This is a list of the most notable films produced in the Cinema of Germany in 1928.
width=29% | Title | width=16% | Director | width=18% | Cast | width=11% | Genre | width=26% | Notes |
| 1928 |
The Abduction of the Sabine Women | | | Comedy | |
Accident | | | Drama | |
Adam and Eve | | | Comedy | |
Almenrausch and Edelweiss | | | Drama | |
Alraune | | | | Based on the story by Hanns Heinz Ewers |
Anastasia, the False Czar's Daughter | | | Drama | |
Angst | Hans Steinhoff | Gustav Fröhlich, Henry Edwards | Drama | Co-production with Britain |
Ariadne in Hoppegarten | | | Sports | |
Artists | | | Silent | |
At Ruedesheimer Castle There Is a Lime Tree | | | Silent | |
Autumn on the Rhine | | | Silent | |
Band of Thieves | | | Silent | |
The Beaver Coat | | | Comedy | |
Because I Love You | | | Romance | |
Behind Monastery Walls | | | Drama | |
The Beloved of His Highness | | | Comedy | |
A Better Master | | | Comedy | |
The Blue Mouse | | | Silent | |
The Carnival Prince | | | Silent | |
The Carousel of Death | | | Silent | |
Casanova's Legacy | | | Silent | |
The Case of Prosecutor M | | | Mystery | |
Charlotte Somewhat Crazy | | | Comedy | |
Children's Tragedy | Phil Jutzi, Karl Lutz | | Drama | |
The Countess of Sand | | | Silent | |
The Crazy Countess | | | Silent | |
The Criminal of the Century | | | Crime | |
Cry for Help | | | Drama | |
Dame Care | | | Silent | |
Darling of the Dragoons | | | Comedy | |
Das deutsche Lied | Karl Pindl | | Drama | |
The Devious Path | | | Drama | |
Docks of Hamburg | | | Drama | |
Doctor Schäfer | | | Drama | |
Don Juan in a Girls' School | | | Comedy | |
The Duty to Remain Silent | | | Drama | |
Dyckerpotts' Heirs | | | Comedy | |
Eddy Polo in the Wasp's Nest | | | Adventure | |
Escape | | | Drama | |
Escape from Hell | | | Drama | |
Eva in Silk | | | Silent | |
Eve's Daughters | | | Drama | Co-production with Czechoslovakia |
Fair Game | | | Drama | |
The Fate of the House of Hapsburg | Rolf Raffé | | Drama | |
The First Kiss | | | Comedy | |
Five Anxious Days | | | Drama | |
Flucht vor Blond | | | Silent | |
Folly of Love | Robert Wiene | Maria Jacobini, Jack Trevor | Comedy | |
The Foreign Legionnaire | | | Adventure | |
The Gallant Hussar | Géza von Bolváry | Ivor Novello, Evelyn Holt | Romance | Co-production with Britain |
The Gambling Den of Montmartre | | | Silent | |
The Game of Love | | | Silent | |
Der gefesselte Polo | | | Action | |
The Girl from the Revue | | | Silent | |
A Girl with Temperament | | | Silent | |
Girls, Beware! | | | Drama | |
Give Me Life | Klaus Fery | | Drama | |
The Great Adventuress | Robert Wiene | Lili Damita, Georg Alexander | Comedy | |
The Green Alley | | | silent | |
Guilty | | | Drama | |
Gaunerliebchen | | | Silent | |
Hands Up, Eddy Polo | | | Action | |
The Hangman | | | Silent | |
The Happy Vagabonds | | | Silent | |
The Harbour Baron | | | Silent | |
Das Hannerl von Rolandsbogen | | | Silent | |
He Goes Right, She Goes Left! | | | Romance | |
Herkules Maier | | | Comedy | |
Der Herzensphotograph | | | Silent | |
His Strongest Weapon | | | Thriller | |
Die Hölle der Jungfrauen | | | Drama | |
Homecoming | | | War/Drama | |
Honeymoon | | | Silent | |
Honour Thy Mother | | | Silent | |
The House Without Men | | | Comedy | |
Hungarian Rhapsody | | | Drama | |
Hurrah! I Live! | | | Comedy | |
I Once Had a Beautiful Homeland | | | Silent | |
Immorality | | | Drama | |
The Insurmountable | | | Silent | |
In Werder the Trees are in Bloom | | | Silent | |
It Attracted Three Fellows | | | Comedy | |
Jahrmarkt des Lebens | | | Silent | |
The Joker | | | Drama | |
Kaczmarek | | | Silent | |
The King of Carnival | | | Silent | |
Knights of the Night | | | Silent | |
The Lady and the Chauffeur | | | Comedy | |
The Lady from Argentina | | | Silent | |
The Lady in Black | | | Silent | |
The Lady with the Mask | | | Silent | |
The Last Fort | | | War | |
The Last Night | | | Silent | |
The Last Performance of the Circus Wolfson | | | Silent | |
Lemke's Widow | | | Silent | |
Leontine's Husbands | Robert Wiene | Claire Rommer, Georg Alexander | Comedy | |
Life's Circus | | | Drama | |
The Little Slave | | | Comedy | |
Looping the Loop | Arthur Robison | Werner Krauss, Jenny Jugo | Thriller | |
Lotte | | | Silent | |
A Love, A Thief, A Department Store | Karl Theodor Wagner | | Romance | |
Love and Thieves | | | Drama | |
The Love Commandment | | | Silent | |
Love in the Cowshed | | | Drama | |
Love on Skis | | | Comedy | |
Love's Masquerade | | | Silent | |
Luther | Hans Kyser | | Historical | |
Mädchenschicksale | | | Drama | |
Majestät schneidet Bubiköpfe | | | Drama | Co-production with Sweden |
Man Against Man | | | Thriller | |
The Man with the Limp | | | Silent | |
Mariett Dances Today | | | Silent | |
The Market of Life | | | Silent | |
Marriage | | | Silent | Co-production with Austria |
Mary Lou | | | Silent | |
Mary's Big Secret | | | Silent | |
Master and Mistress | Alfred Theodor Mann | | Silent | |
Mikosch Comes In | | | Comedy | |
Milak, the Greenland Hunter | | | Adventure | |
Miss Chauffeur | | | Comedy | |
A Modern Casanova | | | Comedy | |
Modern Pirates | | | Comedy | |
Moral | | | Silent | |
The Most Beautiful Woman in Paris | | | Silent | |
My Friend Harry | | | Silent | |
The Mysterious Mirror | | | Fantasy | |
Number 17 | Géza von Bolváry | Guy Newall, Lien Deyers | Crime | Co-production with Britain |
Odette | | | Drama | |
The Old Fritz | | | Historical | Released in Two Parts |
One Night in Yoshiwara | | | Silent | |
Only a Viennese Woman Kisses Like That | | | Silent | |
Orient | | | Silent | |
Panic | | | Crime | |
The Page Boy at the Golden Lion | | | Comedy | |
Parisiennes | | | Silent | Co-production with Sweden |
Pawns of Passion | | | Drama | |
Polish Economy | | | Drama | |
The President | | | Drama | |
The Prince of Rogues | | | Historical | |
Prince or Clown | | | Silent | |
Princess Olala | | | Drama | |
Rasputin | Nikolai Larin, Boris Nevolin | | Drama | Co-production with the Soviet Union |
Rasputin, the Holy Sinner | Martin Berger | | Silent | |
The Republic of Flappers | | | Comedy | |
Restless Hearts | | | Silent | Co-production with Spain |
Robert and Bertram | Rudolf Walther-Fein | Harry Liedtke, Fritz Kampers | Comedy | |
The Runaway Girl | | | Silent | |
The Saint and Her Fool | | | Drama | |
Sajenko the Soviet | | | Drama | |
Salamander | | | Drama | Co-production with Soviet Union |
Scampolo | | | Comedy | |
The Schorrsiegel Affair | | | Silent | |
The Secret Courier | | | Adventure | |
Secrets of the Orient | | | Drama | |
Serenissimus and the Last Virgin | | | Silent | |
The Serfs | | | Drama | |
Sensations-Prozess | | | Silent | |
Sex in Chains | | | Drama | |
Shiraz | | Himansu Rai, Enakshi Rama Rao | Drama | Co-production with UK and India |
Single Mother | | | Drama | |
Sin | | | Drama | Co-production with Sweden |
The Sinner | | | Drama | |
Sir or Madam | Carl Boese | Percy Marmont Ossi Oswalda | Comedy | Co-production with Britain |
Six Girls and a Room for the Night | | | Comedy | |
Sixteen Daughters and No Father | | | Comedy | |
Snowshoe Bandits | | | Comedy | |
Song | | | Drama | Co-production with Britain |
Spione (Spies) | | | | |
Spy of Madame Pompadour | | | Historical | |
The Story of a Little Parisian | | | Silent | Co-production with France and Italy |
The Strange Night of Helga Wangen | | | Silent | |
Strauss Is Playing Today | Conrad Wiene | Alfred Abel, Hermine Sterler | Drama | |
Struggle for the Matterhorn | | | Mountain | |
Suzy Saxophone | | | Comedy | Co-production with France |
Tales from the Vienna Woods | | | Silent | |
Theatre | | | Silent | |
Thérèse Raquin | | | Drama | |
The Three Women of Urban Hell | | | Silent | |
Today I Was With Frieda | | | Silent | |
Tragedy at the Royal Circus | | | Drama | |
Two Red Roses | | | Silent | |
Under Suspicion | | | Crime | |
Under the Lantern | | | Silent | |
Vienna, City of My Dreams | | | Silent | |
Villa Falconieri | Richard Oswald | Maria Jacobini, Hans Stüwe | Drama | Co-production with Italy |
Violantha | | | Silent | |
Volga Volga | Viktor Tourjansky | Hans Adalbert Schlettow, Lillian Hall-Davis | Drama | |
The Weekend Bride | | | Comedy | |
When the Guard Marches | | | Comedy | |
When the Mother and the Daughter | | | Silent | |
Whirl of Youth | | | Drama | Co-production with Britain |
Who Invented Divorce? | | | Silent | |
The Woman from Till 12 | | | Silent | |
Woman in Flames | | | Drama | |
The Woman on the Rack | Robert Wiene | Lili Damita, Vladimir Gajdarov | Drama | |
The Women's War | | | Silent | |
A Woman with Style | | | Silent | |
Yacht of the Seven Sins | | | Drama | | |
Title | Director | Featured cast | Genre | Note |
Als Dreijähriger durch Afrika | Colin Roß | | documentary | |
Bits of Africa | | | documentary | released under the series title "MGM Oddities" in the US. |
Canada - Das Land der eigenen Scholle | Karl Pindl | | documentary | |
Children of the Sun | | | documentary | released under the series title "MGM Oddities" in the US. |
The Eagle's Nest | | | documentary | released under the series title "MGM Oddities" in the US. |
Erstarrte Märchenwelt | | | documentary | |
Die Filmstadt Hollywood | Max Goldschmidt | | documentary | |
Fröhliche Pfalz | | | documentary | |
Die glückliche Mutter | Rudolf Sieber | | documentary | |
Golden Fleece | | | documentary | released under the series title "MGM Oddities" in the US. |
Gottes Wundertaten unter dem Batavolk auf Sumatra | | | documentary | |
A Happy Omen | | | documentary | released under the series title "MGM Oddities" in the US. |
Henny Porten - Leben und Laufbahn einer Filmkünstlerin | Oskar Kalbus | | documentary | |
Im Hornissenstaat | Wolfram Junghans | | documentary | |
Hunderttausende im Kampf | Albrecht Viktor Blum | | documentary | |
Im Schatten der Maschine | Albrecht Viktor Blum | | documentary | |
Inflation | | | documentary | |
Jungle Round-Up | | | documentary | released under the series title "MGM Oddities" in the US. |
Lonely Lapland | | | documentary | released under the series title "MGM Oddities" in the US. |
Mit Sven Hedin durch Asiens Wüsten | Rudolf Biebrach, Paul Lieberenz | | documentary | |
Monarch of the Glen | | | documentary | released under the series title "MGM Oddities" in the US. |
Murder | | | documentary | released under the series title "MGM Oddities" in the US. |
Nature's Wizardry | | | documentary | released under the series title "MGM Oddities" in the US. |
Nuri, der Elefant | | | documentary | |
Palace of Honey | | | documentary | released under the series title "MGM Oddities" in the US. |
Perfume and Nicotine | | | documentary | released under the series title "MGM Oddities" in the US. |
Primitive Housekeeping | | | documentary | released under the series title "MGM Oddities" in the US. |
The Sacred Baboon | | | documentary | released under the series title "MGM Oddities" in the US. |
Sanctuary | | | documentary | released under the series title "MGM Oddities" in the US. |
Secrets of the Sea | | | documentary | released under the series title "MGM Oddities" in the US. |
Sleeping Death | | | documentary | released under the series title "MGM Oddities" in the US. |
Strange Prayers | | | documentary | released under the series title "MGM Oddities" in the US. |
Tokens of Manhood | | | documentary | released under the series title "MGM Oddities" in the US. |
Vom Baum zum Papier | | | documentary | |
Vorwärts | | | documentary | |
Auf Vorposten im Urwald einer heidnischen Insel | Karl Pindl | | documentary | |
Wanderung durch die Arbeit des Vaterländischen Frauenvereins vom Roten Kreuz | | | documentary | |
Was wir wollen - Was wir nicht wollen | Béla Balázs, Albrecht Viktor Blum | | documentary | |
Der Weltkrieg, 2. Teil - Des Volkes Not | | | documentary | |
Weltstadt im Grünen | | | documentary | |
Where Kisses Come High | | | documentary | released under the series title "MGM Oddities" in the US. |
Wicked Kasimir | | | documentary | released under the series title "MGM Oddities" in the US. |
Wives for Sale | | | documentary | released under the series title "MGM Oddities" in the US. |
World's Playgrounds | | | documentary | released under the series title "MGM Oddities" in the US. |
Zeitbericht - Zeitgesicht | Ernst Angel, Albrecht Viktor Blum | | documentary | | |