910–1979) medical botany, plant morphology
- Gusztáv Moesz (1873–1946) mycology, phytopathology, floristics, phytogeography
- Sámuel Mokry (1832–1909) agricultural botany
- Ádám Molnár (1713–1780) floristics
- Dezső Morbitzer (1879–1945) kertészeti növénytan
- Vilmos Mühle (1845–1908) kertészeti növénytan
- Ferenc Mygind (1710–1789) floristics
- István Nagy (1905–1974) floristics
- Zoltán Nagy (1921–1987) agricultural botany
- Miksa Natter-Nád (1893–1982) plant systematics
- Márton Németh (1910–1986) ampelography
- Ernő Nemky (1909–1986) forestry, plant ecology
- Károly Nendtvich (1811–1892) floristics
- Tamás Nendtvich (1782–1858) floristics
- Antal Nowotarski (1825–1901) agricultural botany
- Antal Nyárády (1920–1982) floristics, phytosociology
- Erazmus Gyula Nyárády (1881–1966) floristics, plant systematics
- Ernő Obermayer (1888–1969) agricultural botany, plant physiology
- Iván Okályi (1900–1968) pomology
- Miklós Olgyay (1904–1958) phytopathology
- Sándor Orbán (born 1947) bryology
- Miklós Ormándy (1846–1911) plant morphology
- Ottó Orsós (1911–1939) plant morphology
- Árpád Paál (1889–1943) plant physiology
- Piroska Palik (1895–1966) phycology
- Gyula Pálinkás (1883–1957) ampelography
- József Pantocsek (1846–1916) phycology, floristics
- György Pántos (1924–1986) forestry, plant ecology
- József Papp (1900–1985) agricultural botany, dendrology
- Béla Páter (1860–1938) agricultural botany, medical botany
- Ármin Pecz (1820–1896) horticulture
- Antal Pénzes (1895–1984) pomology, floristics
- József Péterffy (1827–1888) agricultural botany
- István Péterfi (1906–1978) plant morphology, plant physiology, phycology
- Márton Péterfi (1875–1922) bryology
- Ferenc Petrányi (1890–1935) horticulture
- Sándor Pettenkoffer (1868–1946) ampelography
- Benő Pillitz (1825–1910) floristics
- Tamás Pócs (born 1933) floristics, bryology, phytosociology
- János Podhradszky (1914–1968) phytopathology
- György Pogácsás (1919–1977) agricultural botany, plant physiology, phytopathology
- Sándor Polgár (1876–1944) floristics, phytogeography
- Béla Pozsár (1922–1981) agricultural botany, plant physiology, phytochemistry
- István Précsényi (1926–2007) phytosociology, plant ecology
- Szaniszló Priszter (1917–2011) floristics, plant systematics, history of botany
- György Purkircher (1530–1577) medical botany
- József Quint (1882–1929) phycology, plant physiology
- Ferenc Raffensberger (1851–1936) horticulture
- Miklós Rajczy (?) bryology
- László Rakcsányi (1901–1967) ampelography
- Rajmund Rapaics (1885–1954) phytogeography, plant systematics, phytosociology
- Klára M. Rásky (1908–1971) paleobotany
- Károly Rayger (1641–1707) medical botany
- Rezső Rédl (1895–1942) floristics, phytogeography
- Dezső Révy (1900–1954) phytopathology
- Aladár Richter (1868–1927) plant morphology
- Gusztáv Ritter (1846–1926) pomology
- Zoltán Roboz (1861–1905) ampelography
- Antal Rochel (1770–1847) floristics
- Pál Rom (1902–1962) medical botany
- István Rudinai Molnár (1850–1920) ampelography, pomology
- István Saágy (1865–1945) horticulture
- József Sadler (1791–1849) floristics, plant systematics, pteridológia, mycology
- László Sántha (1886–1954) ampelography, phytopathology, lichenology
- Aladár Scherffel (1865–1939) phycology, mycology
- Vilmos Aurél Scherffel (1835–1895) floristics, mycology
- Károly Schilberszky (1863–1935) phytopathology, mycology
- Zsigmond Schiller (1847–1920) floristics
- József Schneider (1888–1963) horticulture
- Ferdinánd Schur (1799–1878) floristics
- János Schuster (1777–1839) plant systematics
- Tibor Simon (born 1926) floristics, plant systematics, phytosociology
- Lajos Simonkai (1851–1910) floristics, plant systematics, dendrology
- Károly Rezső Soó (1903–1980) floristics, phytogeography, phytosociology, plant systematics
- István Soós (1902–1959) ampelography
- Móric Staub (1842–1914) paleobotany, floristics
- János Suba (born 1929) floristics, plant physiology
- Zoltán Szabó (1882–1944) floristics, plant systematics, plant physiology
- Kálmán Szász (1910–1978) medical botany
- Ödön Szatala (1889–1958) lichenology
- Gusztáv Szelényi (1904–1982) phytopathology
- Gábor Szemes (1906–1993) phycology
- Imre Szenczy (1798–1860) floristics
- Gabriella Szentpéteri (1927–1969) plant morphology
- Rezső Szép (1860–1918) floristics
- Júlia Szepes (1913–1987) plant morphology, phytopathology
- János Szepesfalvy (1882–1959) bryology, paleobotany
- Zoltán Szilády (1878–1947) floristics
- István Szodfridt (born 1930) dendrology, history of botany
- Miklós Szontágh (1843–1899) floristics
- Gyula Szökő (1934–1974) phytopathology
- Mihály Szörényi (1881–1963) horticulture
- Júlia Szujkóné Lacza (born 1930) floristics, dendrology, plant morphology
- Frigyes Szutorisz (1854–1926) floristics
- Pál Tallós (1931–1968) forestry, phytosociology
- Géza Tamássy (1887–1971) floristics
- Károly Tamássy (1806–1885) pomology
- Gyula Ágoston Tauscher (1832–1882) floristics
- Károly Téglás (1864–1916) forestry
- András Terpó (born 1925) pomology
- Lajos Thaisz (1867–1937) agricultural botany, floristics
- Lajos Timár (1918–1956) floristics, phytosociology, mycology
- György Timkó (1881–1945) lichenology
- Lajos Tőkés (1873–1951) floristics, phytogeography
- Róbert Trautmann (1873–1953) plant systematics
- János Tuzson (1870–1943) plant morphology, plant systematics, floristics, phytopathology, mycology, paleobotany
- Gábor Ubrizsy (1919–1973) phytopathology, mycology, herbology
- Gábor Uherkovich (1912–2002) phycology
- József Ujhelyi (1910–1979) floristics, plant systematics
- Miklós Ujvárosi (1913–1981) agricultural botany, floristics, herbology
- Ferenc Uzonyi (1884–1972) phytopathology
- Dezső Vágújfalvi (born 1936) plant physiology, phytochemistry
- Ernő Vajda (1889–1980) floristics
- László Vajda (1890–1986) floristics
- Oszkár Varga (1873–1947) plant physiology
- István Velich (1870–1960) pomology
- Klára Verseghy (1930–2020) lichenology
- Antal Veszelszki (c. 1730 – 1798) floristics
- György Vette (1645–1704) phytopathology
- Gábor Vida (1935–2022) floristics, plant systematics, pteridológia
- Aladár Visnya (1878–1959) bryology
- Márton Vrabély (1808–1877) floristics
- János Wágner (1870–1955) floristics, dendrology
- Richárd Wagner (1905–1972) plant ecology
- Antal Waisbecker (1835–1916) floristics
- Ferenc Ádám Waldstein-Wartenberg (1759–1823) floristics
- Lajos Walz (1845–1914) floristics
- János Jakab Wernischek (1743–1804) plant systematics
- Péter Wierzbicki (1794–1847) floristics
- János Teofil Windisch (1689–1732) floristics
- József Jakab Winterl (1739–1809) plant systematics, pomology
- András Rafael Wolny (1759–1827) floristics
- Vilmos Zoltán (1869–1929) floristics
- Bálint Zólyomi (1908–1997) növényszármazástan, phytosociology, palynology
- Zoltán Zsák (1880–1966) agricultural botany, floristics, herbology
See also
- Magyar életrajzi lexikon 1000–1990 [Hungarian biographical encyclopaedia from 1000 until 1990], Budapest, Arcanum, 2001.
- Magyarország a XX. században [Hungary in the 20th century], vol. 4, Szekszárd, Babits, 2000, pp. 481–489.
- Homepage of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences