Hana-Kimi or known originally as in Japan, is a shōjo manga series written and illustrated by Hisaya Nakajo. The series was first serialized in the 20th issue of Hakusensha's semi-monthly shōjo manga magazine, Hana to Yume in 1996. Its serialization continued where the series ended with 23 tankōbon volumes with 144 chapters without including 5 special chapters that were published during the series' serialization and another 5 special chapters that were published after the series ended.
The series' 23 volumes were first published under the Hana to Yume Comics.[1] [2] It was then later re-published into 12 volumes of aizōban under the Hana to Yume Comics Special imprint.[3] Each volume featured a new cover illustration and design as well as colored pages.[3]
Hana-Kimi was also published in English by Viz Media.[4] The English release was previously only limited to Waldenbooks from February to May 2004. It was then made available to other retail stores after May that year.[5] The English title originated from a fan abbreviation of the original Japanese title as the official U.S. translation ends the title with a he instead of e.