List of Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand MPs explained

The following is a list of members of the Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand members of Parliament (MPs). The Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand was founded in 1990. It first won parliamentary representation in 1996 as a member party of the Alliance. Two of the three Green MPs elected that year split from the Alliance in 1997 and the Greens have retained a presence in the New Zealand House of Representatives continuously until the present day.

width=125Namewidth=125Portraitwidth=100First electedwidth=200Electorateswidth=100Left party / parliamentwidth=300 class=unsortableNotes
1996List (1996–1997)1997Remained an Alliance MP until 2002
1996List (1996–2005)2005†Died in office
1996List (1996–1999)
Coromandel (1999–2002)
List (2002–2010)
2010Resigned from parliament
1999List (1999–2009)2009Resigned from parliament
1999List (1999–2005)2005
1999List (1999–2011)2011
1999List (1999–2011)2011
1999List (1999–2008)2008Resigned from parliament
2002List (2002–2017)2017
2002List (2002–2005)2005
2008List (2008–2015)2015Resigned from parliament
2008List (2008–2017)2017
2008List (2008–2017)2017
2008List (2008–2016)2016Resigned from parliament
2009List (2009–2017)2017
2010List (2010–2020)2020
2011List (2011–2017)2017
2011List (2011–2023)
Rongotai (2023–present)
2011List (2011–2023)2023
2011List (2011–2017)2017
2011List (2011–2017)2017
2011List (2011–2023)2023
2011List (2011–2014)2014
2014List (2014–2024)2024
2015List (2015–present)
2016List (2016–2017)2017
2017List (2017–2024)2024Resigned from parliament
2017List (2017–2020)
Auckland Central (2020–present)
2020List (2020–present)
2020List (2020–2023)2023Resigned from the party
2020List (2020–present)
2023List (2023–present)
2023List (2023–2024)2024†Died in office
2023List (2023–present)
2023Wellington Central (2023–present)
2023List (2023–present)
2023List (2023–2024)2024Resigned from the party
2023List (2023–present)
2023List (2023–present)
2024List (2024–present)
2024List (2024–present)
2024List (2024–present)


†:Died in office
