List of French words of Gaulish origin explained

The Gaulish language, and presumably its many dialects and closely allied sister languages, left a few hundred words in French and many more in nearby Romance languages, i.e. Franco-Provençal (Eastern France and Western Switzerland), Occitan (Southern France), Catalan, Romansch, Gallo-Italic (Northern Italy), and many of the regional languages of northern France and Belgium collectively known as langues d'oïl (e.g. Walloon, Norman, Gallo, Picard, Bourguignon, and Poitevin).

What follows is a non-exhaustive list of inherited French words, past and present, along with words in neighboring or related languages, all borrowed from the Gaulish language (or more precisely from a substrate of Gaulish).

Modern French


FrenchCognatesEtymologyPossible Celtic CognatesLatin/Romance
French: aller 'to go'FrProv alâ, allar, Friul Gaul *alluWelsh êl 'that he may go', eled 'go!', Cornish ellev 'that I may go', Old Irish adall 'diverticulum'Lat ambulare (cf. Ital ambiare, Rom umbla), adnare (cf. Sp/Pg andar, Occ/Cat anar, Italian andare)
French: alose 'shad' Occitan alausa, Prov alauso, La Rochelle alousa, Sp alosa, G AlseGaul alausa 'allis shad'none-
French: alouette 'lark' Walloon alôye, Prov alauza, alauseta, Cat alosa, alova, OSp aloa, Sp alondra, It allodola, lodolaOld French aloe, aloue, fr Latin alauda 'crest lark', fr Gaul, perhaps from *alaio 'swan'OIr elu 'swan', Irish/Scottish eala 'swan'; with suffix, Welsh alarch 'swan', Breton alarc'h 'swan'borrowed into Latin
French: ambassade 'embassy'Prov embeissado, Occ ambaissada, Port embaixada, Sp embajadaFrom Ital ambasciata 'charge, mission, embassy', fr Old Occ ambayassada 'embassy', from ambaissa 'service, duty' 'hostage', fr Gaul ambactus 'dependant, vassal'OIr amos, amsach 'mercenary, servant', Ir amhas 'wild man', W amaeth 'tenant farm', C ammeth 'farming', OBr ambaith-
French: amélanche 'shadberry, shadbush'Occ amalenco, amalancoProv. amalenco, amalanco, from Gaul. aballo 'apple' and -enco, diminutive suffix from Germanic -ingOIr aball, Ir/Sc ubhall, W afal, C aval, Br avalunknown in Latin
French: andain 'swath, scythe slash'-OFr andain 'wide step', from Gallo-Latin andagnis 'big step', from Gaul. ande 'big, great' and agnis 'step', from agi 'to move'Ir an- 'very' + OIr áin 'activity, play'-
French: ardoise 'slate'It ardesiaGaul. artuas 'stelae, stone plates', plural of *artuā 'stone, pebble'OIr art 'stone', Ir airtín, Sc airtein 'pebble'-
French: arpent 'arpent acre'OSp arapende, Sp arpende, Prov arpenML arependis, fr Latin arepennis, from GaulishOIr airchenn 'short mete or bound (abuttal); end, extremity', W arbenn 'chief'system of measurement alien to Latin
French: auvent 'eaves, porch roof, penthouse roof'Prov. ambans 'parapet', Occitan embans, French dial. arvanMFr auvans (pl) 'sloping roof', fr OFr anvant (1180), fr Gaul. andebanno 'overhang, forward jutting part of a roof', fr ande (augmentative prefix) + banno 'horn, antler'for banno, see below under section Patoisunknown to Mediterranean architecture
French: aven 'sinkhole, swallow hole'Occ avèn 'abyss, whirlpool', Cat avenc, Asturian aboñón 'channel, drain', Galician abeneiro, Port. amieiro 'alder (tree)'OFr avenc, from Old Occ, from Gaul. abona 'river'W afon, C avon, Br avon, aven, Sc abhainn, Ir abha, abhainn-
French: bâche 'canvas sheet, tarpaulin'Gasc bascojo 'hanging basket', Asturian bascayu, Port. basculho/vasculho, Béarn bascoyes, Fr (dial) bâchot, bachou OFr baschoe 'type of hod', from Gaul. bascauda 'wicker chest, hamper', from *basca 'binding'W basg 'plaiting', MIr basc 'neckband'-
French: balai 'broom (sweep)'Sp baleo 'broom (plant)', Astur baléuOFr balain 'broom (plant)', from Gaul *balatno, metathesis of *banatloMBr balazn (mod. balan), Sc bealaidh, Ir beallaidh vs. W banadl, C banadhelLat. scobum (cf. Fr dial. écouvillon)
French: barge<sup>1</sup> 'godwit'Liguro berta 'magpie'Gaulish bardala, diminutive of bardos 'bard'MW bardd 'poet', OIr bard, MBr barzh 'minstrel', OC barth 'mime, jester'Lat. corydallus (from Greek korydallis)
French: barge<sup>2</sup> 'haybale, straw heap' (Western)Sp/Port varga "thatch-roof hut, straw-roof hut", Cat/Pg/Occ/Liguro barga "wattle hut", Ital barca "haystack"Gaul bargā (Latin fundus bargae, in Tabula Veleiana, 2nd century)MIr barc 'fort; woodshed' (< *bargā)-
French: barnache, bernache 'barnacle goose'-OFr bernaque, fr Gaul. barenica 'limpet', fr barenos 'rock, boulder' (cf. OIr barenn 'boulder'); for semantic development, compare Greek lépas 'rock' > lepás 'limpet'Ir báirneach, Sc bàirneach, W brennig, C brennik, Br bernig, brennig-
French: bassin 'basin'Prov. bacha 'feeding trough', FrProv bachè, bacha 'large vat', Amognard bassie 'sink'OFr bacin, from ML baccinum, from LL bacca 'wine or water jug', from Gaulish 'burden, load to bear'Ir/Sc bac 'hindrance, heed', W baich 'load, burden', C begh 'load, burden', Br bec'h 'burden, toil'-
French: battre 'to beat'Cat batre, Sp. batir, Emilian batü 'beaten, beat', Port. baterLatin battuere, from Gaulish *battu 'I strike, hit'W bathu 'to coin, mint (money)', C bathi 'to coin, mint (money)'-
French: bauge 'wild boar den; cob, hut'FrProv (Swiss) bache 'swamp hay', Prov bauco, balco 'rough-leafed grass, tuft of hay, swamp grass used as bedding', OProv terra bauca 'good, solid turf'OFr balche, from Gaul balco 'strong'OIr balc, Ir bailc, Sc bailceach, W/C balch, Br balc’h-
French: baume 'grotto'Prov baumo, Cat balma, Lombardo balma, Piemontese barma, Ligurian armaGaul *balma Ir baile 'home; town'-
French: bec 'beak'Cat bec, It becco, Port. bico, Sp picoLatin beccus 'beak', from Gaul *beccos 'beak', perhaps originally 'little'perhaps OIr becc 'little', Ir/Sc beag, W bach; diminutives C byghan, Br bihanLat rostrum
French: belette 'weasel'Lorrain belâ, blâ, Liguro bélloa, Venetian belita, Piem/Lomb. bellola, Sp dial. belida, bilidillaFrom FrPov belete, from Gaul belaMW beleu, W bele, belaod (pl.) 'marten'Lat mustella (cf. OFr moistele)
French: benne 'handbarrow, dumpster, mine cart', banne 'awning; large wicker basket'It benna 'dung cart', G (Swabish) Bann 'cart, hod', G Behner 'basket', Du ben, benne 'basket', E binGaul bennaW benn 'cart', OIr buinne, Br karr-banner 'truck bed', OBr benn 'caisson (chariot)'-
French: berle 'water parsnip'Sp berro Ast berriu 'watercress' (< beruro)Gaul. berula 'cress', diminutive of beru 'stake, spit'W berwr, C/Br beler, OIr biror, Ir biolar, Sc biolaire; further to Ir/Sc bior, W bêr, C/Br ber-
French: berceau 'cradle', bercer 'to rock', ber 'drydock' Prov bressà 'to rock', brès 'cradle', Port. berço 'cradle', Sp dial. brezar 'to rock', brezo 'cradle'OFr bers, berz 'cradle', fr Gaul. *bertu 'I rock', fr *berta 'load'Ir beartaim 'I rock', beárt 'load, action'; further to OIr brith, breth f. 'carrying; judgment', W bryd m. 'thought, mind, intent', C brys 'thought', Br bred 'psyche'-
French: bief 'mill reach, mill race'Genoese (Liguro) bëo 'ditch, channel', Asturian beyu 'narrow gorge' (< bedio) and buelga 'ditch' (< bodika) OFr bied, from Gaul. *bedo 'ditch; grave'W bedd 'grave', Br bez, C bedh-
French: bille 'log'Prov. bilha 'stem, trunk'Gaul. *billia 'tall tree'Mx billey 'tree', Ir billeóg 'leaf', billeoir 'tree trunk', Sc bileag, bile 'leaf, blade'-
French: boisseau 'bushel'Lyon emboto 'two handsful', Cat ambosta, almosta, Sp ambuestaDiminutive of OFr boisse 'dry measure of grain', Gallo-Lat. *bostia 'hollow of the hand', fr Gaul. *bosta; cognates from *ambostāBr boz, OW bos, MIr boss, bass, Ir bass; OIr imbas 'clasped hands'-
French: bonde, bondelle 'bunghole'OProv bondaGaul. bunda 'base, bottom'OIr bunud, MIr bond, Sc bonn 'foundation', W bonedd 'base, foundation'-
French: borne 'milestone, landmark'-OFr bonne, bosne, fr earlier bodne, Gallo-Lat. bodina ‘arbre frontière’, fr Gaul. bodînâ ‘troop’OIr buiden 'squadron', Ir/Sc buidhean/n 'regiment', W byddin 'grove', Br bodenn, bod 'thicket'-
French: boue 'mud'Gaul *bawāW baw 'filth, muck', budr 'dirty, messy', OIr búaidir 'dirty', Br (Ouessant) baouer 'gooey stubstance (from seaweed)', C beudhowr 'filthy water'-
French: bouge 'hovel, dive'Gaul. boutigo 'cow byre', compound of bou 'cow' and tego 'house' Br boutig, W beudy, Ir bothigh; further to Ir , MW bu 'oxen' and Ir teach, g. , Sc taigh, Br/OC ti, C chi, W -
French: bouillon-blanc 'mullein'-ML bugillō, fr Gaul., fr boccos 'soft'Br beuk, Ir bogLat verbascum (cf. Sp varbasco)
French: bouleau 'birch'Ardennais boule, Prov bes(se), Cat beç, bedoll, Sp abedul (< betulu) and biezo (< betyo) Ast abedugu (< betuko)Diminutive of OFr boule, from Lat. betula, dim. of Gaul. betua 'birch'Ir/Sc beith, W bedw, Br bezv, Manx beih-
French: bourbe 'muck, mire'Galician/Port. borba 'mud', Asturian borbolla 'bubble', Sp burbuja 'bubble'Gaul borvon 'spring, well'Ir bearbh 'boiling', W berw 'boiling, seething', Br berv 'broth, bubbling'-
French: bourdaine 'alder buckthorn'ONorm borzaine, French dial. bourg-épine, Walloon neûr-bôr, Basque burgi 'alder buckthorn', German Eberesche (Aberesche, Eberbaum) 'service-tree', Flemish haveres (influenced by haver 'oat')From Western dialect, from OFr bourgène, from Gaul *eburi-gena, from eburosW efwr 'cow parsnip', dial. (N) ewr, Br evor 'alder buckthorn', Sc iubhar 'yew', Ir iúr, OIr ibar-
French: brai 'pitch'Prov brac, It brago, braco 'mud', OFr bragnier 'to plow'Gaul *bracuW bracu 'filth', MIr broch 'garbage'Lat pix (cf. Fr poix)
French: braie(s) 'breeches, pants'Prov/Sp. braga, It braca, Emilian brêgh 'trousers' and braghein 'short trousers'; Br bragoùLat. braca--
French: braire 'to bray', brailler 'to bawl, whine'-Late Latin bragire, from Gaulish *braguMIr braigid 'it crashes, explodes', Ir/Sc braigh 'to shriek, crackle', Br breugiñ 'to bray'-
French: bran 'filth'Berry/Picard brin, Prov/OSp bren, It (dials) brennoOFr bren 'bran, filth', from Gaul. brennos 'rotten'OIr brén, Ir bréan 'smelly, rancid', Sc breun, W braen 'stench', braenu 'to rot', Br breinLat. caecum 'filth' (cf. Sp cieno)
French: branche 'treelimb'Prov/Cat branca 'paw', Port. braça 'treelimb', It brance 'claw, paw', Romansch dial. franka, Rum brâncaLate Latin branca 'paw', from Gaul. *vrancaBr brank, branc'h 'bough, antlers', Sc bràc 'branch, antler; reindeer'-
French: brasser 'to brew'Fr dial. brai, bray 'malt'OFr bracer, fr brace 'malt', fr Gaul braceOIr mraich, Sc braich, W/C brag 'malt', Br bragez 'wheat germ'-
French: brave 'brave, daring'Occ/Cat. brau 'tough, wild'MFr brave, fr It bravo 'bold', fr Occ brau 'wild', fr Gaul. bragos 'show-off'MIr breagha 'fine', Ir breá, Sc brèagh, C bray, Br braga 'to strut around'-
French: bréhaigne 'barren (animal)'Pg/Galician/Astur/Salander braña, Port. brenha 'swampland, bogland, humid meadow', Sp breña 'scrubland', NW Cat braina 'field of grain whose ears have not sprouted yet', N. Ital. barena 'flood plain of a lagoon'OFr baraign, brahain, fr Lat. brana ‘sterile mare’, fr Gaul. *branna 'land where nothing grows', fr *brenno 'rotten'Ir branar, W braenar 'fallow', Br breinar; see bran above-
French: breuil 'copse'Prov brogo, Emilian bröl 'orchard, vegetable garden', Germ. Brühl 'prairie'OFr bruil (attested ML breialo (Vienna Glossary)), fr Gaul *brogilos 'thicket, hunting reserve', diminutive of brogos 'country'W/C/Br bro 'country', Ir bruig, Sc brugh 'tumulus, large house', Mx broogh 'brae, bank'-
French: bribe 'fragment, parcel'Pic brife 'bit of bread' Gaul. bribaW briw 'fragments', C bryw, Br brev 'broken', Sc breaban 'leather patch', Ir preaban 'parcel, piece, patch'-
French: briser 'to break'Emilian brisa 'bit of bread', 'nothing', 'not', It briciolaOFr brisier, fr Gaul. brissu 'I break'OIr brissim, Ir/Sc bris, Mx brisheyLat frangere (cf. OFr fraindre)
French: broche 'spit, skewer' Asturian bruecu 'pointed, sharp'Gaul. brocca, fr broccos 'pointed'Sc brog 'awl; to prod', W procio 'to poke, thrust', Ir prioc; OIr brocc 'badger', Ir broc, W broch, Br broc'h-
French: brosse 'brush' Cat brossa, Spanish, Asturian broza 'dead leaves, dead brushwood'; OFr bruisse 'chestnut hull, chestnut husk' (< Gaul. bruskia)OFr broce, fr Gaul. bruskia
  • bhreus-kyo < 'which it's broken', *bhreus-o 'break', P-Celt. *bruso 'fragile (EDPC: 81).
French: bruire 'to roar; rustle, murmur'-Gaul. bruge 'to troat'W broch 'din, tumult', Br broc'h(ad) 'quarrel, discord, falling out', Sc broiglich 'noise', broighleadh 'turmoil'; Ir brúcht 'belch'-
French: bruyère 'heath, moor'Prov bruguiera 'moorland', Cat bruguera; Milan brüg, Ital brugo, Prov bruga, Germ (dial. Mainz) Brikane, Cat bruc; Sp brezo, (Navarre) beruezo, Gal breixo, Port brejo (< *broccius)Gallo-Lat. brucaria, fr brūcus, fr late Gaul *vroikos, fr earlier vroici, vroicaW grug, dial. (Pembroke) gwrig, C grig, MBr groegan, Ir fraogh, Sc fraoch, Manx freoagh -
French: bugle 'bugle (plant), bugleweed'Mantuan bög 'soft fruit, overripe fruit'OFr bucle, fr LL bugula, fr Lat bugīlla, fr Gaul., diminutive of buccos 'soft'MIr bocc 'soft', Ir/Sc bog 'soft', Br bouk 'soft, mild'-


FrenchCognatesEtymologyPossible Celtic CognatesLatin/Romance
cabane 'cabin, cob'OFr chavane 'small farmstead', Emilian capanoun 'barn', Lombard capanonfr Prov. cabana 'cob, cottage', fr Gaul. capanna 'hut', fr cappos 'cob, tent'W caban 'booth, hut', Br koban 'booth, awning', Ir/Sc cabán 'hut, booth, tent', Port cabana; further to W cab 'cot, tent', MIr cap(p) 'cart, bier'-
caillou 'pebble'MFr chaillou, chail, Pic caillau, Poit. chail, SwFr/Fr-Comt chaille, Port. calhau, Prov. calado, Astur. cayuela 'pebble, chestnut' Normand or Picard, fr Gaul. caliavo 'pebbly', fr cali 'pebble'W caill, C kell, Br kell, kall, Ir caull 'testicle'-
canton 'township'Old Occ. canton from N. It. cantone O.Fr chant, L. canthus, from Gaul. cantosW cant, Br cant -
cervoise 'barley beer'Port. cerveja, Span. cervezaGaul. cervesiaC corev 'beer,' W cwru 'beer, ale'-
chainse 'linen canvas, undershirt'-OFr chainse 'tunic', fr L camisia 'shirt', fr Gaul. OIr caimmse 'shirt', W obs. cams(e) 'surplice, alb', C kams 'surplice, alb', Br kamps 'hem'
  • Note: chemise 'shirt' is an early learned borrowing and not inherited
changer 'to change, exchange'Sp. cambiar, Ast. cambéu 'exchange'OFr changier, from L cambiāre 'to barter', earlier cambīre, from Gaul cambion 'exchange'Br kemm 'exchange', OIr cimb 'ransom'-
char 'wagon', charrue 'plough'Basq ekarri 'to bring', OProv carruga 'cart' Astur. carru, Port. charrua, Emilian car 'chariot, wagon' and carét 'cart'L carrus 'chariot', fr Gaul. carros; L carracutium, fr Gaul. carruca 'ceremonial plough'Ir carr 'dray, wagon', W carr 'chariot', C/Br karr 'cart'-
charançon 'weevil'-MFr charenson, dim. of OFr *charenz, from LL *caranteus, fr Gaul. *carvantos, fr carvos 'stag'W carw, C karow, Br karv, OIr carbh, Ir cáirrfhiadh-
charpente 'framework, building frame'Lorr charpagne 'hamper', Port cabaz 'hamper', Welche charpin ‘large osier basket’, Friul čharpint ‘cart axle’L carpentum, fr Gaul. carbanto 'carriage', fr carbos 'basket'Ir carbat, Sc carbad, W cerbyd, OBr cerpit-
chat-huant 'tawny, brown, or wood owl'OPic coan, Judeo-French javan, FrProv (Swiss) tsavouanMFr chouan, fr L cavannus, fr Gaul.Ir ulchabhán, W tyllhuan, cuan, C kowann, Br kaouenn-
chemin 'way, path, route'Sp. camino, FrProv tch’mïn, Prov. camin, Astur. camín, Port. caminhoLL camminus 'step, footpath, tollspot', fr Gaul. camani, plural of camanom 'step'Ir céim 'stride', pl. céimmenn, Sc ceum, W/C cam 'step', OW pl. cemmein 'steps', Br kam 'step'-
chêne 'oak'Prov cassanh, Gasc casse, FrProv (Swiss) tsâno, Port. caixigo, Astur caxigu, Aragon caixicoOFr chasne, chesne, fr LL casnus, fr Gaul. cassanos literally, 'twisted, gnarled'Ir cas 'to twist, turn, spin', W cosgordd 'to twist'L quercus
chétif 'wretched, meek, weakling'Prov caitiu, Mantuan catif 'bad'OFr chaitif, blend of Gaul. caxtos 'prisoner' and Lat captivus 'prisoner' W caeth 'slave, confined', C keth 'slave', Br kaezh 'miserable, unfortunate', Ir cacht 'distress, prisoner'-
cheval 'horse'It cavallo, Sp. caballo, Port. cavalo, Rum cal; Germ (Swabish) Kōb 'nag' (< cabō), Lom. cavall, Em. cavalLatin caballus 'nag', from Gaul. caballos, variant of cabillos 'work horse, nag', dim. of cabō (> L)W ceffyl, Br kefel, Ir capall, Manx cabbylLat equus
claie 'rack, fence post, hurdle' Gasc cleda 'small gate', Cat. cleda 'cattle pen, sheepfold', Aragonese cleta 'wooden gate', Portuguese cheda 'wagon bed', Basq geretaVL cleta, fr Gaul.W clwyd 'gate, hurdle', Br kloued 'fence, harrow', C kloes 'hurdle, lattice', Ir/Sc clíath 'hurdle'-
cloche 'bell'Germ Glocke, Galician choco, Port. chocalho, 'cowbell' Gaul. cloccaIr/Sc clog, W cloch, C klogh, Br kloc’hLat tintabulum
coche 'brood sow', cochon ‘pig’Wal cosset, cosson, Morvan coisson ‘piglet’, Sp. cochino ‘pig’Gaulish *coccā ‘hip’, akin to coxo ‘foot’ (for sense development, compare obs. German †Hackshe ‘brood sow’ from Hachse ‘hock’)Old Irish coch ‘hip’; further to OIr coss ‘foot’, W coes, C koes, Br koaz ‘leg’-
combe 'hollow'Occ comba 'valley', Cat coma, Port. comba, Astur. comba LL cumba 'dishes', fr Gaul. comba 'concave, cavity, depression'W cwm 'hollow', C komm 'small valley, dingle', Br komm 'trough, valley, deep water', Ir com 'chest cavity', OIr comm 'vessel'-
corme 'service berry'-LL corma, fr Gaul. curmi 'ale, beer'OIr cuirm, coirm, gen. corma 'beer', W cwrw, cwrwf, cwrf 'ale', C/Br korev-
coudrier 'hazel'Amognes coudrette, queudre, FrProv cudra, Romansch coller; Occ còila 'hazel switches, hazel osiers'OFr coldre, from Gallo-Latin colurus, blend of Gaul collos and Lat corulusOIr coll (mod. coill), W coll, C koll, Br (lit.) kollenn)Lat corulus
coule 'religious cowl'-OFr coule, goule 'cowl', fr Lat. cucullus, fr Gaul., reduplication of cullo 'covering, shelter'OIr cuilche ‘mantel’, cuile ‘cellar’, MIr cul ‘defense, shelter’-
craindre 'to fear'Saintangois crénre, Prov crénherOld French creindre, from VL *cremere, from Gaul. *crenu ‘I shake’ + L tremere ‘to shake’W crynu, Br/C krena; W cryn 'shaking', Br kren, C crênLat timere (cf. OFr temir, It temere, Rmsch temair, Cat temer)
cravan 'brant goose'-Western dialect cravant 'wild goose', fr *cragu- + -ant, fr Gaul. *crago 'hoarse' W cregu 'to be hoarse', cryg 'hoarse', C kreg 'hoarse'-
crème 'cream'FrProv (Lyon) cramiot 'spittle'OFr cresme (influenced by LL chrisma 'ointment'), fr Gaul crāmum ‘skim, skin’ W cramen 'scab', C kramm, Br kramm, kremm, MIr screm 'surface, skin'-
créner 'to indent, notch, carve', cran 'notch, catch'-Gaul. crinos 'collapsed, fallen in'OIr ar-a-chrinim 'I collapse, crumble, shatter', crinner 'fall', crín 'withered, decayed'-
creux 'hollow, pit, dip'Fr-Prov cros 'hollow, cave', Prov. cros 'tomb', Occ. cro, Ligurian creusa, creusoOFr crues, fr Gallo-Lat. crosus, fr Gaul. *crossos--
daim 'roedeer'-Lat. damma, dammus, from Gaul dammos 'ox, stag'OIr dam 'ox, stag', damán 'fawn', Ir damh 'ox'; W dafad, C davas, Br dañvad 'sheep'-
dartre 'rash, blemish, breakout; dartars'Poit endarde, Lombard dérbeda, Valais. diervet, Prov derbi, derti, It (dial) derbi, derbgaOld French dertre, from Lat. derbita, from Gaul *dervetaBr darvoued, derbod, W tarwyden, darwyden 'scurf, dandruff', OIr deir 'herpes'-
décombres 'debris, rubble', encombrer 'to encumber'Germ Kummer 'rubble', Sp. escombro 'rubble', Port. cômoro 'mound, hillock'OFr combre 'river barrage, dam', from ML combrus 'barricade of felled trees', from Gaul. combero 'river fork, dam'Br kember, W cymmer, Ir comar, cumar, OIr commor, cummar-
douve 'liver fluke'Norm duve, FrCmt dôrve, Bas-Alpes endervo, Corrèze olvoGaul. *dolba 'grub, caterpillar', from *dolbu 'I chisel, carve'OIr dolbaid 'he forms, shapes'-
draine, drenne 'mistle thrush'Tecino dren 'raspberry', Comasc dren 'blackberry', Milan drine 'hawthorn'; partially Pic fourdraine 'sloe' Gaul. drageno 'thorn, briar'; semantic development 'thorn bush' > 'aggressive bird'OIr draigen, Ir/Sc droigheann, W/Br draen, C drain/drein-
drap 'cloth'It. drappo, Sp/Pg trapo, Emilian drap, Cat drapLate Latin drappus 'piece of fabric', from Gaul. *drappo 'shred, torn-off piece'W drab 'piece, shred', drabio 'to tear into pieces'-
drèche 'brewing dregs'Prov draco 'wine lees', Dauph drachi 'stamped raisin bunch', Wall drâhéOFr drasche 'barley dregs; raisin skin', from Gaul. drascaMIr tresc 'refuse, offal', Ir treascach 'draffy', Sc treasg 'dregs'-
drille 'rag, tatter'Lyon drouille 'tatter', Dauph. drouille 'wood chip'OFr drille 'fabric scrap', fr Gaul. *drullo 'piece, shred'W dryll 'fragment, small piece', MBr druill, C dral 'scrap, fragment', Sc dreall/dreoll 'door bar';-
dru 'thriving, hardy, fit, thick'Bourb drusine 'vigor', Amognard dru 'lively', druger 'to grow, get livelier', Prov. endrudi 'to enrich', OProv drut 'lover', NItal drü 'fat, thick', Milan druto 'exuberant'OFr dru 'lively; fat', from Gaul. drūtos W drud 'brave, valliant, furious', OIr drúth, édruith 'lewd, extravagnt', Sc drùth 'lecherous', Br druz 'fat, fit, fertile'-
érable 'maple'FrProv iserâbloOFr airable, from LL acerabulus, blend of abolo 'apple' and Lat. acer ‘maple’ (akin in formation to W criafolen 'rowan', afol tindoll 'medlar', OIr fic-abull 'fig tree')-Lat acer
étain 'tin, pewter'Sp. estaño, Emilian stajgn hard', Port. estanhoLat stagnum, var. stannum, fr Gaul. stannon (according to Pliny)Ir stán, OSc stàn, W ystaen, C sten, Br stean-
flannelle 'flannel'Jersiais flianné 'flannel', Emilian flanèla 'flannel'Old Normand flanelle, fr OFr flaine 'coarse wool', fr Gaul. vlana 'wool'W gwlân 'wool', gwlanen 'flannel', C gwlan, Br gloan, Ir olann, Manx ollan-
fragon 'butcher's broom'Walloon frigonOFr fregon, fr Gaul. *sprigoW ffreu 'fruit'-
gaillard 'festive, hardy, merry'-Gaul. galia 'might', Mantuan gaiardhardy, strong'W obsolete †gâl 'strength', gall 'energy', OBr gal, Br galloud 'power', C gallos 'ability', OIr gal, gallacht 'valor'-
galet 'flat rock, skipping stone'Fr dial. jalet 'stone projectile of cross bow'Normand or Picard, fr Gaul. gallos 'large rock'OIr gall 'stone pillar', gallán 'large upright stone'-
galon 'galon', jalon 'marker'Cat galleda ‘bucket’OFr jalon ‘liquid measure’, diminutive of jale 'porringer', fr LL galla ‘vessel, container’, fr late Gaul. *glāvo 'rain', fr earlier *glōvoW glaw 'rain', Br glao, C glaw-
garenne 'rabbit warren'Fr dial. varaigne, Astur. varagaña 'enclosure'Gaul. varena 'enclosed area' (cf. varonadas (nom. pl.))Ir/Sc fearann 'land, enclosure', OIr feronn 'field', ferenn 'girdle, garter' -
gerzeau 'corncockle'OFr jargerie, jarzerie 'cockle, weed', Val d’Aoste dardillon 'pignut'Gaul. gargos 'wild; bitter'Ir/Sc garg 'wild; bitter'-
glaise 'loam'Normand gliseOFr gleise, gloise, fr Gallo-Lat glisomarga 'clay marl', fr Gaul. gliso 'white'W glwys 'bright, pretty', OBr gloes 'pretty', OIr glése 'brightness', Ir/Sc gleus 'order, trim, tune'-
glaive 'broad sword'-From *gladibu, blend of Lat gladius + Gaul. cladebosW cleddyf, Br kleze, C cledhe, OIr claideb, Ir claíomh, Sc claidheamhLat ensis
glaner 'to glean'OProv glenarOFr glener, fr LL glenare, fr Gaul. glennu 'I gather, sort', fr glanos 'clear, pure'OIr glenn- 'to choose, amass', do-glinn 'he collects, gathers', MIr digliunn 'I glean', W (SW) dichlyn 'to select, sort out'-
gober 'to gobble, guzzle, devour', gobe 'morsel, gob'-OFr gobe, fr Gaul. gobboIr gob 'mouth', Sc/Manx gob 'beak', W gwp 'bird's head/neck'-
gord 'kiddle, stake net'Prov. gòrsa 'hedge, bush', Limousin gorso 'bush', Lombard gorz 'bush'OFr gort 'boundary hedge', from Gaulish gorto 'yard; hedge' (because of its shape)Ir gort 'wheatfield', W garth 'hill, enclosure', Corn gorth, OBr orth 'yard, enclosure'-
gosier 'gizzard'Wal. djwèhe, Lorr. gosse, Ardenn. gosi 'gizzard', gosillon 'Adam's apple', Friul gose, It gozzo, Rum guşă ‘maw, goiter’, Emilian gòsOFr geuse, josier, from VL geusiae 'gizzard edges', from Gaulish, from *geusi 'to pour'W gewai 'glutton'-
gouge 'gouge, chisel'OProv goja, It gubba, Sp gubia, Port. goivaGaul. gulbia 'piercer', fr *gulbu 'beak'OIr gulba 'sting', W gylyf 'sickle'-
graisset 'green tree frog'Occ grasan, graissan 'toad', Cat grexá 'toad', gresandu 'tadpole'MFr gresset, from Gaul. *craxantos (attested craxaulus), from craxa 'scab, rough patch'W crach 'crust, scab', C kragh 'scurf', Br krak 'gruff'-
grève 'sandy shore, sandy beach', gravier 'gravel'Fr (Western dials.) groue, Prov/Cat/Astur. grava, Venit grava, Friul graveGallo-Lat. grava, fr Gaul. gravisBr gro 'silt', C grow 'gravel', W gro 'gravel'-
guenille 'rag, tatter'-Western dialect, from guener, gueniller 'to wet, dampen', fr guène, gâne 'pond, pool', fr OFr gasne 'muddy pool', fr Gaul. vāgna ‘slope; moor’C/Br geun 'swamp', W gwaun 'lowland, meadow', Ir fann 'slanting, sloping', fána 'downward slope, hollow'-


FrenchCognatesEtymologyPossible Celtic CognatesLatin/Romance
if 'yew'Prov (Maritime) liéu[1] Gaul. ivos[2] W yw, C ywin, Br iwin, OIr Lat. taxus (cf. Occ teis, FrProv dêx, Romansh taisch)
jachère 'fallow field'Sp gancho 'large hook' (< gansciu)LL gascaria 'scratch-plough', fr Gaul. gansko 'branch'OIr gesca 'stem, branch'LLat. vervactum (cf. Fr guéret 'tilled but unsown field', Sp barbecho)
jaillir 'to gush, spurt'Norm galir 'to throw'Gaul. gali 'to boil'Ir gailim 'to boil over', Manx gaal 'steam', Sc goil 'to boil', gèil 'to bubble, well up'-
jante 'wheel rim'Pic gante, Occ cant, Sp canto, It canto 'corner'L canthus, cantus, fr Gaul. cantosBr kant 'ring', W cant 'felloe, rim', MIr céte 'gathering (in a circle)', Ir cétal, s. canó, OW canten, cantem-
jarret 'hamstring, bend of the knee'OProv/Sp garra 'claw', Prov garro, Fr dial. gare, jarre 'thigh'OFr garet, diminutive of gare 'leg, thigh', Mantuan garét, diminutive of 'leg' and galùn 'thighs' from Gaul. garra 'leg'W gar, C/Br garr, OIr gairri 'calves of the leg', Ir cara-
javelle 'sheaf, fagot, bundle'OOcc gabella, Occ gavèl, Port. gavela, gabela, Sp gavillaLL gabella, fr Gaul. gabali 'armfull', fr gabu 'to take'W gafeal 'to grasp, hold', C gavel 'grasp, hold', MIr gabáil-
javelot 'javelin'- Gaul. gabalaccos, fr gabalos 'fork', Mantuan giavlòt 'javelin'Ir gabhla, gen. gablach 'spear', W gaflach 'dart'-
lance-L lancea, fr Gaul lankia, Mantuan lansa 'lance' and lansér 'lancer', Port. lançaMIr do-léicim 'I toss, fling, launch'-
lande 'heath, moor'Port. landaGaul landaBreton lann 'heath', W llan 'village, yard', C lan 'open space, plain', lann 'enclosure', Ir/Sc lann 'enclosure'-
landier 'andiron, firedog'Basq andere 'woman', Astur. andera 'heifer'OFr andier, fr Gaul. andero 'heifer; young woman'W anner 'heifer', Br (Leon/Corn) ounner, (Trég) annouar, (Vann) annoér 'heifer', Ir ainnir 'young woman'-
lieue 'league (measure)'Prov. lègo, Cat llegua, Sp legua, Pg légua, It legaLL leucas, fr Gaul. 'league marker'OIr líe, gen. líac 'stone', Ir liag 'stone'-
lie 'lees, wine dregs' Sp légamo, dial. lidia, liria, OIt led(g)a, Romansch glitta, Basq lekedaML liæ, fr Gaul. lĭga 'sediment'OBr leh 'silt, deposit', Br lec'hi 'dregs', W llai 'silt, deposit'-
loche 'loach'Astur. lloca, Port. locaVL laucca, fr Gaul. loukā 'light'W llug 'shimmer, glint', OIr lúach 'bright' -
lotte 'monkfish'Port. lotaGaul. lotta, literally 'flat(fish)' or 'wide(fish)'OIr lethaid 'he extends, expands', W lledu 'to extend, expand'; OIr lethan 'wide', W llydan; W lled 'flounders', C leyth 'flounder, flat-fish'-
luge 'sled, toboggan'Béarn. leo, Prov lièio, Piém. leza, Rouerg leudo, leuzo; Romansch schliuza, schliezaVL leudia, leudico (5th century), fr Gaul. sludio 'sled'Ir slaod 'raft, float', Sc slaod 'drag, trail', OBr stloit 'dragging, sliding', Br stlej 'drag', W llithr 'glide'-
maint 'many, much'It mantissa, mantisa 'a little something extra', Astur manta 'quantity' Gaul. mantiBr meñt, meñd 'multitude, greatness', W maint 'size, capacity, quantity', C myns, Ir méid, méad 'size', Sc meud, miad-
manteau 'coat'Basq mantar 'shirt, barque tarpaulin', Emilian mantèl 'coat'Diminutive of OFr mante, fr LL manta, fr L mantum, mantellum, fr Gaul. mantlon 'covering'Br malan, manal, C manal 'sheaf'-
marne 'marl'Sp/OIt/Ast/Port marga, Lyon margagni 'deep mud, muck', Germ MergelOFr marle, fr LL margila (influenced by argilla 'white clay'), fr Gaul. margaBr marg-
mélèze 'larch'OProv melseca, Prov mèlze, ODauph melese, Piedmontese malëzzOFr-Prov melese (1313), fr LL melix, -icem, merger of Gaul melissos 'honey-sweet' + Latin larix 'larch'Sc meilise 'hedge mustard'; further to W melys 'sweet', C melys, Br milis 'honey-flavored', Ir/Sc milis 'sweet' Latin larix (cf. FrProv (Swiss) larze, It larice)
mine 'mine'OProv mena, Astur mena 'vein' LL mina, fr Gaul. *mēna 'ore, mine'W mwyn 'ore', C moen, Ir míanach 'ore'-
molène 'mullein'Romansch mélen, Sardinian mélinu 'yellow'OFr moleine, influenced by mol 'soft', fr. LL melinus 'yellow', from Gaul. melinosBr melen, W/C melyn 'yellow, mullein'-
mouton 'sheep'Sp mocho 'he-goat', It montone 'ram'Gaul. *molton 'wedder'W mollt 'ram', Br maout 'wedder', C mols 'ewe', Ir/Sc mult 'ram'-
noue 'dry river bed, river flood plain'OFr noe 'river bed', fr LL nauda 'marshland', fr Gaul., fr Proto-Celtic snauda, fr sna- 'to swim'MIr snúad 'river'-
obier 'guelder rose, snowball tree'NItal (l)oppio 'guelder rose', Vegliot vaple 'maple', Astur. obleru 'thorn'Lat. (Milan) opulus (Varro, De re rustica, 1.8.3), from Gaul. opolos 'maple'Ogam Irish Oqoli, Irish MacOchaill (personal names)Latin viburnum
palefroi 'palfrey, saddle horse'Germ Pferd 'horse', Du paard 'horse'; Port vereda, Sp vereda 'pathway', Galician verea 'main road'LL paraverēdus 'pack horse, spare horse', fr Greek para + Lat. verēdus 'post horse', fr Gaul., fr ver- 'over' + redu 'running, swift'W gorwydd 'horse, charger'-
petit 'small'Prov/Cat petit, Occ pichòn, pichòt, Rum pitì 'to shrink'ML pittitus (775), akin to LL pitinnus, pitulus 'tiny', from Gaul *pitt- 'tiny' ~ pit- 'tip, point'Br pizh ‘meticulous; frugal, stingy’, C pyth ‘tight with money, penny-pincher’; W pid 'tapering end, tip', obsolete †piden 'penis', Br pidenn 'penis'Latin putillus
pièce 'piece, part' It pezza, Prov pessa, pesa, Port peça, Astur. petisa 'hopscotch'ML petia, petium, from Gaul petsi 'thing, part', from pet 'what'W peth 'thing', Br pez 'thing', C peyth, Ir/Sc cuid 'part'Latin pars
pinson 'finch' Tuscan pincióne, Port pisco Cat pinsà, Sp pinzón, pinchónGaul. *pincioW pinc, Br pintLatin fingilla (borrowed from Germanic)
quai 'wharf, embankment', chai 'cellar'-Normand quai and Poitevin chai, fr LL caium 'surrounding wall or hedges', fr Gaul. caio 'hedge' W cae 'fence, hedge', Br kae, C ke-
raie 'lynchet'Cat. rega 'furrow', rec 'channel', Prov rega 'to furrow', Occ regon 'furrow'OFr roie, fr Gallo-Lat. rica, fr Gaul. 'furrow'W rhych, Br reg, Ir eitre, Sc riachL porca (cf. Cat pórca 'land, flower bed')
rebours 'against the grain'Prov. rebousOFr rebors, fr LL reburrus 'swollen', from Gaul., from ro- 'very' + -borros 'stout, inflated'W bwr 'stout, sturdy, big', C borr 'fat; protuberance, paunch', OIr borr 'swollen, inflated', Ir borr 'pride, greatness'-
rêche 'rough, harsh'-OFr resque, fr Gaul. rescos 'rough'--
renfrogner 'to sulk, frown, grimace'It infrigno 'frowning', Lomb frignà 'to whimper, make a wry face'OFr enfrogne 'wry face, wrinkled nose' and froignier 'to stick one's nose up at', both from frogne, froigne 'wry face, wrinkled nose', fr late Gaul. frogna 'nostril', from earlier srognaW ffroen 'nose', Br froen, Ir sróine, Sc sròn-
ruche 'hive'Fr-Prov (Jurassien) reûtche 'bark', Prov. rusco 'bark'OFr rusche, Gallo-Lat rūsca 'bark', fr. Gaul. rūscoBr/C rusk, W rhisgl, Ir rusg, Sc rùsg-
saie, sayon 'say, sagum cloak'Sp sayoLL sagum, saga, sagus, fr Greek ságos, fr Gaul. sagos 'coat', fr *seg- 'to hold on or together'no direct cognates; *segno > MIr sén 'snare', W hoenyn 'snare'; *segsmen > W hemin, Ir seaman 'rivet' -
sapin 'fir'Norm/OFr sap, Romand sap, sab, sabs, Foréz sa, Occ (dial.) sap, Astur. sapera 'small oak' Savoy sapin, fr Lat. sappinus, compound of Lat. pinus 'pine' and Gaul. sappusW sybwydd 'fir', OC sibnit 'silver fir'-
séran 'heckle, hatchel', sérancer 'to ripple flax or hemp'Fr-Prov ceran ‘hemp comb’OFr serans 'hemp comb', from Gaul. kērā, gen. kērans 'comb'OIr cír 'comb', Ir cìor, Sc cìr, Manx kere, gen. kereen-
sillon 'furrow'Occ. selhan, Romansch saglia 'strip in a swath over which grass is strewn', Emilian sia 'space between furrows'OFr seillon, fr silier 'to plough, till', fr Gaul *selia 'dirt mound', fr *selu 'I take away'OIr coisle ‘to leave’, fo-coisle ‘he takes away’, do-fochsla ‘to seize, carry off’-
soc 'ploughshare'Gaul. soccos 'pig; ploughshare'Ir soc 'ploughshare, snout', suig 'pig', W swch, Br souc’h, C soch' ploughshare' / W hwch Br houc’h C hogh 'pig'Lat vomer
souche 'tree stump, tree base'Occ soca, It zocca, Emilian cioach, Lomb çoc, Aragon zoque; Romansch tschücha, Norm chuque, Berry suche, Piemontese süca, Sp chueca 'stump'OFr çoche, seuche, fr late Gaul. śokka, from earlier stokka 'part, piece'Br soc'h, C sogh obtuse, MIr tócht 'part, piece'-
soue 'pigsty'FrProv (Foréz) soue, souda 'pigpen'OFr seu, soit, fr LL (Salic Law) sotem, sutem, fr late Gaul. *sucotegos, compound of succos 'pig' + tegos 'house'no cognates, but similar formation to Ir bothigh 'cow byre', W dafaty 'sheepcot'Lat suile 'pigpen' (cf. OFr soil 'pigsty; wild boar's wallow')
suie 'soot'Lorr seuche, Savoy suçha, Prov suja, suga, Gasc soja, Cat sutjaLL sugia, fr Gaul. sudiaOIr súide, Ir súiche, Sc súithe, B huzel, C hudhygel, W huddugl Lat fulliginem (cf. Sp hollín, Pg fuligem, It fuligine, Romansch fulin, Rum funingine)
talus 'embankment, slope'Dauph. talapan 'gable', Prov. tauvero 'field border'OFr talu, fr LL talutium, fr Gaul. talos 'brow, steep'W tâl, taloedd, C/Br tal 'forehead, brow', OIr tal, taul 'shield boss, protrusion, hump'-
tan 'tanbark, tan (color)'-Gaul. tanno 'holm oak, live oak'Br tann 'red oak', glastann 'holm oak', OC tannen, C glastan 'holm oak', OIr caerthann 'service tree', tinne 'holly' (mod. teine 'furze, gorse')-
tanière 'animal den, lair'It tasso, Sp tejon badgerOFr taisniere, tesniere, fr taisse, taisson 'badger', fr VL taxo, fr Gaul. tasgō 'badger'Sc taghan 'marten', OIr (name) Tadhg 'badger'-
taranche 'screw bar, ratchet on a basket wine press'Prov. tarenco, Port tranco, Sp tranca ‘cudgel, club’Gaul. tarǐnca 'screw, nail'OIr tairinge 'iron nail, tine', Ir tairne 'metal nail, tarrag', Sc tairnge 'nail'-
tarière 'auger, gimlet'OProv taraire, Romansch tareder, Sp taladro, Pg trado, Port trado,OFr tarere, fr Lat. taratrum, fr Gaul. taratronW taradr, Br tarar, C tarder, Ir tarachair-
tonne 'ton', tonneau 'barrel'Cat/Port tonaOFr tonne 'cask', fr LL tunna 'wine-skin', from Gaul. tonna 'skin, hide'Ir tonn 'skin, hide', W ton 'skin', C ton 'surface; lawn', Br tonnen 'rind, surface, head hair'-
triage 'forest canton' Bourg. traige 'small pass between houses'OFr triège 'track, trail', fr Gaul. tragos, gen. trageto 'foot'W troed, Br troad, C troes, OIr traig, gen. traiged 'foot', Ir/Sc troigh-
trogne 'bloated or funny face'Piem. trugnu, Cat tronya 'brat'Gaul. trugna 'nose, snout'W trwyn 'nose, snout', C troen 'nose', Br stroen 'snot'-
truand 'vagrant, beggar' Prov truans, Sp truhan 'buffoon, jester', Port truhão, truante, Galician trogo "sadness, pity"Gaul trugant, from trugos 'wretch'W truan 'wretched', Sc truaghan 'wretch, miserable creature'; further to OIr tróg, Ir trogha, W/C/Br tru 'wretched'-
truie 'sow'Gasc/Cat troja, Occ truèja, Ligurian trœaLL troia, fr Gaul. *trogia, from trogu 'to give birth'W troglwyth, trollwyth 'pig litter', C godra, Br godro 'to milk', OIr trog 'birth (delivery), litter', Sc trog 'to raise, rear'-
vandoise 'dace'Wall vindwesse, Pic ventoiseLL vindēsia, fr Gaul. *vǐndǐsia, fr vindos 'white'no cognates exist, but like formations do: Br gwyniad 'dace, pollan', Sc fionnag 'whiting' -
vanneau 'lapwing'It vannelloGaul. vanello, venello 'swallow'W gwennol, C/Br gwennel, Ir fáinle, Sc ainleag-
vassal 'vassal, serf', valet 'attendant'-LL vassalus, diminutive of Gaul. vassos 'youth, servant', Mantuan vasal 'vassal' and valét 'vallet'W/C gwas 'youth, page, servant', Br gwaz 'youth, vassal', MIr foss 'servant', Sc fasdadh 'rabble army'-
vautre ‘boarhound, bearhound’Cat guilter 'mastiff'OFr veltre, vaultre, fr Gaul vertraha, fr vertragos, compound of ver- 'over' + tragos 'foot', ‘high-footed’, i.e. ‘fleet-footed’OIr traig 'foot', Ir troigh, W troed, Br troad + Ir for, Br war 'over, super', W gwor--
vélar, vellar 'hedge mustard'-Gaul. vela 'ring, tendril', fr. velu 'to bend'Ir fáil 'ring', Br gwalenn 'twig, rod; ring', OIr fillid 'he bends' -
verne, vergne 'alder, white alder'OProv vernha, Fr-Prov verna, Cat vern, Lomb sberna, Rouchi verne ‘draft-pole; purlin’, Liégois/Namurois vièrna ‘helm’Gaul. vernos 'alder'Br/W gwern, C gwernen, Ir fearn, Sc feàrna-
virer to turn, swerve'Sp virarLL vīrāre, from Gaul *viru 'to deviate, veer off', from viros (see next)W gwyro 'to shift, deviate', Br goara 'to curve'-
virole 'ferrule (virl, verrel)' Friul virueleOFr virelle, fr Lat. viriola 'bracelet', diminutive of vira, viriæ, fr Gaul. viros 'round, crooked'Ir fiar 'bent, crooked', W gwyr, C gwarr 'nape, curve', Br goar, gwar-
vouge 'French glaive, Lochaber ax'Occ vezoig, Bearnese bedulh, Spanish bodolloOFr vooge, fr LL vidubium 'wood-knife', fr Gaul., compound of vidu- 'wood' and -bi(d)on 'trimmer'Ir fiodhbha 'sickle', W gwyddif, C gwydhyv 'billhook', Br gouzifiad 'pike, boar-spear'

Old French

Old FrenchCognatesEtymologyCeltic CognatesLatin/Romance
bièvre 'beaver'It bevero, OSp befreLL beber (gen. bebrum), fr Gaul. bebrosSc beabhar, W/C befer, Br (dial) bieuzr, OBr beuerLat. fiber, later replaced by castor (from Greek)
bresche 'honeycomb'Occ. brusc, brus 'hive', Prov bresco ‘waffle, honey cake’, FrPrv (Swiss) brètsi 'to curdle' (< *briscare)Gaul. *brisca, fr *briscos 'brittle'Br bresk 'brittle, fragile', MIr brisc, Ir briosg, Sc brisgLat faba
bresil 'haring'Poit brèche 'multi-colored cow', Sp breca 'pandora (mollusk)'Gaul. *brictilo, fr briccos 'spotted'W brithyll 'trout', C brythel 'mackerel', Br brezhell 'mackerel'; further to OIr brecc, Ir breac 'trout; multicolored', W brych 'spotted'-
brif 'finesse, talent, style'Old Provençal briu 'wild'Gaul *brigosOIr bríg 'pith, power, strength' (mod. brí 'strength, valor'), W bri 'repute, dignity, rank', Br bri 'respect', C bry 'worth'-
bruesche 'witch'Cat bruixa, Aragon broixa, Pg bruxa, Sp brujaVL *bruxtia, fr Gaul brixtia, fr brixtu 'charms, spells'MW brithron 'magic wand', Br bre 'witch, magic', breoù 'spells, charms', OIr brichtu 'spells', brigim 'to light up, illuminate', Brigit 'shining'VL strix (OFr estrie, It striga)
Bugibus, Beugibus 'demon'-Gaul. bugi 'ghost, hobgoblin'W bwcibo 'devil', C buccabo; further to W bwg, bwgan 'ghost, hobgoblin', bwci 'hobgoblin', bwgwl 'threat, fear', C boekka 'hobgoblin, imp'-
cuter 'to hide'Gallo cutterGaul. cudo 'hidden'W cudd, C cudh, Br kuzh-
dour 'handful'Galician dorna, Sp duerna 'kneading trough'Gaul durnos 'fist'B dourn 'hand', W dwrn, Ir/OIr/OBr/C dorn, Sc dòrn-
dun 'fortress, high place'-Gaul dunonOIr (g. don) 'place, countryside', Ir dún, Sc dùn, W din-
grenon 'mustache'Pic guernon, Prov gren, Sp greña ‘tangle, (greasy) lock of hair’Gaul grenna 'beard, mustache'Sc greann 'beard', Ir grann 'eyelash', OIr grend 'beard, mustache', W grann 'eyelid', Br gourenn, gourren 'eyebrow' -
guermenter 'to shout, shriek'-Gaul *garmonIr gairm 'call', W/Br garm 'shout'-
mègue 'whey', (pl.) 'clabber, posset'Fr dial. mégauder 'to suckle' (> mégot 'cigarette butt')Gaul mes(i)gusOIr medg, Ir meadhg, Sc mèag, M meaig, W maidd, C meidh, OBr meid-
muchier 'to hide'Norman muchi, Walloon muchî, Poitevin muçaè, Gallo muczae, Picard mucherGaul *mucciu 'I hide'OIr formúchtha, for-múigthe 'smothered, concealed'Lat celare
nâche-Gaul *nascā 'ring, link, band'MIr nasc, Sc nasg 'band, tieband, collar', OIr -naisc, nascim 'I tie', Br nask ‘hindrance (physical)’, naska 'to bind'-
nee 'girl'Prov nada, Cat naita, OSp nado ‘son’Gallo-Lat nata, fr Gaul gnātos, -aMW gnawt 'relative'-
oche, osche 'tally mark, line drawn in the dirt (to not cross)'-Gaul oscaW osg 'notch, scoring', Br aska 'to notch up, score'-
osche, ouche 'enclosed land'Prov olca, Astur huelga (> Sp), Basq elge 'field'Gaul olca 'plowable field'--
rin 'spring'-Gaul rino, renoW rhewyn 'stream', Ir rían 'tide, ocean waves'-
sesche 'rush, bulrush'Prov sesco 'rush'Gaul sesca 'sedge'Ir seisg 'sedge', W hesg, C/Br hesk-
seüs, seüz 'bloodhound'OProv sahus, It segugio, Sp sabueso, Pg sabujoVL segusiu, fr Gaul segusios, egusia, fr segu 'to follow'OIr sechem 'I follow', Ir seach 'to follow', MW -hei 'seeker', OBr cnouheiat 'nutgatherer'
seuwe 'rope'It soga 'rope, leather band', Sp soga 'linear measure', Pg soga 'rush rope', Picard soue 'well rope or chain', Basq sokaGaul sōca 'rope, chord'W syg 'chain', Br sug 'harness trace', Ir suag 'rope', Sc sùgan 'straw rope'Lat corda (cf. French chorde)
tache 'clasp, fastener (on clothing); large nail'Prov tascoun 'peg', Galician tasca, tascón 'swingle', Sp tascar 'to nail'Gaul tascon--
tolon 'hill, highland'-Gaul tulloOIr telach, tulach 'hill', W twlch 'hump, bump'-
torce 'straw plug'Cat torca 'distaff'Gaul torcos 'neckring, necklace'OIr torc, W torch, Br torchenn 'rye straw necklace'-

Regional and neighboring languages

Regional Language/DialectCognatesEtymologyCeltic CognatesLatin/Romance
Franco-Provençal abron 'sow teat'-a + Gaul. brondā 'breast'W bron, C/Br bronn, OIr/Sc bruinne-
Walloon ãcrawe 'hook salmon'OPic ancreu 'female salmon, hook salmon', Swiss Germ Anke 'Lake Constance trout', Rhine Franconian (Rhein)anke 'Rhine salmon'OWall ancrauwe, from LL ancoravus (4th century), from Gaul ancorago 'Rhine salmon, hook salmon', from anco 'curved, hooked' + rago 'before, in front'akin to W anghad 'clutch, grip', craf-anc 'claw', OIr éc 'hook', écath 'fish hook'; W rhag 'before', C/Br rag-
Prov agreno 'sloe'Occ aranhon, Cat aranyó, Arag arañon, Esp. arándano < *agrani-danoVL *agrīnio ~ agranio, fr. Gaul. agrīnaIr áirne, OIr arni, Sc àirne, W eirinen, Br irin 'plum'Latin spīnus
Fr-Prov aib 'good manners'-Gaul. *aibaOIr óiph 'beauty, appearance', MIr áeb, Ir aoibh 'pleasant, humor', Sc aoibh 'civil look, cheerful face'-
Ladin aidin 'silver fir'-Gaul. adlinosMIr aidlen 'silver fir', C edhlen 'poplar', MBr ezlen-
Poitevin amblé 'leather thill-strap'Acadian/Saintongeais amblet, Romansh (Engadine) umblazOFr amblais, fr. ML amblatium (9th century), fr. Gaul. ambilation, fr. lation 'switch, rod'W llath 'wand, stalk', Br laz 'switch, draft-pole', OIr slatt 'twig, rod', Ir/Sc slat-
Lorrain ancenage 'sharecropping'-Gaul. *ande-cinga, fr ande 'intensive prefix' + cinga 'walk'OIr cingid 'to walk', W rhygyngu 'to amble'-
FrProv avano 'osier, withe'Galician abanqueiro 'waterfall' (orig. 'beaver dam' < abanco + -arium)Gaul. abanco 'dwarf; beaver'Irish abacc 'dwarf', Welsh afanc 'beaver; dwarf', Breton avank 'dwarf; sea monster'-
Prov bano 'horn'-Gaul. bannos 'top, horn, peak'Ir beann, OIr benn, W ban 'beacon, peak', MBr ban, Br binioù 'horn pipes'-
Romansh baràz 'bramble'FrProv (Chablais) bara 'heap of straw or stones', Lomb bar 'bunch, tuft, bar', Galician barra 'garret, loft, upper platform'Gaul. *barro 'tip, top'Ir barr 'tip, summet, top', Br barr 'treelimb', barren 'bar, rod', W bar 'nail', baren 'branch'-
Acadian bâsir 'to vanish, die'Saintongeais basir 'to die', La Rochelle basir 'to vanish, evaporate', Provençal basi 'to faint; die'Gaul. *bāsiOIr bás 'death', bebais 'he died'-
Limousin bec 'bee; bumblebee'Emilian begaGaul. *becosOIr bech, Sc beach, OW beg (W begegyr 'drone')Latin apis (Occ abelha, OFr ef, avette)
Comtois beloce 'sloe'Gallo belocz, Mesquerais beurlosse, Champ balosse "plum", Wal biloke, Norm bloche, Occ (Vivarois) pelorsia, Sp bugallo, Portuguese bugalha 'oak gall'OFr belloche, beloce, from *bullucea, from Gaul. bollucaBr bolos, polos, polotrez 'blackthorn, sloe', Ir bulos 'prune', Sc bulaistear 'wild plum'Latin spīnus
Prov bescle 'spleen'-Gaul. *bistlo 'bile'W bustl, OC bistel, Br bestlLat splēn (cf. OFr esplen), VL *splēnica (cf. Friul splenge, Ladin splënja, Romansh spletga)
FrProv dial. bijon 'pitch'-Gaul. bituOIr , gen. bíde 'pitch', Ir bigh, Sc bìth 'resin, gum, birdlime'Latin pix (FrProv pege, Occ pega, Fr poix)
FrProv blécher, blocher 'to milk', reblochon 'soft cheese'Hautes-Alpes bletchar, Val d'Aosta blètsìGaul. blegu 'I milk'Ir blighim 'to milk', Sc bleagh; further to Ir bleacht, Sc bliochd, W blith 'cow's milk'Lat mulgere (OFr moudre)
Valtellino briánz 'wormwood, absinth'-Gaul. *brigantios, from briginus 'wormwood', from brigo 'strength'-Lat. absinthes, VLat. aloxinum (OFr aloisne, OSp alosna, Pg losna)
Limousin/Auvergnat cairon 'chipped stone, brick'Lyon chirat 'pile of rocks', Gasc carroc, Germ (Swiss) Karren 'boulder', Fr (Loire) jard 'sandbank full of pebbles'Gaul. karna 'heap of rocks or stones'MIr/Ir carn 'heap of stones', Sc càrn, W carn, Br karn-
Romansh carmün 'stoat'-Gaul *carmion--
Occ clot 'pit, grave'-Gaul *clādoIr cladh 'ditch, trench', W clawdd 'ditch, dyke', C kledh 'ditch, bank', Br kleuz-
Poitevin cous 'holly'Astur coleñu 'holly'Gaul collis, -inos 'holly'Ir cuilenn, W celyn, Br kelenn, C kelynn, Sc cuilionn Lat. aquifolium (cf. FrProv agrebo, Occ agrifol)
crétir 'to fear'-Gaul *critu 'I quiver'Welsh cryd 'fever', ysgryd 'shiver', egryd 'quiver', Breton krid 'spasm', skrij 'quiver', C krys 'shaking, jostling', scryth 'shiver', Irish/Scottish crith 'to tremble, quiver'Lat. timēre
Picard (Tournais) crincher 'to winnow'Lorrain (Gaumais) crincî 'to winnow', Lyon crincer, crinser 'to burn slowly and flamelessly'Gaul *crienta 'chaff', fr *crei- 'to riddle, separate out'Ir cruithneacht 'wheat'; further to OIr criathar, MBr croezr ‘riddle’, W gogrynu ‘to riddle, sift’Vulgar Latin excutere
Prov croi 'cruel'NItal crojo, Gal. croio 'rolling stone; hard, cruel'OProv crois, fr Gaul. croudis 'hard'OIr crúaid (mod. crua) 'hard', Sc cruaidh, W cru 'cruel, crude', Br kriz 'hard, rough, raw'Lat. crūdēlis (Occ crusèl)
Dauphinois curla 'squash'-Gaul. *curalo ~ *cularo 'pignut'W cylor 'truffle, pignut', Br/C keler 'pignut', Ir/Sc cùlaràn 'cucumber', OIr curar 'pignut'Lat. cucurbita (cf. Fr courge)
FrProv daille 'billhook, scythe; spruce'Prov daio 'reaper'Gaul dalgo 'pin, skewer'Ir/Sc dealg, MW dala 'sting, fang', W dal 'to fasten; fastener', C delc 'necklace', Br delioù 'pine that wordle'Lat. falx (Fr faux, Occ falç)
FrProv darve 'mole'Occ darbonVLat darpus, fr Gaul darbo-Lat. talpa (Fr taupe)
derve 'oak'Ouest drille, Angevin drouillard, Savoy darbo 'small fir', Romansh derbèlè 'fir forest'OFr dervée 'oak forest', fr Gaul dervaIr dair, Sc/Ir doire 'grove', W derw, Br derv, C derowLat. quercus
double 'silver fir'Val d'Aoste dubluna 'dark wood', Germ (Swiss) Tobwald, Toppwald 'old-growth oak forest'Gaul. dubus 'dark'; so named because the silver fir's wood blackens with ageW/C/Br du, Ir/Sc dubus-
Comtois douraise 'openwork gate (to a fence)'FrProv dreuze, draize, dorez, dareiziGaul. *doressuOIr/Sc dorus 'doorway, gateway', Ir doras; W drws-
Lorèze dreglio 'checkerberry (fruit of the wild service tree)'-Diminutive of Gaul dercos 'berry'OIr derc 'berry', Ir/Sc dearc-
droue, druive 'nettle', dragée 'fodder, rye grass'Wall. drawe, Gallo dréu, Lomb drogaOFr droe, drave, from Gaul. dravoca 'darnel'Br draweg, C drewk, W drewgLat. lolium
Lyon drouille 'tatter'Dauphinois drouille 'wood shaving'Gaul *drullia (plural)W dryll 'fragment, small piece', Br drailhenn 'scrap, shred, strip', Sc dreall/dreoll 'door bar'-
Walloon dûhin, dûhon 'goblin'Ardennais dusion Lorrain dusien 'incubus', Centre duhot 'monster', Piedmontese dosseul 'devil', Romansch dischöl, döschel (> Germ (Swiss) Dusl 'misfortune'), Basque tusuri 'devil', Low German (Westphalia) Düs 'devil'Gaul dusiosCornish dus 'devil', Breton Diz 'devil', Irish dásachd 'madness, rage'Late Lat. daemōn
Picard fourdraine 'sloe; blackthorn'Lombard dresin, drèsen, dresla, dres 'briar'Gaul *vordressi 'briar', fr dresso, -i 'briar'OIr ferdris 'briar', driss 'bramble', Ir/Sc dris 'briar', W drysi 'briars', Br drez 'briars'Lat. spīnus
Prov gabre 'male partridge'Fr dial. garron Gaul. gabro 'he-goat'W gafr, C gaver, Br gavr, Ir/Sc gabharno distinction made in Latin
Lyon gêne 'pressed pomace'-Gaul. *jesmenW iâs 'to seethe', MW iesin 'shining', Br go 'fermented' (< *vo-jes)-
Pic halau 'willow'-Late Gaul. *halico, fr Gaul. salicosBr haleg, W helyg, C helig, Ir saileach, Sc seileachLatin salix (cf. OFr sauz)
FrPrv márvel, marfi 'frozen stiff, deathly pale'Romansh marv 'stiff, numb from the cold'Gaul. marvos 'dead'W/Br marw, C marow, Ir/Sc marbh-
Prov olègue 'dwarf elder'Lomb (Bresc) òles, úles, Occ. (Garde) augué, êgou, Lyon ugo, Astur yeldu, Sp yezgo, Galic. engo, Germ Attich (dial. Adach, Ottich, Otsch), Du hadikLL odecus, odicus, from Gaul odocos-Lat. ebulus (cf. Fr hièble, Occ èule, Cat évol, It ebbio)
Champenois orve 'flour'JudFr orve 'dust', Poit louvre spark, ember', Lyon orva 'spark', Dauph orra, Occ auvo, ouvo 'ashes of plants used for fertilizer'Gaul. *ulvosW ulw 'dust, ashes', Sc ulbach 'ashes', Br ulv 'powder'-
Gascon pairòu, pairòlo 'cauldron'Old Prov par, pairol 'boiler', Lyonnais per, Catalan perol, dial. pér, Ital paiolo 'cauldron'Gaul pario 'cauldron'W pair, C/Br per, Ir/Sc coireVLat caldāria (cf. Fr chaudière "heater", Sp caldera)
Picard (Tournais) roye 'cart'-Gaul. rēda 'four-wheeled carriage'OIr dériadLat carrus
Marseilles siaisso 'high-quality, bearded wheat'Catalan xeixa 'high-quality, bearded wheat'OOcc saisa, fr Gaul. sassia ‘barley’W haidd, C heydh, Br heiz-
Lyon suiffe 'bleak (fish)'Occ sòfia 'bleak', NItalGaul sofia (Polemius)-Latin albulus (OFr able, Fr ablette, OIt avola), alburnus (Saintonge aubourne, Cat alburn, Sp alburno)
Romansh tegia 'Alpine herdsman's hut'Basque tegi 'house', Limousin tèi 'shepherd's hut', Varois atoi, toi, Provençal (Alpes) atei
  • tegia, fr. Gaul. tegos 'house'
Ir teach, gen. , Sc taigh, Br/OC ti, C chi, W -
Fr dial. tuie 'gorse, furze'Galician toxo, Sp/Gasc tojaVL *togia, fr togion 'straw, thatch', fr togos 'roof, covering'Ir tuighe 'thatch'; further to W/C/B to 'roof', Ir tué, Sc tugha-

See also



  1. Jean-Claude Autran, Vocabulaire de la Provence maritime, 2009
  2. or Germ. *īwa