is a loose anime adaptation of the role-playing game Fate/Extra produced by Shaft and aired from January 28 until July 29, 2018. Part of the Fate franchise by game studio Type-Moon, it was directed by Akiyuki Shinbo and Yukihiro Miyamoto with Kinoko Nasu and Hikaru Sakurai writing for the series's scripts.[1] Masaaki Takiyama and Hiroki Yamamura (Shaft) designed the characters and served as chief animation directors, and Satoru KÅsaki composed the music.[2] [3] Riki Matsuura, Kousuke Murayama, and Rina Iwamoto (CUES) were the main animators.The opening theme is "Bright Burning Shout" by Takanori Nishikawa, while the ending theme is by Sayuri.[4]